OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, January 01, 1918, Image 7

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1918-01-01/ed-1/seq-7/

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Suit Proposed T0i Causa Division
of Some Lands and Tie All
u.i proceedings Urt ; '?
GENFArnfriPnr Tdec m
; ; Past; Efforts,; to;; Break
- Trust Instruments , v
A raid opon th Bishop Estate in
Midi to be contemplated by1 .wealth
seekers through.' genealogical channels,
una of th parties interested U the
t proposal being ene of the three per
sons most conspicuous" la the jpcrrietra
. ' tion of tha forgery el the lata Qtieea'
LiTiuokaTani'i. nam' (oTj a, doeuOit
which was actually altered for probata
and thrown out of court' by the olf-
; M J . :' :T"Y,:S' J ',,',?'.'':..
'-' Notwithstanding; the setbacks! Which
persons who .have bad.. designs- upon
breaking trust deeda have already met.
"" and dwut tha- fet that a trust dead
; has not yet been broken in this Terrl
i tory, the raid J contemplated, it.l
, ! reported," an the plana have-, beep un-
dcrway for the pest, six. months, .
; V The Bishop v Estate l the largest
'' in the Islands, being tha eetate origin
t ally controlled by the late Mrs. Bernica
i Tauahi Bishop, who left her entire ee
tate in trail form.-a an. endowment
for the Bishop Museum and tha Kame-
hamcha htchooisvj The eetate bnn grown
. onder its trusteeship and owns lands in
- every nook and. corner of tha Island.
' .' Claim Consanguinity a"'. : '
The genealogy of MrsV Bishop, to
, , RPtber with that of her sister, the late
Queen Kmna, has many' ramifications
'and there are several Hawaiian reei
, dents of the Islands who have some
relationship 'with her and trace their
'genealogy with hers through various
blood channels to a certain common
j family, source- There are others who
claim relationship by certain channels
which are shadowy, and which . rely
largely upon the Inflection or pro
nunciation, of. .a ..name. Ia some
V respects it is like claiming through a
.- genealogy .. which has Smith aa an an
cestor whaa ia feahty the real ancestor
" -if-. vr.
- The raid', is-, said' te . contemplate , a
1 tie-up of alt proceedings af tha Jliahop
Trust through legal action by the fil
ing of a suit aft a claimant for lands,
. in which large number of people are
' to be named as prospectWo hetrvquit
j similar to tha . selection of .' names
which were Included in tha. forged
document purporting to be Qaeen Liii
uokelanl'a last wilk.v.; tV
It is possible that In ' view of. tha
exposure of th attempt to earry , the
forged will through tha courts that the
'proposed raid on the Bishop Estate
ruay be postponed if not altogether
-t v
Will investigate
Court Names Special Master To
. , : Tell of - AufJit ?Com- ' v
:;r;''';;::pany's Work
If the Audit Company af Hawaii is
' guilty of faults alleged in renderiqjj a
report pa the etat of the late Bath-
jiheba M. Allen, the circuit count wants
to know it, and to. asoertain whether
. eomplalnts 'are correct Judge C. 'W,
Asbfonl has . nppointed' Bobert'" W.
Breekons, former V'ted' Btatea Dia
; trict Attorney, as special master, to as
' certain them and if so, to make reeom
; mendatiojfs to the court what penalty
"' should be imposed.. t , ;
' (. ;Th.jurfge,.ln appointing tyr. Breck-
pn, said that reports f the master,
, the Audit Company of Hawhli, for the
respective periods ending Jaly. SI, IBIS,
and July 31, 10ia, filed Oetober 9, 1U,
bad been examined and statement had
.; "been made- that.- there were evidence
of "apparent fault of dmWstratiea
and derelu-.tioos of duties on the part
of the trustees.". The court ad led
that "it is hereby ordered that tb re
, ports be. uow further referred to aspe
' eiul utusier for the pur)oaaof having
a report made to the court oa tha said
, apparent faults of administration , and
dereliction.' ' 4 ...
The. master is given' authority o
' muke an investigation and make recom
mendation to the court; if any derelic
i tion are found. to. exist, .lie is also
.' authorised to inveetigate why . thcro
f were delays in the mailing of the re;
port to the Court, by tha Audit Cora
:, psny as master of the aeoonnts, to what
extent the Audit Company "has. been
; guilty,' if at all, of neglect." . Ha if
, alxo to recommend ' what '"penalty
, should be meed, out to the company by
'.reason af the fact involved.','. . . i
V Additional accounts have bee a re
ferred to IL. flooding Field, eipert se-
t eountant; instead of the Audit Com
Iny, fot further report. .'
, peck'sbad1boy's
r; boy, a- lieutenant:
David . B. terk, f grand! Jpw af ,!forner;
Gov. (loorgo W. Peek i Of .Wutoossis,'
! and son of the, hern of "Peek's Bad;
, Boy," has won a 'commlsHion as nrti
: lieutenant in tha? Third.' regiment at!
'Furt theridnn. : . Jioeteusnt Tack, .. in
t twenty eijjht ysars pldi and sas been
making h home with hit parents. Thej
whol died two
Tsinoua . bole
' l l around , the adventures
I' bis ot
son, the.
1 1 .f' .V'' m f M-. '
FobJ H:rjc DrivsV
To Be IIJJ Oa . 1 :
. i
Wide Publicity, Is; Being; Given
CnslrvatirY uhmajgn' Iri Ad-
vnce-.To Assure' Largi Num-
Mt, o1 Card Signers ; : i
Kauai , will ; hol. their food 1 pledge
drive from Jnnimry 1 to January It,
as tha committee on' that island has
felt. that Mora time- was needed ' for
xjultelt'jl heoTe-,ith.'liiye IJor -ial
signers was starred. Miss Elsie Wil
cox In- tha chairman of tha Kauai wam
en'a. Mibooaimittee,' which' in doioi ex
eellent , work, aJong tronservatioa. lines.
In a rereat letter to Mrs. Alexander
Jeh says! , .,
"Our snn-eommittee bn food conser
vation met. shortly after my . return
from- Honolulu ami plana were maita
for tha food pledge drive.' As I told
yon-, ia .Honolulu, we aban be. forred
tor go at it more slowly thsa you did
in town, and- this will be necessary on
aeeonnt' of tha scattered people to- eavt
er and . tha. .few. reliable ' Workers
amongat th' many nationalities to d-
penilonw -. : , -i, t -it; i. -
- ."We are te take two neaeha.for it,
from January 1 to 14. It seemed a.l
visabla to. vn'ft on the time5 until s'W
Christmns and the Red) Crass .. AHV
should be i ovar Most at our workers
are Involved in those events,', sod w
winked, . beside, to. lo some ppeljr.1-
isary work in explaininh;. matters' and
in bavianr. wlmlowdlin)lays'.of. wheat-
Imibatitatesr - asut . houe produrte, eB-
binad with tha. splendid food posters,
in stoves sJT. oven thai inlanal, commerce-
ma durinft the. mnt week of the year.
I hopev that w shall be suroeaafuP in
the campaign.. .Much-depend' upon the
workers,. opfourse, wbqm. ws shall try
to key u toi thoro'ughneei' and enthu
siasm,, ,. ' . ;
Makins) Headwa-f ..v . 'j. :,t .
"la soma parts of the island we .am
makiav headway,: nowv . In. others it ia
rather diseonraging.j I tiiiak, howerer.
that the- pledge week will have goad
eared la attrriea us on. tne Jresh aiv-
ienvors. We. shall misst k Mrsi. J.. K.
Xyers . very much,, wbeai she leaves at
the eal. or the yew. ; rJhe bss done
splendid work in Kilaaeai t-v. , v.
"Mr. Koniig oi tue lAihue . store
tells me that they are eeUinir eonsid
rabtyv lee. white, flonr than: formerh-
bara in liikaei. and. that the sale of
fanned- goede has fallen- elf to: almost
nohung.i That is a- bit encouraging. "
Jirs-.-iSroadbent, cbairman at tha LI-
Kue-district of KanaL.setit. in aa -ih-
tresting report to Miss.. Wileo of the
workv aveeompllsaed in tfaatseetion of
th islnnd i recent I v 'Her renort sarsi
Hons to Houaa. Visits -a,- r ? ;,..':
In the nast few ..wcki . have
been, very busy making boase- te bouMi
visit inr the district ofv lahu;.ov(r
.'7&. home, af! differetifc. .nationalities
have been' -Visited, Portuguese and) Japr
anas1 being in the: majority. , t- - - ,
"We And that neople are: willihtf to
cooperate with us in. .this work, mast
oi. these, have garden, .sad owing' to
the aJgn prices. roost faiiills are doing
all- they- can to. conserve . foeU - abd
eeonamisvBK jn every way . possible
."We have .distributed many kstchen
nnids, nntl aUo, Hoover, pledge cards.- -Schaolai
CtonevaUaff - -, . i , :
We also find the principals and
teachers, of our .schools interested and
willing to tebperta 4m thi veork and
I believe they bar all talked .to tho
pupils on the importance of the ("clean
plat", aad MKlening. ;., :.
?Th Tip-Top restaurant, t Fairvlev
Hotel and. other anmll eoffae ahous and
hotels., have bee visited, amVargee' .to
eeoaomin em wheat-. flor, ead .we find
that soma jof . these have-, bees very
responsive, aad are tryina new breads
such as sweet potato bread, rlee bread;
ckrn bread, etc.. j'. r.
."From 184 dapnnee zamtues vittl
w nd iX iamiliee. using, Hawaii
grewa . rice, and most of them hsv
gardens ,., ....,.'.'. : ;y4..
. "Th. Hawaiian use pol, .taro, and
ether home grown'products, with very
nitie nour. ., -,
Beeoomx TJrirad '";' v v ;
" W are ureinir tb,rartugueee to
eonomis a, wheat Hour and we, hope
to sea better, result wbea we make our
aext haus! to: heue. ytsita. Worn .of
th Portuguese womt have been verv
reeponsiva,. and. shown. great interest In
Mr.. Rusaell.'a deirronstrationS) and .also
in war' breads. . In soma caeea Portu
guese ,wjaen Jmve tried mWdJlng a
substitute in. bread snaking, and report
very- good resoli. ;
meal, and, I bolieve the Kapala store
is about to Install a. corn grinder, se. it
will fm able, ta keep, p supplied with
furskly g-read corn utesX..
. Borne of the Kauai stores are grind
ing corn and sell at , eight,-eeut a
pouad.V: .-j.-'O. . '-.)t
Sample tdtirnheVDf: omnterce
;and' Mdrejs-Ready.
;A smairlieB of ."corn .'meal 'from tlw
Urovo Frm, Haiku,,'. Maui,. Is at .the
eba'mber of . aoinmarea : roomv"st to
lb commercial body .by Harold- Bice,
owner of thei fkrm. 'whoi says he has
plrnty .more, where this .sample, came
from end' suggest that. Hawaii begin
to- make. earn of its' war-bread . from
tbla material. :j-i. ..-. . .-.vl s
. Becretary H. CL Brown of the chaw
ber will have, the meal' madsvuu into
"war-bread" as sample aad will en -1
deavor. tov have; the movement Viknaed
and .M'f "i'l perised, lipon, this method
ttt foQd,enrtvatlo.,,L.( ' j
'Used sew '.rvnr-bre(l'mdo front
thi corn meal a. while ago ami, used, at
an jAdClub metig!.juilA the ebjim
bar seerrasry,.' ; 1 thought iti was goad,
and ft did many other. . Here is an
pj)rtunlty. te Wh-patroaixe. hedie in
dustry nod help. in the food' conserve
tio campaign,',' J J'",; 1 . '
SteftfJg'raphfcl: of: iVust ''CoWaiij
v Declines Td, Assert Amer-,j
'4 ; Icanism Before JiidgV
''' ' " . i V.."j
Miss Grace Carroll, a sisterdn law
of Carl ,Du Bol, who has been employ
ed as a stenographer at the Hawaii
Trut -, Company's office ! on - King
Street, resigned act position yester
day morning,' following which Circuit
Judge C. WV Ashford; appointed the
Hhwallah' Trust' Company a admints-'
tratnr of the estate ef the late William
G. Paie .The. jurist) had previonely.
refused te aame the- company for this
office while an employe with pro-Oer-
irmaa. sympathies was connected with
the company. ' .,- ; , ,
, The judge" had ' announced tha day
before, that If-the,, employe would ap
pear before him. and assert loyalty to
the United. States, he WovldT even then
aign, the- prdor for the' administrator
sliip to tb firm.. . .....
Loyalty Previously Questioned
, .The loyalty of Miss Carroll hsa been
under investigation for some time and
(t, ia. reported . that at one time she
we, engaged to be married to Captain
Uinnecn of,, the , interned . German
WJtJ'tLr?. W
him while be wa interned here after
thev, breaking; off of diplomatic rela
tions, between, the United States and
Germany ,,.. - , , .
,- The refnseJ of the judge to confirm
the administratorship la the trust com
pany . caused conference1 yesterday
morning at which E, D. Tehney, pres
ident of the company, wa present. Mr.
Tenney said that Miss Carroll explicit
ly Asserted her loyalty to the United
Biatev but refused te affirm this be
fore,, the court. - On reaching this im
passe the. situation was clear to Miss
Carroll- and her resignation was ten-,
derCd immediately, and was accepted.
Tenney Gives Details
vIn a . statement concerning the mat
ter,. Mr. enney said: .
''Judge Ashford yesterday stated in
court that the Hawaiian , Trust Com
pany,. Limited, wa employing. person-
who.- was a- German : sympathizer
in. the war and disloyal to the United
States . of America. .
( V The. Trust Company has had no
alien, enemies ,in its , employ, and, in
fact,, no person of German blood. On
investigation it was found , that the
charge of disloyalty wa confined to .a
single employe, a stenographer of Amer
ican, birth and citizenship who on the
entry of the United Btatea , into the
wajhad, announced her loyalty to het
country. . . - , "; ,
, "J ,th presence , of several other
representatives of the Trust Company,
I had an interview this morning with
this stenographer .end .she explicitly
aad emphatieallly aeserfed her loyalty
to America, in ..the war, but declined
ta, comply , with .Judge . Ashf ord 'a re
quest to,-appear, before bint and make
a sirhilar statement. ' , i, (
IW feel , that during the war' ny
American., citinea .should be willing
and glad to make A public etateAient of
h,i or hf r loyalty whenever called upon
to. do. ; by any- governmental author-
. " W feel, that a trust company is,
In a way, a semUpublie institution, with
governmental connections, and that the
loyalty of, all its, employes should be
beyond suspicion. The stenographer
ia question,, having declined to com
ply, with our request, to appear before
Judge Ashf ord,. tendered ier resigna
tion,, which, waa excepted.1'
Appointment U Md . ...
Tb Park-, estate,' which was the
center of (he loyalty storm, Is valued
at atout fus.uuu. ine petition ror
S' robate was filed by the sisters of the
eceaaed, Misses Janes Parke, Annie
Parke and Mrs. Bernlce Parke Wal
bridge.'. Tb trust' eomnitny becomes
administrator under a bond of 1200,000.
Miss Carroll Is American bora, but
ef Irish descent. . Her ister ' married
Carl Du Boi, manager of B.,T. Khler
eV Co., whose tendenciea are said to b
pro-Germanj ho being a German.
Chamber ot Commerce To Act To
Secure Federal' Funds .. -
An opportunity to get aV least $5000
a year' fur vocational traliiing In the
schools,' providing the Territory puts
up.aa equal o.mouiit to'mateh that authorised,-
by cougrees, bv at hand, and
tne, ehum.bwr of commerce will at ones
enter, upon.. a campaign to secure xor
Hawaii - its yropec allotment.
Congress has passed th Hoke Smith
bill providing for vocational training
aa ' antaorued, a fund of . 3,uuu,uiw
to carry. .' out , It provisions, which
amount will be increased -to 7,000,000
by 11)2.1. 1 ,The minimum allotment for
state ia'to Jbe $3000 a year; and it Is
assumed that this, allotment will be
provided for Hawaii. .This, will be in
,creased gradually, to. $15,000 per an-
.num, tne Territory putting op, a like
amount.,. .'',' . ' , " ' ,
8ecretar Brown,, of the chamber ia
certain that ..the .vocational training
system ia Hawaii would' b beneleial
sod. it' bss many .exponents in the
schools. He will ask. tha chamber of
oommerca tQ consider th. proposition
at once,, ua r xaverapie , action is
Men,: refer; It to .George Mr K Me
Clellstt, tun 'chamber's representative
at "VsliuVL-ton and also to Delegate
ivuiknianaoie. .t. 1 1 t.
LONDON, ''December-' 19--f Associa
ted ' lress)Twenty . million dollar i
the ifjicp.pald; for. twenty-seven' mer
chant steamship by th Peninsular and
Orient' Company, whioh has just taten
over the fleet of the Hai n bteamship
tjompasyv ,,iThe twenty-evep y ship
hv. aa ggr--at , gro tonuaije. of
'lou,00O,s Hit r:jatd lUiu bead of the
ivompauy, gieu ia t c( i,. mijuj, alter, bis
lied iu tV.t.'ttib)r..aftor, .piaj f roni- faijility ahftll - t , one prrpere. JLtd.,. agents or, Hawali.
d l-ea killed at the front ready for the inspection' of govriuant n;ei t; , ' 7"
I only son b
to PuOTect p;:rs
tl'nite'd States, Attorney Hai fiot
f Yet Read Proclamation of
1 - President Wilson
Goverhmenr Bulletin . Pubfica
, tions Are Recognized As Be-',
.. Ing Official By Huber ,
If I locate th President's procla
mation providing additional regulation
concerning alira enemies and their pro
hibition from approaching or. being
ear the piers and waterfront general
ly, I will Issue an announcement in ac
cord with that proclamation.1,'.
This announcement was madr.last
sight by United States- Attorney 8. C
Huber, when, hi attention ww called
to a ropy of "The Official Bulletin"
dated November 2ft, 191 7, published bv
authority of President Wilson, in which
appear anthorired statement by the
P-PTtment of Juetica to- pem.W
ion or aiierating waterfront shinninir
facilities. . J - : - -. ';" J
Proclhmatloa By Wilson ' ' . !;
- On November 18, 1017, the President
issued a' proeUmation in regard . to
placing a dead-line along waterjroata,
section p reading as follows: , .
"An alien enemy shall1 not sp- '
proaoh or be found wit hi h UK
yard f any eanalr no within 100 '
., yard of nay wharf, pier or dock, :
used directly by or ,by means af.
lighter by any veesel or vessel .
, or over 500 tons groas engaged in .
; foreign, or, domestic trade other '
than fishing; nor within. 100-yard '
; Cf Ssy warehouse, shed, elevator .
. railroad terminal or other terminal
- storage or iransrer racuity attja-,f,
;, cent t6 or operated in connection ' 1
j with any such wharf, pier or dock; - -and
wherever the distance between '
any twe of such wharves, piers, or '
docks, measured along the: shore,'
' line connects them, is lees than 800.
yards, an alien enemy shall not ap
proach or to be found, within 100 f
'. yards', of snch shore line."'-.i)
Purposes Are Explained . - ' ;
;The Official Bulletin says that - the
object of this, proclamation 1 to pro
vide arleouate protection of shipping
and of dooks, piers, wharves, ware
houses, elevator aad similar waterfront
fncilitiee actually engaged in the opera
tion af shipping,, particularly thC-ship.
piaf of ftuppUe to the American tiut-
uiinoaainr iorres and 10 inn Ames. ; ,
t Th. Bulletin add, that thi. tjrotec
tion ' cannot be given and maiiitnined
without tb fullest cooperation on the
part af those owning or operating these
(acuities, and. the responsibility lor
protecting them rests equally with, the
government ; oMciala.. -Assuming that
this cooperation will b cordially' en
tered into the department of ', Juetlce
has tirornultrated exnlicit instructions. -
Harbor Board Aaxloui j
Tha Harbor Board of Honolulu has
taken the bull by the horns and. da.
sires to protect its property. It being
'the owner, , to a large extent. , There
srv aiso govern meui ownea wnnrven on
the waterfront, and also a wharf that
s need excluaively by the coast artil
lery corps. '.--.,. ';,' i
,nThe President expect all government
officials, equally- ta share in the reepon
sibility for. the protection of -these
wharves, ami believe It is up to the
United . State District Attorney to
throw about them the protection of tne
United Btatea department of luetic.
sMcogauea An omctai . - .;
I hav not seen mv-copy of the
Official Bulletinj but if it contains What
it appears to contain,, frei the.t phone
message I received, 1 1 shall make aa
announcement uiea the subject when. I
reau it thoroughly la1 my copy. I- re
gard the OlflcUl Bulletin, ak the official
publication of the government and
what appear in it, is certainly officml.
If there Were instructions therein that
porteined to illy dopartment, and. I hail
not received the exact communication
from my department, I should be guid-
t by, the publication in the UCiclnl
bulletin.'; ' - . ,
"I bavh heard that' this protection
aa been j-iven to the New 'York
wharves, and also to San Francisco."
Tlie Department of Justice's instruc
tions, witn regard to the ' president s
proclamation are as follows: .
Notice to Waterfront Operators'
1, In order that notice may be
Sromptly given' by the government pf
cials to the perators .of all- ; water.
front facilities, every corporation, or
f arson operating such facilities must
mmediately, designate som'e person, on
M horn, the government official tnsy
serve such notices. -These persons are
to be ' designated ht once and their
name and addresses forwarded to the
United Htates marshal of the district
In which the waterfront facility is
located.. ;.
t, livery operator of a waterfront
facility included in the scope of the
proclamation Snail immediately apotnt
and maintain; identification inspectors,
at his own expense, to be stationed
one . for ' every entrance ,)o th dock,'
wnarr, warehouse, or oiuer waierrroni
farillty, - Much Inspector shall be main
tained during all of the hours, day or
night, during which the dock or water
front facility i being operated. It it
the duty of these inspectors to identify
to tse government patrol all persons
entitled to access ' to the, waterfront
facility, "and this system of identifica
tion, is to :he applied b"tb to, of fleers
ana employe or the wharf or ware
house, and also to truck drivers, pedes
tflans and all other persons having
legitimate business st such waterfront
facility. 'It is -the duty of suck la
spec tors to see to it that all persons
who, enter upon the docks, after being
ideutlfied, shall depart therefrom; at
the fonelusioa of their bnninoo, se
that no person shall lurk on tks prem
ises after the completion of his busi
aes. ..(. ..':'
Be gi ster pf All Employes
, . i 1 , - . c j
8. r-Th f'i4rstor,'pf such 1 waters.
Hbri'olur Vh6resale 'Produde: MarRef
. S ; ' Q'udtations . '
.WboTesal Only:
Island Kutter: lb.
KRgs, Ko. 1, (toseo ...
rKKN select, dosen .
hggs, UucSr, docen,.,
Young- Soestert, lb..
Beans, string,, green .
.. .0.1 to .03A
.. .".IMl to .0?
..' .(J.H td .04
,i tJOO to 8.M
10.09 to 10.JT)
12.00 to. 120
. . ...... 40
...8.50 to 3.00
V , 1.53
.7S.00 to 8O.00
.72.00 ta 75.00
Boans, string, was,...,
Beans, Lima in pod.,.,
Reans, Maul rV , .
Reaaa, Calieov cwt.
Bean, small white . . .
Beets,, dozen bunches .
Cnrrots, do, buuohe .
Corn, sweef, 100 ears .
Corn, Haw. rm yrl
Corn. Hw. Ig. yel
-. ' '' 1. j-KUXT '
Bananar, Cooking, hunch '1J6 Uma 100 .'v. .,..''...,.. '.',KoV
Bssniss. Chinese, bch. JI0 to1 JW Pineapple, cwt. 1.50
Figs, 10ft ...'.' 1.00 Papains, lb. ...,...,.,4 .08 tt'MM
drapes, Isabella, lb s ... ,07 Strawberries . J3
.'J. '-"" -..' ' r ' Wand range, 100.. . . ..1.00 to 1X9
rjTSSTOCK : - . . - ; ..-
. ' Cattle and sheep are not bought at live weigh 0, They are; slaagnUrad and'
paid for 0 a dressed weight basin. Hogw up. 150 lb.., . . . . j . .14 to .1
Vsat, lb. .......
sieet, '0. li lb.
Steer; No. 3, lb
Steer, hair slip
Th folia wing at .notations on feed.
Com, em. yel.. ton none
Corn, Lg.TelvtOJi .... 8d.0tl to 60-50
Corn Clacked, ton
85.00. to, 80.00
Bran,, ton. .. .......
Barley, ton
Scratch Food . .
Mj, ,'';,':,,;, , , .-.,.:,,!
Docentlr t8,'lli7, H nd the Increased relnht" rs'tei the
. - :
. :. .- J ' i
, PraetiesDy ne onnnka ias been made
in the ttihrktt priee during th past
wiiek.; The most important iai4 were
in turkey, chllkeni, and due( nsecl for
the holidays. The shipments of turkeys
received before Christmas were greatly,
ini axreiw of the shlpmests received' at
Thanksgiving;;; , . -v, , . . , ,
. Large skipmeute, of peaha, are still
being received from Waul and - unless
the sale increase, it will take three to
fwur Months to dispose ef the crop.
And rather than have their beans held:
her that loan in all probability the
farmers will demand' that' their beans
be abipped ta th Coaat.i In thi event
shortage ia th .bean marker -will
noon follow and with a rack of bottom
if fieiale, ' and keep a the premise s,
eompleta and accurate record of all 'of
Its of fleers and employes containing for
earn person tha following data: (a)
Name ' and address. (b , Nntionahty.
and If naturalised citizen, place and
time of naturalisation. . (e) Date when
employed; (d) Last previous Place ef
employment; ia ortier that business
ZS'V9"1.. By Hoovftr h-
tion ef snch record, n pass-aard system
will be. put into operation by tha gov
ernment, under which each employe
hall be provided with a suitable card
of identification. .' The employer must
us suitsble precaution for the issue
and surrender of' sack! pass cards la
order to prevent their getting into nn-
au.aotuca nands. " -'
4. Every bberator ol". inch ."water
front facility shall at once give formal
notice in writing to the United fttttes
marshal,., stating the .names and sd
dresee of tha watchmen' in its employ,
a brief , statement pf their prescribed
duties, and tha hours of their employ
ment. This kecftiirement applies both te
lyiames of watchman aad name of the
I;, l! . t j . i . . .
lucnuiicsiiua usfivmorw soots reivrreu
x ra&oj' Ud taUaf
' 5. Every operator; of a waterfront
facility shall; on or before December 1,
file with the United Btatea marshal, in
writing,; a, statement describing Its
system of gra patrol and' ire preven.
tion. ; f. :: -tV,.( ..
G. These' regulations are prescribed
for the purpose of aiding and enforc
ing the President' -proclamation, The
requirements of that proclamation must
be strictly 'complied with. Under so
circumstances, will alien . enemies be
permitted to enter tbe( waterfront pro
hibited, areas defined by said proclama
tion, and the operators Of the water
front facilities' referred to will b held
responsible for keeping alien enemies
off their 'premises. , , t
War lWpartxnnt ,Viw ,
Th War, Department has requested
the Department of Justus to emphasise
the necessity of a strict observance by
the public o th. military control.
NEW YOEK, December (Asso
ciated Ires) Klber IHiggins who wns
convicted Of .3of raudirtg Liberty I-oan
juvwstors, was today, sentenced to three
yosrs in the Atlanta federal peniten
tiary. The United Mates -, attorney
told the court that 7000, people. had
suffered through Dwlgglas' operations,
most of the losses , being small.
LOXDO.V, 'December 12-r(Asociat-ed
Pres)-rBeplyihg io sn inquiry of
housr-hnliler aa to whether. Or not he
was entitled to an extra, allowance of
sugar when 'entertaining visitors, the
ministry of ' food 'advised that " tem
porary guests should priug their sugar
with them.',?" ',' -' -
., ,.,4 ,
AH that 1 needed is to correct : the
liliausbes and the bealache disappears.
Take Chamberlain 's Tablets and ynit
mill soon e as. well, as ever.. Ypr, sale
t- ... ,..r rv?, w- . y , wmr
ly nil dtHilers. Beiion, Binith 4 Co,
ITUlOir December1 28,' 191 T.
,.."..n..,v M 'Ha,' lb ......v. .......'.. 5 t .37
... ..... . ... .73 Tnrkeys, lb. ...... t. .,... .40 t 42H
...1.. ...... .73 Duck, Muw. In. .J to JO
........... .W Ducks, Pekin, lb. IS .to JO
....- . 4S. te Alt Dhcks; Hnwi, doxen 0.78
lit Haw. seed .0A
Pesnuts, Ig.. lb.. , ikr to .07
Green peppers, bell ...,.'. .07
Green pepper, chill .r.'.Y M
Potatoes, Island Irish.. ..... LOO
PoUtoea, sweet , ,.4 . . . ..... JtO. to. 1.00
Potatoes, sweet, 'red .J.'. l.adit l.llr
Taro, bunch, .,......,.,..;.-... .15
Tro, cwt. 1.75
Tomatoes . . . ,-. . ... j05 t JM
Cucumber, dote JL0 to JIO
Pumpkiua, lb . .02 to U)3Vi
UJEUfBSEU nUATar' .- , .v
.'; J3 to'.lUXfiitton; lb. .U' to .19
,i .1.1 to .10 Pork, dressed, lb ,., I7 to .81
........ -1H Kips, lb . ,. t',
.Id Ooat, white, 0' to' ,30
.....ilO',-'.'' , .' ' '' '
f. . B. Honolrilh;
Oats, ton '......,
Wheat, ton .....
....... '......Tl.frO
94.00 to 95.00
... 80,00 ta 70.00
..'.,.-.48.00 td 54-00
.....47.00 (b 48.00
Middling ;
nay, Wheat
Hay, alfalfa ....
people of Honolulu will od themselves
paying a great deal more for imported
beans than they ft re now able to, buy
the local product for. . t
. The division I. trying, ta Induce th
restaurant of the- city to line local
liean- entirely and so far have been
fairly successful. , . i ... " ,,
. Wa are receiving small skipmeat ej
wbita wet pvtatee which are verv
good and; selling a low a $-lJ5 a hun
dred. Thee .am Potatoes are beinir
'old In Honolulu from that price np to
i.nu. a a una red whnlessls. v -,..;. -
Egg and poultry have remained th
same with, the exception of hens, which
dropped two eentr a pound.. . . u
v- ;,. o. Bi LIOHTFOOTV
. . ; Acting HuperintendeaC.
dicafes' Acute ShbrJaQBr Iff
tast Approaches End ,: .
'? '.- . . n .. , ,'i ..." . k
' NEW, YORK; ' Deeember tVt Assb-
clatet ' Press) Candy manof acturer
are to be- allowed increased supplies
of sugar onder an order whirl was is
sued by rood Administrator Hoover
while here frOm Washington yesterday.
This Indicates . that, the .acute, sugar
shortage is being rapidly, relieved- :
. Hoover 's , annonncement permits the
candy. makers to, secure sugar to the
extent of eighty percent of their nor?
mai requirements and tt in said that
in the near future still further inr r eas
es are to-be. allowed to them, , , ,
Arrival or snipments rrom tne new
Cuban crop jittder, the purchasing ar
rangement entered into , between the
International,, national, and, Cuban su
gar ronimiawOns is responsible for the
better conditions . v ,
AmbslsadoV ;RekfrM ahti Vls
C4unt Is. Logical Successor
, ;' TOKlVi, Dee'embet sWfijiacisl'' to
i. HHiu x. omio, Japanese siuoas-
aador to the United Htate, baa re
signed. .Viscount ' Isbii, wh recently!
was at the bend of the Japanese war
commission! to tha i. United mate, is
eonsidered the moat logical' candidate
to sueeeed Ambassador Ha to, x
v The name of Admiral B, Vrin, former
vl.ee preside nKof th Japanese commis
sion to the Pun Francisco Exposition,
is, also being' backed for .the; poetr by
his friend. Viscount Ishii niade many
friends . during, lis ' recent ..trip. to
Amerin, and it Is thought that he will
be Burned. ,,; , ;.v,.,t , -
explains Mr germaKt
" , did not invade, denwark
X-6PKN H AG EN, Deec'niber 1 Aft.,
Soeiated newj-rtorjNr, Premier Neer
naard who is now- member of the
Danish pariiamenti s-n recent speech
gave it as , bin o(iiiuun that the . Im
provement effected ia tha Kiel. Canal
saved Denmark from1 tha danger of a
German1 Invasion, and .that there was
very little probability of a vlolatioa or
Denmark ' neutrality. .. ,
. He declined for dipinmatic reasans to
Wf. orii cxpivrn aiatemeni in
parlisiwent-. but outside ha explained
that the. Improvement to lb ratsl
? pared Germany the. temptation., 1o, ini
risge. psnish, . neutrality in order td
safetruard eenrmunisatiaii of the' fleet
between the kmltjo and, flort Sea. OerM,
msiiv: Kail ftArli,. I.,. Wurul. 'K.
said, to occupy Denmarf fa cne. of w
with England in order to optn v
muiiatloiui tbfvVKh.the Great (' f
t)e Welt.; Th eoutrol pf tus ,
ways,, howeerv' was o longer i.'.t.ni .
pnsel,ie.to ,Ocruuny siiirs tb-- H. 1
could pa freely through the irs i
' - ' ! . " ' - . '. ; 1
cArmv r.TA
t ; . ' '
Chambei' of Commerce Might Fill-
; Hottll py Judicious Cam-j
paign pi Advertising , j. $
FIRST c5oVerotWhV:V'.
parting From Poddies of Fqri'j
mer yean In War Time v
With mainland dtiesevenmorenncom- .
foHibl tEln usual thi cold winter ' '
dui to lack of coal and Other hestleg ma" '
terials t warns hotel aad apartment
hoseY and-' with Hawaii at ana ay 'a1 ' '
eVerthroTrghoMt the winter season, asd ' "
more vessels plying between Baa Frnn. v ,
cisco and Honolulu; tbaa ever, before,
the opportunity to ' get tourist her '
this winter and spring is better thaw
eVerl providing; the Island are brought '
to the attention of the public in dis
plsy advertisements , in the , largest
weekly and monthly publications, for
whiica the chamber of commerce ta now ''
in a- position to authorise at least ft 10..
000; ',;,',:, ..... " -t ; -Japaass
to'Pripr4 '. V, :
' Dewpit tha fact that so Information -.
has yet been received by the chamber
0( eomnMro from Ueorgo ilcK. Me
Clellan, the-chamber a resprasentativ
iri .Waebingtoa, with reference' to- the ,
chamber's-reqaeet that he 'endeavor to
perraade the United States Hhipping
Board to' grant long-time licenses to
foreign, vessel to earrjt , passengers to
end front Hawaii, the disposition of tha
Teyo Kisea Kaisha to carry paseengers
If th Jong-time licenses ; are granted,
ir th best shove licenses are- granted,
ia- the best move toyard tourist traffic
that ha beesJ advanced since the re-'.'
qniftitio of American vesseU for trana
por service. ,;-. ,' '.
W. H. Avery, one of the leading, of
ficial Of th TsKJC. Una is soon to
leave for Washington on thia'proposl
tion and to Org tha shipping board to
grant this privilege, which will giv
th shipping, company aa opportunity
te advertise it Use a paseeager car
riee between Ban Fraaeleeo and Hono
llu., These ; vessel cannot be , com
nvandeered . by , th Amerieaa ' govern. 1
mcnt for transport . service and, with
ther.geaeral falling off la passenger
tramcj. between the Orient . and 8aa
. Franeieco, Honolulu as a medial port of -sail
offers travel opportunities denied
1 to Ajnerieaaa who desir. to avoid the , -'rigors
of winter. ','.' -',r 1. ',',..'..,. .w-... -.
0onl4 PU1 Botehi ,-.
Th chamber Of commerce's full '' .
tioa, with all the influence which it
haa, not only ia the Island bat npoa
th mainland) plaeed behind Mr. Avery,
Mr. McClellan. and Delegate Kuhlo, to.
gather with the raising of a fund for
advertising purposes, so that there will
be no lose of time or off on the part
of' the, Steamship companies securing -these
permits, will fill the hotels here
throughout the winter season. '. , , . ,
The eommes-cial organisations and
pjyns. have bee a ia .the habit of -contributing
large sums each earaival sea
son to place the Carnival, before the '
visitor. , This year no Carnival of the
proportion hitherto crpanited Is . to .
e beld. .Therefore, the fund proposed
will easily be realised and if put into
display advertising, backed by the nni
tied action of the 'hole- chamber of
rpmmercereeuTtft ar certain. . .' .: .:
Cist: Meet Oondltlou . ; . . , r .
The promotion committee-, which is
on of the; seventeen standing commit- ' i
tee f- the chamber; haa not favored
paid advertising In thi form in the
past; but th. requirements of the 11
snds ssd the competition which Ha
waii now meet frm Florid resorts,
provtib a necessity for new kind
of advertising by tke chamber of com
mere, backed up later by the detail
work' of the promotion committee.
Action, and quick action, the nse of,
the cable and wireless in. lining up Ha
waii's friends and advocates in Wash
ington! and centers where official ac
tion Is necessary to give the foreign
lines la the Pacific adequate time per-' "
as 1 1 n, win e necessary. v. . .
Th fact that a wister advertisiex
campaign for HawaiL, fleed Ust only
three aeontun will admit the use of a
$10,060 fued where .'ifi.flOO or 7rt.0(m
wonld be necess (V- for- campaign
last! eg a year.- ."
Tb aelectioni f t
whioh will crr v. ,. - .
sag to -the 1 1 i
it is argued th-t
ililirfi tlnni
iHiliiv mrs
' illiciil'. but
;st T"
h- n
,tio,,the iighr-'t
pet is la r with
public sr nroi
luiblleatlotin i"
fund In amM' '
arlrty of J.i.l "r .
the force t'-'.;
' Action 1'1 -n -chamber
.'i ; r
.iv, 1
i'!t 11 V
ul a
. :.t.-r
' ' ' Om
' . to -
ii evi-r a
-. IV I ll'it LllVO
. mil, I I. 1 vp.
iineou! v liv the
', its r. .ii-i'iitn.
' I. I.llii'i;,l ctiliuni .
' f t 'nltip c'in-
'- it is in 1, tuk(-n
'i tin- v.. It of Mr.
, '.on uni X,.w Ymk,
issuiiuce of the louir-
tlve nV
and wltK .
psaies b,1 ,
Avery t., '.-
tlm 1 1 '.
' r ' rn
'. -'
December 28(Special to
)Mor "tlian lnno pasuen.
been buried undi-r a snow
'he. district of llokuriku in
.liinaii. Henvy snow bus be.Mi
' t
I IS !
out ,-
to. 1 '
1 " an.i every triini iu -tl.ij
bound. Mmiy lives Iliv.-
'h ilaiiiir'r h:, , I,, , 11
1 1 v.

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