;M (M Sbt ts e:Jc.T iT6 vim or mi: u.i k. Dai Bin or cattle motier, U the term applied tit oat ire to the depreciated Peruvian aod Chilean dollars, and Terr appropriately, foo, as moat of three coins have been received (rom Tahiti ia pajmeot for Cattle. tlorscKcmtss Attestios. It ail! be noticed by advertisements pf Hntn Ad.ins and Bartow in to-day" paper, that there will he Ave or air. anction Mlea of huoarhold furniture dorin Ibis and the a tT aa s 14 aa II i . t l I Bv reference to our adver- be acen that Dr. RtpdEcra. who AXOTHIH I tWiic olumt baa recent It arrived in the country, ha taken the of- . Sircl.t. and ia and ei urukrn adjoifinr the drug atore it t j ben I Maladies ol the itJUl K( III y The flrat letter from our "OmUcmW correa , ponucut" aiil tic lootid on the flrat paTv. We cn f carted a correspondent to be urescnt at the o;eliir j nttbe exposition, but from some dOfp. no Inter I Uave C04Hc to tiand. We have tlaffaluri. drspatcbrd a .;r:al reporter, who is probably now lu Puiiadcl- n -u .. .1 imlm aw- bi tsmn w.ie tau , lln. mh.itm i 1 1 n i i , i ii mm vtT a aaaaaaw aw . aa try It, x taeat waSgsa. waawdsaay Saw swat. av. -. a ce-m - tat aUr i aAta BawwawLwSwwAwwtRwase. Aefcwnk. . Kb. in naii S Mas. am wSe a f W i .1.. in- If sLeja. St wall e a gnt , g, , 1pi g mi, in- -i avwar an asd aa r mi an tmaiT m i bj am. ft b t i aim aw " aw art - tsa 1 i T""-r itiiajtr awe. t saa .Tsa a af wwaYwsas: Ss aas af a.."?- eaa , m - s , i - - l" - "aa fell iBHtf VfaMMMfW Vf SsSBe a SSjey sJSase Wit. SS U IhiC j,i,MH, mini atfaawM MM aw I nl f r tfct (paw-t taw Syrwa oa Hn Jaw aai - L fi. 6. Lackawanna On Saturday moriiiiig Istl at six o'clock in the morr.ii -g, this war vessel U-ft tbr barhor and roce-eiled to sea for the IMffpOM a etvme tlx men a wi-k' drill, end prevent, nc bi ir iK-ctnuit'c rusty in tbe art of smmansbip. She not prohiiblr p. far out i-f eight of land, and tuar be ,ijK-cicd back on Friday r Saturday next. ;. i . m. Paivr. Wc would call attention to a new paint wliicti Mr. Irwin advertise to-day. ajc ol its com pone ut parts i Mk rubber, and it U Mtd-lo possess c eat d vantages over t Lie ordiuary article. In California where it bas been extensively tried It is ruarb liked. It cmirt In tins of various is., ail mixed rtadr for ue, atid comprises over one hundred ditfereul shades. Anotbfk Dcr ati.teb Cacobt. On Thursday Us: Wahiueaus, who feloniously Mild the free ice cream on the picnic grounds ou the Fourth, to the heated and c i fidine crowd, aud then tilled up the measure of his iniquities by abdnrtin and eecretly coi.veyiDK to his private residence six or seven trailers ot be trose.i Lm VtrajfC. was sentenced by NM I'liee Maistnite to an exile of nine months in tbe dread dungvon of Kaw, where ice-cream is not included among tbe regular rations. MoRKaflfjKf.i ; :m. The Cusiom House Guard. V.- VarkWroi, last eveuin discovered and Seized Ml board the bark Alden Besee. just arrived from Mr. Birch gave notice of tbe following bills ; to Amend section 392 of the Civil Code, to amend recti on 761 of tbe Cieil Code, and to amend section 2 of chap ter 4S of Penal Code. )fr. Birch presented a resolontion that tbe commit tee to whom wu referred the bill relating to flitting rights be required to make their report next Wednes day. Carried. The telrct committee appointed by the Assembly to investigate the new'r arrived Chinese iinmisrant frvm San Franciscn, : n i that i government money be r aid for their passage. Pendiug the discussion tbe Arsetnblv took a recess at IS St. On reassembling at 1 r. v., the report of tbe com mittee was adapted. Hon. iS. K. Kaai gave notice of a bill to forbid the killing of tbe forest birds, Oo. Iiwi and Apapane. The propo'eJ amenduient to article 65 of the Con stitution came up as unfinished business on Its second reading. On motion tbe amendment was indefinitely postponed. 22 ayes and 13 noes. ORHER OP Til! OAT. Tbe bill allowing native school teachers to be paid at a dollar per day came up in tbe Committee of the Whoie on its second readme. Mr. Mahc in chtir. After a long discussion in which Messrs. th -des, and Smith of-posed the bill, ind Mer. Itireh, Lili kaUni, Kalaokaa, Xawahi, Kanealii and Kahuila tit Vwrrd it, the bill wa paei tu engrment. Aojuurned till Weduesday at 10 a. m. Fifty-Third Dav. The Assembly met at 10 a. Wednesday. Jcly 6. t. pursuant to adjourn- After the opening prayer, Mr. Abolo moved to ad journ to meet again at 1 p. u. Carried. At 10 p. m. the Assembly met again. The Jodieiarj Cummittee relating to the petition rom Uilo, praying that North BHa he made a sep arate judiciary di.'trict, reported that the same h- laid on table till tbe Appropriation hill comes up. Adap ted. Tbe Judiciary committee to whom was referred the till reducing tbe number of working hour? per day, reported that tbe bill be referred t the committee to whom as referred the bill relating to masters and ervantp. Adopted. Tbe J udici iry committee on tbe petition against the return of tbe member from South Kona, reported that tbe Assembly exercise its authority in the matter. The Assembly after a full consideration, voted in fa vor of toe member retaining hi !-eat. Adopte-I. The select coaimitiee to whom was referred tbe resolution to investigate tbe account? of the Hawaiian Hotel reported that the government do &t cirry on the hotel any longer, but let it to any one who will run it. Adopted. Mr Birch presented a resolution tbat tbe sum of $S.S7W be inserted in tbe Appropriation bill, and th i The King vs. Aki. Indicted for haring opium in possession. Pleaded guilty. Sentenced to 2 months bard labor and eosts, $'1.2 j. The King vs. Lam Yat. Indicted for having opium in possesion. Prisoner pleaded not guilty. The King vs. J. C. Culver. Indicted for forgery. Prisoner pleaded not gnilty. J. P. Green for defend ant. The King vs. Bila. Perjury. The Attorney-Gen eral entered a noli prosequi. The court stated tbat in future no counsel will be appointed to defend prisoners. Thursday was set apart for bearing the foreign jury trials. Estate of Publ. Argument filed to waive jury. Davies . Wilder, vs. Hackfeld A Co. Continued till October term. Warren vs. Warren. Divorce. Order made that publication for tbe defendant to appear be made fur 6 months. The respondent being out of the country. J. T. Waterbonse vs. J. S. Walker, Minister of In terior. Submission. Set for July 16. Wfflfong vs. H. A. WHemann. Set for July 15. The Court adjourned till Thursday tbe 6lh inst. ue. justice na.aais ruKSinmo. July 6. The King rt. J. EL Culver. Indicted for forgery. Caee tried but jury being unable la agree after an absence of upwards of 4 boors, they wcredis cbarged. The Attorney-ter.eral for the Crown, J. P. ttrren for defeudant. To be tried again on Tuesdayt the 1 1th inst. The King vs. Ain, p. Havingopium in possession. Prisoner pleaded guilty and wax sentenced to 9 days imprisonment at hard labor and Cu-ts, $d.23. The King vs. Lam Yat, p. Having opium in pos session. Prisoner pleaded not guilty. Case tried, and tbe jury after an absence of 20 minutes returned a verdict of not guilty, 2 dissenting. Attorney (Jcneral fur tbe Crown, S. B. Dole for defendut. July 7. Tbe King vs. Koaehulukea. Carnal in tercourse with female under fourteen years. The Attorney-General entered a nolle prosequi. Aw a v. Kamio. Assumpsit. Case tried and the jtrry after an abecee of 25 minutes returned a verdict for the derendant. Cai:U k Smith for plaintiff, A. S. Hartwe I tor delenJant. Ka.iibapuu vs. Ahittoama. Trover. Jury drawn and case set for Wednesday the 12th inst. Kalohi w. vs. Ilia. Divorce. Discontinued. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IH. T. ix.i:li CABINET MAKEE. FBENCH POLISHES, A Tid. "CTzAclox-tnltoi- Honolnln. II. I. AUCTION SALES. By E. P. ADAMS. . 31 Hotel Street, sill! 600 irr WW. JOIISO.a, Merchant Tailor. :. a. Lawaaa. j. a. nicatoa liGWKRR A MCKS4HV. IMPORTERS AXD DEALERS IK LUMBER. Ai. 1 .11 1 in.: of BnilJiug M.trr i.L, Fort ?lre.t. IIiiolnltt 600-lj E. P. ADAMS. Auctioneer and Commission Merchant. Qtiftfn Strr.t. Ilonutrjhi, It. I. ouO-Irl iiubber Paint. RiibbiT Paint. Risbber Paint. Man ufn.rtur?f1 by Iho Pacific Rubber to. of &ni t i iuu iHt o, REGULAR CASH SALE ! KfT- Ir. Eamoii in York. - M j Hosagkoug. tweutt smalt ana lour targe tins ot same be returned to Keao (k) who paid bis taxes I 5 1 , j,u! , which did not appear in tbe ship's manifest. two districts. I' J There can be uo quKlion but tbat tbe Cotton. 1Ion- Mr Smith thoucht it would be -ufficient r "1 House force, howewr vlirilant H ouv be. is too request the ilintster of Finance to refund the rimount S m.il la r --.. . n.um wrf lla.li. tr lartt L ,rA.-r Mr. Aholo III i t 1 to lUCiudC U Others wtlO I o,J ccTiviIv carry cut the present prohibitory law. whose betiebcent tesults are plainly rsMtwC on plan tations, if boa here els, tbe force should be r creasx-d. LcutsLaTlvc AsISMTies. The Hon. Legislators nntinne to while away the time with their eccntrici ie and their eloquence, and occasionally they incur L p a', it ode of the town by causing it a little amuse, tient; as was tbe case last week w hen a resolution a as introduced that the S'-rircant-at-Aiuis urrrst, md bring tt-fore them the body of the man who las been introducing debased money into tbe coult er As hi name is Iegiou it might have proved a lifficoH task. Uo Saturday of last week they took heir biennial drive in express wagons to tbe Hos dtal. Insane Asylum, Prison aud Reformatory Onr attention has been called to a point in tbe description of the Martha Washington Tea Party, which both papers overlooked. Those wtretVaYiVew tables in the ball, designed to represent tbe thirteen original States of tb - Union. The matrons attending each should have w orn a badge with the name of the Slate which she represented, or it would have been belter still if tbe bad been a native of tbe State rep resented. However, where everything went off so bapoHy and eeerv body was so well pleased, as on the i g -liurtt ti to. al. sli'M crl' ici.-m now are i:i necgaaarv. Tboee who lire to witness the nfxt centennial celebration in 1V76. to which Dr. Scott invited us all. may profit by the suiigestiou, if they don't forget It their taxes in two districts Hon. Mr. Kaai moved that in all cases where taxes had been paid twice iu IS75, the excels should be- re turned. After two bourr diseusiou the resolutions with several amendments passed. ORDER OT THE DAT. The bill to amend sections Iff, 797 aod 709 of the Civil Code was read a third time and paseJ. The bill to amend sections 11. 12 an i IS of the law repealing chapter 10 of the Civil Code approved in IMta making the federal governors school inspectors, came up ou its teeond reading in the Committee of the Whole. Mr. Wana in chair. After a noi?y debate the committee rose and the Assembly adjourned. J S tom so Chinese Last week some tweuty of tue newly -arrived Chinese were chipped Md cent cptnthe Vlupalakua Plantation. The night after their arrival some native ruffians from tbe other aide of Maui, visited tbe place, and throw stones a I tbe lode. lit-house of these laborers, one of tbe stone biti ing a chinaman iu tbe face and seriously injuriuc him. Tbe gang Immediately Went to the house of tbe proprietor and inquired if they could Dot be protected ? Tbe reply was that tiny should be protected at all hazards, and a guard was pro vided, bat no far;ber disturbance took place. In quiries were at once made at to tbe cause of tbe attack, and it has transpired that one Holstefn, who livrs on the plantation land, and is the reputed author id the ami Chinese letters in the Advertiser, signed " H.." has been busying himself In exciting tin prejudices of natives and foreigners against the Chinese. As soon as the cause of the trouble was ascertained", Holstein was notified that his presence in That neighborhood was not' needed, and warned ff tbe prcsnises. This prompt action will probably , ek tbe wait, but it It does not, legal action should ! taken at ooce to teach both nativesand foreigners that ay ritatoas proceedings will cot be tolerated wbetber against Chinese or others. IPMI t i Ninon I.I . avautiVKia. -Haw- a lawa Itmua. fn rvn sasKf . - Wat. s.wuawX. tax fLaawteaaa tiaa -awmw ktwa it I. aVaaa WMwi! Porta - . aaw JawMaWa, aXjaSawawtv SVawa Mtai sVaw fjaw- aawa. Kawaaav trata avAata. " ii w "ata ii rii 1 Tiisi H 1iiii " 11 tm m,. UlS iSTa trvta Waa-TT aftwrawawaasawaawam. Oeaa. fraaa uaao. ta 4 OasaavW Sfay-r tar aaaraarfl tatlet. tuiami an rani i far H i 'tamsrJwaaay. wnawamav W Kama mm4 Cast. re i in. fraaa. Koms wm lai V-ar till aaWii 1 1 V VaadwwM Porta. MtraalfWja- w. ti aw ax tar Mwhsaai. Tiibi tavaawai. flaawaav tmt awatafca s ipaiiiaa . Kskw. far .i aMW. laawaaav. far Ntiah i Tit ffcaaiaaiaai r i i fi alsamsa. The Trade Wind. The earth turns on its axis from west to east, and a it h it rotates daily the euor- ; oiouc envelope ot the atmosphere. The velocity of rotation at the equator is something over 1,000 miles ! an boar: at thirty d egret s dUtance It it about 150 tiles less. Id higher latitudes it it still lets, and at j i tbe poles nothing. Therefore, whenever the air moves north or south on the surface of the earth it will carry with It less or greater velocity of the rota- j I . tion than the place it passes over, and will torn into . an easterly or westerly wind, according as it ap preaches or recedes, from tbe equator. In tbe ran on of tue sun's greatest beat tbe air, rarified anc lightened, is continually rising, and cooler cur- ' rente come in ou both sides to take tb phice of tbe ascending volume. Ac these side currents come j from a distance of about thirty degrees from tbe equator they have, at starting, an eastward velo- city many miles an boar less than the localities j they will eventually reach. Consequently they will appear to lag behind In all the course of r their pro grvas to Use equator that Is. they will have a ( westerly motion united with their north and south J ; movements. These are the gteat ttadc winds, w:g o- nsttntly from the northeast on this sid- and tbe southeast on the other side o( the equator. I Fktfuiar Science Monthly. I'rriu'li luterunlional tA position By the following correspondence received from the French Government, by Mous. Dallieu, it will be seen that it has I ecu decided to hold an Interna tional Exposition in Paris in 1S7S. Paris, IS Avril, 1S76. Dept. des Consulate et Affaires Commercial. A Monsieur fiallieu, Cotumiseairc de la Repubiique Francsis auprcs du (jouverr.cment Ilawaiien. Monsieur, par deux dcrets en date dea 4 et IS de cc tnois. lc Pie.-ident de la Repub'ique a decidl qu'une Exposition Cniversellc drj proiuits de 1'Ag ricutture. de I'lndustrie et de Detux-Arti s'ouvrirait a Paris, le Ire Mai, 1S7S et serait close le 21 Octobre de la memo annle. La Cotnmis-ion supfrieure des expositions Interna tionales inftitutoe pre? !e Miuistcre de 1'Agriculture et dn Comuirrce a ete charger dc determiner lee conditions dans lcsquelles se fera 1' Evposition de IS7S, le regime sous leouel seront places les produits .ct marchandises qui pourront y etro admis. Dcs .iu ell aura d'eSnitivcment arrcte lea relements et les progrommes qu' elle flab ire actueHcinent, je m'empresserai, Monsieur.de vous en adresscr des exeiuplaircs; je me borne, anjourd'hut, a raaa pricr de vuuloo bicn notifier au Gouverneiuent auprot duouel vuus Ctree accredits overture de ce nouveau concours international, en falsa ot apnel 1 sa pr6cieuse cooperation. Cel appel eera entendu, j'en ai la con6ane; tout let Gouternements y repondront avec sympathie. pcoftres qu'ils font dee avantages de ces grandes solemniies cu les peuples contractent de nouveaux liens, trouvent d'utilcs el mutucls i -eignemcnts, et asearent ainsi ledeveloppcmeot de leur prosperity par le travail et la paix. Recevex, Monsieur, lee assurances de ma consider ation dietinguee. Signe Decazes. (Translation.) PaStS, 1Mb of April, 1876. Department of Consulate and Commercial Affairs. To Monsieur Ballieti, Commissioner of the French Republic to the Hawaiian Government. Sir, by two deertts of the date of 4th and 13th of this mouth, the President of the Republic has decided that a Culversal Exposition of the products of Agriculture, of Industry and of the Fine Arts, shall be opened at Paris, the 1st of May, 1S7S, and shall be closed the 31 st of October, of the tame year. The head Commission of international exhibitions instituted by the Minister ol Agricultuie and Com merce, has been charged with determining tbe con ditions under which the Exposition of 1878 shall lake placY, the rules under which the products and merchandise, which may be admitted, shall be placed. At soon as the rules and the programmes, which are now being constructed, urc definitely settled, I shall hasten, Sir, to send you copies; 1 confine myself, to-day, to beg that you will be pleased to'notitr the Government to which you are accredited ot this new international gathering, and to request their valuable co-operation. This appeal will be understood, I hare no doubt ; all governments will respond to it" with sympathy, assured as they are of the advantages of these great solemiiitiec, where the people contract new alli ances, find oceful acd tnutosl instruction, and thu? insure the development of their prosperity by labor aud peace. Receive, Sir, the atcnraucec of my dittinguisbed consideration. (Signed) Decazes. LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY SESSION OKI876. i ros i aw. Jaiv tf ea I Mtiv aa4 aY pc tea. 4 baa ml 1 laaawaMlbxirtiu T- gaawtaw aw aeataw. St asm I lawior iu asx. m fax awt eat. a an wtaw. U ssjawi.4fan.ti Ms aaW 41 pagi awraaay SI baawwts awaoa. It baa asy, I aaisi iia 1 Ml sawl lat rata. ) ""tt T?i?aiaajiTtt. t afaaaw. m,m faJWita. ate rattan h Jar C'Mt.lUV m Kaawwav Jasy isaw fWaWteb awi . Mm KaS Laewen. Mr t. Sir STjawm. Mr E k nrf CtTOt Wc take gremt pieas- w;th tbe ten- j braonmberof crrespowieTjee ia to-day 'c ne, a awaiahao church oc iWssw tbe proci animc r- ty the rmricty and tbe eetxatoa cannot ct aarisfartior to all ow is the V Uttary k. aai mtiocTc b icb the Bawl r- b would E a rope. 'Srvw, -1 - BJ if! tx snog at Bcgbt lo the Firrv-FixtsT Dat- Saturday July 1. Tbe majority of tbe select committee to whom was referred tbe resolution referring to the eabjeet of im migration, reported in tbe favor of importing East In diaas aad Japanese with their wives, and that the g acrnmeat pay their passage. Laid on table till tbe minority report comes up. On suspension of the rules Mr. Ktlaukoa was al lowed ta read a petition from the lepers confined near the station house, praying that they be examined by native Dr. Kahui. before they are taken to Moiokai. Laid on table. Mr. Kalaakoa presented a resolution that Dr. Kahui ba allowed to examine tbe lepers now confined at the station boat. Indefinitely postponed. Mr. lis. stead read for the first Lima a bill to amend sactiaas 4S, W aad &j of tbe Civil Code. Oa sue pension of the rules tbe bill was read a second t.rc oa its title aad pasted to its third reading. Mr K spec a presented a resolution tbat tbe commit tea to wboaa was referred the bill suppressing the sale of liquor, be requested to make their report. Car read. Mr. Aholo presented a resolution that tbe bill to amend the Bureau of Public Instruction be taken up in the Committee of the Whole next Wednesday. Car raad. Mr. Kaili read for the first time a bill to repeal sec tions IIS. 119 and 120 of tbe Civil Code relating to tlallioot. Pasted to its second reading. Mr. Birch presented a resolution requesting the Ju diciary Committee to make their report in regard to tbe ret a to of the mem berfrom South Kona. Carried. Mr Piiipo morad that the Appropriation Bill be re ferred first to -the Finance Committee. Lost Mr. Bareaeba presented a resolution that tbe Min ister of Interior be requested to inform this Aeeembly wo at was the f. rice of tbe government lands sold at Kailaa. Oahu. Hie Ex. the Minister of Interior replied $735. Ad journed. FiFTT-Sr.cop Dar-Mooday July 3. p arm oss. Mr. Aholo, from Lahaina, praying tbat $5000 be appror riataJ for bridges aad roads iu Lahaioa, that the salaries of the government officers from the King down be reduced, that the turn of $3000 be set apart for a market at Lahaioa. that no government officer be appointed unless be knows the Hawaiian language. Referred. The J a dietary Committee asked for farther time to make their report un the return of the member for South Kona. Granted. The reiect committee to whom was referred the bill allowing the government to give prises to parents who raise aawr than five children, raeommeaded a new hill ia its place. Adopted. Mr. Mahaa gave notice of the following bills ; to make North HBo a separate judiciary district; to make it a aapaiaU taxation district. Supreme Court In Probate B KFOBF MB. JC5TICE JCDD, AT CHAMBERS. June It. Estate of Samuel Keaona, deceased. Pe tition of Kaaibolei k, for probate of tbe will of Keao na, deceased. The court after hearing the testimony aimitted the will to probate, and ordered letters tci tamentary'to be issued lo Kaaiholei, and also letters of guardianship over the children of deceased, upn filing a b -ni in the earn of $200. Inventory to be filed in 10 days, and notice to creditors to be adrer tiecd for 4 weeks in the Kuokoa. Befobe Mr. Justice Habris 19. Estate of Eli Meek deceased. Petition of Chas. H. Judd. executor of the will of decedent for settlement of bis accounts as eneb. The accounts showed a balance dae to the widow of $3394 99, and Mr. Crabbe on behalf of tbe widow, having examined the accounta, expressed himself perfectly satisfied with tbem. The court thereupon approved and passed tbe accounts, and ordered that upon the widow's receipt being filed for the balance, the executor be discharged, which being presented the executor a bond was can cel ci. Estate of Kaaiakawaba k. deeeaeed. Petition for settlement of aceounU. Continued until Joly 3d. Jane 26. Estate of E. Q. Adderly, deceased. Set tlement of accounts of administrator. Continue! un til July 6. Estate of Kaaiawahia, ucceaeed. Petition of Ka lunahala w. for letters of administration of this es tate. The court after bearing the evidence appointed W. L. Wilcox administrator, to file a bond in rhe cum of $100. Notice to creditors to be advertixed for 4 weeks. EsUte of Nahnina, deceased. Petition of Kakai for letters cf administration. Tbe court beard tbe evi denc in part, and continued the matter until July 6, for farther testimony. 29th. Estate of .Maria Ka'ama deceased. Petition ofM. K. Mailt ai for letters of administration open tbe above estate. The court after hearing the evi dence ordered letters of administration to isene to M. K. Maikai and Kalaiepn upon their filing a bood in tbe earn of $500. Inventory to be filed iu 30 days. Notice to creditors to ba advertixed for 4 weeks. CAtxs roa he a rug the cowtxe wiik. Joly 6. Estate of Kahc'.e. deceased. Administra tion. Proof of will of Nuhina, deceased. Estate of E. G. Adderly, deceased. Settlement of accounts. The annual sermon before tbe Society, sayt the Sailor Magizioc, was preached on Sabbath evnuing, May 14, in the 23d street Presbyterian Chur-h, by the Her. S. C. Damon, D, D., for many years chaplain to seamen at Honolulu, iu the Sandwich ttU aodd. Dr. was happily introduced to bis au dience in the following appropriato addreu by the Iter. Dr. SpatiMing : " On Sabbath evening, tbirtr fire years ago, a large congregation aeruhled iu the Brick Church on tne ground now occupied by the o&ics of the N. Y. Times. Iu the congregation 'a a roung man re cently from the Andorer Theological Semiuarr, with his young wife, a niece of the distinguished Mission ary, Rev. Samuel J. Mills. It was my duty on thit occasion, in behalf of the Directors of the American Seamen's Friend Society, to give tbat young man his instructions as chaplain to the large number of seamen visiting the port of Ho nolulu, in the Sandwich lelands, and to join in com mending hiuvelf and his wife, in their long voyage around Cape Horn, to the care of Hun who controlled the winds and the waves, and in their labors and tri als, to God and the word of His grace. M Now, after thirty-five years of faithful and suc cessful labor as preacher, editor, and c unroltor and frieud of seamen in every practicable way. he revisits, only for the secoud time, his early home and eurviv. ing friends. He comes ae a Cotnmief loner from the Sandwich IIandj Government to the Centennial Ex position at Philadelphia, aud amidst the stirring scennt of the opening la?t week, has, upon our urgent invi tation, prepared a ferm n for this occasion. Under such circumstances he may be tempted to an apotogr, but I am sure an appreciating and sy uipathiiing BOfi gregatt -u will neither require nor expect any tueh thing. " It gives me much pleasure to introduce to you the Rev. Dr. Samuel C. Damon, chaplain to seamen at Honolulu. Sandwich lilands." After this introduction, Dr. Damon proceeded to deliver tbe Annual Sermon, whir ; is published in full in the above periodical. From this discourse , we copy one paragraph. " Ae I am passing from city to city, I am frequent ly meeting tho.-e w:iom I have known as captains, officers and seamen in the Pacific. Some of these re newals of acquaintances are most gratifying. When I came on board the Australian steamer at Honolulu. to embark for San Francisco, the commander ordered the bead steaard to see tbat my state room was welt cared for, because, more than a quarter of a century ago, I had invited tbat gentleman t j attend my Detbel Sabbath School, when he was a sailor boy on board a whale ship. At tbe great railroad depot in Pittsburg I met the Superintendent, who has held that reipon siblc position for maoy years, but our acquaintance was originally iormcd in Honolulu, where be was at tached to a merchant ship that wai subsequently burnt at sea. In a street car, in tbe city of Philadel phia, I recently met an old Cumniodore of the U. S. Navy, who cruised in the Pacific Oceana halfcentury ago. Seven years ago, in a raroad depot in ltruns wick, N. J , I ulet one of iny nhl sea-faring friende who bad been attached to u man-of-war in the Pa cific, and iwf old acquaintance take, he desited the loan of a dollar, much to the amusement of Prof. Murray, now in Japan. How eould I refuse hie re quest? Having spent so much of ray life among tea men, it is exceedingly pleasant to meet them in what ever part of the world I visit, and sometimes to re ceive a kindness from them. Wheu t landed in De cember, 1S61, at Chagres, on the Isthmus of Panama, before tbe railroad waa completed, one of my old allot friende rendered inc euch aeeistance that I wae enabled to cross the Ithmue under circumstances quite astonishing to some of my fellow passengers." jaflh The Fourth was duly observed at Wailuku and Ulupalakua on Maui, and Uilo. At each of these places, it was made a day of recreation and festivity. At lTlupalakua, a table was eet by the pro prietor Capt. Makec, to which all tbe residents of the district and visitors were invited. At Hilo a dinner wae provided by Sir Thomas Spencer, and an address delivered by Rev. A. 0. Forbes, at Wailuku, thtre were gamee, sporU and fireworks, and everything passed off well. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GRAND Instromental and local CONCERl I AT- KAWAIAHAO CHURCH, JILY 13th, 1876, COMPLIMENTARY ON WEDNESDAY, - - - JULY 12, At balF-mut A. II.. aanaira Room. ASST. OF NEW GOODS NAMELY Fiat Priatt, Mualin. Linan Drill. BruWD Cotton, Whit. Cotton. M.riao, Victoria Lawn. Silk Handkerchief, netntaeil Linen ManJkerrliiara, llarrard Shirt, Fane; Flannel Orcrthirtt, "Wool siinwls! Turkiih Towel for Bathing, Blanket.. White Shirt. Amo.keaff Denim, Amokes Stripe. Cotton Drill. Brilliant., Fine Tea) Sail, lied Quilt.. Merino anJ Cotton Umierrhirt. Felt and Straw II, t. Ladie' lloie. Men' Suck, Bridle and Uita, TraTeling Baff, Etc.. Etc., Eto. G-roceries, fco. Best Brandt Kerosene, Card Matchee. Yeaet Powder, Sardines, Wrapping Paper, Soda Crackers. Clothes Pins, Hams, Bacon, Candiee, Picklee, Tobacco, Cigars, Fine Tea, Oynters, Axe Handles, Salt, Wash Blue, Pain Killer, Wrjpping Paper. AUCTION SALES. Hy C. S. BARTOW. 'furniture sale AT TRC Rrlilfnrr of Wr. ttrrttrr. rmnrt mt mmm .aiKRra iirrta. On THURSDAY, - - - Joly 18th. at II o'rkx-k i. a. On arrounl af ilrpartnn-, will N md UM MlWll or m rarlor, Beit mom. and kin-hen ftirnitar. Ontrr Table, small Tablra. Ilren Rep Uinera. IW . hlr., WtatMU, IcMAIna MwaWA Hat stand. Picture?, aod One Knrrnvhica, Lara erred K. Bedatrad., tramuu, Wajh.taml.. Sewing Marhtne, M -at si, . Cook stove. Hath Tab. aad Otaer article of Hoaeebotd FnroUor. Lot ol CHOICE tfliSIl! Chll.f BVd-tead. C. 3. BARTOW. Auctioneer. Brown Sugar! Crushed Sugar! V. P. i li t M, Ancf'r. 'fills PA 1ST IS PIT DP.IS il lllll ll. a one, and nve gallon tin, also In five pdlou ju,tl and uarr, U It la pivpurvd In pure BQOW white. Jet block, aud all colors, cuiuprislntf uo jr number of Uinervut .bade.. Is maity for immediate ttte, being a great advantage as It can be used by any one. Tue Kunber l'auit is unaffected by cbanite of telupcra. tore, la Impervious to water, Is adapted to all claaav of work, and Is every war a Better IPiiiiit for ettU-r outle or In!. wur than and oihsr paint known, una uUl last at Irast tuice a long. For Wagons, agricultural Inipleuinta, Ituati aud Vessels It has uo equail. The Kubber Paint dries with a ft loss equal lo varoUh, I Mt tbe same Ume wo adtietdve antt, euw:ic ibat It will nut crack af p-el ofT, ami U tln refore admirably adapted for bous pulntlng In this eitmute. In addiUon to tae above It Is the Ckttptti Paint ever imported here! Sample cards ot dliTerent shades to be seen at the office of the agent. Fur sale In quantities to suit purebnsers. Orders fr.m the other tsl.mds solicited, especially from thu-te who l.tUud ri-pAiiitliig their dwellings. W. C. Irwin A Co., 3ni.600 bole Agents for tbe Hawaii Islands. A. W. P El RUE & CO. Offer for Sale SHIP OIIAftULGItY i STow WHALE BOATS AND BOAT STOCK, GROCERIES, 'F'loiJLr cfc Bread ! Lime and Cement, California Hay, AND By Steamer from San Francisco, Potatoes, Onions, &c. Agozita for Brand's Bomb Lances, Perry Davis' Painkiller, Puuloa Salt Works MSta HEW CwOOUN! Reciprocity Prices ! Just Received BY MR. H. BERGER. PROttRAXIfcE.-PART I. 1. La Banan oka Mol, Festival March - Berger. Hovni Hawaiian Military Band. 2. 7th Air Varte lie riot Monsieur chas. PerneL 3. Praise tbe Lord. O my sool. ........Morgan v rt Rtreet chnrcb Cboir. 4. Grand Selection from tbe opera -The Last Days of Pompeii," . Pet re 11a Hoyal Hawaiian Military Band, a. Piano Duet Midler 'a Chorus and Finale, from the opera ' Faust." ...... ... .............. .....ijoui.od Miss C Castle and Dr. E. UotTmann. PART II. 8. Grand Selection from tbe opera Marl tan a" Wallace Royal Hawaiian MDitary Band. 7. Tell me my Heart....- - r Henry Bishop Mrs. J. H. Faty. 5. Good KifhL....... , Robioson Kawoihao Cborch Choir. 9. Ave Maria Qounod Mrs. Kamakau, Messrs. Atkinson, Pernet, and Berger. 10. KamabAmeha Hymn Hawaiian Anthem. words hy H. M. King KalatAua, music by U. Burger. TICKET Ss Floor fi.00 Gallery 50 eta. To be bad at Messrs. Whitney's and Thrum's, aod at tbe door. To commence precisely at 8 o'clock. 00 CHAS. T. R0DOERS, M.D.. PH V s i I A AXD . I R t ; i : i . Offl-e adjoining H. Strahx'i Drug Store, corner of Fort aod Hotel streets, Honolulu- lme00 Supreme Court. Inly Term 1S7S. Mk Jcsticx Hauus Phesidisg. Tbe court fare notice that no eases wooM be beard nntil Tharsdaj out. The King rs. Coo baa. Indicted for hat ing opium in Ms poaMarion. Pleaded irniltjr. Seotenead to 2 weeks hard labor and costs, tlji. EXPECTED. THE A 1 AMERICA! BARK WILMARD BUDijETT, I'ickey master, will be due hereabout tbe end of Angnst with an assorted cargo of Chinese goods, anfl CM Chinese passenger, consigned to Messrs, Cholan k Co. (OQ public notice7 ALL PEHSO.VS ARE Hereby CACTIONED .against trespassing on the land known aa tbe Abupnaa of Makawao on tbeflaland of Manl. belonging to the Board of Education ; aad notice ia hereby give n that astperson is authorized by the Board to grant per mission to cut wood or Umber, or to fell trees of any description on any portion of the said land. Any one violating this notice will be dealt with strt-U according to law J. MOTT SMITH, Vice -President of the Board of EAicaUoo. Education Office, July 11, ISTL C00 NOTICE. Ihcbebt give irencs that i vim, PAT no dtbia contracted in my nam. wltnoot my written order. (MO lmj 8. K. BAWSOS. DILLINGHAM & CO., PER JIL1A M AVERT, The Largest and most Elegant Assortment of Triple Plated Silver Ware! Ever Offered in this Market, COMPRISING Tea Sets, Each Four and Six Pieces, piOKFEK UKNS. CARD RECEIVERS, ip Bowls, Ice Pitcher, Cream Pitchers, Sugar B.iwls. Butter Dishes. Berr Dihes, (Chafed and dill,) Cake ila-kcts, Jewel Boies, Pichle Castors. Goblets 4 Caps, gilt Suitable for childdrea. Vases in Fine Bohemian Cat Glass Restaurant, Table and Breakfast Cruet Stands, Wine Stand, Toilet Standi, Toilet Stands, Egg funds, Celerj Stands, Waiters. Syrup Pitchers, Knife Rests, Salts, Napkin Kings, Ice Tubs, Sardine Boxes, Ae. ALSO, One Handsome Epergne, Suitable for the Banquet Table. All these Goods are Warranted Triple Silctr Plated, And are or the most Elaborate Workmanship We have also on hand, Epoou and Rogers Koives Fioe Triple Plated Forks, The largest Assortment of IPoolfet Cutlery-, Comprising over one hundred and Iftj different kinds, Table Cutlery. Scissors and Razor. Also, Tuilet Articles, Bottlea and Powder Boxes. BRUSHES, Hair, Tooth, Clothes aad Flesh Brashes ; Hand Mir rors. Plate Qlass, Soaps, Labia's celebrated Perfum ery. Watcb Chains, Albums, Cbromos, Pictures and Picture Frames. Lambs' Wool Carriage an I Lamp Mats, all colon. Spy Glasses, Opera Glasses, Field Glasaes, Ae., Ae, Besides these we have the Regular Assort ment of Shelf Hardware, Glass Ware, Tin Ware Paint, and Oils, Breech Loading Shot Guns, S. A W. Rerolrcrs, Rifles Air Gnns. Wads, Shot. Powder, Capt, Shot Pooches, Powder Flasks. Ac., Ae. B. P. DILLINGHAM 1 CO., 594 3ta 9i and 7 Emg Street. O Iu D LUMBER AT AUCTION, "FT-mr 33Yi-ls iVldoii Boo, -OS- STEAMBOAT WHARF, ox WEDNESDAY. - - July 12, at 1 p. a., LOT OF UDOtt E. P. AllAMS. Auctioneer. FURNITURE SALE. At No. I 12 Nuuanu Street. On SATURDAY - - - July 15, at 10 o'clock aa st.. Wjll be sold artk-lea of Hovscbokl Furniture, lablM. I BSLrn, BNistrad, Vattlnc. , Tools. tr. , vac c j. B-vftrrow. mm FilTiS! By on i r oi ii Its. OWEN ou aceonnt of De parture, ON FRIDAY, JULY 14th At;io A l . .1 the former residence of lion. S. H. Phillips. Chaplain Sirnet, will sold: HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AS FOLLOWS ONE SEVEN OCTAVE PIANO : Nearly new. Barti," Bound Table, Rook eaie, 3 Rocklna: Chairs, Ruga. Two 1 ounces, One I Vienna balr, HU Mnall do do. Lace Cnrtalns, Neat Tea Boards. 2 Jardlnlers, ornaments, tc., Table Cloth, Brackets, Statuette. 33 O O X2L S! llallam's Ukstiry of England, 3 Vols., Banyan complete, L're's DlcUonary .-.,:, and Art, 3 Vole . Ituckland a Ueology, with niata, Ocraiaa tt Frencb Books, bcutch Books A Maps, DINING and BED ROOM FURNITURE ! Pining Table, Side Table, Chinese Arm Chairs, 6 Ulock L'ua'rs, lluies, Forks, spoous, Ftctnre Frames, One Clock, llftromi-tf r Jt Thermometer, all lu ooe, Verandah Chairs, Three Tollett Hetts, Two Inni Betlsteails, One Bureau with Mirror, Three MattruMt- A I'lllows, Small Table a Wunhstand, One Dinner S, t, One BreaRfiiat lcai)ters, Tumblers. WlneOlaases, Flower Olaases, Lamps, Filter, Safe. Kitchen Stove, &c , One Sewing Machine One New Revolver, Kitchen, Tttble, Chairs i&c. E. P. ADAMS. Auctioneer. 0IT WEDNESDAY, - - July 19 At 10 o'clock a. M., at Kales-Room, will b sold. JDFCTlT goods, Clothing, Prints, Hosiery, Mosquito Nets, Shoes, Hats, LOT OF FURNITURE. At II o'clock, 1 SUPERIOR SADDLE HORSE, Broken to harness. Boxes of Bread, Brown HLujar. Me., etc., etc C. S. BARTOW, Auctioneer. FURNITUREFURNITURE. ON TUESDAY JULY 18th, At 10 o'clock A. M. At The Residence of MRS ROBERTSON mina Siuare, on account of departure vill be sold, the ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE : MA MELT PARLOR FURNITURE ffoa Centre Table, Square Mahoffany Table, Mahogany Work Table, Small Koa Table, Hair Cloth Rockers, Child's Rockers, Mi Rosewood frame ( hairs, 11a I r Cloth Mofa t ouch, Ottoman, Koa Book Case, Mtrrur and Koa Bracket, HatiKlns Lamp. Pair of Astral Lamps, Pictures, Ballet Cuaistun Fhuu, Piano Stool, Books, Manias;, WEED SEWING MACHINE, Frencb China Dinner Set, China Tea Met. Rreakfant Set. Lot White Crockery, Wine Glasses, Decant rs, claret Jugs, Preserve Dishes, (Ireen Desert Plates aod Dishes, Plated ware. Large Mahogany Sideboard, KoaSldboanl Exten sion Dining Table, Koa Table, Cane Seat Chairs, Marble Ulock, Floor CL.th. BEDROOM FURNITURE ! Koa Bedatcad. Horse Hair Mattress, Bprlnc Mattress, Pine Bedsteads, Oraas Mattrsses. Mosqaltuptetting, M . bofBuy Wardrobe, Ptne Wardrobe, Marble Top Wasb sutid, Pine Wasuatand, Toilet Beta, Bureaus, Koa Table, Small Hocker. Cane Seat Chairs, Counterpanes, Feather Bolster aud Pillows, Matting, Cooking StoTe, Kitchen Utensils, E. P. ADAMS, AucTr. i'ini s i KisiniMs or J U'LV, Visiting Frlemis and Strangers gensraily are contlallv invltetl to attend labile Worship at rtiRT !TT. CHVRCU, whereServlces are hehl every Sabbath t 1 1 o'clock A. M.. and 1 P. M. sew ate provided far all woo may be pleased to attend. There la a Wiitasataj evening Prayer Meeting at TH o'clock. In tbe Lectara Room, to whit hall ar welcome. 34 ly Postage Stamps. WAMTEDTO B(T AD ETCH A SSM AIX klml, nf K, reicn stamp Tbe Hkjlwet raah or i.t V .: I r,'hn.' p,U- p.l.l r sn,l shet-1 ol .tamp iN'iit oil approval. Aitilrrnlu , GEO. F WAftHBriW, 3A7 Jm P. O. Roa 4. Man I ranctw. ral Notice. The i r me n or otnr i i n. will MMMsf sept. tu. 1 17. NclMtlar tlelrtnit to enter ar. miutmt to pne rtamlna Hon In Mental Arithmetic. Wrltt.n Arttbotatlr thr"nfc ni.lalon. Orography tbruufb tbe I'nlted Htuea. nfWf, ll'-.'lit'C .ti'l Wrtttnf. Applicanta will be examined June 23d aad X4IA orSet, tb and 5th. eesaa hh. TaltlOQ i.iw per week. f 3a.M Board A Waahlng. .!, " I10.M HMi Music PlaooV 73 per wa. Tbe Hum will run for tbe acromMalliai of papila. Tlie roonia nf Roart.ra are to be fnrnlahr.1 by Ibeaa. eupanta Letter, uf Inquiry m.r be .itili i aail la it t a Mama pratt, rnaML F. T, LENEHAN ft CO. OFFER FOR SJa.T.I3 THE HILIOHIMi Administrator's Sale. Valuable Real Estate. By order of 8. B. DOLE, Esq., AdmlnJstrstor of the Estate of John Booth, deceased, under license from the Supreme Court, dated November 2nd, 1375. ON SATURDAY; At 12 o'clock noon. - JULY 22nd( 1876. at Salesroom, will be sold. That certain raloaMe noose Lot, wlJh Building there, on, situated on the East side of Smith's Lane, In Hono lulu, with a frontage of 1 chain 49H feet, and described aa folio wr. per Royai Patent 16. award St : Commencing at West corner ol tbts lot on Smith' lane, joining tbe French Mission pri mlses, and Makal side or this, end running South 42- aV East, 1 chain M), feet along Frencb Mission Place to John Hobb's lot, aod booth corner of this; tbeoce North 31 IS East. 24 4-12 feet tu North corner of John Hobb's lot In alight angle of wall ; thence with 19 East i feet along wall and John Il's premises to slight angle in wall ; thence North Z4 30 East, &.! feet along John Ii's to East corner of this lot : tbeuce North 40 Ay Wen 1 chain 6 7-1 3 feet along lot claimed by Uanakll to Smith's lane at North corner of this lot : thence Hon lb 52- W West 1 chain ss 2-12 feat along Smith's lane to place of commencement, taking in walls on N. W. snd N. E. sides only. A rea 2f square flttb'ima 10 sqasre feeL There are two dwelling houses beside out-bouses on said lot, and water pipe la laid on, 5SS E. P. ADAMS, Auctioneer. SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Belonging to KB. E. P. CHURCH, Late President ol Oano College. On FRIDAY, - July 28th, AT 10 v n.. At the late residence of Hon. 8. II. Phillips, corner of Nuuanu and Chapel Street., WU1 he sold Household Furniture, namely : Hair Cloth Bofiu. Arm Bockeza, 8U Halr-erated Parlor Chair., Mahogany Centre Table, PU Btady Arm Cbaira, (lilt Clock and Bracket, Owe Study Lounge. Koa Book Caae aod Table, Book Shelve., Secretary. One Bedroom set, tu : 1 Bedstead, 1 Bnreao, 4 Chairs, 1 Rocker, Wardrobe, Table, Towel Rack. Wamnl Boreas. Mirror and Stand, 2 Crtha, Koa Bound Table, Caae aeat Dining Chains, Sewing Table, Clothe. Saab, Chandelier. Two Folding Chairs. Plate loa Mirror, Lot of lamp. aothe Wringer, Sawl, Pitcher, etc. Curtains, I Mosquito Proof House. Lady's Saddle, Boy'. Saddle, Cbud'a Rocker and Chair. Two Oil Palndngi, Bustle Frames, Comer and bide Bracket. OUt Frames, Mat Rack, etc, etc., eft. SiJ E. P. ADAMS, AnrllailMsj. iff GOODS TO ARB1FE! PER BR1TM1I BARQUE CANOMA: JOSEPn -ER, MASTER, DI E OJ( OR ABOtT THE n. J I 1 V XEXT. FKOM OL.1SOOW, MACHINERY BBLS BEST WHITE CEMENT! Beat Bar Iron, assorted slaea ; Beet Sheet Iron, uaorwd awe. : lg I roa. A riJiE aSSSBBBSSaS in i i or dbith af W, E LLMT 0 OH'.H Celebrated Cooking Stoves AND RANGES Tins White l ead. Tine White Zinc Patat, Tina Genuine Red Lead, Tina Black aod Bio. Pabita, broma Bollad Urwad OB. FIRE BRICKS, SQUARE AND ARCH ' BEST BLACKRHITU COAL, III. - r sr i i n COAL. Annealed Fencing Wire, assorted waaa, Ualraalaed Fencing Wire, alt ft. Oalsaoiaed Buckets, aaaturted staea. A General Assortment of Supe rior Stationery DRY GOODS Conawtti g of Fancy Print, White Cottons, Handkerchiefs, ol ALSO, A FULL A.SrJOBTMK2iT OF Brandies, In Cases and Casks; Geneva, In Cases and Casks; Geneva, in Baskets: IRISH ASD SCOTCH WHISKIES, la caw. aad cask; SCPEKIOB PORT. WHERRIES, laeaaaaad eaak; SrPERIOB BRA.fi OS (IIARPAa.SE. quaruand pints. ' ISOIA PALE ALES, quart, w Plata ' af BSWaVS POarCB, tmana aad putts; BASS AU. Qaarta aad Plata. SALES MADE TO ARRIVE sat Xm Administrator's Notice. THE I MJKRSIWSEOHAVISi) BEE anljr APPOINTED imloistratoe of lb. nuu t:f MTSJ KACKAHA. lab- of ITa.aiel. EaaaL . au perwao. awieataa v aaa wawas so mast, and all na.ing ea sawl lie same, with proper vouchers, wtuua sU ssutt from Haw keraoIL or tBty wm be asreTe aarral KAUlLiNA. ASBStS rtaiiai. l. May ZiUi, JST8. New Music. Arm ASSORT RETT OF LATE PMPC LAR focal sat laafr.afi.ral annate JSR recrt.ed Cstakues cma be bad ou appIMagawl s. iu rs. js. v. ,1 ri a