OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, October 12, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1870-10-12/ed-1/seq-4/

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PtiBnii Thinking.
Ir be i en thinking, I're been thinking,
iT White glorloue worM were this, .
Did folks xntnd their DutlaeM more.
And laina their neighbor's lets;
For instance, 70a and I, lay friend,
Are,e41j prone to talk
Of matters that concern m not
r- . And other! fulliea mock.
Tre been thinking. If we begin
To mind onr own affairs.
That poaIblj.oor.nelghbori might ,
CMtrfr tomaneg theirs.
We've ftnlu enough at home to mind;
""It may be so with otters.
It wonld ein strange If It were not,
Since an mankind are Lrotbera,
Ohl wtmld that we had charity
Tor every man and woman ,
orglvene U the mark of thoea
JThe koow to err It human."
men lei CJ muih Jealousy,
'WLet'a lift onr fallen brother;
And as we Journey down tlfee road,
Do good to one aoother
Culture of Mile in California.
Since the subject of silk culture was first in'
trod Deed into California, through the exertions
and patient industry of the lite lamented Hons.
Preroat, and 'others, it has ndvanced with rapid
strides, stimulated by the wonderful capabilities
,01 the climate and soil. Thus far, the main at
tention has been given to the species of silk
worm known as the Bomhyx Mori, or mulberry
feeder,, which, ulways lias-proved to be the most
valuable silk-worm known. But of late years, a
mottjfrieDaMv rijalhas made its appearance , in
JSnrope, where lUhos been jperimentedlwitb bo
successlully tnat it soems destined to be largely
introduced into .the United States, j.wliere it
promises to make a favorable impression from its
intrinsic value.
AilantbicuUure has proved a most promising
industry; wherever tried. ''Its iutro'duction here
can never impair or supplant the success of any
other species, as it is so exclusive in its way. It
will be, rather, a most valuable assistant and sup
plement to agncuUnre,' by bringing into use come
lands which have been considered valueless. As
the worm is perfectly hardy and self-dependent,
it can be raised, on an extended scale, in the open
air, with a Bimple covering of gauze to protect
the worms from the birds. He will be considuied
a public benefactor who will be the means of
properly introducing into the State, and putting
wpracticai use, this most profitable industry,
who will demonstrate the valuo ior commercial
purposes of a tree so long neglected and abused,
as the Ailanthus.
some, this branch of sericulture may be
new, and tbe.principles for the raisine the worms
may be thought to be tedious or difficult. Not
so : the culture, though analogous to that of the
common silk-worm, is so easy and simple, so
economical and interesting, that a child could
uuderstund it in a few hours, and because of its
most . fascinating surroundings, would become a
devotee to entomology. One circumstance which
renders the cultivation of the Ailaotlius and the
dlk-jrorm so simple and easy, is the most extra
ordinary facility with which they can bo reared
in portio'ns of the country where other pursuits
would be difficult, tesree and costly.
The Ailanthus will flourish on any soil, even
when sterile or very moist, for it is easy to grow,
in Kogtaod and Holland, and other moist climates,
the AHanthns tree grows luxuriantly, and the
irtfest attains a large size and makes n firm
ooooon. In moist, dry and barren situations, the
tree wtH grow and thrive unlike any other. The
day seems net far distant when this species of
werm will be cnltivated 011 an immense scale in
California, and with the gicatest success, for it
will, become a source of pleasure aud profit to
many by opening up unemployment to hundreds
of women nd children, in parts of the country
where no other branch of labor could be as
profitable, for S market is now open fur all the
cocoons and silk that can be raised from the
Bomhyx Cynthia.
The first introduction of this noted species in
Europe, was about the year 185G,,throngh a Pied
mobtese missionary, Abbe Fantoni, who sent
them trj France. The eggs were received in the
inelftli'or November, and in the following spring
were jcarefnliy hitched. .Various ikiods of food
were offered them and rejected, until some leaves
of the Ailanthus Glandobsa were tried, jvlijch
were quicklv - seized upon, and of which the
wbrmiat4 very greedily. This proved to bo the
real food of the worms, and from theifmove
rnents it was conceded to be the only proper
food. Kxpcnence has since proved this view to
beconSt!..-' r
Regarding the Ailanthus silk, everything is in
its furor, as the qualities of this new textile
fabric haro'becn carefully studied and appreciated
by those who have hud n keen eye to the subject.
It has aWbeen well tested by the manufacturers
at Lyons and Roubaise, and indorsed by the em
irjenCPrWeor"of Chemistry, DrVSacc, at Wes
serling. The silk is easily cleanedxwiil taken
dye equally as well, and permit a finerjrloss even
tbtS Ja& ilkf.of "the 'J&vxlyx 'Jiuri. ' One'oii.'tBo
most clever and noted weavers of France, Mons.
de Gough, has discovered, after careful and ju
dirionj experiments, that " the gloss of the ailan
thus silk far sopasses any other known varieties
of bourre de soil," wVile the immense utility of
the-cnltivatioo of this species in France has been
proven by he remarks of Father Incarville, who
said, - the silk produced from the ailanthus lasts
double the time of that produced by the mulberry
woim, does not spot so easily, and washes like
linen." The strength of this silk is Very great,
the cocoons are easy to crd and spin, and leave
no residne ; while it is a most excellent stuff for
ose in all manufactures where bourre (floss,) is
The culture of this Ailanthus worm, on a larse
scale, is e&timated to be practicable at one-third
the cost of the mulberry worm, while it will
furnish in abundance a much stronger and finer
floss.' It has been proved, beyond question, that
the well-known Indian foulards, whose durability
bas made them famous, are composed entirely of
Ailaa lhas silk..,
The demand for this species of silk is now on
tie. increase in Karope, where it is known to be
datable and serviceable, and its cultivation on a
Urge sola is projected.
Among the peculiarities of this species may
be mentioned the tact that tbe cocoon is not
formed like others, bat the worm takes a zig-zag-coarse,
making tho cocoon appear open at the
ends. Hence tbe difficulty in reeling it, as its
weight makes it sink in the water, in the attempt
to reel it, and at has heretofore been carded and
span, like wool or cotton; A remedy will soon
be found for this defect, for experiments are cow
being made in France, to ascertain a method
whereby it can be reeled like other silks. Some
of tbe cocoons will reel from E00 to 1,100 yards
or silk in a continuous thread Tbe moth, when
emerging by its own instinct, does not cut the
strands or silk of which the cocoon is composed,
(as does the mulberry worm.) bat gently forces
its 'way'throBjb-the opening, leaving the cocoon
intact, without n broken thread. It makes a
beautiful and durable sowing silk, for vhich pur
pose alone it will be a valuable acquisition. The
color of the silk, m its natural state, is a brown
ish grey, the cocoons'being elongated in form, of
veryrclose tissue, 1J6 to. 1 iinches'Iong, and
about inch broad, varying in size and weight.
The cocoon is cot formed like that of the mul
berry silk-worm. The worm, in weaving it, makes
an -elastic opening, as described, in a zig-zag
course, pushing the body towards the side to
make room, placing the thread in a longitudinal
way. to the extremity of the opening, fastening
each thread to the other, then returning to the
Erst in a parallel way; and when the moth is
born, these threads are gently pushed aside with
its atteume as well as its mandibles, and not cut,
but only turned over in a most nimble way, so
that cocoons from which the moth has emerged,
may be reeled off in an unbroken thread.
The material, when carded, yields a floselle, or
Hoes' sille, of which there is an immense con
sumption in France, being manufactured under'
the name or fantaisie, or galette. It is used in
large quantities ut Lyons and Roubaisc, where
the writer visited last year. Ity mixing it with
thread and wool, it is used largely in the manu
facture of fancy stuffs. It is estimated that the
consumption is bo large in these districts that
the yearly import from abroad of the raw mate
rial, is 1,200.000 kilogrammes, to supply the mills
in France alone.
Tlic l'celln: In AuMrln.
'Whoever will take tbe trouble to examine the at
titude of tbe Austrian press, must come to tbe con
clusion that there la bardlv any party of respectable
strength throughout the Empire which Is lavortble
to an alliance of Austria n Itb France, and that the
Government, In joining France, would take a step a
buudrrd times mure hazardous tban tbe war of IdGG.
Considering the deceptive cable dispatches by nblch
tbe French Government seeks to lead net Ay public
"opinion, It Is of greaHuterest to note the language
ot the leading papers of tbe several ureat nationali
ties nltu regard to tbe war.
As regards tbe nine millions of Germans In tbe
Empire, their attitude la almost as decided as that
of tbe North and Soutb Germans against France.
Only one paper ot Vleuna, tbe organ ol Ibe Ultra
montane aristocracy, dares to declare tts sympathy
with France; all the otbcis emphatically blame
France fur the war, and though tin-J admit that the
Germans of Austria liud it dilBcult to ejuiputLize
witb the Prussians, who, in 1S06, expellcd'tliem
from Germany, they declare It to be impossible to
withhold their sjmpatbj from tbe German nation
when German territory is invaded by tbe hereditary
toe of Germany. Tbe provincial papeie speak In the
same way Tbe Liberal Associations in Grutz, tbe
capital ol Styrla, recommend to all Liberal Associa
tions of Austria, the adoption of tbe fulloning reso
lution: " We recognize In tbe war between France
and Germany au Impudent attempt tp rob Germany,
and we therefore demand of our Government that It
preserve In this war the strictest neutrality; (or we
tnnot declare an alliance of Austria "1th the arch foe
of tbe German nation of be treason airaiust Germany,
and Immense misfortune for Austria."
I he cable dispatch wlilcu two weeks ago an
nounced that Hungary bad declared In favor ot
France, Is alto found to be utterly untrue. Onesin
gle paper of Teeth, which supporUthe Government,
expressed French sympathy, but all the other pa
pers of. the Hungarian capital so emphatically dc
clarcd against this manifestation that tbe Govern
ment declined all responsibility for tbe article, and
declared, in union witb all tbe political parties, in
favorof absolute neutrality.
Tbe Czechs, tbe ruling nationality In Bohemia and
Moravia, and tbe Poles of Galicta, bave the frank
ness to pay that they do not care at all about tbe
fate of Austria, provided the course of events will
favor tbe particular interests of tbeir nationality.
The Poles, moreover, add that If Russia joins one of
the belligerent parties the Poles will, of course, give
tbeir whole sympathy to tbe other. ;
It seems barely possible that, with such a dispo
sition of the prominent laces, any Austrian states
man should again be foolhardy enough to stake the
very existence of tbe Empire upon a new war with
Prussia". X. T. Tribune.
The Influence or Thees on- tue Public
Health. A correspondent of the Scientific lUvun,
writing 011 tbe proposal of Mr. Lord to "remove
trets from the vicinity of dwelling bouses, ou tbe
score of tbeir Injurious influence on health, says:
"Their electrical Influence upon the health Is quite
as remarkable. By absotbitigoremitllngclectricity,
according as it is deficient or in excess, they main
tain a natural electrical slate of atmosphere arouud
them, and we nil know how intimately atmospheric
electricity Is connected vtitb disease. Without
trees, there is always a deficiency ol electricity, con
sequently a deficiency of ozone, and, the cir is not
la its naturally healthy state. Tbey act in like man
lier as regains beat, cooling the atmosphere at even
tide, during the hut Summer mouths, by rapid radi
ation to space, wbile tbe streets and squares with
out trees remain hot and close, so that the unfor
tunate metropolitan boutyeoltc is oiteu well high
stifled. I could 'dilute upon the direct and practical
benefits derived from trees arouud our dwellings,
but I wished to say a word upon their moral cflVcts
upon the healthy action of a green bough upon
thV mind, Its southing Influence after afatlguing
day in tbe city. It would, Indeed, be not only an
ignorant, but a cruel act, to deprive the lindens and
elms that adorn the surburban'residences ol'tbb
metropolis of one single bought Lcttbem spread,.
ler JthVmgrow, le) the Winter wind and Summer,
sun slream through them as of yore, and before
the houses which tbey- adorn were built. If needs
beJIk'tio'cV down ihVbjuse,;lnce iifcamejtolbe
tree, aud not tbe tree to it ; but, for tbe sake of
humanity and of science, touch not a' single bough
of the greenwood treel On the outskirts uf Lon
don let ms always say, witb our Immortal Shakes-
4Theea treea ahalt bo my books, '
And lo thf Ir barks mjr thought Til character.' "
Journal of Horticulture.
We frequently see published In tbe newspapirs
and perodicals-of tbe day, epitaphs -which are
rithcr,prov6catlve ot laughter 'than of the serious
thoughts which such things are supposed to Induce.
Of all we bave ever seen the folio n Ing Is among the
most original or Its class. Our artUtbos happily
reproduced tbe artistic portion of tbe monument,
which Is to be found in Middle Pennsylvania, where
so many rare things come lrom.
"Sacred to tbe Memory
Born June 37, 1821 of Henry Harris
- ' - and Jane bis wife.
Died oc the 4th or May 1S37 by the kick
of a colt in his bowels.
Peacable and quite, a friend to bis father and
mother, and respected by all who knew bin, and
went to tbe world where horses dont kick, and where
sorrows-andTreepimr. ia no more."
A good story is told.of a Gbu-irow merchant who
on his deathbed sent lor a Free Cbnich clergyman.
Having some fears regarding his future prospects,
beasked thereverend gentleman: "Do yon Ibluk, if
I were to leave 10,000 to tbe Free Kirk, tbat my
soul would be saved t " Well," answered tbe cau
tious minister, "I couldn't just premise you tbat;
but 1 thick It's an experiment well worth trying.'
Tiirrunx of nil: Catholic Bishops.
Most of the American Roman Catholic
Bishops have now returned from Rome,
and have undertaken to offer the public
explanations of the infallibility dogma.
According 'to the reports of their addres
ses,vthere is singular diversity of opin
ion among them, as well as a very conflict
in" estimate of the importance of the
rlnrrrrm itself. ArchbisllOD Purcell, of
Cincinnati, was one of the boldest of our
American prelates in his opposition to the
dogma while at Rome, and it seems that
his views have not been essentially chang
ed by the fact that the Pope had his own
way in the end. In a receut address, de
livered at Cincinnati, he declared that the
Pope speaks infallibly only when he
speaks the truth, and that if he shonld
deny any doctrine of the Church, he
would become a heretic, the same as the
most fallible man. "Therefore," the
Archbishop declares, "If he denies any
dogma of the Church held by every true
believer, he is no more Pope than either
you or I, and so in this respect this dog
ma of infallibility amounts to nothing as
an article of temporal government or
cover for heresy." This is rather bold
language for a Roman Catholic. prelate to
litter, but we have no doubt that it will
meet the approbation of the large major
ity of intelligent Catholics in this country.
Thefact is that the infallibility" question
is one which has chiefly interested the
clergy; "the masses took wry little inter
est in it. When our .American Bishops
have done explaining it, the world will
go on just as if the Pope were as liable
to make gross blunders as the New York
Tribune itself.
Stealing a, Ghave. The conversation turning
one evening upon tbe propensity to steal (accumu
late was th'e" word more often usid to ixpress" a vio
lation of tbe eighth commandment) which was
much more prevalent In some commands than in
others, one of the officers said that the most singu
lar theft that be had ever beard. of bad been'com
mltted that' day. It-was no less than the "stealing of
a grave.
"Stealing a grave I" was echoed In astonishment
from all sides. '-'ImpossiblelV " Absurd 1" "Can't
be done I"
"But It was done," Insisted the officer; "and I'll
tell you bow. You know tbat the el Regular",
and the th Oregon Volunteers are brigaded
together and camped side by side. Each regiment
had a death yesterday, and to-day tbe regulars made
preparations to bury their man. Tbey sent out a
party to dig a grave beyond tbe guard Hues, and' in
the mean lime they were making tbeircorpse ready.
The volunteers bad tiielrs all ready over night; and
no sooner was the regulars' working parly out of
sight alter the grave was dug, than the volunteers
started tbeir escort, marched quick time, I guess
stralght.to tbe grave, burled thelrman and covered
hlinup; and when the regulars came round with
tMr funeral, they found that the volunteers bad
actually stolen tbeir grave." From Waifls from
"Field, Camp aud Garrison, In Ltpplncolt'i Magazine
for Septemler.
The.Sdez Canal Not Yet Profitable. While M,
de Lesseps is being feted and caressed in England
bis Council of Administration io Egypt bave found
tueuselvcs under tbe neeessity ol making an an
nouncement which may tend to cool tbe enthusiasm
of that gentleman's hosts. The Council has issued a
notice that as the income of tbe Canal has not been
sufficient to allow of tbe payment of the coupons
either of tbe shares in circulation or of tbe " delega
tions" representing the 176,602 shares taken by tbe
Government of Egypt, such payuentisthetefure "ad
jou'rne'd." It is, of course, prombedtbaltbecoupons
in question shall take precedence of all future dis
tribution of dividends, but tbe fact remains tbat the
Canal bas not as yet earned a minimum income. Most
people will be sorry to hear of this announcement, as
it tends to destroy confidence in an underlining the
completion of which, even toils present state, reflects
high credit upon both its projector aud engineers.
bull, it only proves tbe truth of tbe predictions so
freely made tbat, whatever the success of the Canal
as an engineering scheme 01 unusual Tuodncss, it
would not be for many years a paying speculation to
its shareholders. There is little hope of .further sup
port from the French Government now tbat tbe Em
peror bas engaged. In the even more costly experf
moot of war witk Prussia.
Prof. Secciii has shown that tbe apparent dis
placement in tbe domed St. Peters, which a French
traveller rrcentl) made considerable noise about, is,
I11 reality, uu cauee for alarm, and lias pointed out
that it Is only one of.the slight irreguluriticsrvvuich
a close examination reveals in tbe enormous build
ing. He remarks tbat while the inclination uutlts
St. Peter's for a lrignonietrical station, it indicates
no Instability of tbe structure. Tbe traycler was
auo '.mlslfckeri .In .thlDklug-bis ouaerritionVt'.Ecw
one, for the inclination Is mentioned In a book
primed in
The Queen of Prussia bad sent tbe follon Ing tele
Tram to Gen. Hertvarth de Bittenfeld: "In the-
jojful and grateful emotion. I feci at the victories
ofjonr armies, I send yon.taday two . gold medals;
one for the author and one Iur the composer of tfie
song, 'Die Waeht am Khein,' in whlcbtbe passion
ate patrlotfism'of our cftlzens and soldicrs'tlas so ad
mirably found expression, and which bas become a
real national song of Germany." On the'face of the
medals is the bust of the Kliir, and on tbe reverse
the tfciarcs 1S70, surrounded by a banrel.
A uas with four wives was brought .before Hans
Snarilbart, u Mohan k justice, for commltteut 011 a
charge of bigamy. "Fourvlvesl" exclaimed the
astonished Hans. "Four vlvcbf Dal vus a moat
biuoclous crime! Dischircb him at yonst. "YVb) i"
protested the prosecutor; "Why discharge Will,
wheu tbe proof Is positive f Will the court ex
plain J" " Tea, I tcksh'plancs. Off he Ills nill four
Tives, be got bunisbment enough. 1 Uf mit von,
and I got too much bnuUhmeut already."
A few days ago two vouug ladies redding in Ban
gor were awakened by a uoiee at the open window
of their chamber, in the second story of tbe bouse.
Upon looking out the found that a ladder was set
against the window sill, and a man softly climbing
up. Just before be reached the top, tbe girls seized
the upper end of tbe ladder and threw it over to Ibe
ground, man and all. Tbe intruder escaped severe
Dextxk, Colorado, receives an average amount of
3,500 pounds of fruit fnim California every day.
A Jewish Rabbi, from Jerusalem, in full Oriental
costume, bas been in Xatbville, several days,
soliciting aid for the Hebrews of the Holy City.
Most f the people of Alsace speak either nothing
Tint German, or else "North-German and French."
In fact, tbe German of Alsace Is one of the broadest
and most corrupt of tbe Suth German dialects,
and is unintelligible to North-Germans.
Tue New Tork Herald is claimed to be worth $3,
000,000; the Tribune, tl.SSO.OOOr' tbe Times. $1,066.
000; the Journal ot Commerce, SOO.OOO; tbe Eve
ning Post, $700,000; tbe Sun, $360,000; the World,
$400,000; and the Express, $300,000.
A ladt of Silt Like City, recently bearing of
''The Merry Wives of Windsor," asked bow many
wives Mr. Windsor bad, and in what part of the
city be lived.
A Ruubox. The
best writing "To right
As Extractor.- The crow Is said to be the first
corn extractor on record.
imeii(;haintdie, &o.
Haw'n Bark R. C. WYLIE,
3X"o"W Due
cosaiETiso'dF-'.' li "Ji h
Silk, Woolen and Cotton Dress Goods
Clothing and Hosiery,
Broad and Brilliant Cloths,
Sridtllcry, Groceries,
PalntH and Oils,
Wall Pnper,
qts k pts Deetjen & Schrooder's Star brand.
Best French Clarets and Brandy,
Rhine Wine, Genuine Holland Gin,
in oases and in bulk,
SiKirJiliiifr Hock, in 'quarts and 'pints,
Fort Y'iiic,'IIoIT'K 3I:tU' Extract,
Ladies,land' Gents' Boots & Shoes3
- -IV, !;:;. -'
ofthe beat'malie and manufacture,
- sis ) . r f-J'
2 Splendid Rosewood Cottage Pianos;
of the newest pattern, and unsurpassed in bril
, j i I ljSiey'bf tons'; pf . jP
"Three Large'Burglarand'Fire-proof Iroffcfafeii
..euoH taojrf. j.t
. -
A .Variety; of .Other. Articles,
Too Numerous to Mention;
Suitable for Town and Country, Trade,
1 'r
gS For Sale on.the most Reasonable Terms.
-. ..' f- .- ; .t )ir ut 1
.n .! "' iA -id;
Es: s&TaTx Iolnnl,
!cJiUHRAYfsJTresbOysters,w 'Jvl
lio. 1 Hawaiian Rice, Best Island Paddy,
' .; . -1!,' ft 'H "Vll! '
Manila Rope IJ, 2, 2 and 3 inches.
- n r. t - yz
Havana Cigars tbe best in the market,
WSni'f California and LimburjT Cheese, 2"
Boxes Salad Oil; Century i Fore it. Rose Tobacco,
, New Styles of Ladies' Trimmed Hats, ,
GcnU' Furnishing Goodf, American, ie, le,
For Sale Cheap,
at the Store of .
Fort Street.
Honolnln, Sept. Uth. 1S70 35-tf
FAIili TRADE 1870
Best A I Hawaiian
7ZT The abore Beef is packed by an experienced
Buteter, enrol In Liverpool Salt, and packed in
Turk's Iland Salt. Tbe best references can be
giren. For sale in quantities to suit by
Honolald, Sept. 14th, 1ST0. 35-Bin
Best Arbroath Flax Canrai.
for'sale by (12) B0LLE5 A CO.
Hawaiian Bark R. C. WYLIE,
From Bremen,
Carefully Selected
English, German & French
Clothing, Hosiery, Hardware,
Rhine Wine, Frcnrli Wine,
Slicrry aud Iorl,
French Cognac & Holland Gin,
Hcitlsick & Co's Champagne,
Klc. Etc. Kc. Ktc.
For Sale at the most Reasonable Rates
Consisting in Part of
Finest White all Wool 4-4 Flannel.
Finest White all Wool A Angola WhiteFIannela
Good Grey ami White nil Wool
Flannels, 10x4 Bleached Sheeting,
ThotnpsonVGlore-Fitting Corsets,
Auoskeag Denims, Jeans, Drills and
Bleached and Unbleached Cottons.
A Sup'r ass't of Stationery,
Water Lined N(e Paper, ,
White Ruled Note Paper,
White Ruled Laid Leaf. Letter and Bill Paper.
White, Cuff and Amber and Letter, and Note
t : $ EnfelopeaV!-- f j ' j 1
"Payson'a Indelible, apri Carter's Copying Ink",
Artists' A Book-keepers' Flexible Rulers,
, .Smith )UWeason.'a.PJstf Is a Cartridges,.
Hair Girths. Stirrups t.Leatbers.n IJ M
S-ankn'frecVCrourerran'd Bridles" U "'
Oak Belting, Street Bro-nns,
, Wood, Jauects, Lamp, Black, , . -
A i v.- jsmulri t Krisi? 4AtOV
Italian I'sicUIiifr I.ace (.cntlier,
lie J Ji tl . T li'I
Paints; Oils,.- &c.
' i
' J
White Zinc k Lcal,'lD 12 ft 25 lb conUinen,
T : I '! al
OS rh'mmi! Y-WaV'nmfeV?. Sfcf,Pr& l' 1
Patent Drjer.-Vennillioo,
, Whiting 1'ian, Blrj JoJJr. .
Carriage and Coach -Varnishj
Bright, Copal and Garniture Varnish,.
Boiled LiDice-l Oil, Turpentine, :
Mason's Blocking. Co'Dce Mills,
Axe. Pick, Slelge. Adi! II6e,'Oo, '
Hammer A Chisel Handles,
. Woo) Cards, Saddles, Enameled .IriiDks, , .
J, . J fx . ' f vj j-i . il t i .
finnnprq' Tnnk.
Croiers, llowels, and Charopering Knifes,
?G Carpenter's Planes,
- Fore, Smooth. Jack A Jointers, ;
Cut Nails, 3.4. 6. 8. 10. 12. 10. 30,40, JO and
0d. Boat Nails. 1,'U.IJ a 2 inch.
Pressed Nails. 2 k Ji inch,
' Cooper's Rifets. 4 h Ttflhs: ;
Copper Rivets T Burs, iTi,
Ik inch, Girnil Tacks,
Iron k Coprier Tacks nf all shes.
BesV Robber Ifosei . !,1, 1 a J.Inch,
Centrifugal. Varni-h. Paint. While-Wash
and Scrub Brashes. C"tM Tin Pails,
i,.l.X3.4f. 8. 10 k I2qaartl,i - .'
Covered PlnrPallsVDippeTlV " ,l
Dish and Milk Pans.
Jenningsbits, soldering irons. T hinges, steels,
Hammers,'Gauges, Squares, Chiselj,:. ,J . i
Angers. Sieves. Lime Squeeters,
Yard Stieks. Bang Startera, Axel',
Shnrels. Spades, Ons. Lanterns,
Eagle none. A and O Plows and
Points. Paris Plows, extra heary and strong.
Protoxide of Imn, Pain Killer,
Poland's White Pine Compound,
Pails, Tabs. Brooms, Etc., Etc'
Downer's Kerosene Oil,
From the Boston 'Honse.
And Many Other Articles
AVING made arrangements for regular
fl.v... .nl Kan., mm f.flr lit mam for lain 111
quantities, fto'd at prices to tail cartumrrSr
Orr Snnday moraine last,r a Soe.fainging
and Terr lame Canari Liid. It ia marked with
dark spota on the back of the neck. and op tbe tiff cf
its wins;s. Any lerson retcrniss; the lama tn the
Post Ofiee, will be literally rewarded. ,;
Ilnltcrmann. - - te JInsr,
Market TVliarf,
To Arrive,
The following Tesscls, boit En Rente
Hawaiian Ship "Iolani,"
American Ship "Ceylon,"
American. Bark "Nabob."
rpiICSE CAI1GOCS consist of the usual
Assortment or
Groceries, "
Oak Timber,
Cumberland Coal,
Paints, &c.
Bricks, Cement,
Kerosene Oil,
Lamps, &c.
Pine Barrel Shooks,
, Sugar Keg Shooks,
i 1,1
' Oil Cask Shooks,
Hoop Iron, Fence Wire,
Bar Iron, Wpodenware,
Burlaps, 'Bagging,
33 3m
-BY TllE-
A Fine Assortment of
Ship Chandlery,
Croceries, &c.,
TTTtTifF TT r t Tr nni t
On the Most Reasonable Terms.
rEST CNGMSII Portland Cement
JL lost arnrcj per Dark K. C.
WTMIT, mod for
sale hv
i B0LtK3 COi
HUMP CUliUACi;,-sites from -2 to 7 inch:
Also Ilotis'lne. Mnrliue. Wpruiiine Sajiiojr.
S(un-jarn, 4c'.. Just rtceited per K. C. "R'YLIB, aoJ
fir sale bj
33 E0LLB5 A CO,,
VliitULS COAL TAIt.-per It. C. WYLIE,
and fur tale bj
38 B0LLE3 A CO.
BEST OOMJE.V GATEFrimilr riour,
iraktr s Extra, and Suiei&ije Fluur. received
H' COJ1ET, and for sale bj
BLACK I'AINT.-receired per It. C. WTLIE,
and far sale bj -. i
' r BOLLEfi'A CO.
.f i.. 'A ,i ... J wOC-'
I uiiii.i ai,r.f sup Tom J to li locb,
J receired per R. O. WVLIB,
ud f.r .ale by (.IS) ' B0LLESA.CO.
RKO 1IKICK, a few thousand nf the Terr best
qnalitr. just receired bv the COMET. .! rr
a.e bj
3 - BOLLE3 A CO.
CALIFORNIA LIJll-JOO barrels, lost re
r celrpl freah frori tli'a Kiln. - - ft . i
afid.f.;r sa'ejix (38) BOLLEffA Col
Tl,Tc3IimitAYS OYSTi:itS,-ln 1 andllb.
llJL cant. Fur tale br
H ' - B0LLE3 A CO.
lo ltond.' for Sale bjr
? . iJOLLES A CO.,
'(UYiiS, nesr 'Q5aIUrrPhUarCoa!,
UU ex Bark STERLING. Caot. llardin!r.
Fur sale bj
3 . B0LLE3 A CO.
Quick Sales and Small Profits!
i Cor. Xasaaa and Jadd StrMU. t
j&.t TT1 Store
Corner of Tort and Hotel Street!,
Be twees. Hotel ssd Sing Streets.
"Wholesale Store,
Corner of Xuhnsann xnd Qnea S treats,
Linens an extensile usortaeut.
Alpacas, silk a wool, black, col'd. id a stxspeii,
Oamaik, Cotton, Linen and Woolen.
Illusion, Crape. Bobinet. ToIIe. Ac.
Edging, Insertion, Cambria A Bak Mailln,
Sheetinc, Cotton A Linen. tS la 112 isab.
Prints tbe finest assortment In Ilonolala.
Oilcloth, Bunting, Marten and BUe.
Lawns, Victoria, Bishop and Queen's,
Imperial, Nary and an Russia Docks,
Ticking, Hickory and India Stripes,
English Broadcloth. Doeskin. Ac.
Lasting black, brown, green and blue
Tarn A Berlin Wool. la largo Tarietj.
Wool Delaine. Oinghama, Barathea,
Alpaca Coating, txt. In colors,
India A SwlT Book Muslins, teT qualities.
Toilet Table and Piaao Co.sn.
Edgartown Cottons A Pillow Linen.
Drill and. JDnck. Snitt.
a quantity of aas'd sixea.
Umbrellas, Parasols, Fanavllair Net. Thread.
Fea Jacketa, Coats, Vests. Pants, Shoes. Hats,
Oils, Pomatum. Perfumery. Soaps, Ac.,
Keedles. Pins, Thimble. Scissor.
Brilliant, Chainbrajs. Piqnet,
Youth', Mines', Ladies A Gents' Unitty,
in gnat Tariatj.
Cotton; Horrocka' and other brand, cutting low.
Oriental and Lute Ribbons a splendid (took.
Merinos the beat selection in th city.
Purses, Belts. Braces. Cards, Lace.
Extra quality of Flannel.
Towels Turkish, Huckaback and Crass,
" Embroidered Robes, 'Shirt. Ac,
Napkins lateral sues and qualities,
Turkey Red and Blue Cottons.
Shawls double and single, plain and fancy,
American Trunks. Carpet Bags. A:..
Linings, Silesias. Jaconet. Tap Check.
Elejrant ass't of Ladies' A Gent' Kid OIot,
Silks and Challes, Stored and plain.
Moleskin. Drills, Tweeds and Cassimeres,
Enrelopea. Note and Letter Paper,
New Goods by eery arriral, and
A General Assortment tf GMs
30 im
Ex Courier,
Martell's and Henesy' Pal Brandy In ea'ks.
DOS' Gordon and Vriarte't Sup'r Pale Sherry.
Cases Orange Bitten, Case Angettura Bitter.
Caret of Quinine Wine Bitter.
Bas' Ale in pint and quart,
Jeffrey' Ala and Porter in pint and quart.
Ex Other Late Arrivals,
Heanessy' and Martell's Beat Pal Brandy la
quarter casks,
Martell's and other brands of Brandy tn ense.
Pale Sherry In case. Roinart, pera et fit, and
Heidsick' Champagne, Fin Claret. Santera,
Muscat, IIochheio.er, Llebfraumilch,
Jobannisberger, Port and different
Varieties of Gala. Wines,
Ilostetter's, Drake' Plantation, Forest Wine.
Leslie's and other Bitters, Maraschino, Dappell
Knmmell, Genera in eases and Baskets,
lnd Coop Pale Ale,
Tennant', Brass', Barclay A Parkin, and
Guinness' Porter, Vermouth, Ess. of Qloger,
Essence of Peppermint. Absinthe! Bourbon,
Scotch and Irish Whisky, Jamaica Rum, Ac
Dally Expects per Bark " R. C.Wylie,"
Duo do Montebello'f Champagna, in pint and
Clarets of Tarious qualities.
Red and White Burgundy-, pints and quart.
Radesheimer, Marcobrunner, Jotuanlsberg, qt.
Sparkling Hock and Moselle, in Pints.
. French Sherry and Port.
Cases of Irish and Scotch Whisky, Curacao.
Orange Dillers. Angostura Bitter. Anlaetta.
Noyau, Port, Pal Brandy,
Casks old Madeira-
Gold and Pale Sherry.
Jamaica and other descriptions of Ram.
Cases Icdia Pale Ale, pint and quart.
Sparkling Ale in jugs, j
Barclay A Perkins' Porter, pint and quart.
Cases of Gin-
Seltier WUr.
Very nearly tbe whole of tbe above-named good
ara directly frntn Agents' hands, can be safely recom
mended, and will be told at rcry Uw rate, by
35-.1m O0DFKE7 RHODES.
For Sale !
Hawaii, near to Kallua. Abo the large'Svgar
Land of Ilakataa Hllo Hawaii. Also an extesaire
Cattle Ranch on Haa-Mii." For partleolar apply to
H prillnlh. 1B70 15-tf ' W. L. OREKN.
. For Sale!
Pan. IJ feet X i feet x 2 feet. Apply to
April Jotb". 1870.i-1J.tr - W.'L. (JP.KKJf.
from th Hilo Tannery.
For sale by (l!-3m) IT. HACK?ELI A CO.
For Rent or Lease.
!. THATpTERY DcflraWc Residence,
.io. ivj .ihbioh ovrcew nppiy uv
To Let1.
A HOUSE ia NanaHH TaUer-witk
or without furniture. Apply to
Mm on Jut SehiaMa A Ce'i WWrf
Continue the pnlseat oa Us old plan of tettfiac trtA
oOeera and eeamra imnwtiately Co artr elle at W
Hantic no atrrct or laasnci caaaea.
tulaf aelAolMiaicnt, aadallowlnc nodaktaw teoaae
laMeeetaa, Wkto(rf mi e4 lllisillie ta
ten aa k ha ia the Mat. .Ml

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