OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, January 18, 1918, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1918-01-18/ed-1/seq-4/

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'..1. it':l'. J -. . -.V. ; .V.'.V;: '-. "Awatta w gaetti Friday, - January' ji8,yf9KMi-wKi:KLV v.ava
-i. 4.'
JANUARY 18, 1918. ...
Misted Leaders
KUMO( shapes up beautifully in practise in
the' prohibition game,' but every time he
comet to bat in actual performance he fan.
- His attitude tbvrards the chamber of commerce
resolution is to be regreUed, particularly for Ku
." Wo'a own sake, because his protestations of food
;- faith in a desire to help his own people by elimi
i. nating booze have been taken at face value, time
after time top td this time. Even the fact that he
has invariably found occasion heretofore to permit
'. technicality td pot him oil record against prohibi
tion when his attitude really counted had not whol
' ly shaken the confidence many have had in him.
The'Dcle'lt pOStrtonr ia as hard to grasp as is
' " that assumed by. the commanding general of the
' department, This latter officer of the government
refuses either to endorse or condemn the request
jf the chamber of commerce that the President
exercise his right under the Selective Service Act
to proclaim pahu a dry territory during the period
' "of the war.' He takes the stand that this is a mat
7 ter to be decided by the civilians and is something
; which does not concern him as commander of the
. regular forces, an extraordinary attitude, surely.
. The power which the President is asked to in
voke was voted to him as Commander-in-chief of
the American Army and as a military measure, an
extraordinary law necessitated by the war. The
. action of the chamber of commerce here is taken
solely because of the presence on Oahu of several
thousand menf the regular army, whom it is de
sired tQ protect. Such protection is desired as a
military, necessity by the President and by every
' patriotic, ipan ;.whp beHeves in going the limit to
ibcat the, Hubs.- , The secretary of war has called
. upon the jcjvjil administrations to do whatever is
within their power to aid the army, in the suppres
sion of the booze trade among soldiers and of the
traffic in vice, implying by his request that the
army may? be depended upon to lead the way in
. such suppression. And yet, General Wisser be
lieve qt, to be none of his business; as commander
of the Hawaiian department, whether the booze
, trafficv. among , his own men is suppressed in the
only possible way or not! At least he refuses to
; endorse a request to the President that it be sup
" pressed.
Kuhio differs from the general in theory but sup
ports him in practise. The Delegate believes that
we should not call upon the President for his help
in handling yever, sir hat . we all know is beyond our
own accomplishment.' He believes in going about
.half way in prohibitw&v throwing all the business
5nto Hi1 Pkp?-?f ?n
only thdse;tv hTic ha afford to imporCther
own stocks or rVhd "are 'small- enough to become
patrons of the illicit dealers. He places his "home
rule" theory 'ahead of the' plain, patriotic require
ments of theUimes.- '
. , Apparently Neither the Delegate nor the depart
ment commander have grasped the fact that this
is a war-time, patriotic question, to be settled for
..the benefit pi the soldiers in training and in garri
son here. It is no more a purely civilian matter
than the cleaning up of Seattle was, and Major
General Greene showed no hesitancy in declaring
. himself there for thefprotectkn of the men at Camp
Lewis'. It is no more a civilian concern than the
vice and booze situation in Newport, in which
Secretary of the Navy Daniels took a prompt hand.
It is no more a matter to be settled only by the
civilians of Honolulu than the cleaning up of El
' . Paso was a: matter for F.I Pasans alone, and the
- late Major General Funston made that very plain.
In the same way, the Delegate ought to know
that th,f(rpatjer referred to the President in no
wise clashes with his "home rule" policy. The
fact of the war has swept that policy aside, just
.".'..as it has the policy of the right of the individual
,"-.. to govern his own life, the right of the individual
, corporation to own and operate a railroad, the
I right of the shipowner to charter his vessel to
- j Whom he will and the right of American youths to
V elect whether to become soldiers or not.
5 v' This is war, gentlemen, and in war America ex
v pects every man to do his duty, whether he likes
' -: it or not.
People Are Saving
IT has been pointed out as evidence of how
strongly the duty of saving had been impress
led upon the F.nglish people by the war-savings
y campaign in that country that in the year 1916,
although purchasing billions of dollars of war
, .Ixwidrt, he rnal savings-bank depositors in Eng
; land 'increased their deposits in savings banks
r , over $60,000,(X)0, this in face of the fact that the
, English have Uen noted as a spending rather than
zs a saving people.
.'- . " It seems that a similar process has taken place
in America Two great Liberty Loans were float
v,'Ct in the ear just closing, and nearly $6,000,000,
; (XX) of Liberty Loan lionds were purchased by the
' people. Vet instead of being depleted the savings-
hanks depu-its of the couutry have been increased.
The president of one of the large New York sav
ings bank is quoted as saying on December 20,
; 1917:
','.' "One of the most remarkable things about the
V Liberty Loan campaigns is the small effect they
; have had on the savings banks accounts, which
nliow an increasf. This we lay to the appeals
made to 'the American people to purchase the
. bonds out of their earnings, paying for them from
. ' week to week or from month to month. The peo
ple appear to be doing as they have been urged,
,,' purchasing the botfcls from current savings."
Question '6fl&or$3': lfs$
RECOGNITION ;of the vital necessity of, an
fdeate Mppfy of latior VfoV agricultural
pursuits in order that there. may S& falling off
of the food supply of the 'nation i W its' 'citizens',
its soldiers and sailors and a urjli$ which imay
go to the Allies is spreading! ' l U generally ad
mitted there are only a very few real remedies.
One of these is exemption irony the draft of farm
labor or, a parole from the draft"hile ,sucH labor
makes good in agricultural frxleavory otherwise
the army. A second proposal is totiscrlption of
labor for the farms, the aiiie'';whlchvii the
farmer demands skilled labor and. "wijl not pay
the price whleh'skilted labor can secure In num
bers of other industries. Athird 'suggestion is the
importation of labor, preferably Chinese, since
the Chinese make satisfactory laborers 'on farms
and plantations. Thus the Chinese .would release
to other fields of endeavor in whi$h. higher wages
are paid men who must otherwise- be engaged in
the production of food and foM&Offsr ;
The cry of "Chinese cheap laboi carries no ter
rors at this time. ,The supply of labor , is far be
low present demands and before we are through
with this war such conditions, will be much fur
ther aggravated. With additions to the draft will
come, further withdrawals'"'fr6m the farms and
plantations. There, must be found a 'way, to re
plenish labor from such losses. "Why not Chi
nese?" is asked more and rnoft frequently.
One proposal, the Californian, for bringing such
labor here under deportation rule has much in it
which is not satisfactory to Hawaii nei. To bring
several thousand men, without, wives or families,
has been tried here and it Means increases in dis
order and in crime. Witness the, Filipinos-who
supply the greatest number of. offenses of violence
in these Islands, court statistics show. It ,1s de
sirable that men of any nationalities should have
the restraining influence of family ties to hold
them in bound. The California; proposal 'does not
countenance, this. Labor of that class would be
far and away better than Filipino labor, but would
not be .satisfactory and bo 'efficient as it might
be. v - , x- 3. ' v- '; ' '-:
There probability latJthis time' that Chines
immigration will be permitted under certain rules
and restrictions and the .hope may be expressed
that the rules and restrictions will not be such as
to retroact against the possible benefits , which
might accrue. ' ' !-'
Positive Identification
rf AUFORWIA .;haf "now i bureau' of criminal
1 lucniincuiion ana invcsiigaiion, inroygn wmcn
all the crooks of the State' are to be photographed
and finger-pruTted and the data placed in the hands
of the police of all the citiei of the State. Clar
ence Merrill of the Berkeley poljce department has
been placed in charge of the bureau and he, with
his assistants, is now instructing the police of Cal
ifornia in the very elementary matter of taking
the finger prints of convicted criminals.
There should be such a bureau for . Hawaii,
where, because of our large Oriental population,
the matter of positive identification is otherwise so
difficult. Any school boy of normal mentality
could learn to take and classify finger prints with
fn a week. Even our chief of detectives could
grasp the matter of classifying finger prints, if he
could get someone to write down the figures and
letters for him and properly index them.
Several years ago Sheriff Jarrett started the
matter of establishing an identification bureau, for
Oahu, but it has been allowed to die down. We
suspect that the main idea for permitting the sug
gestion to lapse since Jarrett's time is because.
through such a system it would be possible to
keep a complete record of the Chinese gamblers',
thereby making bail jumping and the convenient
nolle prosequi anything but the cinch they now
It is a certainty that "if the finger print system
had been Inaugurated here three years ago the
number of convicted murderers would have been
trebled and half the burglars now operating would
be behind the bars. Of course, before any such
system would be of benefit we would have to have
detectives who know the difference between a
thumb print and a water buffalp.
' .'' . 1
Judge Poindexter continues to show the way,
and the way he is- showing just now to the con
victed blindpiggers leads to the penitentiary, for
. : v, Tt .u:. A a: 1 l!
ia tiiiriiiits iino. una uucsu i uiacuuragc inc
ones who sell booze to soldiers, we trust the judge
will double the jail term, as he has the power to do.
It is reported that the delegates at the Irish con
vention have not been able to agree on a plan of
government for Ireland. Why . not send over to
Petrograd and borrow a few advisers from the
A prohibition movement is on foot in Hawaii;
but there will be no lasting reform over there untij
there is something done for the ukulele habit. That
is fierce. lxs Angeles Times.
City Attorney Brown waMs five hundred dollars
a month with which to locate vice in Honolulu.
The price seems to be going ufl.
Though the use of canned goods is not being
encouraged few llonolulans would have any ob
jection to a canned Governor.
'. Oa Mutiny tti hour t tk que
ttoifillr bKik'f, tb Fonrk I'r
elnet, Fftsrth Dintriet,. will b from
, Utxtr applteanU to'Jola the htmr
ar Mnf turned away from the head
quartets of the Rawaltaa department
beeauee of the law which prevent the
army from enrolling vereoni of draft
FHawaM . have . offered 1 enpply Inter-
prerera tne local draft boardi.
Among the laafuagee they are capable
f aandliaj are Japaaeee, Chinese and
Koread.i' - ; , .
The" ueetlonnalre hours for the
Third 'Precinct,' Fourth Dietrlct booth
(P(iaahu) are now from half pant
foer o'clock tn the afemoe6 to eight
eVlflch i the evening. The morn in
beom kae been cut out.
fttneeal' Thereek WUoo Belli
rein bond of $1900 for her appear
ance to aeawer the charge ef con
apirae and forgery made against her
la, a grand jnry indictment a eigned
by heroelf and Leeng Tau. The bond
mm been accepted by the court.
;A Martha Howlett has been appointed
atate-. opervlior of, .dancing for the
Hawaiian ' Inlands , by the American
National College of Dancing in New
Tork City, . Her flrrt atep will be the
establishment of a' normal school for
local dancing teachers.
The "aquegee", lurfaee oa the con
crete tase. Of Lower Jdanoa Koad in
rapidly peeling off. The costing was
pot oa the road lean than ten weeks
ago. In many places, it has crumbled
away and Is blown off by the wind,
and in other ) places has just worn
through. ,. i
War bread, made of rice flour, is to
be used at the communion table of
Central Union Ch arch for the qnnrter
ly eomnlnnioa instead of wkite wheat
floor , breed. ' The saving of flour will
not be very mrge, but it is felt that
the'' example should be set for others
to follow. ;i
ftanko and. Company were yesterday
awarded the contract for the construc
tion of .roads' at Fort flhsfter. Their
bid, which ' waa the" 'lowest - tendered,
was 17362.90.. Other bidders and their
figures were: Jj."M . "Corrie, $9753.82;
George Tsmada, $10,955.87; Woolley
and Beaton,'$1141.71.
- ;Joha Fernandes, .'a. Honolulu man,
won first choice yesterday in the-drawing
at the territorial land - office for
lota ef the Haleahalf homestead tract.
Selection of lots will be made at Wai
Iukn courthouse on ftatorday,. Febru
ary. 2. la all 13$ name f were drawn
O. A. Pease, T. M. C. A, instructor
in gymnastics, has been appointed act
ing phyaical directori The appoint
ment was made at a meeting of the
directors presided vervby Biehsrd A.
Cooke and attended by C. H. Ather
toa, Ed. Towse, CL-B. Ripley, E. A.
Beradt, Ckarles F.iCVnnons, Dr. A. F.
Jackson, A. E. Larimer and B. A.
Cooke.' . .yv"f(, ; . ;
.'In acOTdanee wUI la toMng from the
treasury departmCDf, Cot Howard
Hathaway-has MSonneed that' officers
of. the armr are subject to. the income
tax. ' Payments must be niede to the
Internal revenue office of the district
in.: which officers reside. The new in
eof&e tax forma which were delayed
in shipment,' it is believed, will srrive
within a week.
An .Investigation to determine the
accuracy and eompleteness of the Ter
ritory's 'records of births and deaths
ia to ,be 'conducted by K. C. Lappin,
chief of the division, of vital atatis
ties at Washington, according to word
that ,.haa rsaehed the city. The In
qniryicis being made as a preliminary
requirement for the- ultimate admission
ef the Islands into the registration
are of the United States.
.'Airplane . battles, trench fighting,
and the warfare with, big guns are
included ia the reels of the official
French film which, will be shown at
the armory on Baturflay evening. The
aeenes on the film are of the most
thrilling .sort, and each was taken un
der the aetual conditions of life at the
front by government authority. The
admission at the armory will be twenty-five
-cents, and the proceeds will go
to the. Fatherless Children of France.
. Three eantoniera have been placed
oa the Manoa district roads by City
Engineer Caatin, under the provisions
of a new appropriation, and have been
placed at the disposal of the Manoa
Improvement Club.. The latter, in
turn, hne delegated its authority to J.
W. Caldwell, the club's engineer and
the eantoniera report . to bim for as
signment on the street work. Mr.
Caldwell wants suggestions from the
taxpayers of Manoa, concerning need
ful . places .for eavtoaler work, and
wishes to be advised at to the progress
of work dons by the three men.,
Proof that tka three Kawananakoa
minors, children of Prince David, are
heirs of the late Queen Liliuokalani
mast be presented in eenrt before they
may be regarded as feeirs in connection
with the ease now - before the eourt
involving the queen's estate. This
ruling was made yesterday by Circuit
Judge'C. W. Ashford.
Upon request of attorneys represent
ing Delegate Knhio, who is contesting
the Queen's will, ths heating in con
nection with it was carried over for n
week last Saturday. It is said that
another and a longer continuance of
tbs ease will be sought nest Batnrdsy
to enable Delegate Knhio to leave to
of its toale sb4 taaaUve elect.
LAX ATI Ts nnOMO QUM IN will be foand
setter than ordtaaty Qutalae. Does svot cause
erwsoeaese. nee rhurlaa' In the head. Re
member, there is only eae Brosso Qtiljfae."
The alanatan of X. T. Crer; a i caeoftn.
Dr.'P.'O. ftanborn of Kaunahakal,
Molokia, is a Visitor in Honolulu.
A. 8. Cantln,' tlty engineer, expects
to have an estimate and plane for I the
Bethel Street improvement ready for
tlie consideration of, the supervisors .at
their next regular meeting. ' ,, .,,,
Frank C, Atherton, A. Oartlejr 'Jin
John Moir and Muperintendent Hearby
of Puaneneu Mill,, Mnui will retnra
about 8unJny on, the ColwmbU. from
Manila, where they-have been litveetl
gating a sugar plantation plan for, tee
development Of lends there with Ha
waiian capital. .
Major' L,, W. Kod.linitton, U. B. Bv
lormeriy adjutant or the Hawaiian De-
No . Trace, of Poison Found In
Stomach of Late Draft ON
--v.. fice. May Be Explained :
H-Though ihe) aiialrils of the stomach
riapt.' raaois , turepn, wse was
fonnd dead at Halelwa last Saturday,
did not reveal traces of poisos, this
does' not eliminate the possibility that
the draft officer committed suicide, ae-
partment of the army, who has brokenl0""" u Benjamin M. Bairos, assist
his ankle twice in the past 'three
months, will nail for the mainland next
week on sick leave aad return..., ia
March. He has so far recovered as to
be able to discard sandals and hopes to
leave aside his crutches by the time
he reachm the Coast. . i
George Bucbholtx of the Paokea Plan
tation Company, Hawaii, will probably
be asked to withdraw aa plantation
agent of the food commission in eorise
quence of the protest made against him
oa the ground of bis being an alien
enemy. . No other aliens are known
among the special agents of tJtt.com
mlston. E. K. Bull declined appoint
ment on the ground of being an alien
neutral. .
Retiring .President of Chamber of
Commerce . Patriotic In .'
Parting Words
ant territorial chemist,' who, la making
his report yesterday of the examina
tion carried ouV said .that aertaia Or
ganle poisons are often converted into
other compounds leaving no- slgss .of
the original poison, taken.- v . . '- .
' Mr. Balros' report in full, which was
filed yesterday afternoon with: the
sheriff, is as. follows t . ,1t .
"Owing to the fact that the stom
ach . did not- reach this : office- wntil
40 hours aftet the poet mortem, it has
been difficult to make nhemical tests for
some orranie - poisons.' with nay . great
I certainty, for such org ale poisons are
erten reaouy eonvertea to other com
pounds throngb putrefactive hnages
as well aa fermenting action within
ths esdsver , ',. '-., .
. "The analysis ahowat ' Alkaloids,
negative; hydroeyaaie acid, negatives
metallie poison, negative stomach, con
tents, decidedly acid." , '
.' Cyanide of aodlna, which Captain
Oreea, purchased two daya before his
death, la one ef those poisons traces
of which may entirety disappear, as
stated in the report of Mr, Bairoa, ac
cording to the latter.'
Hose . Peter. Quits Job -Rather
( Than Take Cut Front Pay
. .. Hoi Peter, the eomie" ' affU of
ficer who for years has" been a promi
nent figure at the corner of Tort and
Merchant Btreets, clashed with Sheriff
Rose yesterday, with the result that
Hoee has quit the TKlle force. ' ;
Beaaon for such rask action osl ths
Crt of the traffic nop "humorist" wis
eanae Rose docked his pay for failing
to attend the races at Kapioranl Park
on New Teat's Day.; ' According to
Peter his absence was unavoidable. "I
had to kill pig and. cook the New
Year 'a dinner,'? , he said yesterday,
"and. in-consequence, dldnt have time
to go to the racea." .. '';
. Peter, who has eaased much amuse
ment for loenl autoists by his peculiar
antics, is sure to, be sadly missed from
president Nbt;ta;rr:
WASHINGTON, January 15. (Asso
ciated Press) The senate today de
feated an amendment to the espionage
act' giving the President authority to
control the news print or paper sopply,
end voted the power of control to the
fail oral trail eemnaiaaioB. '
In closing his term of office.' as pres
ident of Hhe chamber of commerce, J.
F. C. Hagenii, sounded the call ta.the
patriotism of the people of -Heaolulu
and Hawaii nei which rang clear and
true, lie said:
"The year 1017 was ushered In with
forebodings of grave moment Almost
the entire civilized world wss aflams
with' a war the like of which is nnpre
cedented. In history, and indications.
growing significant in number and fcn-1
misfakable in puqiort, pointed to tbe
inevitable necessity of our country ul
timately entering the war arena to
serve freedom and save democracy.. The
country at large became apprehensive
of the consequences aad magnitude of
such undertaking and earnestly prepar
ed itself, as best it could, for any and
all emergencies, so that when the final
break did actually come, it was met
with calm aad steadfast determination.
"Our couutry has now been at war
for nine month and, although our Army
and Navy have aa yet not played, a
very important ' part in actual battle
alignment,! aj great deal' has feces . nei.
eomplished by oor administrative and
legislative bodice which, when the
Cper time comes, will prove to have
n of a most remarkable nature and
far-reaching effect.
Kurt Be Beady to Sacrifice
"Like all American communities so
we, too, have been called upon from
time to time during the past year to
.do onr ehare, individually and collec
tively, in the way of serving the Nation
by subscribing to the Liberty Loans,
by contributing to the American Bed
Cross fund, by aiding our government
and its allies through production and
conservation of food and, above all, by
answering the call of the Nation for
active duty at the front, in the mili
tary camps and at home. It is most
gratifying to observe that our Terri
tory and its citizens have nobly
responded to all these calls; and 'let
it be our resolve and privilege to main
tain the splendid pace we have set in
our desire to be foremost in. Uncle
a large measure to the devotion of oaf
members to this great enterprise of
the government.
Civic Convention
"This convention was held in Hono
lulu on Heptember li, 17 and 1H. Many
topics of vital interest to our local
community were dealt with, and the
value of these gatherings was again
confirmed. The convention ended with
a banquet at the Moana Hotel in the
evening of the eighteenth, at which
Mr. George K. Carter preniilcd. A col
lection for the Ked Cross was taken
up on that occuHion. resulting in the
handsome contribution of IO!lfl to this
meritorious and worthy cause.
Congressional Visit
"A party consisting of five senators
and seventeen members of the house
of representatives visited tbe Islands,
upon the invitation of the Territory,
during the month of November. It
can be safely assumed that this visit
will be of Innting benefit to us here
as well as the Nation at large, sinee
tbe ties which bind us to our great
federation of romniouwealtha and the
national administration hikje becb1 re
affirmed and strengthened thereby.
Representation In Washington
"During1 tbe latter part of tbe Afar
the chamber, concluded arrangement
fur the resumption of representation in
Washington and secured the services
of Mr. George McK. McClellan as its
special agent at the Cnpitul. Mattera
of great importance to the welfare of
our community and the advancement
of our industries are constantly under
consideration in the legislative and
administrative, bram-bo of our gov
ernment and, to do us justice, aa able
and true reflection' of tbe needs and
wishes of our community should st all
times be available. Mr. MuClellan'i
known tuct and ability promise re
sults iu the direction which will fully
justify the arrangement. '
"In conclusion, let in say to you, I Ku' t4r- Mra- KoM Akana, H. N
gentlemen, that it is imperative in "WffeoV. .VnS, V.K
t iumB iiku iutBe iu iorgei our peiiy
squabbles, to lay aside our personal in
terests and stand together in perfect
harmony, undying . loyalty and self
denying devotion to our common .coun
try, to the end that its righteous
cause in this war many be sunceesfol,
for the advancement of our Nation and
the world at luige."
Br the President- rY ,M. B. Benton.
Mine Jennie Castro. Mine f brlstotrersoa,
Praak Coffee, Mrs. MM Erdberf, A.
P. Henr, Leon fHnlgsare, Miss Alma
Johnson, James I. Ueveason, Muie Jea
notte Lyons. O. A. McDermott, R. J. Mc
Namara, William- M tiler. Miss Isabel Mil
ler, H. H. Morris, aire. C. W. Penoyer,
Mlae Nsnry Peaerer. . W. Penoyer. Mrs.
Maud RiMS, Mrs. Oraee L. Royce.a. U
Rossell, Mrs. 8. U Rmwell, . W. BmUh,
A. B. Turner, Mrs. A. K. Turner, Prank
Wheeles. A. P. WaU, Albert Woln'.
PRUM HAWA1I-Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Gillespie. ('. T. BaUey, Mrs. J. W. Rus
sell. Mr. . and Mrs. C. K. l.jmW, J. P.
Curt. P. Bartds, Mrs. T. Nlshimura, Mr.
and Mrs. Iwamolo and two children. Miss
Iwsmoto, Master Iwamoto, Mr. Momll, 1.
Kapela. Mrs. J. Perrelra and rbild, Char
lie Lycurcua, R. W. Pnllsr R. Ullleeuie,
Mrs. 8. w. EnaHer, C; Hearinoes, Mrs. P.
M. awansy, Mr. and Mrs. William Ootta
out. R. NakanUnl, Tons Lee, - Oeors P.
Traliae, Mr. Matsuno, J. Bantne. A. Ull
vs. A. & Perrelra, P. Naoni, Miss Housh
Ulllns. Ishlkawa.' ' , .
PROM MAUI O. Kurosawa, L. M. (lit,
L. II. u Moatler, I . H. Hxvestedt.
Uhm M. Raster. I. Kto, Wous Kit. P. J.
Leandra, C. A. MacDonald, Kataaaka. Na
kata. Mrs. , C. T. Bailey and Infant.
I'alea, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Manalo, Mrs.
M. K. Uomea Jr.
By str. Klnae from KaaaL Jsnuarr 10
Mr. and Mrs. (', A. Romane. P. H. Aaser,
neurge Kdward Jr. Bnsrlff William Rica,
Mn. Woaf liar, Mrs. Miyamoto. T. Ka
niasakl. H. Ikalka. M. Rocha. M. KUrama,
W. Lovell. K. Mltsn,' B. Ventura, t. Malie-
loaa. W. H. Ulaerman. M. Hoasa. I. Kaia,
II. Lemke, H. B. Huso, Kara InxvJ. Jen
kins. Mrs. K. Kopke. Kanasawa, Y. Ta
manaka. H. T. Barclay, Mrs. Tbronas, I.
Kuramoto, II. D. Wlabard. Mr. and Mrs.
B. B. Brown. Mrs. W. Htodsrt '
By str. Manna Kea for Lanalna and
Ililo, January W Mrs. Ooltiorn. Mr. Rusb
furta, W. A. (larke, l. B. MaconacbU.
Jotaa lllnd, B. M. Huenver. A. A. McIr
uott.'MIss Mcols, Miss Akere, Mra. Walk
er, rapt, and Mrs. Burllnsaiae. H. Sbiklils,
MstHU YsnissucbL T. Kaa-aoo. B. Balkt.
H. Isblda. J. W. Waldron. J. I.. Plemlns,
(V James, O H. Whlsner, II. J. Kiia
merer. II. B. Hyaa,, Chsrles IWI, Mlaa
I.. Hlake, H.. A Suns. N. T. Neilwa, Mrs.
Claudia Lesardla. Mrs. Spencer, Hu Grass,
K. Terada. H. Mareda. K. Kawasaki: P.
J. Iaudro, Alfred Bouaa. Ah Ham. Cbny
Hynx Cbooa, . Tboroae MaUin, W. W.
Thomas, Mr. and Mra. Uaa Webber. H.
W. MUt Mra. Percy Benson. Mr, and Mrs.
Josepk Purney. sir.' and Mrs.: Rk-bsrd
Ieiiiln. Mra. P Walker. . Master Walker,
Miss J. I.youa. sir. l.niiBoa. Mrs. Inner,
and dsnshter, Mr. aad Mrs. P. O. Parish,
Mr. and Mrs. Chsries Gsy. P. Ft. Ttmlwr
Iske. R. Iyton Hind. Rev. P. C. Wellr,
Prank Coffee, A. P. Itanrr, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Kemshe. R. Jsmea, Audrew Partlka. A.
R. Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Dal iMii-k Buns.
T. Msmlkl, T. llla, Mrs. G. A. Bcott, Miss
UB. Bcott ,
Br str. Klnau for Kauai. January 16
w. it. McAJlen, B. Msaton Hind. Mr. and
Mrs. l. P. Wlli-ui sad two children, Mr.
and Mrs. A. B. Wilcox. Mrs. H. L. Wilcox,
S11SS T. H.UKIDL Miss Kunlce Hcott. W. H.
H. N. Brittsn,
Antone Bouss,
Bllva. G. M.
HUva. Mrs. L. Hose and Infant. K. Odo,
ii nasanara. a. Miyaae. N. Imarull. Mrs.
U. B. Tnttle. Miss Msy Brows, ' P. H.
Downs. Dr. L. U Psttenmn. (i A. Ewart,
Hheriff Rice, P. H. Asxef. W. H. Prtedley,
Mrs. P. A. Romane. Mrs. A. V. Hoag, fl.
D, Wlshard. U. T. Rarclsy. I. A Kerr. K.
Bwaa, W. t. Wallace, A. M. Cooley,
Mrs. Isumoto,; Mrs. Ferrers, Mrs. Harold
Cook, Miss L. Pen-era, Mrs. B. Kslilnol.
fndtwP cklWrea, Mr. and Mra. William
X. KaUinoi and Infant.
Following Legal Opinions In Gen- '.' '
erars Favor, Pilikia Is Ad : :r--:M
justedj Satisfattorjly: ; . ; ;
Centrsvsrsies existing .between Brlif. 1 '. . '
adUir General ffehnaon omrhlnd-1 '.
Ing the ilawaiiy NntiobjU tyuard, nd . '
Major Wll Wynf,a?.litn' to Ihe 'lM,.v
adjutant general, were brought' to s ,' ; ,
conclusion ' yesterday which ' reduces ' - t;
ths situation to the statu quo ante and .' - ;'
tbe Incident in how practickll elosed. 'r ,
f ollowing seyerajf tens days fraught '
with developments which led to' tho '''''-"
genersl askiag for Major "wAyne 's' res-K -ignatioa,
due largely te inharmonious . ' '
relations, the blame for which John4'.-
son laid to his assistant,' the entire
matter was entangled yesterday in i ' ;
Manner wMoh'tho pneril last Evening
snmmed np as "satisfactory". - ' " j.
Major Wayne was still sphynx like . ,
bnt the relation of the tw officers '
wsrs quit friendly ns they, stood upon , . )
ths drill hall floor In ths armory, and
discussed details connected with vnri-'.
ous nnits of the guard. . , '
Ia fact, when the genertl1 was naked , . 1
for m statement as to ths status of ths .
affair, be said that things wars 4 satis- . . '
factory," a fsr ns hs was concerned, ' '
bnt referred' to Hajor Wayne for any . V ' ';
other iaformstieo,! and called te Major ' i -Wayne
to Join, the conversation, which
seemed pleasant all' around. -
From this it was inferred that the .
tempest had disd down and that both
officers would continue In their re- '
spectlve positions. ,
- Later, in 1 tbe evening Major Wayne ,
said that be had been authorised by
General Johnson to announce that the
former had received decisions - from
both tho judge Advocate, of the guard '
ana tne judge advocate-general of the
Hawaiian Department to the effect
that General Johnson waa In complete
charge of the guard, with powers: to
relieve officers, tn certain instances, of
their positions.
- It was upon these decisions that the
general, having the authority properly
vested in hinv to take whatever course
he desired in the Wayne enss, reviewed '
the entire proceedings nnd in nn ad
justing conference, authorized the re-
umpugs gi in siaiu quo anie, unuer
certain . conditions, ' which are under-'
stood to bavs been complied with.
Schooner. Thought To Have Sunk
In Severe Storm Is Towed
To Safety In Frisco
'. Encoaraging newa. was received .hero
from Ban Francisco yesterday regard "
ing the f oar-masted lumber schooner-,
htnry E. t "Foster, Captain 'Johnson,
owned by Allen U Bobinson, of this
city It was reported laat week that
the vessel waa loot in n heavy gale off
Duxbury Beef, . jnst outside, of the
Golden Gate, but, according to tbe in
formation received yesterday, she is'
safe tt Ban Francisco.
The Mary B. Foster, which left Port
Towpeend December-19, bound for this
port, sprang n leak in her bold when
three days ost from Port Townsend,
causing the' water to rise" nine inches
an .hour. Jm stesmer Idaho, wbih
wns then passing by, received the dis
tressed ship's signal for help sod im
mediately wirelessed to the Coast city,
the message being immediately re
sponded to, and a tug sent out in
search of the vessel.
After a futile search, the tug re
turned, nnd another tug, of the Bol
Stack fleet, waa despatched by the
Shipowners and Merchants' Tugboat
Company. After many hours' search,
ths distressed vessel was located and
towed into San Francisco harbor, where
repairs are being-made,, Bbe will, eon-'
tinue on her voyage to this port within
s few days.
Count Shows Thirty-seven Liquor
Selling Places
In the County of Hawaii at the
present time are thirty-seven liquor
houses, retail and wholesale, according
to- the Poet-Herald. Seven are in Ililo
proper nnd thirty at different point
throughout tbs island. -
Hilo haa two hotels nnd Ave saloons.
In the country there are two hotel and
nineteen saloons. In addition, there
are nine wholesale houses in city and
' Nine wholesale houses pay 1000 per
annum for their licenses. Five Hilo
saloons pay 1750 each. Two II ib. ho
tel pay 1000 per annum and two
hotela in the country dintriut pay 750
each. The nineteen country saloons
each pay $230. . .
Two saloons have .given up their
license recently and that reduced tbe
country lilt front twenty-one to nine
teen. The island is well provided with
bouses of refreshment, to say nothing
of the innumerable blind pigs.
There 1 no use of our "beating
around the bush." We might as well
out with it first as last.' We waut you
to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
tbe next time you have a cough or oobi.
There is no reason so far as we can see
why you should not do so. This pre
paration by ilts remarkable cure ba
gained a world wide reputation, hud
people everywhere spoak of it in the
highest term of jiraiso. It is for sule
by nil dealers. Benson, Hmitli A Co.,
Ltd., s gent s for liHaii. Advertisement.
-5. A
... . ', 1 .
: ' t .. ',

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