OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, November 29, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-11-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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Evening Bulletin
At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.
Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly isued on Tuesday of eacfc week
VVitlluou R. Hnrrlnfttun, - - l."UJltor
itvitiNiNO iiui.i.m i.n
I'll Mmilh, Mirwlirrrln IM . .?n
IVr Uuxitct, mi)wliTtittJ S.. .. J.UII
Pti ViMf, ftm lme .iiU S. . . .. M.o
Per Ye.tr, nUAiil, fortiitn . 1 2, no
WIJItKl.V IIUl.t.lt-llIN
Per Sll M.mtiu ...41 ,n)
Pet Vtt. iiiwhtteiiil).3 t.iHi
IVi Ycat Anvnhcre h Canada,,, I.Ro
I'fr Vtat I-mlpal.t, folHgt 3.t
in the Territory of Hawaii,
256 !
HPaJ I Editorial Rooms,
1 C5I. ) Business Office,
fcutcml Rt Ihe fosIofTice lit Honotuit
m sccotnl class nitltrf
NOVEMBER 29, 1900
Give to n gracious message lr Hie lestiictiou on passengers were
A host of tongues, but let ill tidings removed, mid we were. given free
tell trade nu thnt olio point." .
Themselves where they befell, I That is what some of tliem said
Shakespeare. I when the Matson Nuvigatlon Oom-
" ? pany was doubtful about building j
ir. inoh m encmum-ring ni ninny new Bteanier ior tills trade n vear
dlincult hummocks of public opinion ago; lr that steamer were built
as he eer did In the frozen north. , there would bo no need for the coast-
- - jwlse suspension agitation to con-
Aflcr Honolulu investors get through tinue.
wllli their stock fever. Ihc will begin Hardly was the keel of the new
to realize that they can't lose when steamship laid lli.iu renewed uglln
puttlng their money Into Honolulu t;ou for suspension of the coastwise
leal estate. laws was sprung.
- i This onnnunlt should bring
When tlio (loverntnent Is keeping every Inllucuce' to bear to have tho
nwfully quiet nliout what 11 will do public iicuuiupodiitcd by the Anierl
with Nicaragua, It Is safe to nssiimu uin Hues, but In order to mako that
that there's n stuffed club lu tho pressure effective It must be a milt
i Inset for the bad boy. ln support of the policy of prolec-
; I lion. Then. It would be In the com-
I.ct's make llie'vpni I'lm-al l'arado inandlng position of tho man who
the hlggct and best Honolulu has has kept faith, been truo to the
ever known Mid doirt forget all t principle that has given lilm suc
nbout jour plans ror decoration un- less, and can demand of public ser
lll the week before tho parade vice corporations that they do their
"tart. obvious share as benellclailes ot
-T - ,r. groat national .policy.
Honolulu Is beginning to note Ine .. i
idvnnco guard of tho tourist ciowd ' Citizens of the County of Hawaii
but It Is no less ginllllcd to have ,i ihinild make up their minds to place
largo number of residents reluming to in olilce regardless of their declared
ppem! some of their ClirlMtm.it money polities a Hoard of Supervisors thai
in nonic. . leallzes. that cood roads. !! I, ..in
under the direction of competent eng.
For Sale
Manoa Valley
-A 5 room house: 1
bed room : electric
lights; modern im
provements. Price
Lots $'250 each.
allege Hills
Lots $700 up.
Lots $500 and $G00.
Trent Trust Co., Ltd.
Kalihl 2B.R .$15.00
1818 Anapuni 2B.R . 20.00
Kaimuki 2B.R.. 22.00
819 Bcrctania 2B.R . 25.00
Kaimuki 2B.R . 25.00
Pawaa 4B.R.. 25.00
283 Vineyard St....3B.R . 30.00
1227 Matlock Avc...2B.R . 30.00
1111 Kinnu St 3B.R .'.32.50
725 Kinau St 3B.R . 32.50
Bcrctania St 3B.R . 40.00
1475 Thurston Ave..4B. R 40.00
Bcrctania St 3B. R 40.00
1280 Bcrctania St...5B.R . 40.00
Waikanc K...4B.R. $30.00
Waikiki 2B.R . 35.00
Waikiki 5B.R . 50.00
Aiea 3B.R 50.00
Pacific Heights 4B.R . 40,00
1087 Bcrctania St. ..5 B.R 100.00
Nuuanu SB. R 100.00
Whero Is the water that snouhl bo
behind Nuuanu dam? Enough of tho
taxpayers' money has been ismred In
to tho holo mid lined the dirt bank to
warrant an expectation or somo return
In tltuo of st roes.
neers. repicseuts ono of the first nrln
elples of civilization to say nothing of
M'od government.
It members of the liar Association
have not named their choice for tho
Supreme Court vncimev. timv imm
,i. i. .. .. . . . -" -'' ""
.isnorH Hum uie in.uniaim coining Ht least emulated the man who re
hcru to look over business propositions fused to give the mime of his friend,
will undoubtedly decide that theie IslbiU remarked that ho had a broken
no nciicr place tlian Hawaii In which nose, three teeth gone and n twisted
to Invest money from which u suiojknce, ami any man unnblo lo pick
iciurii is sougni.
li I in out must bo fast nslecp.
They must be having a lovely
time patching up the minors on
which (he charges against Detective
l.eal me bated. Can It be Hint the Wn. XV
lesson of the last election has liiul 'pCIIOOI.R WHICH IIAVIJ ADOI'Tl-U)
Hh Inllueucn on the mm owns ot i Tli.. Cllnnl -.nuiM,. ....
laischiHid? '.:...'. ..'.:.' "' u"
1 1 i i'i,..
Will lice.
Wnl men .
Itoynl. i
A PUItl'OSi:.
Tho purposo of tho school county
or city Is to glvo tho pupils some
Knowledge of tho working of the
Eoveinment under which they live
nnd In which tlioy mo soon lo tako
nn active pari; to beget In them tho
power of self ( mitral which means
the power V' be quiet, to be orderly,
to be licut, to be busy, to b0 help,
fill mid to he saving, i:enipllucu-
iion ot a I of these ntiulltles Is
HiiiKlit In the couiso of tho si hoot
mi) ny ino performance of duties
assigned to each pupil In keeping
the school premises clean. III main
taining quiet nnd order in tho rooms,
halls unci on tho giounds. In exer
cising kindness nnd pntlonco In
dealings th0 one with tho other, nnd
In raring for tho pioperty of tho
Khool, Tho great lesson bought to
be Inculcated In nil of this Is Hint
of Individual porKonul responsfbllltj
for the community good; each ono
Is made to fool that upon his hull
.liltinl nets rests tho highest wel
fare of the community; Hint habits
'ire fonned by doing thlngH over
nnd over again; nnd (hat tho time
to form good habits Is whllo cum l.
joiuig and lu tchnol; that the chart
i-etor Is tho sum nnd substance of
habits and that tho future of tlm
boy or girl In tho cominuiilly of real
Ilfo will depend upon tho kind ot
JiahltB that boy or girl acquires.
The educative vnluo of tho school
city comes by wy 0f talks nindo by
Jlio toachera and Invited spoakers
upon various subjects rolntlng in
mines or citizens in tho community.
Allornejs for Standard Oil state
that there Is no danger of u dlssolu
lion of that great organization as ,i
lesult of the mint decision that It
Might to W dissolved, i:lilviitly they
lavo not et got close enough to blto
out the eves of tho octopus, .mil until
they do It has hoo for life.
Since, our differences with Chile
have been referred to King IMvvard
lor arbitration, other nations ot the
world have a good example to follow-
when dealing with tho small na
tion that persists In being pig-headed,
lint has neither men nor means
with which to light It out.
Athletes of tho iirniy mid navy
Miould glvo new zest to tho amateur
fontcsts for which Honolulu hns ul
wujH had a splendid reputation.
Tho meet of Saturday should bo the.
forerunner of u good list of legular
events bringing In a steadily In
creasing number of contestants.
Complaint Is made that tho
Christmas fi eight and expiess pack
li go servlco from this city to tho
mainland Is not what was expected.
And ut the name time attention Is
culled lo tho fact Hint Just at tho
period when many would llko to bend
Christmas packages nnd small
fi eight as well as letters, a steam
ship of tho Jupaneso lino will call
nt this port bound for S.in l-'ruiielsio,
II thoro wero no piotectlon to Amor
lean shipping. It would of courso ho
possible lo send the Christmas pack
ages mid freight by tho foreign
Tho lomplnlnt In this enso Is
worthy of special notlcn because It
fellows Jiow easy It would ho nflor
the coahtwlbo shipping laws worn
suspended as reguids passengers, to
rulso n vciy stiouc nrcumeiit fm- n
- " " "I " iwilllllMI
further opening of tho door. Ilrbt to '" ""c-o talks nil of tho pupils
Now that Thanks
giving 1909 is past
Buy a Home
And you will give
thanks every day.
The Bishop Trust Co.
Ltd., can show you
the right place to buy.
Our Candies
Soda Water
Arc different from the average be
cause they are distinctly
If you want to send a
On Sunday you will And the office
I open from 8 to 10 in the morning.
nnd more or less practice in dls-j social mid political ethics. I Mini It
Missing questions Inline lbn Hoard woith while." The pilnctpal of tho
of Supei visors. The dliiclp'lnary ' Kc.ilulum Srhool, Walakoa, Jlaul,
value of the school clt Is derived says: "lie learns tho value of Bys
from tho way tho pupils submit Icin nnd practices tho virtues ns well
themselves to tho authority of thoso as Ihe duties of cltUeiislilp." Tho
In olilce; In the manner In which head of l.ahalnnlunn School, I.ahal
they endeavor lo securo pciBonal nn, writes; "One of the most
responsibility for the place, order pleasant lesults of tho school county
mid cleanliness of the school prcm- lu the fact that to a marked degrco
ises nnd in the zeal they evince In It has developed lu the students the.
curing for tho school property. (feeling of responsibility. With us
II SOMK ItKSUIrS. lit' bus print Icnlly folveil the qucs-
Thc principal of the Knliilnnl ! Hon of discipline." The pilnclpul of
School, Honolulu, sas: "I purlieu-1 the Kiinliumanii School, Honolulu,
Inrly like tho training or the child In Ways: "The discipline of tho Knn
Iho duties of citizenship that In tho 'humunii School has Improved. Tho
lourso of time devolve upon hlin.",hoys me mine gentlemanly nnd tho
Tho pilncipal of the llnnnpepe 'girls more lads like." Tho pilnclpal
School, llnnnpepe, Kiiual, willes: 'of tho Itoynl School, Honolulu, sajs:
"It ceilalnly forms a good training " The educative and disciplinary val
for future civic duties and citizen-l"es of the s.vslem nro so great. It
ship." Tho head of tho Wnlliiku ''lis become necessary lo the success
High School, Walluku, Maul, savs; of tho school"
"The Inlluenco of tills system has! rg
been ically remarkable." Tho prln- Th. inrfn.frJ,,! vaui- - i..
rlp.il of I'apalkou School. Papalkou, E v e n i n IT Bulletin. wm.
Hawaii, writes: "Tho Bysteiu gives ' TPaAv inT , Kn . -t a'JTi
nn opportunlly for luuail touching In !Hn office
Waterhouse Trust
unrlstmns packages, nnd then lo
fresh fruit, and thou to gonornl
freights and so foilh, until tho
wholo Hchomo of protection to Ameil
'caii shipping would bo wiped out.
"Hut," say somo of the local sus.
Real Estate for Sale
We were riht about our Kaimuki
Harr;ain. It sold, and sold quickly.
Wc have more bargains. Let us
ihow you our Mnnoa Valley bargain.
Either as nn investment or for a
home it' fills tho bill.
voting age profit, lint tlm.,,. nm.,,.!
in tho actual administration of tho!
"ffiilrs of tho school county or city'
got valuablo nxpetionco In written
"in. oral expression by way of clerl
fnl duties in kcoplng records, innk-
1(j pensldnlntH, "vvp would be sntlslleil lug leports of p.irllniiiVnlnry usagn
vmI 4fV.
wMlh III 3&M& J
KJj4 Ot itf 3f f ''Vl
Coat Shirts at $1.50
All made with cuff attached; but
you can have your choice of plain or
plaited bosom. New light shades.
Sweater Coats ' y
Another pretty line of these coats
just arrived the prettiest y$t.
Men's Hosiery
We sell hose at three pairs
for $1.00 that will wear
longer than those you usual
ly get Try them.
Latest Neckwear
Have you seen 'the new
Roman stripes in winter
neckwear? Very fetching.
We are showing the latest
colorings at 50 cents-
It i:va plantation began grinding St
tt on Its 11)11) crop this morning. XX
XX Walalua will begin Its grinding XX
XX Bcnvou next week Monday. The tt
;t ciops of these plantations mo tig tt
St ured about the sanio ns last year. S3
SS the weather conditions having SS
V much to do with the linn! result. St
XX Hvva has about tho saino acreage. XX
XX mid Walalua u larger net cage XX
XX than last jenr. Weather eoiidl XX
XX lions h.ivu more Inlluenco at XX
XX Walalua than on any other plan- XX
XX tntioii or this Island. XX
XX The grinding M'lihou on tills IX
XI Island will bo In full blast hv the Xt
XX end of tho first week of Decern- SS
SS ber. SS
No Consolidation With
Makaweli Planned;
Stocks Strong
Specific denial by Ihoso In u po
sition to know Is made of the state
ment In Hie morning paper of an al
leged loiiholldutlon of tho Hawaiian
Sugar or "Mnkinvell" plantation nnd
the .Mclirjde plantation.
Tli (i minor Is us old ns the hills,
mid there Is Ices ehanco of there' bo
lug any foundation to It now Hum
ever befoio. Mcllrjdo Is Just
Minlglitcucd out mid In a position
t pull out In good shape, hut any
loiisolliliillou ut this time would
mean that the slock would huvo to
he given ut a sacrifice. Mukliwell
does not need or beck u consollda-
The Bishop Trust Company,
BKO to announce that on January 1st, 1910, they will
open a Ladles' Derailment in connection with
their Trust business, whero ladles, desirous of sav
ing money, or with property Interests, or funds (o
Invest mny call or correspond nnd receive ndvlco as to
opening n bank account, putting their funds out at Intor
cst, buying real cstnto, slocks or bonds, or Investing In
any oilier clnss of security. Under Hie Laws of tho Tcr
rltoiy a woman can hold property In her own rlgt.t.
Tho Bishop Trust Company feci that they have been
fortunate In securing for this Department tho services or
Miss J. T. Mnclntyro, who is well known In the business
community of Honolulu ns tho manager for eight years
past of illshop & Company's Savings Hank. Miss Macln
tyr.i will have nn ntllce. In tho llhdiop Trust Compnny'H
Building on llethol Stieot, whcio sho will bo found dally
from U to 1", uftcr tho 1st of January.
All accounts nnd. transactions strictly confidential.
Hon. It Is, however, truo Hint both
plantations would bcncllt by being
under the saino general agency
and management. I
Tho mat lor now lu hand Is the,
change of Ihe agency, anil lo thor
oughly go Into the situation Is Hie
reason for the presence here of Wal
lace Alexander nnd tho trip to Mc
llrjdo of tho full board of dlieclois,
the agency and the plantation. I
Mcllrydu stock was trong today, nil
vnncliig on tho Kxchango lo li.IU'i
nfter over seven bundled shares had I
been sold Saturday afternoon nt ii..Ml.
Honoknii dropiied olf to 10.7fi. pre
sumably on account of the dry vvcnlli-1
er Hint Is prevailing all along tho Ila
niiikmi const, Walalua holds up, sell
ing nt 122.M, nnd Pioneer remaliis nt
Its new (lgurc. 190. I'.wn Mild lu small
lots at 31,n nnd Hawaiian Commer
cial udv.uiced lo 30.55, n cpuirlor over
the last pluvious sale.
Indications ot tho drift of sugar
prices Is found In tho reported rabt
In New York of futures for January
nnd February delivery at 1.0,". ThU
rhovvs that Iho buyers aro expecting
the prlco of ruvvs to rule near four
cents for the coining campaign, ami
this Territory Iiiih another good year
in sight.
Those "Arnold" Goods
Waterhouse Trust
Fort ami Merchant Strrrti.
Competition has failed to approach
the degree of perfection so lone; es
tablished by this band. It is seam
less nnd has adjustable shoulder
straps, A measure of its fineness is
indicated by the fact that it is made
on machines kjiitting thirty six
needles to the inch. Price 40c and
The Howard
Is noted for its good time
keeping qualities. We nro
agents for the Howard Watch
nnd can save you money when
you buy from us.
H. F. Wichman
& Co.. Ltd.,
Leading Jewelers,

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