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The Princeton union. [volume] (Princeton, Minn.) 1876-1976, November 18, 1909, Image 4

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Pbli*l&*d WLWVT Thandty.
Business Manager.
Tom Lipton is quoted as making
the assertion that a person who is
born poor is in luck. Yes, in poor
The boat-rocking season has closed
only to be succeeded by the season
when fools shoot at a noise in the
Sugar has advanced in price. By
this means does the rascally trust
make the public pay the costs of its
litigation with the government.
The fact that the sugar trust is
rushing to pay up the fraud claims
should not deter the government from
proceeding in its prosecution of the
Six Illinois congressmen have
promised to oppose Cannon's re-elec
tion, says a contempprary. But what
have they promised Joe?- that's the
Football has its dangers, to be sure,
but thoy are of small moment when
compared with those which lurk in
that microbious substance known as
breakfast food.
Samuel B. Hill says that the Pana
ma canal is the monumental idiocy
of the age." But then we must take
into consideration the fact that Mr.
Hill is largely interested in railroads.
President Taft fears that congress,
at its next session, may not have time
to consider all the measures which he
will recommend in his message. He
can rest assured it will not endeavor
to find time to do so.
Tt is said that the rubber trust
stretches around the world. That
may be very true, but at the same time
its elasticity has not reached that
point where the average country edi
tor can secure any stock in it.
We are a trifle disappointed over
the decision of the treasury depart
ment to place the head of George
Washington on the new nickels. We
had hoped that an eminent personage
living in the present ageCom
mander-in-Chief S. R. Van Sant
would be selected for this honor.
People who say they know whereof
they allegate, declare they can raise
cotton in Minnesota. We doubt it not
we know sweet potatoes and chestnuts
grow in Stillwater and vicinity and
why shouldn't cotton be grown as
Well, why not?Stillwater
At any rate we can raise wool.
Otto T. Bannard of New York has
set in motion a boom for Theodore
Roosevelt for the United States
senatorship to succeed Chauncey
Depew in 1911. Such a change would
doubtless prove beneficial to the
country as Depew is no more or less
than a representative of corporate in
Pennypacker, who was at one time
governor of Pennsylvania, suggests,
in the North American Review, that
an official censorship of the press be
established in this country Penny
packer will find that American news
papermen will never stand for a press
censorship. He is old enough to
know this.
The Syrian naturalization question
is causing considerable discussion
and the courts will Have to pass on
the matter. It seems to us that if
Syrians are permitted to become
citizens of the United Sates Chinamen
should be entitled to the same' privi
lege. Both are Asiatics and one is.
no more undesirable than the other.
St. Cloud Journal-Press: The Min
neapolis News fears that there is in
the process of building a republican
political machine "in comparison
with which the old Clough organiza
tion would seem as innocuous as a
baby carriage." That may be the
Minneapolis-St. Paul scheme, but the
country districts are not standing
or votingfor political machines, and
before the machine is started it might
be well to elect a republican governor.
A decision in the"suit of the govern
ment against the Standard Oil com
pany is expected within a few days.,
If the decision is in favor of the
government it will be a big feather in
P. B. Kellogg's cap.
Mrs. Frank A. Day passed from
earth at the family residence in
Merriam Park last Sunday evening.
She was a good, motherly woman,
and her death will be sincerely re
gretted by every member of the edi
torial association who had the
pleasure of her acquaintance.
The decision to place on exhibition
at the irrigation congress in Chicago
samples of the various soils of Min
nesota, vegetables, fruits and woods
is a good one, as it will do much
toward advertising the possibilities of
the state. Further than this Minne
sota will take no part in the congress,
as it is not interested in the question
of irrigation.
"Is Taft playing a deep game?"
asks the Duluth Herald. To all ap
pearances he is, but in the position in
which he finds himself a deep game is
the proper game to play. Were he to
play a slipshod game the insurrectos
with whom he has to contend would
checkmate him in a jiffy. Taft is not
only a strategist but he will demon
strate that he is also a winner.
The census law requires the farmer
to report the number of cows he kept
for dairy purposes in 1909, the total
amount of milk produced, the amount
of butter and cheese sold and the
amount received frOm such sale.
Fertile Journal.
Before giving such information,
especially as to the number of cows,
the average farmer might be expected
to demand proof that the enumerator
is not an assessor in disguise.
While Duluth is a city of bluffs,
there is no bluff in its announcement
that a great steel plant will soon loom
up in its midstthe fact is assured.
It will not prove a fizzle as did the
Armour packing plant at Minneapolis,
which was heralded for weeks with
scare-headed articles by the mill city
papers. Duluth, we feel confident,
will eventually become the greatest
commercial center in the northwest.
Gompers, Mitchell and Morrison
are hopeful that, by means of a writ
of certiorari their case may be carried
to the supreme court of the United
States. They do not mind being cast
into jail, but want the case carried to
the highest court in order that the
principles involved may be tested, and
those principles are whether or not
persons have the right to free speech
and free press. The information
sought is in the interest of every one.
"C. G. Schulz, state superintendent
of public instruction and the trusted
adviser of the late democratic ad
ministration, is the man picked by the
democrats to run against Gov. Eber
hart for the governorship next year,"
is the latest production of the Pioneer
Press. So it is all arranged? It is
unnecessary to hold either a republi
can or a democratic state convention.
Could not some scheme be devised to
dispense with the formality of an elec
In the American Journal of Inter
national Law for October James
Brown Scott says that the discovery
of the north pole by a citizen of this
country does not give the United
States title to that territory, as occu
pation is necessary to validate such
title. How would it do to let the
suffragettes colonize the territory im
mediately surrounding the pole?
Their heated discussions would be
ample protection against the climatic
So readily did the people respond
to the call for aid when Chisholm was
devastated by fire that more money
reached the treasurer of the relief fund
than was necessary to meet the re
quirements and, as a consequent re
sult, 61 per cent of the contributions
has been returned to the donors. It
is seldom that money contributed for
purposes of this kind ever finds its
way back into the hands of those who
donate itit is usually consumed for
some purpose or other. The return of
this surplus speaks well for the
honesty of the fire reilef fund com
At the^convention of the American
Federation of Labor at Toronto last
week a report on the question of in
dustrial education was unanimously
indorsed by the delegates. The re
port favored the general establishment
of schools in connection with the
public school system at which pupils
between the ages of 14 and 16 may be
taught the principles of the trades by
competent and trained teachers.
Wheresoever industrial schools have
been established they have proved ad
vantageous, and the proposition to
make them general throughout the
country is a step in the right direc
At the time of the Chisholm fire the
publisher of he i on sent his check
for $25.00 to the Duluth News-Tribune
for the benefit of the fire sufferers.
The other day we were surpised to re
ceeive a check from the treasurer of
the relief commission for $14.91^ "for
your portion of the unused money
contributed to this fund." The News
Tribune is justified in saying: "St.
Louis county has added almost a
crowning distinction to its long list
of causes for justifiable pride. For
the first time in Minnesota, and, so
far as we know, in any other state, a
considerable part of the contributions
for a relief fund has been returned to
the subscribers."
As a presiding officer of a conven
tion, where he is interested in one of
the candidates, Hon. George P.
Wilson of Minneapolis can be both
narrow and dictatorial, but as a state
senator he is invaluable. We heartily
agree with the Fergus Falls Journal
when it says:
"Senator Wilson is recognized as
the father of the senate and is un
questionably the ablest legislator in
the senate and his retirement would
greatly impair the standing of the
Hennepin delegation. Senator Wilson
is not only recognized as an able
man throughout the state but he has
the confidence of the members of both
bodies to far greater extent than
anyone who has represented Hennepin
for many years."
In spite of the fact that fashionable,
emotional Parisians sympathize with
Madame Steinheil in the ordeal which
she has undergone at the hands of,the
judge advocate, the majority of them
doubtless believe that she is guilty bf
the murder charges preferred against
her. Paris is a city of intriguesa
city of sensationalism. It is a city
where immorality reigns supreme, .es-
pecially among the aristocracy, and
to cover up their liaisons womenand
men too, for that matterresort to
crimes innumerable. Madame Stein
heil, were she so inclined, could no
doubt unfold a tale that would in
criminate more than one man who
walks in high places.
A deplorable state of affairs exist
at Cairo, 111. The mayor of the city
admits candidly that crimes .in-
numerable have gone unpunished
that "there has not been an official
execution for ten or fifteen years and
yet the city has had its share of
murders. Juries have failed to con
vict in homicide cases and it has been
easy for murderers to escape." As a
result the citizens took the law into
their own hands last Thursday night
and lynched a negro and a white
man. The people had tired of the
farcical application of the lawthe
miscarriage of justiceand under the
existing conditions they can scarcely
be blamed for the course which they
L. W. Hill, president of the Great
Northern railway, gave a readable
interview to a New York reporter last
Saturday-. Among other things he
"Everybody must admit that Presi
dent Taft is an all around practical
man, a true American. He is able to
appreciate the needs of the people and
knows how far he dare go to get
things for different sections.
"This country has many different
social, political and economic ques
tions which must be met. We need
more homes for our people. You
imagine you are the whole show here
in New York, where^you live in flats
and stories up, God only knows fiow
far from earth, and- lose most of "the
good things-aof life. If you get to St.
Paul, or any of our cities in the west,
you will be surprised to see the people
who live without killing themselves.
We have time for pleasure and the
west is the big end of this country.
Just keep an eye on us."_
The Zenith City is blessed with a
class of as energetic, go-ahead busi
ness men as any city of double its
dimensions in the Northwest, and
among its hustlers G.\ G. Hartley
stands at the head of the list. Mr.
Hartley is not ambitious politically
away back in the early eighties he
represented in part the old Thirty
ninth district, comprised of the
counties of Crow Wing, Morrison,
Todd, Benton and Mille Lacs, one
session in the legislature, and he
made an excellent record he served
part of a term as register of the Du
luth land office and he was a delegate
at-large to the republican national
convention of 1888. For years he has
been foremost in every business proj
ect that would make for the up-build
ing of Duluth and northeastern Min
nesota. He is especially interested in
demonstrating that systematic and in
telligent farming in northeastern Min
nesota can be made profitable, and he
is the owner of several model farms.
What this state needs is a few men of
Mr. Hartley's vim and ability to
represent it in Washington. At
present Minnesota has eleven lawyers
representing it in congress. There
are too many lawyers in congress. If
there were fewer lawyers and more
level-headed, progressive farmers and
business men in that body there would
be a better prospect of securing some
of the remedial legislation demanded
by the people. With a few live, practi
cal men like Gil. Hartley in the
national legislature there would be
something doing.
In this connection the subjoined
editorial paragraph from the St.
Cloud Journal-Press is pertinent, and
we would simply add there is no man
better qualified to represent the North
Star state in either branch of the
national legislature than G. G. Hart
ley of Duluth:
"The Range newspapers are boom
ing G. G. Hartley of Duluth as a
good man to send to congress. Gil.
Hartley is one of the nerviest hustlers
in Minnesota, and he has excellent
judgment, which is manifest by his
success. He went to Duluth a few
hundred thousand dollars in debt,
and soon discovered that he never
would get even with the world on a
salary of $3,000 a year as receiver of
the Duluth land office. With him to
decide is to act. and so he fired in a
telegram to Grover Cleveland "resign
ing the office. He then went to boost
ing Duluth, and has had a hand in
most of the big things doing since.
If he were sent to congress Duluth
would have a live man on deck all the
time. And when it comes to inde-
pendenceGil. would have Aldrich,
Cannon and Cummins all backed off
the boards."
The government is determined to
make every attempt to ascertain the
extent of the sugar weighing frauds
and to prosecute the trust to the
bitter end. Millions of dollars have
been lost to the government in custom
duties through the collusion of its
weighers and the sugar trust. At
torney General Wickersham has al
ready compelled the trust to disgorge
two and a half million dollars and
expects to recover more. As we have
said upon sundry occasions, jail sen
tences, in addition to fines, should be
imposed in instances of this nature.
The Dunn Family the Only Contributors to
the Fund from Princeton.
We have received a letter from C.
W. Ames of St. Paul, secretary of
the Johnson memorial commission, in
which he states that up to date only
$12.00 had been received from Mille
Lacs countyForeston, $1.00 Law
rence, $5.00 Milaca, $2.00 Princeton,
$4.00. Since the letter was written
County Superintendent Ewing has for
warded $22.42. But even then the
county makes a poor showing. On
the first day of October a check for
$4.00contributed by R. C. Dunn,
wife, son and daughterwas'mailed
the Pioneer Press by the publisher of
the Union, and that seems to be the
only contribution from Princeton.
The Union will not solicit for the
fund, but any subscriptions handed us
will be receipted for and promptly
forwarded to the treasurer of the
memorial commission. Unclaimed Letters.
List of letters remaining unclaimed
at the postofflce at Princeton, Minn.,
November 16, 1909: Oscar Ahlgren,
Miss Florence B. Colbert, Mr. Ed
ward Fernstrom, Mrs. Elizabeth
Gansemer, Mrs. Annie Karter,
Hannah Meyer, D. W. Paddock.
Please call for advertised letters.
L. S. Briggs, P. M.
Apples, apples, apples, per barrel,
$2.25, at A. E. Allen & Co.'s.
love to Read the Casualty Liu
It would prove a great disappoint
ment to some pessimists if there were
no casualties among hunters during
the deer hunting season.Duluth
News Tribune.
That Is Lovely of You, Doctor.
Some day when we go north with
Cook or Peary, we are going to take
Bob Dunn with us,- just to give the
dear old man a rest from his enemies.
Floodwood Broadaxe.
$- 4*
Life-Timers at the State Capitol
Some men who have held office in
the state capitol for twenty years
think neither of resigning or quitting.
States are grateful, even if republics
are not.Le Sueur News.
It is Ridiculously Low.
The only thing that we do not like
about the Princeton Union is its
price of subscription. It gives every
body but itself a square deal at $1.00
per year.Pine City Pine Poker.
Something for Lacerated Feelings.
Some editors ought to take some
thing for that agonized feeling when
ship subsidies are mentioned, and we
are half inclined to think, they are
willing to, too.Ortonville Herald
4* 4*
He is Incapabie of Libeling Anybody.
The Olberg Journal has been sued
for $10,000. A country editor who
can write stuff that will injure a party
to that extent, is too valuable an
asset to be tied up in rural journal
ism.Walker Pilot.
4* 4*
Worthy of Even a Governor's Attention.
It is worth the time of someone,
even that of a governor, to figure out
a plan, legal of course, whereby
roads will be built throughout the
state of Minnesota. They are needed
more than parkways about the state
capitol.Le Sueur News.
4 4*
An Opportunity to Squander.
The deep waterway project will
afford an excellent opportunity for
squandering of public money. Take
the ship subsidy and waterways to
gether and you have a combination
that will bring national bankruptcy
about as soon as anything that could
be hatched out.Madison Inde
pendent Press.
4. 4. 4.
A Good Idea.
We are not ordinarily in favor of
anything that savors of boycott, but
we would like to see senators and
representatives from this north
country elected pledged to see that the
first important measure passed by
the next legislature provides for an
equitable reapportionment.Hubbard
County Clipper.
Wily Knute Knows the Game.
Is Senator Nelson giving Gov.
Eberhart some live wires or is he un
loading some dead ones onto the chief
executive? Knute has the credit of
naming two recent appointmentsand
one of them at least is open to suspi
cion. It is Gov. Eberhart's concern,
and we are not worrying about the
senator.St. Cloud Journal-Press.
4. 4. 4.
The Oleander.
The Eden Valley Journal says that
the Minnesota state Sower should be
the oleander instead of the lady
slipper. We have a whole family of
Ole Anders living a short distance
south of Dassel that are a credit to
any community and would feel highly
flattered if the state should adopt their
flowery namesake.Dassel Anchor.
4. 4. 4.
Pious for Pelf
When the widow drops her mite into
the collection plate its jingle is heard
in heaven by grateful ears, but any
coin that makes a noise like a widow's
mite is displeasing to Gipsy Smith.
He recently called an audience three
cent christians because they did not
turn their pockets inside out when the
deacon with the contribution box
came around.Prison Mirror.
4. 4. 4.
Has Reserved Presidency for Hammond.
The Fairmont Sentinel says:
"Stranger things have happened than
that Theodore Roosevelt should be
the next democratic nominee for presi-
dent." Roosevelt has had trouble
enough with the democrats without
being their candidate for president.
Besides the Sentinel is supposed to
have reserved that ofifice for Congress
man Hammond.Heron Lake News.
s* $- 4*
Putting ft Rather Strong
Every little while we hear someone
^ay with a very wise air, I never
read the editorial page of the local
paper, I get mine from the daily."
that affords as strong an editorial
page as the Northfield News, the
Marshall News-Messenger or the
Princeton Union. To prefer the
dailies is to forsake wheat for chaff.
Redwood Reveille.
May Decide to Change
The story in regard to Governor
Eberhart changing his name from
Olson to Eberhart while living in
Mankato because there were so many
Olsons, which is going the rounds of
the press these days, makes us wonder
if there will not be so many aspirants
for the governorship by next fall
that he will decide to'run for some
office which is not so common and
popular.Big Fork Compass.
Millions for Capitol Approaches
Gov. Eberhart advocates having the
state spend a lot of money to buy
more land from St. Paul real estate
sharks at fancy prices for capitol ap
proaches but says not a word in favor
of an appropriation for good roads
which would add value to every piece
of farm land in Minnesota. By all
means hand out the coin fo* the bene
fit of the cities but let the people in
the country go to thunder.Belview
Must be for Good Roads.
Whether a candidate is for county
option or not, he should be for good
roads and the extending of state aid
for them, as that would be the uni
versal demand of the entire populace
of the commonwealth, and we hope to
see every man who is a candidate next
year go on record as a champion of
good roads and he will be elected on
that issue and not on any other, so
here is a tip for those who hope to win
the favor of the public and serve the
people.Granite Falls Tribune.
4. 4. 4.
Government by Federal Pap-Suckers
It has been pointed out that Gov.
Eberhart's appointment of Senator
Knute Nelson's friend, W. E. Hale, to
a district judgeship, and of Senator
Knute Nelson's private secretary, J.
A. O. Preus, as executive clerk to the
governor, ought to be very gratifying
to the honorable Knute and insure his
assistance later in the game. It looks
a little that way. Doesn't it? As for
effects, however, much depends on
how long the people intend to permit
the federal machine to .run the politics
of the state.Red Wing Free Press.
4 4 4
Let It Rest in Peace.
It is proposed to resurrect the old
Republican State league, which was
first organized in 1888 and its useful
ness quickly strangled by a lot of
political buccaneers who brought it
into existence and used it merely as a
means to promote their own personal
interests. The rank and file of re
publicans never enthused over the
project, but the promoters made the
national party leaders believe that the
prairies were on fire and some fat
political jobs came from it, then it
died. If it is to be a repetition of the
old game, better let the thing remain
dead.Preston Times.
Wind-jammers Make People Tired
The governor who makes no
speeches except it be imperative, is
the most acceptable one from every
body's point of view. Minnesota has
had such ones and they gave the best
of satisfacton to the people, who are
the ones they should seek to please.
This having two and three weeks
billed ahead to make speeches is not
what it is cracked up to be, and we
but voice the sentiments of the majori
ty when we say that making speeches
is not a part of the governor's duties
when such speeches are not material
to the interests of the commonwealth.
Granite Falls Tribune.
4.4. 4.
Civic Patriotism
With them, bigness is an evidence or still it has not made the progress that
quality. As a matter of fact the edi
torial writers on most of the Minne
sota dailies are unknown men of very
ordinary ability. They are obliged to
furnish each day as much copy as the
country editor does in a week. Their
writings therefore are often weak,
loose-jointed and inconsequential.
There is not a daily in Minnesota
Civic patriotism is not so pro
nounced or so common as national
patriotism, yet without it no place can
prosper. Every citizen should be
loyal to his town and that loyalty
should be expressed by acts as well
as words. Words are cheap and are
not to be compared witth the useful
patriotic acts by which a man shows
his faith and interest in the community
of which he is a part. Such acts
build up a town, promote its prosperi
ty and make sure its future. And
there is no citizen however humble or
however lowly his occupation but can
contribute something to the common
good.Frazee Free Press.
4. 4. 4.
Has No Use for Medicine Hat
Medicine Hat is where they manu
facture weather for this great north
western country of ours. They put
up a bad article sometimes in the
latter part of January and February.
It is a harmless looking place though.
In the general advance of the country
Medicine Hat has not been left behind,
some other places have made. We
got breakfast there one morning and
it was not good. It is rather queer
that^he C. P. R. has not followed out
its general policy here ."and erected
an eating house. The Chinese joints
to which one is almost compelled to
go are anything but inviting places.
Schurman in West St. Paul Times.

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