OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, December 19, 1910, 2:30 EDITION, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1910-12-19/ed-1/seq-7/

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',y'i!BiBp.yiiwwi'Jl ' irPPWPpwfy
ttVn.S'lNU, I1U1XIJTIN. IIO.SOI.UUT.-T. H..MQXPAY. DE.C. I?. 1!!0.,
Cbe "Btastic" Corset
Iff I
Y fcMWM&tteX '.'-$ ?& Is "
- -ws" 'i2SJji-.'ar '-iLV'' -swjl
ViA -A U.
VII .- .. .. T"w" -J
iuuiu ojr American itcsj Association.
JJO longer ncca ou be Incused In jour corset as In armor. The now shape
r jcorrcctor, whllo .exceedingly ow n tho. back nnd hips. Is made so pliable
and of such light material that tho fearer can do all sorts of calisthenics In It.
Botno of tho now models oro ccn inado of clastic webbing.
..t-' jh
'Mbiti tdofhcVi
MISS FnANCE3 A. HAnniS of Now
( York wroto to Municipal Court
'Justtco Leonard A. ttaltkln recently
aniline him to glvo her tho names of
ten landlords who were about to evict
their poverty stricken tenants. Slio
said Bho would pay a halt month's
,ront for each If tho landlord would
remit tho other half,
i Tho justice gladly accepted her.ot
'fcr. u
Miss Harris Is a successful business
(Woman, who, la addition, owns vnlua
bis real estate Bho works because
islio cannot bear to lead any other
illfo, and sho devotes a large share of
'hev earnings toward helping tho poor.
Miss Harrli (shares, tho opinion of
many sociologists that the worst op
pressors of tho poor oro thoso who
have at a very recent date been poor
themselves In other words, their own
people. "Tho landlords of today," sho
says, "ui men who camo to this coun
try five years ago penniless and Igno
rant forclgncrs.v,Tho people who aro
liolng dispossessed today. If given a
chance, will be the landlords of other
unfortunates five years hence. I want
to trncli them a little humanity.
"And I hopo that this offer will en
rourago others to follow my example
It Is not necessary to have great
wealth In-order to help the poor. This
Is tho first time I havo tried to aid
persons through a court, but I think
It Is a sensible, businesslike plan."
And. now, you can learn how to swim
on your own carpet.
A California man has Invented a
machine to teach women how to swim.
You can't help but learn tho right
stroke, becauso no other will work.
Tho would be swimmer lies on a pad
deJ support which extends to her
knees, sho grasps a pair of pulleys
aboo her head. Attached to these pul
leys aro cables. The cable In her right
hand Is fastened to her left ankle and
that In her left hand to her right ankle.
When tha learner's hands are brought
down to her sides In tho arm stroko
her legs areumadoito kick out with
the same motion. When tho forco of
this movement Is spent her legs aro
drawn up again by a strong elastlo ca
ble also faster.e'd to the ankles and at'
tached to tho apparatus above her
hoad. i yrhe support on which the
"swimmer" lies Is extended far enough
out to prevent her arms going below
tho lovel of her body, and an auxiliary
Tho Invlbllilo rcglmciitH of clcctrh
Uy play no miall pait In modern waj
Tiiro, whether It ho with tho march
IiiK columns on tho plilns, tli
inlKht DreailnniiKhts or tho pecan u
tho lilihlui Intlcilcs of Kicnt Him
which (jini.l our porta iilonu tliu soj
It Js clcctilclty which jijma, laadJ
support limits the downward move
ment of her legs.
it .
Mrs. Vlrinlt Hcam lloxle, although
sixty-three years old. Is one of the
most enthusiastic sculptors of tho
west. Eho has Just Finished a statue
of General Klrkftond for tho state cap
Hot In Ion a. Mrs, Huxlo first began t
tnake statues wheri sho was fifteen
years old. i Iter flrt statue of I'resi
ilcnfUncoln pleased him so much that
ho ordered a life sire statue for the
rotunda of tho capital at Washington.
This Skirt
ures Only One
Yard Around J
arc linked together. The
reason is that at a period
when a girl's digestion is
Scoffs Emulsion
provides her" with'powerful
nourishment in easily di
gested form.
It's the food that builds
and keeps up a girl's
wW ) n(Ww
i fni
- t'
Fries Awarded t Contract
For Richards' Street
nil flies the big Kims of tho fleet
lectilcltj which lIkiuIb from loin
j nctnt, fiom ship to shl,: electric
y which holfts tlio nnimunltlun, car
'en thp po,w,ilcr. Ores tho sunken
nines, explodes tho torpedoes, drive
lie nth nnrlnes, cicrlcs tho orders
iicl It In electricity which brlnsi th
'ows or dcfoit nntl victory that th
M)rM nmv knov In a inlnnto tho re
nits of tho struggle.
aV.o fr-Jiji nil the tcouiitless chores
iboanl u wnrxhlp electricity alono Is
I ustrd with the ilcllcato work ot
Milium .mil nlm'im tho big riiiis.
, Iiuiill, mitMH iiioq, th? Bim about
a tlic, will "f "tho pshtor who KetB
lila ranrca."er uteIC4ilionoXro'in tho
JjrtOS Paris comes this charmlo.T
by the maker a "lingerie" costume,
though tho material Is r. fine cotton
voile, v These cotton voiles promlso to
be very fashionable for house frocks '
thlsi winter, and the French models
are all mado up along this line, with
simple bodices and straight IltUo skirts
,also In tho peasant typo or what Paris
now terms tho peasant typo. Yoke and
upper sleeves aro of eyelet embroidery,
'thi eyelet pattern being emphasised by
a braiding of white- soutache which Is
set around tho edges of tho eyelet
holes, Te skirt is of tho "hobble"
order, the hem measuring but thirty
'six Inches around. Thero Is o, .cording
,of black velvet around tho 'Dutch neck,
,and tho hugo rosette of black civet
on me giruie aaos a striking touch of
smartness. '
Henry Do Tries wns awatded the
contract fur tho Ulchnrds street
Wharf, his bid or J37.R00 being the
low cut of nil) submitted to Supcrln
tcndciit uf. Public Work's Campbell
iiml opened S.iUmlu) afternoon
Tlicic were three bidders on the
noil., I.ucns & Whltchouro hlddlni;
$J0,!k7O, uml Lord .i ml Yoiiiik $:IS,
000 Tlicsw lildi nil for p.nliiK with
ohla wood blocks
Thn tpiulprs cnn Ihrro alternate
nndll liiif frt nun wllli I rniwiilt. '
with nu extra 1 1 2 lnchej of plank,
niuL le ifiiR the wharf with Just tho
four-Inch p nnk ioerIni;.
In these alternate bids I)J l'rl.'x
offered to pac with creosote for $2,
400 more, extra planKJUR for J.'iUU'J
less, nnd with Just tho ordliur) uiv
crlng for J8UC8 leaj than the bid o
Lucas & Whltchoiuo oITctcd J220U
more for the llrst, JSCOO less for the
reiciul, ami 8J2I lesi ihr the thlrJ
than their bid of $39,S0.
Ind & Yiuitis Irndered J100 more
for the nrst, $.-.000 Ics,-llftr ,lhc so:-1
nnd liluljn.'liO los for-tllf LlilriUluiili
their hid of J3B,00. i SJ4. I
lllds for tho approach to tho II it'..
I fetd wharf were nlro opened, but It
i Is unlikely thut any contract will hi
awnrcd, us tl.cro Is no meney mall
able far th work.
On this i h I.ncas & WliltcliniiRC
bid $I7.'.(I, lleiitlo'ii.iu H'OT,, mid
I.oid ' Youiir J.'HOO.
A Mart's Store for Ladies'
Chan & Co.
AsQhristiTia is approaching: yve belie vcj
wehaa greatei; rjght than others tq
advertise ouiVliofiday Vlerchandise. We
claim iye are the leaders in nedium
priced ready-to wear goods for men and
i. . n
Intllt Idnnl llnllilaj Pnrkngrs of
Hosiery,' fldKcrchiefs,
Neckwear .
priced to milt jour pnrki 1 himl.
. Shifts
hnrll Much lime jut urrlird fur you
(n r!rrt friiin
Toilet andjSmohing
limp Just .hrci oprnrd.
dliliiT In our ulniinn.
iittraclhclr I'oxrtL
police thn
Alt of llicm
In nil tlic nrnr.il ilrlgn.
nll.lnk makM n more
practical it ml lougrr re
tnrnilirrrd Chrlslniiii (lift
Hum ,n pair .of., hno.'
Vmiwlll cxjicrlriicc no
trouble In xicurln Just
mIiiiI flll ttllllt fill 11
"""I " """
iniinbiT ii f I lie faintl) or
friend lirrr. Our line Is I
riiniKlcte I'm! low nrlrrd. 1
. . s.i jai a r.. w Vt ii . . i-
Arrivcd.by tlic last Asia. SILKS, GRASS LlrJEN, EMBROIDERED tSOlT, .PATTERNS,
All suitable gifts (or Christmas remembrances.
Suit Cases
X.iiir nf lll nllli flirt nidi uml I'.ir
iignn l'ninii".
Our ClolhLg
Ilrprrrrnti Lilmr ill lit licit,
I'j norknirn In larnr rniimy iii,itli'r."i
nlirrc llirre h pleuly nf Minlilne.
A lianilviinir ult rasp
ix n Klft nf rnlitPuli'Urp
ii well iik pr.icllr.ilillllr.
Kicrjimc nriilx n suit
riup, (UiraKlviullj mill, no
doubt von Jnon of. Mime)
nne lo hIhiiii juii Intend
In i:Uv n holiday kKi
I lint ilnri tint poiscis one.
Come I err and nr t-. Ill
Mijiply jimi nllli, flit
lirnt pf Icilnr- nt Hip
Ion est prce nlit tin ihlp
In Honolulu.
TT t 1 1
tlup of our.linfs mlll.lirlp lo JiuJ Jn
on n front np.it In'rnnr town.
' Ties
. .
Knlllid four.ln.li.tnds rf' brlfrlit lint
i i ' , . i
uml fllk In lonr or trlf (ffrcli.
The I libl'c sdioil nt Kue ikon, K
ni lias hoc n ln;c.l Id I)r R H,
nioih)ie tho R()winiiieiit phjslcia'i
nt lloluiloi ns the rcvu t of tho poor
saultsr) ruiidltlin c.lrtllns there
which talten with tho iiidenilo of t
pho'd hac rcnlcicil this pri-e-iutl in
nccersary. Tr. t'ooduo Ins stitod thut
two catci of tynio!it Iuvp been (rx-iit
cd In that section and Jhat tlv) bid
cchool ccnllllons which h.ne been re
ported to tholloailof Supot'.lsors
i k .
Cor. King and Bethel Sts
"S '
contlnuo torcxlnt. r i
i ,d ("' r -i
A fev of our prices
'solid gold br'aoelets ':$8.boup
SOLID GOLD BR0.0CHES l.'l.75un
SOLID GOLD BEAUTY PIN3.,. ,... .60 up
We sell all .other- goods in proporlion and guaran
tee the finality
M. R. Counter's
. y .
1214 Fort Street
rntiBo finders o't decK. J'owcrful olec
tile scaiclillRlit ) turn nlnht Into day
on the orqan nnd wlru)ps keep the
different Vessels ot tho fleet In cm
htnnt touch with cich, oilier and with
tho shoro. Tin siihnnrlncs obvnln I
llnilr ninth o power from sloniBO Int
tor.os uml electric inotnr3 onco thoy
nro below tho surfiro of tho water.
It Is electricity which fires tho torpo
does and uhlrh controls tliu tmikcii
mines of Kiinrotton
Recent dootopmcnts In infantry
Fqiil'nicnttfli.ivo pioducid plenty of
I ortnhjb cfcctrlcal devices for tliu
rank nnd fllo HcarchlllthtH inouuted
on truckH, lllio n gua ami ohtalnlim
Iholr current fiom n portable Ki'ollnn
I driven, jlynnno ,njo always eavrlo.1
I when tliu regiment mirchos Smiill
i wlrolcss Htatlons arc Ju nctho usn,
nnd iortnbln Held tiMCphniics which
wo niiln(eil wire that cap ho reeled
out and lujd on tho uiuiiml uiu cjiii
1 nnn vnointh
! Hut It Is t ho const urtlllor) where
i clcctrlc'ly finds Its greatest useful
iiess. Hero uru Incited tho larxo-it
nnd licnloit riiiis In (ho worM suif
whlrh I also almvo the fnrliricatlons
to flro mid illsapjicnr Into hi.lfs In thu
mnuml t,o bo rehmded ' Many of theno
Kims nelrh ns iniirh us ilxty tons,
mid of rnj'rto It would lo ijultu Ini
IKitslbt'l to nperato them hy hand, ns
thc il'il In tho old das when thi
Ililllth filnulea bombarded tho Ainoi ,
limir foitlftcatluus ut Mud JslanJ ha'
fore Philadelphia
TJio.Ricat fortiflcatlQiii. that llm
lho Atlantic mid I'nclllc Coasts, tiiol
eloctrlclly fir lljtlitlni;, for nil Itlndr
of p'jver iif'Kii ns well ns for the
telcKiai lit. teleplioucs wlieless nnd
hlRRiillnc. soatrjillKlils. e'tc Hut It Is
the me of etcdilclt) In connection
with tho opoiullnil of the HI rat mini
that Is moil nctablu It is lu this
work that nbsnlutn ,nccui'ac ei,ouo
m nf I hurt I nmt lnhoi nml PlUrlpliP"
I III tho tnlnulPEt ilota I mo ilonmulo,! I
uml no imwc'r nil ucroiupllsli those
- tlilmti llko eloctrlell Illectrlcnl
Two Coroners Get Into Dis
pute and Corpse Butts
Into Argument,
KUWAIIK. N J.iUrc.il. A Ioiik
ptlnio after plixslclang, hail.iininouaceil lapsed
Tn fiwiiil' J 1 -
-rr'"'"-" i -
, -r.
Min dead, nnd while twu conincrs wcro nhlo to rcUo h!ra and Iio Is cif-
wero illsputlni; as to which sh vild sit peeled to recocr. .
I oi hts suiiposcil jK'iulso, n llurlhiRton. Doctors say llmby was ,lti ausoljito
N. J., firmer mnied Iliuhy suddenly puma caused by n rare kind of Kiuucy
IjioIco up the nriitiiont by throwlnn troiiblo, and lhat; fqr n considerable
off the poerlns of his face and, sit- tlmo there nppcared to io totalccssa-
Hub up, said t lion of respiration nnd pulsation.
"Why. Illll whero am I? What's
lho ninttpr?" ho oxrl ilmed, then ho ro- Sometlines there la n ainererjco iq-
llut tho surprlset! physicians tweon n model girl and n Bin mouui.
H--: - " --n
A fmt of Rijg Hk
, i I
For Christmas
' &Mii
- What belter Christmas present for the man than a pair of
1 1
BrTLk it fl H sWsi H
JKeoai n
M- CP i .iJIrL--J
Rcuals come in V sizes, insuring a perfect fit, and every p air isjiojicstly biiilt of UuHicst ' " '
, .i ' t, .t M'ltl M 111.,
material on tho lines of the I: lest London ana New Torn custom moacis.
$3.50 $4.00 $4.50 $5.06
v j "
K - t
-i fK.I
Repal Shoe Storey
" 9
King and Bethel
McCaridlcc: Cock.
.t.wtate mmJt&mjL .. u jl m&vm!im8m

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