OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 14, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-08-14/ed-1/seq-6/

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. 'I'WH. Ji.Wyt!JXlt.'tr-
EVRNtNo nut.-vrrTtf, hon'oLul", t. ifSsxTvnbxv?X3a?iCi(i.'' ' '
1 pigeon Llio iTbSS , Pf 1 1 SjD j
PELL of Vienna, the noted spe
cialist, ordered E. H. Harriman to take
at least two bottles of beer daily Harri
man exclaimed. "But I never drank
beer in my life."
"That is partly the trouble with
you, and I shall give you a beer very
light in alcohol," said the professor.
TItc fsact diet prescribed for Harriman is ns follows: At 7 o'clock
in the r'crninp;, one pint of milk; 8 o'clock, small cup off coffee with
cream, three ounces of cold roast beef, three slices of white bread with
butter, a plate of potatoes, ' ' " ' 1 '
At 10 o'clock, light beer and three slices of bread and butter; 12
o'clock, noon, farina soup, seven ounces of meat (roast beef or poultry),
mashed potatoes vegetables, four ounces of stewed plums and leer.
At 3 :20 JI , pint of milk.
At 5:30 T. M third quart of milk- three ounces of cold roasted
meat, two sli 'svot bread and butter.
At 8 o'clock in the evening three ounce of roast beef, four biscuits,
glass cf l'cer.
At 9 :30 P. W., half a quart of milk, two biscuits, then to bed.
The beer prescribed by Professor
Struempell for the great railroad mag
nate was very similar to our Primo Beer
mild and very light in alcohol. If you
feel tired and run down try the great
Gunst and United Company Initiate
Big Fight for Supremacy of Re
.tail Field" Eakin Denies That
Qunst Is in Poor Health.
Tobacco rctnllcis In Honolulu may
feci In the near future tlio effect of
tho strenuous battle jatt launched
on tho coast by J. A. Gunst & Com
pany for thu supremacy of tho cigar
trade. Tho blK fight Is on between
hlm and tho United Clgnr Stores,
mid according to dispatcher from
San Francisco, Gunnt Intends extend
ing his operation)) In every available
territory, Including tho stamping
ground of tho United people.
C. C. Eakln, manager of the Ho
nolulu stoio for tho company, does
nottbellco tho fight will effort In
teracts In this country, but sa)s It Is
n mistake nbout flimst being In
poor health and that he has two
Rood lieutenants who will carry on
the work more nrtlu'Iy than ever.
In lcgnrd to tho matter, tho Call
hits this to fay.
"In tho last five cnrn the United
cigar stores hiuo attacked Gunst In
(coinpetlthe fashion, leasing stores
close to his and offering Inducements
to the pmchnscr mndu to break up
tlio westein company. Ounst threw
nil IiIh vigor Into tho conflict, and
tho bittlo has raged fiercely.
Now the vest Is ictallatlng and Is
going Into thr meniy's country,
light to llio.xlilef stronghold of the
United. MiUi tiuuit said that lie
mndu arrangements to tnke over ono
of tlio most prominent corners In tho
inetiopolls. a position that has been
cnguily bought lifter by the United.
Gunst now. operates stores In this
Bip; Cruiser Arrives From Manila
and Will Sail for Coast August
23, Unless Ordered to Remain
or Arrival of Fleet.
After making a round trip of two
mouths, two Cnjs, and a few hours
slneo she left hero, thu United States
irulscr lluffalo, Captain Drown, ar
rived this morning from .Mnnlln, dock
ing at tho natal wnarf shortly after
10 o'clock. Captain Lane, the pilot,
assisted In bringing her into port.
ThuBufVnlo Is carrying back to the
States two hundred and sot en short
timers, known In tho Navy as "draft."
Ilcsldcs this number r.u twenty-one
passenger olllccrs, Ono of tho ship's
officers Is I. .1. Konnoy, formerly boat
swnln In the local Nnnl Station.
Captain Drown, when seen in his
cabin this morning, said that tho trip
wnB uncontfiil. Ho called on Captain
Iteos, commandant of tho stntlon here.
Tho Buffalo fill remain hero until
Augilht 23, when sbo will proceed to
tho Stntcs. Captain Drown sthted,
hnwotor, that he may probably ic
tolo n cnblo Riving him different In
structions f i om what ho hod alioady
received. In that eent tho depart
in o of tho cruiser will be announced
In tho local newspapers.
Tomorrow afternoon tho ship will
bo open to Inspection by tho public.
lollowtng is tho list of tho ship's
Commander Cluy w. Brown, com
manding; Lt. Comdr. T. D. Parker, ex
ecutive omcer; P. A. Surgeon J. U
Nollson; Boatswain C. Nygaard; Chief
Gunner n. E. Slmonson; Chief Car
penter C. S. Kendall; Boatswain P. J.
Kcnnoy; Machinist J. K. Venable, se
nior engineer officer; Machinist 1.. K.
Ford; Machinist A. S. Mcrkt; Pay
master's Clerk K. Dann.
Tho passenger olllccrs aro as fol-
city. !.os Angeles, Portland Seattle '"J'" ., ,,,,. , .
and other clt.es on the coast and .nj-n VSE
Honolulu Long beforo tho passing. T'r areenei carpenter W. II. Samp-
for Infants and Children.'
Physicians Prescribe Castoria.
C ASTORIA has met with pronounced favor on tho part of physicians,'
pharmaceutical societies and medical authorities. It Is Used by physician
with results most gratifying. The extended mo of Castoria Is unquestionably tho
result of three facts : 1st, Tho Indispntablo evidence that It is harmless; anil,
That it not only allays stomach pains and qulots the nerves, but assimilates tlio
food; 3rd, It Is an agreeable and perfectsubstituteforcastorolL It is absolutely
safe. It doe not contain any opium, morphino, or other narcotlo and docs not
stupefy. It Is unlike Soothing Syrups, Bateraan's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc
This Is a good deal for a medical Journal to say. Our duty, however, is to expose
danger and record tho means of advancing health. The day for poisoning Inno
cent children through greed or ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Cas
toria ii a remedy which produces composure, and health, by rrgulatln.; tho
system not by stupefying It und our readers aro entitled to tlio Information.
Hair$ Journal of Health.
IgBattiro of
" Tour Caitorlaatanda grit In Its claa. In my
thirty jttn of prutlc I can My I octet hTt fgand
anything tnat to Btled U placa."
Wolum Biuioxt, U. D.,
CleretaDd, Ohio.
" I ban narf your Caatarla In tha tut of my own
baby sod find It pleaaant to lake, sod havo obtained
excellent results from In m."
S. A. DccniKt', II. D.,
Philadelphia, Ta,
" I take pleaaora In recommends j your Cattorta,
haTlng recommecded Ita u in many Inatancie, and
conalder It the beat Unlive that could be used,,
spaclaHy for children."
NiTniKlsL K. Erne, II. &., St. Louis, Mo.
caam:itci'a ccn.ilao
, i;umorlu
"1 h.Vj uncd your Cattorta and 7ound H an
eicelVot rtuiuly In my bouaehotd and private
practice for many jeart. TM formnlala emUiuL'
U. J. TilT, II. 1) ,
"I find yonr Caitori to bo ltinJar.1 faailty
remedjr. It la tbe beat thine for Infanta and chil
dren I hav. srer known and I recommend U"
JL B. KtliUMox, M. D.,
Omaha, Jfeb.
" Ilailnt during tie put all yean preacribod your
Ciilcila for Infantile atomach dleotden, 1 moat
heanU commend lta uae. Tbo funnuin contains
toothing deletertoua to the meet delicate of children.'
J. B. Eujott, it. D., Kew Tork Cur.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria.
In Use For 0rer 30 Years. I
of the slot machine ordlnanceC
of the slot ninchincs, Jiowover, the
Ounst coiiip-iny nnnounred that It
(oubl no longer keep up Its premium
dcpuitmcnt. Tho United Stores,
however, continued to olfcr tho luro
of premiums for trade.
At tho tlmo this dlffeicnco was
looked upon as a victory for the in
vaders fiiim the cast, and it was ni
Riicd that they were doing the larger
Chief Cleik Modson, of tbo ltnllway
Mull Transportation SerWco, this
nuunlng bent a letter to Captain Iters,
commandant of tho Naal Station, uck
lug that arinngeiiicnts bo niadii fot tiio
crulhcr to carry tho mall fitim hoto to
Hllo. It was anticipated tho cr.iWcr
would lc.no tomoirow, but tho may
not go until Mondu). Tho olllcurs and
men Intend lsltlng tho crater.
yJ0 ThcJeer That's JSrewed
W&$ To uit The Climate
yi?S?;'wv'J;.L-y.r'?r-11 ' -t-t ''
f Independent
V Careful and Experienced
ft Chauffeurs
Round the Island Trips
S A Specialty
son. Machinist J. M. Obcr, Machinist
P. Bitrko. Boatswain M. C. Dale, P. A,
Surgeon It. E. Hojt, Boatswnln B. O.
Holilttlll, Chief Gunner C. K. Babson,
Machinist A. Anschutz, Machinist P.
II. Kox, Pay Clerk S. B. Weygant,
(luiitirr II. llachtmann; K. Ij. Hutch-
Ins. 3rd Asst. Kngineer, U. S. Naal
aiixlllarj: Mr. Gearing; Capt. F. C.
Lander, H. S. M. C; lBt Llout. A. E.
Hnndnll. U. S. M. C ; 1st I.lout. II. Q.
Ilartlett. U. S. M. C; 1st Lieut S. V.
Ilogan, U. S. M. C.
Dal Pciklns, of tho cruiser St. Louis,
about whom centered finally tho Ilttlu
bwlrl between tho sailor boys and tho
customhouse officials, was itismlsccd
this morning from custody, and wont
his way lejolclng. U. S. District At
torney Breckons said this morning
that his offenso against the laws v.as
stilctly technical nnd that tho lecsou
Ild been taught.
Townsend Undertaking
Co., Ltd.,
Carry a complete stock of Coffins and Caskets. They
have just acquired the "Everlasting" proccrs of Embalm,
inpr. This system does away with any mutilation of the
They are the promoters of the City Mausoleum.
Agents for the Harrison Mutual Association,
Their prices and .services are satisfactory,
W. W. HAIX,.President.
3. H. TOWNSEND, Funeral Director.
,f ' GEORGE EOCHA, Assistant.
Office and Chapel, No. 69-71 Beretania St.
Auto Stand
W.JB. Harrub . Jim Harrufo
Jerry Rooney
Prank Lewis - J. A. McLeod
Autos by the Day, Hour, or at Hack Rates
King and Bishop Streets

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