OCR Interpretation

The Appeal. [volume] (Saint Paul, Minn. ;) 1889-19??, May 02, 1903, Image 3

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016810/1903-05-02/ed-1/seq-3/

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Th Saintly City and Saintly City. Folk*
rfeiray IteroO of Social, Religious aai
4tanral Matters Among tfce FaopU, Bott-
character and good reputation each,
state (one in this county required) to
represent and advertise old established
wealthy business house of solid financial
standing, Salary $21.00 weekly with ex
penses additional, all payable cash di
rect each Wednesday from head offices.
Horse and carriage furnished when neces-
sai-y- References. Enclose self-addressed
envelope. Colonial Co., 334 Dearborn St.,
Order your Bock Beer right away
and be sure you get Hamm's.
Half soles, sewed, 75c rubber heels,
40c Phone 1556-J2. Jarvis, 83 B. 4th.
"I haven't paid $5.00 for a hat since
I began wearing the Gordon and I buy
the best."
Owen Davis and Henry Threadcraft
have been reappointed on the staff of
the Capital Custodian by Gov. Van
The Thanksgiving service of the
Odd Fellows will be held at Pilgrim
Baptist church the second Sunday in
WANTED.A first-class barber who
is sober and industrious. Address H.
E. Johnson., 27 East Superior street,
Duluth, Minn.
Arrangements are being made for
a grand entertainment by the Odd Fel
lows, of which future announcements
will be made.
The Men's Sunday Club will meet
at Pilgrim Baptist Church to-morrow
aiternoon at 4 o'clock p. m. Public
cordially invited.
Mrs. E. J. Allen has closed her place
of business on Seventh street, and any
one wishing to leave orders for work
should call at 602 Wabasha.
WANTEDA first class barber,
wages $15.00 per week. Apply to
John S. Clay, Winnipeg, Can. None
but first class men need apply.
Miss Mary L. Harwell has associated
with Miss B. M. Foley, in hair-dressing,
manicuring and facial treatments, In
the Chamber of Commerce building.
The most popular place for people
who take their meals down town is
3oha Godfrey's. No. 552 Wabasha
street. Everything neat, clean and
well cooked.
Preparation for setting up a new
lodge of U. B. F.'s is being made and
a number of our prominent citizens
have signified their intention of join
ing the same.
Look out for the big entertainment
by the T. L. C. C.'s at Twin City Hall
Monday, May 18th. Musical, Litera
ry, Military Drill, Banquet. The event
of the season.
Is your hair straight? If not, send
50 cents to Ozonized. Ox Marrow Co.,
76 Wabash avenue, Chicago, 111., for a
bottle of Ozonized Ox Marrow and you
car -asily straighten it.
Gentlemen wishing nice furnished
rooms, with all conveniences, by the
w or month, at reasonable rates,
s^uld apply at the Benton House, 228
Wst Third street, up stairs.
nished rooms for rent by the day, week
rr month, at No. 50 West Ninth street,
between St. Peter and Exchange
^tweets. Transients accommodated.
The Informal "Ts" held a social at
the home of Mrs. Chas. James, on Sher
burne avenue, on Thursday evening,
last. A very large crowd was present
as dancing was the chief amusement of
the evening.
Chauncey Depew, who was charged
with assaulting J. Keeley, watchman
at cbe Merchants Hotel, a few days
ago. was found guilty of assault and
battery, Tuesday, and sentenced to the
workhouse for ten days.
To all who contemplate opening a
savings account, we recommend The
State Savings Bank, Germania Life
Bldg. The only institution in St. Paul
exclusively for savings. Opens ac
counts of $1 and upwards.
uu wish a gooff shave, hair cut
or saampoo call at Richard Cousby
ue:n siiop, No. 374^4 Minnesota street.
First-class workmen only. Satisfac
tion guaranteed. Music for all occa
sions furnished on short notice.
For good home cooking go to the
Metropolitan restaurant, No. 378 Min
nesota street. First-class meals at
all hours. Regular meals 20 cents.
Meals to order at moderate prices.
Mrs. Lou McLaughlan proprietor.
Mesdames E. Porter Crawford and
W. H. Young issued invitations to the
opening of their Art Embroidery and
Fancy Shirt Waist Parlor, for to-day,
from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. Ropm 603
Ernst Building, corner of 5th and Wa
Shoes mended while you wait at
Jarvis'. 83 East Fourth street. Half
soles. 50 and 75 cents. Prices reason
able for all kinds of repairing. Re
member if they can be mended, Jarvis
can do it on short notice. Jarvis, 83 E.
4th at.
Elk Express. G. D. Charleston, pro
prietor, packing and shipping, hauling
of all kinds. Goods stored at reason
able rates. When you wish anything
in his line give him a call. Telephone
Main 1920J 1. Office 61 Bast Sixth,
Take no chances upon having your
savings stolen or destroyed by fire
in keeping them in the house or on
vour person. Deposits of $1 and up
ward received at the: State Savings
Bank, Germania Life Bldg.. 4th and
Minn. Sts.
If you continue to spend all youthe
make, you'll be poor all your life.
Every one should have a savings ac
count. Accounts opened of $1 and up
ward at the State Savings Bank Ger
mania Life Building, Fourth and Min
nesota streets.
If you wish a dainty meal or lunch,
night or day, just try Benton's Cafe,
351 Fort street Seven corners
meals from 25 cents up. Private
rooms for "ladies. Regular dinner 25
cents. Lunch counter. Everything
first class and up,-to-date.
Those of cur patrons who desire to
have matter published must get theroar.
same in this office not later than
Thursday afternoon, otherwise it may
be crowded out. No notice will be
taken of any communication that is
not signed by the author.
what a young man has to say oh the
subject that is agitating the public to
day. Eugene Marshall will lecture on
the subject of "The Young People of
Our Race."
Mr. J. S. Mills, who has a lunch wag
on at the corner of Sixth and Jackson
streets, has also a "Sandwich Room"
at 444 Robert street, between Seventh
and Eighth, opposite the Golden Rule.
When you wish a nice lunch call at
either place. Open nights from 5:"00
p. m. to 2:30 a. m.
Owen Howell, No. 156 E. Sixth St.,
fashionable tailor. Gentlemen wishing
suits or overcoats of the latest cuts
and patterns should call on them. La
dies' work also done. Clothing
cleaned, repaired, sponged and pressed
on short notice. Moderate prices.
Goods called for and delivered.
raults.We invite your inspection,
costs little to place your papers,
cash securities and valuables in abso
lute safety. Boxes in our vaults can
be had for $4.00 per year. Store
your boxes, trunks, etc., with us. St.
Paul Trust Co.. 138 Endicott Arcade.
The public is cordially invited to a
social to be given by "Band B" for the
benefit of Pilgrim Baptist church,
Rally on Tuesday evening, May 12th,
at the residence, and under the man
agement of Mrs. Lula H. King, 606 St.
Anthony avenue. Fine musical and
literary program. Admission 10 cents.
Encourage the young people by
showing your appreciation of the hon
or brought to our race by Eugene Mar
shall. Turn out and give him a
hearty reception on Monday, May 4th,
when he delivers a lecture "On the
Young People of Our Race," at Pil
grim Baptist Church. Admission 25
The reason why you should buy
your Coal, Wood, Flour, Feed, Hay,
etc., from C. STAEHLE, Rice and
Carrol streets, is because you. can get
prompt delivery, best goods, full meas
ure. Fuel of all kinds, and sawtd and
split wood in large or small quanti
ties. Everything at the right price.
Both telephones 1446.
Visitors to the city, and residents
also, who wish to get first-class meais
should call at John Godfrey's, No. 552
Wabasha street, between Tenth street
*nd College avenue. Board and rooms
by the day, week or month at reason
able rates. Best meals in the eity.
Regular meals 25 cents. Sunday din
ners from 1:00 to 5:00 a spec!
a W y.
Mr. John R. Crane, janitor at Central
police station, was, on last Monday,
struck en one of his shoulders by a
falling sign, which was blown from its
fastenings during the high winds
which prevailed. He wra
down and his shoulder severely bruis
ed. The police commission, last week,
raised Mr. Crane's salary from $50 to
$55 per month.
The coming attraction at the Star
theater is the Trans-Atlantic Bur
lesquers, in quantity and quality big
ger than ever -before. Conceded by
competent critics to be the completest
and costliest show on the road. They
will present a novel and original bur
lesque in three scenes entitled, "On
the Yu-Con." Twenty beautiful ladies
in the cast. Eight superb vaudeville
Owing to what seemed *to be some
general misunderstanding, the meeting
called in the interest of the Jane
Martin Brown Home, at St. Peter
Claver church, last Tuesday evening,
was not well attended *nd the meeting
adjourned to meet at Pilgrim Baptist
church, next Tuesday night, when it is
hoped there will be a larger turn out
of the people generally. Let every
body be there.
Michigan honors the AfroAmeri-
cansEugene Marshall represents this
large university in the Oratorical Con
test of the Northwestern Colleges. An
opportunity to hear this brilliant schol
ar and orator on a question of vital im
portance to the Afro-American will be
afforded at the Pilgrim Baptist Church
Monday, Max 4th, when he will speak
on the subject, "The Young People of
Our Race." Admission 25 cents.
The inclement weather was thevitality
cause of the small audience which
witnessed the mock trial given undfer
auspices of the Men's Sunday cluo,
at the Baptist church, on Monday even
ing, last. The title of the case was the
State of Minnesota vs. Chas. Miller, oh
the charge of larceny of a seal-skin
coat from the residence of Dr. Turner.
Attorney F. L.. McGhee presided as
judge, F. D. McCracben, clerk of court,
Richard Farr, prosecuting attorney
and Harvey Burk and Chas. Calloway
represented the defendant. The usual
forms of a legal trial were carried on
including the selection -of the jury
which caused a great deal of amuse
ment to the audience. The trial
throughout was. interesting and full of
wit and kept the audience in an up
The prosecuting attorney han
dled his side of the case exceedingly
well. Mr. Burfc, one of the defendant's
attorneys in bis examination of the wit
nesses on the' dipet and indirect ex
amination, pTcovednbiimself a terror to
Every young man ***g?g* ^f^LSSJ^^t^SL S5=*==T"-S* 3 ?!tf*i t^SiZSTSZS?' *T
hear the lecture at
Church on Monday May 4th
.Hearl client. Judge Mpfihee^ instructions to company will present the play, he*B at
the jury were bubbling over with wit.
The jury brought in a verdict of not
Mrs. Banister Laid at Rest.
The funeral of Mrs. Elizabeth Ban
ister, who died on Wednesday, of last
week, was held Saturday afternoon at
2:00 o'clock, at St. James A. M. E.
church, of which she had been a mem-
A Good Name
and a Few
Dollars Will
Get You Any-
thing You
Want at the
"North Star."
Well Furnish
Your Home
From Cellar to
Attic at Lowest
Prices and on
Easiest Terms.
Hero is a special Couch bargain for to-mor
row. All steel construction and covered in
fancy velour on oak frame.
Worth $12.00 only
Solid oak six-foot
Ex ension Table,
neatly carved and
fluted letf*. large
top. Easily worth
$11.50. .Just to
make things excit-
iilfg, we'll sell 25 of
them for
Handsome brass
trimmed Bed, full
size. Any color
desired. Worth
$7. 7 5.' Special,
ber ever since she was a resident of
the eity. There was a large congrega
tion of the friends of the deceased
present to pay the last tributes of re
spect. The funeral services were con
ducted by Rev. Geo. Gaines, the pastor,
assisted by Rev. H. H. Thompson, pre
siding elder of the district. Music
was furnished by a special quartet
choir, consisting of Mesdames Satnuel
Lewis, S. A. Webber, O. S. Claiborne
and Prof. J. W. Luca. Miss Mae Wil
liams organist. The casket, a hand:
some silver gray brocaded velvet, was
borne by Messrs. Daniel Hardin, W. A.
Hilyard, A. French, J. W. Milton, J. H.
Hickman and R. C. Minor., Mr. F. D.
Parker had charge of the arrange
ments. There were many and very
beautiful floral tributes ,from friends of
the deceased. The funeral was inthey
charge of the Nagei Undertaking Corn
nay, and interment was made on the
family lot at Oakland cemetery.
Mrs. Banister leaves her daughter,
Mrs. J. Q. Adams and her husband,
four grand children, and a host of
friends to mourn her loss. She was a
woman of great energy, will power and
perseverance, and she used up her"Black
too rapidly so much so, that
her death is in a measure due to this,
though the immediate cause thereof
was a complication of stomach
troubles and nervous prostration. She
was a great sufferer for a long timer
but bore her sufferings with a. Chris
tian fortitude almost beyond compre
hension. She was a most devoted
mother, her whole life being wrapped
up in her daughter and her daughter's
children. She has borne her cross
and has now gone to wear hej crown.
Requiescat in pace."
At Grand Opera House, St. Paul.
Following "Not Guilty" at the Grand
'Opera House, there is announced a
week's engagement of that stirring
Revolutionary drama, "Janice Mere-
dith/* This play was presented^ here
with distinct success, last season, by
Miss Blanche Walsh, and its appear
ance for the" first time in this city at
popular :prices is an event of more
the'Grand and the production will be
staged and costumed i$th all the orig
inal scenery and accessories. The
engagement promises to be one of the
most successful of thje season at this
Makes His Debut as Council ina Cele
brated Case.
There was an interesting trial in the
Court House, last Friday evening, be
fore Judge Brill, in which Mr. W. T.
Francis made his first appearance as
a lawyer.
The case selected for trial was that
of France Neujahr, a.s administrator of
the estate of Mary Neujahr, deceased,
against the St. Paul City Railway com
pany, in which the plaintiff sought to
recover damages in the sum of $5,000
for the death of his wife at the hands
of the street car company.
Quick Meal
and most economical. They are the only gasoline
stoves that are SOLD ON TEST!
We are sole St. Paul agents for them and have them in all sizes
How About a Refrigerator?
Have you seen our line of "COLD BLAST" Kefrig
erators? They're thoroughly guaranteed. You
haven't seen the best, not the most reasonable
oriced till you've seen them.
$4.75 to $45.00. Easiest Terms.
Solid substantial
cane seat Rocker
with steam bent arid
bolted arms. Sells
regularly for $4.75.
We'll sell all we
have of them for
Any Seat, 1
Any Handlebar/
Any Color,
Any Frame,
And almost
Any Terms
The. arguments in the case were
made by Charles N. Orr, for the plain
tiff, and W. T. Francis, for the defend
ant. The jury did not agree and was
'discharged by Judge Brill.
The trial was only a mock on#,
given by the St. Paul Law school, of
which Mr. Francis is conceded to be
one of the brightest students, but it
could not have been more carefully
or regularly tried had it been in a
real court.
"It was one of the best and most
ably conducted mock trials I ever
heard," was the comment of Attorney
Thygesson, attorney for the street
railway company, who was present.
Judge Brill also complimented the stu
dents on the splendid mannersin which
conducted the case.
The Well Known Pugilist, is Knocked
Out by Heart Disease.
On* last Sunday night,1
need to do is to exercise your good taste on our Carpets and
Draperies. The result will be most attractive floors, windows
and doorways. The littleness of the cost will surprise you.
You can't make a mistake on any of the above wheels,
guarantee them for the entire season.
'about 8
o'clock, Harris Martin, known as
Pearl" left the saloon of Reid
& Hirschfield, No. 40 E. Third street/
where, he was employed as bartender,
intending to go to his home. Just as
he reached St. Peter street he fell.
He was taken to Central Police Station
and an attempt was made to revive
him, but to no avail, he never again
regained consciousness or uttered a
word. In his palmy days he was the
champion middle weight of the world,
but for some years has retired from
the* squared circle. He was a genial,
good natured man, and was generally
liked\by all who knew him. The high
esteem in which he was held was at
tested by the large crowd which filled
to overflowing the undertaking rooms
of the Nagel Undertaking Company.
where the funeral was held, Wednes
day afternoon, and the very numerous
and beautiful floral tributes which
were banked around his casket- The
funeral services were conducted by
Rev. W. D. Carter. He was unmar
The Jane Martin Brown Homcir
["he various donatioi
now stand' as' follows
Adepbai' Cliib J*38.00{f
St. James A. M. E S. Si 26.00
S Paul Chapter E. S
25.0 0
Household of Ruth No.* 553 25.00
Pioneer Lodge A. F. & A. M. 25.00
Mars Lodge, G. U. O. O. 25.00
Perfect Ashlar Lodge, A. F. &
A. 25.00
Pilgrim Baptist S. S 25.00
Phyllis Wheatly Club 14,00
Booker T. Washington Club.:. 7.50
St. Philips'Mission 6.00
T. S. T. 6.00
Mrs. Ella Covington 10.00
Mrs. J. H. Hickman 2.00
J. H. Dillingham. 1.00
Wm. Reynolds 1.00
Total .$327.00
THE APPEAL will publish each week
the names'of organizations or individ
uals who contribute to the fund when
furnished by the secretary.
State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey
In the matter _6f the estatp of Patrick
O'Gara, deceased.
On reading and filing the petition of
Eliza O'Gara, representing that Patrick
O'Gara has lately died intestate, a resi
dent and inhabitant of the County of
Ramsey and State of Minnesota, leaving
goods, chattels and estate within this
County, and praying that administration
of said estate be to Eliza O'Gara granted:
It is ordered, That said petition be
heard at a special term of this Court, to
be held at the Court House, In the City
of St. Paul, in said County, on Monday,
the 25th day of May, 1903, at 10 o'clock
in the forenoon, and that notice of such
hearing be given to all persons interested,
by publishing this order at least once in
each week for three successive weekr, pri
or to said day of hearing, in the Appeal,
a legal newspaper printed and published
in said County.
Dated at St. Paul, this firsts day of
May, 1903.
Bv the Court:
Judge of Probate.
State of Minnesota, County of Ramsey
fett. Defendant.
The State of Minnesota to W. D. Mof
You are hereby summoned to be and
appp.ear before the undersigned, one of
the justices of the Peace in and for said
County, on the 25th day of May, 1903,
at 9 o'clock in the forenoon, at my office,
345 Wabasha St., in the city of St. Paul,
Rugs and Draperies as we
show are the kinds you'll find
in homes of taste. To get
pretty effects doesn't mean a
fabulous expense. All you
1 in said County, to answer to Charles
Clifford in a civil action, wherein said
plaintiff claims the sum of $35.00 with
interest thereon at 10 per cent, per an
num, from the 11th day of June, A. D.
1903. together with costs and disburse
ments of this action. Should you fail to
appear at the time and place aforesaid,
judgment will be rendered against you
upon the evidence adduced by said
Charles Clifford for such sum as he shall
show himself entitled to.
Given .under mv hand this 25th day of
April. A. D. 1903.
Justice of the Peace.
The Flexibility of a Dorothy Dodd.
Concerning Shoes,
Matte** 8ocIaI, Religious and General
Which Have Happenedand are to Happcs
Among the People of the City on the
WANTED.In a good locality, fur
nished or unfurnished room, with or
without board. Address THE AP
PEAL, 608 Nicollet avenue, Medical
Mrs. Jasper Gibbs is on the sick list.
Mrs. J. A. Redman is still confined
to, her bed.
Be sure to attend Bethesda Lyceum
Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock.
The Christian Endeavor meets every
Sunday 6:30 p. m. at Bethesda Bap
tist church. You are most cordially
Miss M. Jacicson, milliner and mo
diste, ladies' tailoring. French clean
ing and curling feathers a specialty.
No. 1409 South Fifth street.
Rev. J. W. McDaniels, financial agent
of the Ambidexter Institute, located at
Springfield, 111., is spending a few days
in Minneapolis, in the interest of the
Services at Bethesda Baptist church,
morning, 10:30 covenant and com
munion Sunday School after morning
service. Player meeting, Thursday,
8:00 p. m.
The Appeal is mailed to most 4
the homes of the people of the Twia
Cities, and if you wish matters to reach
these homes you must publish them in
the Appeal.
Mrs. Daisy McMickkens, of Louis
ville, Ky who is a relative of Mrs. T.
H. Brigham, arrived in Minneapolis,
last Sunday. She expects to reside
here permanently.
Mr. Scott Blake, the genial proprie
tor of the Opera Cafe, left Sunday, for
French Lake, Ind., where he will spend
several days fishing. He will return
via Louisville, Cincinnati and Chicago.
The people of Minneapolis are look
ing forward with much interest to the
drama which is to be shortly present
ed at Bethesda Baptist church by Mrs.
W. D. Carter, of St. ^aul, and her own
company of players.
Every body should hear Eugene Mar
shall, the Michigan oratorical prize
winner at Pilgrim Baptist church, St.
Paul, Monday, May 4th. He will de
liver a lecture on "The Young People
of Our Race." Admission 25 cents.
Mrs. Celestine Brown has opened
the "Creole Kitchen," boarding-house
style, at 405-407 Fifth ave. S. Regular
meals, 25 cents. Short orders served.
First-class furnished rooms in connec
tion. N. W. Tel. 3434-L2. Minneapolis
Bethesda Baptist church will give a
sacred concert, Sunday, May 3, at 3:30
p. m., at 525 Washington Avenue North
in view of starting a mission Sunday
School in that section of the city. All
are invited to be present and help in
that commendable work.
Three men who gave their names as
R. Harris, W Towne and C. M. Mc
David, were arrested Wednesday, sus
pected with complicity in the death of
the man who was found dead in the
rear of Loomis saloon, 115 Washington
avenue, South. They protest their in
nocence, however, and will have to be
tried before being declared guilty.
A party composed of Mrs. Lula H.
King, Miss Scottie Davis, Miss Hattie
Grissom,, Miss Emma Shaw, Messrs.
A. W. Haynes, Owen Howell and Har
vey B. Burk, were escorted through
the State University by Mr. Wm. L.
Ricks, a senior, and shown all the
buildings and points of interest, one
day this week, after which the party
enjoyed a superb 5 o'clock dinner at a
fashionable down town cafe.
Those who were not present at the
Bethesda Lyceum, last Tuesday night,
missed a treat. The inclement weath
er reduced the attendance somewhat,
but an exceedingly interesting program
was rendered, consisting of an address
by Rev. J. W. McDaniels, of Spring
field, 111. recitation, Miss Grace
Walker Debate, "Resolved, that the
country offers better facilities for the
Afro-American to team a livelihood
than the cities." Mr. S. E. Potts, af
firmative Mr. J. C. Reid, negative
others also took part in the discussion.
The program was interspersed with
New Minneapolis Manager.
Mr. Harvey B. Burk has assumed
the management of THE APPEAL in
Minneapolis, vice Henry Roberts re
signed. Any business pertaining to
the paper may be transacted through
him. Mail may be addressed to 608
Nicollet Block.
A traveler says that Norway is th
most democratic country on earth.
should look up the election returns
from Texas.Chicago News.
every step, the sole of your shoe must
bend. The proper place for it to bend is
at the ball" of the footnever at the instep/
to make it bend at the "ball"-.things are
necessary:the sole must be extremely flexible
while the shank or arch must be extremely rigid.
Most shoes bend at the shank, thus losing their
shapeliness and tiring the weak arch of the foot.
That is what makes walking for most women so
The "Dorothy Dodd" shoe has a shank that
supports the weak arch firmly. It wX not bend. The method
of sewing the shank is different from the or&nary---it is sewn
through and throughmaking a strong, firm shank than cannot
be obtained any other way. It has a sole that is extremely
flexible and will bend.
Every step in such shoes is a
They cost $3. */P**{fPSS^u
A few special styles, $3.50.
The Plymouth Corner. Seventh and Robert.
lesaminc Club
TEL. 2429-J 1 MAIN.
St. Louis and
the South
Are conveniently and comfortably
reached by our two trains a day.
The Limited, leaving Min
neapolis at 7:25, St. Paul
8:oo p. m., daily, arrives
in St. Louis the following
afternoon. Combination
Compartment and Stand
ard Sleepers and Reclining
Chair Cars.
The Scenic Express, leav
ing Minneapolis at 7:30,
St. Paul 8:05 a. m., except
Sunday, arrives in St.
Louis early next morning.
Sleeping cars from Rock
har-sd south.
This, is the ."*s direct route from
Minneapolis anJ St. Paul to
Clinton, Davenport, Rock Island,
and all Mississippi River cities.
Passengers by either train make
close connections with lines south,
southeast and southwest in St.
Louis Union Station.
TON ROUTE a******
The Spring Rush
The St. Paul Daily News
M*re8dA x-**- O or tak your
Phone 158
Ciota 7101902
Rent. a
If not quite ready to buy.
We have a fine assort
ment, at very smaB
prices. Our plan oe ap
plying rent on a pur
chase to be made later
Is very popular. Per
haps It will Just soityour
present needs. ILet u
talk ft over today.
Perfect Piano
Is a specialty of ours.
Satisfaction guaranteed
In every 6ase. Telephone
Main 87both lines, or
otherwise make known
your wishes, and prompt
attention will be given.
Ara like Stoliway Pianos.
'the World's Best/'
Laresst Muilc Heass in ths NorthwaU.
Sow Agents for Stainway awi
S Paul. Minn.
17 Dyer Building,
Conrdd-That article of yours in the Comet i jforJS!
wfully long. Nobody win ever read it '.h'ousrh. i
lenedlct-It wasn't written trf be re*\
-Wh at It written t-yr. i
C0,acolumn.-p- ^i/%
lL &'4

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