OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, December 17, 1909, 2:30 EDITION, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-12-17/ed-1/seq-3/

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Souvenir Day
at Sachs'
Valve Balloons
Given Away Gratis
TOMORROW MORNING as Ions as th'ey will 'last.
A BALLOON GRATIS with a dollar purchase. As
, quantity is limited we advise early shopping. .Our stock of
Holiday Goods
Is most complete. A visit to our establishment will pay
. Doll Contest
. Voting grows heavy. Keen interest is being mani
fested. Help your little friend. -Do your shopping here.
A voting coupon "Mih every 25c purchase.
Sachs' Dry Goods Co., Ltd.
Cor. Fort and Bcrctania Sts.
Opp. Fire Station.
An Appreciated Gift
Has value in the eyes of the receiver for its beauty a,nd
Usefulness.. Imported Chinese goods have both these quali
ties. Among the articles that we arc showing are dress
silks, silk ihawh, handkerchiefs and shirt waists in all i
Buying is made easy when you see -this display, We
invite you to call, ,
Oil Nuuanu St.
' Phone 266.
' , The F. Thomas Parisian Dyeing Wcrks, San Francisco, arc scicntiflo
dvcrs. , i
ilRUSSi'I.S, Dor. 16. King Leopold died this niornliiR at thlrt-
five minutes after' two o'clock. '
I f .
f.TIie heir apparent to the llclglnu throne In Prince Albert, Count
iCt Flanders nnd a nephew to Leopold. lie Is thirty-four years old,
the unit of Prince Philippe' nnd the llohcnzollcrn Princess Marie, n rcln
Ihc of the Umpcror of Germany. King Leopold hns three slaughters, hut
the succession to the throne Is in the direct mnlc line In order of prlmo
f j
WASIIINHTON, Dec. 10. Newn of the resignation of President
Stein) n of Nicaragua, which was Kent to the Nlcarngunn Senate todny,
has been rcccled ftt the stnto depattment here. The resignation wns
received with a grot ileal of satisfaction, hut the fact that he has given
up the iclns of government will not result In Ills escape from the at
tentions of the American government.
i m
1 WASIIINOTON, Dec. 10. The house committee on elections gave a
hearing today to the proposal that the date .for .Inauguration day ho
changed from March 4 to tho laBt Thursday ilf April. , The t utiimlltee
seems to be favorably Inclined towards the change
NKW YORK, Dec. 10. Collector of tho Port Loeb rcccUcd n sud
den call today to go to Washington, presumably In connection with the
cvcr-lncicnslng sugar scandals. llo Is to confer with President Taft.
(Continued from Pas 1)
to lift tho car n little off Koth. Whilu
they were holding tho car up another
aulomohllo passed along the road at a
fast ruto of speed and although wit
ness shouted as loud aH ho could the
rirhcr oldently did not hear him.
The doctor nrrhod befuro wo left
the Hpot, and Miss Smith was pro
nounced dead by him. Tho party left
tnttn shortly after !) o'clock and when
the accident happened It" must hnvo
been about 9:30.
Tho car went ocr the embankment
near tho culvert on the town side of
tho court house. Tho brakes and
steering gear weio In good order. MIsb
Smith (I i no tho car as far as Fort
Shatter, and then witness limit thargu.
Will Koth was tho next witness
called and ho stated that ho uud Miss
Hcgemann were on tho hack of tho
car. Miss Hegcinunii was seated and
witness sat on the side of tho mn-
ehlne.i Ah linn ow int. only- room fotfono
on 'the sent. '
Tho car was not going faster than
ten or twelxe miles an hour, and when
tho accident occurred, witness was
thrown through the air into tho ditch.
Tho car camo dow on top of him and
ho was pinned beneath It until Sorcn
son nnd Miss Hcgemann nnd some'olh
crs lifted It off him.
In answer to n Jurjmnn Roth said
ho thought tho height of tho fall tho
car made was about ten feet. Miss
Smith was on tho left hand sent In
front. Tho car capsized to tho right
and euT)nno was thrown out.'
Dr. Hodglns. who was called up by
telephone nnd reached Pearl City
about 11 o'clock, was tho next wit
ness. Ho found tho body of Miss
Smith there; did not mnke a detailed
examination then, hut did1 Inter on.
Dr, Cooper of Honolulu plantation
hn'd seen tho body first, nnd thero was
nothing to do. Jjitcr on In town he
examined tho body and found that the
loft side of the faco wan bruised, and
Ihn the base of the skull was frac
tured. Thero wcro other bruises on
tho arms and body. Dcnth, In wit
ness' opinion, was caused by tho frac
ture of tho skull.
Frank Thompson then wns callel
and ho told of tho dangerous condi
tion of tho road and explained how It
narrowed In to meet tho culvert. There
worn no wing walls, or fence, nnd In
order to get onto tho culvert a car
had io swing out n little, and In case
of there being no proper, light thero
wns great danger of tho machlno go
ing over tho embankment before tha
culvert wns reached.
Thompson had looked for tho track
One-Third Discount On
All Japanese Cotton Rugs
Here's n chanpc to buy a useful and valuable Christmas gift. Our beautiful blue and
while Japanese Cotton Rugs one-third oil until Christmas, The patterns are very attractive
and wc have a good assoitmcnt. Here are some of the prices: v-
8x10 Regular $20.00
8x12 Regular $24.00;
0x12 Regular $27.00
10x10 Regular $25.00
l0xl2-7Rcgular $30.00
10x14 Regular $35.00
12x12 Regular $30.00
Reduced to .' .''....! ,.... $13.35
Reduced to .'.' 16.00
Reduced to ' 18.00
Reduced to .J? 16,65
Reduced to . 20.00
Reduced to
Reduced to
of Sorenson's automobile, ami had seen
how he had kepi too far to tho right
'as ho approached the culvert. A big
electric arc light that stood soino dis
tance from tho rond, threw Its beams
into tho eyes of chauffeurs, and n
i largo Irco also made flickering shad
ows that made It difficult to stcci
Tho witness did not agree with the
prutlotts test' nony an to the tlino tho
party left tiwn for Pearl City. It
must have been 9:45 when (ho unl'tis
left Honolulu and witness, who had
pulled up foK.tlro trouble, reached tho
rccno of tho accident at about 10; IS,
Just aB tho body of Miss Smith was
being carried hi tho home at Pearl
Thompson tried to get n large onto
mobile (rom town but was unable to
do bo. Tho party at last got into
Thompson's machine, and Lieutenant
Panlco snt on tho back scat and suit
ported thti body' of tho dead girl nil
tho way Into limn.
MIm Hcgimtfh.n," who 'was only on
tho witness stand for a fow mlnutos,
testified that sho was 'riding on tho
hack seal of tho automobile, which
was not going very fast. All sho to-'
members of tho acefdent was a lurch
as tho car went ocr tho embankment.
Miss Smith wns 25 jears of ago and
was a nathe of Huston.
This concluded the evidence, nnd the
Inquest ndjounjed' till this morning.
(Continued from tut 1) l
while thero Is no degree of certainty
that the excursions wljl eventually bo
pulled off, tho Oceanic Steamship Co
has received a number of inquiries
from large parties of tourists and or
ganizations with a Wow of visiting the
Hawaiian Islands.
Tho Sierra Is particularly adapted fot
this class of business nnd the ii(u
pecta aro exceedingly bright that a
scries of. special trips will bo made
by tho steamer before taking up her
regular run to Honolulu.
Tho Alameda will continue on tho
rim between tho Islands and the coast
until tho Sierra will lmo finished with
tha excursion business now contem
plated by tho Sun Francisco office.
Whether the Alameda wll ho con
tinned on tho San Francisco-Honolulu
run In conjunction with the Sierra af
ter that' vessel makes up her regular
schedule to tho Islands Is a mutter that
will necessarily bo governed entirely
by the amount of passr.tgcr Ira lie
and freight business offered tho two
vessels. I
It Is contended that steamship com
panies, llko most every other business
enterprise, uio not operating In tho
interests of philanthropy. They are
out tor a fair and reasonable profit on
tho Investment. Should' thero bo
largo passenger bookings but a small
frolght offering, such business Is de
clared will not warrant tho continued
npoiatlon of the two stoamers. '
This, however, is u matter that can
nut bo determined until after tho HI
eria has taken up her now run In con
nection with that toered by the Alu
medu. .,
Much Intel est Is manifest In tho
weekly reduction being made on tho
Starr Piano displayed In the Thayer
Piano Store window. This piano Is
being weekly reduced in price IS.
Tho reduction begun on October 1st.
The 88 note Cetillfun PJnjer sold at
this popular piano storo would make
n lino Christmas present for any
TIlC flRlTIKH steamer Swauloy.
which brought eight bundled ami sixty-odd
Portuguese Immigrant's liori
the Azores to Honolulu, wns dspalchcd
fin New Zealand poits jpstordaj. Tho
8waney roihaluod off tho harbor until
aftei fi o'clock Inst evening awaiting
further Instructions from her owneis
bj cable. Tho xess expects to take
on a shipment of wool or oiIiim pro
ducts destined Tor the Continent nnd
Dili llnltn.l Villi. Inm
We handle the Highest-Grade CLOTHING, pos
sessing ail the style that experience and skill can
We buy direct from the manufacturers and are
consequently in a position to give you values of an
unusual nature.
The SUITS we are selling this season for $20
i are not' only the best we have ever shown, but they
are remarkable in many ways.
You will have to see these Suits yourself to form
an idea of what splendid values we are giving
lonn Jacob Astor. His bon And Yacht i
' . hich Was Missing In The Caribbean Sea
'4:.: -; i '-j .- &
The long delay In hearing fiom Colonel John Jiuuli Astor and hi son Vincent, who weio cruising on J
tho yacht Nourmahal In thq Cuirihheansea when the great hurricane swept tho West Indies, caused gruvo If
alarm among the frlenils of the mtlllonalie all mor the world. Tor several days cnble (ommuntinllnn with i
tho West Indies' was cut off owing to the storm, uml mi wireless messagcR reached tho outer win Id from
that quarter of tho globe. It was beeed that when tho cables got to working Mr. Astor would' rnnuimn- $
lento with tho Now York Yacht club, and after a long delay' during which time tugs were sent out In
search, (he yacht turned up safely. Mr. Astor nnd his son sailed Just a few dus before thq public tin-
nounccment wns uiado of Mis. Astoi'a suit for illume. When the yacht reached Port Antonio, Jniualc.i, le-
1'iMiuis wi-iii iiiiimiu iiuii iwm-u air, .sior annul in sun, nut no .unity lotiiseit to iiiscush h. 'me Wiur- v
nmhnl Is the, mo3t palatial jncht afloat. Her furnishings ate also the most elaborate of any prlvato efl- j&
fcel fn the world. She ran steam 5.000 miles without replenishing her foal supply and carries R full cnulp- c
menf of lfe-bonts and stenpi launches besides a crew of fifty men.
She Is also equipped with wireless
Piofcssnr "Supimso an Irri'slstlhlo All traces Irixlng dlsappeaiod of tho
rorco encounteied an Imniouihlo body, wreck of tho historic Coufpdetulo Iron-
wjint would he tho ro3iilir Student clad Men Imac, In Clltahetli rlcr, near
"I don't know ounrtly, lint I Imagine Norfolk, tho buoy known t( mariners
It would bo something llko ih mcof. ns tho "Meiilmno.Wrcck hiuiy 2S." will
Iiik nl Iwn .Iml'.-ii. i. ..- - Jf te Jtti
(leneral Manuel Ilonllla, fnriueri,'
President of Honduras, who was de-3'
(iiim'ii in jiMMi, ih lining uui.uu exieoi
lion In Nlenriigua to assist tiene'rnirKsfl

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