OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, November 07, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-11-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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1 "
At 120 King Street, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii.
Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday of each week.
Wallace R. Rarrlngton, - Editor
For Sale
Per Mnnth, anywhere la U.S .7H
Per Quitter, ttiywhert In U.S..... 3o
Pel Year, ativrierc lnU.S... H.uo
Per Veal, postpaid, foreign, .... . 13. oo
in the Territory of Hawaii.
-p I Editorial Rooms,
Cltj Business Office,
I . t
Nonresistanco is for the nonconslructive man, for the her
mit In the .cave and the naked saint in the dust: the builder
and maker with the first stroke of his foundation spade uses
foice and opens war against the anti-builder. H. G. Wells.
Vote for Robert W. Shingle for Treasurer of the City and
County of Honolulu.
The continued hold ot H. H. Trent on this office is one ot
the most potent forces that has operated to make the rise of
McCandlessism and a bossed Democracy possible.
That hold must be broken if the people wish to have a gov
ernment and a use of patronage in this city that will promote
decency in politics, efficiency in office and proper represen
tation at Washington.
Make no mistake. The control of the Republican party
and its power for competent government will not be safe un
less the party elects its Mayor, its Sheriff, its County Attor
ney, its Clerk and its Auditor, as well as its Board of Super
visors. An impression prevails that the Republicans will control
the situation if they elect a majority of the Board of Super
This is not the case under the present county law. The
Republican party must be in control of all the executive de
partments in order to be in a position to carry out Republican
The last day of the campaign finds the Republicans con
fident and on guard. Guarded against the tricks. of the oppo
sition, and also against the more detestable treaqhery of
Lorrin A. Thurston and his following of falsifiers and char
acter assassins.
That means that the fight will be kept up until the last vote
is counted. It means that there are real issues at stake. It
means that not a single straight vote can be wasted; not an
ounce of 'power for progressive administration can be
scorned as not needed.
This paper is not given to making reckless predictions that
may beckon the unthinking crowd to the band wagon, nor is
'it timid in estimating the strength of aggressive fighters. It
aims to give its patrons the truth as nearly as the truth is to
be secured through bright and able men in constant touch
with the people.
Republicans need every vote, every straight vote, that can
be cast for two reasons.
If the contest is to be a close one, they need them to count
the necessary majority.
If the result is to be a landslide, as seems probable, they
need every vote in order to make the victory impressive, and
to put a final quietus on the vicious and bombastic cam
paign that has been carried on by the opposition to embroil
labor with capital. That is what should be done. The peo
ple should clear the boards of that sort of politics and poli
ticians and go forward to better things.
According to all the rules of the game the Republicans
snoum nave a sweeping majority.
There has been a greater stirring of olti dry bones among
the "natural Republicans" than ever before. More of the
men who ought to be in politics have taken a hand this year.
There has been a more general uniting of factions within
the party than ever before. Elements that were at dagger's
point during the two previous elections have been cooperating
and working for a general party success this year. Thurs
ton alone with his newspaper is the usual and the only trait
or in the camp, and that should be enough to elect the man
whom he attacks. The danger is that this treachery will de
feat Thurston's so-called friends on the ticket.
Finally the character of the ticket put before the people
by the Republicans is by all odds the best that the Territory
as well as the party has ever known.
Certain it is then, that if the people of the city and Terri
tory will not heed the call to action in support of progressive
policies ,nor respond to the harmonious conditions existing
among party, workers, nor vote for a first class ticket and
vote it straight, something vitally and seriously wrong must
exist within the electorate of Hawaii.
Nothinp presents itself on the surface to indicate that there
is anything wrong, that the confidence in Republican
success is an error of judgment, or based on studied misrep
resentation on the part of the voters, each of whom has
been canvassed.
But in times like the present no patriotic American of the
Republican faith can afford to take the chance that all the
others will vote straight and thus entitle him to scratch his
ticket to satisfy a personal spite or to prove one of those in
dividual systems of split- ticket voting that never work out.
The election of a Republican Mayor backed by a Rcpubli-
Per 81a Montoa. 9 .flu
Ter Year, anyvfhetela U.S I.oo
Pel Year anywhere n Canada.. I.fr
Prr Year eattald, foiemn 3.io
tntrted tt the Pctofficc i H"toi In
u ireond-clats matter
' 4
27 ncrcj in high state of cultivn'
Hon. House; burn, wagons, imple
ments, stock. All tit a bargain.
Trent Trust Co., Ltd.
Two and four-tcnth acres,
Nuuanu avenue, within five
minutes of the center of town.
An ideal p'ece of property as
to location and size for a pri
vate hotel. Ample room for
swimming tank and tennis
courts. Well planted.
Bishop Trust Co., Ltd.
can Board of Supervisors, and upheld by a Republican Sher
iff, a Republican Treasurer, a Republican City and County
Attorney, and a Republican Clerk and Auditor, is just as im
portant as the election of the Republican Delegate and the
return of a progressive American pro-immiqration Legisla
ture to the Territorial legislative halls.
You have seen to what purposes the city machinery and
patronage in the hands 'of Democrats has been used the
past two years.
It turned out the worst platform and the worst partisan
ticket that has ever been put before the electorate in the
name of a recognized and oncehonorcd political party.
Vote your Republican ticket and vote it straight.
With that system to guide you, you are taking no chances
with the future administration of the city and the future pros
perity of the Territory.
NKW YORK, Oct. 1, Tlio lino of
rattlesnake venom as a euro for opt-
lepsy la being tested by New Voil:
Waterhouse Trust
Real Estate Tor Sale
Special Opportunity
Someone can secure a nice home
in KAIMUKI at a discount of 10
on its actual cost, owinp; to the fact
that the owner has left the country
and wishes us to make a quick sale.
' Cash or instalments. Particulars at
our office.
We have also a
Kalnkavu avenue.
Waterhouse Trust
i i BMiK. Mh5sf l f
The Sign
Picture Framing,
mill Plillii(lclililii Burgeons. Reports
feliow that tliu venom has resulted In
marked benclH to nil the patients so
fnr treated. JCpllepsy Is tinned
among tho Inciirqlilu diseases, nil'
requires the most persistent twit-
$2000 bargain on
Hon. J. K. Kalanianaolc.
Chas. Chillingworth,
Cecil Brown,
A. F. Judd,
A. S. Kalciopu.
TIVES -lohn
K. Kamanoulu,
E. A. C. Long,
A. Q. Marcallino,
Ed Towse, (
Norman Watkins,
William Williamson,
Frank K. Archer,
A. L. Castle,
S. P. Correa,
Eddie Kane Fernandez,
Chas. Kanckoa,
S. K. Mahoe.
C. Lane
Andrew Cox.
John Cathcart.
Robert W. Shingle
James Bickncll
D. Kalauokalani, Jr.
Chas. N. Arnold,
Makanoe C. Amana,
Samuel C. Dwight,
Frank Kruger,
Eben P. Low,
Harry E. Murray,
James C. Quinn.
Honolulu Wm. K. Simerson.
Waialua Oscar Cox.
Koolaupoko Frank Pahia.
Waianae J. K. Kupad.
Ewa John Fernandez.
Koolauloa L. K. Naone.
Phone 1515
miint to iimellointe tlio condition vt
thoso afflicted, A preliminary r.n.
port of tho results or the venom
treatment, which was discovered ac
cidentally its n result of a snake bite
suffered by an nplleptlc In Texas
two years ngu, has Just been mudo
to a local medical boclety by Dr.
lialpli Spuuglor of Philadelphia.
"Tho venom when siren hypodor
mleally," ho sajs, "makes-.i profound
Impression on tho nervous system, 1
am convinced fiom my limited expo
rleii'o with Its life In epllopsy that
thqro Is a distinct possibility of our
hating In this thernptjitlc a drus
which, upon further medical lnvpt
gutlnu, may bo the means, of modi
fying th'o convulsions lit' epileptic at
tacks, find possibly lessening tholr
ficiiuency, if not ultimately effectlli!:
a euro In many rnics.r'
Inter-Island and O. H. A Unshipping
books for sals at tin Ciillotlo
i!Mp f,(lp pjirb
Prices Cut in Half
To make room for new
goods, we have marked, a large
line of fine
at HAIP PRIOE.sThij istles
than cost to us, but,veJneed
the room. This paper" is sold
in box lots of 120 sheets only,
We do not break the boxes.
A good opportunity to (jet
some fine writ' no; material at
a ridiculously low price.
H. F. Wichman
& Co.. Ltd.,
leading Jewelers "
Pearl Harbor Tour anU
Elaborate Lunch at
0 mm
"Nlchl Ilcl Shin Zen,"
Which, being translated
"evt rlnstlng friendship between Amor- j
lea and Japan."
"Nlchl" Is tho rising sun of Japan.
"Ilcl" Ie rice, representing America.
Itlco can not live without the rising
sun. Japan must have rice on which
to live. Therefore there must beoer-
Instlng friendship between Japan and
Itcur-Admlral Hees evolved this
Idea, nnd It has bem spread abroad
throughout tho homes of the Japanese
by Consul-Gcncral t'yeno, who nt tho
luncheon given Saturday ut llnlclwu
by Admiral Hees gae ".N'lchl Del Shin
7,cn" as his toast nnd expressed the
deep gratification of tho Japanese tti
Admiral Hees, who had not only per
sonally and oMlclully strengthened the
ties of friendship between tlio two na
tions, but had nl o brought Into being
n phrase Unit so perfectly titled the
A more cordlnl spirit could not bo
Imagined than that which prevailed
aiming tho American ahd Japanese of
llcers and civilians who were tho
guests of Admiral Hees on the trip
to l'earl Harbor, thence on to llnlc
lwu, n function ghen In honor of Ad
miral Yashlro and tho olllcers of his
Tho stnrt was mude from tho naval
station about nine o'clock, on board
tlio llghtliouso tender Kukul, which
made tho run to the harbor quickly
and comfortably. The excellent vol
unteer band of the naval station fur
nished music, and as the vessel sailed
along tho coast tho points of Interest
wcio brought to the attention of the
Isltors. As tho party approached tho
sceno of tho channel dredging, a blnst
was set olT that throw up a great
fountain of water and gnro a demon
stration nt tho method of preparing
tho way for the dredgers working on
either side.
Wntertown loomed up like n grow
ing, bustling town. And further along
the scene of tho drydock operations
was nn Interesting proof of progress.
Hero another big blast was set off
Just as tho Kukul approached.
No stops were made, but the prog
ress of tho vessel was slow enough to
enable those on board to get n gen
eral Idea ot the plans thut nro being
worked out nt tlio harbor. Passing
tho slto of tho drydock, tho vessel
went on to tho Peninsula, where all
tho guests except tho midshipmen
landed In launches nnd boarded the
special train of tho Oahu railway
mudo up of the directors' car, the
president's observation car und n reg
ular passenger conch.
Tho run to llnlelwa was mado In
record time, and about halt after
twelve an elaborate lunch wus kerred,
the tables being laid on tho spacious
It was a beautiful setting und the
best of gooil nature prevailed. As Ad
miral Hees explained, there was no
set program oxcept for his guests to
pass a "happy day," Not forgetting
tho appropriate expressions of good
will, the Admiral proposed a toast to
tlio Kmperor of Japan, to which Ad
miral Yuchlro responded by propos
ing n'toust to the President. Each
prefuced tho toast with brief remarks.
As thero remained a llttlo tlmo for
further tousts, Admiral Hees read his
excellently oxpresscd greeting to tho
visiting Japanese published In the
Jupuneso newspapers of tho city, He
then culled upon Governor Frear, who
rose to tho spirit of tho occasion trac
ing tho cmdlal relations of Hawaii
and America with Japan Blnco thut
nation opened Its doors to the world.
Wallace II. Farrlngton win asked to
tespond for the press and spoko of
tho exceptionally happy position Ad
miral Hees held In tho esteem of the
press of Hawaii, and also referred to
tho good will toward tho Japanese
guests that had always found express
slon through the press of tho city. M,
M. Scott, principal or tho vMcKlnloy
High School mid former teacher In
tho University or Toklo, whole his
pupils wore young men, now tho lead
ing dlplomuts of Japan, gnve n ory
Interesting tall; In which ho showed
how the Japimeso disproved tho the
ory recently expressed thut. training
In the languages and ethics, unfits tho
mind for taking up tho practical af
fairs of lire uml grasping readily tho
technicalities ot niutbeniatlcs' mid oth
er cducutlonul necessities of present
day progress.
Consul General Uycno made a vory
brlet and a very happy speech in pre
senting tho sentiment ulrcudy set
forth, and n hoarty toast was drunk
to tho sentlmont "Nlchl Del Shin Zon."
Consul General Forstur responded
appropriately ror Gieut Urltaln, nnd
tho speaking wus closed with a very
timely revlow or the great friendship
between Aineilcn and Japan by Sec
retary Mott-Smlth.
Thn function closed will! nnother
L'..iK' 1 "'!..."''.'!. UT'3 lH T
mis n most proper accompaniment In
the occasion and expressho of tho
fvelliiK of the American community
towuid their Japanese friends:
"Happy Days."
'Tho letum to town was n 'record
making run. At Walnmio a group of
Japanese school children nssciifbled to
cheer the Japanese Admiral, who with
Consul General Kyeno and Admiral
Hees left the train for n moment to
say a few words of 'greeting. When
the train pulled out of l'earl City In
ll10 forenoon n party of Jnpnncso
scnooi enmiren, among whom woro n
number or rnlr-hnlred Anglo Savons,
cheered for tho Admiral nnd tho la
Itlng olllcers.
Thoe who mado up tlio party worn
Hear Admiral Ynchlro, with Captain
Tanaka, Captain YnmiiJI and Ltctiton-unt-Communder
Yniunmoto'niid Lieut.
Jmumurn. Lieut Commander Muknl,
Lieut. Commander Sola, Lieut Com
mander Oynmnda, Mcut. Noguchl,
Surgeon Taknhnshlj ,Englnoer Lieut,
lto, Pnyiriastor Nngnyiisul, Sub Lieut, u
1st CIiirs Uno, Sub Lieut. 1st Clans 'III-
rata, Sub Lieut. 2nd Chits- Nnjunia,
Sub Lieut. Suzuki,. Assistant Paymas
ter l-'utninuru. These wcro from tho
Asnma. Fiom the Kinngl were Lieut.
Nngaro, Lieut ltsuCvLleut. llRspgawa,
Lieut. Ogura, Sub Lieut. ''Ircwn; Sub
Lieut. .Machlda, Sub Limit Naknnlsbl.
Tlio host and the, local olflcers nnd
guests were: ' ' J
Hear Admiral Hoes, U. S. N.; Llout.
Comdr. Houston, II. S. N.; Surgeon 0.
Tucker Smith, U. S. N.j Asst. Sur
geon II. II. Lane. U. S. N.J Paymaster
If. II. Stevens, U. S. N.; Civil Knglneer
Loworenz, U. S. N.j Asst CMl Kngr.
Hoy Francis Smith, V. S. N.J Asst.
Civil Kngr. O. S. Ilurrell, U. S. N.:
Major C. a. Long, U. S. M. C; Captain '
A. T. Marlx. V. S. M. C; Cnptnln W.
W. Ixjw, U. S. M. C: Captain V V Ito
bards, U 8. M. C; Captain K. A. llnm
sey, U. S. M. C. Klrst Lieut. L. S. Wil
lis. U. S. M. C: First Lieut. F. I). Kit
gore, U. S. AJ. C.; Governor Frear,
Secretary K. A. Mott-Smllh, Consul
General Uyonoj:ievo Consul Mori,
Mr. Y. Aknl, of Yokohama Specie
Hank, Consul Forster, I'rnf. Scott and
Wallace H. Fnrrliigton,
Actress Wife Wedf fortune of
Her Actor Husband,
NKV YOm', 0;t. 1. "George
like," wanted In connection wltli
tho alleged Shcftels swindles, Bur
reudoied himself today to United
States Commissioner Shields. SJilelds
ret his ball at S2f!,000 and ordered
his examination to bo held on Octo
ber fi.
Thrco creditors of tho ShofteU
firm filed) petitions of Involuntary
bankruptcy against the firm with tlio
Federal Court Into today. Tho as
sets of tho firm were placed at suu,
000. NKW YORK, Oct. 1. That Mrs.
Nat Goodwin (Kilnn Goodrich)
forced her husband to quit tho II.
II. Shnftels Company, .will li was
raided nt tho Instauco of tlio de
partment of Justice yesterday, bo
causo sho feared Nat would loso tho
fortune lie mado In Hnwhldo Coali
tion stock, wns the statement ot
Mrs. Kllzabeth Ln Fell today.
Mrs. La Fell was tho occupant ot
luxurious apartments In Central
Park West and she left Just after
the rnlds were made.
It developed today that Herman
Herzog, alias Goorgo Hlcc, was not
arrested ln yesterday's raid horn
and detectives 'nro seeking him. It
IsXndmlttcd that lie telephoned Mr
La Fell slnco til's raid nnd that Mrs.
Lat FeH telephoned "tlio police tfiat
Rice was delaying his arre3t until ho
produces bonds.
The Federal oHlclajs nro sceklni;
to locuto $r,,000.000, which It Is al
leged" tho'Shottcls firm gut through
mining schemes. y
"I do not think they will get tlio
money trom nico," said Mrs. Ln Fell.
"I know nice won. I do not lovo
him, but tic Is n splendid fellow. I,
do not holleve that no Is a swlndlor.
It Is reported Hint ho has been n
convict, but a man cm llvo that
down, nice has a little mnnny. ll.i
gave Jils w'fe.'wl'h whom hn" wan
uuliappy, S30&,0pfl, nnd; was nnd 'us
been paying her $1000 a month yo'.
untnrlly. "He gave mo "money nnd I lmvn
n llttlo left. All r linve nnd nil thn
dlnmonds lio gave fiio I will glvoHo
alii him."
Mrs. La Fell admitted that -sho
wns Jnvolyed .In tl,e ,ShoHels tr.ni'i
nctlons, but always p" an "investor.
itch im:mkvki at oxoe.
That terrlblo Itch disappears with
tho FinST DROPS or n. P. n. Pro
scription. It kills nil skin dlsensn
germs Instnntly. A soothing, lienllng
lotion, used extoniully only. Uono-I
lulu Drug Co.
2185 editorial roniii 22f0
business nfllce. T,li("ie are the lelr
Phnne liiiiulHTH of (he llulletlii.
," ""''" " Vlrti'io ma,' ho Its own
' "'" "'" """" "'" nt.-nuciuiy-roward it must bo well ndveitlsed.
isi.aAilb t
I.1 3lJ-''rl)lnH r?rmilM 'i. .-4-.r- MT-r MiMiMtUr. -DM
ii tWi'i imrif Aft it juri Am
unto.Mi.nftAiAi... ,, .:...J. ,... - inifciitfdimrrirw.iiiiT .ui..w-..j.4-
jLiiiu.it a.
-- ' ..,wiSj.Hii

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