OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, June 21, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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Bit- w.
Evening Bulletin
At 120 King Street, Honolnlo, Territory of Hawaii.
Dally every day except Sunday. Weekly inned on Tuesday of each week.
Wallace R. Rarrlngton,
Per Monlh, tnjwhtrt In O.S 9 ,7lt
Prr Uoncr, iirbcia In U.S 3.ou
P Yrit,lnvhne InU.S. , N.uo
Ptr Vmi, txntptid, lattlxn J3.oo
in the Territory of Hawaii.
Tl I Editorial Robins,
1 CI Business ' Office,
The successful man takes plenty
. of time, for thought. He carefully
looks the ground over, searches for
weak and strong points, then adjusts
himself to the needed conditions.
Horatio W. Dresser.
If tlihiEK en an ns they have been.
tho public will surely licllevn that
' farnicra raise nothing lint wlilekom
' and jirlceH.
Wo nro Indebted' (o J. D. Rocke
feller for tho Information tlint the
world Is growing better. If such
should not prove to be the fact "a
hundred years to come" he and Car
negie will feel like turning over In
their graves when they call to mind
ull tho good money they have wasted.
A professor of Harvard University
recently lectured on microbes and
kissing, lu which the professor de
fended the kiss, stating that the
world would cease to be available If
the microbe were eliminated. He
must be laboring under the Impres.
nlon that we do all our kissing for
the purpose of perpetilatlng tho mi
crobe family.
Having grossly and gratuitously
Insulted lllsliop Hestnrlck, tho organ
of the ITohibltlonlstB now strives to
fawn and escape so far ns It may tho
storm of condemnation that so Just
ly met its outburst against the
Ulshop. '
This cRori to bo more nearly de
cent is an after-thought, of the Pro
hibition forces. They proved their
truo character, their Intolerance and
aliwiluto disregard for the hbnest
opinion of others, in tho first spite
ful, nasty retort.
This Is the caliber of the people
who want to enforce their Prohibi
tion that does not prohibit, -upon the
pcoplo of Hawaii. What wonder that
they each day find their causo Is
weakening, and that people who
onco thought of the Prohibition
movement as having some elements
of decency and fair play, now see it
as It Is and will have nono of it.
Tho voters of tho Territory of Ha
waii will support the present law.
They will vote down Woolleylsm In
n manner that will establish liar
wall's opinion of Its right and abil
ity to govern Itself, so that Con
gress will know what to do with the
Woolleys and all of that brand who,
go to Washington with secret
schemes for governing our people.
Prohibition Agent John 0. Wool;
ley, In a signed article written for
l.eslle'B Weekly, Bays In one of his
closing ' paragraphs:
1 challenge the. honesty of no
prohibitionist's opinion, but for
myself I accept the verdict of
the people in favor of local op
tion ag the sldo walls whoso
keystone of national prohibition
is Inevitable. As a conse-
' quence, I havo ceased to act
with the Prohibition party. For
this I offer no Justification but
the right and duty of personal
loyalty to my own vision. Hut
I refuse to" enlist In another
, i party, except temporarily. I
chooso to be an Independent
'voter not In order to walk
ulonc, but for tlio sake of acting
with tho dominating decency of
our cltltenshlpnow forming.
, This Is (ho Wool ley who Is the
agent of tho 'Prohibition party in
y Honolulu; the same Wool ley that
once praised and now scorns the law
of Hawaii under which a perfect
system of local option responsive to
public opinion .Is in operation: and
none other than the Wpolley who
has declared that if tho people here
do not do as he wants -In Prohlbl
tlon matters, ha will go back to
Washington and renew the contest
to dictate laws for our people.
It Is the sania Woolley who seeks
a vindication from tho pcoplo as an
added weapon to us In following up
his characterization of our citizen
ship nn weak nild needing special
I'oiloral care.
If Woolley has traced to act with
the Prohibition j,atyN what, sort ot
a thing is this lie 'Is mixed up with
in Hawaii: -
.no il
ielnU.S. I.oo I
r n Cuitdi,. l.Bo U
Id, fotcijto. ...... a.oo D
rer Sit Montai 0 .no
Ptf Vur, nrwhi
Ptl Yef, lnjrwhfre
PtrYcir tpld,
Batcrtd at the Pottoflicc at Hottotolo
m condlut mat in.
..,JUNE 21, 1910
i i
Most everyone In Honolulu views
with considerable -suspicion anything
that Is done In Washington In con
nection with the Mahdkn site. Con
sequently, no marked degree of en
thusiasm greets (be cnbled an
nouncement of Delegate Kuhto that
ho has secured the required J3G0,
000 with which to purchase or con
demn the blocks facing on Kort
street and carry tho Federal build
ing site through to that street.
According to tho Associated Press
cables, the Omnibus Public Dulldlng
Hill has paused tho Homo. It seems
nrobable that the Delegate has se
cured an Item in that appropriation
bill providing money estimated as
sufficient to' enlarge tho Federal
building blo:k. This Is.eooiI work
and showg that Chairman Harth'oliit
Is still Honolulu s and Kuhlos
Hut that bill has to pass the Sen.
ate before the appropriation becomes
It Honolulu's 1350,000 Item Is
spied in, the Scnato by some anxious
Senator who may not always listen
to our good friend llartholdt, it
stands a chance of being lost, where
upon the .whole site question will bo
tip In the air again, and the Palace-gjUtare-Blto
people of Honolulu nmi
Washington will have the opportu
nity they havo been scheming fo'r.
This Is the most seriously doubt
ful quantity In tho slto question as
It is now presented on Incomplete In
formation from Washington.
Meanwhile, Honolulu's place In
the ma'tle'r seems to be to wait like,
a child and try to continue to be
good after It finds out what has been
done tq it by tho officials acting In
secret conclave.
ftuhto clearly feels very certain of
tho result, as he promises to arrivo
op the Siberia. Should he fall In
landing what ho has set out for in
this respect, his vacation would lie,
rather unpleasant.
One of President Taft's victories
at this session of Congress is the ac
ceptance by the Senate Insurgents of
ine item appropriating izuu.uuu lor
his Tariff Commission. In a fire:
vlous issue we pointed out what the
President expects from thla commis
sion. The Insurgents felt that Taft's
tariff commission scheme was weak
and Insufficient,, but apparently tney
concluded that to give It all the life
possible, by means of an appropria
tion, was better than nothing.
What the Insurgents wanted In
the way of a tariff commission is
probably as well set forth In Sen
ator I .a Follette'a weekly as any
where. La Follette does not always
voce the sentiment of the com
bin'ed Insurgents, but as he wag the
original Insurgent ho may be class
ed as an expounder ot the creed.
In one of the recent Issues of "La
Follette's," the Insurgent idea of
what a Tariff Commission should do
Is set forth In (he following com
plete terms; whether the Idea Is In
surgent or riot, tt is' a very excel,
lent outline for a lot of work ot tre
mendous value to the country:
What questions should n per
manent tariff commission an
swer in order to furnish any In
formation to Congress; What -is
It that Is necessary tq deter
mine In order to settle the, dif
ference In the cost of produc
tion at home and abroad? Hero
aro some of tho things eucli a
commission should And out:
First, what is the nature onu
use of a given commodity under
Second, what are the raw. ma
terials used in Its production
and manufacture?
Third, wbut lu tho amount of
the production ot this commod
ity In this country?
Fourth, what Is the amount
of tho consumption ot this 'com
modity in this country?
Fifth, .how many concerrlsnre
engaged In tin! manufacture of
the commodity under considera
tion? Sixth, who aro tho principal
Home for Sale oh Prospect Street
Price - $6500
The lot is 80 ft. by 150 ft., and is
planted in many kinds of choice
fruit trees and shrubs.
The house is a large twostorv
buildih" with matchless view of
City. Harbor the Mountains, and
Pearl Harbor. Everything about this
property is thoroughly modern.
See us or telephone us and let us
show you this nroperty.
Trent Trust Co., Ltd.
-- li 'Jll !
Have You Seen
that ten-room house, at Kai
muki which can be bought for
The. lot is 43,800 square
feet. This is a property that
should not have to go beg
ging. BishopTrust Co.v Ltd.
Seventh, what aro tho ruling
prices of this commodity in tuis
country? Kjgnth, what nro tho ruling
prices ot this commodity In
competing countries?
Ninth, what Is tho total cost
of production per Unit of pro
duction In this country? ,
Tenth, what is the total cost,
of production per unit in pro
duction In competing countries?
Taieventh, what Is the per
centage of tho labor cost of the
total cost ot a unit of product
In thlg country?
Twelfth, what Is the percent,
age ot tho labor cost to the
total cost ot a unit ot product
In competing foreign countries?
Thirteenth, what Is the cost
of transportation to the princi
pal markets In this country
from the principal points of pro
duction In this country?
Fourteenth, what Is the cost
of transportation to tho princi
pal markets in this country
from (lie principal points of
production In competing .for
eign countries?
Fifteenth, what port of the
proposed duty represents the
difference In the cost of pro
duction between this and com
peting1 foreign countries?
Waterhouse Trust
Real Estate for Sale
Modern story and a half house
' in good locality $3000
A home in Kaimuki, on car
line. Large lot, with remod
eled house in excellent con
dition.. This property'can be
bought on easy instalments.
.Price .,, 4750
25 acres of, land, improved, in
Pal olo -Valley. Bargain price
for quick sale, t . -,
Residence of C. I. Wight, Puiwc,
Nuuanu Valley, furnished, for one.
year. i
Fdrnished, Possession July 1, 1810
. Anapuni St. (2 -bedrooms) $35
Kinau' St. (4 bedrooms) 45 -
Fort and Merchant Streets
For Business Communications
The Wifeless
On .Sunday mornings the office is
open from eight until ten.
And, sixteenth, what part of
the proposed duty represents
the reasonable profit for tho
American manufacturer if he is
to bo given a reasonable profit?
Tho same Issue of "La Follette's''
also declared In this connection, "lti
View of tho facis, this attempt to
rcconcllo tho people to the, Payne
Aldrlch tariff outrage by pretending
that the 'persons' whom tho Presi
dent Is empowered to employ to 'as
sist' him In administering the max
imum and minimum provisions of
the law aro in reality a 'tariff com
mission' such as the people demand,
Is cheap political pettifoggery. Let,
no ono be deceived by HI"
Evidently La Follette, after think
ing It over, decided that the Presi
dent's scheme wasn't so bad as it
had been made put.
Editor Evening- BUI lo tin:
Thrco questions are Involved In 'this
prohibition excitement In Honolulu
and Hawaii .whether tho Territory
needs' prohibition, whether the people
want prohibition, und, last, whether
wc are going to have prohibition.
No ono will dony that hero, or liny.
where else In tho world, there aro
certain individuals who should not
drink Intoxicants, cither because they
aro not In a, physical condition to nl
low such, or because they cannot, ap
narcntly, tnke a' drink without be'
coming Irresponsible. Such persons,
of course, need prohibition, that W
prohibition for their own Individual
benefit and not calling for general
prohibition such as In advocated by
tho so-called prohibitionists. It
stands to reason that there is a man
fest unfairness In prohibiting any
thing In il general way just for the
sako of protecting a very few, com
paratlvcly a very few', who cannot
take caro of themselves'; Why should
automobiles or railways or steam''
ships, bo prohibited just because cv
ery now and " then d'ekth occurs
through their ubo? Morn people nro
killed in one day in tho United States
by the accidents occurring in trans
portation than are killed by ovef-uso
of liquor in n hundred days through
out tho nation. Tho law ot the land
regulates tho mctiiods of transporta
tion to render travel ns safo ns can
be, Just ns, In any .well organized
community, tho liquor traffic Is reg
ulated for tho protection of consum
ers, to protect them aganst bad
booze, against adulteration.
Honolulu has alt tho official ma
chinery for proper regulation of tho
liquor irnlflc, tho present liquor law
being, with few exceptions, nlmost
model In Its spirit Tho exceptions
referred to nro rather harsh than oth;
erwlse. There seems to bo not so
much fault with the law ns In the
method of enforcing It. We might Im
prove the method of enforcing the
law; wo might well look mora closely
Into some of the less rcputablo sal;
oons and among some of tho less de
sirable dealers to mako sure that
'"rot-gut" or practically poisonous
cheap wines nro not served; that ir
responsible persons are not served;
that drunks nro not served with
liquor, but beyond perhaps improving
tho supervision of tho traffic, nt:d
forcing some dealers, not Inclined lo
bbcy tho spirit as well as tho letter
of the lnw, to bcfonsclontlous or get
out ot business, it doci not appear
that Hawaii Is In need ot prohibition
of liquor any moro than tlawull is In
need of prohibition of chovlng bum,
which 13 snld by soma doctors to be
bad for the teeth nnd tho chewing of
which Is not a pretty habit It has
been said many times before, In print
hero and In mainland publications,
that Honolulu for tho size Is particu
larly freo from crime, particularly
when It Is remembered that Honolulu
Is a seaport. This Is a fact well rcc-
'ognlzed, nnd where tho need ot this
prohibition, which doesn't prohibit
anyway, comes In, is not plain.
Ab to whether or not wo want pro
hibition, It Is very evident that the
present agitation Is fathered by n
few. There are n tow malo "Carrie
Nations" in Honolulu whoso ' hands
are Itching to smash the saloons with
tho hatchet ot fanaticism. Tho elec
torate majority 'doesn't want prohibi
tion, ns will rurcly bo provon at tho
plebiscite, July 26.
Wo will not. havo prohibition. Tho
voters will not ask for It at the plebi
scite ; thero Is no moro senso In de
manding It than there would bo In
'passing a law that no one may cat
Ho&o'.uii:, -uno 15, '10.
jtfM'SE MUST .
Editor Evening Dullottn,:-
From my personal observation with
many Japanese on the Kauai planta
tions I find that tho laborers are un
animously In fnynr of the little sako
or wlno that thoy need after a day's
work Is done. Many stato that' they
could not endure field labor unfoss
they had iheir sake, as this drink en.
courages them to cat food when oth
erwise they would go without It from
temporary exhaustion.
Tho Asiatics aro. at a loss to under
stand this new caper ot tho whtto
man and moro than ono has stated
that it Ib only a new form of Insult
to tho Japanese who labor In Ha
waii. Those persons who, havo thejr mo
ney Invosted In high priced sugar
stocks must fully recognize tho dan;
gcr that is piling up against them for
when ono discontent starts In, on tho
plantations, sugar stocks will drop
like a house of cards.
Need. for. jho sake 'Ib evident frb'm
We guarantee
your watch
to keen perfect time if repair
ed by us.
ManV years' experience in the
watch business places us in a
position to offer to you expert
rervices at minimum cost.
Appoint us the guardian of
your1 watch. We will guaran
tee to make it keep perfect
& Co.. Ltd.,
the 'fscf itint. no plantation malingers
on any of Ihcso Islands try to pre.
vehl their laborers from having thnlr
nako nr other stimulants, hftt nn tho
other hdnd rather encourago It If used
In moderation.
I.llino, fcaunl, .iurio 10, 1010,
Editor Evening Dullotln:
It Is n surprlso that tho Editor ot
Toilny's Nows" did not nBk tho ques
tion "Who and Vhero Aro tho Ame
ricans In tho Town of' Hllo?" It wns
very notlcoaldo tliat when tho Portu
guese man of wor wns In this port.
vlth nil duo respect to the flag of
I'6'rtugnt 'and thoslbya'l Portugucso clt'
izons, that Iho flag of Portugal wns
allowed to float above tho Stars and
Stripes .nnd In'ihls manner waa taken
through tho streets of Hllo, by n Biip
6sed to ho American citizen whoso
ambition Is to be tho leader of this
Where were tho true born Amcrl
cans? No womlor tho Congressmen
wore surprised nt tho unloyallty of
tho citizens of this town.
Hllo, Juno 16, '10.
Read our
All about
Lin ens
Linen Sheetings, Towels,
Damask, etc.
Look Out for the July MeCall's
How a Family of Four Enjoyed an Eight
Week's Vacation at Small Cost
My Ten-Acre Farm.
A Novel Fourth of
July Luncheon '
A King's Stables
Just How To Knit a
Stylish Sweater
From" the Jaws of the'
A Tangled Web
Retribution '
Neckwear of the,
Summer Girl
Beautiful Eyes and How to Take Care of
What Happened to Johnny on Fourth of
On Sunday last tho Kancoho base
ball nlno defeated tho Engineer team
by a.scoro of 12 to 2. Tho gamo was
played at Kancoho nnd a big crowd
attended to watch tho match. Tho
lineups of tho two teams wcro ns fol- ,
loWs: Kancoho Johnny Sylva p.;
flcorge Sylva, c; David, lb.; Ah
Chong, 2b.; Willie, 3b.; Fred, ss.; K.
Sam, cf.i Ah Fat, rf.; Solomon, If.;
Engineers Dondero, c; Carpenter,
p.; Harper, lb.; Dill Orr, 2b.; Mor
llne, 3b.j Shady, ss.; flush, rf.; Lock
wood, If.; Iloweri, cf.
Tho Engineers scored one run In
tho fourth and nnpther in tho sixth,
nnd that wns nil they could do. Tho
Kancoho boys mado thrco In their
third, thrco moro In tho fourth, two
In tho fifth, one In both the sixth nnd
seventh nnd, finally, two In tho
Those pictures ot tho Albanian sol
diers wearing petticoats suggest' n
poss'lblo .explanation ot why. they, .nro
so quarrelsome. Springfield Union.
Ad Tomorrow'
Important Points on
Dress Finishing
Modish Belts
The Summer Sliirt
Waist '
Mr. Peebles Sets a
The Bravery of Teddy
New Designs in
Fancy Work
Dainties for Fourth
of July Spreads

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