t ''''.. i r t l f i . .' .i: f- ' I :.. : HAWAIIAN'. GA2ETTE,. FRIDAY, NOVfcM 8ER 50,'" 191 7-EMI-WkiV. '"' . IIAILTOTIIEKInGl TURKEY REIGilS AT SALLART.1Y POSTS Second Only TO Royal Bird Was the Cook Yesterday When- -; ever Soldiers Ar Stationed ' J -. ( liNCU SAM'S SOLDIERS v . M HAVE REGULAR HOLIDAY Menus de Luxe the' Rule At All 1 -..'To Bed Stuffed and Happy ! ! 1 tr Iwhit tap er th most im i ; W l. i lr ipttaat unWaryr keadgear , worn In ' ! W'Ary' fet fnl -Ham ' army post on Oahu yesterday, for they were th 1 royal tneigni of th army eooka, and th cooks wre cooking turkey all morn ' tag long a ad then served it at the ttrota of twelve to about thirteea thou- k .. aaad soldier. - v. ,- -. J was aa army of me, who at U turkey, tml It wae aa amy of turkeys which wa fnrirlalied to an" ! petite 6f th mi ia khaki, Who; had been working, up n appf?te for A'lrier ; ica'a moat beaored. bird. auDc just a year ago yesterday. CigMy few. soldier stralyed away " from posts ar barrack jeaterdat. Thev ' Just seemed t ailck around at if antl lipatiog aa entertainment de luxe, and if any of them had" beeq allowed in v the eompanf kitchen they possibly would wot hive been any wieer, but ' . Juaf. bit mtre Veen than ever ta atty : ' h ire ret until tha twelv o'clock mesa '" bntrf-blew . BoUUart la trie' .','( '.;' . '':' ,.A newspaper reporter, visiting ' the variod poata Jaat to h6w Uncle Sam wan really treating fc.ht.bOv on f hi day of thanks, ascertained that Lf ttkf men our. earth ahould, offer up thank tb tbe Almighty on tbia one day of tbe year appointed by the .Chief Executive of the Nation on which to i express appreciation -of the mercies of the year, and which owea Ita orifcin to the Pilgrim Fathera aa aet apart . by Uoreraor Brad f urd. at Plymouth, Maaaa cfcuaeta. la 1S2V it waa theae' aoldiera. j Early iq tbe day, kaowiai? full, wll what ,w4 eoming. if Uiot by prevoua knowledge, thea: by tt. wonderful arom of aweetaamelling meat ad. apicea emanating form tbe kitchen, they, all agreed with what Napoleoa aald about n army, and ita ttomaeh, ' Jhty alao greed that Unele . Ram waa the beat raterer in the world to hie rma warda. They. Jike.wiae. .agreed, that the army thiefa bad. taken time by the forelock and aecuredS, enough, turkey a all over the United SUtea to have a aufficlent fiipply for yeaterday'a djnner ill every port of (he eoatiaent, over lit France, down ia the Philippine, away or in Alaaka and her .ia the ParaMiae.of the ... ; ipaeifiot. and wherever .Columbia! wr doga are erniaing upon ti Seven Btu. Hall To it fctuc- ,i t :':.'': And ao it a tnaf.hen the white rapped and aproped cook a made their appearance' early lit the; dny they were the real kiaga'of.tha day Few officer had to be obeyed,, for drllla wra poat poned, and lucky, they were, for in the' afternoon every aoldier needed a reat and woe bVtide tb man who had f walk aentry duty - , Never .before .bad aoldier. liked the, barrack o well or to be in the vicinity . of the' dining room if.lt happened de tached. The pool rooma and card room, the Kbrariea and even the dofmftoriea Were crowded. The pboriographa, and rfter were hundred aroaad the poata. kept up a continuoua grinding out of fn-trota and. ragtimea. The player piarioa reeled otl their beat tnnea and ocraaionally aa ukulele 'e atrnm could be heafd through the wiadowa. . The ' meat aergeant ir aim aa et reedlngtt popular ittanV ia' eacM eompaay 1n(iC hall. Tt wa h whor with the Connttaaee of the tooka and their aaaiat auta prepared, the menu; ad While each men Wie different,-merely ia tbe printed makeup. It waa nearly all the fame fi rie, old faahfoaed orkey dinner iri every haH.-; 'i1 ' fof and Good Feelrnf It' needed to be a day . of Joy and good feeling. The newgpapel1 man waa conducted to each kitchen and ahown the great plafteraof i turkey I'ega and wing and the heap of ivhite and black meat, nicely alieed and garnitthed,. He wa howa huge.plattejra of potato aalad aud candied waet 'pcataea, aad cran berry eauoe. and,., th oyster floating around iq rich .not, milk. M tbe aoup was beltig prepared.. ' , , 'Stay , and have dinner., with u you'll aure bav the buliea, dinner of ' jour. life," wa the general rnvitatlon of the army boye to tbe hurrying scribe - It waa a temptation. Hf. Anthony never bad a. greater, but Altera, were many poata to viait.. : ', .,' f , . . , Oqe poet after another aeemed all to have been turned into vaat kitchen far the day, with everybody elae wait ing for that turkey. ... .1 ... Uncle 8am provided . for all our boy handsomely eaid Major Per kin, commanding the Coeat Artillery rout of Fort Burer, "The army chief looked' on ,iot thl m loitg way ahead of ia aad got rnrkev to every poa. ennngh' fof' all and tkew aome to hold , Over! for another meal. It 'a goln to bo ' ' reat- Thaitkantving dinner." Vor'a Mouth Watered Tha major ,wan 't gofnlr ,f.o altf down 'at on of the eompao table, but h knew eXActlr wfit a aplndid feaaf we to' be placed befort the , hnndler of ike ' bis gun, and. maybe h wi a bit jealou. At any r!te he wa pleaaed. Then the bugle blew at npon at Fort Kuger, Fort De Ruaay, Fort Xrmatrong, Fort Itumehamehft, Fort Bhafter and Hchofleld Barracka; yer, and even in the placet n'bere' gnard ' detachment bav been placed on duty, flier wa " mighty ruah. Tb 1 ule aergeant wbiatled them down, into thoir eatn. Tn.moat of the company dining room V tb " re eonfronted with aouveuir neau Uookleta of tb day, with cover ahowiug turkey ia Color, and emboaaed, nd old tyl printing. Some of tb IIoniestcadersArc';' Eager To Get ; Good: Siartands : : ; ' piilUJ, November S3 Oet Iw'd nnn. dred application bve already been made for participation rn in drawing for aeveneen land lot which la. to take place on February 7 neit and 'Which . 'Will, diapoae : of three kundred acrea of land, the. leaae of which ha expired and which I located at llono bitia, near Hakalau. r.-' . The tract of land la thre hundred acre ia extent and la now under cane, aem yo.ing ratoon and aom big can which la to be cut very noon. The bomeatead lota are divided into arcaa ranging from eight to aixteen acrea. of land and the Cropa raised upon them in the peat have been very heavy. , ! .the value of the lot yarlra from Mgbty to one hundred and tfty dollara per aere and. the whole tract, ia to be di)oaed of, for homestead purpeaoa. The opening up of the tract waa ap proved of by Governor Pinkbam on November 40 nd application for lot will be received an ti(l January SI.. Tbe election day will be February 7 and the tot will be dispoied of at tb Hilo eourtbouae. ' ' . . " ... . . r-W .".".ai -"I: ALLIED FORCES Otl VARDAR FROriT ARE NEW BUILDINGS AT RUGER PROGRESSING Completion of - Program - Will .Make Fort On of Largest Big V Gun Stations Iri Islands - Conntrnctlon work on new bbildings at Fort Ruiror. which waa commenced about t free weeka 'ago, ia progreaaing rapidly, 'the atablea and wagon abed having been completed. The, founda tion ia already laid for the.guardhouRe, which la. being erected .oq a ait.e near the government road between the main barrack on the Kaimuki ide and tbe battery poaition no tbe Diamond Head aide.. The headquarter building, will b placed clone to the barrack division. 1 When the new guardnauae i com pleted, the old one, will.be tora down to make room for a.larg9. two-atory frame barracka building. , Thi will house a company which la now occupy ing tent in ffont of, the 13th Company barrack. . '. , , , p'pon th high ground back of ihe DarracKa ana many or ine oia-time or fioer'. Quarter, tbe new act of officer quartera re being erected. Theae will top 'the bigheat ground of the poet When these building are all completed Fort Buger will, he one of the largeat big gun poat and probably the moat picturesque, beeauae of the numeroua h Us and high ground occupied by the MAMinn AawniA tit tfVi arm ' mmaiim. ONLY BVO SAVED AS YER HITS MINE ,-'.1 - -jj'' V i.'. ar.J IXiNDON, November 30 (Aaociateil I'reaa) Rcporta received here yester day tell of the loaa of a Oerman de atroyer from contact with, a mine. Only two of tbe crew were aaved a the abip aank almost immediately and .the of fleer Ad crew could not keep a flout long in the cold water. 1 ; . ..- . .. MEXICO RAISES IIS f'ii i, !.. jt ' MEXICO CITT, November 27-(A. -ociated Preaa) Oen. Venuatiauo Car ranza, president of Mexico, ha immed decreea iuereaaing. from E5 to 5t) per cent the import dutiepon certain clutwe of merchuodiae, to 75 ou wine and uluo holic dutiea, and, tes 80. an .foreign )eer. Tbe iaereaaed ratea will be effective January 1. . . , printer abowed real ingenuity, fr the cnt on the menu- of Company H, Hecond Infantry showed a big turkey with a loi around ita ueck just to show the boy', aloha far heir beat Thanksgiv ing Day friend. Company. 1., N-coud Infantry, had fatter looking turkey for H cover than othera, aud nhove U wa the. American eagle boldrug eroaaed Ainorican .tjuga. . , . But whether it wa Company I. or Company B f the Second Inf:intry, or he 13th Com 1 .any, Coast Artillery) out at Fort Sugar, or cavalry, troop, or field artillery company, the coi'iposito menu for all ran about like this: M-u-m m m! , , , . Oyster Soup with Crackers Boaet Young Turkey with Fruit .v" . t , Dressing ' Cranberry auce , Oiblet Oravy Candied Sweet Potatoes Cold Poiled Ham Roast Veal Boast Pork and Snore Mashed Potatoes, 8weot Qorn, Creamed . Peas, Railiab Hhrimp Ralail, Potato Halnd, Fruit Salad Chocolate I yr Cake, Coc.oanut .. -. .flak ., Apple Pie. Pumpkin Pie, I.emon Pie Oraugea, Rannna. Pineapples, vn-ti rtcd Nuts, Miyed Candies 1 Strawberry Ie .Cream, Yanil 1 Ice ; .' ; , .Cream,. Coffee , Cmrt .. Cigarettes , There wa musi also (n aome of the tompaniea, and "Over There" was pop. olar.with, a lot pf tU boy, Company B, of the fteoond Infantry, printing the ong on it menu.. Mot of tbe (ut ter booklet carried the roster of the eompnnv. and oniotlnu cut of Pre ideiit Wilson, ri '.,. ., j It waa a, greai day.. And it' an wonder that aiipner lust evening wa just about like this: Ovater Ktew, , ,,.., ,. . Cold, Meat Olive , Plc.lflea ,,,Celerv 1 J.ettuea , Plo t Cake . Candio . .. ,. u i. .-Tonr.:!; -,': . ; GOOD NIQIITI . ABM18 , HEADQUABTEHf, Iv6r, Macedonia, October '3d (Associated Preaa)- Thia little Turkish own marks the farthest point north of thi Army of the Orient, where General Jerome, commander-in-chief of Hie FreaCh-Oreek divisions, haa established his general headquarters. The- . double line of trenehea are near bv. and one heara the low rumble of gutia aad get aa oc casional whiff of go. , To the rtiK the Vardnl' river vlnds bet-ween high monn taln. It ia the junction of the British- trench forces, with Oeneral Milne British divisions running east of th Vardar, lutl miles to the ea, and Oen pral Jerome 'a French and Allied divi sion stretrhlng et Of tb Vardar to ward Monnstlr. With C.iptaln Petain, of peneral .Te rbme stnfr find, Captain I.angenhngrn from general headnnrters, we ha come to one Of the highest point, to get a panoramic View of the opposinp Raea, with the batterle a work. It WR in tin old Turkish cemetery, and we looked out from among these strung Turkish gravestones. For axrme renaon it had been christened "BoeratesObser- vntory. The acene ahead waa sing ularly beautiful On tbia clear October day, with the Vardnr on the right, threi borob-ewent and deserted villages In front, and successive range of moun tains from which little cotton-bnlls of amok marked the, liatteric in action. CtUe Ar Deserted Directly in front we looked down on tb Bulgnr City of Ouevuli, an import- Laat 1 lace of 40,000 population, now de serted becniisa of the havoc of the French, guna. It bns Inrge ilk factor ip, find the tall chimneys, and, what ia known as the Depvo tower, stood Out pluinly oove Jhe ailent city. 1 To tbe west were . three Turkish villages alao deserted, East Alcnk, West Aleak and nudzi Bnri. The lines pf trenches were plainly visible, r.ig-xngging across the. plain, but there was no movement Of, infantry visible and only the blotch a of smoke' and rumble of gun to mar the calm of theae fertile foothill .and valleys. t , , Orreat Engineering Feat Coming north from (Salonika' th rail way slop- at. Kilometer S7 and here begins the gigantic work which French engineers are accomplishing, in build ing bridges on mountain roads. A net work of 500 miles of this road ha been built, keeping the whole Macedonian front in touch with long linen of sup ply trucks moving the munitions and stores to the front. It i all stone-road, su h aa the old Komona built, aud be aidea this 500 miles for auto-trucks there are 400 miles more for pack mules. , ., . . , At one point a, sandy plain spread out, with a colossal structure in the distance which looked like one of the pyramid of lugypt. It waa mounted on, a hewn-atone. ten-ac half a mile long, and then above rose the monstrous dome with tbe apex rounded. This is the reputed tnmt) of Alexander . the. Qraat, tbe noted hero of old Macedonia, who exclaimed' " Give' me more worlds to conquer," Captain Langeuhagen said it was not dear whether the tomb wa a tradition or a reality, but excaa tiona were being made to aee if the in terior, of the vast pile .would disclose some authentic clues. Jerome Hammers Steadily"" Oeneral Jerome is known a the "fighting general,"-by 'virtue of tho steady hammering he is doing on this front. IfO ia of the Phil Sheridan type, short and thick, with a ruddy face and thin grey hair. Hi staff include aome of the beat known, men. la France, in aluding the head man of tho Paris Figaro. The; general 'a report on the day 'a oporationa had just come lit. "It is comparatively ealm," be said. "Moat of the attack are at night jii.it now, as tlie darknesa give cover, and there is no hot sua tq wear the men down." Ut neral Jerome wa greatly 'inter ested in the arrival of American troops in France. H wanted to ee Major Davis, the United Mates military at tache in these part, to talk with him of the deai rabilfty of having Americun vigor added to what ia .already .here. Something may eonie of this later on. Headquarter Oa Cliff : At Uagadny we, w Oeneral Colin, Pre noli brigade comuuuider. Hi head quarters, are at one of the moat ex posed point of thia front. One aide of the town baa bain blown to: pieces, aud the kousea are masses of debris and jagged walls. On attacks are, also fre cnent. Tbe general's headquarters are on tho side of a high cliff, reached by winding walk. He -bus a garden on a ledge of the ' cliff, and everything Is bright and luftny jn his cliff house. Oreek Army I Real A glimpse of what the Oreek are doing on thia front was obtained at the Ureek; headquarters, where Colonel Hpilimle is In eommnnd of tbe divis ion of Crete, those heroic ixtuuder who OHHenihled at Venezclos ' call when King Cuustuntiue was keeping the roy alist army immobile. Reports have reached tbe United Btates that this Venexelo army was a thing on paper. But it is a reullty. The camp atretch ed nwny for f utile and was a bewilder ing scene of auiniatiio. , Pack mules v;er just bfiiiging Jn stock .of .refrig erated,' quarter of meat, the covers showing it rain from America. .A file of w 011 u iled men also passed, each njnn lashed to a large panler oil the' side of a donkey. ,"Thia ia ground formerly hel(J by. he Biilgura,',' said' Colonel Kpiliudea, and Captain I.nngeuhngen adiled: "Ifea.tbe Greeks found the Bulbars ber and wept them ..back ten miles. It was one of the hottest fights in. this sec tion, and showed tha splendid fighting qualities, of tb Ureeka1.'' ' Home of the youug trpops, recently mobiiixed by Veneielos, are beginning to arrive. They are' a line looking loi of young fellows, like th new'Ameri can army. t At O10 Oek Bed Cross Hospital near by'H Mme, Argiropoulis, Wuu o. a Oreek cabinet minister, came forwtiid to' greet us. At Athens she iya, Jeadi r of vocioty, but horg at the jrout she were th liit cap pad aniform-of A nurse, and 4h her daughter ia doing heroic work'rn earing for the aick and wounded. It is hospital of tent, with long double liAea of wounded' in each 'teat. -i ' ' ' Opportunity For American Women "There i an ojiportunity for Ameri can womea on thia front,'' said Mme. Argiropouli. 'W greatly need mar's help and would welcome America worn n.",V..; ,f iThe"' tamp! fj Chinese Anntmite wa pnaaed next 'to the Greek. It showed the strange mixture of race fighting here. ; These Chinese a r from the Vrench colony of Annam in Ind-i China. They are diminutive men, with sharp black, eyes. But they are goo figbtera and good work era. . At .tfie . airplane station, six tiue aerodrome Were filled with machine, end on the plain the flyers were soaring about a they arrived and departed Aa their reeoRbixaner. ".' Altogether, thi dy along the Va rlnr front, had hfmn the tboTonjrrine of equipment . of the French-Allied foreea, the" enormon construction of roads, bridiree and camp qnarter. tho firm grip Oenernl Jer.ime's forea hve on the present line and the steady push they ar exerting on the enemy. There waa no evidence that the Army of th Orient I foing to wlhdrw, but every evidence that It I going to stay. - LICENSEES WILL BE UNDER CONTROL Smaller Firms "Also Under Scrtf . tiny of Food Managers. Says .' . Food Administrator Child . ; Now that th licenaing of local firma dealing in food-staffs is actually being done, Food Administrator J. F.' Child any that the administration will find it easy to control the prices charged by the dealers if. they should prove exor bitant. The license makes thia possible. .Under the term by which they ar licensed the firms are required to make a periodical report giving the price Allied Ambassadors ' Speak-Of Need For Food Pledge Week The Allies of the' United fltale ar Vitally interested in the success of th family enrollment campaign which be gan all over the United Htates a few week t ago. If the food administration ia rueceasfut in its effort to gain the pledge of the 2i.'.lMHI,0ti0 home in the country to observe ita directions and advie In food economy it will mean that th United .states will "be able to export all the wheat, meat, fata nd sugar which its Allies ia Kurope sorely need to enable them to maintain their fighting ktrength. Aimaro Hat", the Japanese ambassa dor to. the Unite, I Htates, mnkea the following statement endorsing the food pledge wees campaign, now in progress under the direction of the United Htate food administration and designed to enroll the . Ameciean families in the cause of food eoiwrvatio '"Ia thia the fourth year of the great world war, the fortune . of onr eaemieit are decidedly on the wan and victory seems assured for the allied cause. Too evidently, however, it is not th part of wisdom not to realixe the Immense efforts ami sacrifices which must yet be mnde. Tb gnllnnt and heroic way in which our Kuropenn Al lies bav so far borne the brunt of thi dire war command our admiration and gratitude. They have every right to expect of America, of Japan and every other member of th great coalition against barbarism to do what they have done and to suffer what they have suf fered! Japn&eM Prepared '-"Japan . for one has and will put forth every effort to the best of ber power and resources. Her people are prepared for a full measure of contri bution and sacrifice. "If is, however, from the United States paf excellence that the world la looking for a decisive blow which will onee and for nil establish peace and freedom' on ' earth. Our enontica ari greatly , deceived if they flatter them selves that the American army which i in the making will not prove equal t tho task expected of it. But it l on the efforts and the willingues for sacrifice on the part of the people at Urge that ao much must depend after all. "It 1 tbe wise and proper ordination of the vaat American resources that must in a great measure decide' the tremeudoua issue of humanity. Thua It KawailOa Will Return Again' To Barreddes MERCANTILE Mil. Last of Guardsmen Leave tbday At Encampment and Wilt Be Returned To HaWail On Mai una Kea Tomorrow- ' " With the arrival In town tndav nf the H1I0 companies of th national guard, I Haw. V. H. t'o. , Camp Mltuokalanl at Kawailoa will be '" ! ';. ' a thing of th past, fof the quartern..- ftVltaSr '!. H'.'. HONOLULU STOQK. EXCHANGE Hnitntultir Roremtxv 5ft. 1017. --STOCK c ft I t :v Ale.-A ftaMwIn, O. Brewer as Co, COAB. F! fnaniatton ty. Ilslku Humr Cn . HawalbiR' Ar. Co. 270 pttJ!',v.f0u th6ir 8?U nMtheTPTi!e oomea the prime duty of every Amor which they are being aold. Prefita are calculated, on,, pre-war baaia, and no denier I to be allowed to eharge t) price which will give him greater profits than he obtained on the aame line of goods before the war. If it is proved that, he is doing this, his license will be revoked, thus putting an end to hla business at once. Hundred In Hawaii There are about a hundred firma in the Territory to be lieenaed, aome of which are wholeaale and aome retail. The smaller retailing firma' will be al to under the control of the food ad ministration, even if unlicensed. If it can be proved that any of them are charging excessive prices, the food ad ministration wilt order the 'licensed firms to stop selling their goods until they have so mo surety of their per manent discontinuance of the practise. In thi way both small and large deal era will bo subject to control by the ad ministration. Wholesaler's Profit The wholesaler's profit ia war time, at least' on non-perishable foods, should be governed by the price h actually pays for the good be sells, and not by prevailing market condition. This ia the principle established by the Food Administration in special regulations r hich were put into effect November 1 with respect to large number of commodities. , The rule is one of , large number which are now being completed for the guidance of the food dealer who will be placed under license by the food Administration. , '. j ' . It provides that n0 dealer ia certain sjH-citied commodities shall sell "at more than a reasonable advance over the actual purchase price of tbe par ticular gimds sold, without regard to the market or replacement value at the time of Hueh aule," The cominoditito covered Iy the rule includes heef, pork and mutton, ayrups and ni'ila.HHi'H, cleaned rice' and rice flour, oleomargarine, lord and ,lard sub stitutes, oleo oil, cooking fat, con densed milk and various canned goods and dried fruits, " .' Refined Sugar1 Dealers Wholesale dealers .in retfned sugnr aro required by a ahnilnr rule to sell "at an advance over the 'refiners' list price at which he purchased such sugar greater than the normal margin charg ed by wholesale dealer in refined sugar In the same locality. or such margin as may hereafter ixi established by the Food Administration," - With regard to perishable food, the Food Administration" announced today that it will make a prompt and full examination of any localities in which rises ia price occur, and will deal in dividually by administrative orders with dealer charging excessive prices. A general rule covering all licensed foods provided, that they shall not be handled anywher la' th Unified States on ao "unjust, exorbitant, ; unreason able, discriminatory or unfair commis sion, profit or. storage charge." Kcgular and special report will be culled for by tb Food Administration from each licenaee. i - "V The Food Administration empjfuslr.es that no busiues man will be expected to forego his normal reasonable; profits. The object is to prevent tb acquisition nf speculative profits resulting; from n rising market. , NORTHWEST RELAY RACE ter department will then clear up the remnant of tbe camp and com Into town, leaving the field a barren a U wa before the guardsmen took posses sion. The Hilo men will go out on s special steamer today and also on the Matna Kea tomorrow. Maui guardsmen eame in yeaterday and left last evening for Kahulul. Companies are being paid off rapidly, except In a few instances where the question of whether the -men were to receive territorial or, federal pay bad to be adjusted, This depends on the rtrength of tbe company. If it is up to 1 requirements of tbe United Htates i.V' ecclvrs federal pay, which ia about tw o as much as that allowed by th territory, M Company, Filipinos, of th First Regiment, will be paid off thia morning, while Other units Will be paid off on Monday. 1 '-.1 MARKET WLL BE CLOSED SATURDAY lean and every foreigner who live in thia fair land of liberty to help carry out the food conservation plan of the American government so tnat ne may deserve well of thia mighty common wealth to which he owes so much. " (Signed) . AIMARO SATO." No country haa a keener realixation of what American support in furnishing food mean than Belgium, c,. de Car- tier, tbe Belgirfb miuister in Washing ton, has expressed the feeling of his nation in .-statement he prepared. ror the American people. Thi atatement la aa follows: Food Fof Belalans "America for1 many months haa kept Belgium from starvation. My country haa depended for Ha very life upon the great heart and the marvelous initia tive and executive ability of -America The food without which we could not have persisted has come to us through American citizens, stirred by humani tarian instincts even before they joined us aa Allies Jn a war which to us Bel gtana means our very existence as a mation,. Mow the American government ha asaured us of . the money to buy 'food, and the Commission for Relief in Belgium has more ships than ever be fore t but all wijl be or no avail it tnerr, s no food to purchase with thi money or to send to ua in these ships. "This food must be obtained in America, and I am sure I need not at tempt to fiieture the tense anxiety witH which the people of Belgium, hovering on the very brink of starvation, look to America for the final decision as to whether they shall lKlfor die. W are confident that America will assure us of life. Moreover, the nation has made itself an ally of thoae which in Kurope are fighting to crush Prussian autocracy forever. The effort in which every na tion allied' against Germany i stretc h ing every nerVe and expending1 every Inst ounce of strength will succeed or will fail according as to whether these people and their armies' have the, food needed to maintain their strength aud their spirit. "America must supply by far tho greatest portion of this food. It is a gruud conception, worthy of th ideals and tradition of the greutest republic, that this food shall be supplied by the voluntury effort, of the individual citi zens. We nations lu Europe, relying on the ability of America to accomplish wbut she seta ror herrelr, are confident that during the week you have set "The decision of the board of $gr cultur and forestry" ha ' adt been al tered Jn any respect," said C. 8. Jadd lnat evening. "The retail department of the Territorial Marketing Division will elose on Saturday, a haa been an nounced. ' "Wo will hold a special meeting s6te day next Week, aa yet undecided upon, but whether the question of re opening the retail department will come up or not I could hot say at thi time." Thia ia tbe only anawer mad to th number, of protest which have been voiced by houeewive and other at th closing of- tb marketing department, by which they say they have profited largrdy in tb past year. It ia possible that, If public seatiment is sufficiently aroused the board, may take up th question at the special meeting. . -', . . . PASSENGERS ARRIVED . Rv str. M.nn Ke. November 2T: FltOM MAWA1I Repremutstlve. B. R. Mudit. K. K. Mod ire. Miss HlfTermao, Mtsa White, 'apL and sirs. Masruder and three ehUdren, ft. A. Yonii-. h. T. Redmond. L. W. da Vis Norton, Miss B. jUnKCTln. Mrs. Younx. Mrs. tteorir (iihti. Miss Cbiistra sen. Miss Macftieruild, Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Adams. I). K. Walker. W. Bellinger, N . Chandler, H. f. Harris, Noah Prrj, Ixn (tNtrow, J. W. i'rUr. B. .11. Handera. Mrs. Lain, MU atato, Ulss Karnes, JV Suva. H. llrowa, U. C. Walser. T, 4. litiirwy, bee Mia Look. I(. W, Walker, 8. Nakamura. Joe l.nnx (lien. Mr. Cbenen, A. Maker, Mrs. Nlshliisga. Mrs, Hliluirakl. 8. I. McVItllna. C. II. Vailtrln. Miss Klaic iMIss K. Vivas, Mr. and, Mrs. W. K. -Al-Lrtrl.-h. A. H. nice. II. Kotsnl. Paul Perry. i . ii. iiiert. c. II. - Mitcneii, James Cruse. C. ('. Oraves. It. H. nana. Mrs. J. T. Marr. Mrs. II. T. tiuard. Mis M o. Hliort. Miss A. K-Htoody. Ur, and Mrs. K, M. Beqwm and child, Mrs. K. W'olR.. Mini Uximls. H. Ilsyakawa. lleerss Meltoril. Mr. aud Mrs. P. C. Ilotalfac, Mr. aad Mm. II. I.. Terwlll(ter.-Mrs. Muse Clark, Mrs. J. Heluliarilt, Mr. Sad Mrs. M -A- remandes ami child. H. Hpltser, J. A. A. Vlesra, lir. V. A. NorirssrrJ. II. C. Churchill. - W. C. Avery. A. Murrs, HcAry J-el. Mr. and Mrs. John Jj-s, 11. Clisrniu. W. (Inuies. A. I. Marjluley, C, W, Carpenter; W. F. l-'ellx. K. Mlrauiiira, 8. KawatHut, H. ftisl Hiikt, P. Ie IJrto. J.'fUntUan. Mrs. It. Alvares. J.. ItitdrlKiies, J. H. I'ortrln. Mr. and Nfi-s. It. Ioniinln, Mrs. 8. Naksniiira, Henry RellaKun. Tom Peres. K, YaMUda, K. Ihara. . Kurisn, K. Huimuclil. KUOM MAI I-Mr. and Mrs. fias. Mr. AiiulHrn. O. J. Msnaln, It. V. fielnert. It. T. Ha.VHeldFO. W. It.. IloM4. J. K. N rue. II. J. KiiJIomM. R. TenimU'. W. Hts wn. H. Ojrsma. T. Osaki, 8. Unit 4. N. Taka kuwa. K. Illnikswa. 11. ,Mlviiwtn, J. lt. Mn. . Mr. and Mrs. Jwrir WUIxir. Mr. mill Mrs. J. Herps aud two fhlldren. Miss K. Kopke, H. H. 1'rck. Kawanara, Tokui.a, Kawasaki, U. Hem. A. I.loyd. My str. Kins a from KsiihI, Noreuiler 38 V. Correa. Tlionws Oaokaa. U. II. Hcrf. trim. It. Mclean, Mr. and Mrs! B Croiip. Mr. and Mrs. A. I . Hills an InsUI. Bn Vlckers, Mra. Mumloa aud-three clillilrwu. C. Afoni. SI. K. He. O. Tim. M. tt. Ita- Mso. K. Wstauetie. Mlsa W'atanali Mr. Hut'-hlason Huasr P. Co.. Ksimsn rtsntstion Co. Kekaha Husar Co. .... Mcliryde Ousst to. t t "still ritisar l it, 5laa Hnsiir Co., Ltd. 7. uuuira, Miisax Cff. ... sime ftuitar lntat.iC'4 r-s.-ine Huar Min , 1'iU riautstlita Co. Iteeke fns.r ;o. .... Phrneer MUI Co. n Carlos M. Co., Ltd., W.lnlna Al.ctl. V. ... WaUuka Huasr Co. . ., " MISCRtLAN'CorcS ' Endan Derel. Co.. Ltd .. 1st Isane Asmfsm. Turi TO innu I SKI ID ....i Halkn V. at V. Co.. Pfd llslka V. P. (., Com. iiaw. on. ity. a ... Ilaw. Con. Hy. nr B .. flaw. Cen. Hjr. Com. .. Hswallan Kli-ctrie Co. ,. nnw. I'lueniinle Co. . , lion. B. M. Co.. Ltd. Hon. las. 'o., I.tfl. Hon. K. T. A L. Ce, Inter-lslsnd M. N. Co.... Oslia Hallway I land" Co. I'snsns Kuiiiter Co. SWsina Mnclhiis, I'O Ham Mfl, I 'ill ... Taajong Disk HuliU-r Co , BONDS Beach Walk I. Mst, U iiBma.ua iirca o., us.. Hawaiian Irr. Co., ft ... Haw. Ter. B.f. info Haw Ter. 4 Pnh. Imps. HaW. Ter, Pnh. Imp. if. ..(series 12 lttl.li flaw. Terrl 3i ....... Hilo () '., ttd., .. Ilonnksa Hue. ( i . . . Hunolulil Oa. Co., Ltd, 5a rvniisi nj. t a. us .... Msn I. I. ft .... McMryde Hu-sr Co., fta Mutual Tel. 5a ., ..... Oshn H. I.. Co.. B ahu Su. Co.. Wf n.a niimtr o., o, 1's.mc Oils no a r. Co., Ilk.-, l law IN 173 PsclHc Bmrar MUI Co.. Ran Carlo Mill. Co., 0 10 IS Tt I 30 o S IKU. . - 140 17 20 l.Vt 10 WV4 NI1U IIOl lOO 100 vt ifi unvt lii KSJ UH KM BO' ion S3 M 7Vt ioo i ZTI M ' ' no ..... o ..... 40 " . , a - (IM j.l . , -. "i" "au 9 6 sihi 'aa'"' ' ' x . ....., ( 'Aivi '" 18W lVfc :::::'a6'" ..... ..... ion fc" lort ioo Mliloyuehl, Urn. Huiral. Mra. L. C. Hmltli, K. l.liidners. Miss H. Wilson. K. A. Qa.n son, M. 1. Hantos. K. Tlti-oinh, 1J. Toshluia. J. luutuiura. K. YamasiH-bl, M,ru, Yanisxa i hl. Mr. and Mra. Mlkel uU two children! PAS8EV6fiRa DIPARTETj , . Ry str. Mwuna Kea for Lalislna ami Novemlier Mrs. H K.i Wjsrd, Mrs. Wlllliiin -Keunii. K.tP. KlnnchstM, 1. Bu: ker. W. K. l.iilllliiirsoi'tll, Mr, and Mr. I. I,. Hesha. K. Parker, (). ftoreuwin, 8. P. WimiiIs, (leorire II..' WasUlinrn. 0. : V. Kh.sles, Mrs. A. C. Betts. Mrn. V, W. Mer rill, O. Mailer, tt. K. hotcrtelil. Mini M. Km tft. - Mra. CoimliiKluim. 4lrit Ruch- ilolis. K. Madden ii. lledemana, Meiit. A C. Metts. J. M, Keysolda, 4- W. 8ilcUiui. Cat.t. Warren Alston. A. C. Baker, Mr. and .firs. . Ysiuairm-liL V. I.. Ovilllmt K H aside to enroll yourselves a. iuilivl.luals Jr, ' Sf" MJt nun Mrs. A. mcimmikbU, F.. A.. Uifkln, . T. Hktort. l.leut. K. ttakat, Ir K I, Cbun, BETWEEN BOARDS BOAUD BALKS '...'..'. ,'.Jo Mies., -.i. ... . .- - ,' , SUGAR QTOTATIOJtS ;' ' . "' ' Reptemlier 14, 101T. m analysis beeta (no advlcsja). i ' Parity ' Ml Cent, (for Hawaiian .aufaret .... t.OO RUBB1CB QUOTATIONS . ' November ZJ, WIT . ' ' -...,...,,,., 54.8714 '' .....'...' 67.00 . ' notice a tmorrW--ThaakaBlTlaf Day. . -T Rlnrapor NeW York Ne i NEW YORK stocks KfJW itOBKi' Kerember 2ft (By Ammo elated ' Press) Pollowiiif are tbe opening and cloning uotatton of. stocks la the New York market yawterdar: . CtoT Ainorican Kuinr Itef. . .. American Beet , AsKoetatetf OU . ......... Alaska Uoiil . Aiuerli'su I.iH-omotlv , , . American Tel. Tel. , , . Amei'U-au Kmelter . . ..... American ttteet t'dry Auai-uiMla "ir . ...... Atchison IU11 way . ...... Baldwin Luvomotive . ... Bsitliuore it Ohio . ...... Bethlctieiu Hteel "B" . .', ( slliorula Petroleum , ... Ceulml iM-Htlier I suMillilu Paclnc- . ...... c. . et.-i'aui Colli. Fuel i Iron CrauUil 8tec Cults 8UKur Cu . ....... Kvle i-oiiiiuon . tleiiaral tltrh- . letters! Mutorue) , .. tirest Nortlieip prd. , ... International raier . , ... liMfiiatrlat. AlciluS , Keigiecott CooiM-r , LehutU Vairey" H It res d .. New ..York l entral , renbsy Ivatifa -v , rtsy Vniwilldsted . Kesdliiir common . lieimjillc In.a towiuou ,' , Hmitrwrn l'm-lrtc . ,..',;., Ktuillakw . Texaa Oil ,..!'..... . . I qlted Htstaa Huldter . ,. rnlon- Pnclrtf United Ktstes 8reel . I tab. , western Cnlou .,; Weatlugboua . .......... , . . , . I . M K- lUH- 78 8I4 50 ni At i.-fci :w U0-T4 27 i 28 1 Hi nt 78 : 3v) pleilged to save tho world for demo- craoy, you will assure victory la. the war. " (Signed) E. de CABTIER." British Statement Lord Northeliffe, . chairman of the British war mission to the United Htutes, who is thoroughly conversant with the food situation of the world, places that situation before th Amer ican people iu tho following torse state ment: : "The greatest food experts on both sides of the Atlantic say that there is a world shortage of food. The boys who are enduring the hell of the trenehea for' our suke cannot hold out if ill fed. The eituation which we have to fuce right now, iu this food pledge week, is obvious. Kither th stay at homes must save so that th soldiers may got their vital needs, or th sol dier must go tihort so that tb stay at homes may fatten. You cannot have it both wavs, ami must make your choice " (.Signed) NOKTlICUr'FJS." HAS BEECAUED 0FFjM,DDLEWEGHT SCRAppER DEAD AS RESULT OF FIGHT T.tCOMA, Waekington, November .'Ml (Associated Press) The greut re lav race between Olympia aud Camp I.eHis has beea celled off, owing to the fact that the men at th training camp have gone into intensive training and cannot be granted leave- of absence to eiigayo in tbe tlussic, (I.KVKI.AND, Ohio, November SO (Associated I'reaa) Jimmy WilHiin, pugilist, is deiid here as the result of his bout with Otto Weuzel, which had been Htaged for the middleweight championship of the United State. - ' ;. NEW YORK CURB STdCKS QaotaHoa on the following New Tork curb stock, as wlretessed to Tb Adver tiser by Stonebam Co., are: -, Tuea. Wednes- ; Mr. said Mr. R. Kawada. W. Urmrr. K. Kaiichi. Iwamurn. Mr. anil Mrs hililima .1. K. Ilevett, Miss r). Wajtii. Mr. aud Mrs. W. W. Crlnk.hank. Mr. Jones. Major Krsni'ls Ureen. l.leut, anil Mrs. 5 H, K. Kaiilinllua and hifant. l.leut. Kdm-ard A. campliell. B. ilailerg, K. MUllifW. O. II. Wolff. A. H. italru-k, (Isora-e K. Mm rues. Mr. and Mra. Iluiruraa Yonnff. Mr. and Mrs. 1.. B. 8 sner. W. D. Walker. A. B. Clark. R. R. Walker. Mr ftakal. Nomura. Henry Macblds, Niiadda. Mr. Kakada. Mr. Iniiinmra. Manuel ile Mattoa Jr., Manuel de Msttos 8r.. Mrs. WDltsm Manplng, Mrs. I. nkslknlul. Miss Minnie MsDiilna. J: Mlv iniito. Yonim Vo. Yanaua, y. Yaiaaiuoto sad wire. Master Yauiaiiioto, Mr. aud Mr. .1. J. Van Keslun. Mr. and Mrs. K. K helaert. K. Wada. Ueorge Ikeda., Paul Riililwln. Ce1rlc MnMwIn, Alice Manners. II. I.. Molstelu. 8tnhen Hesha. Mr. sml Mrs. Iliirlm. 8. Klnoshlta. II, Khioshlta. Mr. and Mra. Ilialilinura. Mr. . aud Mrs. Mli I ml i" 11. T. Ysinnsldro, Msster lkla. Mr. Nehara. Mr. Nisla. Mr. Yaniashlru. T. 8a knl. Mrs. 811 kill. T. Ono. 8. 8iiHlinoto. ,KI uokIiIih. 8. Ksuoysiiia, Mra. IkhiiIuko gisl- rlt-iii-. Mr. Ciiia ro. lrs. Kspallsna and son. T. Mucks. Mrs. M.' Correa. Mr. Iiv 111 in ir . ctnh)no. Jo Ijils, -T. 8uks. L. 1 inlds. M. Mliiashlro. T. Y. JN'ons My str. Kluan for Knual, Nnveiulier 28 Mr. nud Mrs. I'lillllii It lie, I.. Cnaradt. O. f Wlli-ox, (. W, (HIiMin. W. ... 8lisw. Cniivr 8sn, L. Ahny. Mrs. Allivo. Mrs. I-' 111 nk Cox. Joia Ah Cboiiji. M. Heurloues. W 1-llkliiuJou. C Oerth, KntsTsinn. II. Nhliios. Mr. and Mrs. I'. Mii(-b..i.s. Mr. h ml Mrs. Iwak. Y. Oils. Mr. Ml and Hunt-liter, fi. N. WII.mix. B. ff. Knnlleiilierit. Mr llniielierr. II. Hcliulta.. O. F, ltnnkln, 1 n.i (I. J.. (Iniwir. .Tudae I. J Ranks. I,. I). Lsrsen. ('. W. Ilssiulond. Mrs. 8eliul, Mr lloniHir. MIns C. Ijiw, Mrs. 8nkoila, MIm 1 kl. Mrs. I .lux Fat, Cant. H. A. Kniytlia, Lieut. T. I., Hjorth, Mr. I, AIhiI BHt Ledire . ......... Calailoula Kniina Copper , .... iliirsravra . ., Imiu Blossom , ..... Jeroaie Verde . ..... Jim Butler . ........ Marsh Mother Lou . ...... Bay Han-idea , .... . KiMCtle Kill . Hex 4'on. , 81lver Kluif (Uiu: v , 'rmiopah Kxteustoa , Tiioluuiae Wllnert . .......... Ulchiuond CopiMir . ,. Kerr Itke . Hecla . Creswm Oold Niiplsslng . ........ day .4a .114 .07 .20 ij Oil .rs) .IH, day .M 81 ii .70 .07 ,. .. &: .in 1.18 .11 i Bl 4.87U 4 7.1 4.81 Z 1100 tiAUi 8-liH .12Mj SAN FRANCISCO QUOTATIONS HAN FRANCISCO November 2W(An clatetl Press) Fislowlng are tb ooiilii( and cliMluf qixitutlons of sugar and other atoi-ks la tbe 8a Frauclaoe market r teMsy: Open- ('list-. . . ' ing In llaw'a Coin'l Hugar , . t..,.. Hnwallan 8ugr Co. 8.V 33 llouokaa Huusr , 5 S lliiti-lilusou Huaar Co. 21 81 ' Kllaue , j...,.., t ' Onhu Kiiasr Co. . 1 S7 Olsa Riigiir Co. . Z U Onoiiiea 8usar Co. . hiu Bl2 INiauhau 8nur Co. -. 18 18 - F.nitels Coj.iHir , .1.M H.ttS "''-' Honolulu IMl . ....... f t-.--.. t.... Houolulu Plantation . .H ,4U Old. tBi-tlvk)ead. . tUnquoUd. . -