GAZETTE BOOK AND JOB psmrms mpiMMlmi THE GAZETTE" OTTICB I now prepared to xecnia all crriltri tir , ruui -jij riKY.-rni, Of EVERT DBSCRIPTIOS, WITH KEATNBBS AJTD DISPATCH PUBLISHED Every Wednesday Jforning:, AT 50.00 PER ANXUJI. Mailed to Foreign Snbeerlbera t $7.00. OmcK On Merchant street, west of he Post OEco, Honolulu, LL I. Mated and peMUhed by J. Mm Surra, at th Government Printing Office, to whom all builneis communication, tnmt b Kldmud VOL. IT NO. 26. HONOLULU, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1868. m.00 PER YEAE. HAWAIIA-IN BUSINESS NOTICES. C. X. SPENCEB, B. HACIMIU.AXE. CHAN. IV. SPEVCEK fc CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 24 Queen Street, Honolulu, fly jiccoloaiv &. joilso:y, MERCHANT TAILORS, FORT STREET, HONOLULU, 10 Opposite T. C. Henck'a. (if IRA RICHARDSON, UIPORTEK JCiti I EAJ.EK IK BOOTS, SHOES & GENTLEMEN'S TUE- NISHTNQ GOODS, Corner of Fort And Merchant Streets, HONOLULU, II. I. tljr LANGLEY, CEOWELL & CO., Wholesale Druggists, Cor. Battery and Clay Streets, SAJY FKJuVCISCO, CAI,. C-Zm EDWIN JONES, GROCER AND SHIP CHANDLER, .Labnlaa, ?Inui. Money -and Recruits famished to ships on 6-ly favorable terms. XIIKO. II. IATIES, (Late JiDion, Oreen A Co., IMPORTER i COMMISSION MEECHANT AGENT KOB Lloyds' and tbe Liverpool Underwriters, Northern Assurance Company, and 'British and Foreign Marine Insurance Co. 3-iy HYMAI IinOTIIB$, Importers and Wholesale Dealers In Fashionable Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every variety of Gentle men's Superior Famishing Goods. Store known mm Capt. Snow's Building MracuixT Srtrrr, Honolulu, Oahu. SO 8. W. UHTDREWS, MACHINIST, Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellows' HalL . Gives particular attention to the repair of .Fire Arms, Sewing Machines, a Locks. Drawings of Machinery, d'C., made to Order, V to-tr ' C. H. LEWEBS. 1. a. dicksox. Lowers & Dickson, IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND Iletail Dealers in Lumber and Building Materials. Fort, King and Merchant streets, Honolulu. 25-ly i. S. WALKER. 8. C. ALUS. WALKER & ALLEN, Shipping and Commission MERCHANTS. HONOLULU, H. I. 10-tf L. L. TORBERT, DEALER IN XTJMBEB AND EVERT KIND OF BUILDING MATERIAL. OrriCE Comer Queen and Fort Streets. 13-ly Holies & Co., SHIP CHANDLERS & COMMISSION MER CHANTS, Queen Street, particular attention 1 aid to tbe purchase and sale of Hawaiian Produce. RErERS IT PEKBI3S10N TO C. A.TTilliams i. Co., I C. .Brewer A Co., Castle A Cooke, I II. llackfeld A Co., D. C. Waterman, I C. L. Ricba-ds A Co., 2-ly George G. Howe, Dealer in Redwood and Northwest Lumber, Shingles, Doors, Sash, Blinds, Nails, Faints, etc At his Old Stand on the Esplanade. 36-ly 3IRS. JT. II. BLACK, JEFaxro-y Mniinor, FORT ST., BETWEEN KING & HOTEL. Bonnets made up and trimmed in tbe latejt styles. Stamping, Braiding and Em broidering, executed to order. F. A. SCIIAJBFER &. CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, HON'OLTLU. U. L (3S-1T) Ed. HofiscMaeger & Co., IMPORTERS 4 COMMISSION MERCHANTS '-i ' Honolulu, Oabu, H. I. 4-ly A. S. Clcgliora, WHOLESALE & RETAIL DEALER IN GEN. that. MERCHANDISE, Fire-proof Store, comer of Queen and Eaahn- manu Streets. Retail Establishment on Nuuanu Street. "'" ' 4-ly . Theodore C. Heucfc, IMPORTER & COMMISSION MERCHANT. IIoBtlulu, Oat, C. I. I-ly H. llackfeld & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. Honolulu, Oaha, S. I. S-ly , J. D. WICKE, Aent lor tlic Urcrucn Board of Underwriters!. All average claims against said Underwriters, , .'. occurrinc in or about this Kingdom, will hare to be certified before me. 7-ly Chun? Hoou, 70KMIS6ION MERCHANT AND GENERAL AGENT, AO EST rOB TBE Psukaa and Amauulu Sugar Plantations. Importer of Teas and other Chinese and For "eign Goods, and Wholesale Dealer in Ha waiian Produce, at tbe Fire-proof Store, Nuuann Street, below King. 21-ly Along & Acliuck, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in General Merchandise and China Goods, Fire-proot Store in Nuuanu Street, under the Public Hall. 45-tf JEWELER AND ENGRAVER flfK. J, COSTA Is now prepared to execute with promptness all work In bis line of business, such as Watch and Clock Kepolrlna:, K 5anufctttrliijj Jewelry, And ERgraTlng. Shop os Fort Street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall., Sl-3m BUSINESS NOTICES. E. M. VAN REED, COMMISSION MERCHANT, KANAGAWA. Having tbe best facilities through an intimate ln .:!, ,t.n .T,n,n,i t rn (1 for tbe past eight years, is prepared to transact any business entrusiea to ms care, wim unpawn 17-tf E. P. ADAMS, AUCTIONEER ft COMMISSION MERCHANT Fire-Proof Store, .Robinson's Building, Queen Street, Honolulu. 1-ly C. S. BARTOW, AUC2IOWSBS. Sales-Room, Queen Street, one door from Kaahumanu btreet. u-ij JOHN H. PAIY, NOTARY PUBLIC And Commissioner of Deeds TOR TUB STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Office at the Bask or Bisnop A Co. 2-ly W3I. KVAX. ARIETT STOKE Wo. 2, Mannakea Street, All kinds of Merchandise and Groceries. 39-1 . J. MONTGOMERY COKTINTJES TO PRACTICE AS A Solioitor, Attorney, aud Proctor jn the Supreme Court, in Lew, Equity, Admiralty, Probate and Divorce. 3-3 1 H. A. W1DEMANN, IVOTAItV PUBLIC. OrriCE at Tnc Istehiob Department. My " SEcaxiar net. H. A. T. CASTXa. C BRER & CO. COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MEECKAKTS, IlonollUn. Uanu, II. I. AGE.VTS Or the Boston and Honolulu Packet Line. AGENTS For tile Makec, Wallnkn and liana Plantations. AGEXTS For tne Pure rinse and Sale of Island Produce. REFER TO Jons M. Hood, Esq rNew York. Cius BncwEit&Co. I ....Boston. Jab. Hcskeweix, Esq. ( J. C. MrnniLL & Co. 1 R. 8. Swaix & Co. VSan Francisco. Chas. Walcot Brooks, Esq. ) ' 5-ly . J. P. HUGHES, Importer andgManufaoturer OF Alii. ICIKDS OF SADDIERY. Carriage Trimming done with neatness and dispatch. All orders promptlyattended to. Comer of Fort and Hotel streets, Honolulu. 10-ly ' SAMUEL C. WILDER, SUGAIC FIAIVl'ER. Post-Office address, "AVilder Plaktatios," 7-tf) Knaloa, Oahn. NEVILLE & BARRETT, Planters & General Store Keepers KEOFUKA, B. KONA, HAWA1L (Near Eealakekna Bay.) Island produce bought. Ships supplied with Wood, Beef and other ncessaries. Agent at Honolulu A. S. Cleguobs. 11-ly CHAUNCEY C. BENNETT, Dealer in Newspapers, Magazines, Period icals, otc. Fort Street, near King, Honolulu. 19-lf M. S. CRINBAUM & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE Dealers in Fashionable Clothing Hats, Caps, Boots andShoes.andeveryvariety of Gentlemen's superior furnishing goods. STORE IN MAKEE'S BLOOK, Q.ueen Street Honolulu, Onliu. 10-tf E. C. ADDERLEY, Importer and Maker of all Sands of SADDLERY, HARNESS. &c Carriages trimmed with neatness and dis patch. All repairs done with care and promptness. SHOP OX FORT STREET. Next door to J. M. Smith it Co's Drugstore. N. B. A choice lot of Ladles Superior Saddles on hand. 43 J . H. THOMPSON, GENERAL BLACKSMITH HONOLULU, II. I. HAS COIVSTARTIjY on band and for sale, a good asFDrtmcut of BEST REFIN2D BAR IRON! ALSO Best Blacksmith's Coal, At the Lowest Market Prices S8-ly - 31. KAPLEE, SHIPPING AND COMMISSION AGENT, Office with E. P. Adams, Esq., QTJEEJT STREET, nOSOLULTJ. s urns st rsxxjssioii to Gen. Morgan L. Smith, TJ.Ieirs. C. Brewer 1 Co. 8. Oonral. I Honrs. Walker Allen. Messra-'Ricfcaraa A Co. IE. P. Adams, Esq. fU FOE SALE! RUINAUT, pere ifils Champagne, Carte Blanche, in pints and quarts. For Sale by H. HACKFELD A CO., Agents for 15-tfJ Messrs. Ruinart, pere A fits Rheims. PianosTuned. PIANOS AND OTHER MUSICAL IN STRUMENTS Tuned and Repaired, by CHAS. DERBY, at the Theatre. Lessons given on the Piano and Guitar. Best of reference given. 51 BY AUTHORITY. AN ACT To lieense tbo slaughter and sale of Beef. Be it E5ACTEn, ly the King and the Lgila tire AtfembJy of the Hawaiian Jtlandl, in the Leyulatvre of the Kingdom attetnbted : SEcnojrl. The Minister of the Interior may at any timellcense, for tho term of one year, any applicant to slaughter and sell Beef, either in Honolulu, Lahalna, Wailuku, Uilo, Kawal hae, Kealakekua, Kaawaloa, Koloa, or Hana lei, upon receiving for such license the turn of twenty dollars; provided, however, tnat tnls Section shall sot be held to apply to salted or corned beef, brought from other parts of the Kingdom. Sec. 2 Upon granting such license, said Minister shall exact of the applicant a bond in the penal sum of two hundred dollars, with good and sufficient surety, to be approved by said Minister, conditioned that such applicant will keen a fall and accurate register of tbe brands of every animal which he shall kill or. sell, together with tne name ct tne owner, tbe name of the person or persons who deliv ered tbe animal, with the date when delivered, and when killed ; and that he will at all times keep said register ready and open for the in spection and information of all who may desire to examine tbe same. Sec. 3. Whoever shall slaughter or sell beef in Honolulu, Lanaina, Wailuku, lliio, nawal bae, Kealakekua, Kaawaloa, Koloa, or Hana lei. without first obtaining a license therefor. as provided in Section 1 of this Act, shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten nor more than twenty-nve dollars for eacn onenee, in the discretion of the Court. Sec. 4. Every license to slaughter and sell beef shall be signed by tbe Minister of the Interior, and impressed with the Seal of his Department, and no such license shall be transferable. Sec. 5. This Act shall become a law at tbe expiration of thirty days from the date of its passage ; and all laws or parts of laws incon sistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved this 22d day of June, 1868. Kaiiebaiisha R. ' AN ACT To amend Sections TS5 and 256 of the Civil Code, and add a new Section to the Civil Code, to be numbered Section 256a. Be it Exacted, ly the King and the Legisla tive Attemlly of the Hawaiian Itlandt, in the Ltgulature of the Kingdom auemtled: Sectiox 1. That Section 255 of tbe Civil Code be, and the same-is hereby amended, so as to read as follows : Section 255. Tbe Minister of the Interior may, with tbe approval of His Majesty the King, issue a patent to the inventor or im prover of any machine, mauulacture or work of art, calculated to improve the interests of science, agriculture, or manufacture, and may therein grant to such inventor or improver the exclusive use and benefit of his invention or improvement for any term of years, not ex ceeding ten, that may be specified in such pa tent; and, upon tbe granting or sueb patent, tbe sum of one hundred dollars sballrbe paid by the Patentee to the Minister of the In terior, for the use of tbe Royal Exchequer. Sec. 2. That Section 256 of the Civil Code be, and the same is hereby amended, so as to read as follows - Section 256. Every each inventor or im prover shall, before receiving a patent, deliver to the Minister of the Interior a full and clear description, in writing, of his invention or im provement, together with tbe mode of nsing or applying the same to the purpose for which it is intended, and the manner and process of making, constructing, or compounding tbe same ; and in case of any machine, he shall also furnish, in addition to tbe written de scription, accurate drawings and a complete model thereof; and shall also, at the same time, if a citizen of this Kingdom, deposit with the Minister of the Interior tho sum of thirty dollars, and if a foreigner, the sum of one Hundred dollars, lor tne use ot tne.ltoyai Exchequer. Sec. 3. That that portion of Article IV of tbe Civil Code, relating to the improvement of agriculture and manufactures, be and the same is hereby amended, by adding directly after Section 256 of the Civil Code, a Section to read as follows : Section 256a. Any'pcrson who shall have invented any new art, machine, or improve ment thereof, and shall desire further timo to mature tho same, may file in tne office or the Minister of tbe Interior a Caveat, setting forth the design and purpose thereof, and its dis tinguishing characteristics, and praying pro tection of his right till he shall have matured his invention ; and such Caveat shall, upen payment by the applicant of the sum of thirty dollars to the Minister of the Interior, be filed in tbe confidential archives of the Department of tbe Interior, and preserved in secrecy ; and within one year thereafter, if the applicant should desire to avail himself of the benefit of his Caveat, be shall file his description, speci fication, drawings, apd model, and pay the fee as provided in applications for patents, under Section 256 of the Civil Code, of this King dom. Sec. 4. This Act shall become a law from and after the dato of its passage ; and all laws and parts of laws in contrariety to, the pro visions of this Act are hereby repealed. Approved this '22d day of June, 1868. Kaxebaveba R. AN ACT To amend Section 3 of an Act to regulate the carrying of passengers between the Islands of this kingdom, approved January 10, 1865. Be it exacted, by the King and the ZegUla tive Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: Section 1. That Section 3 of the Act to regulate tbe carrying of passengers between the Islands of this kingdom, be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec. 3. No vessel shall carry more than one passenger for every two tons registered burtben, excepting steam - reel., tbe same being allowed to carry two passengers for every three tons burthen ; and in ease of any violation hereof, tbe master of such vessel shall be liable to a fine of five dollars for' each passenger so carried, the same to be re covered, for the use of tbe Hawaiian Govern ment, before any Police or District Justice. And each vessel licensed to carry passengers between the Islands shall carry, on all her passages, secured on deck, one spare extra cask, of the capacity of at least two barrels, filled with water, and under her deck, easily accessible, as many barrels of good sound bread or rice, and salt provisions, and water, as may, from time to time, be required by the Harbor Master of Honolulu ; and for disobe dience of the orders of the Harbor Master, by not carrying the quantity of water and provisions required and commanded by him, the Tesssl, the master of which has so neglect ed to obey tbe order of the said Harbor Master, shall be liable to have her license revoked by tbe Collector General of Customs, and the master shall be furtherliable to a fine not ex ceeding the sum of one hundred dollars, to be recovered before any Police or District Justice. Approved this 22d day of June, 1868. Kabehaxiba B. AN ACT To Amend Sections 118, 119, and 120, and re peal Section 121 of the Civil Code. Be IT exacted, ly the King and tie Legisla tive Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: Sectjos 1. That Section 118 be, and the same is hereby amended, so as to read as fol lows! " See. 118. The Minister- of the Interior shall appoint one person in each of the taxa tion districts of tho Kingdom, not being an owner of a Stallion kept for hire, to be Inspec tor of Stallions, whose duty it , shall be, upon the receipt of one' dollar, to examine any Stal lion presented for his inspection, upon such days as be shall appoint within his ta rati an district; and if, npon such examination, any Bullion so presented shall appear to the In spector to be a suitable horse lor Breeding, ne shall deliver a certificate to that'effect to tbe owner of such Stallion, free of charge, which certificate shall entitle the owner to keep snch Stallion on his own premises, solely for tbe use of his own stock. And in case the owner or owners of such Stallion shall not ob tain such certicate,,be shall be liable to a fine of one dollar for each and every, day's viola tion of this section, which penalty shall be recoverable before any Police or'Dlstrict Jus tice, prortded ; that this section snail not apply to Stallions that bavo not attained the age of twelvemonths." Sec. 2. That Section 119 be, and the same is nereby amended, to read as follows : "Sec. 119. The Minuter of the Interior .shall grant a license, npon the payment of five dollars, to any person presenting a certificate from the Inspectors, as provided in Section 118, to let for hire tbe Stallion named in such certificate, for tbe purpose of breeding ; pro vided, that the said Stallion shall have attain ed the age of eighteen months, Snch license shall be good, for one year from its date, and in event that any person shall violate this sec tion, by letting for hire any Stallion without first obtaining a license as herein provided, be shall be subject to a fine of one hundred dol lars, recoverable before any Police or District Justice. Such license so granted, shall be transferable, at the office of the Department of the Interior, npon sale of the Stallion by the licensee." Sec. 3. That Section 120 be, and the same is1 hereby amended, so as to read as follows " Sec. 120. Every person on whose land any Stallion of twelve months old or upwards shall be found trespassing, may sue for and recover. before any Police Magistrate or District Jus tice, the sum of ten dollars for every such trespass, from the owner of any such Stallion, exclusive of the costs of such suit; and in case the Stallion shall be unbranded, or in case tbe owner cannot be discovered within fire days from the time when such Stallion shall have been found trespassing, then any owner of land on which any such Stallion shall be found so trespassing, shall be author ized to castrate such Stallion, at the risk of the owner thereof. Sec. 4. That Section 121 of tbo Civil Code be and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 5. This Act shall become a law from and after the date of its passage. Approved'this 22d day of Jnne, 1868. Kabebabeha R, AN ACT Relating to Inter-Island Steam Navigation. "Whereas, on the thirteenth day of November, in tbe yerr one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seren, a contract was executed by the Minister of tbe Interior, on behalf of this government, with the Hawaiian Steam and General Inter-Island Navigation Company, which contract stipulates for payment to said company of not less than eight thou- . i . . ,i i ... BiBUU uvi uivio luau icu luuuaauu uousrs per annum, payable monthly for one year certain, to bo computed from the day ,on which the steamer Kilauea commenced' to run ; and also provided for tho surrender or the exclusive privileges of said corpora tion ; therefore, Be it Enacted, by the King and the Legisla tive AssemMy of the Jlawaitan Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: Section 1. The contract concluded 'as aforesaid is 'hereby ratified and confirmed, and declared to bo valid and binding upon this government to all intents and purposes, and payment of the subsidy therein named to the amount of ten thousand dollars for one year, as stipulated in said contract is hereby autnonzed. Sec, 2. The Minister of the Interior, .on behalf of this government, is authorized to contract with individuals, or incorporated companies, for tbe performance hereafter of the inter-island .navigation service, and to pay therefor a sum not exceeding ten thou sand dollars per annum ; provided, that such individuals and companies shall be required to furnish a good and sufficient sea going steamer, of not less than four hundred tons burthen ; and that such steamer shall be re quired, upon each trip, to visit the ports of Labaina, Kealakekua nay, Kawaibae and Hilo, and to make the round trip within one week. Sec. 3. Tbe Minister of the Interior is fur ther authorized to contract with individuals or incorporated companies for performing the ser vice of transportation, by steamer, between Honolulu and ports in the Island of Kauai, and to pay therefor the sum of Fire Thousand Dollars annually; wroriderf, that trips be made at least once in each week, and that the steam er shall call at the several ports of Nawili wili, Hanalei, Koloa, and Waimea. Ere. 4. No steamer shall be employed nnder the provisions of this Act which does not wear the Hawaiian Flag. Approved this 22d day of June, 1868. Kahebaxeba R. AN ACT v To amend Section 1,323 of the Civil Code. Be it enacted, ly the King and the Legisla tive Assembly -of tne Hawaiian Jslands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: Section 1. That Section 1,323 of the Civil Code be, and the same is hereby amended, by adding the following words : ' 4. Contraction by either rartv of tbe dis ease, known as the Chinese Leprosy, it being shown, to the satisfaction of the Court, that the party is incapable of cure, and has, been afflicted with the disease for twelve months or more." Approved this 22d day of June, 1868. Kavebabeba R. AN ACT To encourage Ocean Steam Navigation. irAereat, the maintenance of frequent and regular communication with San Francisco by steam is Important to the welfare of this Kingdom ; and whereas, to establish such communication, an outlay is unavoidable at tbe outset, which cannot be fully remunera ted from the business ; therefore. Be it Enacted, ly the King and the Legisla tive Assembly oj the Hawaiian Jslands, tn zAe Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: Section 1. The Minister of the Interior, on behalf of the government of this Kingdom, is hereby authorized to contract with individuals or incorporated companies for running efficient and sea-worthy steam-ships, of not less than seven hundred tons each, between Honolulu and San Francisco, in consideration of which there shall be paid to said individuals or com panies, a sum not exceeding Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars per year, for the term of two years ; provided, that, no such contract shall be executed without tbe consent of His Majesty the King in Privy Council, and such contract shall require, under suitable penal ties, that trips shall be regularly run, not less frequently than once in twenty-one days from each end of tbe roate, that the running time (hall be not more than twelve days from port to port, and that the rate demanded for first class passago shall not exceed seventy-five'dol-lara for every passenger; and that the rate of freightupon ordinary merchandise from either port shall not exceed six dollars per ton, and five per cent primage ; and that tbe Tate of freight on specie from San Francisco shall not exceed one-half of one per cent, and that the mails shall be brought from San Franeiseo free of charge to tbe Hawaiian. Government or the Post Office Department. Sic. 2. In order to carry the provisions of this Act into full eSect.the Minister of Finance, with the consent of His Msjeity the King In Privy Council, Is Hereby authorised to issue. from time to time, the bonds of this Govern ment, of such denominations as may bo found convenient, bearing interest at a rate nut ex ceeding nine per cent, per annum, with cou pons attached, for tbe semi-annual payment thereof; the aggregate amount of such bonds shall not exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars. They shall be signed by the .Minister of Fi-. nance, and counter-signed by the Registrar of Public Accounts, and (hall be issued in five classes of Ten Thousand Dollars each, tbe first class being payable in five years, and tbe oth er classes at successive intervals of five years each. Approved this 22d day of June, 1868. Kabebaneba R, AN ACT To amend Section 780 of the Civil Code. Be it enacted, by the King and the Legisla tive Assembly of the Hawaiian Jslands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: That Section 780 of the Civil Code be, and the same is hereby amended, by striking out the word "six." in the thirteenth lino thereof. and inserting in its place tbe word " seven ;" and further, by striking out the word " one," in the seventeenth line of said Section, and inserting in the place thereof the word " two," so that the Section as amended will read as follows : Section 780. The nnmber of the Repre sentatives of the people in tne .Legislature shall be as follows, viz. : For tbe Island of Hawaii, eight, that is to say : One for the district of North Kona, be ginning at and including Keabcalono, and extending to and including Punohao : one for the district of South Kona, beginning at Puuo- hao and extending to and including naneawai. dno for the district of Kan. One for the district of Puna. Two for the district of Hilo. One for the district of Hamakua. One for tho district of Kobala. For the Island of Maui, seven, that is to say : Two for the district composed of La haina, Olowalu, Ukumehame.and Kahoolawe. One for the district composeoTof Kabakuloa and Koanapali. Two for' the district beginning with and in cluding Waibec, and extending to and includ. ing nonoaula. One for tbe district beginning with and in eluding Kabikinui, and extending to and in cludine Koolau. One for the district beginning with and including Hamakualoa, and extending to and including Kola. Two for the districts composing the Islands of Molokai and Lanai. For tbe Island of Oahu eight, that is to say Four for the district of Honolulu,' beginnin; with and including Maunalua, and extending to and including Moanalua. Ono for tho district composed of Ewa and Waianae. One for the district of Waialua. One for the district of Koolauloa. One for the district of Koolaupoko. For the Island of Kauai three, that is to say : One for' the district of Waimea, begin ning with and including Nualolo, and extend ing to and including lionapcpe, and also in cluding tne island oi nunau. One for the district of Puna, beginning with and including Waiawa, and extending to and including Wailua. Ono for tbe district of Hanalei, beginning with and including Kcpaa, and extending to and including Awa-ana-puni. Approved this 22d day of Jnne, 1868. Kabeuabeba R. AN ACT To extend the Powers of the Bureau of Immi gration. Be it enacteo, by the King and the Legisla tive Assembly oj the JIawattan Islands, tn the Legislature oj the kingdom assembled: Section 1. It shall be tbe duty of the Min ister of the Interior, with the assistance of the Committee of Privy Council, constituting the Board of Immigration, as soon as convenient after the passage of this Act, to devise and recommend, for the adoption of His Majesty tbe King in Privy Council, such rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary for tlie good government anu control oi immi grants that have been brought or admitted, or that may be brought or admitted into this Kingdom, as servants or laborers, under license or permission from the Bureau of Immigra tion, or contract with the Minister of the In terior. Sec. 2. Such rules and regulations as shall, from time to time,, be adopted by His Majesty the King in Privy Council under the provis ions of this Act, shall be embodied In ordinan ces of the King in Council, and the same shall be published in a newspaper published in Ho nolulu. SeC, 3. All such ordinances shall specify the penalties for violation of the same, and shall hare tbe force of law : and all Courts of Justice shall take Judicial notice thereof. Sec. 4. It shall be tbe duty of the Police, and of the Police and District Justices, to en forco the rules and regulations that may be adopted and published in accordance with sec tions 1 and 2 of this Act. Sec. 5. This Act shall take effect and be come a law from and after the date of its pas sage. Approved this 23d day of June, 1868. Kavebabeba H. AN ACT To limit the time within which claims of creditors, against the estates of deceased persons, shall bo presented, and suits be commenced to enforce rejected claims ; and amend Section 1247 of the. Civil Code. Be it Enacted, ly the King and the Legisla tive Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: Section 1. Immediately after the appoint ment of any Executor or Administrator of any estate, he shall advertise in the newspapers, fiublished in the City of Honolulu, for as ong a time as the Court shall direct, at least once a week for four weeks, a notice to all creditors of the deceased to present their claims, duly authenticated, and with the pro per vouchers, if any exist, even if the claim is secured by mortgage npon real estate, to him, either at bis residence or place of busi ness, within six months from tho day of such publication. And if such claims be not pre sented within six months from the first publi cation of the notice, orwithtn six months from the day they fall due, they shall be forever barred, and the Executor or Administrator shall not be authorized to pay them. Sec. 2. If the claim be a just one, the Executor or Administrator shall endorse bis approval upon it, and the claimant shall then, without delay, present it to the Probate Judge, before whom the estate may bo in course of administration, for bis approval ; which being obtained, the claim shall be paid by the Exe cutor or Administrator of snch estate, in whole or in part, from the assets of tbe said estate so administered. Sec. 3. Ir the claim be rejected by the Executor or Administrator, or by the Judge of Probate, a suit must be brought npon it against the Executor or Administrator, within twi months after such rejection, or within two months after the same becomes due, or it will be forever barred. Sec. 4. It shall not be lawful to allow any claim that is barred by the Statute of Limita tions of this kingdom. Sec. S. That Section 1217 of the Civil Code bOj and the same is hereby amended, by inserting therein after the word granted," in the third line of said section, the words ' except in oases of claims rejected by the Executor or Administrator, or by the Judge or Probate," as provided in Section 3 of this AcL Sec. 6. This Aet shall become a law on and after the data of its passaged -Approved this 23d day of June, 188., Kabebabeba-B. AN ACT To prevent the driving of Cattle through the iiry oi Honolulu witnm certain hoars. Be it enacted, by the King and the Legisla tes Assembly of the Hawaiian Jslands,- in the legislature of the Kingdom assembled: Section 1. That all drivinir of Cattle through or over tho .streets of the City of. W 1..,.. - T . 1 . 1 - ' . I . . . uudqiuiu, aua ine leaaingmorougiares, witnin one quarter of a mile thereof, from the. inter section of King and Nuuanu streets, or npon any part of Nuuanu street, within one mile of sueb intersection, is hereby strictly prohibited, unless snch Cattle shall be sufficiently bound and controlled so as effectually to prevent all damage to the public, under a penalty of ten dollars for every head of suclk Cattle so driven: the same to be recovered before tho Police Justice 01 Honolulu. Sec. 2. This Act shall not be construed to prohibit the driving of Cattle between the hours of eleven o'clock in tbe evening and eight o'clock in the morning, through snch streets, and under such regulations as mav be prescribed, from time to timo, by the Minister oi tne interior. Sec. 3. This Act shall take effect from tire date of its publication. Approved this 23d day of Jnne, 1863. ' Kabxbabeba R. AN ACT To repeal Section 58 of the Civil Code. Be it enacted, ly the King and the Legisla tive Assembly of the Hawaiian Islands, in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled: Section L. That Section 58 of the Civil Code be, and the same is hereby repealed. Sec. 2. This Act shall take effect and be come a law from and after the dato of its passage. Approved this of Juno, 1868. Kaxebabxba R. AN ACT To amend an Act to repeal Chanter 10 of the Civil Code-, and to regulate the Bureau of mono instruction, passed January 10, 1865. Be IT Enacted, by the King and the Legisla tive Assembly .of the, Hawaiian Islands in the Legislature of the Kingdom assembled : Section 1. That the said Act is hereby amended by inserting after Section 21, the following sections, viz: Sections 2U and 21b, as follows : Sec. 21a. The teachers of all Govern ment Schools, for the education of native Ha waiian children, shall keep a correct register of the names, sex, age (as far as ascertaina ble), and the places of residence of the chil dren attending their respective schools : and no teacher of any school, for the education of native Hawaiian children, shall grant a release from his or her school to any child under fifteen years of age, who may be registered as attending the same, for the purpose of en tering another school, unless the consent and approval of tho parent or guardian of such child, so requesting to be released, shall be made in writing, by such parent or gnardlan, or on application made by the School Agent of the District, for good reason shown to his satisfaction. In every such case a certificate in writing shall be granted, setting forth the facts, and signed by the teacher. Sec. 21b. No teacher shall receive into his or her school any child, under fifteen years of age, who may have attended an other school, unless such child, his or her parent or guardian, produces to the teacher of the school, so sought to be entered, a certi ficate of release, signed by the teacher of the school last attended, as hereinbefore provided. And thq .teacher of any school who shall violate any of tho requirements of this and tbe foregoing section, shall, on conviction be fore a Police or District Justice, be subject to a fine of firo dollars for the first offense, and for a second offense, bo liable to a fine of ten dollars, and removal from office, at tbe discre tion of the court. Sec. 2. This Act shall take effect and be come a law from and after the date of its pas sage. Approved this 24th, day of June, 1863. Kabebaueba R. Excess. Bayard Taylor; in a recent letter from Germany, says: while either wine or beer, or both, make an indispensable part of a German plc-nic, I have never known an in stance of Intoxication. In tbe first place the beverages arc alwas pure and light in quality ; in the second, they are not looked upon as luxuries, and thciruse Is not considered as a special indulgence Leaving tbe question of example out of view which is tbe main argument used by the advocates of temper ance against those who use wine without excess I confess I see no barm In the habitual use of light, Pur0 vintage. Nothing is so difficult to measure as the positive influence of an individual npon his fellow men, and the coses are rare where a man with conscious purpose, leads another to his ruin. I have been frequently assailed by over-zealous reformers for writing of the usu of wines without adding a .condemna tion of the habit; but I, have no condemna tion but for excess. I do not consider that the weakness of one gives me tbe right to attack the temperance of teu. The most temperate people that I ever found are tbe Greeks, every one of whom man, woman and child drinks wine. Xxcess, in fiict. Is a physical disease, and should be treated as such ; where there Is any tendency towards It tbe'only remedy Is total abstinency. But the stronger and healthier nature has always seemed to me tbgt which is able to control Itself. Let our education, domestic as well as public; develop aud strengthen this quali ty, ana wo snsu accompiun more man oy prohibitory laws. The Value or Time. When the Roman Emperor said, "I have lost a day," he ut tered a sadder truth than If he had exclaim ed i "I have lost a kingdom.'! Napoleon said that the reason why be beat the Aus triaus was that they did not know tbe value of five minutes. At the celebrated battle of Rlroli, tbe conflict seemed on the point of hclnir decided against him. He saw tbe critical state of affairs and Instantly took his resolution. He despatched a flag to the Ana. train hcadauarters with nroDosala for and armistice. The unwary Austrians fell Into' tbe snare; lor a lew minutes me tnunders or battle were bushed. Napoleon seized tbe precious moments, and while amusing the enemy with mock negotiations, re-arranged bis line of battle, changed bis front, and in a few minutes was ready to renounce tbe farce of discussion for tbe stern arbitrament of arms. Tne splendid victory of Rlroli was the result. The ereat moral victories and defeats of the world often turn on five minutes. Men loiter, time flies, and all tbe great interests of life are spewing on with tbe sure and silent tread of destiny. A letter fromUomr'Konir Bars Prussia Is negotiating for tbe cession of the Island of Cbusan to Germany, and thus place the In terests of the Confederation In command of the great highway of the China and Japan trade. The sugar planters in Cuba are calllnsr loudly for the re-opening of the slave trade. uwing to tne severe ton oi tne (ugir-making season, aud tbe insufficient nourishment which tbe slaves receive at all times, the present stock of negroes to last disappearing. Tociro Theolooias. A certain mission ary among tbe freedmes of Tennessee, after1 relating to some little colored children tbe story of Abnarii and Sappblra, asked them why does n-! strike everybody dead who tell a'lk-, v n one of the least In the room quietly answered : "Because there Wouldn't be anybody lsl. A KILLI03 of dollars. la sfoM. welch 4.4 Wi pounds or wtuua a posuoa oi ups, tons. , As Item evert Man gaonu bead. We hare probably all of na met with Instances in which a word beedleMlrsooken acalsst the reputation of a female has been tnajpil rled by. malicious minds until the, cloud has become dark, onoorh to oTerha5owr'fcr whole existence, To those Wh6 are accus tomed not necessarilv from bad raotlTes. but from thoughtlessness to speak lightly of females, wo recommend these bint as worthy of consideration : Never use a lady's name' in an improper place, or at an Improper time, or in mixed company. .never maice any assertion aooui ner wbmb you know id bo untrue, or allusion teat yen know she herself would blush to hear. When von meet with men who do not scruple to make use of a woman's name is a reckless and unprincipled manner, sunn them, for they are tbe very worst members of a community ; men lost to every sense of honor, every feeling of humanity. Many a good and worthy woman'a charac ter has been forever ruined and her heart broken by a lie. manufactured by some vil lain, and repeated where it should not have been, and in the presence of those whose little judgment could not deter 'them from circulating the foul and blasting-report. A slander is soon propagated, and tbe smallest thing derogatory to the character of a woman will fly on the wings of the wind, and magnify a it circulates, until Its mon strous weight crushes the poor unfortunate victim,. Respect the name, of woman,' for your mother and sisters are women; and as you would have their names .untarnished, and their lives unemblttered by the slander ers biting- tongue, heed tbe ill that your own tongue may bring npon tbe mother,. thq sla ter or the wife if some fellow creature. Ciii.NusE New Ykae. A correspon dent of the China JotZsaysof the.Chineae New Year : To-day being their fourtli day is tornied, according to their almanac, " sheep-day," to be followed by cow-day, horse-day, pea-day, grain-day, hemp-day and man-day. On the seventh or 'man day" there will be a grand demonstration at the Fatee gardens, whither all the beau ties repair to see and to .be seen. At this festive season a peculiar kind of flower makes its appearance called shut sin fa, the history of which is somewhat interest inc. Once udou a time a- husbandman is said to have become possessed of exten sive landed property in the neighborhood of Amoy. ' On his death tho eldest mem ber of the family appropriated to himself the lion's share of the parental estate, leaving to his younger brother a .barren piece of ground by the sea-shore. It is on this soil tho plant spoken of is said to have, and is still, grown in time to find a market and to constitute one of the pecu liarities of the New Year embellishments. The growth of tbo plant is, therefore, looked upon as joss-pidgin," and as snch our. benighted friends take it to be as much an object to pay homage to as their graven images. How to Get Sleep. This is to many persons a matter of high importance. Nervous persons, who are troubled with wakefulness and excitability, usually have a strong tendency of blood' on (ho brain, with cold extremities. The pressnro of the blood on the brain keeps it in a stim ulated or wakeful .state-, and the pulsations in tho head are often painful Let them rise und chafe the body and extremities with brush or towel, or rnb smartly- with the lianas, to promote circulation, and withdraw the excessive amount of. blood from the brain, and they will fall asleep in a few moments A cold bathor a sponge bath,, and robbing, or a good i run or a rapid walk in the open air, or a eoing no and down stairs, a few times Just, before retiring will aid in equalizing circulation and promote sleep. These rules are sim ple and easy of application In the castle or cabin, and may minister to the comfort of thousands who would freely expend monoy for an anodyne to promote " Na ture's sweet restorer, balmy sleep." . i Enclisli caoitalists of a speculative. dis position are turning their attention to the oil resources of Northern Italy. ' Thia country has been known for ages to be rich in petroleum of peculiar qualitio) and of a natural transparency. In iiarigaao the oil appears on the surface ofBfimll pools of water, and throughout the whole of tbe hills of tbe northern sections tbeie are unmistakable geological signs of the existenco of petroleum . deposits. There are wells at Monte liocello, which have pro duced eleven tuns of oil. per day, nnd this at the depth of less than 160 feet' The Italians seem entirely apathetic about de veloping the oil resources, but tne intro duction of English capital and American machinery will make petroleum one of the most profitable of Italian industries. Particulars of the tornado at Shanghai. 111., state that the entire northern portiorf of the village was destroyed. Sixteen' house's in all, besides a school house and tho only two churches which the viUaea contained, were demolished, Four per sons were killed. Tbe same tornado made itself felt se verely six miles west of Muscatine, Iowa, cbout thirty miles northwest from Shang hai. It ascended and descended at appa rently irregular intervals, moving most of the time above tho .surface of the'esrUi. Largo stones and trees were caught op into the air and carried for a mile, 'and a church whose congregation had gone to the river to attend a baptism, wu "sweet clean away. Phenomenon in Florida. A. start time since nearly two acres of laud oa a farm in Hamilton countr, Flo., saak ssd-" denly to the depth of fifty feet befow tfce' surface of the sarrouadiog earth. TW immense vacuum thus formed almost -stantly filled with water, cnbmcrgiflg tka tops of the tallest trees. At the last, account the land was still sinking, as ana of four acres having disappeared. The streams and creeks lose tbeeuelvea Is tW surroundicg country, which foreed'aa otttr i . i i , - r. ift -!t., .Lai. let in tuia way. issh duu uotbwbbhji occur, but tbe present is tho largest awt deepesteverkBown. , Oakal Bbssox relates, ia (fee Bsmtl Table, a carioss typegraphieal etw. ; Oa st, fatneka day s .speaker ajeooa, ays reference to the tiste when Us fcanaW the senflo was sKaesy GSttssffQel 'is tfaasss.' fVniMTuiiitt ta iiftu - -1, b mf Ssmm a. thai the girl eeOi bereM mW ?, a hero, a tfasjas: while .h saak. W a parafjou of beewiy ttfid gpnMiajaMaaj as UMr.keep tfckHog eaieh atiwr. lOwr ai.