OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, June 02, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-06-02/ed-1/seq-4/

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EvTSNiNGf Bulletin
At 120 King Street, Honolnln, Territory of Hawaii.
Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly Issued on Tneiday of each week.
VVntlnco R. Part-In at on.
lcr Month, annrherc In U.3 .7H
PerQaarttr, anywhetaln U.3 3,oa
Pat Vrar, aavhere IdU.3. R.oa
far Vat, postpaid, foreiio 13.00
far SI Moatna .Bo
tn Year, anjrwhut in U.S. ,,, l.oo
Per Year, anywhere a Canada. f.lto
PtrYtar poalpald, loitiia 3,oo
in the Territory of Hawaii.
nn I Editorial Rooms, - 185
1 ' I Business Office, - 256
cit purpose of taking the matter ot
the control of the Honor truffle out
of the hands of tho Hawaiian voter,
desplto tho fact that the Legisla
ture representing tho people had de
clared overwhelmingly In favor ot
the present law; In attempting to
do this they honped sneers and crit
icism upon tho Hawaiian people;
now they nay they lovo tho Hnwal
Ian and want to nave him.
Restricted franchise for the Ha
waiian has found Its Inspiration and.
constant agitation tn tho Prohibition
Tho Hawaiian may he fooled by
theso two-faced, self-seeking, vlper
tongued "friends," hut we doubt It.
Interrd al the roatoffic at llooolola
aa accood-claaa matter.
When fortune is on our side, pop-; out. Ily tho enactment of a drastic
ular favor bean her company. law and tho failure to enforco It
Publius Syrus (42 B. C). there Is Injected Into tho public
A hearty laugh never disturbs the mma mo mea mni jaws nro io uo
solid .relation
of things. Edward
Thcodoro, it Is tlmo for you to
conio home,
Kvcn In Nicaragua this seems to
bo n favorablo season for the outfit
thnt (Is ngin' tho government.
Of; course tho pineapple men
should advertise. They could do
more right at home and profit we,i
by It,
New gold discoveries In Alaska
will furnish tho new crop of suckers-'
with opportunities for spending their
hard-earned dollars for the benefit
of others.
It Is quite prohnhle mat Delegate
Kuhio has been forced Into n false
position by his Prohibition friend
and that Is how they expect to kill
him bit politically this fall.
Russians are at work and aro
pleased to be lot atone, might he n
proper reply to tho people so anx
ious, for an investigation of, the
moat i recent sources of trouble.
Honolulu should wake up. Pros
perity and opportunity are knocking
at the door every day and the people
aro so accustomed to it that they
huvo apparently been lulled to sleep;
Our departing Portuguese friends
havo gained impressions of Hawaii
that should be a guarantee against
nnothor twenty-five years elapsing
before a naval ship of Portugal stops
at this port.
Prohibitionists aro doing their
level utmost to forget that plank In
their platform that declares against
the Importation of Intoxicants and
further appeal to Congress In dealing
with tho regulation of Hawaii.
observed or violated according to the
will ot those affected. I need not say
how altogether pernicious tuch a
loose theory Is."
Hllo Prohibitionists who refuse to
do anything under the present liquor
license law are typical ot the usual
Prohibition fanatic. They won't do
nnything straightforward, honest and
practical. They stay at home when
they-should be up and doing to make
the most of a good law. They howl
for n law named Prohibition, but
which practically means prosperous
days for the Illicit speak-easlcs and
blind pigs.
Captain Bcrger, thirty-eight years
at tho head of the Hawaiian band,
proves himself to be not only nn ef
ficient leader. He hng demonstrated
that ho is either the greatest poli
tician Hawaii has over known, or
music so soothes the Bovago political
beams that thoy forget to devour
tho band leader, what other man
Is there in the history of these Is.
lands who has held one office for
thirty-eight years?
More thnn ono fellow citizen has
felt that It was merely a question
of at what particular piaco on the
map Thcodoro Iloosevclt would dem
onstrate that all our Idols are Just
common clay like the rest of us.
Citizens of Hawaii will not forget
that1! tho light to restrict franchise
of tho Hawaiian came from 'tho same
ramp' that originated tho Prohibi
tion .schonie, to bo forced upon Ha
waii whether tho people want It or
' Dewoy nml ltryan succeeded lit
upsetting themselves, when on tho
crest of tho wavo of popularity, by
talking too much. And now our
only! Theodore hns followed In tho
paths marked out by Illustrious
' It, they expect to use him poetical
ly, the friends of one Theodore
Koosovelt may decide to order that
ho .bo delivered in New York,
gagged, bound band and foot and
blind-folded. Then they will know
what he is likely to do.
Sqme ot the questions asked by
our Congressional friends when
Kpeaklng of Hawaii make the legis
lators of Hawaii appear less like the
Incompetents that Mr. Agent Wobl
ley represented them when he was
talking before the Senate committee.
Citizens of this Territory nro call
ed upon to vote "Yes" or "No"' on
Prohibition. Tbe-clalm that a yote
ngalnst Prohibition la a vote for a
wide-open town or radical changes
In the present license law is one
of those deceitful moves by wilch
the Prohibitionists hope to fool a
few voters.
Citizens of Hawaii wll prove laelr
superior Intelligence by voting, "No"
on Prohibition and thus upholding,
the present license U. In iIiIb way
the) will save this Torrltory from
coming under the head of those Pre.
Ident Tntt referred tn when lie wild:
"In cases where tho ealo ot liquor
can not be prohibited In fact, It is
far bettor to regulate nnd diminish
ovlhthaii to'attemptto stamp H did ho' with the (distinct and.dcclar
An (ndtctment for manslaughter
returned by the Grand Jury ugalnst
ari .automobile driver who had been
exonerated by the coroner's Jury,
shows how far tho Grand Jury, in
voicing tho conscience of the com
munity, fs going tho limit when
dealing with the automobile men.
Ordlnnflly tho people would ex
pect n coroner's Jury to err on the
side of the victim ot an accident.
Evidently tho Grand Jury takes an
other view. Whether this is the
result ot the development df new
factB-nr"thr outcropping of tho 'feel
ing that something radical must be
done to bring automobile drivers to
their senses, will develop In the
Of one thing the automobile men
and tho public may bo certain the
determination to take effective steps
toward making the highways ot this
city and county reasonably safo for
the' averago man, woman and chl4
Is vigorous and firm.
Not only should the extreme cases
bo' taken futo account. Tho deadly
work of the careless or criminal
speeders should be nipped In thy bud
by taking from them the privilege
of practising, when under the innu
enco of the speed mania', on the peo
plo In carriages or on foot, who have
hitherto supposed they had some
rights In the streets that are bound
to bo respected.
Prohibitionists are obviously do
ing their bOBt to appeal to race
prejudices in Influencing the Hawaiian-American
vote for tho' Prohi
bition cause.
This appeal is, as usual, based on
untruths and artful deceit. One of
the premises Is that the Hawaiians
have had the saloon forced upon
them; another thnt the coming ple
biscite is the qrst time the Hawai
ian has had an opportunity to' vote
on the matter,
This Is falsehood, but, coming
from a Prohibition source, false
statements are cot surprising.
However, taking the Prohibition
ists' claim as being' ot some value,
tho Hawaiian-American voter doeB
and will remember two very Import,
ant things In connection with the
present situation:
First, the active leaders In tho
Prohibition movement aro the men
who fought the Hawaiian bitterly
and without ceasing ,whon the pro-
iiobhI was made to give the Hawai
ian cltlsen manhood suffrage In
handling tho. affairs of these Islands;
tho name Prohibition leaders are the
men who are now openly and
nvowedly nt work to take the' frnn
rhlre from tho Hawaiian' under "Gov
ernment by Commission."
Becond. the Prohibitionists who
sent Agent Woolley to Washington
,. .' ntllV. ' i It A i4 .1 Ini I ii fit nml i ain't In 1-
Kdltor Evening llulletln:
Hero's n text for entertainment!
The Advertiser says editorially:
'Nail up the brewery and shut up
the wholesale importers, and tho
blind pigs nnd tho spenk-cbsles will
take caro of themselves." I
Of course they will; that's Just
where the trouble lies with prohibi
tion which docs not prohibit blind
pigs and speak-castes.
Prohibition ever was and ever will
be the political, actual friend of
blind pigs and spcak-easles, which
will most certainly "take caro of
themselves" In tho ovent ot prohi
bition becoming lnw In this Torrl
nilnd pigs and speak-easlcs can
not very well take care of thcm
selves now, for tho simple reason
that good liquor Is too great a com
petition. Men get their liquor nt
properly-licensed nnd properly-regulated
saloons, cafes and hotels, and
there Is not much show for the hole-ln-tho-wall,
tho speak.easy or the
blind pig. Hut, oh, what a change,
my' brethren, If prohibition passes!
Then the blind pigs will multiply
and the smell ot the spoak-easy will
abound In the land, to say nothing
of Illicit' stills In vale and mountnln
If there Is no liquor allowed to be
sold or manufactured in Hawaii, the
Internal revenue officers will pack
their grips and quit, and there will
be do Federal officials to eh a bo out
tho" mountain and valley Illicit stills.
There'll be a pretty mess for the
little police force to handle.
Honolulu, Juno 1, 1910.
PRICE $2500
This property consists of a mod
ern 5-room bungalow, on car line.
Modern plumbing; finishing is in
natural wood, Lot contains about
10,000 square feet; alligator pear
trees, mango trees and orange trees
were planted some years ago and are
now bearing. Artesian water is se
cured in abundance and at a nom
inal rate from private artesian well
in adjoining' lot. ThU bargain is
only for a short time.
Trent Trust Co., Ltd.
destroyed, nnd tho murderer was found
unconscious on n ledgo high up In n
gallery thnt ran back from tho sea n
Jong way,"
This evening tho clairvoyant will
meet a fow Interested pcoplo and wjll
endeavor to locate Grace's hiding
ptneo more distinctly. Tho placo sho
described this morning is thought to
bo close, and It may happen that
Grace will bo In custody beforo tho
second scanco Is hold.
Ten (10) Room
House In
Modern and in Best of
Large Grounds (45,000 sq.
ft.), Growing Trees, Garden,
Chicken Corrals, etc.
Entire grounds all fenced
and well Improved.
Price, $3500
Bishop Trust Co., Ltd.
It's a great comfort to know that
I you can communicate with friends
at sea and on the other islands by
Office open on Sunday from 8 to
10 a. m.
When nn Englishman Is a thor
oughly good man (like to a soum
golden russet), our Heavenly Father
never made a better. Such a man
was tho late Mr. Tom May. We
would hero recall, too, Mr. T. Italn
(Continued from Page 1)
premises. Subsequently, on Septem
ber 15, Kekaula had gono to tho
premises. Ho had found that tho
old bedroom had been torn down,
and that tho room which had been
Intended for a store had been con
verted Into a bedroom. Kekaula was
then satisfied ot the truth ot the
statement of the Japanese. Ho con
sequently returned tho money and
took a receipt therefor, which was
produced tn court. '
The, Jury In the caso Included tho
following: Messrs. Washman, liar
tels, Joo der Mello, Chas. Macombcr,
Chan. Melnecke, Costa, Muchado, P.
Kapollno, George Smith, Duvjd Ka-
uplko, Morero,
sine die, and the second trial of the
Kekaula case will therefore not take
place before the next term ot the
Knilua court.
Is to take over eight hundred acres
of land In the Elkhorn Valley. The
company Is capitalized at a, million
dollars, with shares of a par value
of $1, of which only 375,000 will be
Issued nt tho outset. Tho price paid
for the land Is $140 per acre, and
as It Is patented land, ono of the
capitalists ot the Pacific Coast, who
was here not long ago, made the re
mark that, as oil lands go, this
property could be properly reckoned
as worth three times this value at
any time.
Ixjcnl people who are financially
Interested have gone into tho field,
looked over the lands nnd conditions
generally, nnd It Is significant thnt
those with the best connections In
San Francisco have been the-first to
Increase their subscriptions.
Active work In forwarding the de
velopment of the wells will begin at
onco. A cable received a fow days
ago announced tho bringing In of a
well on adjoining property nnd es
tablishes the status of the district
as an oil producer.
a a a
(Con'niird from Pae 1.1
storckoc;' ! Is slated that the
committee o -i trade nnd finance of
l a nooiiiili I t mf .ilniir fntlnv
ttn uenutiu i s iuiiiv (I J " tuiui,
'(Continued from Page 1) .
When shown, tho abovo telegram this
afternoon Attorney General Lindsay
said ho was glad that a decision hnd
been given. When asked what th re
sult of this decision would be ho Bald:
"This decision might bo called n vic
tory for tho govornmont as Judgo Par
sons declares thcro was Insufficient
cvldcnco Introduced to adjudge tho
boundary. The government was sail
fled beforo and It was tho Pcpcekeo
Sugar Company .which brought tho
question beforo tho commissioner. Pro
bably tho sugar company will bring tho
question up again at some futuro time,
but the real thing Is now thnt a deci
sion has been given by Judgo Par
sons, nnd thnt was what wo were
"Tho Hllo papers havo tried to make
a sort ot an International affair ot this
question nnd really havo mndo n moun
tain out of n mole hill. On that ac
count I am glad that tho thing Is set
tled now," concluded Attorney Gcncrnl
J. Oswald I-utted, nt ono tlmo en
gaged in tho bakery and confectionery
business hero Is now bringing tho
namo and' reputation ot Hawaii not,
be'foro the Pacific coast consumer of
condltlments for tho dinner table un'
der tho banner of what Is known as
Hnwnllan Tabasco."
Luttcd was ono of ninny exhibitors
who wero represented nt Jho Seattle
Exposition. Ho claims that ho was
awarded n gold mednl tor procuring n
real tropical brand of liquidated "liotJ
stuff." Ho wants bis glided decoration
and hns sought, out Ita whereabouts
through, tho friendly, offices of tho pro
motion committee.
to be sure of getting the V M
very lateft correct cuAom
style in your footwear at 'Ifl
a reasonable price, u to IB
come to ui for a pair of ffl
The hare tct ityle-fetur fl
to b found in the most expen- f H
iir New Yotk cuflom-bullt fin
hoei and m Regal in
quartcr-tliei we JfM iva
can ire. you Jjm M
mad-tomea ?n 'll
fMir Mil
mca V7' m
" w a a
turn & Ji m
Sheriff Pua brought with him
from Knilua last week a Hawaiian
namod John Knlua, who will stay nt
the Hllo Jail until tho next term of
the Knilua court, unless he Is able
to furnish a $100 bond. Knlua fall
ed to answer n subpoena as a wit
ncss In a burglary cubo tried before
Matthewman, and n bench warrant tttile to the dalms of the Indcpen-
wns issued for him. The Honolulu dcu e'-e-per, but that upon a
police hunted for him for weeks, and !Co 'rjtlgatlon nnd comparison
when they finally located him nnd t prices It has been found that, as
sent him to Knllun, ho arrived n day w, o. Smith stated several days ago
-1 t 1 I -.(In. ... lfn)..n ' i .. .. .. . - . ...i.- ij
in mo ii u 1 1 o 1 1 ii, ino mucnen-
iitr sow
after court had adjourned. Kalua
says he did not show up In court
because ho did not hnvo the money
with which to pay his steamer fare
to Knilua.
It Is probable that Judgo Mat
thewman will begin the trial of the
cases on tho calendar of the Kni
lua Circuit Cout on or about
June 20. i
Waterhouse Trust
(Continued from Pace 1.1
remain to bo sold, 'but It Is stated
positively that tho subscription list
will close at the end ot this month.
The scheme as' outlined In tho
prospectus, prepared by Frank
The court adjourned last Tuesday Payne, who floated tho proposition,
Real Estate
Manoa Valley ....3 $40
Matlock Avenue .,..;.... 2 -, 25
Matlock Avenue ....'....3 30 '
Alexander Street 5 CO '
Lnnalflo Street ,....3 25.
Nuuanu Street .....7 60
Manoa Valley .....,.!..,. 3 60
Young Street ....'. 2 30
Improved and unimproved proper
ty in Manoa, Kaimnki, Palolo and
, inside districts.
To buy a small .house and lot In.
Rood neighborhood.
dent storekeepers are crying before
they are hurt,"
A earetul study ot the question
has resulted In the conclusion that
thero will be vory little If any prac
tical effect of the reduction by the
plantations to tho sale at cost the
Inference! that that tho plantations
will moderate tho extent of tho
order in tho ovent of actual and con
vincing proof being presented of
threatened ruin and Injustice to an
Independent storekeeper.
Threo widely circulated publications,
namely tho Railroad Uluo Book and
Hbtol .Director. "Summor Trips and
Touring" the product ot the Peck-JU'
dnh Company of San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Portland nnd Soattlb ait each
carrying several pages of Illustrated
matter pertaining to tho Hawaiian isi
adds and Honolulu In particular. In
addition to tho promotion literature In
corporated' In tho general writo ups, n
number of local- Jiotola nnd business
concerns aro represented by catchy
display advertisements.
Copies of these works havo been re
ceived nt the headquarters of tho pro
motion committee.
Waterhouse Trust
Fort and Merchant Strct'ti j) afrir'rtMii .
(Continued from, Pace 1,1
that might bo within flvo minutes
walk, tho medium oagcriy enquired as
to what sho liad dlvulgod whilo in n
trance. On being told nil sho. had said
while under tho Influonco ot her fav
orite "spirit," the medium announced
thnt If Grace was not captured today,
sho would give another seanco this
evening at which alio would bo able.
sho thought, to dcscrlbo tho wander
Ings ot tho escaped murdorcr from
tho tlmo ho left the prison gang at
Kaplolani Park up tilt tho present mo
"I was most successful In a similar
caso down In New Zealand some years
ago," remarked tho medium. "A con
vict had murdered n wardef and es
caped. Dloodhounds wero set on tho
trail and black tra'kers were Import
ed from Australia to .work on tho
caso. These 'blackfellows, ns they nro
called 'down under' wero not success
ful, as the footprints ot tho murderer
had been obliterated. Then I was
called In on tho case by somo outsid
ers who believed In me, and at one
Bitting I told of tho; whereabouts ot
tho wanted man and described the
plnco in which he was hiding.
"Tho place was n wntor cave, and
to' enter It the convict had to dlvo
through ten feot ot water and then
emergo beneath tho rocks In a largo
cavern. Tho' pollco wntched tho spot
. far two days and then saw tho man
shoot up through tho water and swim
to shore, Ho, howover, saw tho offi
cers and suddenly dived back again
beforo any ono could shoot him,
"The pollco"know theyt had tho iqur
dercr trapped, hut no 'ono cared to
rsk diving after htm, to aftor a wait
of forty-eight hours, dynamite, wns
placrd In drills Hint wero sunk In tlm
cover of the cavo and, tlio' wholo placo
blown up.
1 "Although tho explosion wns tcr
' rtflo onlyaho. 'root pfitbe leave iwa
Hnck Driver CoAa prevented a Por
tuguese girl named Itusmusscn from
committing sulcldo last night. Tho
girl nttemptod to drink carbolic acid
but Costa dashed tho bottlo from her
hand In tlmo. Tho fluid was spilled
over, tho young woman's faco and sho
was severely burned.
Tho Injured womnn wns taken to n
doctor and later on to tho Queen's hos-
nltal, whore tho burns wero attended
to. Tho patient is In no dnnger and
Is apparently now sorry for what sho
To Board of Tax Appeal,
And These From Maui
And Hawaii
In Hawaii and Maul alone "have
there been miy appeals on taxation
which will havo to be considered by
the board of tax appeal, and theso
appeals have numbered but six all
told, which may be .tukenas,,anln- ,
dlciitlon that property ' owners In
general are well satisfied wl(h tho
assessments mndo, upon them.
Treasurer Conkllng said this
morning' thnt but two boards would
be appointed, ono on Hawaii and ono
on Maul, and these boards would bo
appointed within a few days.
Kach board Is appointed In the
district in which the nppenls nro
made, hnd there nro three, men to
each. Treasurer Conkllng- hns mndo
his recommendations to the Govern
or for the members of tho two
boards, nnd they have been commu
nicated wltti by the Chief Kxecutivo.
The names aro not to be made pub
lic until the formal nppolntmentn
huvo been made, however.
Tho dates for tho boards to hold
hearings nro from Juno 1 to Juno
20, nnd on thnt account tho- mem
bers will bo appointed as soon aa
possible. , 4 .
i i
185 editorial rooms 256 busi
ness office. These are tho telephone
numbers of the D u 1 1 e 1 1 n offlea.
HEN' you purchase a fine
Watch, you want one
that will last for
yean; one that will
give satisfaction under all
conditions. Howard watches
have the reputation of bein
accurate timekeepers, and,
with the proper care, will
last a lifetime or longer.
They cost a little more than
other makes of watches, but
they are worth more. We sell
Howards at the factory price,
and have a large stock on
hand at all times,
11. F: Wichipn
& Co.. Ltd.,
'Dy Saturday tho land board, provided
for by the amended Organic Act will
bo appointed by Governor FVcar If nit
tho men tho Chief Executlvo has In
mind aro heard from by that tlmo.
Positions on this board aro wholly
honorary but Govprnor Frcnr stated
this morning that ho thought tho -Legislature
should make somo provision
for nominal salaries to bo 'attached to
tho positions.
--. k
Bulletin Business' Office Phone 258
Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 185
Remarkable reductions in
fine Leather Purses, Card
Cases, Wallets, Chatelaine
Bags, Shopping Bags, etc.
One-third off the regular
prices. '
Hawaiian News Co.,
itif i , limited,
Alexander Young' Bldg.
Wall, Nichols Co.,
STREET, where you can find the
latest in Books,, Stationery, Office
Furniture and Supplies.
I ll '
t'1w,a..tw( V i v --. , r Hi?S HD Tewpoonf No, 281. 4 . .

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