OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, June 04, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-06-04/ed-1/seq-2/

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. ... i .; .
ftVSNWa fiflLtfttm. nONOtOttJ, SATUftDAT, JUNE 4, 1910.
t 7
Masonic Temple
. Weekly Calendar
. Oceanic Stated.
Hawaiian Third Deoree.
J Hoje Croix 17th Degree.
Oceanic Seeond Decree.
Aloha Temple Regular.
( All visiting members of the
Order are cordially Invited to
attend meeting! nf local lodges
Meet on the
2nd and 4th
Mondays of
each ' month
at K. P. Hall
i nn iiith ;ou r. m.
umiuc cuniurrc.pt JuemDCri 01
wiuiinc tnuinccna other Alio
. KNEFICIAL'ttSttlATIQi. elation, cor
iiauj inntel.-
HARMONTLODQE, No. 3, 1. 0. 0. F.
t Meets 'fcvcryuMondny evening nt
, 7:30 iu I, O. qJ. Hall, Fort Strcot.
E. It. HENDltY, Secrotury. ,
) v II. E. McCOY, Noblo Oraud.
All visiting brothers very cordially
L OAHU I0DQE, No. 1, K. of P.
Meots ovory first nud third Frl
day evening at 7:30 In K. ot 1. Hall,
tfnrnAi KYirt anil tlnrMnntn Vtaltlntr
f. ' brothers cordially Invited to, attend.
WM. J0NE8, C. C. r.
IV O. F. HEINE. K. It. a
($ HONOLULU LODGE 010, B. P.r0. E.
Honolulu Lodge No. C1C, 11. 1. O.
Elks, .meets In their hall, on Kin;
EJtreet, near Fort, every Friday ovjnn'
me. Visiting Brothers are cordially
Invited to attend. ,
fJEO. T. KLUEOBD. Seer- .
yi HAWAIIAN TRIBE, No. 1, 1. 0. R. M.
Jk Meets every first and third Tliurs-
i anis or cacn monin at ttnignrarnri
.-..- . . .. ...... l
, , Pythias Hall. Visiting brothers cor
' . dlally Invited lo attend.
' P. IllCaiNS, Sachem. ,-;
$ I E. V. TODD. C. of It. f "
i . aieeiB on mo zna nnu tin wisu
urwwuAj evenings or cacn monin. ai
Hi" T30 ociocitin K. or P. Hail, corner
fcrT 1 DurAtanl.i nnd Pnrt RtrAMn.
i --- - -. - -.,-.,.-.
Vl.lllnM t.frla. ...I l...f...l t r .
?w .....b i.bc ntu luiacu iu k-
'9 leru.
.i W. H. RILEY, v. r.
', j, i.sj p ocv ,
Mcita every 2nd and 4th Saturday
fcienlng aLfiv" o'cloclc In K. of P.
Hnll, cor. Fort
ana uoremiiiu. vibu-
Ing brothtMfei
cordially Invited to at-
i tend.
and Printing
All the ynvious sundries
8uch ns Developing Trays,
Uialcj, Xonkr Hydrometers, ,
Grnduatini; Glasses, Hypo
Boxes, Dryinp Racks, etc,
"JUST received
ahu nuiv iinvui
Photo Supply Co.,
, Fort, near Hotel
Carrey's, Ltd.
WHI do it
Friday, June 3. ,
H. n. Marston and wlfo. Pasadena;
Miss M, A. Ryan. San Kiauctsco; Mrs.
Is. r. Ilergcr, Palo Alto; J. C. Cohen
and wife, San Francisco; MVQ. Stow
nrt, Kl Paso; Owen P. White. El Paso;
Wm. II. Schradcr, Olan; Mrs. J. C.
Ilrady, St, I-ouls, i!o.; Mrs. M. D.
I'oomhs, s, s. sierra.
Tuesday, May 31.
Samuel Pnrkcr, city; J. II, Jones,
city; J. I,. Ahern, U. S. ThoUs; F. O,
Noycs. city.
Friday, June 3. '
M. JoiiRenlel, Vnhlawa; P. F. Ponr
uroy and wife, Manitoba; E. K, Mar
rlott, San Francisco; C. D. Miller, San
Francisco; Mrs. O. Woavor, San Fran
Cisco; Mrs, M. Cronnn, San Fran
Cisco; A. W. Pattlson, Pontlac, Mich.
. Tuesday, May 31,
J. J, Dmvllns, lleeln,
Dorenum Scuddcr, minister, Amos
A, Ebersolc, asst. minister.
Sunday will be a big day nt Cen
tral Union, a fitting farowoll to Dr.
Scuddcr boforo ho leaves for his va
At .the Morning Service at 11
o'clock 40 new mombors will ip re
ceived, all but I on .confession of
faith. Tlio Lord's Supper .will bo
observed, and
Dr. Scuddcr will do-
liver n Communion
Message, on
"Whoso I am nnd Whom I. Servo."
In tho evening beginning at 7:16
will be hold tho Annual , Service ot
Muelc, with tho full Chorus Choir
of 30 voices nnd Solo parts, Duots
und Trios by Miss Eva Llndcman,
Miss Jcsslo McCormlck, Mr. E. a.
Mott-Smlth. Miss Eetcllo Hoo, Mrs.
C. 8. Weight, Mr. Ceo. A. Ilrown.
Mr. Harold Clark, Mr. Philip nn..
Mr. C. ; t.lviugcton and Mr. Ar-
Tlio Blblo School ns usual at O'.o
n. ii), and Christian Endeavor' at
u:3(J p", m.
Ajspcclal Invitation Is extended to
all to como to all these services,
especially tq the Communion Service
In thp morning' and tho Annual Ber
vlcojof Music nt night.
Tljo .First Methodist' "Episcopal
Churth, corner Ilcretanla avenue anil
Miller street. John T. Jones, pastor;
Class meeting, 0 n. m William
Knott, leader. Sunday Bchool, 0;45,
Miss Carlota Moyer, assistant super
intendent, will .have charge of tho
school. Morning wlrshlp, 11 a. m.;
sermon by tho Rev. J, W. Wndman;
subject, "Our Territory for Christ."
Holy Communion. Epworth Lcaguo, 7
p. m., Mr. Freil O raves, loader. Preach
ing service 7:30 p. ,m.; ecrmon by tho
pastor; subject. Christians aro tho
Eplstlos of Christ.'' Prayer meeting.
Wednesday 'evonlng; subject, "Re
pentance." (Tho first of a series of
subjects on Christian Doctrine.) Al
aro most cordially invited to attend
tho services of this church.
Tho "Fashion Saloon" Is fnBt becom
ing all that Us name Implies. A visit,
will show you why,
Ij. Macfarlano has been selected as
tho manager of tho Kona branch of
tho Dank of, HIIo. which will bo locat
ed at Kalnallu.
Tho Gaiety Theater, HIIo, has
changed management. It Is now be
ing conducted by Norman Lyman who
has Just acquired a short Uaso upon
tho houso. He promises new attrac
Tho. Dcmocrajs of South HIIo and
Walakca proclncts mot on Tuesday
night and adopted resolution of res
pect nnd sympathy for tho death -of
John Emm'oluth,tho lata secretary of,
tho Democratic Territorial Committoo.
Among the now goods rccolvod .at
tho' Sachs Dry Goods Co., Fprt and
Ilorctnnla strpets, Js a largo assprt
ment of shirt waists, muslin and knit
underwear, llngqrlo hats, grass linens
and sllkR, Their pqw uuto bonnets
aro imusiially attraptlvo.
II. P; Ilaldwln, F. F, Daldwln and
IL n. Penhallow aro rooetlng' other ct(
liens of -Maul atiKahulul today to do-
chlo .what 'they will do In connection
with the. Prohibition movement.' Doth
iho Daldwlns and Penhallow refuso to
QXiress .their ylcws for .publication.
Chester A. Doylo arrived from Maul
on tho Claudlne and status that he
i will onco moro dip into tho legil Bwlm
of .this city, JIo has been .busily oc-
Irupled of lato with ,fi, A. Douthltt
In a Jight against Jt)dgo K'ngsbury
I "of thp Maul Circuit Court. Hawaii
I Herald.
185 editorial roo,ms 25G Jjwsf-
ness office. These are the telephone
numbers of the.O u 1 1 o t In .office,
Madame Irene corsets. Jordan's.'
It goes without saying" that ovory.
thing Is Best at Tho Encore
Swell now veils, all colors, Whitney
& Marsh.
7-Scatcd Auto for hire. Phone 199
Jjtmqs Oskpr, Young Hotel Btand. '
Embroidered troiiBsetus and fancy
needlework. Mrs. 11. Dell, 162 Hotel
Jordans will show next wcok a
grand lino ot silks, nil 'colors, special
prices. '
Momoyo Yamada was today granted
a divorce from hor husband Hlkoaa
buro on tho ground of non-support.
If you want a good Job done on an
auto or carrlafto tako It to Hawaiian
Carriage Mfg. Co.; 427 Queen BV.'
TIN. You can got a frco samplo of tho
best (having soap ever madp by .ask
ing nenson, Smith & Co., for a tube
of Johnson's Shaving Cream.
Tho motion for a now trial of the
caso ot Carl On Tal heard In tho Fed
eral Court this morning was denied
by Judgo Robortspn.
The Sato caso In tho Federal court
which camo up for dato ot hearing
this morning, has been continued un
til the next term of court.
Tonight nt tho skating rink the mar
athon raco will bo run off, and Joe
Forrest will attemrt to establish a
new record over tho distance.
Tickets for tho Wnseda series of
baseball games aro selling rapidly stid
thero Is ovory promlso of tremendous
crowds being present at .tho AUijctlc
rark. '
Up till noon today there had been
registered 660 automobiles at'.'iho'no-
Ilco station, nnd tho number ,blds air
to rcacn buu beroro many .months have
passed. ' ''
The Whlto Label Olives' aro grown,
picked and packed by peoplo '-wfio
know how and you will find In Jhom
tho tnio olive tato. Ask ,your grqcfir
for them.
In tho caso of David Paakaula vs.
Pcka Vasconcelloste't'als, a decroo was
Issued In tho circuit court this morn
Ing confirming thoisalo'of property In
partition. , ' ,
Cards of thanks-have been received
by all the members of the police fqrec
who sent such beautiful wreaths (to
piace on me grave pi Hticrin. jarretts
llttlo baby.
Internal Revcnuo Collector Drako
loft by the Mauna Loa yesterday for
a business' trip through Hawaii. Mr.
Drake's resignation has not been ac
cepted yet, .
Chief McDufllo has two men undor
observation as they are suspected of
naving assisted Louis Martini to ob
tain clothes" af tor ho had broken Way
from tho prUon gang.
Tho result of ,tho autopsy held yes
terday on tbo body of tho, aged native,
Alo, who was found dead near 'Dia
mond Head gives tho cause, of death
as valvular dlseaso of tho heart.
Rov, Canon Simpson, It Is stated,
will abandon his post at SL Andrew's
and Icvo Bhortly for tho coast. Thp
bad state ,of health of his son and wlfo
aro tho principal reasons for a chango
ot climate.
Kapatable, .a Hawaiian, was arrest:
cd this morning on a chargo ot mini;
language that fairly slizled. On Mon
day morning Kapatable will have to
toll Judgo Andrado everything about
tho master.
Manuel Fernandez, son of Deputy
Shprlff Fernandez ot Ewa, Is doing
well at- the hospital, and he is .on .the
fair. way for recovery from tho Injuries
ho sustained by bolng run down by
an auto some weeks ago. .
''f'jot' guilty," was (the return ofho
Federal' Jiiry yesterday In connection
with Leong Nlng, charged with n vio
lation of tho antl-oplum laws. Tho
first trial of Leong Nlng on .tho samd
charge resulted In a disagreement.
Dr. Victor Clark who has been In
charge of tho census work of tho ter
ritory will leave the latter part of
tho present ' month for .Washington.
There aro many corrections to' make
In the tabulations here and ths will
keep him In the city for two or three
weeks yet. '
Anderson Grace Is said to bo In
training for tho five mles bicycle1 race
which Is to come off' on, July Fourth;
ho Is considered to bo a "dark nbrso"
about whom nothing niuch Is at prcs;
cnt known, Sooh Duck Is thinking of
going In for'the greasy polo climbing
competition. '
The HIIo tennis tournament ,s shap
ing up well, and It Is oxpectsd "that
playprs from all over tho big Ulanl
will .tako part In tho affair. Mrs. Ren
ton Hind and Miss Dolla, Woods have
signified their Intention of playing In
.tho championship, and they should
show up well In Uio matches.
Q. Leong Chong Iibb been charged
with heedless riding" by tho po)(co'au
thoritles and will appear In court on
Monday morning. Thu ChlneBn Is al
leged to have rld.don.oyor two jnen
nainqd Tom. Walker" ,apd John Robins.
Tho JaUer was a p'aesenger oll ho
transport, and ws taken 'aboard his
ship. Walker was taken to the
Queen's Hospital for trqatmmit.
Tho following offlcors wcro elcctod
last evonlng at Uie annual meeting of
tho Kamehameha .Alumni Association;
President. D. ;8, K. .Pahu; vice-presi
dent, David. Desha; .treasurer, Thosi
Treartway; .Tccprdlng secretary, Clo
mrnt(loo On; corrflflpoudlng pecrp
tnry, Jos. Ordcnateln; auditor, Ilqrry
flnlften; illrpc,tora, Harry AlM. Wil
liam' A,bfaNnnl Isaac llarbpttlo.
City Transfer Co.,
If ever a man received a rousing
reception It was Nicola, when, last
night, he .emerged from tho packing
case In which he was nailed up by
employes "o( the Clarion. The on
tiro audience, ono .of the largest
ever seen at the Hawaiian Opera
Hou'c, rose to their feet and cheer
ed and applauded th daring young
mnklclan. After the young men
had carried their box upon tho
Stage, tho audience was Invited to
step upon Iho "stage nnd assist irt
nailing NUola In tho box. About a
dozen husky men responded. Nicola
was placed In tho box and the cover
nailed ' down ,wlth extra heavy
pikes, (then Itho wholo box was
gone ovor and carefully rcpnlled.
Heayy hoop.lron was nailed around
the box, after which about 200 feet
nf ropotwere tied around nnd around
the box. Every precaution w'as
taken to make tbo box sccuro, the
positions of the ropes wcro marked,
the boards were marked, and when
Nicola rolled the box out upon tho
stage, In exactly tho same condition
as'ho commltte had left It, the box
vas Intact not a nail or rope had
beefl jno.ved. How ho escaped will
long .remain n mystery. On Monday
night lie wlll.attempt tho ruoqt dan
grrous'd'eat ever attempted, that of
belnc nlaced In W larfrn 'milk can
filled with watcri , tho tap locked and
sealed. Nlrnla'd he.irl helmr under
wter all tho tlmchc, will havo ldt,j(B'o Into effect .with tho beginning
.ujunn inn cni:n)t3 uiiicr ureuill, 1
,Rlo Vista, Cal.r,ldntlfle .Her as frt.
RIO iVISTA. Cal., May 10. That a'
woman 'Who' lived' hero for nearly 30
yoars under tho name tf Mrs. Gavin
and subsequently that of Mrs. Potcrs,
nuujTlluuicu rwuuuy, wan really IVJtlO .uuaua iiyj,iui.. iiiu vuiij iiitin wii
Bender, of tho .notorious ra.nlly of Kan- the HIIo railway will be hold await
sas murderers" is 71 stnliment mado' Ing tho arrival of tho Mauna Kca
uy jack golllns, resident of this
piace. The woman was' found dead In
her homo near herclost .Mondny eve
ning, having died a wei.k or tendays
ago from natural canst.
According to 'Collins, a closo .friend
of tho woman, Mrs. Fetors admitted
her Identity to him a n amber of years
ago whllo critically 111, believing that
she was at the point uf death.. Hut
she recovered and,1 feirlng that .Col
lins,' be' says', .would mako her conies
slon known, she offend another man
160 It ho would set flr io a houseboat
In which Collins lay a victim of a
paralytio stroko.
Collins declares the woman reveal
ed to him a detailed licount of many
murders which sho add her brothers
committed In -tho Dender homo at
Cherryvnle, Kan., In tho"70s. Her role,
according to Collins, was to make love
to' tho unfortunato wayfarers who
sought shelter at the Bender l.ousu
and luro them to a corner of tho room,
whoro her brothers, cuLcpaled behind
a curtain, would cruiri their skulls
with heavy clubs. Robbery was .tho
motive of the crimes.
During thp Investigation pf .tho mnr-
dors by detectives, tbo woman escaped
10 ,nicago, aiierwara i;oing 10 incw
York, arid' sailing f -om there around
Capo Horn to San Fraiclscb. There
sho becam'o a train aii nurso and mar
ried John Oavln, a what jr. Ten or 15
years later they 'vcro divorced and
thbiwoman Ihen tfgan in evil life.
The dead woman was 76 joara old.
A rewaid of 5(k)0 was at omi tlmo of
fered for the capture of .Kat JJcnder.
Per stmr. iMauna Kea' for HIIo' and
way ports. .June 7 Mrs. B. Fraga,
Miss Fraga, II. T. Barclay, Mrs. Bar
clay, J. W. Smith, Mrs. Smith. Mas
ter Watt. Mrs. John Watt, -Francis
Gay, Mrs. Gay, Cbas. A. .Blstqn, Mrs.
Elation; fJno. J3..parls(-Mr- ,iarls,.pen
Kaapupl, J.as. Mattpon, Mrs.Mattoon,
Misses Mattoon (4), A.'.IL Keller, B.
Mos.es, I, ,F. W.lehman,- ,G Cplemaln,
A. Napoleon, Mrs. L. A. Parish, D.
Lycurgus. C. B. Wright, Miss K". Waf-
.nngtoD, Isabel Hopol, Alpha Kinney,
BMn. Mi.na'u - - I
UMHIt 'i' US ft t f ,
Ppr si,mr. Klnau for .Kauai ports,
yimoi ' . rTOSi, wr- jounson,
MIsb E. Alec, J. h. Bljva,- Mrs. 8l,va,
rs. H., C. Cpbprn, J, P. CoQko, Mrs.
J. Cushlngham, J, 7VV. .Cathcart, Miss
Por stmr. Mauna Loa .for Kona and
Kau ports. Jurio ,14 Mrs. M. -K- Make-
kau, M. K. Makekau, Mrs. Maknkau,
D. IC. UoapllV, Mrs. Hoaplll, Sarah
Houghtallln'g. Elizabeth Houghtalllng.
u. u, may, irs. u. J, nouinoun, irs.
Geo. Campbell, Rov. D. D. Wallaco,
Ifs. Waiaco.
lv ...j.. ,. P , u 1 ,,, , r .,1.
Stop Paying Rent
Bee the
Phone 653- 83 Merolmn,. fit.
1500 to-15,000 ' A
PHONE 152,
" "' .Saturday, June A.'
REItONDO Arrived Juno 3: Bch.
Balboa, from llllo.
I.EITII-Sallcd May 18: 'Ship ilert
gin Ceclllc, for Honolulu.
Friday, June 3.
BEATTLE Arrived Juno 2: 8. S. Mis-
sourlau, from San Francisco.
HILO-Arrlvod May 27: 8ch. ,0. W.
Watson, from Grays ill.irbor.
S. S. Nippon Maru, will arrive from
Yokohama at S'!p. in. J
Thursday, June 2.
SAN FRANCISCO Sallod Juno 1: S.
S. Ilyados.'for Scnttlo.
PORT TOWNSEND-WVnlvcd Juno ,1:
Sch. Alice Cooke, hence May ?.
Wed.nesdsy,i June 1.
NEWCABTLE-'Arrlvcd May 30: 8. S.
Lymerlc, hcuco May 9.
SAN FRANcrsCO Sailed Juno 1: ,8.
S. Lurllnc, for Honolulu.
SAN FRANCfSCO Arrived May v31;
Dk Annie Johnson, hcn'co May 17.
VICTORIA Arrived Jno 1: S. 9.
Manuka, hence May '25.
YOKOHAMA Sailed Juno 1: 8. 3.
Siberia, for Honolulu. '
Sch. Admiral, from .Kshtilul May 17.
MOch satisfaplory Is exprcssod over
theicontomplatcd' Imprdvraents in tho
tivuyuu-iiiiu uiuii i.yrvii.u nvuuuuiuil
Of JUll
Tho inter-Island Stram 'Navigation
Company. IS now nrenhrlm: a now sail-
Ing'schedulo and thero' twill a slight
chance rhado In the ' tlnin of arrival
aaVol! as departhrp.at various iortB
ot call .between' Honolulu and HIIo.
Tiie JUaun'a JCca will naif at" tpn
o'clock 'qn Tuesday morning InsUuu'l
of tho noon hour as 'XoTmcrlyi TJla
will permit pf .the' popular ..llnor an
riving at jfpsUnatldn .early pn yte&A
and by this moans tho Kona and Kau
district of Hawaii .will becomo avail
able for a quicker mall service.
HIIo wins out In a manner which
will bo much appreciated In tho
change of the Claudlno's schedule.
The Claudlno will leavo thero nt her
usual tlmo, 2 o'clock Monday' after
noon, but will not make tho long de
lays which now taKo placo, and will
reach Honolulu on Wednesday morn
ing, Instead of Thursday morning as
is now tho caso. Postal Inspector
Carr states that ho hopes that ar
rangomonts can bo mado boforo long
so that tho Claudlno will Icaye Hllo
later In tho afternoon than sho does
.now which will glvo a. still better
scfjico (o Honolulu.
This afternoon at the Maklk'l cricket
field tho season will open with a match
between the II, C, C. and..tho Bishop &
Co. cloven. A .big .turn out Is expect
cd nnd all tho cricketers' of tho city
will be on hand to .watch tbo nlay.
Thu niBhop .team ,1s considered to bp
sjfong one, but the ii, C. C. nuni
'bers .sorno well knqwn players In, Its
ranks, and theunatch should bo a close
ono. Tho elevens will bo as follows:
H. C. C R. Anderson, C. F. Maxwell,
j. R. M. Maclean, J. II. Flddes, II. D,
Dalley, C. P. Morse. f. Deerr, Wink
ley, R. A. Jordan, F. Withington hnd
Wickets. Bishop & Co.-J. U Cock
hum; W. Simpson, F. Jamleson, J. M.
Maconel, T. P. Gray, A. Balrd, 0, 8.
Waterhouio. C. Louis, .A. Kau, En
-Yak and ChlngYei.'
Play will start as soon aftor two,
o'clock as possible, and ono Inning
each' will probably be playod. All those
Interested In tho English national
game aro Invited to attend, at tho .Ma-
klkl grounds.
1 ' ' tm -
.- - - j. -.I
The American-Hawaiian freighter
Mexican, from Sallna Cruz via Ban
Francisco hnd Seattle, .was an .arrlv-'
si ai me pori mis mornuiB. iuv
.vessel 'brought a cargo of general
merchandise, Including some rail
way material tor tho other Islands.
The Mexican -has gone to the rail
way whart'To dlidhargo. '
. - . '
Ah Leo, a 'Chinese who has recent
ly figured to tho divorce courts was
assessed ono hundred dollars and tho
trlmm,lngs for having annexed a' lot of
bedding, tabic cloths, napkins and
.towels belonging; to Boyoral steamers
In thp Inter-'sland scrvlpe, Tho Chi
nese paid tho hne arid departed.
Black" greyhound pup, IteWard It
returned to Korr'n cottage, 'n
kikl. ,4637-3t
i r ' ". if'. " 1
Friday, June -3. I
Hongkong via Japan ports Nlppo'n
Maru, T. K. K. S. B 7 p. m. '
Saturday, Juno,4.' I
HIIo via way jiorts Mauna Kca.
stmr., a. m. , l
Maul and Molokal ports Mlkahala,
Kauai porta Klnau, stmr.
Sunday, June S.
Hongkong via Japan ports Her
cules, Nor stmr. '
Monday, June 9.
Ban Francisco Tonyo Maru, T. K,
K. S. S.
Wednesday, June-,8.
8an Francisco Lurllnc, M. N. 8. 8,
Friday, June 10.
Monday. June 13.
San Fr'ancltco Sherman, U. 8.
A.T. '
San Francisco Korea, P. M.. S. 8.
Tuesday, June 14.
San Francisco Wllhelmlna, M. N.
S. 8.
Wsdnesday, June 15.
Sallna Cruz ,vla San Francisco and
SeaUlo Mlssour(ant A.-H. 8, 8.
Satufdsy, June 18.
8an' Francisco 'and Seattle Hyadcs,
M'N. 8. 8. '
.Hongkong via1 Japan ports China,
P.W.J3..P. '''
Tuesday, June 21,
Australian' horts via Suva Marama,
.C.-A'..8.a;' "
Friaay, June z.
tSan Francisco Sierra. O. S. 8,
"v , Saturday, June 2S.
Vancquvcr-Manuka, C.-A. 8. 8.
Hongkong via Japan ports Man
churia, pi M.'S. 8.
.Tuesday, June 28,
San .IVantlscrf Nippon Maru, T. K.
J&S. B.
Wednesday, June 29.
.San FranclsecLurllne M. Nl 8. 8.
' ''Saturday, June 4.
'Sallna Crux via San Francisco and
Beattio Mexican, A.-H. S. 8.
Hllo yla'.way ports Mauna Kea,
'"''. Sunday, June 5.,
jfewc'astlb. N. 8. W, Iljenley, Br.
stnir '
Maul and Molokal ports Mlkahala,
Kauai, ports Klnau, slmr.
Per 8. 8. Mauna Kea, June 4 E. F.
Coddlngton, W. Run, Miss Bun, C. ,E.
Wright, V. Illnd, B. Moses, Dr. A. 8.
Nlchplls, Mrs. F. Berg. R. W. Tul
ley and wlfo. T..-J. nyan, A. 8, Wall,
Geo. Heen, Mrs. W. Kayscr and child,
J, Scbartz, T.'P. W. Orey. M. R. jaml
son, D. Lycurgus, Miss Matoon, Miss
Snow, C. 11. .Waterman, H. B. Marin
er, D. Thaanum, T. II. Kennedy, Mrs,
M. Williams Young Kut, Low Sing
Chow, T'. Kalasaka and.wlfo, C. Bolti.
A. de Vlllete; F. A. Schaofcr. II. It".
Chong and wlfo, Rov, Cho Ping. iR.
II. Markham, A. W. Todd, A. S. Sllva
and .wife, Ki 8. OJcrdrum, J. A. Gor
.man,. Mrs, W. Heel, O.K. Notloy and
wlfo and child, S, Yokomldo, A. C.
Dowsett, .MIbs Belt, Geo. Smithies, M.'
.W., Hogg, 'Mrs. Geo. Glbli and two
daughtprs, C. Waldeycr and wife', It.
Koarns, W. A. Kinney, Bro. Lascheb,
Joo Kalua, C. 8. Amana, Moon Wal. .
4. lJ -' ' ' '
' TEN O'CLOCK on Monday morning
should bco .the arrival ot tbo ,blg .Jap
arie,so llnor Tcnyo M,aru from Saj
Francisco, A wireless recolpd t.'tho
agency of H. Hackfeld this morning
gives her a'pproxtmto arrival, at ,tho
port. It .Is posslblo that .the atoarqer
may bo, held ipycr .until' Tuesday morn
ing beforesailing fojJapan ports and
Hongkong. ' ''
THE KAUAI, an Inter-Island steam
er .which for .tho past slx"mbi)Uis'been
engaged In jtie coasting .irado .on Ha
waii, ,hps'' arrived hp'ro for' a( rpgulr
overhauling. Tho vessel .has ,gono op
tho mar(hp railway for a cleaning and
repainting. "
A VIRLELES8 received last evening
frop t,ho" Toyo .Klsen Kalsha .ilqer
Tp.nyp .Maru enrouljO from Ban .Fram
Cisco .to JIoppljilu 'rpnorts that vessel
tV ,89,3 ',rnllcs 'off tho' pprty and difo to
arrlyo.hpre about ten o'clpck on Mon
day rnornlng.
corn, chickens, cord wood, awa, .olilul
jumuur uuu viiuvp uiiivvu iu guuqiy
quantities jby Iho Intpr-tsland steamer
Mauna Kpa. Kino 'weather character
ized' tho trip. i
THE ' ARRIVAL "of tho Matson Nayi
gallon' chartered steamer Novadan at
'an' FrapqlsVoJ.ls' r?por(9d. T,he en
set left .Honolulu pn ,May 26th with
a'shlp'nint of jiugar-and a few passen
ge'rs." '" ' 1
EIGHTY HEAD' of cattlo havo'ar
Jvcd at t,ho port .from Hawaii .by tho
steamer Cascade, The vessel also
brought 31 ,bajes -w6ol.
AFTElt TWENTY day passage froth
Honolulu, the Italian ship Nlnta arriv
ed at Portland. Oregon yesterday.
: , 1 ; . '
Don't, iall to flng up.Ilnwallan.Bodnt
Works for a oaan of delleloun Pooa-
Coa, If you don'twant n.full cnse'wo
mi, puiiu wvu-i.uitt u tin ti-ttuiuuiML
ui u(uvr,unvurn. vnvuo oio.
Friday. Jiino .3.
Maul apd Hawaii ports Clauidlno,
stmf., Sp.ni
,8an Francisco-jShermah.U.ff. A.
T., 6 p. in.
Saturday, June 4.
Mllkl and Japancso ports Vnnconv-
Br.stm'r.. n. ni.
Japan ports (optional) Hcathdcite,
Br. stmr.
San Francisco Nippon Maru, T. K.
K. 8. 8.- noon; ' t
4. 1 14
Monday,' June 6.
Kauai ports Noeau, stmr.
Tuesday, June 7.
Japan ports .ami Uonguong Tcny.i
Maru. T. IT. K. 8. 8.
HIIo via .way ports Mauna. Kca,
Mtota Maul Prta-allahala.
Kauai ports Klnau, stmr;
Wednesday, JUne 8.
Ban Francisco Sierra. O. 8.. 3,
.Saturday, June ,11,
.San Francisco Siberia, t. M. 8. B'.
Monday, June 13,
San Fra'nclscWL'urllno. -M. N. S. B.
Japan ports and -Hongkong Korcn,
P, fit. 8. 8.
Tuesday, June 14.
Manila via Guam :8berldan, U. 8.
A. T. ;
Ban Frnnclsco China; P. M. 8. 8.
Tuesday, Jllne 21.
Victoria.. BTC Marama. O. A- 8. B.
' Wednesday, June 22.
San Francisco Wllhelmlna, M. N.
8. 8. '
.Saturday, Juris 25.
Australian ports via Suva Manukn,
C..A. ,8. 8.
San Francisco Manchuria, P. M.
B.S. '
Tuesday, June 2$.
Jnpin ports and Hongkong Nippon
Maru, T. K..K..8. 8.' "
.Wednesday, Jupe 29.
Sa,n Fi;ancl8cc)-BIpr'ra,'0.8. 8N
Per stmr. Claudlno, .for Maul and
Hawaii ports, June 3. M. Halama,
Kopela, Chas. Gllllland, F. .Franks,
Tan Kce, Manuel Rodriguez:
Por Jap stmr, Nippon Maru for 8an-
Francisco MIsa'L.M. jClcavos. ,A. W.
Ifcol, James Rode. v '
Per .stmr. Mlkahala, for Maul .and
Molokal. ports, 'Juno -7. Mrs. L. 1).
Per stmr. Klnau, for Kauai ports.
Juno 7. -W. T. 'Frost, J. P'. Cooko,
Mrs. J. Cunningham, M. Miller. 1
Per O. 8. 8. Sierra, for Ban Fran
cisco, Juno 8. O. II, Bw'czey. Mr. and
Mrs; 0; 'A. Nlckeson, M.' K. Cook, Mr.
and Mrs. B. B. Marston, Miss Grundy,
Rov. D. Bcuddcr, Mrs. M. J. Balcom,
Mrs. E. Lewis. Miss Van JJalccri,' V.
BuBch. A. M. Merrill, MlssHamlltOD,
MIbs A. Hunt. Miss P. A. Dewilt, Miss
Rosenberg, Miss Veils', Mr. and Mrs.
J. L.'dordon. Mrs. G. 'A. llarkor, Mm.
Mrs. Kent, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tully,
Miss M. Maxwell. Mrs. Hummel, Mlsa
E. Mattoon, Geo. Glbb. Judge and Mrs.
Bcatty. .W, W. Ooodale.JUr. and MrB.
J. A. .Richards, V. do Brettovtlle". Mlsa
B. M. Stevens, Miss M. Welch. Miss E.
Recce. Dr. Chris O"0ay. Wni.' Catripsle,
J. M. Ruddlman, Prof. Lord, Prof; Cod
dlngton. Jvlr. and Mrs.' .W., A. Bryan,
Mr. arid Mrs. 8. D.Kokl, Mrs. A. Wag
ner. Mrs. J. Wlnton.'H, P." Ashburn,
Park Ashburn; Mrs'., Bewail, Mlsa Sew.
wall, Mrs. C. M; MOragnc, Mrsi'M. Yar
borough. Miss I. Ya'rborough', Bishop
RestaHck, J. n. Watson, -MIbs' M. L.
Douglass. Mary .A. Parker',' Miss K.
Cook, Miss M; Reed," !Mr. and Mrs. J.
Dejrereaux, Mrs. W. ' Iangtou, I.
Faiia. E.'.Candall, J. P. Lynch,' P. II.
Wallln." F, M". Parker, Mrs. Wm. Kruso,
Mrs. Kriise. '' . ,
Per M. N. 8. (8. Lurllnp. for San
Francisco, June 13. W. A. Paul, Mrs.
Paul, Miss Rose' Wilson, R. II. Walllu.
Mljs Margaret Skelly, Mrs. 8. T. .Dav
idson;' Mrs. 'Livingston, C O, LiVng
s'tonj f.lss M. P,ecd, !m(ss E. Hamil
ton. ..- . ,
Malls are - due at Honolulu from
points, as follows;
.Yokohama 'fir. Nippon Maru,, June 3.
San Francisco Per 8lerra J.une 3.
Colonies Per ,Marania', June.'iZii
.Vancouypr Per Manuka, Jun,e'25.
Malls .will depart JCor.tthe fol'wn(
points .aa, fallows,': " " ' tn
Yokohama P,er T.qnytsMrU, June 7.
Colonics Pr ,ManuJta,v'jijne", 26; '
Ban Frariclsco Per jtNlppon' Maru,
-Junp '4. 1 'x-,'
Vanco'uvo-Per MaraDj'alsJiine 21.
'i' . 1 1
', r, ' , ,"'.-;'V - !t '
DIx. orrlred ,at Seattlo May .14.
Logan, arrived at an'.Franelscovalay
Bhprroa.ssllflil frpm.HonpluluiJunfe 3.
abcrhlan railed :fr'onV
Manila) Mr .14.
JllLO .SHIPPING at lat repor,t In
cluded tho schooner 8. G.VatsonRow
discharging lumber at tho railway
wharf after a ij .day t,r)p d.owt from
Orays Harbor.. Tho BciIOoncr, A. ;M.
Baxter la. al Mahukona d'lucliarglng
a'bblpmcqt'of liimbpr. This' vessel ar
rld yeslcr,day.' , t ,
- 1
,THB NAME .of .the steanier .Cascade
i fiinH.iiri.-ii fiinviiyujn ,)vai(ia mrqugn
'n special authorisation-tram Cpngresn.
Tho vessel ,haa been onBaged in tho
iuiriiu 140 sjncoi jonmg anil
iom ,iao cpasi,
, I i
x '
) .

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