OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, December 24, 1909, 3:30 EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1909-12-24/ed-1/seq-6/

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HfwB-nT-cr; "$
, .ro&SRwr.1 -vt?
for Infants and Children.
(Continued From Vest 1)
ilo on, however, on tlio limtcrstaiulitig
Hint Ktililo will nnt20 to. Btmtil for thq
lirlncrplcs which I liavo .stood Tor In,
the pnst. These nro Jn tho main (ho
advocacy of cliuiipcn In our land laws,
altering them so that ll;c poor icoplo
will have n chaiico to not their tharo
of tho public InndB, nml so that they.
,to communicate with the executive
committee lij, .Honolulu, to ascer
tain whether thnt hod) would recoR
nlzo tho endorsements made by the
county committee. Tribune,
- ',, .
years, but I JjtrYO been lireachW
Physicians' Prescribe Castoria.
. ..:.n.', . ,- . i ,... i .. "-.mo navo me cw .caiaiui
u"".t" , :,i "' izz: :. ; 3. Ttj,Lwx?.vr) m x
.i. '".1,- . ,....... rr,..,.i'i. " V.". rv'"-..:f.A"'.ir.! ''MO been fighting for the past four
rexull of threo facts rit''niA"lmlG(pi(tablo evidence il'int li Is harmless) ami,
That It not only nllays tomacli pains and quiets the nerves, but assimilates the
food; Jlnl, UUiui agreeable ami pcrfcctaiibstltutcforcasloroll. It is absolutely
S'jfc. It does not contain nny opium, morphine, or other narcotic and docs not
stupefy. It is unlike Soothing Syrups, liatcman's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, etc.
tfhls is a good deal for a medical journal to say. Our duty, howovcr, la to expose
(Singer and record tho means of oflanoing health. The day for poisoning Inno
cent children through grecd'or Ignorance ought to end. To our knowledge, Cas
toria is a remedy which produces coraposuro and health, by r, oih-llng the
system not by stupefying if iliid oir rtallers ure entitled to (V l.iftriu.itlon.
liales Journal of Ileaith,
may ho enabled to get rich from tho,' my months reports-, hat o io-iv ?ni
laluls. As a piaVlcr of fact wo ought " across the Pall of tho folluro 'of
to havo the New Zealand land laws I'"clo ., to make good. He Is 1mi
(Continued from Pan 1)
Drill alii Iti I tin .1sintnrnl Inn Ihlf Dria-itn la
unnttoa for ii,F work t luni,, v Extend Christinas Aloha
Consuls of -Three Powers
ind Christmas A
To Each Other
charged with running his dopartmin:
under too greai an expense. 11 Is lalil
thnt it coRt hint more money for .tho
Hon. I.cong Kok 'Ylifg, ''the new
Chinese Consul In Honolulu, tills' morn
ing received tho consular' frprccntn
,denf ears. lint, ns I say. If tho Prince, maintenance of his horses than any , f f fc V
l ...mi.., In ofn.t.i f,,.. it.nA .!. K.innk nthpr rnml ulltinrvtnni- hi Ihn rrtttnlv nf "..-.
is willing lo stand for these principles) other road supervisor In tho court)' of
1 am will nc to sten asldo In his fav- Oanu
O&yffj&ki a0J
I g n a t ii r o of
"ToirCsntorlttlaDili Hrt In III cliia, In tiij
tb'rty ycara of practice I ran my 1 upxer hat e puutl
auyUuu taut to flllcd tl lacc." i
Wiu.uk Uilxoit, M. I).,
I hare Dfcd ronr Caatorla In the caw cf my own
baby and Sod It pleasant to takr, and hate obtained
excellent tea atti from lit n-e."
8. A. Bern, M. D.,
j 1'kUaJelrl i, Ta
M I take plcaanrs In rccomnirndlnj; your C avtorta,
taring rrcointncnilfd tta ne In many inxtarMpmt
rmitidtf It 'tlrt bct laxallto ttut coull bo ucd,
vsclally for children.'
NiTiiiNiii; K. Kins, M. D., St. LctA, Vol
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria.
' In Use'For
ArARSoi nct:ii2tio
( iiatortu
"I lut' u--J v.r.r Oacur'a iv! .VnitJ It an
rn'1'it.i ti.ly 1.1 u !i i S.ikt trJ prliau
ijracl!cofk-r.ai..yycau. T uio.' . mi j excellent."
U. .'. i . M. 1).,
,!', f" BrooUjn, Jf. a".
Hl end yonr Castoria to bo & rrandard famllr
remnl. It It tho lt Uilng lor lufantt arid Adj.'
drtn I Late trc; luiau n and I rtrcnimcii IU"
Jl. C Kikiuo, M. P.,
' Omaha, Kob.
"l!w iijr (luring tho r't tix ycart prrncrlbed yonr
Ct-tt'lia let Infantllo ttuniailt dlvordtra,,! nioat
he&t jU) command itt Dflc Tuo funnula conUInt
'. 5 ' ' J. B. Lluott, M. D., Now Tork City,
Ove-rr3f01' Years.
Electric Iron
Would appreciate the. Rift of an
or." Tribune.
1111.0, Doc. 21. Tho Itcpubll-;
can county commlttco held a meet
ing last Tuesday evening nt which
In dclcnsu of Paolo, It Is contended
that ho Is under greater capepo to
feed his animals owing o Iho fact
that all feed as well ns maloilnl miivt
bo hauled a greater distance. Ho docs
arrangements wcro made "or tho, not enjoy the ndvantnges of using the
HtrciigthctWi; of tho .-orgaatzutlon,.
of tho ,p.ttrly In various waj-s. Clmlr-'
man lleerSj presided, wlillo Assistant
Secretary II. 11, Drown nctcd ns sec-,-
rctltry. v
Tho. thnlrman rcportrtl ithnt ho
plantation railways that fnlls to the
lot of several of 'tho other road supei
visors. It' seems to ho tho consensus of opin
ion that Pnelo must' go. At least ho
must' bp replaced by n more efficient
linil n IpOiniPd tllO prOVlHlonali COm-nfflrlnl nn.l ir lm nmnln. In llir, one.
niltteo, members, as follows: Messrs:; vco of tll0 cy ,, colmty lt W,M .,0
toss. Austin, Patteu. Swain,' Capfcl- ln Bclno m,m)r ca,,aclty.
las, Alfonso and himself, .and that. M Fcrn wh0 non.commlnI; ,
nil, theso gentlemen had expressed ,,,,,., wM nonl,na,0 nBOlhcr
their willingness to serve , fc , , f
neers asked tho county con.nl -, , Koolaupoko district,
tec whether It had nny suggestions '
to iniike for the provisional commit- . ..
Ico to uct upon, ns that orennlzntlon yinpinP fiPTQ ' !
would hold u meeting two .weeks M DlllUL UL10 l .' '
from the night of the meeting. Ho
stated tha( the. Hcpubllcan members
of thoi Hoard of Supervisors" would
ho invited to bo present at the mcctv
lug of the. proYlsioiinl.-commltt.cc.
A. M. Cabrlnhn rnlsed nn ohjee-.
tlnn to the npiiolntinent of two mem
bers from tho same outsido precinct,
mmoly of Iloss hnd Cancllas from.'
denco, on Sheridan street. He was nl
slslcd in received tho foreign consuls
by tho secretaries of tho Consulate
Hon. S. Uycno, Consul Ocnqral of.
Japan, called on-the nowyChlnese Con
sul this morning, remaining with bint
a few minutes. British Consul Fors
tor nlso paid his respects (9, Consul
Lcong Kok Ylng this forenoon.
Although tho new Chlncso Consul
docs not speak the Engllshi languagu
fluently It Is said that wlillo hero ho
will try to mastcr'tho language as fast
ns ho can. His son is already a stu
dent In Oahu college.
Chnng Hal, tho former Chlncso Con
sul, will leave on tho 'Mongolia next
Monday.. ' ' '
3 lb.
G", lb.
72 lb.
0 lb.
. .4.50
. 5.00
. G.OO
The Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd.,.
i -ii-i;- .. i
If You Don't Know
A . t . . I
J That our lodisiarj tljeAbakjlrjbe liad in the city.iit
. J t s "'.
is'bccausc yon have never tried them. A trial case will
convince you that in the manufacture of soda water we
trc in p. class by ourselves.
Consolidated .Soda Water Works Co., Ltd.
JOHN SCHLIEtT,,!Iana6j'r
.Telephohe 71.
"Not guilty" was iho verdict re
turned by u 'Jurj' In Judge Do Boll's
department of Die Circuit Court this
morning In 'thd' case of tho Territory
aRalnst Cato, chnrRcd with stabbing n
iininir.,,. n.. (h-neMininnniw.nnin1it;. fellow countryman. Cato-was defend-
ice. He Bnve as liis reason tiio.facO cil hClattdlusH. M'cIIrlde. tho prose-
that In cases where Immediate nc-i cutlon being conducted by City and
lion was required, for Instance, forh Colmty Attorney Mllverton.
the making of endorsements for tho' '
tiling of vacancies, these two mem-,' fi man 13 ns
hers could not bo. depended upon to .; ZSJWS n3 'l0 feels,
bo nt tho meeting ns soon as, lt ' WH tQx tllOSO fel-
would bo required. ' 'BKIlnwn must lin
Chairman lleers ruled, that at tho', ' KB, vs "lusc uo
meeting of 'tho county' ..committer .'' WZrV..?"0Ut ten ycara
when the matter of tho membership" ( NaM)Ol(V. They don't
of tho provlslonn) cpm,mltteei had (X VfKintcnd to grow
been brought up, the'sclectlon there- - ' V jrBaT-Ki.i rri,,i....
of had been left to hliu.ni), chairman. J Ii a . ' , o
had been raised and had been ovcr-( Jjf .saparilla gi.VQS
ruled by the Voto iif tho majority.' jnflW life, ptirngtllw
Tho membership would thcrcforo re-. ,"Sln Tir..i-,..i?...
main urtaltercd f . " J& gw. -Hakes them,
Mr. IJohncnberg moved that tho, ? IMUIUO hoysagaill.-
cccrctnry bo Instructed to write to ImprOTefl 'hol'nrlTetite, fliila"
the president and secretary of every; dige'stio'ri', 'jccoiVsMlio "llOl'VCs'
precinct club on the island stating i5l i1 "i"". i- i' , , ;, '
that their membership rolls wcro. strong, and t.stcail J., pnd, .tho
wantcil In nriler that when anv va- Dram cleat and active. 1
; . -. . v ' -
cancy occurred in any onico unuer u
Itepubllcnn administration, the samo
could 9 filled .by picking; out tho
mast able men' whosn. names wcro.
,'loun'd on th'tso rolls., XIiIb motions
fmrrleif., ,1 WV " "
VfUlllJIUlU JlltJYUU HlllUl lliu,
w - t-j
" . " "" " ' " .'
"!vvrfti a EWfajrai m&asi&r
tr- , '-v. .--ifcifcv "vrfriav?ffasir.;.ar
gi : x Ear A vmWvzw
?jH3! ' I'm'
'i?J. B iSskir
A. M.
sccrcinry bo Instructed to write to'
tho provisional commlttco to tho of- f
lect that it was 'tho kciiho of the'
county committee that n fund should,,
Uo, procured In' .order- thati two goojJ
nnd'hbjo men could' go around the
.Island to orgaiifzo'ilroclnct 'clubs.
This motion carried.
Supervisor Kcrnandcz suggested
that Immedliite action ho taken to
wards Retting tho members, of Iho
Hoard of Supervisors Into harmony
before thd matter of Iho" organisa
tion bt precinct clubs bo prorecded
wltjjund .this suggestion wus unani
mously adopted.
rna yicretury was, ulna instructcu
is n great provonttvo ov
Uright's discasp and other
kidney affecion. It purifies
tho liloo(lrbstorcs good appo
tito, sound digestion, and
robust- health.
A now vifiilr, Atei:',Srtrsa
purllla contains no alcohol. l
Thero aro.manv imitation
Ba 8u.o you get "Ayer'a."
Tmuii t fr,l.C. Ajir t C", lo.ill. Hill., U.1A.
TfiaCsthelnitial Payment
When vou buv. furniture nf in nn
the1 installment plan, $10.00 paid
down and $10.00 per month will
furnish your home.
Quality here js as high as .our
.terms are easy and prices low.,,
ATXa-S PILLS, tat b.tt fastly lalatlT.
At the police court tills morning
thero wore only .four .eases, sot (or
trial! Tho first man" to face tho
music was Okul, iho Japanese , who
jestcruay confessed to rouwng a'
mlral Ilccklcy of tho sum of fll,3i
.Imlfo Atitlrnrln ir-ivn nt'til n Inn-
turo about tho benefits of Keeping to
the narrow path, and then sentenced
htm to 90 days at Audi's hot'ei. Okul
w'lll Just reach the' hpsplfabli! home
for AndrndeV prpfe'gts In time for'
Ainas dinner, wnicit win uo scrvcu
nt 2 o'clock tomorrow oficrnoon.
After Okul's case 'was disposed bf
tlireo festive Xmas drunks faced tio
music. They wcro 'of mixed na
tlbnnlitles and had evidently par
taken 'of mixed drinks .also. Mike
Kean, from tho ould counthry, wns
let off llclitly ns regards a fine. KOur
dollars wus thought by Judgo An
drndo to be about sufficient consld
erlng tho head Mike wus suffering
with to ntono for the fall from' so
'Then John Darling nV relation
ti'lho rnmous Orace of' Hint ilk '
ttood up, ntul as ho Is u well-known
liccr' 'ilglitcr; was iiulckl')' handed :t
Chrlstuns box that entitles, him to
nil the privileges. of AscW sanltaf-l
,.IUI1I I, HIT IICAl f,l,uvi Uiljo.
, Jt . ''lait'uau, who nlso' fell from
r-"1 . iiflci'natlun of Xmas. wns
i i,,i ";i s.ia'rge, of trying to'abs'drb.
i.il tin, iiuczo. ju sieht at one at
tempt. Judge Andrade detlded to
gl Mm u chance of being' in tho
lio. .,i of his family n't tho festive'
season and treated' hint 'to a sus
pended sentence, of thirteen months.
The. court thou adjourned till
Monday, whon it is expected tluil.u
big list of cases 'will ho on tho cal
endar. Tonight should ho avoided'
as n jag date, us, In the event of be
ing run In, It nicuns waiting In the
cooler till Monday morning.
Former Chinese Consul Chang Hal
will be a passenger on the Mongolia
tailing for tho Orient next' Monday.
"What illil you sod ahead of you
when you illscovcro'd thd Ijlorth rulo?"
"Troubie." Wunlilngtou " Star.
l.ouls 8. Oiyslpy (ot Chicago bus been
iiiporiitoi .ancillary .executor of the
CharloV-T. .Yerkcs estato, lniNo-Yof k.
rl.tt4W-ft I alZ-ttA . I I . " m
Hawaiian, Iron Fence and Honiifflent Works
II ' -v
Novelties for Christmas
We offer a stock of Elegant Fancy Boxes for
-t'l 8 1 t
A "
l IH'O
k c
.:'tf"- i
Others filled witfy Delicious Candy and
. - . J. . it . I
, iii.. .,T' ' ,1 I . 1 t i
-' l)
vV, t
t ..
T- ?.TrW.
iDerlfr. Pastrv for Chris
'4 '
tllluV.' ,Hil('i..'l
H l,itjlut'HU
id Vil. X M -J
t.- L-,M ft V4''it
.Also. Sunpr
, ' r . , w &
German Honey CaHe,J(Repernuts, Matzepan; Pies; and . CaKes1;
Tree -QrnWrittf Tinsel, Bon-Bons from Paris s"'"
Oae Vote in DOtL CpittBST.givewith. every 25 cent. Garidy
'' ana lane purcnase.
t,l -' !'', ' F J
Hotel, near Union Street
Phone ,311 -,-;.
, - j, , . V-1 J'l-j". ..,'.
( -(I '
A ..."
n.'"V 5
?. A"tt.S
. j&mm&Kim
IMMmihZV-L t nHHHHflraaaiaa
aaaHHaHa'ISRr? I''
'WaaPfUaHaKijRr X frmt&B '
HHBHiKaHiaiaSaat t'laT aK.aaB'
aaHaaaaaLafla'faaaalaaaaiaHllA aHMiiaaaaal
HrPElpaiaaaVl'ft JISI
aHafiKW'slaaBnK - 1 KBUUSH
The BrownieFamily ; . . -
Give Brownie Cameras
To the Children .
V ' , ,1
Give Kodaks
To Grown Folks
,,.) . '.. .'.-n
$5.00 up
Kodak supplies and accessories of every
kind for 'Kodaks -
Pyrography Outfits
Island Views and Calendars . $X
Honolulu Photo- Supply
t r
.Fort Strict, near Hotel
r.V- "-
" Everything Photographic "
: -?-
, .
.i.'v,.:: .;...
-'ijU-- i,'''...V;iMU.ia.v,-T(ii,i1,-.iMi,j,, ,-jtfain.. iffi'i l.aatWili.ltTil rt;
'it &a-

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