OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, January 30, 1914, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1914-01-30/ed-1/seq-1/

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L It ' , i I I . li f , Ii ,. I ' -f r Itl I 1; ll Vcl V1! I AAX ' .-II; I ft ,v. 1
i r l, t -aw r i, r - f ? - sr f m a m y j . -a i j v v ' & . Br . a mm '-s v
VOt-V"-'" ' ' HON'OIULl.', HAWAtl TF.RR1T0RY- rRIOAY, JAN'UAftY 30,' WU." fjKMI-WKKKI.Y . , WwIe XUMBER 363l'
(mn nnn rnnlconnnn piiit Irnim m irinnrn I? . '.: 9i........w.
j'l-U.UtlU. run Juuuu jum ruun iiuhuiilu
OF DiillU
House' Pane $5,175,200 Appro
priation Bill, Good Part of
Which Will Be Used in Adding
to the L&od Defenses of This
Island; Daniels Favors Two
Battleships to Maintain Naval
.. Eflaciency' ' ' J: ":-':
WASHINGTON, January '.30.
' (Associatcil Pretts by Federa
Wjrelciw) Carrying a Jotal
$3,175,200, tbe annual , fortifica
tions bill panned in the house yes
terday. The measure ns passedl
provides for the ayatem of land
defenses on the Inland of Oahu,
along the lines decided upon by
the Jlacomb board some time ago
and as asked for by the war de
partment The sura of $475,000
' of the total amount carried in the
appropriation -wiu oe . usea lof
; this work.'', ".
I he land defense work of Oahn
as planned provides for six-inch
barbette gun batteries in concrete
. emnlAAPmnntn kt Pn.l Ti;il C.lt
g. .v,.... w JVV-V OUU KJOli
Lake Crater. . These guns are now
; at Honolulu.. , ' v ,' ; , ; '
In addition there will be a six-
inch batterv of barbptte onina nn
Ford Island in Pearl Harbor and
a six Jnch .battery- of barbette
guns at, Fart Kamchameha. -
' It is the belief that the placing
01, luesa ueftjies will make the
north W(uVfCV et A)ahu inipreg
r nable against ajanding. force.-
appeared before the, house com-
muiee on naval affairs during the
day. He declared that interna
, tional cessation of naval construc
tion was preferable to the declar.
ill V Slf D Ana.vani. I 1. 1 1
uiivycor uYJl IlOllUBy,
He further stated that two bnttl.
ships for the present year was the
minimum number that should be
Duut in order to maintain the effl
-"..v.,, vf jiot.v, miuing mat ne
sees no reason for , constructing
iour oainesnips this year.
WASHINGTON, January 29. (By
Atnocisted Prew Cuble) Secretary of
War Garrison anuouncd today that
rvi n w ..i.. . .
builder, baa given bia unqualified ac
ceptance to -the offer made him of ap
pointment aa first Governor of tbe
Canal Zone tinder permanent civil gov
ernment Provident Wilson baa sent tbe noml-
nDtinn in thm iam. . rPL. .-I i
w Aim .111111 J IB
10.0U0 a year, whereai chairman ot the
Juthniiaa Canal Commission, Colonel
Goetbala ia now getting 15,1)00 a year.
xu k"( arounu mis situation, Jiepre-
aeiuauve rea A. Written of IJIinoli
today introduced ia the house a bill to
make the 'Panama governor's salary
13,000 while Uoetbala .ia the Incum
bent. . . .',..
, WASHINGTON, January 3D. (Asso
ciated Press 1y Federal Wirelesa) .
Becretarv of State ; bryan and the
Costa Eican minister yesterday agreed
'to the trma of a new treaty bctwefu
tbia country and Costa Rica. Under the
terms of tbe proposed treaty both gov
ernments agree to investigate for a
period covering one yea'r all qustious
arising between the two which they do
not adjust diplomatically.
SHANGHAI, January 21). By As
sociated Press Arable) Two thousand
heavily armed and desperatn briguiids,
tinder the direction of the outlaw chief
White Wolf, have sacked and iburued
the city of . Liuangchow.
' WASHINGTON, January 20. (fly
Associated Press Cable) Two congres
sional committees will leave this week
to investigate' the mining dUordur in
.Michigan nnd Colorado.
D. L. Witbington Says That Ao
: Uon Will Be Started la the Uni
, ted States Court of Claims for
' Return of Money Expended in
Opening Bishop Street, if Gov
ernment Gives Up Mahya, Bite.
ii tn MabuKa sit is given up St
the location of. tbe federal building,
we will enter suit (gainst the govern
meat in the I'niteo. States Court ot
Claims to recover the $30,000 which
we paid for the land now ejocnpled by
the extension of Bishop street," said
D. L. Withingtoa to i he Advertiser
yesterday. ' . 1 . ..
lb original Mabuka site, be said
was purchased from th Henry Water-
hoos Trnst Company by the govern
ment for $104,0011, hot th government
woniu not agree to tne Snal consumma
tion of the deal unless the local author
ities would extend ; Bishop street
through from Kin- to Merchant street.
ine laml commiaaiuner and superintend
ent of publia works were agreeable to
the Territory assuming 'the cost of the
ettensloa and land exchangee were ar
ranged, out Morg K. Carter, who was
at to at time goveraor, cabled to Wash.
ngton interposing objections - to the
Manuka aite and that part of the deal
was declared off. Withingtoa stated. Ad
joining property owners then undertook
to raise the thirty thousand duJIars
necessary to bny the street extension
and got about half. ,Tb remaining flf
teen thousand dollars was made up eon.
jointly, by Lewera ft Cooke, Castle ft
Withingtoa and the Waterhouae Trust
Company. The land was bouaht and
turned over to the Territory without
cash consideration aa a conditional gift
contingent upon tbe Mahuka aite being
used Dy the lederal governmentaior a
Strong Caaa, Sara ' Within (ton.
If that purpose la now abandoned
we have a strong ease,", he said, and
W. R. Castle, who was present, confirm
ed Withingtoa 'a position in the matter.
The ngiit to get s federal building
for Honolulu first took definite ahap
a January, iaua,-when the delegate In
con;rWt jeiKtvcd iastrnctiotia from't&aJ
local bbsiaea interexta to begin work
wtin that end in- view. -.
The selectio of a suitable Joeatloa
waa thoroughly canvassed for two years
ana tne merchants decided in favor, of
tbe Mahaka prdparty, a decision 'which
wa omcialiy confirmed by the Wash
Ington authoritie April 1, 1B07. . ; .
ibe Mabuka property waa then pur
chased br the government as detailed
above. ' The supervising architects of
the treasnry department prepared plans
ir m uBii-miuiua-aoiisr uuuuinz ana
l 1 4 ' 1 11 1 , 1 -lit A
these plana were accepted April,. 1010.
In June, 1910, It was decided by the
government that the land area was too
small and recommendations that had
beeu made for the enlargement of the
site clear through to Fort street Were
approved.. . k
ibe advocates of tbe Irwin site again
made efforts to have the proposed strue-J
ture transferred to that location, which
action' led to a mats meeting of the
merchants and business Interests of this
elty in October, 1910. Resolutions were
passed ' stating emphatically that ' the
business interests were for the Mahuka
site first, last and . all the time. The
district attorney waa directed to pro
ceed ' with condemnation' proceedings,
and be announced bia readiness to pro
ceed In December, 1910, ; Is the mean
time the delegate had auceeeded in get
ting an appropriation of 1800,000, S350,
000 of which was apportioned for pur
chase of a site and 450,000 set apart
for the building. ,
,' Bulta Explained.
E. R, Reidford, in an interview yes
terday; explained in detail ' the five
separate condemnation suits which fob
lowed. He said: . . '. ,t '
"Suit was commenced December 23,
1910. but waa not actually brought to
trial until February 1912.
"Demurrer Were filed bv the sev
eral respondents, the principal ground
being that tbe appropriation by con
gress was insufficient to cover th value
of tba property nought to be condemned
and that the secretary of the interior
waa prohibited by atatute from spend
ing money in excess of tbe , amount
specifically appropriated for any par
ticular, purpose. Consequently, it was
pleaded that the owners would be put
to a great deal of unnecessary ex
pense as the I'nited States would prob
ably decline to take the property, the
awards being too high. Tbia is exact
ly what' has happened: the awards are
in excess of the appropriation and
there appeara to be little hope of con
gress voting an additional appropria
tion," be said. . y , . ' v
The first rase to be tried covered
th Cummins' premises, occupied by
Caatla ft Cooke. Tbe jury' award was:
Cummins Estate, owner . , , ,'. .$111,600
Castle ft Cooke, lessee . , . . . . , 23,600
A total of .' .135,000
AxouMd Much InUraat,
"As this was the first case to be
tried a good deal of interest waa taken
a to how the jury' award would com-
Vnre with tbe valuatloua placed upon
tbe premises by the varloua witnesses
called. These valuation Were as fol
R. R. Reidford ,'..ilT1.743
I. W, Pratt lflfl.213
K. L, Schwarzberg 174,245
U. i Abies 188.115
C. T. Wilder k,. 87.408
(Continued on page three.)
Rebeli Capture Concepcion del
' Oro After Stubborn ResisUnce
and Show No Mercy to Prison
ers Who Fall Into Their Hands ;
Constitutionalists Boast of Their
Wealth. '
: BROWNSVILLR, TeWs, Januarv 30,
(Assoolated Pres by Federal Wire
less) Four hundred Federals were kill
ed In a battle at Concepcion del Oro,
lacatecaa, yesterday4 according to of
flcial report received at th Constitu-
tiuuiim nrsuijiierier t Mstameras
and transmitted here last Bight.
Many of the Federals were summa
rily executed after being eaptuied.
In the battle, wbiea lasted for sev
eral hours, the rebel lost seven killed
and seventy wounded. ' - r; ' ,
JUAREZ, Mexico, January 30. (As
sociated Preksjfiiy ' Federal Wirelesa)
General VillajTu command of th rebel
forces holding, the state of Chihuahua,
yesterday irave-ont a statement showing
tha the Constitutionalists now have
five million pasos'la cash in tboir treas
nry, besides much confiscated property.
Tbia is sufficient,, aay the rebels, to
run the' government in the territory
they already have captured for the next
several years. ' ...-.v,
)u.,V r ---'v- -
,1 PORTiAlf-PRtNOEi' naitl Jan.
uary -eo.'(Asaoclated Press ti
ieral , Wireless) Tbe revoln-
tloaista are now marclung on the at
capital and a battle ior its pos-
sossion is : imminent. ' Rear Ad- Sr
mlral Padger of the battleship
m Houth-Oirelina i la command of
th International force of Ameri-
can and Herman bluejackets pa-
trolling tbe city, and every effort
is being mad to protect foreign
interests. ' Mcmbors of President
Presto' cabinet have fled.
President 7rete and family re-
main- aboard th German cruiser '
Vineta, in' the harbor and within
night of. the city. '
a 44rsia
' ,-.;
WASHINGTON, January 30. -(Aa-
soclated:Presa by Federal. Wireless)
A special order Issued by the war de
partment January 21, requiring Lieut
Kvan Lewis of the Second Infantry to
join his regiment at Honolulu,, was re
voked yesterday. Lieutenant Lewis was
formerly stationed with tbe Twenty-'
AiL T . t. ... . . '
uivu imanuv, , neceniiy ne Baa beeu
on duty at the military academy a
instructor in tactic.
PEKINa China. Januarv 29. f Bv
Associated Press Cable) A state re
ligion wilTbe forced upon China if the
indications apparent from the attitude
of President Yuan Nhih-kai are correct.
At the instance of President Yuan, the
administrative council today passed a
bill prescribing the worship of Heaven
and Confucius and It ia understood it
will be- immediately signed ' by the
Ihe bill was passed over the vigor
ous objections of Christians; Moham
medans, Taoista and Buddhists, who
have strongly opposed tbe adoption of
any stato religion.
" . . i '
8AN FRANCINCO. Januarv 29.
(By Associated Press OubleWMrs.
Mary Vaughn, sister of the noted kid
naper, Pat Crowe, was the center of
sensation today, when she was con
victed of -attempting extortion in con
nection with a "white slave"
Hhe is a well kuown clubwoman and
social worker.
WASHENOTON. Januarv ,29. fBv
Associated Press Caible) It was an
nounced at th treasury department to
day that th First National Bank of
New York City, controlled by the
George F. Baker Interests, has apdil
for membership in tbe federal reserve
syatera. .
New :Terrors; for the Mexican People.
x ?v4 ),. k- - ';.
ft ' - i i 1 j f r',;; ..... '.'
... ' )
r.. :r
In tlie upper panet is bbown
Attorney General'! -Opinion May
Mean Life or Death to Con.'..,
v victed Murderer. . :
Governor Pinkbam has taken up in
earnest an investigation of tba cane of
Henry Francia Furguson, the Fourth
Cavalry soldier who waa sentenced to
death on November 23 lost by Judge
Robinson for the death of Manuel Dio
niaio Abren, the otllcer who bad been
sent out to arrest Furguson for an al
leged crime of rape.
Attorney-Oeneral Thaver was venter-
day asked by tba Governor to look
thoroughly into the caso and to report
as soon a might be. " Petition for
the commutation of Furguson 'a death
sentence have been presented to tbe
Governor. The Governor ba also heard
a number of people who do not believe
Furguson should escape capital punish
ment. "Furguson will - not .bang .unless
ign his death warrant." said the
Governor yesterday to The Advertiser.
ine hanging of a man is no light
matter . and before I :ict One way or
another I want to be thoroughly satis
fied of everything in connection with
the case." .
A number of eiiurrh members of Ho
nolulu also are making' a strong effort
to have the sentence of Furguson com
muted to life imprisonment. The ques
tion waa taken up at the evening pray-er-ervicos
at Central Union Church
Wednesday night. . After the services a
petition to Governor Piukham, appeal
ing for Furguson'1 the commutation of
Furguson 'a sentence waa circulated by
kov. John t. Uuiick. A doien or more
signed the petition. . I
. !
INpIANAIOLia, Indiana, January
30. (Associated Presa by Federal
Wireless) Waiuuel Gumiiers, presiilont
of the American Federation of Labor,
In a strong speech yestorday, defended
the American - Federation of Labor
axaiust the charges of President Mov
er aiiil others of the Western Federa
tion of Miners. -The speech was made
before the convention of the United
Miue Workers.
Moyer charged thut if the Michigan
copper strike was hint by the union men
it would be due to the inactivity of the
executive board of the American Fede
ration of Labor, .
Jsbbowna group of Mexican refuses atVesiili.,' t.theyfreVjinir Vaccina ted. by
loctors, while in the lowet panel is a Mexican baby after vaccination r .
JOLIET, ' Illinois, January 30,
(Associated Press by Federal
Wireless) Five convicts, employ-
ed in the machine shop of the
tate prison here, were "arrest-.
ed" yesterday charged with coua-'
forfeiting nickels.
The money, skilfully made, waa
easily passed on their keeper in
the prison atore. In addition to
a complete plant for manufaetur-
ing nioklea, tbe prison authorities
also found dies for Quarter dollars,
wblcli, s'o far as known had not
yet been used. ': i ,.
, , , fm.
r. F, Humhurg;, Back to Honolulu
After Four Years, With Cheer
Ad Report of Conditions. ' '
J. F. Humburg, who baa
charge of II. HackfeldV Company'
Sun Francisco oflice for four years, was
an arrival on the steamer Siberia yes
terday. He said that be ia very glad
to gut back to Honolulu again that
it is good to come back to the home
town. ' ' '
August Humburg, who has been in
charge of the New', York oflice, taltes
the Han Francisco brunch,, and - Mr.
Hcott has been promoted to be the. New
York manager. ,
'.'The ibusines outlouk ou the C'oant
has very greatly improved In the last
mouth," said Humburg. "People are
gaining confidence in the new admin
istration, and there is general resump
tion in manufacturing o-riitionv Busi
ness men who looked very blue three
months ago and were very doubtful as
to what the future had in Store, are
cheerful and smiling again. Tbe rains
have l pen liouutiful, so that everyone
i -predicting large croiw for tbe season
of 1 1 4. The ground water-atornge
level ban tieen seriously lowered during
the Just Tew years because of a long
period of deficient rainfall. The very
heavy rainfall may have caused soma
minor flood damage, -but people all over
the ritate are jubilant because of the
insurance nf bountiful crops consequent
on the flooding of the fluids and the
restoration of the ground water level."
BAN FltAMIMtX), January 29.
The funeral of W, U. Irwin, who died
yesterday, will be held Saturday.
if :
" .'''( BSBasssiisnnat
., . ( , : ' $ ' '- v
Difficult to Float . Bonds' for the
Structure, Says Governor
. at Conference! '.,
Finance generally, a site fof tbe pro
posed city hall and way and means
to finance the erection of a city kail,
were matter discussed at a conference
held yesterday, afternoon between tbe
Governor, Mayor J. J". Fern, Supervisors
William II. McClellan, M. C. facheoo,
John Markham, Lester Petrie and 8am
Hardesty, City Treasurer C. J. McCar
thy and Territorial Treasurer D, L.
Conkling. " i . 'v
The conference lasted far fully three
hours. After tbe conference Governor
Plnkham stated to Th Advertiser that
it had been agreed to let th city hall
proposition rest temporarily. , ,
"The condition of the. money mar
kets in the East ia not at all conducive
at this time to float any county bonds,"
stated the Governor. "It ie beat to
wait awhile and see bow thing shape.
I4un I I... ' l.,,4 : I i .tJ -
wnicn i reaa a lew Uays ago, baa cer
tainly a most optimistic ton and it
looks as if things financial in th East
Will soon adjust themselves to a better
understanding of National affair. Then,
and not until then, -will it be time to
take up the city ball, question, it ap
pear to me." ' , '
, The Governor stated further, refer
ring to the present ' so-called money
stringency, that the city and' eounty of
Honolulu would not suffer any by the
present call for economy and retrench
ment. .-.. . ' ,', . . .;,,., .
'''The.Nty government will .'get. ev
erything It it justly entitled to under
the'luMs passed by the legialature,"
explained the Governor. "We aspect,
of course, that the municipality will be
a careful of its flnauoe at this time
as the Territory i trying to be.'.'
. . ' . ".
Within a weak before contract time
tbe new National Guard Armory was
accepted as completed yesterday,
Only a few 'minor detail remain to
lie attended to,' according to Ripley k
Pavis, the architects. ; In their report
to fcUiperintendint of Public, Works
Caldwell, among other thlnga, they say
in relatidu to the work. of Lucas Broth
ers, the contractors:.
"We desire to record our apprecia
tion of the manner in which the con
tractors of this work have carried out
the term of their contract. Then baa
1 ' s - ,
Department of Justice Begins In.
estimation of Affairs of Amer.
lean Smelting & Refining Com
pany; Alleged Smelter Trust;',,'
Capitalization of $150,000,000;
Plan Prosecution Under Sher
man .Law. . : ;
: WASHINGTON, January 30.-'-;
( Asn(ciated Press by Federal
Wireless) r It was announced -here
yesterday that the depart
ment of justice is now investigate '.
inp; the American Smelting & Re
fining Company, which is com
monly known as the Smelter
Trust. The department believes,'
it is stated, that it already has
sufllcient grounds upon which to ,
Warrant suit against the company
for violation of the Sherman Anti
Trust Law.-.
The American Smelting & Re
fining Company and the American
Smelters- Securities Company, '
which owns the controlling inter
est, have a combined capital of
$150,000,000., They own twelve'
smelters, two refineries, a dozen ,
lead mines, large coiiper proper
ties, and have interests extending
from Alaska to New York, includ
ing Utah, Nevada, California, ;
Colorado, Idaho, Arizona and
New, Mexico. ? .' , ; :"
Daniel Guggenheim is 'president '
f the American .Smelting & Re-i
fining Company,' ..'(; J
Supervisors to Improve Ealakaua
Avenue Police Property
;;' Inventory Filed.
In eupport of the campaign atarted
ia the early part of this week by Tba
Advertiser for the Improvement of Ka
lakaua avenue, the board, of supervisors
yesterday voted an appropriation of
$1(500 for the immediate improvement '
of this badly worn thoroughfare. .
Chairman Petrie of tbe roads eom-
mittee brought up the matter at yes-
terday's noonday meeting of the board -ii
id tbe measure was rushed through
without a dissenting' vote.
"Wo have realised for Soma time the ,
ilangeroua condition, of tbia thorough- .
fare,'.' said Petrie yesterday, "but we",
were unable to do anything until the '
jiroperty holdero would comply with '
the curbing ordinance and have proper
curbing placed on each aide of the
driveway. However, we will go ahead
on this temporary improvement until .,
iius marier can do nnany aajusted anit .
the nrnnprtv linlilnr wkn '. hAMins
cut against placing eiinblng in front of
mir properly ue xorceu (0 ty tne '
courts." ...
Oity Engineer Whitohouse stated
last night that extra gangs of labor
ers would be placed on this job ana
all sneed would ilin m.l in rf tin
the road in proper coudition before Oar.
' ' The road will be scarified, shaped
and rolled." stated Whitk.,ua '
the John Kua road to Kapiolanl Park.
nave mane sucn temporary repaira
before and under ordinary eonditiona
bia should last at least a year. In the
inrantime the supervisors will probably ,;'
find auflicient funds to start work on
the permaneut paving.' .- . '.
Tbe board took up its regular rou
tine work at the meeting yesterday.
The long delayed Inventory of tbe nn
Harmed articles at the police atatlon
waa finally submitted to the board and
ia turn submitted to the police commit
tee. .,
The Ihveutory covers s wide range of
articles. On th list the famous
"MtDuflle ring" ia sandwiched in be
tween a pair of brown shoes and a
"square face" of gin. There are
knives, revolvers, demijohns of wine,
clothing, silverware, air guns bicycles,
opium layouts, dagger and cleavers.
These articles will be advertised lat
ter and sold at auction.
boen no attempt on their part to evade
any obligation and We feel that this
building is a credit to the builders and
we trurt a source of pride to evtjry
member of the nntioual guard and to
very citizen of Hawaii." .

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