OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, October 07, 1911, 3:30 EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1911-10-07/ed-1/seq-4/

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rf '" 'n wi "JH' ' " lJ"'
EVEATi2sTa Bulletin
CO.. LTD., at Kerr Building, Alakca St., Territory of Hawaii.
Daily every day except Sunday. Weekly issued on Tuesday.
in the Territory of Hawaii.
Wallaci: R. Fakkinc.ion, ... Iumiok
IIVIJM.VU iiui.i.iih. wiiiiki.v nui.i.it i r
Pet Month, ti)rhne lu U H a .711 hi Si Monlaa .. .. ..
Per Quarter anywhere 'ei US S.lxi Per Veer anywhere lu U 8 I.imi
Per Year, ativlirre tnUH H.oo Per Year auywbere d Canada l.nts
Per War. itmu aid ,oreixn I3.no Ptr Year rMiMtta .1 torortn 3.iw.
qpi i tScUtorlal Rooms,
1 t?l.) Business Office,
ntered at tbe PoMortite at Hnimtulu
a. ics-omt.rla.ie matter
OCTOBER 7, 1911
or In Impart mnrr frit I), life's In lie.
(nctliino. snt Hi pplh r.
Thu .New )k State College' nf Ak
rlclilturt Is taking up Hi'1 lien iiims
tluu A Ii tli I n k tli it tends In in.ikf
two ef!K8 Klovv where one Krew befoic
Ii.ih our support
Another KiikhIiiii sp) bus liot'ii
round In this tuimtr I'lrst thliiK we
know the Amalgamated Order of
Spleskl will lie kIUiik tin- Aliatiiak
Club ii close race
In New ork u niiin Ml for tin
stories and was not killed Tlml s
nothing In llimoliiln sonic women
rull for tlit'lr husband 8 stoili's evei)
night lie's lutu to dinner
John I) ItockeMler was uiiiKlit
taking down notes lu church lie ex
plained thnt lit Inteinliil to re.iU tlittu
to Ills wife, who was III .it home 'Ihe
relieved ronKrcBatloii .iIiiiohi took up
u subscription for him
'Hie surrimfiil utii pliitue nf life's, measure up to Its opportunltleH lime
Ir.iKtillis l of mini unlv when II hull kIvcii ituiplo evidence In tin
prompts us to irwirel inure j(iileiul),iKe nil oils reHpnusn the eople of thin
ill) made when the whirlwind cum-
pnlMi for ii building fund mih on In
ii huge sense, the lieu hlilldlUK !'
Ioiiks not to the M C A cot pen u
tlou, hut to Honolulu .is a whole, and
Honolulu us a whole has u iljiht to
ilemiud ellkhnt woik or the "ilulit '
In tills lie-w bulldlUK there should
he no loom fur nutrow dogmatism; no
i moinap-ineiil of the hollei -than-thou
spirit, no ontrmeisl.il litmus
phere It Is to he hoped Unit tin
licon of a row months iiijo has been
tiiken to heart l all (oiKerned, iind
that the sltlt of hiuthirhooil will he
Interpreted In lis hrutdvst iiie-unliiK
In devclojilllK Its noble activities
tirimif! tl o jnuiiitor c neriitlons of
Honolulu, the association lias mi op
porlunlt) such us Is rnrel) Kivcn nn
man or mi) set of men The solving
of the problem of )outh Is the harder
us Its solution will he the greater vic
tor) If the V M C A inn work stead-
My rumnnl along these lines, Its
stiukholileis will he satlsfh d with
their dividends
Calling on a public olllcor to lesion
Blmply beruuse he doeMl t li.ippi n to
ngre'e with oii, m i) sound to some
people like alld argument Otheis
diagnose the case ns sour giapes up
on tin nlread) distresKil stomach
A new stvle or hatpin has been dis
covered for women, teduclng the dan
ger or jabbing the Innocent bVRtunder
fifty per cent Here's to the woman
or l'JlL', stiibless mill hlpless, neroid
Ins to the latest fashion standards'
In a rew divs now tin miiiu.il sta
llstlcs or football diaths and Injuries
will begin to iniiie In, and us usual
they will be exaggerated ten-fold On
no other subject of wldespie.nl Intel
est are reports so unreliable ns thosi
nt football Injuries
The esteemed lonti mpnrarlis win
lime been attacking the Loan I'liud
Commission with fioth Instead ol
facts mid foam Instead of llgtiies still
wonder wh) reputable businessmen
lire sumetliuts slow to pieseut Iheiii
telves for public ollke
the course to be pursued tins not ct
been detei milled
The New York City board of educa
tion has nuthorlnd the opening or tin
evening trade sihuol for men mid bo)s
lu the borough of M.iulinttiiii, for men,
women, bo)H mid girls lu llrooklyn
mid tjueeus An eviulng vocational
mIiimiI for boys will be opened In Mim
hattun A three )enrs' commercial course
will he Intiodiicid lu the high school
or llrnckton. Mass
'I he I.os Angeles board or iducatlun
bus allowed the engaging or a manual
arts expert for the spiilal schools mid
the services of Caspar Wariniith, re
cuitly or Deliver, have been secured
Ml Wariuutli Is an expeit along all
lines or manual arts, but spiclnllres
lu wood carving which will be made
a feature of the vocational course to
be Inaugurated In the special schools
'I be manual training departments or
tbe Chicago high schools co-operated
in a practical uiatinei dining the clos
ing months or the scholastic )eur with
local charities 'the bo)s constructed
H'.li alr-tlght boxes to hold lie given h)
the county to needy families llueh
box tost six tents for material mid
wits m ranged to hold the dally milk
supply or mi average family
Manual training and domestic sci
ence will be added to the course or
studies In I.ewlston, .Mont
At Altooun, I'll , the iniiiiii.il train
lug course In the elementary schools
Is being revised so ns to lend loglc.il
up to the Industrial department or the
local high school The entire course
has been rcgruded with u view or
eliminating nit duplication or work
Ihe fundamental prlnclplis will be
taught thoroughly lu the grades so
that pupils who enter the high school
may liuemdlatel) take up advanced
It Is noticeable that these practical
i nurses tire so arranged us to lit In
with thu Industries or the section
wheie the children live ir given the
proper equipment, there Is every lea-
son why the country schools or Ha
waii should not have courses that will
assist the bo)s lu securing remunera
tive positions In connection with the
sugar industry
Lots for Sale
On Punohoii Street Extension,
lots are offered for sale in the
Water Chief Martin tlilnks there's
too much wutcr going to waste on
the Island plantations Meanwhile
several plantations are evolving inst
ly Irrigation schemes If It's a plain
case of supply and demand, then
should be no tumble remedying mat
te rs
Now that tbe Me rcluints' Association
members have seen some ol the things
tbe Ilouul or Health Is up against, the
Civic Federation Is next lively trip
means money in the pockets or Hono
lulu's taxp.i)eis eventual!), though It
may mean mune) out or t lit lr pocki Is
for a short time
Tho Y SI C A or Honolulu will be
gin a new era during the coming
week. It will enter Its new home, n
home or which not on!) the assocla
(Ion but the entire community may be
Justly proud It will be lu a posltloi
to expand Its work, to make its 1n
tluelico felt lieiu more widely than
ever before
Tho faith of Honolulu In the things
for which the Young Slen's Chilstl.ui
Association stands, and the liupe of
Honolulu that the Association will
' reach the cbildien to wink" Is the
crj of the "practical man" who thinks
that too much education Is possible
That's exactly what the managers ot
Hawaii's schools want to do That is
exactly what Is being done through
out the mainland under the heading
of vocational schools, and it is so suc
cessful (hat the practical oi vocation
al schools are being devilnped ill nil
tin' leading (inters
lu Topekn, Kansas, the pioblcm of
vocational education, as applied to
local conditions, Is a subject of a stud)
being conducted by Superintend! nt I.
II Whlttcmoie Local uiaiiufactuiers
and uieiihunts have In en consulted us
to the possibilities fol co-opclal'vc
At Spiluglleld, Massachusetts, sum
mei sessions have been concluded lu
the manual tialulng schools of the
ell) 'Ihe sessions have been so al-
rauged that no boy is In class longer
than an houi and a half In a day
Sewing will be added to the common
schools in Springfield
At Jamestown, N Y, n vocational
"course has been opened In thu high
school In a circular to patents Sup
eilntendent It It Itogeis slates that
tills (outse will be l specially for those
Just enteilng mid for tlioso who me
still in the llrst year of high school
uotk It will he made up parti) of
the usual high school book work mid
parti) of shop woik. About hair the
time will be given tu each or these mid
the shop woik will he divided between
Joinery and mechanical diavvlng Ar
iel the llrst )cir moie advanced woik
will he offered consisting of metal
win king, pattern making, turning and
the like lly me tins of this vocational
course It Is hoped that thu school will
be ol gi eater bet vice to those who
wish to lollovv mechanical employ
ment, stud to still otheis, who wisli to
pie pale fol technical eouises in high
ei Institutions
A co-opeiatlvei industrial course fin
hoys who intend to enter the nianit
fuctutlug Jewelry trades has been
ope mil at Providence, It I A class
or thlit) ho) s has been funned who
spend alternate weeks III mauufactiil-
lug Jewelers establlshini nts unci the
technical high chnol 'Ihe length of
New Judd Tract
Pricet nre low. Terms ore easy. Make
preparation toward owning a home.
When the lot i paid for, getting a loan
to build will be easy.
Trent Trust Co., Ltd.
tho l.i Toilette wool hill l'or six
weeks he will lay aside his executive
duties, to Invito the West to repudiate
tlie cotlise of Its riogresslvi- re pre
sinttitlves In Congress The Inst tour
was follovveel ) lllcle ied I'rogies
Nlve Btleligth, III Congiess mid the
Stale (iipltols Is It llkil) that the
voters have so changed thnt the re
f 1 1 1 1 this time can he other than it was
he rillC?
"You have place el all the large bei
rles on top1"
"Yes," replied tho affable elinlei,
"that saves vou the tumble! or hunt
lug thiough the box fol lliem '
Keeper Do you know tills w.tler Is
preserved, sir?
Angler (of llltlo experleiue, still
awaiting a bite) I thought Ihuie was
something the matter with It.
At tlt -This is my painting, 'Youth
lu tin .Mi Ion I'atch '
liitk Hut wheie me thn melons'
Aitlsl What a foolish iiutstlou'
lb' ii tinned fi out vacation happleel
than nil v lino else I have ever seen"
"No wonder lie spi nt bis two
weeks on it faun wheie everything
practicable wtH raised for thu table
instead ol fui inaiket "
Hawaii's Interest In the coming
presidential election, for which al
lead) both parties and all factions of
the p titles me girding up their loins,
Is growing keener every day Hawaii,
lis n Tenllory, reels the result or po-
lltlcal upheavals mid political changes
lor more deepl) than the majority or
States, whose! administration depends
less directly upon the ideas or the
(hlcf executive or the nation
l'reslde tit Turt's tour or the mini
tr), the most extensive-. If inemuiy
selves correctly, ever undertaken by
a President, Is not tu be taken alto
gether as an Index or his btrcngth
The coming session or Congress may
determine the political rate or the
man Hawaii counts upon as u friend
I'poli the lepoit of Ihe tm Iff boald mid
(lie action of Congress on the tariff
hinges more than a schedule of wool
or (otton or steel, there hinges Tuft's
"pull " with the consumers at large-
Will l'lesldeut Tan he leiiolulnati if
U he is, will he be iccleitesl''
These tvvu iiiistloiis have conftont
id political Washington for months
'I hey have been carefully weighed In
the light of the lust election, the re
turns for which are vvoitli scutching
until) sis
In I'.Md the Democrats carried 17
States, of which -4 have Democratic
Covernois, while -'- Sttitcs now have
a majority or Democrats lu Congiess
Hut It must be null d that although
thu stuudputtcis lost some eighty
seats In Congress In the landslide, the
I'logresslves double el their lepiesell
tutlou 111 the Iiwer House Nothing
presents thu situation so cleat ly us u
table hbovvlug, In detail, the situation
developed h) the last election, with
the lectouil votes based on the new
States Dem Kep
Alabama IL' , ,
ArUuna :i
Arkansas a
De-law ale
I'loilda 0
Ceoigla H
Kentucky Ill
Louisiana 10
siai.ni: 0
Mm) hind K
.Minnesota .
Nov. nil
New llalupshliu
Nun .Mexico
NEW UJItK .... 4re
Noith Cuiollna IL'
Ninth Dakota
Oklahoma u
We Have
to Lioan
on listed stocks or on Improv.d
Real EitaL.
We buy and sell Stocks and
Bonds, and make Investments for
others in approved Trust Securi
Bishop Trust Co., Ltd.
924 B.thel Street
Now it. the time to con
sult GURRKY about
Private Christmas Cards
Police. JiuUc Meiuviirriit hehl a short
ses-liai tlilk morning, most of the eases
having been continue el until lie Xl Week
S II Kliov. chained Willi lineal!
iigitln hid tils ease peetinme tl fur ii
week, lie will be tried next I'llel'S
illuming III I'eillec Court It Is like lv
that Alleiini') II urge Davis will demur
lii Hie winding of He complaint uncle r
vvhli Ii Ki.ux Is chniKcil
c'hils Kiikei, aim mifitiil fur us
lug tlilltite lllllg llUKIIUgi, was 111 eeiurt
lull liwlllg tie llisullle telle) of I Villi II'
tlie enlllt discharged hhll
.Mi Moli I Kioiloa unil I'ml llln
wlio wen aircMid for viol it lug thu
laves of niiiialltv will next 'I'm Mil iv
morning e xphiln to Judge Mens met
Ihe Ir reasons for lining mi
Kauoial who stole tin fiom Willi mi
K ilellinhi urganl7ir nf tin Iful t'ulun i
vvii" si ill tu the ii if for thlit) ela)s
NeWleill Mllllt. Whet Used olfetislve
IniiKiiiii in a public phu e. was sin
line eel to six lunulhs' liupilsnuiiieut
Miit-ii .lap iih -e. urn slid fur ihlliH'
a blevib lit uh'ht without n light, w is
lluiil t unit i o-ls of unil I
Kuiiiihl ilruuk was taxi it
Ithode Island . . .
Smith Carolina . .
South Dakota ....
Texas . . ,
I'tuh .
Vet taunt ..
Wisconsin . . ,
Wyoming ... ,
to your friends at sea up to eleven
every night. For other messages the
office is open from 7 a. m. to Di30 p.m.
on week days, and from 8 to 10 a. m.
on Sundays.
mm m. j
A CraU of 81 x Selected Pines or
Large Bunch of Bananas
Simply leave your order we do the
(With Wells. Cargo Express Company)
f TfMMlC
lllg .Shipping 1I.HI i:peileil lliie.
A i able leeelved hv I'ud L Wul
clloli. Ihe local lepn si utatlve fol Hal
foui-Wllllaiiisoii ami Compaii), u con
ic in which opeitites a huge fleet of
slemuships lu Height mid passenger
business, is lo the effect lli.it Sh
Archibald Williamson, a member or
the III III, Is ,i pisseligei III Ihe Paellle
Mail sli .unship slhiil.i, due to mrlvi
fiom Sun l'lumlseo on next 'luisd.iv
morning The ilMIni ul died llilllsln
I ii Inciuhci of u liuiiibel or liiuloi
e luhs and a piomluint f.icccn lu coin
mcicl.il e Ireles the ie
.Til me
ll elm
s I vie tt mil vvf lii Mai v V. Me
' I) pen gr ".!'.".. Honolulu
1J-i II I'.i P -Ml Sept 1'
Niinies of States vvhltli weie Itepub
I ic all lu I'liiS, but In i. ime De uiocrnllc
in IIUII, in capitals
To secliie Ills re-elei tluli, President
'I aft must leeovei not less than six!)
Iliree electoral votes from States car
ried by the Democrats In l'llli, without
losing mi) votes lu the Plogiessive
Slates which then sl.i)(d III the Re
publican column Can he do It? Can
he get back his native Statu or Ohio?
Can hu develop any stieligth ill the
States on the Atlantic Coast which
left him lust iai, without making
me only live States, all on the Atlantic
hcnbuuiil. wlieiu hu can expect lo
make an) ciiiisldeiiibiu lecovei)
.Malne, Slassae luisetts, Connecticut,
New Jerse) mid New ork Hut then
are nine State-s III the Sllddlu West
mid I'ur West, vvheru the lev nil
against the Pa)iie-Aldileli taillT, the
Wiikcrshum inlltoad pulley . Halllug
i rlsin and Uirlinerlsm nu n.icu the sue
cess of nil) st.ilidpat candidate lor aliv
utile e These States aru Washington,
Oregon, California, id iho, Illinois,
Kansas, Nehiaska, Ninth D ikola and
Wisconsin Now, lliu number of eh e
total votes In the two groups Is neai
I) ecpial and It Is to the We stem
gioup that tin- Piesideiit is turning
hi "lieigies He bus p lid scant at
tention to New England, he haiel)
stops III New Voih mid I,enns)lvmihi
Ohio mid Indium lie dues not consid
er at all llicalhlng de Haute, he is
going into thu "eni'iii)'s uiiiuti) ' on
auotlii'i toui or 'apolog) " Twoyeai!
ago he apologlcil loi the I'aviie-Ald-
I ic It law and lluvv he will apologle to
the fanners lor removing the pi cite c
tlve elutles on Ihcll ploelllcts, tliiollgh
the Canadian leclpioclty law, while
lie maintained the cost of clothing,
corresponding losses in the West?
Not counting his own State, there blniike ts and carpets b) bis veto or
Waterhouse Trust
Land Puupueo
Manoa Valley
The l.adino homobuilders ore buying their homestead
lots in the suburbs. There oro reasons why health, main
ly; then more beautl ul surroundings) then more room
about the house and no more of that "cooped-up" feeling
that comes with llvng in the trickly-settled parti, of town.
We are offering ots In the land o' PUUPIJEO varying
In area from a half acre up to any sire you may suggest,
and ranging in price from $1300 00 up according to the
tlie of the lot you may select.
These lots have all the advantages of a downtown lo
cation, with the addcJ features of a lower temperature,
beautiful view, best of neighbors and no unsightly part of
the city to travel througli on your wa' to and fro.
FOLLOW THE LEADERS! and secure a piece of prop
erty that is steadily advancing in value and at tho same
ime giving you an oiportunity of 'ivii-g In the best part
of the city.
Let us show you that this is true.
Whin tl" lr uiM"'it She rid in sills
fin He l oust it 'J ei elm I. loulgllt she
will have al"' ml Ihc ullleers anil men
of tin snood I. illcill 'twentieth lu-
r nilr v . whli h haves lliiuiilliltl iiMi I .1
h nu of si iv he of nunc thu ii fool )e ir
it I'mt Mnflir 'I ho biltnllon, under
leuinnnil or Majoi W P lliiruli mi, Is
o-ileiiel In ic erline ntal he a. I. pi all rs it
I nit IIiiiii-I is t t ih
'Ihe 'live nib th inilveel lii Honolulu
nu the transport I'mnlt, June !:'., l'l"7.
i ii. t imiiiiiliil at once In Curt Slinf
ti r tin II Innlv eeiuiphtiil 'I he' Int
lllllnll has ln.tl sllltililleel tile re IIH'
.hu I p lii Match of this ve. ir He
intlilliin na- iiinuii iiideil b) Major
sin a, I Diinuiug now lie ute iianl
nli in I 'lie pie si nt coinm ineler le
Mn or W P IIiiiiiIi mi
Of Pure Milk
That o users of
mitU nrti apprrciatinrj
the succ ets of our
efforts to furniih
only pure, healthy
milk is clearly shown
by the constant ad
dttions to our list of
Our cow, are per
fectly healthy, and
tho m J I k i n y and
handling is done un
der the most sanitiry
conditions. When the
milk reaches our
depot on Sheridan
street it is treated by
an advanced electri
cal process.
We deliver only
pure milk.
Phone 1572
The ill ei. Hog mate Ii of the- I'.u lllc
lluilaiiii Intirtliib doubles lotiini-
mi ul will In phi) i el this ulti moon f.
' ileluik nil the III II I llll I I nulls
i i.iiki mid ( unto' will iiprcsint Iho
1'iclRis. while Novvell unil II ernes will
pie) for lli ii laid i These tiro ihe No
J teams of the two I lllbs.
'Hu iiiatih was to Iiiimi hull plnvesl
Wiiliu silnv list, ut the tin t th"
oilier lull re lub nimble s, hut an -ic count
of ln Illness of It A Cooke It but to
til pll tpiilllll We ellll sill) cuih dub
won two in itches so tills ufte union's
Id iv will ih-chh tl iiiteil iiuoltiui
of ihellhleK stlplelllic) between tile!
I Kill eirg llll.ltlcelis
-oiittFT'N ro ov-
Cures Constipation,
land Liver
i Kidneys.
I Momact
I Koiilatnt
I Cures tin
Copper - Plate
Kxccls in Correct
ness of Design and
Liberd Installment Payments
The Formfit

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