OCR Interpretation

The Muskogee cimeter. [volume] (Muskogee, Indian Territory, Okla.) 1901-19??, June 30, 1904, Image 2

Image and text provided by Oklahoma Historical Society

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025060/1904-06-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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Muskogee Ci meter.
W. B. TWINE, Editor.
Up to date, tho Couth McAlostof
bnso ball team has defeated all o
Tho federal government has been
asked to open a permanent road bo
twocn Nowata and Bnrtlesvllle.
f Bartlcsvlllo has let a contract for a
nchool building to cost $17,230. and
It is to bo ready for occupancy by
January 1, 1905.
Buyers are paying from sixty-five
to sovcn(y-fivo cents a bushel for
potatoes' at Shawnee. Tho local
ncreago is more than one-half of what
It was last year, nnd tho yield is
Capitalists from Colorado Springs,
Col., nro sinking an oil well at Chand
ler and leasing largo tracts of land in
Lincoln county.
Tho contract for the new govern
ment building at Guthrio was award
ed to Robert Bulko of Hastings, Neb.,
whoso bid of $09,500 was tho lowest
Georgo W. Bingham and W. D. Pos
sett were selected to represent the
territories on tho republican com
mittee which is to formally notify
Theodore Roosevelt of his nomination
for the presidency.
Captain Frank Frantz, who assumes
control of tho Indian agency July 1st,
has selected Ret Millard, formerly as
sistant postmastor at Oklahoma City,
us his chief clerk.
Tho elevator owned by the Can
adian County Mill and Elevator com
pany burned at El Reno last week.
Tho loss is estimated at $5,000, par
tially insured. A largo quantity of
oats and wheat wts burned.
Luko Dearin, a linoman in tho em
ploy of the South McAlcster-Eufnula
Telephone company, fell forty feet
from a -pole nnd sustained injuries
which nro considered fatal.
Whllo crawling through a barbed
wire fence, near Mangum, during a
thunder shower, George W. Mulinax,
nn old settlor, was severely shocked
by lightning. Ho was thought for a
time to be in a serious condition, but
it is now believed ho will recover.
Mr. Hahn, territorial cattlo inspec
tor, states that tho cattlemen of
Woodward and adjoining counties
have been givon until July 25 to com
plete tho dipping of all cattlo In tho
infected district, to rid cattle of
mange. Tho sheriff of each "county
has charge of tho dipping station.
Ed Escue was tried before tho com--tnissionor
at Chickasha on tho chargo
of assault with intent to kill Whittle
McFadden, colored, at Womack. Ho
was discharged on tiro complaint, and
finod $25 for assault and bnttory.
John Brown was bound over to ap
pear beforo tho circuit court in South
McAlester this fall on a charge of
lifting killed William McCoy in a fist
fight. Tho amount of his bond was
placed at $2,000. No autopsy was
held over tho remains of McCoy.
The ninth annual session of the
Greer county normal mstltuto is to be
hold at.Olusteo beginning July 18 and
closing August 13. Tho two last
days will bo examination days.
John Dolan, a soldier stationed at
Fort Reno, committed suicide by
shooting hiufsolf through the heart.
The Weaver.
When silver bells ring out the old, ' -
And Play the new year In,
A spirit In the winter woods
Softly begins to 8pln;
No mortal eyo has Been hor face,
Or watched her labors there,
But crocus buds are In her breast,
And blossoms In her hair. '
She weaves, upon her magic loom,
The snowdrop's silver sheen.
Tho tender tint of April boughs,
The meadow's velvet Rreen:
Tho lllnc and the daffodil
Beneath hor lingers grow,
And as she tollo from day to day,
About her melts the snow.
So, what If clouds are dark with storm,
And windows white with frost,
And voices of tho running brooks
Jn ley vales arc lost;
What If tho wondrous northcrri lights
,..T.hc,r crimson banners ning
Still Nature in her woodland weaves
The bridal robe of Spring.
The Smart Set.
The Brooch of .orn.
In 1306 there took place a battle
At Dairy, near Tyndrum, between
Robert tho Bruce nnd the MacDou
galls of Lorn. The king was very
hard pressed, ana had to save his life
at the cost of his mantle, which, along
with the silver brooch that fastened
It, was torn from him by the furious
pursuors. For generations the brooch
was kept by the MacDougalls, both as
a trophy gained in fight and as an
Interesting historical relic. But In
tho seventeenth entury during a raid
upon Dunolly Castle, tho MacDou
galls' stronghold, which was besieged
and burned, tho brooch was seized
with tho spoil by Campbell of Bar
Gleann, in whoso family Jt was pre
served for two centuries. Then It
was acquired by Gen. Campbell of
Lochnell, who presented It in 1824 to
his friend, Sir John 'MacDougall. Thus
it returned to tho custody of the chief
of tho clan whose ancestors had won
it from tho "Bruce. Now it is safe in
the mansion of the MacDougalls, ad
joining tho time-worn, picturesquely
situated castle of Dunolly.
Heating With Ice.
If any ono should say to you: "I use
fee to keep me warm," you would
laugh at the idea; but the big pack
ers who ship so much beef prove ev
ery winter that ice is a great help in
keeping out the cold. Refrigerator
cars are kept cool by having ice and
salt packed in each end, 'but in the
winter when these same cars pass
through parts of the country where
the weather is away below zero, then
that same Ice and salt are used to
keop the car warm. This is because
ice is normally about 32 degrees cold,
or just at freezing, and it resists get
ting- colder so strongly that in zero
weather it acts as a stove that keeps
tho contents of the refrigerator car
from freezing. Tho shippers apply
tho same principle by turning the
hose on a car when the weather is at
zero. Tho wator freezes quickly and
gives tho car a novel overcoat of Ice,
through which zero cannot p'enetrato.
Meantime tho air inside that is a little
above freezing is kept so.
Smallest Book in the World.
Tho smallest book in tho world Is
Schloss's "English Bijou Almanac for
1830." Diminutive as it is, there dre
illustrations In it.
On its pages arc
portraits of Prin
cess Victoria, her
royal highness the
Duchess of Kent,
Lady Blcssington
Wellington, Sir
Thomas Lawronce,
Pasta, and Beetho
von. To each plc-
turo is appended a short poem. Then
follows the calendar. Inside the cov
er is the inscription; "Anna East: Her
Book." The small proportions of the
volume will be realized when it Is
seen side by side with a thimble, as
in the illustration. It is three-eighths I
of an Inch wide by one-half an inch
A Nenpuncturabte Tire. ia1
There has been a growing demand
from nil owners and operators of
non - puncturablo
tire. Solid tires
have been used to
some extent, but
they have never
shown tho desir
able resilient qual
ities. Now comes
a French company
claiming to have
automobiles and
motor cars for .a
solved the problem with a tire, a
cross section of which is shown in
tho illustration. The advantages
claimed for it are: Nonliability to
puncture, great cushion ability owing
to its hollow construction, nonliability
to side-slip owing to its flat tread,
absolute security, as it can not bo
twisted out of the rim. English mo
torists are now giving it a trial along
tho country roads in their island.
mmr 'i
Motor Tire.
Novelty In Advertising.
A novel way of introducing a new
article has been discovered in Lon
don. A number of men who suggest
by their apparel that they are grooms,
valets or servants of some kind are
sent about the shops to buy the article
which is being boomed. They insist
upon having this particular article and
no other, rejecting any substitute
which may be offered them.
In many cases the tradesman has
not the article in question, but is sure
to lay in a stock when a few days
later a drummer waits upon him with
tho article in question. As the men
aro selected with a view to give the
impression that their employers are
wealthy, the shopkeeper naturally
thinks that the article will bring him
the patronage of a class ho is anxiouv
to please.
Crabs That Eat Cocoanuts.
Crabs which live upon cocoanuts
which they pick for themselves are
found In the Coral islands. Nature
has provided this crustacean with
claws and nippers of enormous
strength, and it is supposed that the
crab climbs the cocoa palms and de
taches the nuts. It reaches the mat
of the fruit by picking and rapping
with its claws at the end of the nut
where the three small holes are to bo
found till a slight breach is made.
Then the nippers are brought into use
for the rough fibers which surround
the shell. These he shreds with his
nippers and conveys to his burrows,
where .they form a comfortable bed
for the crab while he is cnanging his
coat. Some of these crabs attain a
length of over two feet, and live in
holes which they have mado in the
earth at the roots of tropical trees.
Find Worth Having.
Lewis Shoro, of Forestdale, Vt, re
cently purchased an old building bo
longing to the estate of Arthur Gib
son, near Brandon. Mr. Shoro had it
torn down, and in building a barn
with the lumber a plank that had
been carelessly used for stuging at
tracted Mr. Shoro's attention and ht
discovered that a hole in the end of it
contained a tin box which was found
to contain $1,200 in government bonds,
besides Lall of Mr. Gibson's valuablo
papers. Some of the papers were
dated 1880 and it is thought that they
have been there since that year.
Mammoth Organ in Maine Church.
The Universalist church at Port
lnnd, Me., has a mammoth organ. In
it are over 5,000 pipes, tho smallest, a
piccolo, being half an inch long, and
the largest a double open diapason,
or 32-foot C pipe. The vox humana
stop alone, having Gl pipes, cost $600.
Tho four pipe rooms aro each as
large as an ordinary bed chamber,
The organ was voiced by J. H. Brown,
who voiced the organ at Westminster
abbey. The organ is blown by a three
horse power electric motor.
Healthy kidneys
take from the
blood every 24
hours 500 grains
of Impure, pois
onous matter
more than enough
to , cause death.
Weakened kidneys
leave this wnsto
In the blood, and
you are soon sick.
.To get well, euro
the kidneys with
Doau's Kidney
Pills, the great
kidnpy specific.
Mrs. J. H. Bowles of 118 Core St.,
Durham, N. C, says: "I was sick
and bedfast for over nino months, and
the doctor who attended mo said un
less 1 submitted to an operation for
gravel I would never be well. I would
not consent to that and so continued
to suffer. My back was so weak I
could not stand or walk, and it aches
constantly. Tho first day after I be
gan using Doan's Kidnoy Pills I felt
relief, and n a short time I was up
and around the samo as evor, free
from backache."
A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mrs. Bowles
will be mailed to any part of the
United States. Address Foster-Mil-burn
Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sold by all
dealers; price 50 cents per box.
Libelous Story From .New York.
Over in Boston little 8-year-oTd Jim
tny Spry surprised his school teacher
with this outburst of confidence:
"Teacher, my mother is away; been
away for two weeks; I was out to din
ner last night; goin' out to dinner to
night goin where I "please on Sunt
day; hain't had a bat for two weeks
The Grand Trunk Railway System
have opened a new City Ticket Office
at 308 North Broadway, St. Louis,
and are now operating through car
service daily between St. Louis, Mon
treal and Toronto In connection with
the Illinois Central R. R. This ar
rangement will afford excellent serv
ice to passengers taking advantago of
the low excursion fares to points in
Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia that
are on sale at the present time from
St. Louis and Kansas City.
GEO. W. VAUX, A. G. P. & T. A.,
136 Adams St., Chicago, 111.
After a long experiment by bacter
iologists In their employ, an incorpor
ated firm of wholesale chemists of
Philadelphia has sent agents to Texas
with instructions to otbain all the bee
stingers they can for treatment of
rheumatism cases. An order for 50,
000 stingers was placed with one bee
farmer in that state.
More Flexible and Lasting,
won't shake out or blow out; by using
Defiance Starch you obtain bettor re
sults than possible with any other
brand, and one-third more for same
Every houscKecpcr should know
that if they will buy Defiance Cold
Water Starch for laundry uso they
will save not only time, because it
never sticks to the iron, but because
each package contains 16 oz. ono full
pound while all other Cold Water
Starches are put up in -pound pack
ages, and the price Is the same, 10
conts. Then again because Defiance
Starch Is free from all injurious chem
icals. If your grocer trios to sell you a
lil-oz. package it is because he has
a stock on hand which ho wishes to
disposo of before he puts in Defiance.
He knows that Defiance Starch has
printed on every package in large let
ters and figures "16 ozs." Demand
Defiance and save much time ana
money and tho annoyance of the iron
ticking. Defiance, never sticks.
A Little Shy
Of course, there aro fewer mar
riages than usual this year. Th
girls don't want everybody to thinlj
that they did the proposing. Somen
vllle Journal.
LlL: A. tl.5& ,A ""--
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Wilbur h.,riNinmi- iiftMpwpw":' "" p i, "'"':: "' ' VilM
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