OCR Interpretation

Evening bulletin. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1895-1912, April 26, 1912, 3:30 EDITION, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn82016413/1912-04-26/ed-1/seq-2/

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I . .
L I, ,
Masonic Temple
Hawaiian llilnl Degree
Hawaiian l'lrl Hi jrcc.
(Icc.uilc -llilnl Hemic
ir Irr are cordially lorlttd to
V '( I i.r, lll.irl, ut lock iaak
31 rd on tin1
2nd nml llli
Miiuilujs of
en oh in on Hi
nl K. I'. Hull
7:31) 1. 31
dlnllj Itnlteil.
M( others of
other Asso
cl.illons i or
MM. MrhlM.M I.OIKii:, X). 8,
K. of I'.
, Meets every 2nd and 4th Satur
J day evening at 7 30 o cluck In
i K of I' Hull, cur Tort and
Ucii-tiuila Visiting brothers
corul.ill) Invited to attend
a r onirrz. c c.
i r r. kiluuy, k. n. s.
HOMH.ILU I.OIH1F, RIO, II. 1'. U. 1.'.
Honolulu I-odgo No CIO.
II 1 0 i:lkB, meets In
their lull, on King St,
nc.ir Tort, every Friday
o enliiK Visiting llroth
ors uro cordially ln Iteil
to attend
a n Mtni'tiv i; u
n uisiii:n, sec.
oaiiu i.mim: . i, k. r i'.
Meets every first and tlilrd Fri
day at , 2u o clock. PUhluti
I Hall, corner Herctunla , and
Torf streets Visiting brothers
cordially lnltcd to attend.
o iii:ini:. K. of It & S.
IIAM'AIIAX TIHIli: NO. 1, I. 0. II, 31,
Meets ever first and tlilrd
Tuesda of eatli montli In
Fraternity Hall, I O 0 F
building Vta.ting brothers
cordially Invited to attend
louis a ii:nnv, c. of n
HOXOI.l'IX KIIIK 110, V. 0. K.
'Jjjjn Meets nn second and fourth
jK, Wednesday evening of each
,Jl- month at 7 30 o clock. In
K of I Hall, .corner Fort
and Hcretnnla Visiting brothers are
Invited, to attend
VM JONns. W V.
J W ASCII, Secy.
iio.Noi.ri.r i.ontn: mi. soo,
I,. (I. o. II.
will meet In Odd Fellows' building,
tort street, near King every Frlda
evening nt 7 30 o'clock
Visiting brothers cordially Invited
to attend.
AMDnOSB J WIUTZ, Dictator.
E A JACOBSOX, Secretary
Importer Fort St
Pantheon Dldg,
Spring Hats
Miss Power,
Millinery Parlors, Boston Block
Received ox Lurline, the very latest
TAILORED SUITS. Now on display.
Club Stables Block
MRS. E. E. DAVIS. Proprietor
Up-to-date Millinery and Men's Hati
(Additional Shipping on Page S)
Officers for Sonoma and Vcn tura Will Include Many Famil
iar to Local Shipping. Sierra Brought Distinguished Pas
sengers Harpalion Ready to Sail Saint K'lda Brought
Coal and Onions Likelike and Niihau Arrive With Sugar.
llniiululnns tt'M lui'o oppurtunlt
of greeting a number of well known
mid ixirtmclv popular steamship of
IHeri null the Inauguration of the
new (), i'iiiih steamship service be
tween San Franrlsiii and Sjdney, N
Hie Siuioni.i, which is tn mako Its
lnltl.ll low to Honolulu harbor on
Jul v Mh en route to Pago 'ngo and
Sdne. . sailed fioiu the toast port
etenln.v with u pert of two bun
dled and lift p.iss tigers nuide up of
incinhois of the bevcrnl Pacific mast
ihaiubeis of commerce and their fam
ilies With the at rival of the Sierra fimn
the (oast this morning the Hullo
1 1 n Is enabled to give the first au
thentic news comcmlng the make-up
of the personnel of olllcers in this
liner for a visit to Panama
Cuptaln .1 II Tr.isk Is given com
mit ml of the linn Willi him will be
associated len.v Kougliiin, as chief
ofl.ii.rr Milton roune is said to have
gone nut as Chief Hngineer The ever
genial .1 Cnileton, for months in the
Sleiru, has taken over the chief Btcw-
uidslilp of the Sotiuina A II Mc-
.Miltj, a familiar flgtin to all old tim
ers at nn-, pott, will he found in Ihe
purser olllce on at rival of tho So
noma a' Honolulu, unless some tin
forseeu change is demanded
Another happy selection In the or
llce stafl tor the Sonoma Is I)r 11 W.
Clark, who while. a surgeon In the Si
erra, ui.ido u legiou ol filtnds I)r
Clark u companies t'.o l'u'iutna party
aim is n.ue.ei to remain with the ship
wlcn it Is placed on tho Australia,!
Th Ventura th tini; Oceanic lil't
e Ij inpldlj Hearing comti'etlou, in I
v.ho.i Hilt- vessel jnters t'lu Anstnl
Ijh inn leaving S.n Fi.irclseo on
Iul ,'nili, and arriving at Honolulu
oo iignst Mil af'e- an absence ol
seven' enrs, a p unV r or old Oce
ii.it s'c.iinshlii men vlll be found to
h iv muled gooil buhi
dipt J U Cow ell Is said on good
uulhorlt as In line for tho command
Captain Covvell has Often visited Ho
nolulu as a navigating officer A. I,
Conquest is understood us selected to
fill the position of c' 'ef steward. Sam
Church, who for Months herved as
chief englnier in tho Sierra, nay go
out In the renovated Ventura as head
of the engine-room staff
Then- Is sonio tulK that Frank C'av
arly, now with the T K K set v Ire
will trnusrei his i.ffectlons and abil
ities es purser to the Ventura Cav
url) however has denied Iho so t iui
Dr XelBon, who tukes over the du
ties of surgeon In tho Slerri and a
position vacated by Dr CI trl, Is no
stranger to Honolulu an I tho travel
ing public Dr Nelson may stay with
the Sierra Instead of goin.; over to a
vessel operating on a longer route
The popular medical ollicer was given
a hearty greeting this morning upon
his return to the service.
Tho Slcria met with fine weathei
ftotn the time of passing Ihe Farrn
loues until her entrance into Honolu
lu harbor
Slxtj-oiglit cabin pasiongeis en
Joed it splendid voyugo. Two steer
age passengers arrived One stow
away was unearthed shoitl after the
vesnd pulled away from San Ftiin
e Isco Besides 2274 tons gi neral car
go tho vessel brought down I7! sacks
later mainland mall and I.M packages
express matter Of four automobiles
one Is tho privately owned niachino
belonging to William O Irwin
Captain Houdlette, Purser Tom
Smith, Chief Ollicer Dawson, Chief
Hngineer Smith and Dr Nelson as
sisted tit a scries of dinners and en
let tiiinmctits to add to the pleusuio
of tho travelers Chief Stowiitil Hack
ed Is pronounced as tho light man In
tlie tight placo
Tho Sierra was an arrival at Oie-
iiulc wharf befnro 8 o'clock this morn
ing A delegation of relatives and
friends of William O Irwin, the Cali
fornia capitalist, were at tho wharf lo
exieuii n greeting to tun man wno iiiih
hi en so prominently Identified with
large cmumcrUu! luteieMs in tho Is
lands. The Sierra will bo dispute bed lot
llm coiiHt on next Wednesday morn
ing, taking ovei two hundred cabin
li.issengets, according to prcicnt list
ol bookings
Oceanic Sonoma Has But One Funnel.
The Ofcuile liner Sonoma, which
went into iidivo servlco jesterday in
the vovage from San Franc Into tn
Panama, taking a party of two bun-
I'ted and fifty Coast businessmen and
their families, will bo found consider
ahl unllko tho Slcnu upon hor arriv
al here July 8th Tho Sonoma has
but ono largo funnel and not two as
erroneously depleted by a morning
Sheet The Snnnmn funnel lu ttmel,
shorter and set at a more rakish an
CO. (Jas. H. Love)
gle than tho two tall stacks In tho
Kona Liner Takes Tourists.
A number of tourists sailed for tho
Hig Island in the new Inter-Inland llu
er Kllnitea For Kimn and Knit portu
tire a numbe'r of cnbln passengers who
will niiike a tour of tho largest Island
in the Territory The Kllnitea dcpait
ed short! after the noon hour Inking
a large general cargo Including ex
tensive shipments of frtlller, lumber
nnd sundries. The Kilnuen will re
turn here next Friday, bringing mignr
ami other products of Hawaii
Likelike from Kattal Ports.
Arrivals at port this morning Includ
ed the Ititcr-Istaud steamer Likelike,
which brought a quantity of sugar
amounting to about GOUO sacks. Tho
vessel met with 'fair weather nnd
smooth sens on the return to llono-;
Harpalion Ready To Sail.
Tho British steamship Hurpullon,
which arrived hero some das ago
with I nou Spanish nnd Portuguese tin-
migrants, is being made ready for sea
nnd It Is the present Intention of T.
II Davles ft Co to despatch the vessel
lor Australian ports today. Tho Har
palion has been discharged of n small
(inutility of coal and general cargo.
Nllhau from Hawaii Ports.
Bringing Hawaii sugar nnd Maul
tattlo tho Inter-Island steamer Nllhau
vas ar arrival at tho port this morn,
Ing Tho ossel met with fnlr vvcath'
er on Hip homeward voynge. Tho Nll
hau brought no passengers.
Australian Onion Is Here.
The Australian onion, six hundred
and sev out -seven sacks of It, and not
six thousand crates, as incorrectly re
ported In a morning paper, has made
its now to a fastidious and furnished
Honolulu public.
The fragrant onion vas a part and
parcel of cargo brought to Honolulu
in the British steamship Saint Kllila,
22 das from Newcastle, which nr
rived under charter with the Inter Isl
and Steam Navigation Company, nnd
hi lugs i2uo tons coal for the local
steamship roinpnny
Captain Low Is reports some rough
weather during the tlrst fow days out
from Newcastle His comtnnnd covet
ed the distance In 22 das, The Snlnt
Kllda will be given prompt despatch
Local admirers of Coli Theodore,
ItOOSeVeit Were lllhll.ltit Ihlu innmlnn
over newspaper accounts from tho
i rami oi recently political develop
llirnlH Att n result Mint ln. l(if. II..,
ho Is In a very strong position with
regard to delcgnleH to tho National
convention. The inko very emphatic
issue with tho AdveitiserH published
list of delegates this morning, declar
ing that It Is full or mistakes.
Ilx flovernnr Curler nml A r. c ai.
Mnson were all smiles today after a
political fanning beo on a Fort street
corner, n is figured mill Knosevelt
has SIS delegates' instead of the 267
ho has been credited with Tho south
ern delegations will nearly all bo con-
tested. Slid It iH (lies,, r ntileutl,,n .Inln.
Rations that ato expelled to show the
kmouci s mrcugin.
For Infants and Children,
rtie Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Stgnaluro of
I'mlo Sam's torn club for boys IuhI
ear had .15,000 inembcis. Fnch of
these boys planted nnd harvostod an
acre of com. Ilonnlo HeeHon of Monti
cello, Miss, inlscd 227 bushels nn his
acre. Tho average ylold jicr aero by
men farmers, tho country over, is
nboiir 28 bilshols
Merchant, Near Fort
B S3 B
C8- S ?
33 3 Id
a. a. a.
t j
Art p m. Mm.
811 l 7 17
H tan is
'I lOK 18 UK
it w t; is at
at .... i io
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5i mi It 111
pi n m
. CT 31 lit I 31
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I 10 S3J 853
M tM
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m in
, m '
.1.111 531
hot sno
8 55
8 30
7M JjS
First quarter of the moon April
Thursdnv. Anrll 21.
Newcastle, N. S. V - Snlnt Kllda
Ur. stmr., p.m. t
Frldnv, April 2G.
Knuat Ports I.lkellke nlmr n in
San Francisco Sierra, O S. 8 n.m.
iinwatt ports Nllhau, stmr., n.m.
I ei'akti:ii
Thursdnv. April 2.1
Kalittltil Honoltilnn, M N S. H., p,
Friday, April 20.
Kona and Kan ports Kllauea, stmr.
Judge F .M Hatch returned this
morning from a 1iiiIikhm trip to Wash
ington, bringing the reassuring news
that a deadlock In Congress over sug
ar tariff revision nnvv amounts almost
to a certainty.
"I was not on sugar business, and
hence know little that has not already
reached Hawaii," he said to the Mul
let I ii, "but when I vvus there, it
looked certain that there will he n
deadlock between the House unit the
"No sugar tarlrt revMnn Is lllcel)
lo bo ennited this sesxlon As to the
next session well, the Democrats are
hoping for n polltlcnl vlctorv this full,
which would mean revlilon It Is ex
pected There seems to he sonic un
easiness on this core of a Demo
cratic victory"
Mr Hutch was not one of the- Ila
vvnllnns who app"ared before tho Sen
ate tlnance lommlltie on the sugar
bill He was on other business Ask
ed as to the development In the
Wnhlawa water controversy, In which
John T McCrosson on one side, and
the Walului plsnUtlou, through the
Wa.lil.ivvu Water, Cumpiii), on the
other, arc concerned, lie said merely
that the matter Is Mill pending.
That there would bo no Ktntomeut
of facts submitted to tho courts In
connection with tho assessment of tho
lllshop I'stalo laud near tho Kaiueha
incha Schools is tho statement nmdo
this mornliiir.
It Is understood that It will go be
fore the Tax Appeal Court nnd ho
thrashed out on its merits and that iiu
der no circumstances will any state'
ment of facts bo agreed upon.
Deputy Tax Assessor Ncoley stated
this morning that ho was to hold a
conferemo with tho representatives of
tho liishoji ICstnto tomorrow.
Application lins been mndo to Sec
retary i: A Motl-Stnlth for transmis
sion to Ilia Governor for n now illvl
slnn of tho Ninth Precinct In tho Fifth
District whereby nn additional pro
duct will ho made. Tho plan Is to
run a lino right through tho p reel tut
practically dividing it Into tnauka and
.The petition states that tinder tho
present conditions there arc ton many
voters, tho number being about .100
nnd that boiiio of them am Joo far
away from tho polling booths.
At tho lonvontlon tho Ninth Pro
ilurt showed a small Itepuhllciiii mil
jorlty for Kuhlo and an overwhelming
Democratic majority for tho City and
County olllcials,
Application has also beoti mndo tn
tho Governor from rcsldonts of Knit
to establish a now precinct thero.
"Tho trouble" Mated tho Governor
this morning, "Is that thero aro toti
many voters to tho precinct In tho
one ease and too much urea, to tho mo-
cine t III the other. 'I no Kail people
say that they hnre to go loo fnr to
vote and that tho establishment of nn
other product would glvo them hotter
opportunities of getting their votes
l'oth matters aro under cnnrildera
One Iho'isund shams of Oahu wero
Bold this nininlng through llioker Ken
dull nl tho Henry Walcrhouso Trust
Co, Ltd , at 2D.125, Tho purchase) was
made by a well-known sugarman and
Is a good Indication of tho strength nt
the market and the cnnlldenco of the
men best Informed.
To dlschnrgo genernl cargo and lo
load sugar tho Matsnn Navigation
steamer Honoltilnn sailed for Knhtilul
last evening,
The barkontlnc S. N. Castle Is being
repaired nt tho marine railway
The Oceanic steamship Sierra Is" to
make but ono more round trip from
San Frnncl8co to Honolulu before be
ing laid tip for extctislvo rcpajra and
To local shipping men, who nro fa
miliar with the present lines of tho
now renovated Oceanic liner Sonoma.
the photographic presentment of that
vessel appearing In tho columns of u
morning sheet, depleting the Sonoma
with two funnels, may bo considered
In the light of a joke or a caricature
Tho Sonoma has but one funnel" its
Is well known to all waterfrontors
who profess to follow tho game.
At tho tipper end of the harbor are
moored several sailing vessels taking
on sugar preparatory to departure for
the cast coast of tho United States
The Inter-Island steamer Clatidlnc,
sailing for Maul and Hawaii ports
this evening, will carry a fair list of
cabin passengers
Awaiting, passengers, malls nnd cy
press ma Iter from the const, the
steamer V 0 Hall was held over and
will be dispatched for regular ports
on Kntinl this evening.
The American tanker with a ship
ment of fuel oil to the locnl branch
of the Union Oil Company Is due dally
i mis pori
Arthur Davidson, manager of tho
local hinneh of tho Associated Oil
Company, Is noted as an arrival at
San Francisco In tho tanker V. F.
With lumber destined for llonolpu,
the American schooner of tho same
nntno Is now out twenty-one days from
Columbia river ports
Tho bark Albert, twenty-tlireo days
from Oras Harbor, Is bringing lum
ber consigned lo Islntid Importers
A shipment of lumber from Grays
Harbor nnd destlnetl fo Importers at
Knhtilul, Is en roulc In tho American
schooner Cecilia Sudden Tho vcbscI
Is now out fourteen das.
Tho nermnn ship II Ilnckfcld, left
Hamburg for Honolulu thirty-three
dns ngo
Seventeen dnys out from Muklltco,
the bnrkcntlno .lames Johnson Is
bringing lumber consigned to tho City
Mill Company
A shipment of Australian "coal Is
due to arrivo almost any clay nt Ma
liukona in the American schooner 1 li
en Tho vessel Is now thirty-four
days out from thoport of Newcastle
FLOYD 13. MATSON, who arrived
on tho Sierra this morning, comes to
take a position on the reportorlnl Bluff
of tho I) u lie tin. Ho is nn experi
enced newspaperman, leaving tho San
I ranclsco Chronicle to eccept the post
Hon with the Hit I lot In.
W J. DVI3H, a businessman from
Pern, was numbered among tho pas
sengers to arrlvo this morning In tho
F. M. HATCH, who represented the
Hawaiian Sugar Planters' Association
at Washington for a number of .years,
was a returning passenger In tho Slcr
ra this morning.
WILLIAM 0 IUWIN. head of tho
houso of C Hi ewer Co., and llnnn
dally interested In many projects In
these islands, is making a bitslnnss
nnd pleasuro trip lo Hawaii ucl. He
was a passenger In the Sierra this
morning The aged capitalist is ac
companied by Mrs. Irwin, maid nml va
let Jdrs Itlehard Ivcrs was also n
member of tho party.
MllS. M LAWSON, who returned
from tho Coast In tho Sierra this
morning, will rejoin her husbund, who
is Identified with Iho sugar Industry
on Hawaii
J F. MOSI3S, Identified with the
passenger department of tho Snntn Fo
railway. Is a visitor at Honolulu, ar
riving this morning In tho Sierra.
II C. CAItTIin Is back from a com
bination business and pleasuro trip to
tho Coast Ho was an arrival In tho
Sierra this morning.
II. 1). KLI.IS. representing ono of
tho San Franc Isro dallies. Is an arriv
al In tho Oceanic Sierra. Ho tomes
here to prcpnro material for an indus
trial number.
CAPTAIN OUFGOUY. master of tho
I I steamer Klnnu, has returned from
n pleasuro Hip to tho Coast. Captain
(Iregory has enjoyed u well earned
II I CONUOV, well known ns tho
men millinery man" from tho
Const, Is making ono of his periodic nl
trip to tho Islands, Ho was an nnlv
al in Iho Slorrn this morning,
known hero In social circles, hns re
turned from an extended stay on tho
Incut San Francisco phvslclan who Is
making a round trip tn tho Islnnds In
tho Oceanic liner Sleira.
HOWARD CAH13. a brother-ln law
of Food Commissioner Hdvvnrd II.
Ulaucliatd nnd a former I Huh School
btudent, returned from tho Coast this
morning. He Intends spending sonio
iimo nero
who left hero sonio tlmu ago for tho
Coast, is at tho prcsont tlmo located
In I.os Angeles, whero ho has Joined
I Is fumlly From thoro ho goes to
CHARLOCK ,,f ,e Health Hoard Is
suffering from nn attack of stomach
tinutilo. no Is expected lo bo back
again noxt wcok. ,
D WCK13U hsB tlie measles. At lensl
that Is tho report given out nt hla of
fice this morning, vvhoio ho failed to
show up.
After leaving San Francisco pier tho
Oceanic Sierra nnd Sonoma race
down the hay, through tho (loldcn.
(late and passing tho Farrnloiica fin
ally parted company after stenmlni
almost neck nnd neck for many knots.
The sight wns ono that will long lin
ger In the memory of tho cabin pas
sengcrs lit the Sierra and tho Invited
guests on board the Sonoma who wero'
enjoying n trial spin In the rcrinvntcd
liner which Is soon to enter thp Aus
tralian service.
Simultaneous) on Saturday after
noon did the Sierra nnd Sonoma pull
nway from their respective bcrthi.
Tho Slerrn laden with pnssctigcrs and
cargo for tho Hawaiian Islnnds, nl
most Imniedlalely came up ntongsldo1
tho Sonomn Tho manner In which'
tho two steamers kept abreast afford-!
ed an opportunity for Slerrn pnsseu
gers to secure n Alio lino of kodak
Tho Sonoma was resplendent In bur
nished brasses nnd tho black of her!
hull and the Immacitlnto white of her
upper works glistening In Uio after
noon Bun. Tho liner dashed across
the falrwny with a "bono In her.
teeth." On board wero Captain Trask,
who is Id command the steamer, and
a number of Oceanic and Union Iron
Works (initials,
A numlicr of well-known Oceanic
officers have found berths on tho So
nomn. Cnntnln Trnsk. who will com.
mnnd tho liner, has been chief officer
on tha' Sierra and previously held
innatcr's commissions with tho com
pany. Tho purser will bo William II.
McNult), for tho past four years tlerk
In .ludgo Thomns F. Urnham'H court,
wno is returning to his old love, tho
sea. He wns formerly a "seafnrlng
man," and nlthnugh all has been ship
shape tin tho shoro side, ho finds tho
call of tho merry otcan Irresistible.
As chief steward and dispenser of
good things generally thero will bo
found tho ever-Interesting person of
Joseph tfcrlcton, nn old timer on tho
O. Co. Dr. Oeorgo W Clark, a veteran
seagoing medico, who has been on
most of tho Oceanic ships, and moro
rerently tho Slenn, will occupy tho
surgeon's odlce on the Sonoma, and
will look nftcr cases nt mnl do nicr
Hint mnv develop with an experience
and skill acquired by many jcars on
tho bounding main.
In the little Iiouko erected on the
upper deck of the liner Hlcirii sat 11.
H llubhard, wireless operator, during
tlie still wiitches of the night on the
vnii'gu down from San FrHiiclsco.
IIiiIiIhiiiI poiHcscs the distinction of
having Hashed the llrst iihirnilng S O
S signals from tho wireless plant In
the -wrecked I'ncllle Mall liner Asia,
which Dually left her bones on Finger
Hock, oft tlie China coast, many
months ago
Hubbard has temporarily taken over
the duties of wireless operator In the
Slerru, pending the return of 11 M
Miller us a successor For nome
months past he has been stationed on
tlie striiiuslilp Heaver, sister ship to
tho H(Hr.
In the iiibln of tlu wireless operator
there Is presumably one of tlie llnest
collections of pictures deputing the
vvnek of tlie Asia, which went down
nnild tumult mid a spectacular set
ting '
The series of photographs now- In
tho possession of Hubbard shows
swarms of ferocious pirates who
fought their way to the vessel pent
nn loot and Pillage
Hubbard was on duty when the fatal
crash came which Imprisoned the Asia
(On jtlm J.igged locks P.itlence nnd
persistence In attention to his key and
sounder soon rewarded the operator
bj his learning through the dellcnldy
attuned Instrument thnt Ids signals
nt distress had been received nt Shang
hai As Is well Known, speedy relief
reached the hundreds nC passengers
left marooned on a small and desolate
Island, siiirouiuleil h a uiob of mad
den, d mid bloodthirsty Chinese pintles
who would not stoop nt an) thing tn
gain the much-coveted treasure be
lieved to hovo been placed on board
the llmr before her depnrtur from
Ilubbnrd wns at that time placed In
n position where he could readily np
preclato the situation that must have
been presented to the wireless men
stationed on tlm Titanic
Following tho rumor that tho Kit
knlau plantation wns to split up part
of Ha properly Into homesteads,, Iho
Governor stated this morning that Al
bert Horner bad seen him confiden
tially In connection with Iho matter
but Hint It was a private affnlt nml ho
could not way anything In connection
with It.
At tho same tlmo ho Intimated that
tho Government would nfforil tho
plantation overv lieln If uoeli n
Bcheme was carried out.
Mr Wntsiiawii the new secretary
to the Japanese consul, will speak on
"Work Among tho Young l'eople ill
tho Orient '
:!:..:. -j. .j. . v;. .J. ., ..
II M SIMMONS, head of tho largest
tobacco distributing firm In Australia,
called on the Governor this morning.
Ho Is making a stay of n few weeks
hem and durlnir this tlmo ultt lonlr in.
to the class of leaf being produced on
these Islands,
Compound Herbalo
Stomach, Uer,
Kidney and
BladdeT Remedy
Blood Purifier
l at !. nuali CmtQlnm
h. Uck ol Appetite, Hor! I 'Vlne.
(jt ilia wina nn oiom u viumi-u "
mm pin in St ft much After LAilnr. Skk
MtiaKHTi ''''"I W"-.- "'. !
mi, I. r..l. rinoiia lavM.
ii. .I..L. rutilAaii. rAti4 Tnnvii .
Chills "! Fver, Ma1rl. Urektone(j
hever. nrej reeiinc,jaunairr.iui'
rt. . " .- L.i.t.al DdAKl'a rllaa
LniOPTtli VITivri, I in.i'irii "'l'" ,""
lit.li.. T...WI. rnnraala. Ph1l
vaiCi niMjarr nuiti -"' i , I
MciancwHM. nervous vwiT'rv
les$ne,RemoeWormi, Cures Con-
Ktlpation Anaemic v-onjmuru
A Great Tonic for Women.
t.OOp(rboUli,3fof$2 60,etor$0 00 I
A sale of remarkable values will be
started tomorrow morning nt 8 o'rloi k
when tho May clearance sale begins
at 'the Kvvnng Sing 1-oy store, on King
street, threo doors from Ilethel street
Kvcry line In tho store has felt the
presonco of tho proflt-slnsher nnd
some of the prices have been reduced
Just half 'Price quotation! are given
on page seven of today's paper
TJio shipment of Australian butter
Hint arrived by the steamer Mi rami
on Weduesdny has been passed by
Food Commissioner Hlanrh.trd with
thq exception of a fow boxes in which
a trace of bnraeic acid was found
In nil piobability tho second Ma
httka site trial will commence a week
from next Monday. United States
District Attorney llnbcrt W llreck
ons Is trying to make the llnal ar
rangements now
President Pratt of tho Hoard of
Health stated this morning that evrrj
thlng was going along well, with the
Immigrants that arrived nn tho Har
palion and that thero wero only n few
cases of measles and ono of diph
theria Very few of them will have
to ho sent back
Tho case of I'M w. ml Ijing, charged
with perjury, .camo up before ludgo
llnhlnsou ns n committal Judo in tho
Circuit Court this morning
Tho accounts In connection with the
cstnlo of Iho Into August P C Corrci
have been approved by tho court.
iti-roitT of tin: t'OMirio. of
tiii: Kiit.vr .vathmaij .ih of
TDltltnOltV Ol' HAWAII, T
i hi: ci.osi: of ihjsim:ns,
Al'ltll, 1Mb, VMi.
Ixmiib and Discounts .. f ;i7.",ISS HI
Oterdiufts, secured unit
iinfecured Mil (3
U. S. Honda to secure
circulation 2SO,00(ii)U
V. S Honds to sccttro
U S Deposits 35,100 00
Other Honds to secure
IT S Deposits USSiill on
Honds, Securities, etc. ... lii.tnuiKi
Hanking Silo 2'J,S7'J":t
Oilier Heal Hstato owned . 1,-00 0(1
Customers' Liability on
U'ttoia of Credit UI.OI.iM)
Duo from State and
Prlvato Hanks and Hank
ers, Trust Companies,
uud Savings Hanks . .. tdi.iiH r.li
Duo fiom Approved He-
servo Agents 2.' 1 ,2 1 S 2(1
Checks and other Cash
Hems 23,JlU(iS
Notes of other National
Hanks L'.Slnon
Fractional Paper Currency,
Nickels and Cents 1,3.!.! so
Lawful .Mo lie ItrMTie In
Haul, viz:
Speclo 3:.3,0916'.
notes r,oi oo 3r3,r:r) or,
Redemption fund with U.
S. Treasurer (R of
circulation) U',r00no
Due front U. S. Treasurer 37.SSI9L
Total $2,037,311137
Capital stock paid in $ SOO.OOOIIO
Surplus fund 190,000 uo
Undivided Fronts, less
Hxpcnbcs ami Tnxos "
paid '. . 2G.2PI67
National Hank Notes ,
outstanding . 2.ri0,oiio mi
Dividends unpaid 1 10 on
Individual deposits subject.
to check 9Sfi,318 0,
Demand eoitllleates of
deposit I').7l,9 7l
Cortlllcd clieeks 2,17b ,(U
Cushlcr'u checks outstand
ing rl77l)
Deposits of U S disburs
ing olllcers r,IO,74.r, Hi
Traveleis" ami Common htl
Lettors of Ciedlt !il,(,l3t,0
Total ?2,li.'!7,3l0 37
Territory of lluunll,
I'll and County of Honolulu, bs
I, U T. Pock, Cashlor of tho almvn.
named bank do holeinnly 8we.u Hut
tho above statement Is trim to tho hoa
of my knowledge and belief
(Sgd ) I, T PIX'K, C.tidiler.
COIlItUCT Attest
G P casti.i:,
, , Dltcetors
Subscilbed nnd sworn tn iirr .....
this 2l!th day of April, 1912
(Seal) F V FlIll.N'ANDFS,
Notnr) I'ttblle
. ( &jIJhUl v
) ...k ultittotJlu-m&U.
..wtu.&MkAYk C itW4u)4 !.-

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