#w 1 i & Bon Bon Dishes, Ift Bdhemian Glass CresPWave Waie China ana Metal Tptlet Cases and Toilet Trays In Celluloid, Wood Blush and Metal Manicure bets and Maniome Tiavs In Celluloid and Metal Fiuit Nappies and Olive Nappies In Elegant Fiench and German China China Tea Sets Very Fine and Handsome Ink Wells the\ei latest kXand piettics Cut Ulass in bvrups Buttci Patties ^alts etc Vases and Rose Bow Is Rev Roberts returned to Pi inceton last Tuesday morning after an absence of nearly A month in the east Mr Roberts traveled nearly "500 miles during1 A MEMOR JOG ER tt&+ttM*#Jtti&&^^ wlH in Tinlitz Schutz Cut Glass and Painted? Glass etc -j Glove and Hundkerohief Sets in the ery latest designs Necktie Boxes, in large luantities \\bums and Photo Iloldeis Lcfttber, Plus*. Celluloid etc ?"mntrr.e!V.v t- Items t,v 11 various sources. Dr Small, resident dentist, Townsend block Rev Fi. Welp, of Grove Lake, i & the guest of Father Levings this week Ferrell moved the first of this Ur and Mis W. into their new home week. Mis C. Walkei went to the citie& last Saturday, where she will spend the holidays R. McClellan left last Thursday morning for the coast to close up one of his Klondike deals W Burnhelm started his saw mill at Borgholm the first of the month and expects to keep it running all winter. The R. boys will drill again next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock But two drills remain and all should be present. lonas Hill is seriously ill at his home near Silver lake He has been deli nous a great deal, but is now thought to be consider ably improved. his absence a a ^^^^^^^a a 5 Silverware Always offers excellent opportunities for Christmas purchases and all we have was bought with this season in our minds. No old goods of last year's styles, but good fresh goods, the latest products of the art. If you want something in this line which we haven't in stock we can order it for you. Besides this we can furnish the goods with any engraving you may desire. Jewelry Is another line which furnishes a good choice for presents. Princeton is a good lodge town and we have made a specialty of lodge emblems, charms, badges, etc. We have a splendid assortment of rings, pins, chains, pens, bracelets, etc. Don't Forget I F.O.DANIELSON, The old joke about the woman and the last word applies to us this week. We would like to continue to talk to you about our CHRISTMAS GOODS, but unlike Joshua of old we can't hold up the sun and the calendar says Christmas will arrive before another issue of this paper. This means that you have only a few days left in which to make your purchases and it is for your interest to buy earlybefore the rush of the last day. If we haven't what you want in stock remember we have a telephone and are willing to use ft for your accommoda tion. There is no better place in town to secure suit able gifts than at our store. C. A. JACK, The Druggist. ***************************^******^*************^**tf***M*****tftf**tf11*1? & Rev Fr. Levings spent the first of the week in St. Cloud. The thermometer touched the zero mark last Tuesday morning. Miss Kitty Cotton is assisting in Jack's drugstore during the holiday rush Sam Famngton left for the woods Monday, where he will be employed for the wintei Amos Howard and Harry Pratt have been busy during the past week taking orders for Christmas trees. One of the barns on the Gile home stead has been torn down this week and the lumber sold and hauled away The diphtheria epidemic at Opstead is reported to be abating somewhat and the authorities hope the disease has had its run Fred Brown, of Sauk Rapids, has purchased the Brown property on Main street and will lemove to this village in a short time A lodge of the order of Knights of Pythias will be organized in Cambridge soon, arrangements being now under way to bring this about. N E. Jesmer & Son Christmas Shopping i havea a t, M8 moving the stock of, goods carried by them at Spencetr'S Brook back to this village, The store at the Brook has been abandoned.' '^g Has now begun in good earnest. This store, we believe, has greatly simplified the vexatious problem of "what and where to buy." Our two years' business activity and experience in catering to the wants of an intelligent and discrimi= nating community has made this store an integral part and a factor in Princeton. Our store is indigenous with Princeton's growth, and the phenomenal and continuous strides of the business, now by far the largest of its kind in Princeton, is irrefutable evidence that our methods are right and acceptable. It is not an ephemeral or mushroom growth it is based on incarnated, solid square, consistent business prin- ciples which have won your confidence and respect, as well as that of all fair-minded competitors, and which we intend to retain. We are pardonably proud of our achievements, and our largely augmented holiday business this season is ample attestation that our efforts are not unappreciated. Book AT CITY PRICES. That there are only a few of our lines.-, We have something Jfe suitable for presents for everyone, of evSry age, sex, color and $ temperament. We are particularly strong in things for the little folks. Iron toys, juvenile books, games, dolls etc. You jS can't go astray if you come to us for your Christmas presents, tf mJs^li MS'A We wish You A Merry Christmas. Our first stock of Books went rapidly, so rapidly in fact that we were obliged to buy another lot. The new stock arrived yester= day and is now ready for your inspection. They will be sold while they last at city department store prices. Perfumes A good perfume is an acceptable present for either a lady or gentleman. It is a lasting and pleasing reminder of your friendship and esteem. But be sure it is of good qual ity for nothing is so objectionable as an inferior perfume. We guarantee our goods. &M% Pdr the Christmas Shopper. Collar Boxes aT "Guff Boxes, wSl tPerfumels, W .Juvenile Books W.\t tandard Books Blocks looks Letter Games, Toys Doll Furnituri Catpet SWeepei oils Fancy Papeterie Button Hole VasgSiJg Ladies* Purses Ladies' Card Cases Christmas Cards Christmas Booklets Card Receivers. Statuettes, Mirroi Toilet Articles. Fountain Pens Eye Glasses Pocket knives Razors, Shaving Sets Smokers' Articles Paper Weights Cameras Violins Mandolins Guitars, \ccoideons Miss Huff has a nice stock of mater ials for fancy work. S. of Minneapolis, this week. N Evanson, visiting with J. N.Berg Dr. C. F. Walker left last Saturday for his regular monthly trip He will return Jan. 2. Capt. I. C. Patterson went to Hanni bal, Mo last week on business of in* terest to his firm Andrew Bryson, Guy Ewing and James Burke, of Milaca, were Prince ton visitors last Saturday It is rumored that Princeton will be forced to get along with fewer rum shops during the coming year. Miss Huff is holding a great reduc tion sale of millinery goods. All trim med hats are being sold regardless of cost. The E. Mark Live Stock company shipped two carloads of stock from this station this week and one carload^ from Braham. i The joint installatiotn, Fraternal Lodge l^o. 92 A & A. M. and Ked ron Chapter O. E. S. will occur at their hal,lanext Wednesday evening. a ^of aF, '5 t, 3 fc, a busy 'been a 'a It was given out last week at Fores ton that Saturday would probably end Foley Bros.' lumber business at that place. This has been anticipated for several years. The Leading Druggist, S lb ft i Jack VanAleteln has accepted a position in M. C, grocery 8tore- ir. f^fTkfSausser's James McKenzie and Frank Stadflen, 'ofl Spencer Brook, were Princeton visitors yesterday. Z~X~..r, .....JI The schools will close to-morrow for a two weeks' vacation. The first ses sion of the schools after to-morrow will be held Jan 8 The UNION advertised for a lost coat a few weeks ago and got the wrong one, so there is a coat awaiting its owner at this office The Maccabees will give another of their pleasant dances at their hall to morrow evening. AH are cordially in vited to participate. Now that the village has a regularly organized and equipped fire depart ment we expect to hear that insurance rates have been diminished. There will be a dance given in Smith's hall in Spencer Brook on Tuesday evening, Dec. 26. Varney's orchestra 'from Anoka will furnish the music Miss Maude Whitney, who has been attending Hamline university this sea son, is at home for the midwinter va cation and is at present assisting in Jesmer's department store. There was an eclipse of the moon last Saturday night, but the clouds were so thick at this point that no one saw it Winona was the only city which reported a clear sky. Charles Parrington returned from Montana last Friday night with his horses He has been railroading in that country since last June and is con vinced that there are better occupa tions. O W. Swenson, of Foreston, who has been engaged in railroad work at Bonner's Ferry, Idaho, is expected to return to Mille Lacs county this week. He has had charge of several contracts for Foley Bros Ed Brown, of River Falls, Wis ar rived in the village last Tuesday even ing, having come from Minneapolis on his wheel Mr Brown will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs Burgan during his stay in the village. The UNION learns that W C. An drews who was seriously injured at Grand Forks a month ago, is still in a dangerous condition His skull was split and the doctors say he has about one chance i ten to recover. A horse hitched to a milk wa^on ran away last Friday morning The cans were neatly deposited by the roadside with very little damage, but in turning a sharp corner one of the wheels on the rig was wrecked Five prominent citLsens of Meeker county have been indicted for the mur der of a man confined in a jail in that county last month When the body was found it was given out that the unfortunate man had committed sui cide Moses Cone, of St Cloud, wab in Princeton on business last Friday. He is the same old Mose, and says that the onlj reason his Foreston friends report him dead so frequently is that he con tinues to get the best of them on every occasion. \noka is enjoying a nice sensation this week, a fit of righteousness hav ing struck the city. The knights of the green cloththat is, those of them who have so far escaped arrest, are laying low and the justice court is full of business. Among the Princeton people who re turned from railroading in Montana this week are: Wiljiam Applegate and sons, Willard and Melvin Frank Guy ette, Clarence Donnelly, Ray Archi bald and Oren Hamilton. They were all glad to get home The merchants are enjoying a splen did holiday trade this year and their large stocks are being rapidly de pleted. They all express a hope, how ever, that there will soon be sufficient snow to make hauling good and thus do away with the usual dull season after the holidays. The date of the joint installation of the officers of Princeton Lodge No. 93, K. of P., andCalla Temple of the Rath bone Sisters has been fixed for Tues day evening Jan. 9. Arthur J. Stob bart, grand chancellor of the nrder in Minnesota, will be present and it is also expected that some of the grand lodge officers of the Rathbone Sisters will visit Princeton on that date. 7 How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars lewardfor an* case of CStarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure CHENEY & CO Toledo, O We, the undersigned, have known Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in alhbusiness transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. WEST & TRUAX, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. WAiiMNG, KINNAN &, MABVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials sent free Price 76C. per bottle Sold by all Druggists Hall's family pills are the best 5 1 its 4 ,M Charlie Way, tlje boy who accident ally shot himself near Mora last week,, lie Monday of blood poisoning. It 4s rumored that two different par ities are trying to secure a building in tthis village with a view of engaging in the meat business. Ut Established 1892 Incorporated 1897 I Ev **?*r\*Wtrrt,ri?\r*P* ,*wr*t*u*** 2 9 'a**^k*UkX)L*h'k*ferhFk*ktf***a*r*( Retail orders solicited and promptly delivered in thet Village Exchange voik solicited ifwjc '^&*^6**^^S^^r^Br*^s^c^ ^s^^f^^t^iCrist' Jackson CorsetOTij^f1*1M *i** Jackson Gorset Waists \ki tade from the materialdesigned by skilled operatives, i.i r W garmentbest elegantly and finished .T 7)k\ (t\4 f\f\ Stylhe 402, better than any other Corset 'Al lil Cra I a ^1^ any price. .T. TT? SOLE AGENTS, |f Anderson & Herdliska. Princeton, Minn. Call and Inspect our Stock of I Consisting of Skates, Child's Sleds, Pocket and Pen Knives, A full line of Roger Bros.' Knives, Forks and Spoons. Lamps, Book Cases, Center Tables, Rugs, Couches, Rocking Chairs, Etc. l^r We will be pleased to show you the stock of goods and (A will make you prices that will interest you. Princeton Hardware Go. E. K. EVENS, Manager. PRINCETON. I PRINCETO N !ROLLE MIL Wheat Flour COMPAN *jr***r any Corset at Ift perfect in every detail. Can havIetno better indorse- ik\ ment than the fact that theiar sale is constantly 'F" increasing. jgi PrIce an -mnp+m *r*rur***r*r.'*-*rmr***i -m* Rye Flour, BucKwtieoi Flour, Ground Feed. fie. 4 We carry dependable goods only. We would 0 not handle the others at any price. Jg T. H. PRINCETON, ,i & '5, i Princeton What's the Use Of hiding an imi- A tation of the genuine A Name on the leg It has never been equaled. CALEY,- I MINNESOTA, 0