OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, September 16, 1910, 2:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-09-16/ed-1/seq-2/

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''",w" VT"m -")TM mf$ -f, , jtt. ,.-
: Masonic Temple
Weekly Calendar
Honolulu htnli il.
Oceanic Tlilnl lltgrtc.
,llnwallan llrM Digrrr.
' "Honolulu Chapter llcirulur
5 . in.
Perfection llli Brgrec nml t
Slli Digm.
All visiting members of. tb
Urdr are cordially Invited to
nitsud meeting of local lodges
Meet on the
2nd and 4th
M '
Mondays of
Jsk IfW nt K. T Hall
f m0r 7.30 r. M
r UARINE EHBINrFW' Membeij of
auuiy invited.
HARMONY LODGE, No. 3, 1, C. 0. F,
I.lcets cTcrjr Monday evening at
?:su in i. o,o,F, lull, lrt street
is. . HKNUiiy, Secretary.
T II. E. McCQY. K'nlilo rirnn.1
'A1P visiting brother! -very cordially
lnea- t-. ,M,
OAHU 10DQE, No. 1, K.ofP,
.Meets, cory first nml third Fri-
may evening at 7.30 In K. ot l Hall,
corner Port and Hcrctnnla. Visiting
brothers cordially Invited to attend,
O. 1'. HEINE, K. 11. B.
HAWAIIAN TRIBE, No. 1, 1. 0. It. M.
Meets every first and third Thurs
days of each month at Knights ot
l'jthlas Hall. Vaulting brothers cor
dially Invited to attend.
. A. h. EAKIN, Sachem.
r E. V. TODD, C. oX-H.-.,w
HONOLULU AERIE, 140,. P. 0! ti.
a ' . , j
Meets on the' 2nd and 4th WED-
KE3PAY evenlngi cvtteacji mpnlil h't
7:30 o'clock In K. ot rvllall,' corner1
Boretnnla and Fort Btreets. A '
VUttlng Eagles are Invited to at
' m w. n. iuley, w. r.
Jrtr,! i'p wm: c. McCoy, boo.
HONOLULU L0BQEt 010, B. P. 0. E.
'Honolulu Lodge No. 616, II P O
Elks, meets In their ball, on King
Street, near Fort, eery FrMay eve
ning. Visiting Brothers are cordially
Invited to attend,
JA3. D. DOUdHDim', E. 11.
K.of r.
Meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday
evening at 7 30 o'clock In K of V
Hall, cor. Fort and ncretanla. Visit
ing brothers cordially Invited to at
tend. ' 4 i
H. A. TAYLOn, C 0.
E. A. JACOBSON, K. It 8.
Complaining about
the water supply
won't help any, but a
Round Hoop
attached to the city main
toll give you a constant sup
ply of clear water. Wc will
le pleased to furnish details,
, r
Lewors'& Cooke,
M. E. Silva,
, Prompt and Polite Attention
Phone 1170 HiRht Cull 10J1
Compartments in the
City Mausoleum
For FarticulHii (Mimic- of
i . i
f Continued fi-nm Tit IV
pflled n fair t tilts In llin ciiiina ilia
morning were Kime and Peters
ru time wns ' t In tin1 nrginlxi
tlon Of thi convention this uinrnlnir
the naming of committer-) being ,
.... .I. . i ru
ctcotii mi nncr "'n(',MKti i,
been elected rccrcliir)
The commltli- bn rrclenlhls was
first appoint . fSii
th iconnrl being I iwelawe Sol
"-'a. Mimic n. rtnthlmrn and lien
Dole from tlio Fourth district an I A
K "WlllirtniM. William Kail. Kiihlnnnn
Mcwch Ak-iwn nn I A Kahnnvhiul from
'ho nrili illntilrt
The riilc cum mil I pc of Hie conven
Hon was rnnilltiitcd M tnlltms.
lo'irlh i r'red Turrlll, I V
Atcli A V. farter A V. ivtor. .Icnao
Ulunllil Fifth district -I). K. Kaapu.
Tliomas Clark J,nm M Kaihlun
J K Nnnihlnu nod J rt. Andrews
I'latrorm cimuulltoc V S IMIiirh
William Wolter. tjuotpp Knnc n fl
Hlicnburc Itoliort I'.ihau Firm ,ll
'I let IM lit r-nltnun Ohm Kalcltihio.
S K llin rlw.ird Uk and Chariot
I awo
KnittliU cf FMIilas hall was crowd
A llh iiumlicrs of Iho fry ililrlng
the cnnwtillon nn-l H'ie the Tcrrllo
rial couPiiilin llii'io was music and
entliuslaitn, ihioughout the n.o nine
Wbllo It Is nppir'nt lint liliny rtr
(ho delegates nrc iloilliltiil .ilioul the
lilank ih it wai Inriiriiornttd In llio
Territorial jihtforni tiklni;.. ritllc.i'
stand ngnlnut tlic i-llimflhtlim (tf Tor
iltorlal uoKnrii b) fnmllRrnllon II
li iirobahlo thil nn cxpresslnn of dls
sent will he caicfully Mtlflcd If II
should threaten to npiicar In the fill
ami count) conciitlu
The ilcligalVs from the oilier lx
ands declare Hint thrv nrn rm Mi'
Cmidlcss for vlnt llr term hit coll
8lstent slnnd on the Immigration pro
Mem The nrgumi ut Is common
nmoni: Hie tntxt knnl aillinrcnu .r
democracj tint The 1Ioh Is cnlllled to
the milled support or tin llnnall.ins
IrrOatwrMt n ut iifiHIItttl ttntllnf l,tn U
causo of hljMlhidc on lmmlRrallon
In llio Interests of c Itlrcns ot '(ho Ter
illory ' fj
vTfia Bqijs of the, pirty and the ketip
cta op ilVdHiufsr 'Htrlngs Is hhorlng
dlllgenl ftuiHs, lkltiR nothliiKti'n
M'tt.u tyitiiitiiiiiijiiiiii .tiuttfH.iivn ilfruiii
bled to bolii coincnilon's tint the In
auRuraiMfiVitt'Atil thintUrtlon mW
by tlioillenulillcan lurtv wmhHic crc.il
est Crlmd' that. Imr. b'en pcrpclralcd
Ho Is also Issuing warnings that llio
imwHpaperH iiuiHt not bo bolleeil Dial
TTwti nVif Till "oiinmr. u .if tlift llnuattiill
nconln nnil-lli.it tifillitin? h.iIiI on I lit
polltlcnl sttuatlon niuit bo liollocd
(Continued from Pace 1)
Bold tho bales at l lie late of 1 10
each. The bales were worth ISO
each, but Tin Soon, who needed the
money to inako his lit tempt at es
cape from the Islands, let them Ko
at halt prlio
' How did joii get the Ii.iks?" In
quired I'roDccutor Ilrown of 'I In
Soon this morning "I forgcrj
Burke's namo'to ,nu order mid ob
tained llio lugs In that w.i," in.
piled tho jouth
Tho prosecution procd tho fact
that Tin Soon bad obtained the bugs
from tho different llrms, and that
he had told two tiales of 800 hags
each to 1 ujl, the defcudnut In the
After tho piosccutlou rested,
Judgo Hiimphrlis, who appeared for
l'ujl, inmcil that the defendant bo
discharged, as there was no eldmo
that the bags were stolen "The
biles wero obtained on n forged
order and were not stolen," cnld
Humphries, 'and It Is Tin Soon who
Is guilt) ut forgery and not lui
icn '
luilgn Aiulrndo said that tho ob
ladling of goods on a forged order
was stealing, mid that there wero
mill) iiisc to bear out the fuel
Humphries then mow'd.thul tho ease
bo rent over till next week, as he
w is not ii.ulj ut that lato hour to
produie bis witnesses The matter
therefore went oer till Thursdu)
It will lie "-iicmlicrcd that the
oh npn or Tin Soon mused u sonsi
Hnu boiuc luonths ago Tho iiiiin.
who was horvlug a )car seiitoiuo for
linen slutting, had ln'nn iiimlo n
trustv nml was allowed to drlvo thu
wiigon which weiil mound town on
i,u Ions errands for thu prleon One
il.D Hi n wiignii was round doicrtod
in n rtrrit loruur, nud (or 1.01110
iIidh no pIkii nf Till 80011 was srou
'I fun 11 winlei to tlio HUrrn ellelt .
nl 1I10 fact Hint tho ewnpcil prison
1 1 was on bouril 1
1 pun unltiil nl Han I'm 111 1 wo I hi'
111 ui Imld l Hid polU'n till
1 1 h uudi ul llm pilsiiii tsiuff Ksnt
iiium in in 1 in Auuii ut llr.t iluulwd
The tablet sold by the Bullc-
tin for a nickel is twice as large
as the tablet usually sold for this
- . v"
Autos per hour lt, S'lab,c, .
Bethel Street jrack ghtlll j,lono
,. 18 without saying that overy
ing Is Host nt The Kucoro
The Anchor Huloon Is now n curio
museum world seeing Don t forget '
For distilled wuicr, lilies Boot
Beer nnd nil other iKiptilnr drinks
It. Eg up Phono 2171 I'uniulldnted
Soda, W ork.
Senator It T Mcore who went to
California to sluil) pollllcs, was
among tho Incoming piscngeiH to
dii) frtini linn rrnticlKco.
llllhril .1 Will 1 r mid litmi' I. Me
Loan weio loiln) ilppolnled Jilr) cum
mlrslont'is h Hie JuiIhs or the I'll
fllll t'dilil of ifonoiiilil
S K Km 1 his nlb'l suit iUihiHl
Oavl.l Kuwn ami Divld K1I111II cli 111
lug that the ileiend ih(, owe him f'iSt
for professional services lemlered
'I he Nttllitin Villlo) loughs lnvi
been all mrestol attilll iiiiiI at Ihc
police t'ourt this morning tin) weie
remnuiled till Weduisilii) n-t 'or
The rislrlcl, Court 100111 now looks
llkil new. mid llio disks and tables
ImJ all lie.cn varillrhed Imlg- An
tirade ineriictdl Hie wok .111 1 Hi
1 suit Is n gooil Job
Miss (Jiac,o r.lrsoil hi' id lilllllner
trlmnier ror Hie l'llniln II 11 Shilp 10
lurittil HilH liiornlmi fiom the niilit
ltlld,falun I'Oyt'is. wjieie the Ins
bjj'n( uToclltift ttlotk
' fliO tiutlnliuftit ln'irs the sign
tilfl'H.hf tillages CnOper Whltil y dud
Itolillisoii and hlalrs tint tho conmils
sloncrx- will lake otnio en I comlier
I and tontlmio for one )o.ir from tint
A ItilHslnll diunk was lined II this
iiiumlng li) .ludttu Aililrulc I'reit
Weed ncleil lis llltcrpr'ler and as lie
knows Hull words or the I inginge he
was 11 greit silcicss
"Jim" the nilplno ilt loctlw par
ttMik of an enormous feed of fish Ih
other dii) and ho Ik came III Ills
i) of explaining nutters to the rest
trf the staff was th it ho "was too
liiuch' koi slek " j
Tlittc wero twenl) soun clscs on
tho Itjillco tourt eilen r 111 h. iuoi;iu
lug bal onl) 0 cnti'de were tried T1
rest wero i-ent tuer for . 11 loin ityi!
sons, and the Tin Soon cast along
with tlio K0101II one, took priei'lenee
Chntles P I.. I.iidlii has llledlhls up
plication foi tltlniiKhlp paptls mid
the petition will be heard Beteinbcr
31 Tho Ktltloner was horn In (ler
man) and came to the Unite ij Slates
lamimg nt NewJVnrk Juno. 190.1
Huperlsoc iTuii-Jon'i'.Tof Maul,
;hn nitie down to bo present at
the, dTe;rrt9rUil convention of tho
Deniocrntl- party, Is booked to leave
en tho steamer Claiidlnc, which
rills this nflcrnonn nt G o'clock.
Sheriff .l.irrelt nnd I'r Mnckall
went over to Kaneohe last night to
Investlgite tho death of a Chlnnmin
whose bod) was found In a much do
composed londltlon In n Innel) liousi
There Is no suspicion of foul play but
the Health Depirtment will muko a
thcrough luvcsllgitlon
llcorge II McClellnn, private sec
ictnrv of Prlnco Knlaiilnniole, Ha
waii s Delegalo to Congress, rctiun
ed tenia) on the rtcnnushlp Sierra,
Hon A 1) Castro, who went to
the Slntes on business, wan among
tho returning l.nmaaluas toda) In
tho Sierra
James Wakefield of Tlico H -'l)i-v'lis
a Co arrived this morning; bv
tho Sierra Mr Wakefield bus been
on a liusliKss and pleasure trip that
has taken I1I111 to his old homo In
tho British Isles us well as through'
tho business centers of tho main
land lie Duds that business eondl
tloue on the mainland liavo Improv
ed eonsldoiahl) In tho Inst few
mouths Among tlicijnert liantH and
Jobbers thero Is n cr) strong oppo
sition to the present tariff, nnd thlr,
Mr Wakefield believes, Is at the hot
torn of the general polltlinl mires'.
Entered for Record Sept, 15, 1010.
Frcm 10:30 a. m. to 4 n, m.
It W Kalalaiiwalo nnd wf to
Baker Kclllkull . 1)
Western & llawn luvstint Co
Ltd to Kaboopolupola (w).., IJ
U I! Tung to I Winifred Sun . I)
Est of S O Allen b) trs to A P
Jones Ilel
V Ah I.eo et ul to City Mill To
Ltd . . . . .CM
Tlio supply of talk always exceeds
tho demand
Mali) 11 budding genliiit bus devel
oped 1 11I0 11 hloomliig Idiot
Ills Ideiitlt), but gavo up tho fight
when Woods appeal ed tin tho neno
Meanwhile High Hheillf Hour)'
found tml thai bales of bags hnd
been tharged up to the 0 1)111 Prison
an mini, mid had mnei been ilVllvnr
ei An IlivoMlgiitloii uluiweil, Uml
llijrkn's signature in oiileis hud hron
fnrRsd, nml hn when Tin Hnou re
tinned he ililinllti'il (ivnr)llilng Tin
Knoll Is now seivlllH 11 MUllsiiin Uml
lllilv iliulih lulu leu Iiiuh uiti mil
piulitilily will us m ni u tml
I Hi Old
Our New Phono Number "Will Bo
Clt) Transfer Co.
UlitlS it 1 tllHIli DM'
11 ss will wnl tn'o the nillllolialio
IKlCW tOKKiiei2l.4- Miolhur
eluss when Miss llernke (5 lleiidcr- id Miss Iteinlce Cluldci) Henderson,
son bqcomes tin wile of I' Augustus the uetiess, and V Augustus Ilclne,
llc,inze Miss llcnderbon iil.i;od tlie tho Montuni copi'er man, whoso en
role or Hie Viilni'tre In "A Pool Thuo g.igeinent was reicntl) unnoiinced
Was" add has bem on the stage Tor The visit was 1111 early 0110 uml tho
several i.lfs I'ntll she was eight pair eseiipcd (.uueinl iibtcrtutlon. Thu
jcnrH of age Miss Henderson v.ns nr- cerunouy will take place August JUJ
llletcd with hllnilniKM ,Tho man sho llelurt sild be was 10 ) ears old and
Is to mariv bus bad 11 most Intiltst-, wus born In Brooklvn Ho gatehls
lug career slnco ha went to Monliiiu pl.uo ol roaldcnco ns Butte, Mont,
us n mining cuglneci almost Mini- nnd said bn was a nilnei Mrs lion
less 11 number ot vi.irs ago Since ill rson said sbo was 20 and lived ln
Hint tlmo ho has girnind mlllioiuj this ill) Shu said bet parents. Avoro
from tho 010 ulns ol Unite uml other rhonua Golden, born l;i lrelaudJand
camiis lu Montaiin and bus ivlso had Mary Cmniiboll This will bo liorsec
hls share ot tilts Willi Uncle Sain In loud imirrl lge. She divorced hornrst
prosecutions lor nlliged lolatlons of luihliatid, t'liarles A Henderson, In
tho national ImnkliiK laws He waiJApill, 1UU9, nnd tlio tourt nwarded
recently nciiuittid l 11 federal grand l.ir euslodv or theli one child, a girl,
jury and !0ii a moiitli nllmony
rvlcClcllan Will'Canvass New
Status of Btiiklintj I
Willi tho object of toiiferrlliK
with local busliusj inen nnd H11110
lillu Inteiests In order to raillltute
his wtnV nt Washington during tho
coming )ear, G II MeC'lellaii, see
relai) to Kuhlo, urrlvul todii) f 10111
tho inn) 11 1 mil direct from thu cap
Ital Mi M Clellau Is cm his pe
riodical trip to tho Islands and Willi
bo hero ifut a mouth Ills wiTu
Mined In tho Stutes and will rpjtilli ;
1 1 1 tn In (Washington I
Setietur) MfClo'lan's lsll Is iar-'
tliulailv cniicerned with the rede rn 11
building site nud aitpropil itlous Ho'
will luaKn a thorough Investigation
of the loinl iltuiitlou nnd will en-'
dcavoi to find out wholbei 01 not I
Ihein will bo u inn csl..y for art
nddltloniil appioiirlatlou Until then,
ho ra)s, ho does pot uiro to ilUcuai!
tho tiiestIou In detail. 1
Beirtlary MiClellnn rignids tho
ameudmeuts ti the laud laws ns Iho
mosi imporiuui pieiu 01 1e11er.il lug
tslntlon ror Hawaii sliuu iiumixu
tlon ami hijs that ho Is well
pleated with tho rt suits of tho past
)tmr at Washington
MolorlstH 1110 nuked by tho llnjii)
lliilish Aiitouiohilo Club In forward
In tho setrelnry iholoKiiiihs of and'
liiloi'iiiiiiloii legnrdiuK iiniiiithurucil
ledmed spenl-llmll signs
Homo people iiin't son Iho error ol
Ihelr hid In inline Iho Insist tin
tin pins Hull e)w up )ouis
I'm iii u wli llw u mil1 ilnn man l
11I1I1 lu mHk a Mood vuiid foi til 111
(Jas. 11 Love)
VUitnn to Hi ' .urliigo license
biueaii III the eit) hall toil iy Inelud-
I'ollttiiuiii, "Ife cud I'he Clillilnn,
M.'iirltltnil In Italian 'I own.
HEGCIO. Ilnlv, Sc Jit C til tho Jll
lie town ir llelhiio, clghl miles soiith
or this clt) 0 1 thu strait of Mcsslni.
. '"' oin i ii mil i llijvollnii, llsfwUe
and flvo children wero niurdcied carl)
l. 1 1
At 2 cm I ik this morning siiuiCuOf
the tiinnspcnjili' of llellaro wore
Rwikeiii) by the! leirltlcd shrinking
t r 11 child, nud lushing to the cultn'go
oicujlcd b llle ltovolliin f.'iinll) round
thu J i 11 old duiihter id tho i0llco
infill, with lur Hiioal cut, before) vtho
til en door of her home, sere milng
Tender!) picking up Iho Utile child,
thu lllagiis carried her liiblde tiu
house wheie Ihtv weio honllled to
fliul the nlliir momliers) of Hie f.imll)
l)lng tie id all lmvfng been torrlbl)
iiiutll.ited b) bt,(ws rioiu .111 ax.
PCI1TLANP, Oie. Si nl .1 The
tlilnl annual exhlliltlon unci speed
1110 lug ot the Portland fall nud live
stock iiKSoilntlnu opened here tola)
""bn ohlbliun of t ittle horses shuui,
swine uml go its Is Iho flutst ovor
hliown 011 the Pnell.i toast 'Iliotiptu
lug oxeitjscs Ineluded 11 )ipr prcpnr
ed b) .lames J I III!
' VI113 to b inlucss cngii,ementH
Hill was iinablo to bo tin II mil nnd
Iho pnper was pud, by Pinsliliut Paul
Mnris ot tho I'uitlainl riir and live
Hloelc nsaoclatlou In 1 tit 1 the paper
"A niilluu Hint mollis to presorvn
lis prosperity nnd euulinl Uh own tins
tiny nilpd nuke sine Hull Its find sup
dy s (Ucrjiltitu (Hid will loiilliiuo to
be u)
"HiU inoius otmxorvflilnn nf ,llii
Ul It ifPHlres l)u otpunxlve piuili
tnurv no suburdtimtbui nf Inenl in
ffilci il Inii re. 1 h uuiIiIiim lu IipIih
liv luii IPs in. m I v illliiKiii'is 1 1
fill,. Hie iiiihtim il uM"ili !''
Bit Mi II11II1 tin fl 'ir )w
til -v-ti-
Friday Sept. 16.
H. 8 Chl)u Mum, from Orlc.it, 2-10
p m
S 0 Sierra, Houdlelt, from San
1 i.imlsco, 8 a m
ttmr Noeau, from Kauai, 7 a, 111
Per S S. Sierra, Houdlctte. from
San lranclrco. Sept 16 It. II Allen.
Art's Allen, Mrs W A Anderson nnd
thlld W A llillc) Trank Bennett
Mrs llcunelt, I). P Blovlns. Mrs tile
vlns. Miss Ant) Blcvliis, Miss Ilortrce,
Miss M Bortrco, O. W Burnclt, MrB.
Burnett, Mrs I-. T Dusliucld hud In
fant, A D. Castro, Bog. V. Cn)cc, Mrs
Ca)ce, Captain C M Coster, Mrs. I
II Craig, Miss M M Compton.. J J
Devcrcnux, Mrs. Dcvercniix, Mrs E
WtoIt, Lieut Luther Evans, Prlvato
J K Evans, Miss M I'arko, Miss I.)'
ilia J 1 ctguson, W L. netcher, W
O Kraukllu, Mrs Krnuklln, Mrs C 1.
I'ulcher l P Oeorge, (1 Gcrcovlch,
Geo T Glbbs, Mrs. Glbbs, Miss Alletjn
Glblis, Miss l.-stlicr Glhhs, Bobt Gib
son A L Gordon, Mrs Gordon and
child Mis Edw Hail. Miss Hart, Miss
M A llcnddcu, J, Herman, Arthur
Hollldtt). Mrs .Holllday, C. C, U'Hom
itPtlh'n, Mim L'llommcdlcu, Captain
E Hopkins, Sergt W. Hulhtil. Victor
llurd Mrs Html, Miss Louisa Irwin.
II Jnchlm Mrs E C Johns, Captan
M M Jojintnii Mis JolitiHOh, Mrs
II I" Johnston W M .lohnsltin, Mrs
JyliiiSlon E, A Jnucs.iMrs .1 ,NTJdf4
gciiten " Ixnssellefcr,' Miss Mllllcenr
Keating, Miss I' Kcll) Miss I Ketl)
Miss V. Kcll), i: M Klrchcn, Mrs
Irclicn Miss A Kleninie. Geo Grog
Mrs J O Lorenxcn, II A Lee. I) K
I cmon Sergt A T Loiigle) . It C
I.owiunn W S L) sic, Mrs L)sle. Miss
M McAlccr Mrs C If Mcllrldo nnd
child G B McClclliu, John McCul
lough Wm McCiillough, Mrs T J
McGruth and two children, J I) Me
Grew P S McKcnu A C MncNoll
A K Macrae Mrs Macrae, M A
M if rue Mis Macrae. Isabel Macrae,
Mrs L. G Marshall, G Madhows.
Miss A I Mlllor C, M Miller, II T
Moore W II Muiitcr, Mrs. .1. It, My
ers J M Oil, Mis Ont, !LO?atol Miss
Soihl.i Ocste, Miss Grace Parsons
Kcigt, Plnno. Mrs 11 i; porter. K. I'
(Juarlis B Ouluncll, Miss E. Kiev
Mis J II Hlehurdson, faster Hlch
nidfoii Mrs U ItldcrjMnJor W. It,
Itllc), Mrs Illlc), Major G. Hose. Miss,
A Hantos, .Mrs w 11 scon nun main
Mlrs Anna Scott, Miss E. Scott, Miss,
JAllauI.SeoU,J, II. Scovci, Lieut Col
J W Short. Sergt. Sllvn, Mrs A R
Smijil, Matcrjll.ip, Smalf, G E. Su)
dor, Br II W "Sopor, Sirs Sopor, W
Starblrd l' Stpwnrt, Mrs "Stpwarl
Setl J lionet d V Slitlivan. A. (1
Rtoddijtl p 0 JTIikiOr.fll Tobdnei
'Jas Wnkendld, Mrs. WakcflJliI, C N
Walker. Sergt II II Willi tnw (Mrs
r.llrnbclb 8 Wood Mrs V IZehrlnK
If: liymond, '
COMMISSION'EII Allii) received 1
visit from tho locked out iiorHon r
tho crow of tho Wllholmlna jestcrdny
who made a recjucst that the) bo paid
Ihc wages coming lo them thejr term
of bcrvico Fcemlugly to have ciu)ui
as the) vlero not jiermltted to roturi
on beaid tho vessel Commtsslonc
Aim) nsiircd them that the) would be
paid, that being ns far 11S his Jurlsillc
Hon went What will happen as re
gards thu breaking ot quarantine rule
Ik 110 in llin omchlls ?''
Ml tW -
MAl)'STON CAMPI1E1.L hns'mo !
thu conclusion that tho combined triif
flc ot tho Japanese liners and the
Pacific Mall liners Is ot too great n
volume foi Alukeii Mrcct wharf am
that It will bo 'best for all concerned
to consign (ho Japanese stcamshipa
to 1110 iiatkicm wnarr At 1110 rate
business Is Increasing there would In
te congestion of rrclght If both lines
wero to eontliiuo lo uso Alnkea stroel
AT B O CLOCK this afternoon the
sleamer Clauijlno will leave for Ln
lialna, K'aliulul, Hniia, Kcanno on Maui
nud thence she gocn to nllo uml L1111
linhoehoo on Hawaii. A number of tin
Maul dcjcgites to thu convention will
le.no on her,
THE S'lEAMICIl Helcno Hulled at t
n't lock toelii) for Kukalau, Ooknla
I jupalioehoe, Kohalatclo, Paaiitlo nnd
Paninloa on Hawaii with general met
chaudik '
(Continued from Patr I)
I cm 1 lih Untln Hi I iiniiiv if
(law, cf, Dall if, llubiipmu 1 , ;ipi
lull, n, Williams e, Hill (llljsiin
Peyton, p Hlorp mli
'j Im 'I)wiiU will bt ieiiwiiite
Id n i' niu dump iiom tin. ruiiiiMiiiK
ll-i llillhii lliihmll il I'lilllliii,
Wen Hi I . Up Mm Moiue. Willi nu
ll Hollas Walku tknuii l.ise ph
rime, uml lltiriv
Per stmr Mniinn l.oa, Slrlferson,
for Kona and Kai perls, Sept. 16, 12
nooir Joseph Ojiuclo, Esther Kit
hale and maid, J Gablcr, Geo. J
Campbell, A. Cllliti, Miss lather Glbb,
Geo Glbb nnd wife, I', MnrBChart nml
ivirc, Mrs A. Llftec
Per stmr, W, G Hall. Thomjison,
for Kauai, Sept. 16, 5 p Id JV 11
Hlce, E Ijinger, .t 11 ,Me)cr and
wife, Miss Ellc8on, Miss Lawrcrrce,
II W 8 Purvis nnd wlfcr
Per stmr. Clnudlnc, Bennett, for
Mnul, 8ci( 17, 6 . in II I Bald
win, Miss Von Tcmpsky, II. T Znblan.
W K Strnuch, V Chun Lung, 8 John
son, E II, Hart nnd son, Mrs, 8. K
Lucas, Jas. Hainntlla and 'wife, Mm.
Mnnala nnd 2 children, W A Ander
son, wife nnd 2 'children, Mr Nob
lltt, Itcv 8 L Desha, II W Hlce,
wife and S children, A II Uindgmrt,
It S Hogeruji, W B Mclnlyre, Y
Per O. 8 8 Sierra, for San Kratt
cIbco, September 21 Mrs A E
Buchley, Miss Bnrllctt, Mr. and Mrs
T ' U Benton, Mrs llolbrook. Miss
Hollirook. Mrsv V. TXl Bulletin anil
cfilld. M'rs 1" lVLaughilnramf rhlld.
Miss Ccnlor, Mrs. D CentcrMri'. T.
It Heard. 'Mi's. A E. Boanl.'Mrs. V'.
A Or.i)f Miss Eva Gray. W U Itavcn,
tr. T Moore. J II. Harris, Miss Har
ris, LocUir Aiken, Doctor nnd Mrs.
Whiter. Mr. and .Mrs. I) U LUIIs,
Mr Iforninni "Mr. MntllicwsAl' 11.
Thoniiison, Miss E Berry, Mf. nnd
Mrs II I) Porter, J. Vf. Hamilton,
Dr and Mrs E V Hlce. J II, Slnll
son nml wife Miss E Held. Miss G.
Ilium. Mrs E I! Wntcrhouso, thf
Misses Wntcrhoiise, Mr. nnd Mrs II
II l'cnhnllow, MrB. V. II. Hold, Itev
Y T Kang. Mrs. C II. Waterman.
Miss Ii Dechcrt. J I). Tucker, Mrs.
O n Muraskv, Miss M I1iisbc) Miss
E. Marlon, Miss E E Cox, Miss M
It Blown, Mlbs II U Hilton, Miss I..
Di) Mrs G I) Itupooll nliel-clil)d. Mr.
Col son
, ,
Thursday Sept. 15.
SAN KIlANCISCCW-ArrUod Sept. 15:
Schr. Muriel, from llonolpu, Aug. 20
I'OHTLAND Arrived Sept. 15; 8 8
Dubinin., hence 8opt 7
, Wednerday 8tpt. 14
HEDONDO Arrived Bcjit. 13: Rchr.
C 8 Holmes, from JIllo, Aug. 17.
SAN KltANCISCO Sept. H. 8 8.
I.urllnc. henco Sept, C
YOKOHAMA Sailed Sejit II. 8. 8.
.- Asia, for Honolulu-. .
KAHUWH Arrived .Sept. ,fi: Ship
'Wn.. Wliw54BLCVellri
,,, Tuesday Sept, 13.
ArilANeJtijtO-SnjIolfiop 13. t'
p. m : 8 8 Siberia, for IIiolulii
3ALI.VA Cni'-rtArrlved Sept -13. 8
8 Mexican, from 'I llio. Aug 27
3ALINA CRUZ Sailed. Sopt 111: 8.
8 Virginian, for San Francisco
SEATTLE SaUrd' Sopt 12: -S 8
Hllonlau, fur Honolulu
A BAH OR cmpto)cd on Iho schoon
er Eavld Evans, now discharging lum
ber at Pearl Harbor, was trcited ut
thq hpsjiltul jestcrelay for 11 bad scalp
wound, which ho claims was Indicted
by tho Captain of tho vessel with 11
pair 1 1 handcuffs, Tho sailor claims
(lint the Captain's Ire was stlrrsd up
b'tcauso ho' went on board by incaiM
of n.spnr when ho should have went
np iho gangway
Logan, which completed discharging
her cargo 'at the Mntsou wharf, salted
this morning for Manila and Guam
The passengers wero serenaded b)
llio Hawaiian Hand ut thu dock. Mad
nil Alapnl uml M I Kaal sung catch)
songs, ns well as tho Hnwalln mclo
'1 HEf KONA KAU Unci4 Muuna Via,
In commnnd nf Captain Blmeison loft,
toda) for Mnul and Hawaii pejrts In
honor of Ilia returning delegates lo tho
territorial comenjfon who have been
In constant attendance, wlillo liore,
the Hawaiian Band pa)od npiirelprlnlo
selections nt tho wharf, before tho
4(011111 r hacked Into Iho stream
THE STEAM Kll W G Hall, which
was held ovt r from )cstcrdn) will bo
dispatched this afternoon nt 5 o'clock
lu Kauai Shu will take a number ot
tonrltts, wio eamu In on tho Blerru
this morning from Sun Francisco
TOMOItltOW MOllNING tho flag
ship Manna Kcu of thn luter-lslauel
licet will return from Illlo via Malm
kouli and I.alialim Hlie wil bring a
big list of passengers, who have Iron
visiting tit tho Vo'cano House
THE JAPANESE liner Chljn Mnnt
milling from Yokohama, Jupmi, Is ei
I'telel in uirlvn off poil nt I u'clocl,
Ihls iiftirnoou Bhn will ro'iiuiu her
m) ago for the nialiilaml ul VI o cinch
tuiuuirovv iiioriiliig
llli; MATHON liner Wlltielmlna
ntroielliiK to the oiiIoims ijt ilu Hlorru
lth nulveil Ihls liminlilK fliMII Han
FrnmUiii was iiieilemlnn plununt
WPiitlii'i Hlie unmri'tl "nil well mi

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