OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, February 28, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 10

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-02-28/ed-1/seq-10/

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Men Looked Smart And
Were Soldierly In
Tlio 1'lrst lteglincnt. X. 0. ll
wcio iuspeittd )itenla) at Kaplo
liilil I'liiK by Major S. Punning ol
Iho -Twentieth lnfiuitr. Six loin
panics wero In line, together with
ho mo twenty-seven officers, making
it total of Bomo 400 men nil told.
Colonel Xichler commanded tho leg
liiicnt. Amongt IhoEe present wo.o
C'oluucl Joimi, tho adjutant-general?
Colonel Coo.ier, surgeon - general;
Colonel Short, nuartcrmaater-gencr-al;
Colonel Fisher, paymaster-goner-al;
Colonel Campbell of tho Kngln
icr Corps, ami Ilev. Canon 'Simpson,
chaplain of the regiment.
At an early hour estcrilay morn
ing the troops assembled at the drill
shed on Miller street and mnrched
to King street, where they hoarded
special cars. The Royal Hawaiian
Hand was present during the day's
maneuvers and played whllo "Major
Dunning Inspected the men's kit and
equipment, nnd during the time tho
troops went through their euilu
tions. After marching and counter
marching for half an hour, tho order
was given to extend and prcparo to
erect their "dog" tents. Each man
tarried a half section of n tent, to
gether with blankets and a mos
quito net. Within an Incredibly
short space of time, Kaplolanl I'ailt
was transformed Into a tented city.
These tents hold two med and look
Major Dunning mado a very care
ful Inspection of rill tho equipment,
nnd seemed well pleased with the In
terest the men had taken In burnish
ing up their camp kit and tho
.scrupulously clean manner in which
their bedding and tents had been
, The First Hospital Corps, N. Q.
II., In charge of Sergeant James Mc
Sauma, will undoubtedly receive 100
per' cent., as the alignment of their
tents was perfect! their equipment
In excellent shape, and the smart
appearance of the men, who had 98
per cent, of their members present,
elicited much favorable comment
from the Inspecting officer.
After the inspection of tents and
kit1 had been made, the tents were
struck, nnd- tho men prepared for
the annual Inspection. Major Dun
ning made a very careful Inspection
of the nrms and asked a great many
questions as to how often tho guns
had been fired during the course of
the year, and up to what range. Dur
ing this inspection the Royal Ha
waiian Hand played Appropriate
The men wero then put through
n number of evolutions, Major Dun
ning inspecting nnd guiding litem
from the saddle. At 12:30 o'clock
the order was given to break ranks.
Under the,troes n camp kitchen had
beeu erected, and the men were soon
discussing pork and beans and other
"hard tack" faro which Is served out
to soldiers during time of war.
After what seemed an all too brief
Interval,- the bugles sounded the as
sembly and the men were put
through a hard afternoon's work,
Bktrmlshlng mid battalion drill. He
fore breaking up for tho day, the
adjutant-general addressed the men
nnd told them that special prizes and
gold medals' were to be presented to
tlio company having the most points
und to tho, non-commissioned olllcers
who were tho best up in their drill.
Those medals are nil ready and only
await tho engraving of the winners'
At 4 o'clock the bugles again
coiinded, this tlmo to assemble for
tho march to tho cars. To the ac
companiment of "My Wife's done to
tho Country." tho men marched with
u lively 'step to the Aquarium, where
1 a long line of cars was in readiness
tn tnke them back to the city.
'Matching through the Capitol
grounds, they were dismissed at
their drillhall. This was the most
strenuous day the N. G. II. have put
In since their last annual inspection.
Grand Clearance Sale
PRICE-RUDUCTIONS not equalled at any other time. Kvcry department in the store represented. Thousands oi dollars' worth
of seasonable merchandise that worrier girls and small children nesd right now at rqductionsr in. pp instance less than 25 per
cent., and from' that to one-half or more. Hundreds of bargains. The partial list herewith gives an idea 'of our drastic method of
closing out the entire stock.
Muslin Underwear
Thc strongest lines in the market secured for this sale.
Complete to the Inst detail, Wc know the Roods arc "Good
CJcods" they're right in quality, and we have made them
right in trice before they arc offered to you. Garments
from 25c. and un.
Lakes' and Children's Sweaters, nlain and fancy
weave; close-fUtlne single-breasted Norfolk or Tony Coats;
25 to fiOVfe discount.
New Spring Waists
These attractive waists will bo shown next Monday.
They are r.cw arrivals in sprint; styles in the newest de
signs. Have lone sleeves, buttons .in front and in the
back, and are so greitlv undcrpriced as to warrant your
taking this occasion to lay in a siring supply.
Importers' spring accumulations, bought undcrpriced.
These goods arc the season's accumulations, strictly up-to-date
in pattern and design, fresh and dean. This sale
con never be duplicated.
A Hosiery Sale That Leads
This Hosiery Sale surpasses any hosiery event wc have
knowledge of in months. We suggest anticipating your
wants for months to dome, as these are regular staple
numbers which will cost you the regular price after this
sale. The quality in every instance is thoroughly reliable,
Table Linen .and Napkins
Fine Table Linen is as essential as toys for Christ
mas. Each piece of these imported ljnens is the finest
we have been able to secure for the money. 23c.1 vard
and up; a large assortment to choose from.
Lace Curtains
Large savings may be had on splendid Lace Curtains.
The curtains are 2V2 to 3 yards long, in white and
ecru; suitable for parlors, dining or living rooms. A
wide range of patterns.
Lingeries and Tailor-Made Suits
To close out the entire line, we have- made a tremen
'dous reduction of 60 to 75 discount.
Smart Dresses for Children
From 8Vi to 14 years; in Gingham, Lawn, eto. Blr
Ladies' Coats
High-grade- Goods. Tan and Oxford; guaranteed water
proof. Regular, flB.OO each; sale price, $8.S0.
Domestic "Good Goods"
BIghtly Priced. These are fresh, clean goods, and
goods that will give wear and satisfaction.
1 Each.
90x90-4ale Price... $1.00
81x90 " " 80
72x90 " "... .76
83x90 " "... .85
54x90" " ... ,50
10-4 Sale Price 35c.
0-4" " 30c.
8-4" " ...271ic
7-4 " " 25o.
6-4" " 20c.
OUTING FLANNEL 18 yards, $1.
A. F. 0. GINGHAM 200 pieces to choose from; 19 yards
for fl.
LINEN T0BCH0N LACES Regular, $1 dozen; sale price,
50c. dozen,
VICTORIA LAWNS 10-yard pieces; sale price, 60c. pe.
NAINSOOK In 12-yard pieces; sale price, $1.60 piece.
Sale Commences
Monday Morning, Feb. 28
Fort Street,
opposite Catholic Church
Editor Evening Bulletin: 1(
notice thc papors are having a good
deal to bay about me and tl.? afTalrr
of Tho'Sait rrancls9o Theater Co., nnd
beg- to say th u I hail nothing what
( pvur tn do with the management of
' that concern, and very llttlo to dojvitl
it In any other way excepting to Iobo;
J300, will also say that I was only
Induced to havo anything to do with
It by tho promise that tho theater
would give only high class pictures,
nnd make a iiolut of giving pictures
of thu finest and grandest pieces of
n'conery of foreign count leu, and pic
tures of the greatest wonders of tho
world. It Is uselesR to pay that none
of'these.'iir very few of them, over
materialized, or did any nf thu grand
promises that wore mado.
j Very truly,
Honolulu, Feb. 28, '10.
,,Hllo Portuguese nro raising a fund
to bo used In a welcoming celebration
io.tho coming Portuguese cruiser Sim
Preached on the Subject of "The
' Poorest Man Is the Dead One,"
No Matter How Rich and Pros
perous in Life.
Dr. Kobort Ilurdette preached an
other of his characteristic sermons
yesterday In the Central Union
church, nnd It is needless to say that
every teat In the church was filled.
He chose his text from Ucneals
19:22. Among the many well-put
parts of his sermon, touching upon
the subject ns a whole, wero tho fol
lowing: .. .
"Every little bit, added to what
you've got, makes 'just a little bit
more." That Is the philosophy of
worldly prudence and thrift, and It
Is excellent, so fur as It goes. The
savings bank Is a good school of
prudence. Hut It Is not a good sub
stitute for tho church, although It
Is the only one that some people at
tend. A llttlo tin savings bank on
tho mantel for the baby; a little
Iron one on his table In the boy's
loom; a big vault of chilled steel for
fnther all good training tn saving.
Lay by a little bit of-It as It comes
In. A little bit nut of every pay
envelope; enough tp patch the leaks
In the root; enough to provide fa,
tho ','ralny day": enough for the
little holiday once In a while;
enough fpr n r.cw book, nnd an even
ing at "the show"; enough for the
dreary days of sickness. Lay by
enmlgh to send tho children to
school; enough to tench the boy a
good .trade or start him in the way
of good business; enough tp marry
tho girls well and happy; enough
to keep a loaf in the larder, nnd) n
cup und a crust on the table for
tho friend who comes out of his
journey; enough for tho waning
rtrength and shortening hours of old
ago; onough for tho black day of
death, when It comeB tho llttlo
fund for the last expenses on earth.
"Every little bit, added to what
you've got, makes just a little bit
more." That's nil good. It's excel
lent. It's sound policy. It's prac
tical wisdom. Wo ought to learn It
ourselves, nnd tench It to our chil
dren. It Is good judgment, sensi
ble foresight. Earn; save; Iny by
enough to keep the wolf away from
the door of the .llttlo home even
when the hearse with its sable
plumes halts to receive its freight
of nothingness. And then ?
The DifSculty With This Plan.
You see, tho tioublo with this
philosophy, when this I3 nil, is that
when It reaches the grave It halts
like u bewildcicd traveler, standing
upon the edge of n great crevasse
that can not lie bridged or over
leaped. You sec, a man lives beyond his
generation, never in what he saved,
but always In what he gave away.
For when he dies all that he kept Is
gone. There is nothing In God's
universe so poor ns a dead man. He
doesn't own the burial lot in which
ve'bury him. That belongs to the
estate. He doesn't own the casket
which holds his body. Even the
grnvo clothes In which the under
taker clothes him don't belong to
tho dead man. They are charged in
the undertaker's bit and belong to
the heir who pays for them. The
veriest beggar in the streets owns
the rags that hang upon his naked
ness. The dead man Is worth less
than nothing. What, then, was the
good of his adding the little bit to
what he already had, If he Intended
to keep It? For he could only keep
It by giving 'It nwny.
For wlil'e he had been adding a
little bit every day to whnt ho had,
all through the long years of gain,
be bad not saved a thing. "Ho had
kept It all. Now, when ho needed
It, It was ull gone. Ho should have
given It away. Then ho would have
bad It, forever.
I'. UD. CO.,
Tho Honolu'u Construction & Dray'
Ing Co. has moved (0 larger ofllco
quarters. Tho now. location Is on
Queen sticct noxt to the Inter-Island
Steam Nalgatlon Co.'s offices and op
posite Thco. 11. Davles & Co.'s hard'
ware ilenartnient. Thin movo was nee
essltated bocauso of tho great growth
in tho Honolulu Construction & Dray
Ing Co.'s business during tho past
eur, Tho business has grown to such
on extent ns to cramp tho company
for office room. In tho now location
largo and commodious oHlces havo
been fitted up and special f-tcllltlej
added to Insure tho greatest dotzreo
of satlsfactlln to the public. SpecUt
attention will bo paid to the wood and
coal business, which tins Inrtwsod
wonderfully nnd haullng'of Height nnd
other ipalnrlals will bo taken care of
expeditiously. The telephone number
lemalns the samo ns before, 2S1.
ACCORDING TO a cablo received
hero,, tho'lfiteamer Cascade, which has
passed into tho hands of tho Intor-Is-land
Steam Navigation Company, has
-mailed from .San Francisco for tho Is
lands. Thu vessel has been, undergo
Ing extensive alterations slnco tlte
sale to the local steamship company.
Tho Cascado Is expected will mako
the trip down from the coast In about
ten days.
THE AMEIUCAN ship William P.
Fryc, with general cargo, Is reported
to havo sailed from San I'rnnclsco on
Saturday with destination as Kahulut.
This vessel Is expected to tako on a
full shipment of sugtr upon arrival al
tho Maul port, for tho mainland.
ra 1
MAKINQ FIFTEEN knots, the Mat-
son Navigation F.teamcr Wllhelmlna
has wirelessed In that she was eleven
hundred and ninety miles off the port
en route to San Francisco, steaming
through moderate winds and seas. All
well on board.
THE DEPARTURE of tho American
bark Albert, with a shipment of lum
ber far Kahulul, Is reported from San
Francisco, The vessel sailed from
Port Gamble for tho Maul ports on
last Friday,
moderate seas aro being met with by
tho Japanesollner Tcnyo Maru, which
gavo her position last night as 488
miles off th'o port en touto to Yoko
hama. v
from Yokohama, Is reported to have
Balled for Honolulu on Saturday.
and keen weJl if possible. Check that
rough with the harmless and efficient
remedy. Allen's Ming Dalsam. All
druggists, 25c, SOc and $1.00 bottles.
Country Home
For Sale
114 acres at Kalihi Valley, with
five-room cottage. Free water. Hen
houses; stable. Well fenced. Ideal
'place for a chicken ranch,
Also 2.4 acres unimproved, ad
joining .above.
tueen Street :: :: :: Honolulu.
't'nr 3l AM4t ' T M1I
Transfer Co., Ltd.
r"r:itur and Piano Moving.
Baggage Shipping
lerag Wood
Packing Coal
Waity Bldtf.
74 S. King St.
TOR, the stomach's sake an
occasional glass o beer
is very good. It is a well
established fact flh'at
Primo Beer
contains corrective and tonic
qualities which make it ihvalu-,
able to the run-down system.
Apart from its medicinal pro
perties PRIMO' is an'u ideal
beverage, VeH suitedr"'t6v the
requisitions of this climate.
,- -v ., " f -A
Afyf2mr e
. -I'K. -03Mfc
Jeer That's JBrewed
uit The CUmeje
Waijra aasjaBaa- Mmmmhi
V '
Mi'tl' ' ' J. ...
WHY ,' I I iK . -feS!- 1 1 ,i
1 ' ( v

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