OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, August 28, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-08-28/ed-1/seq-8/

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nVHNlNfl HUl.t.KTIN, 1IONOM1UJ, T. II., SATUIIDAY, AUG. 28, 1909.
Corporation Notices
HAIKU SUOAR COMPANY, pursuim to tliu terms of thai certain
Deed of Ttust, dated September 2b. 1 flirt, inaile liy It to Hawaiian Trust
Company, Limited, hcrcb) ghos notice to tho holders of butiilK of Haiku
Sugar Compnny, IhkuciI under nalil Deed of Trust, of tho election of nnd
iMwmnt of nil thu outst.in line liondii of said Haiku Sugir Company on tho'
f.nt day of October, 1909, at the office of the Hawaii Trutt Company,
Limited, Honolulu, County of Oahu, Tenllor or Hawaii, to-wlt.
IIoiiiIh of the par Milne of H 000. chcIi numbered as follows:
2 ;g S3 77 101 129 151 17S 2'H 228
3 29 EG "S 1113 130 152 17l! 202 229
4 SO 57 79 105 131 154 177 205 230
5 31 OS SO 1U7 132 155 178 206 232
r, 32 59 hi l8 133 ISO 179 207 231
11 31 1,11 83 109 13C 159 ISO 208 235
is r.5 fit si no irs nil isi 210 23G
( Si! 62 SO '111 139 162 181 212 238
15 37 63 S7 112 110 163 187 213 239
Hi 3!) 61 S8 115 lit 161 188 215 210
J8 II 65 89 111! 112 165 1B9 210 212
l'j 12 66 90 117 113 166 190 217 243
21) 16 67 9i 118 111, 167 191 218 214
21 17 (,S '91 120 143 168 192 -'20 247
22 49 69 91 121 116 169 193 221 219
23 50 70 93 123 117 170 195 222
21 52 72 96 124 118 172 196 223
25 r.3 71 97 123 119 173 198 223
27 31 73 101) 128 130 174 199 227
llonds bf the pir 11I110 of $500.00 vuli numbered an follows;
231 202 273 235 293 302 310 321 332 345
232 263 271 ' 286 291 33 311 323 336 316
253 263 273 2S7 296 304 312 324 337 347
256 267 276 2.SS 297 305 313 325 339 318
257 268 277 289 298 306 31 1 326 340 349
23S 269 279 290 299 307 316 328 311 350
25'J 270 281' 291 300 308 318 329 313
261 271 283 292 301 309 319 331 344
Tho holders of nil outdnndlng lmmls an numbered nbene, are hereby
notified to present for payment of principal nnd Interest accrued to October
1st, 1909, and to surrender said bonds at tho place nnd on tho dato last
nlmvo mentioned nnd that nftcr October 1st, 1909, nil interest on said bonds
numbered ns nforctnld tluill cease.
'Honolulu, August 21st, 1909. ;
lly n. C. Pnxton.
I'AIA PLANTATION, minm-int to the tonus of that certain need of
Trust, dated September 28, 1903, made by It to Hawaiian Trust Company,
Limited, hereby plies notlco to tho ho.ders of bonds of Pain Plantation,
Issued under raid Deed of Trust, of t'10 election of nnd payment of nil tho
outstanding bonds of ttnld I'ul.i Plantation on the first day of October, 1909,
at the Office of the Hawaiian Trust Company, Limited, Honolulu, County
of Oahu Territory of Hawaii, to-wlt.
Bonds of tho par vnliiu of $1000. each numbered ns follows:
1 39 81 123 163 2 7 247 283 319 360
2 40 83 121 164 208 248 284 320 3G4
3 41 85 125 165 210 249 235 322 305
5 12 86 126 168 211 251 28G 323 3G7
ft 43 87 127 169 212 252 287 326 368
7 41 88 12S 170 213 256 288 328 369
8 45 89 130 171 211 257 289 330 370
'J 1G 90 ' 131 173 216 259 290 332 371
10 17 92 132 174 217 260 293 333 372
11 51 95 133 176 218 261 291 334 373
12 52 96 131 177 219 262 23 335 374
13 53 97 135 179 220 263 296 330 376
II 51 98 138 180 221 2G1 297 338 377
15 55 99 140 ISli 221 265 298 340 378
16 57 101 111 182 225 266 300 311 379
17 38 102 142 183 22G 207 301 342 380
IS 59 1H3 113 181 227 268 302 343 ' 382
20 60 101 141 187 228 269 504 345 383
21 62 103 145 188 231 270 ,TI5 316 386
21 Rl 106 147 189 2.12 271 30G 347 387
28 66 1HS 118 191 253 272 307 318 389
29 C" 109 119 191 231 273 308 319 391
3) 68 112 150 196 235 274 3U9 350 393
31 69 113 151 198 236 275 310 352 394
3! 71 113 153 199 237 276 311 353 393
3! 75 117 155 2'i 239 277 312 354 397
31 77 118 156 2 2 242 278 313 336 398
35 78 119 157 203 213 279 314 357 399
36 79 121 158 201 211 281 3115 358 400
38 80 122 160 206 213 282 317 339
lloudH.of the par alim of $.'"0.00 e-uli iiiiluliered iih follows:
461 113 123 433 113 456 166 171 483 496
403 111 426 4".7 46 37 467 476 4C6 407
104 116 127 438 448 459 468 477 487 498
IPS 417 429 439 419 460 469 478 488 499
406 118 130 410 450 161 470 480 489 500
407 119 132 441 452 462 171 481 491
4P9 120 133 443 44 461 472 482 493
410 121 131 141 455 465 473 484 491
We must rcnucBt nil Inquirer s to trust us with name nnd
address. Those wishing n personal reply please enclose stamp.
MAYOR: Wo ennnot In this col
umn glc )ou n list of uutomoblto
1'lllNCi: K.: It wns presump
tions for uti)onu to show nn Inclina
tion to help entertain tho Congress
ional party. They nro jour Con
gicssmcn nu saw them first.
ANXIOUS: Do not nllow tho
matter to trouble jou. It Is not
generally understood to whom Jack
London hnd refcrenco.
TlSICtt; You nro mistaken. Poetic
llcento do:.., -.nl glo olio tho right to
tlnp another on the wrist.
GOVERNOR: Wo nro very sorry
that wo cannot ndvlso )ou Intclli
gentry regarding Ka land mat
not feel slighted becnuso jou wero
not Riven nil the land positions In
the Territory. In this world truo
worth Is often slow to receive rec
ognition. Hotter luck next time.
MRS. A,: lluy nn nxc.
HISTORIAN: We have ,r"uron
for bcllovlng that tho sporting edi
tor wns among thoso present when
work wns stopped ,011 tho tower ot
HOUSKKKKI'KR: lly nddlng n
little lemon Juice nnd plenty ot
black pepper jour guests will not
bo able to detect tho presence ot
ants In tho Chnrlotto Russc.
who would presume to crltlclso ou
for preferring n prlzo fight to n Ilnr
Association banquet shows himself
to bo the possessor of a provincial
mind. Who won?
tee has not jet decided at what hour
)ou shall shave, but you will be
allowed to brush jour teeth twlco a
day, If jou do It with dispatch.
simist Is not married,
tirely right, A sweet disposition Is
nn editor's best nsset. Do not per
mit tho fnct Hint jou nro misunder
stood to dlscourago you. Keel to
your present policy, nnd rcriicmbcr
thnt there Is n time coming when
In tho beautiful words of the plagi
arist, "We shall know a? we nro
Tho Merchants' Association today
passed tho following resolution on tho
death ot Charles M, Cooke:
"Whcrcns, thcro has been taken
from our midst, Charles Montague
Cooko, and
"Whereas, tho I uslncss Interests
which this Association represents,
havo by his death occn deprived ot
one who for many years has been Iden
tified With '"tho, upbuilding of tho com
munity, nnd Who hns rendered long
nnd valuable servlco In our comrnor
clnl development;
"Therefore It Is resolved that tho
memberd'of tho Honolulu Merchants'
Association do hereby express our
deep sorrow, nnd tender to his wlfo
nnd family our slncero sympathy."
Georgo W. Smith rend tho resolu
tion, nnd briefly pnld n high tribute to
tho memory of Mr. Cooko.
ti,P jjiyo COME
' Marston Campbell's request that an
hale no monkey business in regard expert geographer bo sent to Hawaii
to the arrest of local salesmen at to assist in tho work that has been
Hllo for failure to put up a license undertaken by Mendcnball nnd I.clgh-
feo to sell goods on Hawaii. A test ton for n hydrographlc'surveyiot tho
I case Is In sight for the authorities Terrltory'has been promptly answered
'over there In ense they feel Inclined by tho Washington authorities.
to nrosecuto any of the cubcs. I Campbell received a cable this
The Mcrchnnts' Association will'
In fact, the Merchants' Associa
tion will stand pat, refuse to pay
the license and call the turn on the
Hawaii officials. If the latter are
game enough to push the matter,
hey will find the "fighting blood"
thoroughly aroused here.
Geoige W. Smith's motion to tho
effect thnt tho mombers of the Mer
chants' Association rcfuso to pay
tho fee, and It arrested, stand for a
morning from Mr, Smith, the chief of
the Ocodctlc Survey, stating that nn
assistant In thnt department, n Mr.
MnrBhall, now In California, will como
to Hnwall In the very nenr future.
"This work will be undertaken In
connection with tho making of a com-,
pleto topographic map of tho Terri
tory," said Campbell this morning
"ami It Is additionally Important bo
c.iuso It shows thnt Hawaiian ones-
test enso, picvallcd, nnd It was tho turns nnd problems recetvo tho prompt
unanimous opinion ot thoso present attention at Washington. Tho work
thnt tho fee could not bo legally col- that Marshall will do is Important and
lected. Attornoy Robinson In his I will provo'of material assistnnco In
report to tho Association said this . making profitable the fruits of tho in
was tno nrsi time ino matter
V, K. Maklno, convicted conspirat
or, has been allowed until Wednesday
to secure n bondsman thnt Is willing
to stand security for the High Wnge
Association leader pending tho nppeol.
of his cao to the Territorial Supremo
Court. ' I
During the first of the week Maklno
was allowed to produce a cush bond
of $1000, hut at that tlmo Judgo Do
Dolt stated that ho would only accept
the cash ball temporarily and would
ask Maklno to furnish a regular bonds
man this morning. Pang Lum Mow
was tho man whom Maklno hoped
would bo willing to guarantee his a
penrnnco In court but Pang I.um Mow
decided that he Mould lather not be
on Mnklno's bond at all and so stated
In court this morning when the con
sideration o't tho bond, question wai
brought befoie Judgo Do Dolt.
Attorney Llghtfoot, tho counsel for
the convicted conspirators, made a
pica for further time to find another
bondsmnn and as thcro was no objec
tion from tho prosecution the tlmo was
extended until Wednesday when, If
Maklno ciiiuot produca a bondsman,
he will piobahly havo to go to Jail, the
court being disinclined to accept a
cash bond permanently.
ever been brought up, nnd his ad
vlco from n legnl standpoint wns not
to pay tho fco, but rather let tho
J matter come to a test.
Mr, Paris believed tho merchants
should not havo to pay tho fee, and,
while he said he had henid tho
Standaid Oil Company nnd probnbly
Hackfeld hnd paid tho fee, yet ho
argued against the Justice of the
action. At nny rnto tho Merchnnts'
Association hale placed tho proverb
Inl chip on Its shoulders,, nnd It Is
now up to the Hawaii authorities to
knock It off.
tcstlgatlonB pursued by Mr. Muudcn
hall and Mr. Lclghton."
The holders 'if nil outstanding bonds nn numbered nliovo, nro hcrahy
notified to present for p.umcnt of principal nnd Interest accrued tn October
HI. 1909, nnd lo surrender Said bonds at the place and on tho dato last
nlmvo mentioned nnd th.it aftoi.Octobor 1st, 1909, nil Interest on said bonds
numbered ns aforesnld shall rcaso. '
Honolulu, August 21st, 1939.
lly E. E. Pnxton,
The machinery of tho Juvenile com t
wns in full operation this morning
Judgo WJiltney signing two commit
tnls to the Uoyh Industrial school,
Judgo Whitney has been Inclined to
be lenient with tho youthful offenders
that havo como before him since thu
operation of tho now Juvenile courl
net, but, this moj-nlng ho decided that
the Industrial School was tho best
placo for two boys.
Lcno Keahl, chained with truancy
f Continued from Pace 11
Tho pur.vcngii .1cco111mod.it Ions have
been arranged amidships somewhat
f ftnr tliu uivln rtf thn rinin Ommi ti lli.-t
Norwegian steamer lately in port "alio U " b'n "le?,,'n ,ln T"'
Ik not as largo as some of ,he otl.cr '"t houses and cellars and Incidental
. , ., 1 . ly consorting with a gang of boys who
American-Hawaiian boats and .ippen ' , . ..... ..
from the plans to bo n trlflo !om high , ",Vo "een .der ,0 f f "f ,,e '""
aboie lb water line. Judgl ,-. fion, ,or '" Vmo' 0"1 ,J"K Whlt-
iiu; iiiiu ins iiiuuiiT uuii miner urtt
Henry Phillips, the second jnuth to
tho plans sho will be a coiWoitabli
boat to travel In.
Hawaiian Alfalfa
The Pond Dairy,
Tel. 890.
Although .scheduled to play nt
Rich and Nouriihine. Only light- M,llee Ialnni1 nt Kiiplolaiil Park to
lv comprewed. Safe no rubbish to monow, the Hoynl Hawaiian Hand
choke your cow or kill it of pericar- will postpone this coiueii, The
dltis. Good as Bran, but J10.00 dentil of Chniles M. Cooke Is the
cheaper, r.iuse, mid lumniiuw's music will be
Price $25.00 a ton at your deal- ifndored In sadder measuies mcr
er's or - the gralu of Honolulu's iiioiiincd
bo committed, has evaded the proba
lion nfllcerH'for mouths, hut wns nil
iillj apprelietided anil on his past rec
ord It wns ilceldfil that the Industilnl
Pcliool would bu the best possible
placo for 111 m lining tho tenn of his
mliKirltj. '"
Ttie.Weohly tuition ct the bvtnlnv
Bulletin gives a complete summary n
ho news of tli day.
Thomas Jncobseu nnd Henry Wnr
ninnn weie fined three and flvo
plunks respectively for an Inordinate
foundness fnr tho doubtful delights
of IntiAlcatlon, Indulged In too
Special Sale'
In French and Irish Linen
Wednesday Morning, Sept. 1st
Whitney & Marsh, Ltd.
First Exhibit
Hat Shop
Tho Hlshop Trust Compnny hns
bi ought suit In the Circuit Court
against John P. Colburn on tho al
leged grounds thnt he hns refused
to pay a balnnco on tho purchnso
prlco of King street property, be
longing to Lalapa Mauhwa, of whoso
estate the Hlshop Trust Company li
tho administrator,
Tho complaint declares that Col
burn purchased tho property at,
miction and that ho pnld the deposit
ot $100, but has failed to pay tho
balance, amounting to 91,250. Tho
complainants ask Judgment for the
amount and the costs ot tho action.
ANEW LINE of Ladies'
and White Washable Skirts.
Prices, $1.25 up to $5.00
See display in window.
L. Ahoy, Nuuanu, below Hotel
There will bo a danco tonight, giv
en by the St. .Louis College 'Alumni
at tho Dreler ,hall, and It promises
to be ns good as those given In tho
piiBt by the old boys. v
The music will bo of the very best
and a big crowd Is expected to at
tend the function. "Come along,
even body, nnd enjoy ) ourselves" is
the Invitation extended by the com
mittee, I
'prices lowest in the city.
Dining chairs in sets, parlor rockers, rope portieres,
lace curtains- bureaus, dining tables, sideboards, etc.
Honolulu Wire Bed Co.,
Showrooms Corner King and Alakea.
Miss Kate Woodard
1141 Fort Street.
Stamping, Embroider; and No
tions. Shirtwaists, Gloves and Un
derwear. Orders taken t'or all kinds
of fancy work. Telephone 387,
222 Emma Square.
House Consulting, 2-3 p. m.. Sat
urdays excepted. Operating, 8-12
a. m., 3-0 p, in.
Phone 33.
I ' K'iii j) mu -

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