OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, July 13, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

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From San Franclicot
Sierra July IK
For San Francisco:
llhelmlnn, Sierra.. . .Jul)-20
From Vancouver:
Mamma July 22
For Vancouver:
Mukuru , . . .July 20
Gives results, hence has high rank among advertisers.
ESTABLISHED ,1882. NO.: 403.9.
"I am Not a Prohibitionist"
Now Declares Prince Kuhio
Tin following Ictlor, addressed lo
Jolin Uine.lms' been received from
I'rlncc Kuliln and oxplnlns Ills Bland
on tlio VicHtlon of prohibition and
temperance Tlio letter In full Is as
follows: '
San Francisco, July 1, 1310. ,
My Dear Mr. lane.
. 1 hnvo been Invited tn go homo on
llui yarlit "Hawaii." by Captain Wil
der, and have concluded to accept, t
shall enjoy the .trip and believe that
It will benefit my health, which you
know Is by no means what It ought to
be, and If I. ran help n little to get tbo
boat In first, so much tlio better. I
The only point against It Is tlio votnj
on tbo liquor question to bo taken nn.
tho 26th, but I have come to tlio con
clusion that my being there Is going
to drive that election right Into pol-j
ItlcH, and It will bo used and handled!
only1 lo 'get" some advantage, ono way!
or tho other, fur -tho regular elections
In November.
I nllowed my nnino to go on tho
Olaa nnd Mcllrydc were again tho
center of trading In stock circles
today, nnd they closed firm at the
Intc3t quotations.
'I ho market appears to have been
thoioughly clean?!! up of the Me
llrydo offered lower than fl.fiO, and
O uu has sagged slightly If tho clos
ing quotation of tho Kxchaugo con.
(lulled to hold through the day.
The general lilf tory of theso sto-ks
him been that they sag n little aftor
tho tlrst spurt and then take a new
tturt nnd Increase tho limit.
Considerable trading Is going on
,ln ICwa. U'nlaliia and O.ihu. Not a
little of this money Is going into tho
choapor stocks, ns It Is felt by tho
Imjoin Mutt they can maka it very
largo profit In u comparatively s.ior.
time. 1-Jwu was sold at 34.50 yes'
tcrday, but fell oft twouty-ilVQ cents
n shuro nn sales made on tho ..x
diango today, Walnlun has sold In
t mull lots 'at 130, Honokaa's drop
liack to 18.23 appears to bo perma
nent, as It Ui changing hands in
fair-sized blocks at that figure.
Generally ) easing, 'the market
Is stronger on tho cheaper stocks
than with the od established favor
Itcs among the dividend-payers. Illlo
I!alway appears to hold strong nt
1 'J SO, with comparatively little of
John Knwnllani, the third son of
the lion, Kdward I.lllkalanl, died
jestorduy morning of heart dlseaso,
The fiiiioial 'wns held yesterday" at
3 o'c,U;ek, tJo intQrincnt being In
Kawalahiio' cemetery.
Tho young nju was 10 yours of
age at his death. lie was educated
nt tbo Iloyal School and, afterwards
entered Kuriiehameha Schools. I)o
was a valued member of the Kamo
hamchn Sunday school and Chris
tlan Endeavor Boclcty.
Two applicants for license to con
duct a plumbing business In the city
of Honolulu hnvo been turned down
at tlio suggestion of First Asslstunt
Oily ami County Attorney Mllverton
who has rendered an opinion that out
of cloven applications for licenses nnd
i li-tvi attached ho recommends
that tbo bond died by Messrs. U. Hill
nagawa and Cheo Moon Kea bo declined.
Commlttro handling tho temperance
side of tho light, because on tho tetu
prrunco question I want to bo with
temperance, not against It. I also be
llcvo that many of tho saloon men
liue forfeited all right to considera
tion by the wny they hnvo been hand
ling their business, particularly
among llavvallans, and I felt u vigor
ous protest of some kind was neees
nary. Personally 1 would tio pleased
to see o cry Hawaiian cut liquor out
altogether. They would ba better off
without It, but this In an far ns my
mind has gone.
You know I iiiii upt ii teetotaler mid
not a pnililhlllnnliC and I rerlalnlj
mint nn laws vthlrh .work tilling rare
Hues. The day for that In Htimill It
iiiii. What tho Ilawallunn iih Hawaii
n do ujust, be a mutter of frco will
and personal choice, but general laws
reaching all racCH that curb tho evils
oMIquer 1 will a'lwayn'hefp, and I am
glnd to Ijcar that the liquor ngltatlon
has already cut out many saloons and
It is tho repairs to the powerful
engines In tho line United States
navy auxiliary Prometheus that
hnvo thus far delayed tho departure
of tho protected cruisers Cleveland
and Chattanooga.
The Prometheus arrived hero the
first nf tho week after a fair run
down from -Mare Island. As the
voyage lo Honolulu was tho Initial
crulso of tho 12.000,000 supply ship
and collier, her engines hail not
'heretofore received a lengthy tryout.
Homo defects developed as tho voy
age progressed, and upon arrival at
this Krt (onsldcrablo repairs were
found necessary beforo tho return
tn tho Coast nnd Pugct Sound navy
yard with (he crippled Chattanooga
could bo made with safety.
According tn present calculation
the Pinmuthcus and Chattanooga
are expected to sail for the North
West coast on July 20,
Tho United Stntes cruiser Cleve
land, Captain Hugh Itodmnn colli
niamler, was shifted to Navul Wharf
No, 2 this morning In order to make
room for tho big French crulsor
Montcalm, hourly expected nt the
port of Honolulu,
Tho Chattanooga continues to re
main at tho berth on tlio Kwii tddo
of Nn. 3 naval wliarf, where sho will
remain until such time ns tho Unit
ed States naval auxiliary Promctho-
usjs prepared to tako up tho lines
from tho Chattanooga and comnioncc
tho tow of tho cruiser to tho main
land nnd Ilr'omortnn navy yard.
It' , reportod that tlio cruiser
Charleston, a vessol which, with tho
Cleveland nnd Chattanooga, made
uli tho first division of the Asiatic
Hoot,' tinder tho command of Ad
miral John Hubbard, will bo rcllev
ed nt the Far Kast by Hie New York,
which has sailed from tho Atlantic
const and was last reported on Juno
10 nt Alexandria, Egypt. Upon tho
arrival of the Now York at Manila
or the China oast, the Charleston
will proceed to the United Stntes,
and It Is believed that tho cruiser
w bo ordered homo by tho way of
Sue Canal.
While nothing of an authentic na
ture has been gleaned, tho orders
from tho Navy Department are that
tho Charleston proceed to Ilromer
ton navy yard, and unless that or.
Uer Is revoked, the vessel will sail
iihut off the sale of tbo worst kind of
liquors. The prcM-tit Ian l sliiinlng
up "ell In these rriperts.
However, as I havo already said, I
don't propose so fnr as I am con
cerned, that tho special election shall
bo used to do polities. Proper consid
eration of the rights of the ticptibli
emi party alone, which has made no
party declaration on the subject.
would require this from nic TIm
cause of temperanto Itt-clf will be In-'
Jured by allowing tho special election '
to taku any such turn, but I hnto fe.t
at liberty to express my personal sym-,
pnthy and good will for tho (anno of
tempcruncn nnd to aid in the enforce
ment of tho laws from that stand
point, and this I hao already fully
So I am making my plans lo go on
tho Hawaii , and let us hope.Jor once
tliat n Jonah nn bosrU-willt bring good
Voura with nlohn,
On the evening nf June Jl while
driving with n lady In New llruns-
wlck, N. J., Ilev. Frank Hcudder of
this city was In u collision which
resulted In Injuries to hla com
Tho news, ns contained In a dls
patch lo Newark Star from Now
Brunswick, Is that Ilev. Hcuddor, nc-
comp.inlrd by Mis Charlotte Drury,
daughter of the lato Itov. John
Dtury, was driving on George
strqet when they were inn Into by
nn automobile.
James II. Kdgnr was running the
mnrhlno which caused tho accident,,
and an u result nt tho smash, Misi
Drtiry was thrown from the vehicle
nun painfully Injured.
Mr, Scudder escaped Injury In the
nccldont. He was In Now llrutis-.
wick to attend commencement nt
Hutgers College.
(Special Bulletin Cable.)
MUNICH, July 13. Heavy earth
quakes have taken plaie In Bavaria
and throughout the Tyrol district.
Mnnv buildings have been damaged.
At Utterheim, one person was kill
ed arid twenty injured.
A ' petition sglied by olghty four
property-owners and residents along
what s known us llolokahnua lane,
have protested to Mayor Joseph J.
Kern that tho thoroughfare Is In
deplorable .tontltlon and, fuil'hcr
rtttrt; tliat It Is not eafe for traffic.
The'-petitioners ask that tho road bo
macadamized, and they alto suggest
that' tho Installation nt rcveral elec
tric lights would adil materially tn
the safety and comfort of thoso who
havo to travel tho highway. Tho
supervisors have taken tho mattor
under advlsemont.
Bulletin Business Office Thone 251
Bulletin Editorial Room Phone 18S
u tt n :: n n :t rt n o h n n
across the Pacific to join the ships
nt the PocllUt fleet. Ill this event
Honolulu will receive u call from tho
Pirates Are
Slain In
.r .
H0NOK0NQ; July 13. Many
have been Killed as a result of hu
Mines mat have broken out be
tween Chinese' pirates and the Por
tuguese. A Portuguese minboat and troons
attacked the pirate settlement at
Colouan, killing- many of the pi
talcs, mid in retaliation the Chinese
stormed and captured the Portu
uicse miliary post nearby.
Rciiilucciiients have been hurried
frem the Portuguese island of Ma-
,ao, ncd the, situation is critical.
S. PJ Co.
Pp Up
Southern Pacino Railroad Company
today paid into court the sum of
$18,000, for conviction on eighteen
counts fcr rebating. One hundred
and fifty similar counts against the
railroad corporation have been dis
missed. Death In
LEICHIOEN, July 13. A large
dirigible was today destroyed while
high in the air. The benzine tank
exploded, causing the total destruc
tion of the airship.
Aeronaut Erbsloch and crew of
four were instantly killed.
(Special Bulletin Cable.)
Scores in the big leagues' play to
day are:
National St. Louis 5. Boston 7
vttrdflvV PiHatinrrr & TJiir Vnrlr
0; Cincinnati 2, Boston 0; Chicago1
1, Philadelphia 2; St, Louis 0,
Brooklyn 3.
American Boston 5. Chicago 1:
New York 2. Cleveland 0; Philadel
phin 2, St. Louis 1 (fourteen in
nings); Detroit 7, Washington 6.
Stsndlnn of American i Ueanue, July 12
It, I CI.
Now York
Dot nil t . . .
1 J,
Huston 39
Chicago i!9
Clovelnnd 30
Wellington 'f
St. I4.nl. ......... 80 45 .307
sunning oi national league, juiy i
Club. f. U ret.'
Chicago II. 21"
New York '40 2fi
PlttsburB 3' 3'
Cincinnati 35 32
Philadelphia 31 ' 35
HrooklMi 30 37
St. I.ouIb 3" 40
Unston - 28 43
COST $200,000
LONDON. July 13. The total fu
neral cxnemes show that the fu
neral of the late King Edward cost''Red In tho sorvlcu t lliu City and
JULY 13. 1010. 10 PAOES.
Head Of
Declares Against Prohibition
J . i
"To my mind there la but one nay
In look at the- success or Tallure of
prohibition, nnd' that Is to compare
the Mos.otu and Christian during past
centuries. Tho Moslems are tho only
l'opp who have tried prohibition long
enough for It to be Judged, and from
the history of the two peoplts It must
bo grnnti-d Hint the Christian with
his drink has done n larger work In
the world that the followers of Mo
hammed." Such i the broad view taken by
Itov. Wllllbald l-Vliny. pastor of (lor
man Lutheran Chinch ami stated by
him nt his home on Ileretanln Avcniiu
yesterday afternoon In roxont,o tn n
question ns to his belief In prohibi
tion. Ilev Kolmy was reluctant at first
This morning nt 9 o'clock u Ko
rean named Cho Hong Sung, who
was formerly employed on tho
schooner Mol Wall I no, dropped In on
the captain of that trim little cratt
and usked for some wnges that wcro
due him. The captain was not
pleased when he henrd the request
and demanded that Cho should beat
'it for tbo shoie as quickly n a row-
Iboal could tako him.
j The Korean Bailor wns ready
enough to go ha-k to tho wharf
from which he hud toino, hut onco
moro demanded the money that was
coining to him. Tho second request
enraged tho captain, nnd ho Is nl
leged In have picked up a shuvcl
and lilt the Korean several times
nver tho head with It. The unfor
tunate sailor, who hud gone to get
money, received u broken head In
stead, and when rendered uncoil
scions was placed aboard a rowboat
and taken ashore. The police pa
trol wagon, with Captain Hakcr In
made a quick run tn the
1-Nnt street, and from tnero
conveyed tha Korean to tho Queen's
A warrant will ba sworn out for
the arrest of Captain "Dick," nnd
ho will, It Is said by the polite, be
fT.Ln. .,i,a limn fMu iiMncm,,,,
(Iriniirninn mnpniii
, MRMNt .Y HAM'.HA . .
It may turn out that the Ewn and
Alea hasebnll nines will play n gamo
nn tho league grounds In tho near
fntnrii Kerretnrv fllrvln nf thn Kw.-t
, comlilnatloii has written Bergcnnt
I Itiirrv nulr I tit Itltn If II wnnlil lirt nnnet
ble for tho plantation men to get tho
I Sunllny. July 17. was mentioned as
""' ''" "" w','c'1 Mitt B'tmo which Is
n " "'1 von J' ''"l I'lnycd, and
" " 's ,lrrnll,!c,l- "l0 "" lienplo will
,nvn ii .l.,.., ,.f lu.lni, II. u 'Tnt-nintH'
, nct(m.
,I.,,U ,1 ......LU ... rvui.t,, ,U ...U.IVin
Th. Pl.v n,l Pnntv nnr,l nf C.
pen Isora have granted six eek,, -
leavo of absence with full pay tn
those emilnyees of the municipal gov-
ernment who participate In tlio match
to tako placo at Camp Perry, Ohio,
In August.
It Is expected that tho local marks
men will leave Honolulu on nr about
July 20th.
A communication was received from
Acting Governor Mott Smith who ex
prosbed tho hope that tho Supervisors
would sco their way clear to grant
lenvp to all participants who nro en
'County. , r,
tn express blmsilf on this question, that ouch rOpd'fiitlo'j tliould coma
which hud so much to do with local from a law tint It should bo from n .
lolltlcs, in' view of the fact that ho man's own inner self, ho should be 1
Is not an American citizen hut owes tho one In decld" tho question. It J
allegiance to tho Herman ICmperor, should be ono of education nnd not of 1
nnd such n -thing ns prohibition hi drastic Ian. which wherever H has
unknown In normally. ! been tr cd has failed to prohibit. .
He said that ho could understand "In America ou have had prohl-
tho qii'stlon from on American stand bltlcii fur bun nmn eara. little moro.
liolnt but that from n Herman ono than n generation " That is not long
ho could not. Such a thing ns a man- ennugh to arrive at a conclusion oen
made law for controlling the consiimp- If no liquor ot any kind hail been sold
Hon of liquor was' unknown to tho In nil that time, a condition which !
Teutonic mind. has not rlt,tr. I am told 'I
"I can ace how some icople can "I look at the question from Ilia
bellove In prohibition ns tho best MamlHnt of history and Moslems 1
thing to control the trafuc and I rnn'nro the onl people who have hud nln
see just us well how others can i.co holuln prohibition and Ihls under ro
no good 111 such n prohibitory hw " Unions belief. What has become of
1 ho said. "Kor myself I do not think
Tho Itapltl Transit Company I'.is
made the Initial move In the general
Improvements to the entlro system
that hnvo been contemplated for
bo mo time.
Tho trenching of Kfng street for
tho proposed double track on that
tboroug fare between Kjwnluhuo
church und tho fire station nt I'alanu
wi commenced yesterday nnd the
work will bo pushed Ihruugu nl rap
Idly ns possible This will- do nwny
with Intermediate switches and Is
thought to ndd to the regu'irUy nf
tho service.
It Is stated that Alakea street will
(Continued on Page 6)
ar: do degrees test, 4.313c.
vious quotation, 4.33c,
Tho fltiu French cruiser Montcalm,
enroiito from an extinded crulso
tlirnughoiil tha Orient has arrived at
Honolulu and will bo on hand nt the
local celebration of the nnnlversary
of the Kail of llastlle, which will tako
place tomorrow
Tho Montcalm mndo her appcar
anco off Harbor's Point shortly after
two o'clock this afternoon. Tho ves
sc Is berthed nt Number .1 naval
wharf and will lemaln at tho port for
sonio lit t lo limn In order to take on
supplies nnd coal.
Tho .Montcalm i nno nf llni Inrgesl
war vessels lh.it has over Imnoroil
Hnnnltilii with a visit. Her lounagu
Is 9517 and sho carries 612 bfllcers
und men. Tho vessol Is cnpabla oi
making 21 knots under forced draft,
Sho carries a powerful nrmamenl nnd
Is nlso provided with torpedo tubes.
! Tho vessfl has been niakliiE Salgou
"'' n,C ,'rC,lth P08BCBlon It. IlldO
""1" Cochin China her headquarters.
Keola I.iim Chcong. was today
grunted dlvnrco from I.iim Cheung tho
ground being cruelty and nun-supmrt.
Tho complaint alleged that Chcong
was a pipe hitter and that most of his
earnings went for poppy Instead of be
ing scnt for his wife ami child.
ADVICK8 received from Sydney
Biinounro the arrival of tho Canadian
Australian liner Mnkurn nt the Colo
nial port yesterday. Tho vessel sail
ed from Honolulu on Juno 25th.
(Continued on Tarc 2)
.HP. MOD 18
II. P. Wood, secretary of the Pro- 1
motion Committee, will nrrho In Ho
nolulu on the Wilffelmltiu next trip, ,
sailing from San Francisco August 3. 1
This news was contained In , n i
rnblegram received nt Promotion I
headquarters today from him nt At
At- V
iiir j
lantlc City. Ho leuves there on July
19 and Is coming to San Francisco
way of Chicago, Wlnnlpes, Spokane
nnd Seattle,
In n letter, written Jnne 29 Mr.
Wood states that business la looking
up and that tho aviation meet which'.
was to be held tho first of July prpnijj
Iced to. bring n record crowd to -At-jS
lantlc City.
The weather, which hud been illy.
agreeable for the first part of Juno,'
had picked up durlnc tho latter part 9
of the month nnd at tho tlmo of writ;
lng It had held good for several days.VH
. .-. . . . . . . JM
which uiu a great utaivior uusiucssj.ji
along the board walk. v i!il
Sales of pineapples and curios had 9
uiiu bwu hum air liio uuju uiiiii .uu
expected to start for Honolulu pros
peels for record miles were excellent.
The promttlon work which Mrs.ijj
licnillee is ilolnp In l-eattlo -nnil tho
northwest Is bearing fruit and shoU
giving scleral Iccturcu each -.wcekjS
tnrco being on lof the first wceR.'n
July, according to Information
ceHcd from her In thle mall. . )?
iwiB. ncauiro ia au.vcrusinc liono
lulu and llnwall throuBhout tho
northwest nnd speaking before com
mercial bodies and clubs on thq Tcr;
rltory, its history, cllmutu and, ,ro
sources. t
- . y
A Hi KK '
liroUUUUW riUUdUL.1 g fv'
ry mmm i
Aft., nil nrn..An r. m ll,B .nu
-, u. l..bHllKU, w,i; ,uv ,Hf i1
water iiiuuiu lie nppllel, o jpuufl
uiu-, u, i.iiiuEtc lauorcr at me ruu
loa re-tlon o( Alea plantation it
.. n. .. t ... .. - "
leges that the overseer In charge, of.,
tho work stiul; him with hip fists
and knocked him down. As 6oon.a8f.
the Chiiiere fell to the gi'ound. Iiba
alleges, tho overseer took a hoo utul.jl
hit him over the head with It.. iMfc'I
The man was badly bruised uptl "M
ui nuoui me ncau auu ince, ana
had to be taken to the Queen's IIosV
pltnt, where ho la at present con
fined, As council) tho ChlnccoAlB
ablo to swear out a warrant, tbe;.'a
overseer will bo arrosted an'dVsl
charged with nssuult. ';$&;,'
i i
Bulletin Business Office ThnnniQJin
jEuuciin iaitoruu iloom Paone?
i ., -.. . . . - :i"
8- V

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