OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, November 09, 1910, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-11-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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faJ'yf'-'" - - .............. ..Bvr,HiKii..tn,iMJBTiN,iuNoi,UL, t. n wnnsnnnAV, Nov.or-iflo.-- .iiwi r,.:.- y;;-:. . . ,. f
! B
I 'M
& u: t i- LOCAL AND fiFNFRAI. . ur .Nrwiim. . 1 nlvJ . J. j
. . i . j ,
ii iticimj. l e ue muv uin imv
a 1-- 11 ii iti ii vii iv 11 u i
H i "
'j 7V Inplnln John J A Clark 1'hll-l
WeeMy Calendar
llnnalliw-fiUtril. "
llonnluln ('mumiuidcry f
Red l'r.
Honolulu Second Ilrgrrr.
Lrl Alolin I'linnlrr .V. 2
Alt visiting members of tb
Order art cordially Invited to
attend meeting! of local lodges
Meet on the
2nd and 4th
Monday of
each snonth
at K. u?. Hall
7:30 P. M,
. iiibiuc cumutFBPf incuiucii ui
r nnninc tnoinr.cn; nfj.
lially invited.
HABMONY lODOE, No. 3, 1, 0. 0. F.
' Moots every Monday evening at
1:30 In I. O. a F. llall, FortiStrcet.
K. R. HUNDRY, Secretary.
J II. E. McCOY. Nobis Grand.
Till visiting brothors ery cordially
DAHU LODOE, No. 1, K. of P.
Meets every first lind third Frl
Hay evening at 7:30 tin K. ot P. Itall,
corner Fort and Pwetanla. Visiting
brolhors cordially Vnvltcd to attend.
I O. V. HKINB, K. R. S.
Meets every fla-st and third Thurs
fliys at each Month at Knights of
p thins Hall. .Visiting brothers cor-
sUdlly invited -to attend.
A. U EAKIN. Sachem.
E. V. TODD, O. ot R.
. HDNOLULU. AERIE, 140, P. 0. E
; Mt Okn tlm 2ml and 4th WED'
," ' K.TODAY evenings ot each month at
,v. 7:10 o'rJock in K. ot P. Hall, cornor
Strctatjla and Fort streets.
J'' Visiting Eagles aro invited to at
w. n. niLET, w. p.
'; WM. C. McCOr, Soc.
HONOLULU I0D0E, 610, B. P. 0. E.
illonolulu Lodge No. 616, D. P. O.
Bllts, meets In their hall, on King
Btrcet, near Port, every Friday evo
king. Visiting prothers aro cordially
Invited to attend.
- , K. ot P.
Meets every 2nd and 4th Saturday
venlnc at 7:30 o'clock In K. ot P.
Hall, cor. Fort and Boretanla. Visit
ing brothers cordially invited to at
E. A. JACODSON, K. n. S.
M- (Special Hullo tin Wireless.)
HILO, Hawaii, Nov. 9. Tim vote
for Kuhlo In the county of Hawaii
3s 1807; McCandlcss. 702: Notlcy,
Senators oloctcd nro Hewitt, Ro
publican, and Makekau, Homo Ilulo.
Representative elected nro Af
Xonsn, Republican; Halo, Republi
can; Rlckard, Republican; Moanaull,
"Republican; Holstcln, Republican;
Yates, Home Rule; Kawowebl, Homo
Rule; Makokau, Republican.
, Supervisors elected nro Lewis, Aus.
tin, Lyman, lleckley and Kauhauo,
Republicans, und 1'urdy, Homo Rule,
and Koomoa, Homo Rulo. The fu
,moun Koalawaa Is defeated in Komi,
j The county oinrors elected aroi
County clerk, Kal, Republican; conn.
ty attorney, Heors, Republican; coun
ty treasurpr, Rwatn, Republican;
county auditor, MiiKulro. Democrat,
'and county sheriff, l'ua, Ilopubllcun.
Manufactured from pure distilled wt-
' , ar. - Delivered to any part of city by
,r,?courteous drivers,
Oahu Ice & Electric Co.,
" tr fjl-" J-V ' . "' ..-
,AevraiQ xeiepnone uxo
I'milnln .liilm .1 A Clarl, I'hll
Ipplhe Sci uin. Uhi left Manila Hep
lemliei 1 1 t tbo Dulled Hiatus mi
ii four iiiitnllis U'au lll ho retool
from liclltt' HL'rvlttJ ili'ih ltd (kjhiIIii-.iii
i-lon I'liptnlii C ark. ' rnys t lie Ma ,
nlla t'nbli'iicw Aincrlniii, "U known thing Is Host nt The Kncoro.
by nearly ccrj. man In ilicJ JlfiJij"1 9ik-chair t'Hop;''no lonrj walt.
nml Is often referred to us a typical Silent1 Barber Shop, Hotel street.
noldlcr, true and tried. As to Ills,
service nimi'.tlinn one Inspeclor-Ueii
crnl lias referred to the captain na
being mint energetic airl capable. He
has rendered njany svuis r, faith
ful servl o and bis friends nro sorry
that ho can not retire with nn ofll-
ecr's ponnlnn Uiflcad of having to notify ytou of the amount of your tax
)ocrt lo tbo flatus of a non-com- es. Ths safest way la to call at the
missioned ofll cr. Ilo was granted
a ceillllcatc or mct for mcrltu
rlous conduit nt the battle ot San
tiago while quartermaster sergeant In,
tho Third Infantry. July 1, 1898.
Captain I'laik wears o,n bis blouse
t. service medals, one of which wag
for shouldering a title during tho
Cl II War. lie enlisted In tbo 13ft Mi
Indiana Volunteers on May 10, 1SC1,
when but sixteen e.irs of age,
i o.irs of age. and
uent ljuiEtorril .DHL
KilH (Indiana Vol-
when that regime
rccnllslcil In tho
untcor.s. tei'vliic until the close of
tho war. During this time the 'boy. IIo CHnrRl.,i w, liavlng cm-Mildler,-
as ho wns called, was under pmy(l(i threnlcnlng languago In ml-
scorching lire scleral times. In 1867,
after ho had hecomo of age, Captain
Clark' enlisted 111 tho, 21st iifantry,
and at tho expiration of his llvo
years rccnllsted In tho 3rd Infantry,
serving through tho several i non-com.
missioned grades until he was se
lected as regiment nl quartermaster
sergeant In Jnnuary, 1S8I. Ilo
Bcned In that grade on tbo regi
mental uon-commhsloiied staff of the
3rd Infantry until his appointment
as first lieutenant of Philippine
Scouts upon the organization of thcL
I . .
corps on July, 1, 10U1. During his T; Isljldn li Olaa Sugar Co Ltd CM
career as an ofllccr of s outs he Ims'S'nJ Sp ct al to Yock Kco L
rendered .most efficient service lindj, '. '
has been highly retommended I'l ie-f- Wrkly llnllrlln CI per yriir.
ports. Captain Clark's military ykJ " " a n SJ "
rcer has been unique und ho It now
ono of tho vers row men on tho active
list ot tho nrmy who havp been Civil
Waif scrvlco.'
Rcar-Admlnil' Thomas. 8; I'holps
on Nbvcmbcr 7;'l!10, retired from
tho navy for age.
Tho next rctlrq-.-ici)l on the army
for ago will he that of Ilrlgadlcr
Gencral Albert L. Mcr on Novem
ber 14.
Major-General GeorgQ V. Elliott,
V. S. M. C, retires for ago Novem
ber 30.
Senior Captain Frank II. New-
comb, U. S. revenue cutter scrvlco,
who retires for iigo'oii November
10, 1910, entered the service nS ft
third lieutenant Jlifrch , 1R73. hnv
lug previously tcrveil In tho Civil
War as an officer of tho navy from
November, 1SC3, to May. -865. Ho
has served on tbo Atlantic Ocean
both north and t-outli of Capo Hat
tcras, und on the l'n Iflc O can ho
has berved in the Aictlc, Alaskan
waters nml elsewhere. During tho
war with Spain ho was cooperating
with the navy for five months.
Tho following promotions result
from tlm t-ntlromnnt nf lTnnr. Afltnlrnl
J. 11. Milton, V. S. N., October 20,!
1910: Captain Albert Mertz lie
comes rear-admiral, Commander John
II. Gibbons becomes captain, Lleiitcn
nnt'.Commandcr William C. Colo bo
comes commander, Lieutenant Geo.
C. Sweet ho:omc8 lieutenant-commander,
Lieutenant (J. G.) Wllhclm
L. Frlcdcll beromes lieutenant. Tho
promotions upon tbo retirement of
Civil Engineer U. S. (1. Whlto, Octo
ber 20, 1910, are: Civil Engineer
It. B. Peary to rank of captain, Civil
Engineer A. J. Mcnocal to rank of
commander, nml Assistant Civil En
gineer. C. I). Tburbcrls promoted lo
civil engineer, with, rank of lieuten
ant. Captain Albert Mortz, V. S. N.,
promoted rear admiral on October
20, 1910, by tbo rctiicmoiit or Hcar
Admlral Milton, wns appointed to
tho Naval Acadomy in Juno, 1807,
und was graduated In 1872, His
first sea scrvlco after graduation wp
on tho Asiatic Station, and subse
quent duties Included scrvlco In tho
Coast Survey, on tho 'Wyoming, Al
liance, Omaha, Marlon, Minnesota,
Constellation, Michigan, Fern, Es
&cx, Glacier, nt tho Navy Yard, Ilos
ton, commanding tho Newport, nnd
wos In chargo of tho -Naval Maga
zine at St, Julius Creek, Yu. Ilo was
In command. r)r the llotllla ot light
house vessel's during their voyage
from tho Atlantic coast to their sta
tions In tho Pn'lflc, In 1908, und
wns Inst assigned as commandant
t of
'tho naval stations 'aU C.ivltfj
Olongnpo. P. I.
First Lieutenant Edmlind II, Igle
hnrt, 3d V. 8. Inf., who was retired
ror disability InMilent to tbo servlcont Hoiiolulu the- Dlx will return
on October 21, 1910, wus born In
Mnryland, April I, 1871. Ho enter- hor 20, nnd will piouubly euvo Mr
eil tho army as a prlvato In tbo Istltho Philippines on January 10, 1911.
Cavalry on September 1, 1900, and Tho cargo ror this tiln has not boon
berved lator In the 13th Cavalry. Ho
woa appointed a rccond llcutpnnnt In
tbo 3rd Inrnhtry, October 17, 1902.1
Ilo'wns promoted In first lieutenant,
In 1908. He was stricken with pa
rajysls, In .JulftJ.while on duty
Autos, 14 per hour, l.cwix Ulablcs.
llillirt .St, liurk SIiiiiJ, I'lione ll.V.'.
Tr acuio of Plnectar. It Is pure.
i'lione1 i;.r.:t
A c(il hour ill tbo Aticlmr B.iloon
curio ilcn.
Don't forget it.
HrrreiiinkltiK done li Mr. Nclllo
IlkiHtdH' llldg.
It goes without saying that ovcry-
If you want n good Job ilono on nn
au)o orMr.rfngO) tnlro It to Hawaiian
Carriage Mfg. Co.. 427 Queen JBt.
Rosa & Co.'s (wholesale liquor
dealers) jiqw tclcphcnc number it
ri. Tv r :,- I. MA ,ilJ -'
! Tax Office and atccrtaln what, If any
taxes, you owe.
' t V
Julgo Lyjcr had occasion to rep
rimand olio .Tn.iniilu Slhu nt this
morning's rcrslon of pollen court.
Kllv.i Li alleceil'tn hac tnlicii a ills-
iko ( -uill mother-ln-lnw nml as n
r-rFtlt v(j t10 ni.rcpllng In family
.rele. Iiro has been anything but
,. ...,,, .irc.,, J
ilicsslng his relative br lawl The
court stepped In nml Sllvn Was ad
moulsbcd to use nforc roothlu meth
ods In earning on conversation with
his wife'tt rclntlves In future.
Entered for Record Nov. 8, 1010.
From 10:30 A. rri. to 4 p. m.
Kalmiiki Land Co Ltd to Mis
Agnes E Ilawes I)
Vnfi.rrtl tnr VpfnrA TJov. fl IfllO.
UHIVI.U aw, AIWV.M ... v, v-
From 0 a. m. to 10:30 a. m.
In St. John's Collcgo, In Annapolis.
' I'lrst Lieutenant James P, Harney,
8th V. S. Cavalry, Who retired on
October 21. 1910, for disability ln-
cuicni lo mo icrvice, wns porn in
Ohio, April 1, 1S7.1. Lieutenant
Harney served us a first lieutenant In
the 3rd U. S. Volunteer jCuglnecrs
from July, 1898, until Kebrilnry.
1899, nml was appointed ..u .eecnnd
lieutenant In tho "Hi II. 8." Cavalry
on February 2. 1901. Ho was trans
ferred to tho 4th Cavalry 111 1902,
and was promoted to lln.t lieutenant
In tbo 8th Cavalry In 1901.
Chief Carpenter H. L. Doniarcst,
II. &,' fa... retired, was retired Oc.
tobrV.10. -1910. Ilo Is a natlvo ot
New'Yrirk' and was appointed a, cart
politer May 1, 1910. Ilo was -couti
missioned chief carpenter May . 1
1907. i,
llcrlrani Lenox Simpson, who, un
dor his ;en namo of Putnam Wenloi
has written much on Far Eastern sub
Jccts, Is an Englishman nllh nil Ame
rican mother, nml speaks Chlticso as
fluently as he does English. Ho Ii
quoted by tho New York Sun ns say
ing: "Current opinion In tho I-ar East
' Is nnsslllltfltlc llllOIlt tho SCCUrltV or
America In Iho Philippines. Tho work
which has boon doilo (hero slnco 1898 thirteen aulomolillcs miulo up a por
tals bcii excellent, but It Is evident " ' "'e cargo Hint has nrrhed
that Iho Pacific Is too vast nn ocean,'"1"1 " nsi ny tuo malson Naviga
to ho controlled from such distant
points as San Friinclscn or Honolulu,
ami that It would bo child's play for
a powcrM rucniy lo occupy the Isl
anils. lea lug an cnticnched city such
as Manila moicly Isolated. Japan1
will never attempt anj thing against
tho United Status unless bhc Is pro
pared jn ovcry piitlcular. Tho Jap
iincso have vory llltlo of real niilmos-
lly rorthe United States. ItuUthcy
resent any Western Power's assum
ing -llio "role of protector In Enstorn
Asln. That sho actually covots tho
Philippines Is douh'.ful. Her first aim
Is to establish her leadership In Chi
na. Sho knows It sho can do this tho
gamo Is won, und everything olso Is a
runt tnr of tnern itntnll In uitttn if
all talk of arbitrating vital differences,
lncn ,,, tlielr 0i,, llQa8 Ilb(mt sU.
tling disputes, nml (hoy will contlnuo
to work out the solution of problomi
Hint como to them in tho old .ways."
Arrangements are being mndo at
tho Quartermaster's Dep.irtniout for
two trips ot tho transport Dlx.from
Seattle and San Francisco to Hono
lulu and the Philippines. On No
vember 1ft tho Dlx will leave Seat
tle with 211 horses and sixty mules
lor tho Slh Cavalry. Thoro will also
ho taken on board at Soattlo thirty
flvn prWnto horses for tho officers
of tho regiment
the roast ti'llawiitl tho Dlx will stip TtWnr,1 nn'1 ll,""r'1 rl1:3' Tho A"10'
at San Pranclsvo ori' t.o 20th nudl"" ,"nor bcqiui a Is roporto.t us
tnko bn board 12f horses and tweHaK1" "" '"'Yf at 1 ' nn Ijrt 3atur-
-,,. i,h i. iU t.f i-i-.ii a.. '"' '""' a eiHIinioiil or lumber Is lie- "" i-ugn minim navy -yirru nun
mirv mriitaHV .i'i nllnK "HwliarBo.1 from tho vessel. Tho oiWrt recMvc-l ordqri' lodftr to pW
tlllery, Alter dollvotlng this cargo I ,, ,, ... ... .. .. ..... PP,i ,vi(i, r.,inir n n.n iri,.,iin( ni.
.... ai. .i ...1. . ,
Seattle, arriving thoro about Decern
mndo up yet, but will probably cull-
it or B00 animals, Including 171
cavalry remounts. The bnlnnco or
tho cargo will bo ma.do up with for-
ilgo ror
1 I lies.
tlic )iny In tho Philip-
1 2
1 1
City Ti;ih(cr Co.
I ot
Despite the morning after n busy
nml oxclllng election night there was
a laigo ciowd In witness tho depart
ure of the Matsou Navlgallni steam
er Vllhcmlnn, that got away for San
Francisco' at tun o'clock this morn
ing. Tho yilliclmlna Is steaming to tho
mainland with a ery small cargo.
Freight offcilugs nt Hie present time
nro wither dltcouiaHCtl. Tho cssol
Is taking but little sonar as the bulk
or Hits product has h-'en cleaned up
Eoiiio weeks pgo.
Eighty cabin passengers will Jour
ney lo fym Fi-.iiioIhco b Iho muikoI.
Tie Territorial hind was on hand
Willi a piegrnni of lis latest ami clinic-i-t
meloilles. Thu usual gaiety nml
felllllcs nl'oiidant a bleamer de
parturc prevailed for a half hour
prior In I lie Hailing of llio Hipiitar
Mutson steamer.
Russians contlmio lo ilep.irl for tho
coast In goodly number ns honi" out
by n perusal of the Williclinlna steer
ago passenger list. Tlilrh of tho Im
nllgrnnlH ilocldcil to shako lln ilnrtl or
Hawaii from their reel ami alli;,l with
the csscl.
Mr. nml Mrs. II. P ll.iMnln. wll'i
nrillveil this luointug l Iho Clui'llno
rioni Maul ilcp'irtod for tho inalnl.ind
by the- Wllbelmlnn. i
llr. Hornilmi, IJia vrnll kuon voterl
narlan bus gouo,, to Mho coast on n
liusliicrHinlsHiiii-lli.it Iris to ilo with
tbo,Illircin,'ij0 niJUiniber ot bead of
hlondpu h!o.i.j(, .
, E. , J, .Koi'J.n'.V'Oii Cl'ntiaclor was
nninjg' HiioiWliQtbiillyil fir bo coast
by j;) yisscl.
Casing nn engagement covering a
period if nearly nlno numljiK. .Mr. ami
Charges Iloyal doparlo.l lor' tho coast
llils Jiiornlug. Royal won a, largo clr
clo,of friends through his ability, ns
a iiorforincr ns well iib n'vrltof ot
sketches. Mr. nnd Mrs. Iloyal bopo
lo ngiiln lslt Honolulu.
Ten passengers Ironi tbo Colonics
who an 1 eil nt Honolulu osterday by
the Caindlan-Aimtrallan lluor Zcjlnn
dl'i ciuitlniied lh voyngo lo San Fran
cisco by the Williclinlna.
lmrllne Here, lllg Cargo.
Hon Hleamor Lurllno. Owing to tho
crowded and congested condition pre
vailing nt tho Mutbon wlinrt ponding
tbo departure or tho Williclinlna, tho
'-"rnno was moored at IlaelcioM
wlmrt "lon arrival curly this morn-
Tho vosfcl met with linn weather on
tbo way down from San Francisco. In
eluded In llio ficlgbt Hit Is u (liian
,lty ,of ,'atcrUl ror Pearl Harbor us
wen ns u largo assortment of
piles Tor local Importing firms.
Thrco steamors woro Blgbtod In
cluding tbo Sierra, I-ogan nnd Nippon
Maru. Throtigh wireless theiio ves
bels wcio In communication through
out a portion or tho voyage.
Despite tho sliitomcnt coming from
tho rollHt' l,l IrlIno passengor uc-
i-oiiimoiiaiions woro not oninrgcil Hur
Ing her two weeks lay up at San
Francisco docks. Tho vessel has been
thoroughly overhauled and her ma
chinery received somo uttoritloii.
Two Schooners at Hllo.
Two lumber luden schooner urn ,..'
present nt tho port of. Hllo according
lo report!, brought to Honolulu by or-"111"" "eiguv nmoiiiiiing 10 aauu
flrois of tho steamer Claudlno. This1 IOI,B- u H expected that Iho ves
ossoI was nn arrival this morning ',0' wl" llt ',0 dispatched for San
llh a small cargo Including 17 Urates' 'Vancls-o bpfnro Saturday noon ow
polatocs, w sacks coin, C9 balus '"B to tho vory largo ca,rgo ror this
libb's und ldl packago sundries, Tbo
nn tim ., ,inw,.l,osst!l ,1,ot wlb fino wontber on both
i (nit U'tt rit fiti.l liimtiM.1 Ii-Ii,ii mi. n A ...
.1 . '.. ... . . '.
inviniiiiii'i i nit i Min m n ii'ttDiiiH it vi'ii
. ultvlitiiniit .. l.n..l ...m..l !).,... Iln.
I rinniiiv Mi in iuiiu Muiu ntiinuy nun
destined for Southern California ports,
Ra I
Zcaiandla Departed for Vancouver. I
Sailing nt lour o'clock jcsterihiy nr-
tornooii tho Caiindlnn-Auslr.illan liner
Zoalandla enrrlM n small number or
passengers destined ror Rlillsh Co-
limiblnn potts." Aniopg tbo number
were -ovoral vnudovlllo performers
who have1 been 'holding down 'the
8 1
(Jan. 11. Luvo)
hoards nt the local theatres. Tho
Zcalamlla carried only a Htmill cargo
of smulnes laxeu on at Honolulu.
Showery. Weather on Kauai.
Rain and c.Mitfiiticil Bhowqrs mlong
Iho coast ot kuual Is ippuited I)' tho
officers or thq luler-Islaml steamer W,
G. Hall that has nrrlvcil from Garden
Island porU Tbo vessel hi ought u
ciy small amount or freight.
l'uisei' .lanicH Login reports 1100 V.
K. nml 1S00 K. S. M. sugar as trail
ing bhlpment.
Intcr-lsland Steamers Soil Today.
Elicllon Day prevented tio ifeiarl
mo of the Ktc.imor llclcno for Hn
iniiKui coast poits )ci,tvrilay um Hint
vessel was illHpalcheil for llio lllg It-land
at noon today. The vessel car
ried a fair sized shipment or supplies
and general cargo.
Nllh.iu for Kawalhne.
Tbo lulcr-lsbud sluamer Nllhnii will
ho dispatched for Kawalbau and Ma
hukoua oday taking gciicial cargo
Notice to Mnrincra.
St.. George's Itcyf, Cal. Notice Is
hereby given thai, owing to a scar
t lly. or water, It may become peccs
rary al any time lo discontinue tho
operation of tho fcg-blgnn until tho
rains set In.
Duo notl il will ho given, when
ruflKlent water Is on baud to'xrsura
llio full opcintlou of the signal.
Notlco Is hoichy given that on Oclo
her 21. 1910, Iho rog hell at Fort
Point Light Statlun, entrance to Sail
Francisco Hay, Cal., which is struck
by i machinery when tho trumpet Is
illsalilcd, was moved fiom Its old lo
ca I Ion on tho outer wall or tho North
west bastion or thu brick tort to a
iwlnt on Iho top of tho brick Tort to
tho Northwanl or tbo rug signal.
All Must Have Wlrelcct.
Collector of Ciisloms Malcolm sta
Honed nt I 'oil hi ud, Oregon, Is bending
out notices to owners or steamships
that carry passengers, notifying them
of Hie icipilicmculs of the law pass
c.l by Congress nt tho last sckslon,
proi Iding (hat nil such vessels must
bo equipped with wireless telegraph
nppaintiis by next Juno and must car
ry nn operator.
Cruisers to Remain at San Franclico.
Orders h:vo been Issued counter
mamllng Hit- order icqcntly Issued for
llio balling of tbo Pacific fleet of cruis
ers and they will now remain nt San
I' r.iiiclscn until tbo arrival and depar
ture of Iho Jnpaneto fleet, which" Is
expected on November 19th. Tho Ja
panese ships will remain until tho
23d, Tbo Pacific licet will loavb hero
at Iho same time. Visitors will ho
pumlttcd to boaid both tho American
and Jnpaucbo crulbcrs during tho en
tiro time.
Siberia Due Frldav Mornlnn
Messrs. II, llaclifelil & Co, havo
received a wireless rrom tho Pacific
Mall llpcr .Siberia to tbo effect Hint
tho vessel will arrive off tho quaran
tluo at 7 o'clock on Friday morn
Ing. Tho vessel conies from Hong
kc-"K and Jnpun polls, and la report
ei1 '" ',0 bringing a consignment or
I,r " Tbo pgentH stato that there Is
Plenty or loom ror all applicants Tor
flrut .ntni.ii i rn tiaiwirf ni Inti t 7
Will Proceed With, OMveston Repairs',
I fm. ,i . nt . . .-- . ..r
" i " " n ""
VimlOM Vllll1l Itfia hnnn litllirv lit rP
' " ' i;iiih 'v m
commission for several mouths. Ac
coullng lo tho oideis, present repairs)
nro lo cocr steam engineering and
hull divisions or the vessel nnd do not
lueludo tho onlnnnco work, pproxl
mutely JI25,oon will bo" put into tbo
machinery and hull repair work, and
should orders bo received lo,procoed
with tbo ordnance work Ibis expcndl-
tmo will bo Increased to $210,000.
Wcdnctday, Nov. 0,
Newcastle, ff. H. V.K)ltiihr, llr.
slinr., a. in.
Kauai porta W. (I Hall, Mmr., a,
Hawaii mid Maul porta Claidne,
rtmr., n. in.
San Francisco Lnrllne, M. N. 8.
U., a. m.
Tuesday, Nov, 8.
Vancouver Zotilnmlla, C.-A, S. S-,
4 p. in,
Wednesday, Nov. 0.
Sydney, N. S. W. llerzogln Cocilo,
(lor. sp., u. in.
Per stmr. Clnudlnc, from Maul and
Hawaii Kirts, Nov. 9. E. L)ons, Mrs.
J.' p) Ward. J. S. Canarlo, J. Chalm
ers, Mrs, Chalmers, Miss E. Ka)co,
J. Cullcn Jr., II. Kingsbury, Mrs.
Kingsbury, Mrs. E. Hart, C. J. Schocn
Ing, Miss M. Jones, Miss M. Fleming,
Miss J. Fleming, Mrs. A. !'- Anderson,
rlrs.. M. J. Sopor, .1. I)oiglnst D. Ar
cla,. F. J. Homer, A. Mpllo, L. K.
Smllb, T. I). Skinner, II. 11. O'Dcll.
Cbns, Gay, Mrs. Gay, Mrs. M. Cook,
II. II. Ilaldwln,
Per stmr. I.nrtliie, frnni. S(in Fran
cisco, Nov. 9. Mrs. A. McK(nnon( It.
O. Henderson, Mrs. W. U' Haryoy,
Mrs. E, ll' Douglass, Miss G. Crowe,
fl. Crowo, L. M, Toulssaut, Win.
Crrjwe, II. G. Morse, W. O, Clark,
Mis. A. G. Kclscr, Miss II. Alexander,
Miss N, Stevenson, W. Mead, P.
Wccilon, Win. Ho lo, has. Smith, Poi
ter Haiiuon, Ilcnr): Schmidt, P. Carty,
P, It. Sullivan, M. Johnson. M,,OIeson',
Per sli'nr. W. (I. Ilnll, rroirt Kuual
I'orts, Nov, 9. Geo. F. Wright, II. Ml
Ayrts, Mrs. II. Clark, A. Murata, G.
T. Oielg, II. Rclcbeit.
Per stmr. Cniudli-.c, ror Hnwall and
Mniilports, Nov. 11. lllshop Llljcrt.
i. 'Crawford, N. Ilagpns.
Per stmr. Klnnu, for Knual ports,
Nov. in. P. O. II. Dcvcrlll. Geo.
Maeoho, 1). P. Kalcnn, Miss Kalcnn.
Per stmr. Manna Kc.i, ror Hllo
and way iqrtn, Nov. Hi. Mrs, E. E.
Iijo, Jlrs. SlmcrMin, Mrs. 13. A. Na-
wa.liij.jilrs. Alex, N.nwaln, I). O, May,
l(. I. I. Mile, K. ureon, Mrs. tlrccii,
Mrs. MoVayne, J. Oppcrgplt.
fliiford nt San FrnnclBco.
Dlx sailed tor Soatllo, Oct. 20.
(.ogan, sailed fiom Hon. for Sail Frin
Cisco, Nov. B.
Sheridan, nt San Frnnclsco, Oct, 1 1.
Sherman from Hon. for Manila, Oct
Wednesday, Nov. D. i
SEATTLE Sailed Nov. 8: 8. 8. Co
lumbian, lor Honolulu.
GAVIOTA Anlvcil Nov. 8: S. 8. W.
8. Porter, lcnco Oct. 31.
YOKOHAMA Sailed Nov. 9: S. 8.
China, lor Honolulu.
This work will bo started on tho first
of next week ami will rcqultu eight
mouths for completion.
German Skipper Is' An Inventor.
Tho Examiner says: Willi a pargo
ot 7Sli tons ot plglion and 3,027 toni
or cuke consigned to Meyer & Wll
son, tho Gei man ship Werner Vln
nein, Captain Dinkier, arrived rrom
Antwerp alter a trip or 141 days. A
good passagu was encountered all thu
wii except after rounding Capo Horn.
On August 2Uth a heavy southwest
galu caused tho loss of bovcral of thu
sails. Tho ship curries n full crew,
but It Is bald that tbo work on tho
trip was lighter than, has ever bpforo
been known. This condition Is duo
to thu fcitllo brain of Captain Dink
ier, who has evolved a new system
lor making tall, wberoby fully two
Ihfrds or tho labor encountered un
der tho old conditions Is saved. This
Is dona, by the. assistance of a aeries
or winches, that havo been Installed
upon tbo main deck, thus saving tbo
now from tbo haul hand labor In-
ovcd in pulling upon tho yards by
Keen Competition Among "Crimps."
PORTLAND, October 28. Keen
competition has appeared among sail
or hoarding bouso kcopers. nnd
things havo como to such a pass that
tUeio is veiy llltlo money In tho bust
npfas. Mysterious Hilly Smith eater
day signed three men aboard lb"
French bark Hocho tor $10 npleco,
while tbo Sailors' Homo, which docs
tbo bulk or tho business, gets $20 a
bead, plus tbo ndviinco, which Is usu
ally $05 each. Tho advanco of tho
first month's pay for onch sailor Is
given to tho boardlng-houso man In
settlement of JiIh bill ror the- sen
man's oulfiL Tho Sailors' Homo Is
operated by tbo Grant und Whlto In
letesU. Under tho Stato law a leo or
"blood money" or $30 Is allowed III
addition to tho advanco, so It Is legal
toArbaigo $35.. Wlh tho Influx or tin)
Kfntti? fleet sailors nlways becomo
plentiful for off sboro voyages, but
Smith's price of $10 without ndvanco
Is nhout ns low as tbo quotation hai
over been.
,W o I, I j II ii 1 1 e 1 1 ji SI per year.
Hunch or keys on Saturday nttnr-,
, noon, between Mnnnn Hotel nnd
Orpheum Theater. Return to this
office. ' ' 4770.31
U'linn iho dlnrMlit) nioccsii Is per
fect and tbo gcneml rystem fa strong
mid vlgoioiis, no fear neod bo pnlcr
Mined or germs, typhoid, tubercular
or otherwise, ns It Is only when tbo
rystcm Is run down and In a weakened
stnto that these germs or Imrllll find
favorable lodgment and niulllply. Wo
nro dally taking Into our bodies, by
way or the mouth, Iho noslrllH unit
tho sku many disease germs or u
denlructlve nature, but as tho condi
tions within Hie body nro not favor-
nblo to tbolr propagation 'they nro
lendored Inert, destroyed or thrown
oil without Injury In localities Where
typhoid .and other low forms of fever
prevail bccmiBO ol coiitniiilnntcd wat
er or other cnuso tbo Importance ot
sustaining Iho system 'nt u high
standard of health, 'In order to resist
the germ Influence upon llio bodily
functions, cannot bp ovcrcslimnien.
Surishlne, fresh nlr, proper nourish
ment' nnd sufficient rest nro essential
to good health, and whatcvor con
trlbues to the penco and lujcury, ot
ierie-ei iukuihioii muni uui uu u
glocted. A remedy Hint excites tho
flow' of salviry fluid for tbo diges
tion stnrclips ,and stimulates tho mu
cous surfaces and little, glands of tho
stomach In tho digestion of all other
roods, and, at tho snmo time, ns a
simple tood, contributes bent nnd en
ergy lo tho body, must bo of- price
less value In sustaining nmf building
up tbo system nnd rendering It lm
in lino to tho deo)lnt,lon. of germs or
other evil iigcnts or health. Duffy'n
Pure Malt Whiskey Is Indlsputnlily
this remedy. It not only serves In
keep tho bodily health at tho highest
notch of excellence, but In typhoid
fever especially, when tbo bodily
functions nro nt their lowest ebb and
death serins Imminent, It Is Retained
by ' tib stomach when other; ugeiilo
nro rejected, and ,ns a food mid stim
ulant sustains lira until tbo crisis Is
passed. Whlla convalescing!, utter
rocr It Is tho greatest strength-giver
and hotly builder known to science.
Duffy'B Puro Malt Whiskey. Is nn
nbsqlutcly puro distillation of care
fully malted grain. It Is n wonderful
reined)'. In thp procntlon nnd euro
or'c'pnsuniiKlon, pneumonia, grlppo,
bronchitis, coughs, colds, nsthma, ma
laria, low rovers, stomach troublca
and nil wasting nnd weakening con
ditions ir taken ns directed.
Kcfiiso substitutes nnd Imitations;
they nro Impure ami dangerous. Send
tor medical booklet and doctor's- ad
vice, both sent ficc.
The Puffy .Mall VUNkry Co., Itoch
filer,. ?i. V;, U. S. A.
V- ig n ! tit-
Japanese Woman Fires Shot
Despondent over what lu believed
domestic nfTalrs, Mltsuno, n. rather
prepossessing Japanese woman Jlreil
a bhoit from a thirty-two calibre re
volver, this morula;;, tbo bullet en
ter lug her mouth and lodging near
thu baso of tho brain. Tiio woman
was taken to tho Queen's Hospital In
a dying condition.
TJie udalr took placo shortly after
eight o'clock this morning in a room
(u a tenement located nu.il tbo com
er ot Ucrctaula and River btrccts.
The courso of tho bullet resulted In
tearing and lacerating tho woman's
inoulh, a number ot teeth being knock
ed out.
A hasty Investigation nt tho affair
mndo nt thu Instance of Chief or Do
tcctlvea McHuflo nnd bcvcrnl police
officers developed Iho story that tbn
woman had been drinking to excess
for several days past.
Tbo Jupnncso who lived near tbo
despondent woman stated that sho
had becomo iiiuch worried over dom
estic matters.
The victim of a shot Hint may
prove fatal was hardly twenty-eight
ears of ago, Sho claimed to havo
been married to on Mlyankn, who Is
pictty well known In tho lpcal Japan
ese colony as nn actor. Ilo Is un
derstood to havo been without nn
engagement nt tho Nipponese thea
tres for somo time, past nnd this may
have led to difficulties which finally
resulted In tho woman attempting to
tnko her own llfo.
At last accounts Iho woman wns
still allvo hutf her chances tor recov
ery uro rejorled as exceedingly poor.
IIOSTON, Mass., Nov. 9. Tho plu.
rallty or Congressman Fo'ss,- who has
bcon clectod Governor ot tbo Stato
by tho HcpiocrntB, will icach 32,907.
Destined ror Sydney, N. 8. V.. tbn
German training ship llerzogln Ceciln
which bus been bcon .at tbo port of
Honolulu hIiicu October 7th was tow
ed out or Iho Imrbortbls .morning
und soon had her sails hot tor a voy-
agp to thu, Autliiqd;. Tho vessel ar
rived horo -wit ha' snipineht or cargo.
During tbo slay or thq German ship
nt tbo port l0r officers am' mon w'ero
tho recipients of many ciitertalnmont
rrom townspeo)lo.
Dr. Hugh L. Dickey
Eye, Ear. Nose Throat. 1150 Ala.
kca street (opposite Itoval Hawaiian
Hotel). Houn : 9-12:30 and 1:30-4-30.
Sunday. 10,11. .EvcninRs by
appointment. Telcn1ione 3021,

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