OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, November 05, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 16

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-11-05/ed-1/seq-16/

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nvKNiN(i-iuii.i.i:riN. Honolulu.
r. ii.. RATtmtMY. Nov s. into.
,, :w
fTiir nrsr Ail T
tin womu r' ; .'V
Order :i C.isc for the home
Rycrof '. Fountain .s.ula Work1?
I'llW z?o
White Frost
M ' f ;is
5 f p
Large' Stock
just received.
Sold on time
Young Bid
Shipping and Commission
" "
I i
Agcat 'for
i Arthur Sowall & Co., Bath, Me.
Farrott & Co., San Francisco
Badger's Fire Extinguisher Co.
General Fire Extinguisher Co.
Nouinan Cloolc Co.
Royal Standard Typewriter
Aaohon & Munich Fire Ins. Co.
In late anil nrlis io designs, hand-toned and carved, or the,.;
autumn demnud, have just bc:n recaved. .
Arts and Crafts Shop, ?i
Goose Girl
Copyright I M by the Bobbl
Meir Ii Company
shilling, lie frillrnt tfuiilie hnd" nil-lll-Wll
II kiss, All. here mis I lie ll-
prl.iuliy. mill, by the I I Hurry, tip
w until mil -l It nli. If Ihli follow
' meant wrongly t.ittnrd (iiclchcn-iiud
how (until ln ini-iin cImi'7-Iic, Cnrml
iliiu't; Mould lul,). ill). matter boldly
lulu liN hands In tin some catling. Ho
laughed. Here would In' another mil
M'tilr. to mini cnucd-
lie Jumped tu hit feet. ilriMHl lilt
plK (in the nlll nf tlni nltidow mill
ii.it.lt fur his Imt nnit Httnril rune. 'Hie
tlerk went mi tv Ii tt III ttillhr.'
'I'ii gain tin- gulden Cnrmlelncl
ttoiiM h.ivp In pass through I hi' tut'
itii. Tlui llrM pprson lie ciirmmtpred
ttus C'oliincl tnu Wiilli'iiKii'lii VYnllcu
Hli'lu smkc lii I'mii IIiiiiit, who mi-
1 snerpd him ttlth itiM tit lll.y. Wnllcn-
Rtl'lll t Irllll llU IIIIHllH III'. Illllgllfd
mid tti'in Intu tin- garden Neither
Urcteben luir tlni tlntncr suw WiiIIimi
stein. Up wntihcd them ttlth nn t'tll
suillo. AfliT some deliberation bo
milked lightly Inttiinl the Intent.
, "A pretty pli tut rr lie mid.
"Lcnte in. Grctchon." milil tlio vlnt
uiT. tilth ii (lit citing gentleness,
tlri'tdiri) stnrtcit rrliulniitl.r ilnttn
the pntli. At kIii' Ii'pmiI utr tin- p.ilh
tu kii miiiiil tin- riiliitirt In- i;rniiil lirr
I riuli'ly nhil kl .it ln-r on the rhiM-k.
KIim wri'iiuint. una thlt niTi-niii limtiKlit
Ciiruilchiii'l iihim llii- N'Piii1. Up tow
tin tliituiT run fnrtviinl mill ilimli lilt
i lint llllll till- xiiIiIIit'h rni'P. Wltllt-llHloIll
felt buck hurt mid lillmleil Thr tint-
tier, ncllvp iim n c.it. suit- Cnriiilrliiii'l
I nhnll iink'i In lilt hlRluiptt. Without
I lilt Immunity iiij lljit ttltl lip ni'rtlnl
fnli'tiT An I til III. I link nnthliiK for
iiijiii If. liollilnu 'I liiTf Imt been a
IIIVI . llllll III.' Illllll ll"l 111.111,1 i
U'iiih. iiiiil Koine of her mmtcrs MuiiiIub mi n rujr lie ditrled tutt-nrd
(Continued from Last Saturday.)
Gretciien prccupil horrelf. linns
ilnippod the lid of bit Ktclii ntid putlied
It unity lilt lipnrt nlunts ttnrtitcd nt
(be Klsbt nf thlt pinw qlrl lie cotint
rd ilon ii the pntnll cbttiKP fur the beer,
lid li.'tck In tils elt'ilr nnd Muulcretl
to the bnr.
"(5ood day to Jim, hcrr," ttnt her
"When In the ttcddlup? I should
like to come to It "
"You nlll be tt elrniier berr."
"And limy I btlui; iiIkiik n little pros
en!5" "If It fo pIpiifp j on. I nitiBt lie po
trie." she ndded to I'mu Ituuer.
(rumlmrh milked ttlth her to the
Kriiuicrnptr. nnd he ntkn) her ninny
Miriirlieil lilm
"Net or knew fntbrr or inotliiT?"
"No. berr. I inn only n fminillliis
who fell Into kind hands. Thlt Js
where I lite."
"And If I kIiouIi) ntk to come In?"
"Hut I shnll be too busy to tlt. This
In lirpnil d.iy." ct nslt uly.
"1 proinlte to nit tery ipitpt In n
Her humbler rlppleil. Bhe wnt nl-
i.t t tlotp to tint tprcwi'loii. "Yoo
nre ii funny tnnn. Conic In. then; but,
mind, .ton nlll be dusty ttlth Hour
win n ,tou leiite."
llllll llll. I.'lll.tllill. .tin t.ul lllltl 2h
tt.it motel ttlth rurl.nlty. Why nhould I "'V '"'V I1"!"- . " ll" V"' ",,1'7 ",1"1
. . iniul HI tt ! niintii tin uiiukl 1'lin
miy iiiitu vltii in nee n woman ktieud , , ..'. ""; ""
rnioiiei inn uoi emu ttuoiu or ttuni lie
struck lit now. When Oiriiik'hnel re
turned the compliment he mums hit
lert did their
dropped m
him nnd before Cnrtuli hnel could pre
tent him driiftciil the ttvnrd rnnn
mt'ny. Tin; lilmlp. tbtn nnd plhint,
llm-linl mid none too kooii. The colonel
hud ulrcmly dritttii hit xnber.
"Snte hliiiT" (Srctcben nrnnit her
The two'bliulet met vpltefully. Unlf
n iloreii thrUKlt nnd pnrrlet emit hired
the colonel Hint the rnctiiir jwilli knew
nhnt be wnt (loin;;. Down swooped
the unber cntlliiKty. The hlinle of the
sword uiue tumpped like u iiIih-hIciii.
The Inner cmne ou. nnd iheie trai
tlenili'ii Intent.
Mciinllme Cnrmlehnel hnd found n
"Sit there, berr." And Mie pointed
... . U.....I ... II... I..f. rt .1... Inl.l
... .. i.nn iii iiii- i.'ii in uir iiii.ii-. i . ii ... .
(irelihen ilellbenilely rolle.1 up her ' hP polcnH he old crusni
l unuinsnornt: ine miner
pleetpH.nnd licpiii mull,
1'miii.i;icIi heu'M left nnn. otherwise
perfect Inn. there ttim n tthtte eenr.
roumi nua un
ci en. more tlko
nu itnctent burn
l b n u unythlng
eNi Uruuibiteh'a
ejet reKtetl uiwu
the sciir iiud.be
inuie Hied.
"Where did you
get l lint 7" he
ntked. lie apoke
llllll Mllimir..
f W '".'.The m-urr I
. do not rriiiem-
"i,:,.:,?"0' -..iniudtnoiher
uyn th.it tthen I
wnt Utile I nnmt linvn been burned." l
"Whnt did .ton Kiiy. berr?"
".Niithltii;. You uiu't reniembcr?
Think:" Iciki'Ij now.
"WIiiiI'b nil Ihlt uonteute iihout?"
File i lied, wllli ii iicrtnim l.iUKh, "It't
only ii xtiir"
She pined the donuli Into four
Fifu ires These hIio ilneid on the men
Hint p.
There! It'H n I'ue irjiilery. Inu't It?"
"Yet." Hut (jrumbni'h wim bIiuI.Iiii;
lit ttlth ngiic.
"Whnt In tbo mntler, herr?" ttlth
concern. .
"I Krutr dizzy like- this Houictluies.
It iloeHu't nuiiiuut to mi) thins."
tiietiheu turnetl down her nlceten.
"on must gu now, for I linto other
tt ork."
"And o hate I. Gretchen."
He pilncd the Ftreel, but how he
net er knew. A crnit nilm muldeuly
ttbiKed down upon him, nnd the world
bttiuup clenr cleur nt hit piirHise, hit
loiiritce, hit duty. They uilelit Hhoot
or loins him nt they huw Ut. This
would not deter bltn.
The cypsy. standing In the center of
the wnlk. did not see lirumbnib. for
he ttnt lookliiK. Inward (lie palaces.
(Jruuihm Ii, eten more oblivions, crash
ed Into him. (irumbnih Htmnmerctl mi
npolosy. mill the other replied In Ida
peiulliir dialect. The Jnr. lionet er, hnd
roused UniiH nut of hit tniplc innt
Iiikh. Theie wiih n sllnt of yellow In
the s.M'ny'H e,te, a Uuw In the Iris,
limit unto n cry.
"You? I find )ou at thU moment of
nil othprt?"
The sypty retreated. "I do not know
jou. It It n nilttnUe."
'lint I know .ton," ivhlnperrd Hnns.
"And jou ttlll know me tthen I tell
you Hint I hiii tlip'snTilener's boy you
ruined Rome sliteen jenrs ngo."
ch,m;ti:k.xiv., ,
Illti-I OUfllEt.
Injured, but the e'oloncl'H arm dangled
nt hit lde. He ttnt In njjony. Car
lulchnel's Hnser nbnted none.
"You're ir tine example of n Foldler!
Arc .ton mild to Attack n man thlt
wny? They will brent; jou for this, or
my iiiiine'H not Cnrliilclincl.
"I Rhnll kill you" for Hiltr
"llnnl I -114111 fought more times
thnn yod liHre ypiim to jour counting."
with Rood! YiiuWee spirit. "Hut If you
think I'll waste, my time In lighting n
duel with )ou. you're up the ttroug
"(io to the iletlir
"Not Just m present. There's loo
much for ule to do."
(Iretcheil and the tint nor hnd tan-
lshcd. Cnriiinrhnel n greed that It wnt
I the,, best thing 'for tliciu to do. The
I vintner tt'lisl no cottnid. but he Wnt
I discreet. Somebody might ask ipiet-
tlnnt. So t'armli hnel returned to the
I consulate, eipuilly liidllTeii'iil what the
colonel dlo or wlieii- he tieni, (If the
tlutiier he thought. "The b"l heniled
..toung rool, to risk his life like tlial!"
Up would Fee later what he meant In
I regard to (Iretihen Poor Utile goose
"Are you hurl, excellency?" asked
the clerk milk. Itously.
"Yes. I henrd n noninn screiim and
rnn to the window. It ttnt n pood
light. Hut th.it fellow-nch! To run
nttay nnd leate jou, nn outsider, to
light his battle!" ,
' "He would hate been siloed In two
If 1 hadn't come to the front. A bop
pole Isn't half had. I'll bet that lady's
man has a bail arm for some lime to
come. Ail for the t Intner. he had good
reasons for taking lo his heels."
"OihhI reasons?" ltuf there ttns, a
sly look In the clerk's eyes, "
"No iiiestlout, If you please."
"Very well, excellency." And miletly
the clerk returned to bis table of fig
ures. Hut Inter he Intended to twite
a letter, unsigned, to his serene high
ness, t'armlchael, scon ling, undertook to
answer bit mull, but not ttlth any ro
umrknhlc brilliancy or coherency.
And In this condition of mind drum
bach found him Grutubneh, nciom
pJiilcil by the old clock mender from
across the nay and a gypsy Carml
chnel had never seeii before.
"Tell jour ilerk to leate us." said
"Something serious, eh?" Carmlchacl
dismissed the clerk, telling him to re
turn after the noon hour, '
"I hate already spoken to you about
It," (jriimbarh returned, "Hut 1 am
here lo ask a fat or, a great favor, one
that ttlll need all jour diplomacy to
gain for me."
nr L . mm
ixl &T
"mnii'i.v Torn ijrnrr will nut snoot
AM llt.U flilHIIl?"
great blunder nnd a gir.it n rous. too.
but (bsl sent me here lo right It. Will
jou do thlt?"
"Hut tthy 'don't jou nam Immunity
for jliurself?"
''Theie must be some one for tf.o
duke to punish." herohally; "otlitr
ttle he ttlll i el use,"
"Still, suppose I biiigntu for jou
"When jou tell him my name h
Hit miner tin re tt III be no liarg ihilu,'!.''
" hill has this i lit'k mi mler lo do
ttlth the i use?"
"He Is ('mint toil, Arnslicrg"
"llj (lenrge! And (his gjpsyr'
"The mail who hi list! me. Arusbers
It an luilmeiit lu.lli.'pnt Ibis h.it o ho
ptousl." ' ( I
"I ttlll do tthal I nn Hans, nnd t
ttlll let .toil know the lemlt aflir din
ui Moid. In "
'riiat nlll tip eiii'ii'th lint unlesibe
com Piles do noi nil lilln our miliiet."
"Ymi tin ! me a bit ihi'isl," Cnrml
chnel ndmlltiil "I ought tu know
ttlnt lhl MiiiiiIi Is io hate some
thins lo stiiud on"
lirimibin b shisik hli'-ieiid. "I..itri
etiry iiiestlmi ttlll be ninon-iptl, nnd
rpniember nl this Intel t low- Herbcclc
'mist tiol be present."
"Virj welli I irmul-.ii to see Ills
holiness i lil-. nfi. i noon ' ,
1 he llilei of thetll Mitelillllt ironptsl
1)111 le.lt ilU I illlille!.ll' belt ildi'l lit
And ttl. lie he tt s nn i.ii-i bis .nbid he
he.ii d slips mi tlio stabs. The ducr
ttx'tp shut mils I l.i.
"l.t (I'.suge. I'll t.tti'iiil to ib ii this
minute Ui II .r.' win. siuiT this jel
nit o 'Ii" I iiii . i "
111 u 'b'.i I'le it'i'i it I t ii
..'iiiil.ll . ii flic mi i "i t I, 'if
door, Isnlit pii.l. 'I It n, co lei en
lensl. . losing i lie i'ii r and pin tug his
Ii.ii k iigilul ll
'Hie limner uit 'in! ii pi n't from
ll.i- di.ieei In i'ii- tin. letel. .1 It
ill I eriuli ll
" in I ti r nil i tt l I .' I Fllnnt
(Tc Be Continued Next Saturday.)
RMW. i tth J
for Infants and nhlldron.
The Effects of Opiates.
THAT IXTANT9 tropccullnrly imicrptiblo to opium and lis various preip
nrationt, all ot vtlilth nro n.ircotic, is well knottn. 12ten In tlio sm.itleit
doses, if continued, theto opiates canto changes In tlio functlotm nnd growth cf
Hip cells, rrlilcli tiro liliely to becomo iicnnancnt, causing Imbecility, mental
perversion, a craving; fur tlcohol or narcotics in later life. Nervous diteospt, fiil!i
as Intractable nervous dyspepsia and lack of slaying potrcrt, nro a result of dosinjj
n 1th opiates or narcotics to keep ilillilrcn quiet in their Infancy. Tho rulenmong;
physicians is Hint children should never reccivo opiates in tho smultc9t doses for
morn than a day nt a time, and only then It unavoidable. ,
Thn administration of Anodynes,, Drops, Cordialt, Soothing; Syrups and other
n.trcollcs to cliihlrcn by any but pbyskian cannot be too strongly decried, nnd
tlio druggist should not bo a party lo it, Cliihlrcn who arc 111 nee d tlio attention
cf a. physician, nnd it It nothing- lets than a crime to doso them tt illfully with nar.
tc tea. Caatoriaconlalnsnonarcollcs lilt bears theslgnaturo of Cbas. II, Fletcher.
Tho y ZS--fi- "" B""""""!:" rpiiiiIiio
nlgnntiiro of Wia&CUcttM Onsiorln '
Physicians Recommend Castoria.
Yonr rrrpBratlnn known a dflnrl I harcim-d
forrrilncbUilruicntiipftntv tntl I have fwuDl
notbfiif bftlif. Jomm J Lita! M. I. n
v For MTf ftt yciira I rrrcmmf Dried jour Cwtorla
ind flail tlw;a conllnne to do o,a It hat lnva
tUIIj nlt.cod bencAcUl rrsnlia."
Uuwim l rAniirr,M.l).,KfTT York City.
Tonr CMtnria la a mf-rllortotia honpfuoM
irmj'. nUjmrtlj vrftrtaMo andarta aa a mild
calbartlc, A dot all, 'It d'xm ImfOi, which ll
uiotc than can b aaid of tha grtat majority vt cbil
drra'a niifCIca
Victok U. CorrMiTt. M. D.. Umnha. Htb.
Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria.
"1 lure pttrcrfticl rour CiutnrlA tn mtny cute.
and har. rv.. foiirsl It an cffiilrnl and .ism.iI
h.u.pOjr." A. f. linn, M.S., BL Uiul, Ho.
'IliaTOTjFfl yonrCaptnrlainrnf own honwhoM
ullh Kon.1 rtpjllfl, and liavo aittlMsl Kvrrnl tallrnta
to ie It for In nlM, laxallvo rITrct and trocdora
fruia harm." vKowaro rAnttim, M. I),
Brooklj n, N. T,
"YnurCatimla lidlda Die rrlism of tho mrdlcak
profrplon hi a manm r ' Id ly no ot hi r nroprU lary
prrnarallntv ltta pt furo and nllablo mcdiclno to
Infanta andtul'ilrrn. In fact It la tlio uuluraal
kouichotd rrmrdr fur Infantile attm"nta."
J. A. PitKin, M. D., Kauaaa Cltr. Mo.
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Tho matter of boiindailcs of I'cpce
kco Sugar Company eatnto will bo bo
lo io tho Supremo Couit this inonlh,
and other casts to bo heard during tho
month ate: I
wnil.im O Smllh, ct nl., Trustees, '
ts. Alexander I-lndaay Jr., uttornoy-.
gencr.d. appeal from clrqult court,
first clicult, ,
Samuel K. I'.iahao, ct nl. vu? Sarah
A. Sttlnton, ct ul. Appeal from circuit
Jmlgo, hi st circuit. J
IIuilllo U D'llcrhlay v. Charles 0.
Macomher. Appeal fiom circuit Judge,
(list tlicult. '
Territory of Ilatviill v. Itamanku, ct
nl i:x options from. clicult court, llrst
' !?'
What a difference careful scienti
fic methods of brewing and pro
per aging'makein a beer, and then
Ask Yourself
U '
whether you don't owe it to your
own health to
Rainier Beer
No fear of not scaurine Bometlih.tr new and novel to anpcil to the
flhildrcn's tnste if you bu here, New line of MEN'S SHOES in stock.
lie kind you pay $5 for at other places you net hcic for $3.50,
4Iate patterns at low pricej in fie Dry Goods Department.
CA1CJIICIIAI.I. sat in (lie omrei .rr mKof , n(lk nnlUnB A horrl
of the consulate. His letter !,e t.Itintlor linn been made. You ttlll
ofri-slgnatloii ttas ou Its nay, B , (hl. ,.,,, ,lnK( ,ind k imimml
v but It ttotild be Jn'Ntnctnber ty for this gjpsv mid this clock mend,
before he heard dcllnllely from thej pr n8 nllnesses to the disclosure. nnlcb
depnrtmeut. My tint lime the grent
snows ttotild have blanketed the earth i
nnd the nadir of his discontent would
ho reached. Hut tthnt to do till that
time? He could ride for somo weeks,
but riding without companionship ttns
rather n lonesome affair. Ills own de
ll a nee of the chnncellor had erected n
barrier between her highness mid him
self. They nnulil ttntdi htm How,
etnile him, put small obstacles In his
path, obstacles against which he could
enter no leiisomilile iniuplalut, A
nllhernl leaf, a glno and u fun these
lepifsciiicil tin- Mim of his inuimice.
Two Humes uiot.d In the gn.len be.
in lib When Hie Inn bends imue to
b thif M.irtl) mil then sepliat d, both
' - -f
Tlnj ipclsloii of tlni Stlprcmo Court
In' the "toner 'cliso'" will bo intuited
with Interest, the'iirgiiiueiita having
lietjn m.iilujyvJloidu'yf r
Thlsxns Vl!) tcsitlio vnlldlty or
tho cnnJnici'scDlercrt lido by Honolulu
K'sldeiitu ttlth tlioDopaitmcnt of Pub
He WorksrrthU'J ilopnrtniunt making
deli iippllcait for sqwer connections
blgn it contiact before! connections are
miiilo, and thp Hoard of Health linpoa
lug iicualtlcs If cutiueo (uns tiro not
iu.uk' i
S . a
I'eoplo of opon mind having Din
beteii or hnvlng fi lends who have,
can hear ot something to tlidc ad
vantage If they will cull. Helpful
diet, list free.
Yes; tho Domncrnts are now In fash
Ion, nnd they Hceni to be enjoying It
In fact, politicians of cteiy party rnu
alu a) s bo found In The KiikIiIoii bar
for theie Is tthcio u "good ililuk,
Hotted light, In good luuiiuiiiy," can
nl ways bo hnd,
ninnk honks of nil snits, ledger,
etc, manufactured by tho Ilullotln
Publishing Company.
Hams & Bacon
Prepared by the b.st known
California nielho'd.- ' Quality
is unsurpassed. 'They are
, as good ;as they IooHj and,;
and- taste belter. - , ,' 4
n ' ''ft '
Yee Hop & Co.,
King Street
Phone 1851
. ..aTitA
i ttoiiAiiHWSiBPW-"3 aoai" ' rataittfif ifTiifinr "- w-..-
ra-trtwtiSntiiini rn nrrh tn"-' r i -i-t-'-1 -1
rf Km.H'sTjL.JtL

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