OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, February 17, 1869, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1869-02-17/ed-1/seq-2/

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Xx. & to Swsism aarimrtaiaa eharri
me th GnxsasaalLTrsst ia5tii;tat jSscbm
jzC SrTiri tjm 21H l Crret
iimt f At StacI f Kiftn-irTHL-
gtawawi. Tbt ti. ija-m; W ki-Wjrt
to gMg Cfencag Sos. aal
jwtfirat t5 Se3im. rIJt
Tnin.i&!s aaras; aaliri?r aaii
Bbaot. si msr x ynum "ureasm: to '
Xi- t-" iinwoniLar. Ijwiwr
aKTWirSUL it i5a3!t3 ias?
"aiwca,racasatt'favT?-to rwwr njiut 1
lrai. rrva t r aiadiir taoo-antes, vr
TvatL, vauoz. a7 im resmuL to iw
jnrto&iic.rto3ai7 tsu3
Jtt-mg nmfFTT., iifmwr agTTij w.dwti3wud.
v . c . . - .
Ft -wr vffti-IwarL. 1
asraa Ajwma rr nrt iti-i-.t !
urn - mm at rort aaxirm a:
L fecax x ntrfmj t-ssii; aajraun
C saut Sluuiat. fanr a, part turn 6 S 31
aaa'.aKxataC Ja taaaL aIxw
tt-T 3ur iiiT1 ficcTirrpl irt 5otxr- tiarfn
a;r -Vt-T ixr" 2asw frna &tt tna f hat
2. tiff aefrjl faaj- nd a: aajr jar:
ftia SSurtum. haJliia aatl arscHharaig;
33- ncsan: sat f sma2 tox azr S'ajri. t5rf
Ettaaa2553iE to ta aaaraaxSui iarm2ai.
aai taW aai jjaaBmsE thaK Br iCTftmit-
S Sao. Ehoj c taa; aar aac-
ioniE tW. r aar imB. r gulusi-t Eii
j-usejSj ta-daff Suij-a. aSefSj w-a-qcx
pucnuHjc of ta 2nr.
-L Toiler oicu?xazmiatai-a jnvSTisL&raf
i3wc,c&a3 iucaaiCr jjirrvmui 6ttxrrbir
iZiiTr tu & an 'ift ahuc aefiic aaxazaaa-,
arientt y tar Jwaii nf BaDa,
hai ijn: &iuur tfti """- tv piurfiLC x ve-mc
wah. cca2 guav t&r Ofile, frnisj-l-cf
lie- &q a may ff iriKTL oy ri
nur nf FniT-T to &r ifR-nT5wtof, soaX V
0txritoL JTnjurrtjHt JWrrftff at sana.
aacaw aiay a vrfceral By ta aaaru aaiC 1 f-wir t-i rtf::rrT -rtriV ca hcarx
autamtl t5iial 5a ic lr-JT urivrt, ?,;-.
5Eiaa.--rim.taiaa. 1 yunrjaij.
t X-aiaIT iha3 S Iaai fanz aay Tie Ejurfis cf ccmu.-a, taat jot. ibmLL
Ta!ikHmr sail jui o. hunrl iraiirci i-imiLJfpxisSjt, rrT-iH-n;j:canffmf:ttocftn-T
Jai aa-aS gx tauarf daraRf tif -Jruaaji, ,.rrrLr-.rTf.., tt-arr-iny tiais; 1-1,-tc E-.jro.narr
fSRJif g-w"' gj,J""'r"nrf: 1 iaifcrKapattaehacieftairecalica,a-s-
X. EJ 5cCjjo "iii.iS, 213. aa H aiitanrSxtaiae wctcria: "-Suf arrani-rmri-tiir&cS
Cwbt of taii S3iarluin. rsaiiaa fii- citciijyairKcacirtiiaalf cf the &au-af
r - . . - , -nmacrBaaiv tlaa the wfrtrrt awnrfnnisi
Mrrnirr Xio.- jm.T 5 CTnt 6y tt .
3istf Eatta:afal rtsaiittama aoii by a-, , 53 Jtaaff anw a pias-
aypaniTi-SfrTTtaaaaaiii axwmg airroitger of o rft fa. Mra?, r- t.-TiTW-T. rr r rr
taiE-lrcw3riMiat3i4aiajir-s5?c. t-.- .rrrrrf,
Byeaaamgrtawnxf tobe ytstutZ axtazwjxatBr ; -t ,
yacw af titftja; r-CjrrC aaiC soco. ant5 f -aiiicrsire
f fiii naiheijnt-r soa&to. dK-scelfl-ra ant-xs ' CftnrgTigysa: to ae aa erz&SifGwi if tae
to2jianM. fnfa-- jrnrwi?1 fry my rn-n. wfjl! pTmai,
afirrtitf slju- iac- fjn: jaii&BL xa iieuES- ami iacceil rtsdZz fi:r tie caLer
3mr5fi at tiff Lxc grgi5rar Jertfinr. i&iX I oaiailaiare fcfeditirj" ciirzii5 ja-x,. tioe
ttggeiBgcnrrEn ana Aisafctig augjga. : to Kawmfi-ttt tSai rar m rerjerjr-
.JjZrZT .t tataairftocOTawhiTOTart-
kzlC t aJI gcQii voo maj- iraic r ta wlf?s to tS?t nil' azxssaiir cf aremg' slot
5ayfi5Sm.,- - irt - , - rapmytaaffisaoaraa.
sas-cais; 2K. 5tiaaitBSiwi.fa!ien.
TTTUTTTi'r Tpavafisi kr aetaia: Zf : aai x&rr !
acfi 3itCc hn?T xx3 Sin; j?jr aay aecraa: J
vaoia&Xvaiatoaay y iTTfrr mrn-1
tams. siiiE B aaa-Exnac anc few dxclrx, I
auramref't-cT a-re anmlrac duEaj. j Ttt Vmw ir-irfTr r grJW.
3a3w W". Ecrtna-swas. efmtotaiff iarcf "rr-TrfO!"
"Pwirfnfcr -VRprf ifmB Larf ISf-, Sy ami tut-eara Fttt- ZKHaat,
arrtaiTijitfirsaC Sht tie Srarf f Lniaarra.
' Cira,a Earax cf tioc Gavtnmeot f ta
Tvrr firrfr JScuxafor CO. 3fscihrr. Fnifnag cf Eaa'a, cf tier first part. aad.
, . - . ,, , . T. " . a aarje cf tan Wrmif cf . cf tae
toe th fMirffiTiTT laaais of tae PUcac reeanifpirc
tVwrT. rr e-l-urryt- t.x r!w grtrimrrr- irirftft- liTi&MeCtr That wheraa sau party
. - cf tie cnci ptrS,.Bt fearaiarfcaracariair
the jrrTs:iCTr-fr jntsBi tha: car cc t tie Ecucka r'nnfj tim-r to 6 miri-
-gTTit TgyJff TT..r.. t-rr
r.."MT,ii fnr- -f PtfTipw-r ef beta: sexaai
feather iiJaadsV fie PacarOrar,,:
sr-xi n-iTrrf i' c rrVniV sirrxcct .
, . - . t
srat grpu;.iriiie, n.-ra; torat ct gears, tat
a. i;iTri-r. SiT sraraii- aa fir as
, .
aurr at. Wns tatttmraoqeg- wrniT rmrt
aSttiaaTwcrrasr.ai-aiHr.aaiI that, yrrfn.r..
;ciJ3Cit -fhai b "cniii fijr thi? fnpncrt cf
tirrKB- vrrrrrm" T&fcrttBtisE-ri
muu if.Wfif rHprrtinrrrrr' aatlnt WaT '
he coarcwd shai tae eaacSJif a eaacs-,
gTTBT TBifcEigaaC.a; ogaeuaf aa aiTiixiCJc.'icns
-Tates gBSEa&& asst. Baca fafrr ss
m sv fitBifi n rr atf the fr-mifa cf taei
m - t- .
ataf, ai ahaC khy, toTrwnTtjfehfe-r.faxjsCaA.
-.I !. r,,, in- is
. .1 J . .
a wua. i, i. a, ur aa: a. daiaesaia
TaiiTri-, vaaaV aee wUrnTin iF Hue a "if f t
aaewgiafftSg T agliHir n ;ari ag y- ;
&r th Six, a th wua! cf "Ea-
' FacSSe Con Sac- fifce jTrrji f
gvnencto was. aids ?f titt frr'htMTmtt a
, maybe JgKrvga gf mftr-irnrgv cf theSrowa
tee a X3ii itaire. to tie shvrrs of this
KanciiBx, for una terat of year as may h
.spni aa Ictnea wicks' ail tlHHu.ea
f statu 5rxini.aii,asijifp3ic raeuoaSie.
. & waail i deKcihiir tfrni tlif war?r aimiiit
h ra5t,ptisfii, wnaj;3ipirtbi;Sijii3iI
trrmaava. a to tie USspaiSUaof thawtU-
j rcis ra tins ctViaA. TAeaaichrsirwits-
p5iiytoeas jtot atssrSKO. to sat weei
ng of the i itfaai Lep5lCKs.pi!!rf Jjmt
2S, nl22irf "JLi XA to ynatft TTT.TtfV
xni 2t?ii, to tiie jrs;t aat i5ak32
at &otS.e3JaK,wiB. otisr widStrf ttcFa
e2Jctea!t.a3ii tosrai&. 6r eooSactSrc
ajpjasaJ: (nn;toyaa,!uca.iarirf
!v BaScuii(icSs2a2swTifc;aJlr
as amr fcK-t- tie tcrarrc jiail rrcviT- 03
41 LejMiSar cooesmjiiiSBii aiht fctrolac-
siirijwa.Jic-ait.Eiaas3ajs. 'CwB.-arifc
53.23 aSuaiI!h3TCTEsJi gzksniss3sx3C&.
to the &JT mrtr tr-mr f thl 335 JBL
toa tromi tlxra. & bf to &c itrpai tia;
aajr 3jhL 3ia iamcajrr ca eiafi uv'tnc
lyi-ufof ft.ttSTwa, .1inr?iF Qi?irfe!ifaa
r.t: .-h:
Taa y3 aia p33aJ C3Tf. QaS nWrtiT
jrrairt acr Srw-ua tin jure c tie diieft
or tijarti fe aaSirar en. tie iEfijrsns asliaiis.
fif as to Bufitce- aay one to ajaitetCKrs-aastCs-
wSi yja -ha rrer trait he tuft to
hatrScra5ra. Sw ig, fa. rT-itfmr asijt
njena wifil 311a. KbiZeKrahutttaStataltr
aait fesaJg gaiacRCT he seyirtfwf. as fig-ag.
UMi&ij ceciiSjr li ncac Totchiixscn.
ioui r?Tn"iTit frmflcr to taHU a parisa-n.
Stfibtftn&i cf Ha shijf; tttt wumst shctifa
a. Sicmzsi. as. cf the Tcsse. aaiiahca?
ccahctotttfacc egngtaatrrfti-TTf-rrhtcach.
gc; saawX to saaritsi.
, -
tolaaa Boa. amas 5 SaSt. tcij- ataca. to
p-salctrsacc to tail ca ccari t may u
2J -tw.i- ?iHTri '"f'JtiT cf t?tiTTT err
tae aeat niiianat EosaCfc, wia. aay Itiaium
j uiijnffir; cc aay yjir aiay tu.
Xj that eaii 5nt arr iittrrTtif tatiioa
Scarf wlaSBTer arrSaet they aiar wii to
aeaif jamzd aay wikhitoaiaKa
iafe3:aerr,aau w thesz xx& ptiHSBrsaail-rrrs
Tear afieSeaS Knaat
Jjiaaw "W. EaararaTNTS
eat iraugx- cur urrojai ci. naiir rairx ex
Til 'n r.r-T -Sm mrar trrI;i Rr r;iTf.fw-llWn-
fizcoaitaath itct arusara cariaaT taeat-
nia of tau aarssra-aac, ac& wias to e
j.-,f ,r .mf tfn-Vn,w win r''-'-
aaiagfrsnt taicearg gf Iii-7rtrnjra R;niiftiftrj
aaif 31 earenftrarri-tt cf a gix-rritTTiffTtaaaiati
eadtpartaf taepasy cf tae lra put, to
Kcar-t aaii ie5ai ti parrj cf tae cci
iLuiHaa. Ia",, ajf iTy a- itt esfo'y-
acra aii cf fie Eats-
ifriTgrrrW With. pncpy irrfiWr tf-
Zf fa
aaaasru ftf ant 2cecai S czAciXL nn-
FrcrgpgTr-4rarnngfiT iPjn:-5.
&asjw tssrr fierfZfcry ttcoEzzsssZ ty tSas
aaoacf OaisaaeatiaaBdisBitzam-
t raar m i- wnr aaarc oc fmwrti-
S mK, ac eoe to &e-Eaa. tie
hiseofaftas aC SaeSmiLwlxe?
I fexfarnw
Oct r5AN.T, aata asas. ferufea
j th fcJ&rwaujtSaia. as nvi.hi jasr.-cs;
Surreal rot ut 5vtJ t ec t
Sauac i2ui sah "asia hsvt voe 5c
SaaiSBr. tt&ac fart. Mat taey unrr re
ecafce !&ta'way to Unlaws assn. As
to tipasi to ovt,-ct .iwn t
f lb-- IVwsetl. a war of tb? bari.
cf tibtsaai.S.'rBiitwswt. tvcisiwi 5a
r . . . ,
Tfi Vxaur to Mr. Carta J-
. Xjcuc&.vai vas sita&nr ar. a lii aa-!
; tiai It. GaS;i as aij aiiaccitr Tbs
, Dt GEci svt fcna as al-t $iaslf
f . , , .
. &ac wg&a Esjio. X Ycri. BaS
i winpfcatik N-Yvctpcffe5ifttiici!f
jjti. -Fr.-ca. FUr. -Btl b dJ
f Tars pMffc tijet Evctl" TV f
r anCygX piryoi recSK.: "TVxttass; aar'
I cwt iKstix&, mj- bur. Fhna iSu iitl, f
I irajnca.-a as tb Siil
t ijT to bti tiai ti d;ut:c 5rw.-s-!
lr6tasaiiiiKteifci.'ctthaiioii3si. Is e$ fro-
f biitSaScsrpiECTwasjKratotiai'Kctjct
1 faict." q tha ajra, &il Um R.m-i ef Ir:fi- twaajf. th-tetwitaa of cot fcxai 1 tola show that so doabt caa exist rpt-
szzxa. hid swtaie-r too ii jhfcci ari ecraffr ami foe & cofcfe rcrtce. 1 ? tt sabeaWeca of Hawaii; bct,soEir
f r- . , . -T , . 7 -r - . r. . t as pnscat srpesraisees cao be icAreJ-we
j mai icates, to staie aHc aiuct ' sos to assbt ear htaii aid rfr?. cpoa t op-wQ ea:taicd bj th tahabttaats of
' the WT3miaS- wiehiMS asr r&kccs to i which the r are direct asc.U. IUwau nai the tMtghtxinij tshiads, that
! ki tersa. sr iasr. lu ajuhos had .4afc-, Oatamlx, aa cah aocwiT to th sais - th ssiiad is sJowlv seutirar into it va
f Sn SEWca f thtf csra! cecrs f has- dews sot so. assist, asl ti tt fawj ta nooafrespocceat of a New Yk
: aa&i. asd a thuoch eootemps Sic liaira.-1 fc leifacii 050c tn worship. Bat tho, ; raper. that w do'cot lire upon HaiwaH.
rfarasrthajrafeoasfc. XsrecnM thtfr.is ! oar earabSties ans Tariocs: ard what That iihisd. so oc occpia with cauth-thk-lto
W with, aad -ocSicact and oocfa th niad cf '1 W
i t!wfr a&?tt!r. stop- to tvtfert that ivao oof ca. wiS cdr rr to 3 that cf as- , vaJL. withia th bit few da-r?. Ukti
were ;&ar.aad that a. Stnn&rltad
ws o tar. nd sKtuiW aot so rx:d as
a Ha.waaa-
SiTni n&xzza. hitssr had their at-
th Sara?, af !i cX.fci53jsticfii. 1
'satad Sha; they wire aritas to sea fcc.
ftwBBftxiSiStrsflwnajcsfc thastSirria
f pE
; Kaai.id.Brihe duL tiai.thccrft they 1
' wmi Ecsto g to hccif, tier (Sd cot
fwto.toc-that th. had dUI ferj
, theToyJW.addsrwdto- thascooc,,
i CEcaacfcsI wih tie xr5tmct. had er ,
tsZl thai theT wer
-T-ciasr to Ssocr 1
f thhi;
1 t - t . . t r-
r.sn.iii. gHcy aa tag oseu taaaipccaq.
iSIthuT so rnii?p-ia.-:i? it, aor had tier
' th sjeiShss desrr tarstara. to that clacs. !
1. t
" as thfeir mam.
I Thas. as we2 as ta
c jv ptccsaiic a car csa u vxajrt2
, aatoac. to flBpa. t
. wz cor inracor ta: Sis .nrfrats, vfcata. i
, h; so Sirtfajraad arqnrci-U.dT pccCaTi. 1
: 1 his ssajf f Jaanarr 20th. ca tans;
1 , . , ;
:weris: -We wemdrscari that eaters
f t. irr j - . . , 1
yw- rrm?t TFTnf t-t-rnimT- that r
f . . . t
1 T - . " . . .
f,s , - . . ... - , .
r'caaimat Sirs, cc tiiir raSstnatioit a1
daaanid Se." " JttreaifTKfiiars hard.
f th aasfr-ra-ttT-re ecW aad
t jcist. Taeir sccttSf tear ta cuad th
! aiiij? -it:c to drii x ri hers to death."
aad ST ther fed aar en waiair to rch&h
! ail thecr atreatoics. b a EsLi" thcmrhtM
I aad ferieiraitr towards hca. Xcr stcoLi i 4Ter F"
fthataaedseaaEersxTe-l PegI' SL ct
i taaad aotahoar th cco-deiii- wika t5cfi U Chrjscstoca. -the soldea
fieraattheni- Eos ntxa, wiea i"? -rrsooa" U oaito aa-i..,-.
6thir t'i'F rrnex rMrsrTcffSE. sad thra
tae crama o gcas imfr-ni;, a.Tit srsrectcce ,
to tSHi-rrr,? s. f
I to Sestjit ths ijarrathT of ImnW
' pr3str th thciarhs. that ther kaow to
f what a-arkst to triar th-sr warss.
3fi Zatrsst-Ifcare raid at tie last
5-" ,i,f r t j - - i
f fitter, i ccmmnmcarc ia TOcfc I snr f
eaard wkh Saaarrz fcrrfaa the schccfl
raajaia toa sA wheae n-n" cesredf
to rjace her ra tie Sawaahao Fal i
I ceaaaam
t Ii wccH hua tees rm-TTrr ne to
hare erar jessed wi was
mjiugj. iiTi-icr, sy aacnyicca acca- I crt gst2a: cti now,t seeraa, aad ray
nsirxif toarfcre awemaa lararg fcr alerts are rrxuiss- zl Wteoertr I tnve
FlTrTl-r Sm? -r.t I fvr ii. irT--t !
. toaaay, hctafit ratrreaad Bariah, g the
i at- z- t r I 1 -
j 3-iSrcilast weefc The wiae;
to heETO 2ha tae kae-w it to he
ai. wieah pciCae c. I hare rtere; cr
aaj trmf.irrcy, rtfasai to cie a cscsSose
cf gfcase to aay aecfiiag Ear toga to
Karoziaao gririv;?, the tnttuprj cC vizdt
j haae haii, aad ia hax, cry rrrnat j-rna
j, Ot 1ae4&&cjc Jsssszj.Zaej ErMts
I rather hrsnait mea&cCr Crsct the Sxa-
trrycf the Bx cf Bateatxc, rajieav
I'asttaSaeerSiaie'ef t&aBt &cri. t
I grrta tsiezitxsxsr, tvr tie psjeee of
graartsthe ahoce meatasrieii sclceL I
act eery, '"M;tfV;.
RsEfeed Bsm. mW- TrrifrnrTr it
theXS&sc vfarfv'Tticr TfTi giir i hi i T ,
S. F, Gxax,Yrimpr j
f H ja& to A wrt,:ft.-ai thoagfct
TVi wtMl th
&Saj;3tKT rtov t.Vta. ta iijrr." u4
$c$w2t to Jtolj-.iraihas to
1'" t
f orsrwdar'.aastttostsjaM'i rtxjj rf a toat- f
ey t x .a
kjirttiwIVita. It 1 rta ia ti
Wtaia rati, -
tToiojtteigy thai rsJwuo is -rtitess.
t5ci ias i&fc focsdi&a l&aa tk
ssoi. Btt it ti cot fatucr s. tt
Talw cc th.' ss3i tcs it f hcW tilt
t&r sc to bis tsccl wi3w wjcsiip?
Th siimiaite Ewahks of pipwd jr-
f Sasa. tth which we ant wsijwe&J'SK
as nmA a ocr piwcs of nwotal penwp-
othier with thoozhtf tr ahT arthlr ; ,
xaSx a that the tase ccsc ,
. . ,, . , . .
f whai, wa a UiL wiS h aa &n&eat ta
i W cf f-112 woriLaad which ears'
to the cali tn. cf rretwa.
'f Frecr-ta recare piod adnee coca taa read th cartatite. of OtpL Cools
Toxaes caa Oil to r-
Ft.hahac.th.r cfaiats gf&Sl
sorh socros aztt cor w-ard. The bechv ( isjrua the dboorerr of the
which has hithst asthcrttr, arges nost whins he wai to ceet hu dnth.
of XorabK7
eat.at the saass tie, it pre ca aJw
crecsfeati fcr ttsicar mar. aad othxr Owhvh. Oa th 1st of Deceraber. at 6
arts, 13 the sertaaB cf trse wcrshtp.
Moc th socrc cf th Ah ia
, -iiw.u.i., ,
qoestaca. appears ratlur a doofctial oce ;
wheace to extract rijht practical ai5 1$ (
f to th cmtaa! rsiitkcs cf -mcs "
f .i.; k.,, ...j
iisfcrrot&c. DccbtTss -fl chwkt " hici- '
; ffsfcoSwtowociaaikhiBr !
T . ?
r ,
, . , . .
acccrsEc them axxxaOaailr. Tbtr
Z .". ,
WhrlS; ecdeai-gca-i; to srrt radtTaiaal
taaeiaC)css cf wcrshrp.it BcdoohtaST
buhcuTts ererr oce to arcul cazies ef
efiats to these who, thracra w-aiaeas,
.... . . - ?
( are ia ta Battt cc staraccacr. cat on t
wucii thiak, that txh-ocits. there U
Tarfetjia wath to er.-
-- . .1. - . . X I .c
1 Prsaehiaz; evest eertaiar, oast be tav-
F if it si to do aar socd.
stobeiTOdedas arceaEa? to aartfaag
tat trl. rnt J7rTcfc
He read that the Eer. Georie Herbert,
a traff pices efer-rja-aa cf the arreateeath
ceatai-r, ased to betoks tfrTri4f trtqfz'Jr
trataKtTaCT -farvT-rgg totheceghhoc-iar-
cathedral cheer 1st --rarship. where the
beaatffrt fernre wccil refresh Hat Isc re-
....1 r..i 1:. r .
" t . T " 5 "
TUUriCU JfttlWwT, frCitolA UiU us
Fcr the eScti
t7 -7 W T ISA I
- Sennit. Cic-irSr.-
rrfn?.f m- r-warfM T t.t mnfr nrrrl? .- !
-rrrat' Tie worn i 'f.f '"fj!, .TS
cfatlaiaacaeiillraTOajTtoiF111 Iodeed, tie aecoest we hare
wJU - ,! Heaoiala, state,. that allhocgh the
; care ess on. a lew rccsea, yet ur tas
aadkSDirj esSrr to tiie- ca to tie jooa . btsa ercgi to (saae 'JkiU coxtr the
wIcti ti: a rti? cc, tsi tie jtii zid tid raiif, roi to ovev- tbe rege
aretrirfirg ptacc The frw friesda whida I i tiiksa cf the Btore Ierd hraHtrtr
temxa&eix2,iBSGtp-jaasisjtirriig-t The subx!e&ee cf the tdaed haring
at aa, aatl what jj3 acre ca&rraatte, i pbeed teyeed a doaht. it nsssasa to
rheyasiatraeQuea'aEatrsacSbsr- ojs3 "tether the cheeoareECti U to be
laaereratfe to Plf!
IwaesJcraf, ty cor cf iiar jeiotrfxa
Sriai cf xizx, Cat tie Gcverawrt fnptr
wsa ctEig. epos, to sr aa ezaSzaattoa eco
fei-ier a css faaEvlifaaf, the case cf
waeae,I Otse&s, he frsacaacsd Tjia,"
akenw arfeg- V-u desasad,if jon
Tier, aaheariag ha a estistgasdtsae wfeS
a eeeaas jciSsecjier caSe2 VrftUrr, xa4
Saartoaa7eaaiaeTserln&. 3fev
ifc.aMivuf.N mj eyeaaaf acaSagewtafcea
ai, mj iiiiiMi'ij 6t vet,at jttaJ. ntrUhntr
ar t&ttj stU, ta imst tem ceaewheae,
c aa caeee carzes-, a taK&ttocewrefc
eoaaaac Sto atajaattas at tbat racaturiai
teg Use tUtM tfi,wrttjfchit:
trw, (nrA vmkMttte toVtw H Ht
fcTv Us feasoa camtiy, (Mt,'M mil
)& JW, ftW MMt Atesfc Jw, (oc
Sit kxt, pirt of ftHtpHt twfrnMMMK
BsS la J Usettcucw dcVt; ?: icxs
tfrias-j-, six rAf hI K tfc tntVt-
itoreftr to Cat tcwatifelnslUMjtiri.'wko
Sririts lht trrriW. v!
toii. 10& U iiii ta tm ilt4 oevka
a beet tie vfir ISM ? Do w, lr cl I
sarr Bicst jo at ocoe tsi t ;areN.lr to
31 sif tada Tears, trely,
Volcanic I'ktaomrHa
Viaoapt tl taaar exacswrsiol rewrt
. oiaojnsir oer IsaattTal I.kck. wb
pjfyts, v? ars kifpy to fiod cow a4
; tii3 o sckatific arl mow rribil
1 rr1-v,t oa th phM)a;eci fc which r
; fxrs. Tbf folkswh vtid,
'gj tbe Ioo2oo JXn.V -A,
j ticcss to the hlttr tlxss. a cd trill fee
focal cf taterest to ocr wails :
j-jir -pxictj recemd &oa Hoco-
I FiTtL that c5 ta ictifv th
oa a ow tvk. Like Fatitaff. Uawau U
?aw prorit birself to 'have aa aUentj-
lastatiaff. IetC4cccsidtaecT)dQea
Qorrcukta wiH doobtfefs not &ecd to
nati cf Earow ia altitada. Xoooewbo
o cic-ci irs the raoraicg. Eadicy that w
. r - ;-t--J i
r0we (Hi-al. cot choosit-r to accOEtaar
cf. ecborttd ia their caxoe aad wiect
ajhore. Next mmrtrr. we were sarrzsd
to se ta scm-aiLict ice mocaiatEj oa
fW1lTlk nnp) witH T7 Tw
Jeserib the cansersof theia-
reserW aS spS - and the iastE
fce paed ia iiM jocnai-bocK express is
ftaire that he scooil rare Ceea reatl
to esrks tu Toraze "with a decorerr
whichvthoiid! the last, teeraed to be to
rzaay respects the roost taipcrtsat that
had hitherto bees raade by !&aop3ss
thrccshoct the exteat of the PaciSc
Oceaa." A few weeks later he wai slain
bv th stare inhabitant?, whose corner
h had rastakea (or frcdly cooSeoc.
The saows which corered the mosataic
5eea fT (
, - -
doc Cook were cot tbe scows
wiater. The bfVr Pak3 of toe rave
reach tczh above the Emits of Berretaal
5oow. The t-'a.-id iUeJf has aa extent of
of at kast 4XX) ioaare miles. It wiO be
aaderstood. therc&re, that if Hawaii were
reaSy to sctsaie beneath thetertlol the
reran, the pheaomeaa wocld be ooe of
th moist aitoaoSaj that has erer teea
preheated to the eooteatptatioa of ceol-giit3-
A it ii, the fict that aa h2xadof
sacs coosderable extent, and bearing on
tu sartace taoaa tains of ceh iaportanee,
shechi exhibit soch nacistakaUe s;arp
toats of soreideac. aEbrds oce cf the
cost is tfrrstiM' civi&xes cf tfee encrcooa
power cf the earth's sahterraaeaa hearisgs
that we bare erer bad preMrsledlo w.
Bat it cay be asked whether the mean
kret cf aa oeeaa Eke the PaecSccaa pos
sibly be detenrdsed so exictiyastoenaUe
as to appreciate a tarsiioo of lenL which
certainly does net exceed a &w feet in one
part of Hawaii, while is another it has
bees esticated at bat a few inches. It
cast be rerseraberEd. however, that the
tides of the Facifc are very diZerest frcta
those which, we are accsstocaed to ia car
narrower seas. The Padac tides are Tery
Ettle caderstood. bat the pheoceseoa they
pceiest ire chararterrr25 by x sicccHrjJEi
ijmity. A ratssocsry. describing the
Cextores cf the tides near tie Society
rfirtT, itamrka that " the riie i feMota
core than eighteea izekes or two feet
abore law-water mark.' -The Ecderiat
isg regsiirity cf the tide." he xddi, "bio
well csierstood by the natives, that they
cSstiagzTja the besrs of the day by Unas
descriptive cf it state, sneh as the foRow
izx: ' Vbrre is the rider iasteadof.ss
we shccH sxj, 'What orc2oek is itV
The saate pecafctritsea. he sayj. raark the
tides aroaadth 23dwicfc Triarw, ef
which Hawxa U the bszest. It is, tiere-
(XnmS that a VTT I&rht alterXtioa
CKK-fce. weaeetwjt vancw fersaa of
,fnBTfacg, Frritcf aS, there howa bees
caaeato whicil s triet ef eeaaaataahk
exteat fcav aask bseSy fcessaaa the .ware
desist? a aiolest rartluBjuere. Ia aaek
ease, awhiraaw tie- Aaaaeaaaaee 4. Ae
(aaaaaay he eeaete, tae attaal taaathaf
faViuIiyaw kat afaafa beea Saatea tea
fewyasai. Thee aW hare Wee rarteacM
ha wkwt a bay rut j of same has fcaea
kwwai ij- aMeaaiVe saoeaa, awawriagat
tatarraaT if mW
aa taaa, tie aaWHsaee at aacfc afcee has
aac WMW
fnvc rj nmifi "ww rw nvrm
eosvkfA. We Vulitu w nf mMy
jt toM twf h no inKtf ia tw kok
Wd at ta ateift tk ywrtty of a rb-
aorMc ! rtkl extatt, j wwW V
bdieftted by toe rtiwpf witaof
rviwath the ocna, cr t by ta
eerMoa of tin UwWwk.
Itatte tktif Ac fhaoM
oao8ctkd wiA thpNlotWt cr.fril
it b rijrlilly coMMi, it wiUbem
that tho biJoca of the ston of IVaw.
aii btt not b secviMiir or evb pfob
bty accoafiMied by any wintio in
actal aaow of sdW maUer which B
abov the e kwL It wM be roawaiWr-
ed tlttt U JfiowB t cWjtcteffew by
a very teaumble oatfew of noltea mA.
ter aad mad. If the aaeaat of ateHer
thc$ TomitnJ forth be roafAry rMimaVrd
accordiop to toe ex)dee afforded by the
rarrative of the expk!oa. it will trot, wu
thiak. appr iraprolWe that, had the
taatter beea distribntoi uniformly ovk
the woobsarbceof 'the ishrn, it would
have bad a depth of a toot or two at the
least. The sabsidcow of tin island tak
urj the mea between a few lert (rerhaps
thrva or focr) at one oad. a&d a fow inches
at tbe other-orrespooda pretty closery
to sach an oat8ow. It woM $eem. there
fore, as if the island had aeatfr sank to aa
exteat eorrecfoodiag to the eruption of
I nutter Iron beneath. Thas there was an
' interchange of matter between land and
. sea. not a real rain on either side.
I We are strack with the accaracy of ob-
serration luspteyed by those who bare re
! corded the passage of the great waves sent
j across the lVific by the recent earthooake.
i Tbese obserrers noted the increase in the
! ntvrnitcd of these wave in proporUon to
tneir proximity to tee seat orwitnrconce.
We find the How Titos Coan boldly pro
pounding the theory that a great rjonth
Jtraericaa earthqoake was the true cause
cf these wares. "The line of tncreajins
I wave-force, if contused, would infringe,"
says the narrative, "on the Sooth Ameri
' can coast, and we are inclined to look in
: that direction, accordiair to the jcsjwtioa
; of Mr. Coan, for the disturb! na force that
I rolled in these mighty wares." We hare
, a particular reason for dweiline with pleas-
1 ore on the evident care and acateness of
! observers in these regions. According to
the present calculations cf astroaorners, it
I seeats likely that the November shooting
! stars will this year, if seen at all. be risible
only from the .North Pacific Islands; and
Iit is satisftctory to know that there are ob
servers competent to record with accaracy
the phenomena which the shower may
present to them.
! Teeth srsaxcut Tins Ficnox. The
wonders of the magnetic telegraph were
evidently foreshadowed, many centnrics
sso, in the fbQowin? singular fable : S tra
der gives an accoont of a chimerical cor
respondence between two (riends, by tha
help of a common loadstone, which had
seen virtues is it that if it touched two
several needles, when one of the needles
so toothed began to more, the other.
toocgn at ever fo great a distance, moved
at the sama time and in the same manner.
Be tells as that the two friends, being
each of then po&seed of one of theso
needles, made a kind of dial-plate, inscrib
ing it with the foarand-twenty letters, in
the same manner that the hoars of the
day are marked upon the ordinary dial
plate. They then fixed one of the needles
on each of these plates ia sneh a manner
that it co eld move round without impedi
ment, so as to touch aay of the 24 letters.
Upon their separating from one another
into distant coan tries, they agreed to with
draw themselves panctnauy into their
closets at a certain boar of the day, and
to converse with each other by means of
this their invention. Accordingly, when
they were some hundred miles asunder,
each of them shot himself op in his closet,
at the time appointed, ana immediately
cast hb eye cpon his dial-plate. If he
had a mind to write anything to his friend,
be directed his needle to every letter that
formed the words, which he had occasion
for, making a little pause at the end of
every word or sentence, to avoid confusion.
The friend, in the meanwhile, saw his own
sympathetic need! moving of itself to
every letter which that of his correspond
ent pointed at. By this means, they
talked together across a whole continent,
and conveyed their thoughts to one an
other in an instant, otet cities or moant
aias, seas or deserts.
Hoxs BiRiitix. When a mob of
Chinese, in their own conntry, molest some
i Engiisb or Aaerican tojoamer, or go to
the extreme of driving' him from their
midst, they are regarded a barbarians, a
( gunboat or two is sent to demand repara
t lion at the mosth cf shotted (runs, and if
j reparation is refused, the town which shel- j
Iters the offenders is destroyed without !
more ado. We are bound by treaty, as j
; "tu u uj cor pretense o( superior ravuf
; atioo and humenity.to accord tbe Chinese
r in the United States the same protection
. and toleration which we exact for our own
' people when abroad. Bat we oftener re-
I podiate than beed the oblieation. and the I
; Chinese Uorersment is nnable to retort i
, the taetxi of sammary coercion which the
snpenor race a go ready to practice, its
; citizens are dairy awanfted witboot proTO
t cation in oar streets, and the romans are
I seldom arrested. lately, at Unionville,
Xerxda, an fflefal assocatioa has drives
t from that place all the Chinese residing
mere, wimoat regard to tneir ng&U or
property or dornidL It is cowardly and
difgracefal to permit iscii treatment of a
race from whoa we ate aeaiBg and expect
ing so mack Cur osrselrea. Were this
treatment retoSated epos Americans In
China, the whele power of oar Govern
ment would be eaaloycd to resent it and
prevent K repetition. Tbe wont barba
rians are those who eioalt their violations
of the rights of the desfiied and helpless
nnder the name of CbriMian eirilization.
It U high time that tbe aatfcorities use
the power they poeaeat to paeUh such
aTetebex,wboaM a reproach to the Aster
ieaa came & F, Bngctin.
Usdes the fieanae antes, the c
ef iMjaor stoat Batoa has inercaseil
frMl4tteto3He.aai in oOsriaef
thevStole tie tnCc esafttts a cce-rasfoad-tae
fireJiaeaa, The aaToeatcs of probtbi
ties hwg a ,ajwty w the paseat legiok
tare. asd the licaasc hw wi H be repeafeeL
Maawa4Ie the Beats aeSee aetfcoritiM
mt hmirraf riiaatlwa is order le fee
aaattoaaaae W Ite bciaiatafe a gooi z-
A xaa im faajwi, W lately iron taea
fcetaafakalk. JU aaa act a wsti safer
MTMrtAtaT CMSt) Wl4rhaa) Mmf tC3KlC Sritf
pajjiaw ffPaeBasaBjavaip vPaW 41
. 1 aat a to a
PACflf LIN1&
juvxiiax ttaan im. "
Jr3 aWft aaHnjjSjaaWawW
x. i. Mautnawv
For Mabt aa
Ta CairaT, Salwielj A 1 StMmhtf.
4Nfc IDAHO, Jflfc
SsMlahtMHl Sab. Ji mhimho.
WHltxtii WretaraoateattatHaufc
H, Hi mM hms is or att Mtwek 1M.
l.ibprnl Adrwneo Jlmln alt
Sfci afiaeavtM avr aiNvaMa
Carta for Po Trt'mu W WMairaa
at the J-ttaatr WanaoaM, aa wolfa far
the fa tlvta by th aaawriftBtd. Ko
eharjta fee tUTf cr eartaga. tit ruia ta
anhwMa a4 toaa Vy Ae 9iMfiva.
Initruw guariolMtl at laaw rtM kkM br
(iliac rMlt. farUeolar ce tokta ef tk!
mtnU of Frelt.
AU orrt for 0k4 t he aarcaMMl la Saa
FranciM, wffl V rtettrta aac Uhi by reUra
at Stcamr.
jTSUpBitat frcM Krfe tmi tVelraited
StatM, IntendtJ tat thce Iriaad. Ut be i.
eetv bt lit Conpa&x ta Saa IHeette. U
eaatbrata ta thtm, aad b forwanM by their
Stramrs to Hooolaia, mi or cBiKck, x
ctptactaal ctlj.
uTaweajttrt arc reaaata ta tahathttr
Uciu bror 13 o'clock oa tk day of talllag
aatl to procaio their Pawport.
AU bin aeatctt the rHmatn bbI ba fre
MatntWfere. two o'clock uw.Hw Jay of.Wkll
inr, or ttoj will hart to lay. over till tin te-
turn of tae Stauaer for ntBtaiaU
l-3a, Aats.
For San JFrncioo.
Ta (oUowfas rlra-OM Yet- M
ttls will raorrfrakrly lath JIHt
Honoiojo use:
ClVaJtA X.
Eor Frtirht or Paiafe, havtac Sopcrlor
AeeotBtBoJatioai for Caiui aa4 Stcerara Fat
Msgers, apply to
l-3a Ageats.
Wakeg's Landing.
WKST, Maxtor,
Will run rtgolarly between Boaolala and
the above aarsed ports. For frelghU or pas
fagef , apply to the CaptMaton board, or to
lra Amenta.
Fof lie .Mi Ommm, Ikwtii.
Schr. Annie,
Will nm as a regular packet to the aboTO
ports. For freight or paaiago app'j to
1-Zm tTALEER it ALVES, AgtnU.
HtJoI WNl KMIUlllrfNI IrlrWaW
dm. Schr. Active,
tt'til ran aa a jegaUr packet to th ahovo
port!, f-aehaig at IAHAIKA. Forfreigbtor
pattago apply to
l-3a Agents.
For Nawiliwlli, Kauai.
tbu cumK scaooxxa
H A T T I E,
Carry! lit Htxcuan Mail widmt SUiif t
Will Ieara Beaaeala Sewry Saturiay,
at Foor o'clock r. a., Ketaraiag, wQI leave
Sawniwili erery Tuesday artcrnoon.
For Freight or PMe. apply to
Rmbr Piakt m Nil
1STOXE, Xatter,
Will ma rerslarir as a Packet between Hoco-
lala aad Hilo. For tre!at or aware, apply
oa board, or to CHUSG 11CK',
1-3 ra Agent.
Eaaajjr Pafjiaf W HaJaLai.
3a Schr. Kamaile,
Wfll ran at a regular packet betaCka Umbo-
lala aad Jblaxai, tonkmg at KaBaakakal
aadPakoo. For freight or paMaft apsly to
the Captaia an board or
I-3a H. Ageat
fkmk avpnamm ar
ASB TUK aixa;
Bmfrvl by rery Meaaer alu
or toJfaUe tarltflee km tha Gaaate, coaavbtac
The ! eaaaeetaaa af jjaeaat
TotetMajMibbCowC ankntylMcrKx.
Tin ley rtlwwM lo a awlr iwc AdeVcM
r. ITalWIM,
m WMtiaafaa Stnrt, !W S
701 13MRP.
aaa. a im c
JT1 eehMCMrfar
aa ia aayi
t- MM)
Mat Wilt KAYB
aaw in 1 ar tawa, aa saiUaa ara
I aaafcaaa. aai aa tMaaal aa aaaaaa)
awaaa. laejaow of
m. m. Maemwtm, .
-5 : ae-
.LitjmLui ay tie aases
aaaafcahaeaaaf'iaiiiiii, innf wtienmegMa i
JerC, (aa (kr vmuierf cf irr &a
a X"lf fcaftrfWaf Mt StMVCTCMl
It aagears tSaC. toe
afOe aaL aagaa iflaataacs
JalkMKf MHMflt VpHL
!. jwagaeaaaaeaawc in fcafcjKtocaaaraaC t

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