OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, May 06, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-05-06/ed-1/seq-6/

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H ; . L m
y , jEm &UUk. 9 IM!8Bir"i9i BBB9 HHIh H Hb 'laaaaaaaaH H
Men . jm hd Hk dlHMn MHnBPHv .(vLaH L0 - hh
ma UUUttUUWf HLibbbbbbbbbbbW HHiBVyl WHKHsBy LbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbV IbbbbbbbbbbbbbHLbbbbbbbH LHI ImmlRrutlnn hill , ?
The Legislature has passed the ,
, - -,.
Appropriating Sixty Thousand Dollars
for a PUBLIC SCHOOL to be ERECTED immediately opposite to the entrance of
F" 5!
The property has been appraised and will soon be-transferred to the .Government
---assuring to the KAIMUKI DISTRICT one of the finest arid ;r
largest institutions in the Islands
P'SJl HIT nllhntit koIiis poion.ill (hit our piopcil) jou
H ("in iriilu hut a iit) slli,'li( loiiccnllnii of tli- li:iitictill
JKa nf our project nun helm; ilntli and tiuiirl) worked ml
1 1) hi mi Paloln Hill und Ocean Mew :i project where
1 1) ni' jirr Inilm; I lie lirm iiml Mibslatitl.il fiiii;u.illiiu of a
liri'iiliT llininliilii! We bclleie In (he nrnprss f f.'r,inul,illnii
In real estate dciflupmcnl :ih mil lis In Mirccri. We do not
online our li'iprnt I'NM'iit s lo one spot nil our nii'inillirrul prop,
crlj iiml lime II grow up like n luitslirinim In u slimli nls;M,
liul hi- li.nc M'tillcrcd our u'eriiiliiul points of dciiiiipincut f.ir
iiml ijldo our Ilic hroiiil nnil hrutillfiil t.iiiil-i-:uic mi IIii-j nlll
trron timethcr info our ni'dil) nlinle of int iiml iiirlcd com
pldcucss. To full) rcallo iiikI appreciate nil ne haic done
nnil nil ne sire duliis )iiu should mi out Niiutla) and spend
Ihcdu) ui.iklni? n stud) of our work our srrnt project our
success lu iiiiildliii: mM foriulnt; n lieiiullful Mihurli.m ell).
Hut )uii inii'l not think Unit fun ciin Inspect In u one ilnj's
Muling nil the nleuillil iletelopiuents ne liutc iniiile i';itl of
lloiioliilu. It would t.ike j on M'icnil il;ii (o do mi. 'Hie lielil
or our project eoiers mi enormous territory iiml Inclmlen
l-irue ureas of the most eliolee rclilenllnl mnl ii'.'rJeulturiil
l.i ml on the liliiml of (IiiIiii. The iimuulluilc of our eulerprNe
emi he lietter uuiler.stooil mIicii jiiii kinin Hint the upltere of
our Inlliieiue iIitkN fr
ItitluiuMNo the further
mill from the milnovls o
honl of I'll loin Crsiter. A
spin re of our Inlliienei
1 III. In tiwi )e.irs ne li;i
Kriinil siih Millions Kill
I'lirm, l'tilolo Hill mnl I'
of these our Iinproiciurii
tlioiismnls ii noil thoiisun
pemllliire lius heen the u
p.irulleleil liouie.hiillillni;
lime ileM'lopeil miles of
eil lots, ileslrn)eI olil shn
slriieltou of hemitlful ho
lo-bii nuler for Kulmiik
elcetrle llulit, lelephoue
K(il In the Miuu'ii.iril of
roiuiiierliiK: arun of hum
comfort mnl li.ipptuess ul
the nllilemess. In ho j
miikl proper void nil tin
sohl! Anil now on I'ulo
hullillii!; Iifuutlfitl lire
cent terrnees lire uiiiler v
om the ueiirrst lieiiullful home lu
most trr.Mii nf fertile Mill In I.iiihl
f lll.iinnnil 1 1 en ii o (he elnuiNLfsseil
ml nhat liute ne done i It li In this
nlllilu this l ji( Held of our project.
,ie plueed upon the miirket our Ihe
Di ii I; I proper, Omni Vlrn, I.iiihl
ulolo Yiillej uuil from end to end
ts hute extended to the tiiuouul of
Is of dollar.. 'Ihe icsiilt of this e.
Hiikeiilnl of hupiiliiiiilu to the mi
oiportuu!lles th.it lie hefore It. We
splendid iiiiirmuuilleil sheets cleur-
ck, eiieounmed mid mil Ned the eon.
mes, M'curcd the siippl) of pure ur-
I, iiHslsted lu irelllnu extensions of
siii'l tr.insiiortiillim .utilities. We lune
deieliipmeul, ne lune nulcheil Ihe
f.htilldcrs roar their ellndels of pence,
Iiik the trnlN ne li.no lilnzi'd tlirouli
ears ne lime seen eier) lot lu Kill
t n fen reuiuliiliii; lots In Occmi VIen
lo Hill the lots ure koIiik houses :ire
lines ure clliuliliii; the hills niiiKiilll.
oiistrucllon mlMIr ntnne KnloMiijs
ure lieKlunlui; to miard tin Irmires to plrluresiiie drlie-
n.i)s parks ure helm; plnnued u hciinUful rluh house Is un
der n.l)- ii tenuis court Is designed nlioie Ihe iloud -11 Ii.iiul
pailllloii will he en clod In u fen necks nllh coucerls tnlre
ii month .i cplendlil puhlle school nill he liullt opposlle the
eiilrniiie to Wllliolnilnit 1110 lij the TerrIlorl.il (joierii
inenl ut u cost of lf(i(t,(l()(l.(lll the pure urtesl.iu nnler from Hhe
KiiIiiiiiM Itesenoir will he pumped to the summit of I'ulolo
Hill -the miters from the I'iiIoIo .Mountains will he piped
don it from Ihe lofl) niitersheds (he i;re:it nalrr pressures
nlll afford an uiieiiuilled lire s) stem electric llitht und tele,
phone senile Is s proa dint: nil oier the Hill many people
nre nl.iuiiliii; (o hulld In Ocean View the nnter-plpe exlends
to the l.eahl I'liriu Tract und" t",(Mta feet more ure helm; laid
Montr inrliius slrcets. Churches nlll he erected mid tern,
porur) Hit- nIiiIIoii elalillshed. And the best Is ct to come.
I'lider the stimulus of all (Ills deielopment the electric true
Him line must extenil. Cuu ton llud inn other m-cIIoii on Ihe
Maiiil (hat Is udiuiiclni; nllh micIi rapid, strides toward the
Kood of prnpcrll) o jiiii cannot, tin out and see our prrat
project. Mo ire noild healer. We iirv liome-liiillders. e
know what our ieople want Ihe hest) llrsl, lust and all the
time. If ion mint u home, u lot, an Itiwslincnt north limine,
ne lune II fur ) on -and It Is jours for the usdlng. Our slilh
holelh Is Miciess let It liecome )ours!
Kaimuki Land
JLJ9 1vJLa
Salesrooni Teleplione 3306
Main Office: 'I cleplionc 1659 MoilOllllUl Branch Office: 'telephone 3208
1 1
New York Worltl Talks 01
"Vassalanc'' In Conncolion
Willi Hawaii Labor.
The New Yoik WiiiM'm WnliliiRloii
ioifei..ndrnt .nmilo u sen-ullonil
nlnry out or Ollllill'wtnlHT of Imtiil
Ki ul Inn Kecfo'H report on llnvull, Ino
kiiiTip niiorl that wim piilill-Jiod m
rlnslvOy ly tin 11 it 1 1 o 1 1 ti here. Tim
foiiowliiB I from llio Worl.VB micclnl
lorreHponilent at the capital:
WASHINGTON. Ai-.' 10. Coiniillii-slnnrr-Oonernl
Ifeefe of tint Hiircn.il ''
1....lnrfill.ui 1ms tnVl nrcHentoil 1
j.Mccretnr) NiikIo of tho M'i.irliuenl or
' CoiPiuerec nnil Ullmr u llwl-hand
ntiulv of Iliiwiillnn hihor comlltlons in
nlilch he oITith a terrllle nrrnlBiiinint
of the vented Intel ect ho control tho
The report Is the rexult ot liN three
month' trip throuRli the lslninl, mid,
It Is jirlleveil, will result 111 u Coimrcn-
bl..i...1 liit-nulliruHnn. AllllOIIUll Colli ll
eil III the most teinperulo IniiRiinRoiiiul
ilmnliiK few roncliiKlons) n lo iiiocin-
pnlilllt)' of the hmil nwncm. II Fimws
1.. .. .. .(.in .r ehiirtM otiil flirurci that
tho ronditloiiR of the lower clauses inu
little lictl-r today tliiin when the is
land" were annexed by the United
"Vaisalaoo" Charged.
A feu of tho vital fuetH mt forth In
the report art:
"That 11 Kreat inujorlly of tho In
li.iUltantu of Hawaii nro llvlnc In n
Kioto of viiHwnluKp; Hint foe all lr.io
llcal JiliriioKOs liny are owned hody
mill soul by tho siiBnr planters, who
work thorn fur starvation wattes and
tnkc their pay In return for the no
eisltles of life, nhleli the planter sell
at exorbitant prices.'
"That the country Is not lielnKVuicr
lennlzed The planters arc iiiiiMiirih)
uttempt to draw deslrahle Ametleiins
or Kurnpraina. Tliey arc uetii.illy n
sIstlnK In 'OrlctitnllzltiB' tho Islands."
Japansio Increadng.
Almost ono-liiilf of the Inlialdtnnls
are Jatianese Their nuniliers are In
crrnslni; rapidly. In another dorado
the Islands will bo little more than a
Japanese settlement. Virtually all ot
thsc Japanese lmo seen military n r
vlee at IhiiiW nnil would luiisllluto nil
exec Heat "llawullini i1lvlluii" In inso
of hostilities
Hctween fifty and sixty v .lapanese
women nnlve on e.ieh steamer. Upon
l.nidliii; they uro married nnil K" to
Moilt 111 the fields. They woik Ion
bonis at manual labor under tho tinp
lenl sun. Thole olTsprliiK arc seme
Biileil with them, and c!iiisotiicutly
mow to inntitrlly with nil tho Inherent
Instincts unit traits, of Iholr fatherland.
.No ittcinpt Is liclnit mniloMii Anierl
cnnlr.0 llieui. '" r "" "'
nM,.. ntri-niu nr tlio nlnnlers. who aro
p.ild n tier cnpltu fen for tho laborers
thej Imliiio tn Bi Ul Hie Isl.inils, mo
iiilsrrpresenllnR; viiliintlons, nnil tjm
(.iiliseiiiiencn Is Unit they nro KendliiK
In a iimnber or puinlless lillens who,
niiiiii llndlnir that they run not live on
Hie wiiros paid by the Interests, move
nil to the Paolllo Const as fust as pos
sible As 11 result the slopo Stall's am
harborlnt; many undesirable aliens.
wim sooner or later becomo objects or
Mr ICeefe shatters tho myth that
wMtn tneti emi tint tle and work eoui-
fmlnlih' nn Iho fsl.ltlils. mill stales thilt
It would be an easy mutter to Induce
them to inlKrato If Iho conipitnlcs
would pay litem a IMiik wiiro rl-
niiinl Inbor Is ehenno.- lliw mil llo
fin less and cheaper final eimseciuent-
ly the eoiniianles prefer lliem toAiinr
leans or KumpeiinH
Scarcity In Foodstuff.
Heeausc susar Is more, piofllablu
11., .11 r,ll,n. nrnilnrts. the laud1 OWIlel'S
ilcvotn virtually all the hind lo thn
former, with tho result tlrVt foodsturfs
are senrco A laborer iiiiiklni&To cents
a day of ten hours pays on an uveriiKo
of js ner c.-iit. 111010 for tho principal
meifsltles ot llfo tlinn tho nun Let
.rle- h In the largest cities In this
louutry v
(Hi C. S. Vllu rtO
(Sinelal II 11 1 1 e 1 1 11 Ccrresinileiien )
WASHINGTON. 1). C, April :i.
Clliiiiip Clark, tho now Deiniiernlle
Speaker of tho House, him nut yet de
termined what nttltudo ho will nmuinio
regarilliiK the future of tho Philip
pines Ho has heen urged tn make a
ponltlic. declaration on tho mibjuct.
The nmtter la now bcltiK rotmldered
hy I1I111 and a aemlpromlso has heen
Blvon that within u few days ho will
cnuucl.ite his principles.
Tho Kuncrul Bontlmclit Is that
Sneaker Clark will tul;o ll Htlnlitf
Vatnnil In fuvnr of KlvInK Hio Klllplnia
Imlopendonce This lius 1 een tho doc
trine of llio Democratic party for
iniiiiy years and the supposition pio
vnHs thiil It will bo endorsed hy Mr.
Clink His prnhablu iitterancoa mo
awaited with much Interest.
The situation which piosmuahly
falls for an exiuosslnn nf opinion
from Speaker Clark ennenruint; tlio In
dependence of tlio rhillpplno Arch
Ipol.iKO UH180 when an Invitation wuu
extouded tho Speaker and other load
ing Democratic members if tho House
10 visit the Philippines. Cpnunlssloii
or Manuel 1.. Quezon extended tho In
vitutloiiB Tlio action was taken und
er liu'ructlous fiom the Philippine
mi ii
llili (no rises iceciiud dlsiiuslliun
nt in ,li let eiiuri this lli'illllliR prior
to iho ictliemwr n .IiiiIku Wlllliiia
11 1 vinei liont Iho bench. Two .lup
allege chaiKod and found Kiillty of an
n'tur" nt'aln.sl soiieU weie tilled
il'e voiunii helm; ulien i v. tuumh.i'
impilsoiiment wlillo Iho man was an
Besscvl fiJ and tho comt costs.
Weekly 11 u 1 1 e 1 1 n II per j ear,
iihihp "n!.niri3iT-iBi,filirfi'TI1fv'-' -- "!
f ..-

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