OCR Interpretation

The Hawaiian gazette. [volume] (Honolulu [Oahu, Hawaii]) 1865-1918, February 01, 1918, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Hawaii at Manoa; Honolulu, HI

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025121/1918-02-01/ed-1/seq-8/

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;."ri'.lpni ): ,r.i'f ' V'. ! n'V' ''' , . f A "
; 'i;:r,.v.l HAWAIIAN C,7.V.TTE: FRIDAY, FF.r.RUART f. ' 191S. -$MT-VrT.R,JY;' V"' -
. 1 1 i-r i
);'':2 Sug'-rv'.s -Remedies To
(OL.:re Goollec;ing artf AWtj -
. Evils cf. Booze In City -
Earlier Closinfl Hours Should Be
v' :t and Dealers' Privileges''-
' ' Ought Jo Bo Curtailed' .
"The Crrat Big 8tlek,v vraa ' the
theme of a diae'onraa which Jpdga Qar
rnce W. Aihford delivered Co taa Board
nf I.lrjuor Lleenne Commlaslonere' yW
lerrlny afternoon OB the Bubjeet of
hour for the ale ef Hqnor la Hono
lulu, boot lfitiag, blind pigging BbI
wareoanervatiooi"1-'',-' !' , ' ,
Jrnic A'hford'a nr.tn.ion wraa that
the boant, although' having limited
j.owera for the enforeemant of atring
rut rrrnlRjloa whieh. he declared are
Vrfi',.; jiee.lr.mar abate tha lienor
evil by aaeaa af a threat ta deay liq
uor lirvBue la tha fature to thoae' who
do not aered ta ta dewtaada. Borne of
Li irsr?tion .fo, remedying condi
tion aere folUrwaj , :',lt ''
bnp'g'RsUona Tot 9alooaa r -
.- A rireular ultimatum to liqaor. deaV
Cm. , f. " n ;';' li"
. Btrpfathe diarlptiB throogh tha ae
of upfiiou and . rayoeatioa. . r
Closing hours net na later thaa '. 4
p. m.foq Pat,urday and 9 p. m. Oa ether
daya -, :v. '''''' ' '' "
t'orbiibiing the aal of bulk, liquora
en the pround that they are o poot
jjrn.le aad aily doetored. ' '' '
. ttrmoval of temptation foe thas aol
ilirrg who ara' givea' a thirt by the
f i 1. 1 '- o ei v iliaa unbiuiag :. to taeir
ljt Hi ta' content,'' -. ..i.;' :
Tlie nholition of "Pg Bed". - '
t'urii.oiriit of penniaiiioa for )nying
liiuor to be takra away from tlie prem;
i- 1 , i ; v ,'-i '.':.'.''.''".'
.J(u1 Ashford'a remedy: for feliad
pk'ging na.t ;oot -legging, auggeated to
the birnrd,' woe , that, f emedyiag thia
rhouM.be mail'; iuentubent on the
Iii'nel liquor dealera themaervea oa
pain of having' the rlosiag lid damped
lighter Bad .tit-'hter until. result 'were
fortUonming.;' iii attitade waa that the
lii-rnHi-d dralera, IT aeripnely threatened
by the board, woold ' ia aelf-dafeaae
niove to atop abuae of which they are
fiillv eogninnt'if ;ot ' aecretly ia eoa-
I ...i' .ardfeolii'r'r ;;
" Voa.'va got to tak tba bit i your
tetl'.,'.' he .dei'l.in'1 in tbMnr of
hi -frtrvid arrni ntof ' tha -liquor
interenta., . uo hbpa WfMm-
proveineut 'vuloH you proceed' vrithowt
regard t wkaM feeliaga 'BMy-ba Jkilrt.
You munt'reTrto-rr t.ah theae are war
timet and limt afsperata diaeaae r
uire dperatfl re"e'Ue.-" ' , ;
..Judge A'bford mxle a. plea lor the
interest of tba civUiaa population 'a
well aa tha anldiera. i . 1 ' '' : '. .
. "We are all eobliera, la' a J,"'W
. declared. -"All wuet ba tM(Beif povta,
duting theaa trying, time, , We "mnat
ronnerre produex,wralUi andr above tit,
the fOiciency of our waitarTha in
lu!'ue of the working mea M'th
.in. 4 habit la wateul. at only ia
tlie intrinni value of tha liquor, bht
ia tiionev and health and energy, whii'h
.h on 1.1 now. be at the highest .pointer
ii filleloaey'J'' " .- ; tj .:
To the attitude 4preeee4 by . laenv
b'-r of the boant that tba early, Cloa
in r aaloona ia a prolifle aoureo of
II i?a for, tha beaeflk of tha eivU
i ri - ulatioa, and .that thia new erop
. place, an. Ua aoutfc..aid .Of
the river .only' apreada the aoldier
1 nt; Judge Ahford repUed that thia
v . of ooure,'a matter to ba weighed
in tbe aotioa,tna by, tha noard. ' r
Ci r test Good, Graataat Kamber
" "I am oly, waking the graateit wel
f ire for tha greateat number," he aaid
l.ut ncrtwtentaaliiia that' tha Ai.
pocitiun of tha Jiqoor avil U a matter
to the entire eommuaity partiau
1 : r!y iii Time nf ..war.. ' :If tha eloaing
f iu W !' i o" be; derogatory to
( -ni-rul welfare, thea it'ia yonr maal
t -t duty to Jeava t hern, open." v.
'. To Ju-1c Aihford'a .deelaratiaa that
the ' ; : jvr ,board fuU latitada
rvt-u to ine 'virtual eDforeament of pro
1. i .tiou through rfual of lieenao re-i,.-vmiI-i,
member of tha board objected
on i r..u.(: that.it, had ao power
fiat were -not' eireiimrented by tboae
t-t the l.'si!tlanfrv j ':. . ..f"
" Wo have taken onth to perform' our
.Int'.'i lieease eammiealonera, aad if
lull,.,.- opiiiiou. demaada thia' draatie aa
tM.n, would yo ronaider tt.anr 4uty
t.i t-nforr prohibition 'With or Without
1 i e , eu lorsement i)f tha legiIaturat"
ju'i,; Achfort a 4kod by a aoem
1 , r. Judge Ahf urd -' replied that al
lonji the Jegtaiature kaa decreed that
thrte may b aale of iatosleating liq
i'or, thnt ia aonatroabla . to. ladicata
I', -it no aalea mlghtf ba wada aatil the
(i . r l of rombilionern ahonld be nor-
f ... J lf the ad viiiblUty 'of, lamiaf
' However, that 1 matter for eaeh ia overcrowded, and la often failed up-
t v hi to aetth to bi aw ailaactlot,oa 'to eara- for old , people, although
not a matter of la,'?- ha add!, fher ahouW be planed In an old people
i. cro4 I,aUtuda ' i v i.
J ii '.'f A'nrora aaia'BB m jar mm mora patwnia iuao ever perora IB,
t l n i eoaeeraed there aaver wa a year. Tl 1 highly neeeaanry that o4
A t .iril.lhat hud mora.'latitude,j It "l- ww(-Tww
t l tiiut, technically, tha boaril may ftc wa"dealer failed in, ther
fttt tbe hour whqn aaleoMr way. re- apecta, ha a1a declared to be legal. ; ,
j, r oxen aujra-hera between 6 (t m. I "I do think. .there i any nare
-I. 1 '::JQ p. nt.r although it ia t orblddeo -altr' of ao many dealer," he objected.
I v ti e art to alter tha 1W teUtWg to "ihi' goVerametitr'Mtf Waliktoa kaa
fi .i i me from 11:10 p. fa. to';4 . m. gteatly reduced -tha number of men, to
1 , i. lr wor'ln,'' poiuted out, th be aerred, aad I think the aunibef1 f
I (.in I , iim'v . not i tend' tha ,'time for., aaloona' abould be reduced arrording
I r, i i th xntoonH' on,-but haa full ly'-',. ", ' ! ,
...i .fuMUt-i eoaalrlt-t tha homa To -tba contention of a member of
,r if ,iriii' tlii advtthle. , , . 'f-.v.j' tha' board that aaeive aeal oa'tke
1 ; .i f Threaten Keprtal .' ' ' V- i Pr IxXrd la applyiBg tha law
', lie pimple ;liin tif wielding the big .will be replied to by(a general ripplag
',(k of the board 'it i:outitutiont ''!- p of the liquor' law in the next lcgl
i ,i ,;y, ati-r flu? to Judtfe Aikforl lat ore, Judge Adbford announced nla
Co-. Iv t It :. h' o'efhrr ahonld "ba eouvlctloa that public rvntiaient - will
it, iiUy .inforined ll)it if Jht did oi ianforea the ' enactment of prohibition
r . .-( '' to Hir .rnl of the batnl, aad by the time th neat ! leginlutnr ita
i ' to. r " rraulta ia , tha aap-, 4"hat WaMkiagtoa will by that time
, .. oil i,i lliVIt d-ilin7c reprUala by hava removed aay bar that may have
, . i ,,, i si,il,i be tbe next thlag. The eniate ta tbai.paaaag of auch a law
j i 'us luu;g vt irni'sfer of UcBe U', ia thia Territory, , . ;
Brazilian Interested In Industry
' Tells Sorrth:nn tl His Cb"
1.Ak of capital lath great trouty
wife the-Hwile-iiiffee industry, in
! belief , ;Pr.' Alex. Ortott f Kle
Jaaeire, largely HUr in Brrllia
coffee end sugar industries, who, wlth
hi wire, m tt ii im island inveeM
gtingh'uytir fcad coffee' Industries
end .who propeee le. proceed ee to th
riiillpplBee soon, - , .. .', 1 , j
: .rnbfOrtoe atf visited Waialua Hap
Utloa 'a wlU UiV tkr m m
vlmtlf . tli eof plsntaUoa Jmom
Mnatry' b ,t '.',..!,:.
hinlty for dvtlopraat hw. Tba rtlf
flfloHy Ilea, aft far at I bar 4ftnalad,
ia taa ararclty ; tf capital inTftH (a
tka plantation. Taa rowlB(t i ia tat
haada of mall plantar, 'ao4 Otur"J
ka the hava vary little moucjr they
aaaot develop their 1uaiaea ta aay
Treat ettent. . .Let ton a ona with nn
United barking take over aoma of the
roffea laada and develop the Industry
t it fullent eapae.it y and . Bawaiiai
ffrowB eoffea will rua s'ela rare with
the highest rraila Uraxiliaa' i porta.' '
'After thla raat ar ia over there
01 be only two iaiporiaat iadaatrlae
ia axieteaee. Theaa will be the aiak
Inf pf thbn 'lo wear mad of thinga tc
al. . Here la Hawaii you hvq two of
the moot important . thinga to eat,
rar and eoffee,. I'o ant let ope nf thene
aduetriea die oot beeauaa t lack of
money. 'Tour. eo(fee industry needt
oney.'V,,v.: v-
, Ppeaklag. pf eonditiona ia Ma home
iouatry. the, Brazil iaa aaldt f
.'There are over a milUoa and a half
Oenqaaa ia Rraxil, and the German ue
io waa very aanout at the ootbreak
it the war. .But now the government
ia ia abaolute eontrol, aad we are afraid
.if nothing , whatever. In eoqae parti
of Brnaii . there .are. Oermaa owna
which, are really bita) of the. Father
land. Our huge rierman population made
thing very difficult at arat, but aiaea
onr army aad navy Jiava been mobllia-
mi we have the aituation eomjiieteiy ta
hand. ' I do not think there wilf be aajf
trouble With Argentina ovef the Gert
araa qaeatioB.'? ':j s. !
UFAn nr nnrni'Q
Superintendent' Roehl In Report
.Says Larger Hospital
Is Weeded :,f:'
George ,W, Smith ttfa elected praait
4el af .'th Queen f Haepitat Oorporr
ation yctrdy ueeeding: klmaclf, A,
0, K. t Eo1ertoa being elected vle
prWclent, in'pla',f A. J,- Campbell,
aho beranao ,a trnate without -offieal
Urvtea Cartwrlght, Jrf, and George Q
Potter wer reelected aearetary and
treaaurer eepcetivelf . aneeeading tbamt
aelvea. I idgar, Hearlqoea and. Gaorg
U Browa war alao alceted to tha board
af tniatee. ; ' - 1
.The meeting' waa brief, tor taa aat
anai reporta had all beaa printed la
pamphlet' form, aad tha. pamphlet vf
lod.; -ii -,.'",' i-'? 1 j
JXentioa waa. mad a of tha eotniag of
the new auperinteadeat, Moaea T'Cleggl
Lformerry aaoeiatad with tha United
State Marlae Hoapltal .tMrvUva. It
will arriv ia Febraary aad aaoaead
tMeraer Koehl a head af tha admlniaj
trative ataff of the hoapltal. ', i
In hi report, Baeretary Cartwrlghtj
with reference to tba change ia. tha adt
miaiatrativa . ataff and .tha resignation
of Waraer Boehl and tha critUirwa di
reeled agaiaat tka boapltal beeaaaa of,
ara-Germaniant,. aald; - .: y ')
Orittdama af Hoipttal ' , '' V V i
" During tha year your truatre hav
had many trying aituation aria dun
ta the rommenta of th pre and
other la regard to tha employment of
peoola of Germaw parentage at tha h ca
pital. v They , have alway actad wltk
great car la handling aitoatloaa, their
aim being alway ta art for the be t
latareata of .tha koapltaL". . .
, WUh ref areaea , to the attltud of
Hawaiian toward the Institution,, 8e4
rotary Cartwright al4i ' , I; . !
"Mr, Kdgar Uedriqqea, ana of yur
trtaatee,' reported, thai, he had , later
viewed" maay . bawaiiana who had been
petieat .at . the ' koepital ' during .tha
year, and, tkat ;they, wltkowt eaeep
Uoa had axpreaaed themaelvea a being
much pleaaed with the. treatment they
had received at th hoipltal. Tbi wi-
tlmeht ', ha - alao been expreaed by
many other 'patlt.M yx ; j
Superintendent .' ttockl - reportf
prea hi thank to tha truateea'and
hie ataff, aad thea. eater into the (ta-
tiatloal feature, aaying the Inatirntlon
homa. Laat yar. th hoapilal. treatad'
Company Claims Title By Pos-
--j r:... v f a.
jsesstnent. Work; Performed s
BAN FB AN CISCO, January Sl( A.
oc.Iatad Preaa) FortheraterHT toaerure
title oa It oil land notwithstanding
tha proponed leaiag bill, ' hnve been
Ukea.by -ihe Honolulu Consolidated (7.1
Compaajr. Teatcnlay on behalf tf the
company It attorney iaatituted an ae
tio in th federal court at VlvaHa. "
s- Th contention of the Honolulu 0l
Company in it new, mi it ia that It' la
entitled ta pateat an 'the ail . lfed
which It 'hold ta Kern Vnnty aa the
ground that it haa Held the 'land for
jv year aad for thoaa Are roneeenfiv
year it haa .performed all a em ment
work which tha law' required - to be
don. .'.,,'?. if, ' : '-.. ;- J
. Thftvlmit doei not deal with tha gov
rnmeot coatention of - f rand ia th
original filing but Inaiata that, good
faith ha been tnown by the company.
Committee of Three Is Named To
. Investigate Costs and Pro- ,
fits In California
WAfHlNOTONT, Jannary 31 f A !
elated Ireaa Dflllnite and final net-
tlcment of th dinput .. between tha
beet grower anj the beet :r nat-
era of California ia contemplated in the
appointment of a committee of three
yeaterday, by tbe food administration.
Thia aommltte will, it i. anaonneed,
'nvetigte, determine and report tha
tn MnArt lh -
eoat of production of California beet
Bad aoggeat B prlea to ba paid b tba
sugar ansa wnich will give tha grow
i B.iaic rat af profit and one com
mensurate .with the profit earned by
tka beet sugar rartorica. -- .
Th aetioa waa takea by tha food
administration ia lieu-of the granting
af th demand af tha California beet
rrowera for a rcpreeentatlT on the
sngar ommiaion, which tha food ad
ministration wa aome .time aiae com
pelled (to refuse aa' not compatible
Witk tha purpose forswhich th com
miMioa wa created and a a precedent
which would require membership oa the !
ommiaiea for caaa grower of Lonl
lana and Hawaii, especially the former
who are In 4ipntea with aome of the
reflaer wich ar similar to tha. dia
ante betweea th v. California -beet
grower and augar manufacturer. t .
mi . ' i'J'i V si 1 (inn,'. ,
. , - . . r-T
Based principally oa .th delay la
tha disposal of th Battel treaaoa case
a Hawaii, the local- branek of the
National pefenaa 8ieiety'has cablet
tha .. attorscy-gcnenil
at Washington"
. . . .
for a revlsal of thr rule applying ta
Hawaii which provid that no .action
aa ba. takea i treaaoa races except
oa 'initrnction ron) Washington.'' f -
. I'atted Htate Attoraey e. u. Hubei
protests that , beyond' the takiag of the
affidavit 1 the aaa of Bartel aad foa-
warding them to th mainland, ha, ciu.
aot prueaod, farther ta thia or Bay oth
er treaaoa ease nntil ha haa been: au
thorised, vThe cable of tha defeaaCaw-
alet.y ask , tha, , theae reatrictioB be
altered aa account of the distance 01
Hawaii and delay that are incident
thereto. Th cable which waa sent
yesterday, read a follow; "The' Hat
wauan branch of th 'Amerieaa Pe
fa Society leafn that ao action raa
b taken ia treaaonablo' cases by; tba
district atterpcy without first referring
iae manars . 10 waaningtoa. uur
society aopaider thla aituation iatqler
abht.i. Can obatrortions be , -removed.
particularly on- account of the; dia-
taneef t . . . ; -ft
Mi'('MWr.Wlltl1lll' U. It
I BAM VaJANCIBCO u" ? ' i"
PL 17. II. tr, to. It
a. m.. p. m. - '
Mar U. IS. J, 17, Jl,
a. in., p. m. '
AucBst I. . I, , 10, l
a. m, p. m.
Oct. I, . 10. 11, Tt.
a. m, p. m,
Apr. I, t. 4, I. i, t, a,
a. m. . -. r. . v ,
jane It. It, tt. 11. It.
OtL IS, la, 17, It, It,
a. m., p. bv
'. . ' :. ; ' . ' - - -j' ' ' ' ' ' t " , '" 2L'''. " t "' '" 11im TmXy ' ' II 11" '' "'
rin'fr'y-.- '-At BAtrftAMINToV AT BALT LAKC V ' AT OAKUAj'w''i'.- 1 AT, SAN FHANCIBCo" ' AT LOB ANOtLIB ;' AT VIKNOM ' ;-.'
r: AciAMirtTo; AlVFimcrD Wjy- 'WTL Iv-,mVM,,VV,0,! :
;! ' ' lvt"-'t v'".l?f,r ' Vf''fi J:Kf.r evas,,n. m, 4, .-!, a. a, h-.."- ,a;J',
,- S 1 ' ' ' '"'I ''" ' ?''." I ' (" 1'1 f X''Mdl nmusn.sr '" 4 ' I"""J"""'1 "I ' 111 ,'..-'" ' " '1 " i ..:
"-Ciii'-,' 5. "V Wtl, M. JU'-, ; V-fr Apr ' P" Vr-J t. i ... )., ICM. Apr, t, l',, I, f. a, Wkfy 14,'' ts. It, IT. m, i,
' ''.'V-' .-';' B. m p. aa. . - .t lJl'iril'' B. .. m. -.1 n. m., p. mi : i1 - j. m. ,! ..-I a, m a. m. .- -,c
BALT LAKC H W. X- K I ill I , Aa J. , V 10. Mi' . JBelfc It, M, tl.l t JUB- u, , 7, tl, ft, 10. July M, IL Aug. -1, I, , '
. : 7 v -' a.m,B.m.' i . V" "kj A V1V1 m . m.- a. m- p. m. , ; , I j, m a. m. I . a. as., a. a. , -.... :-t,
.'k V. , ., Oet. M. M, MrM. . V. v,;,,,,.,., .Oct , t.l1,J. 0, 10, Bept I. i. S, a. T, I, k. m-hwi tile. ., IU U, Oct. a, . 10, . 1 1, It, U,
''; ' i .ma.Bi.' .. ;,'",, I .";' '- -.,. a. m4 . -vbw4'b. , a,av,p. m. '. -. , -
t - m - ' ,mll , . , , a -i. j i i, i ' - jbi j ii u ,) si L i i an ,"'! - i i ii 'd' ii i- '- -i i if i i sj' i r ' ..' i ! ! ill.. - iVbji! j i i. I.' .,' .isi-u j ' ..' j f ;
. " b. m, n, m, t- .,t r- (" f ;. If j. ,,!p. . . ,vv!U,jff! ,9.m, , b,. b b, m.- , v,.
Its Use As Such By Bakers Tabu
rr After T.'arch h Says Na.
tional Feed Administration
.Tha baker of Honolulu Will not be
sblclo u r- flour a one nf the .'
atltutV1' for "wheat but a "aerf ,Hmb
loader Bom other iubatihit rniii'tYe
(ought, n a cablegram .received from
Waaltington. yesterday attted thtt rye
flour waa . not to be
conaiaerea at
aioat aubntitute. - -. " .
. Rye floor, may be gold without tub
ttitut,") 'the 'rnbjrgramv which i
siippoeed to mean that it' will not be
nccary- to buy -aa -aqnal - weight -M
Ront -other cereal .when buying rye
Hour, but-tt U not a permiasibl nb
atitwta fer wheat flonr.- . "" - ' '
' Th reaito'n .for ahotting dawn oh the
nao of rye U give. In the uiewoige,
which' aaya 1 that, tha -Allien will now
tnke alt we can aliip of thia grain. Kye
bread, aometimea la the lighter forma
and aometlmea la tka black bread need
by the peaeanta, ba bee a a ataplei food
In aome of the agricultural district of
L'nrope for enturieQnd it nae will
ba acceptable' in pla-of part of tha
Khlto Bread ration la aome localities.
- Bakrra' may continue -the use of rye
floor uatll March under reirtrictiojia
fully . .explained in th new baking
ra lea, say the adminlstratioa' cable
gram, which alAo any that. th baking
rnleo ennnqt be forwarded yet aa th 1
baking dlvisiow of the administration
still working on the rule involving the
pa pf milk,ia, Wd and. bakery prad-j
" V1.1V' i.'
J-CoPt . mtwa iid.reirolatton of
BdminUtTatlon at the preaent tim wlU
be mailed in pamphlot form at once,
the meaaaga say. , They hould reach
here in about two jeeks. , ' ' : .. v
'-eral 'bf -the'largar local baking
Crma have been Including rye bread ia
1" 'XaZ'J. wTwI-n
the war breada'whieh'ara recommended
. ' . . . . .
ba stopped aa soon aa tha new rule ar
put into effect, rive bread raa ba made
half rye- hnd half w
heat f lour. 4
effecting practically th largest
perceatage or aavirrg or wneat or any
of th' mixed bread.'.. ' .''
.. .Banana bread, aweet potato bread, or
corn bread may la the end become the
atafT af life In Hawaii, aa aU threw of
theaa are home grown prodacta th aaa
of whirh will han be restricted by
the food administration ander any cir
eumataaee. A larger eonsumptlen thaa
at preaent of all three ia considered a
highly -desirable by tbe local 1004 u-
thoritie- - --v
- What the Yeatrictiona oa tha waa
fv flour will be cannot be known, nn.,
tU further advicea ar received by th
food administration bat it ia probable
that they will largely curtail (lie mak
ing' -f rye bread ar the .use . of it aa!
wheatlea day a a iwubatitute far th
victory- loaf, ip xn u", .,','
' There i not a. large amount of rye
flour consented in the Territory in prop
portion to tbe eonsuaption .of . wheht,
said G. B. MeKeaaia yesterday, . and
the imposition of festriotion on th
nae ef rye will aot.be eorloualy (felt.
The baker will await definite Inetrue
tien before maklng.any change la the
rye loaf a mad at preaent. '
. '. ; 1 M. ';.:.",:-."
' ' 'V kTW TOBK, January 8 ( Xaeocla
ted Press) The death is announced at
the front of Capt. AV.- F. C. Holland,
one of the bet know track atklete
1 1 1.' 1 1 . rr - . -
u wrsiuu in -ju)(ihv -, urn w n, m
versatile, track athlete, winning Brit
ish ehaaipitnshlpa at the 100 yard, half
mile, mile, and long jump, ; He rowed in
the Oxford Varsity eight for four
yeara, aad W bresident pf the Ox
ford Boating dub ta 1889. He' rowed
a timber 7. In 18WJJ theIaader crew
which defeated Yale, For several year
afterward' a , coached th Oxford
erwi BBd ; for tc year before, the
-war acted aa judge' at th Henley re
V' 'v:--
i SAN iTBANciftCO, January 30-(A
eociatcd Press) George Bodea, arrest
ed at. -Berkeley yeaterday by federal
agents, 'acting on a presidential war
raat, In held, "Incommunicado." , Ho
one except the goreramcBt Ofbelala are
allowed to -comnitiBirate with hint' in
Mar tt, IS, It,
July !; 17, la, 1, to. L ,7 i
October 1. 1, 1. 4, I, t,"; Oct. . I. 1.
i '!.. 1 a..m. m. , ,
Jun4. t, 1.7,
"' , V.v - . f ,
Apr. 1. 17. 11. l, to, tl
P. m. '
July is.
a. ii.
June IV W. V t4. t8."4.
U. Aug. , tU t. II. 14. tl
Sept 14. It. tt,
a. a, P. mrt ,(
Mar tl, tt. tt.
a. ea4 P. m. -
Am-, ta. Mar 1. t. L 4. (J
Juir . 10, r, ix, ts. i.
Jus US. M. 17.
Be't.'t7.',lBi II.
Au. 17, if, I. 10, si,
, pu 1, 1, a. m, a. m.
a. m., p.
War Department , Encourages
Exposition oKStock and Grants
u, itxemption from Tax
DENVEft January lt(k oaor M ed
rresa) The twelfth annual -Katlanal
W cetera fllock, Bhow ajid Horse ! Fair
Win apea ttt the amphitheater at th
Denver aor.k, i'fcrda tomorrow aad it'on
tinna nnU- midnight January 21 Tbl
cipocltion tlrT be ajh only Weslefn
conclave held under ipec!l-governmental
annetion, and therefor exempt
from war tat oa the tickets af adinis
alon tinder a apecial ruling by'Co'hmi
aioner Roper of tha department Tf the
interior. ...... ;,. , '
Many federal and Plate loader th
food conservation and production. War
time home economica, dairying, fof
rstry,' agriculture and . eattle breeding
are installing booth at the exposition
and. will tench the thousands of vlxit
ora from . the',' Western and' 'Mlddla
Htate th best .method to aid tha gov
crniamt in lu war pollclra. V - '
' Well known hnrsa and eattle farm
owners who will -visit tbe a moult lan
with . pure . bred atoek Bad horse In.
" ; rtoiie:
Mr. Ixrulav lyoar Coraba of
Kanaa Cify, kllsourij ,. . Mra. l.vnde
nMeB ,f YrVrk , aad fiebfictd,
Connecticut, with, her stable Of krit4-
j, , A.'B. Coo,,
..u K.t-J.
Montana mairnate and eatUe breeder;
Jack. D. Bruoton of Aspen, Colorado-.;
Walter I Yost of Kanas City; John
B. Thompson of New York aad Chi
cs grj and Bladea aad Buford of Holla-dev.-
Missouri. ' ' , ) ' v. )
'. , Klias M. Amnions, former governor
of Colorado,"! president of tha expoeV
tion association, aad rred. l . Johnson
,r'rT and ' maBager. Tha f irst
khowa of the pioneer organiaation were
given in tents in Denver sixteen yearn
ago.' The stadium now .used waa built
in 1908. '- ; .,'.'-.'4. -;.'.,;.. : 1
v- : '"V
KEW YORK, January S (Asolo
ted , Preaa) The . Wilding T Memorial
Fund being raised by Australasia tcn-
, nl player to parehaaa a. perpetual
trophy to commemorate th memory of
Anthony F. Wilding haa baaaed th
500 mark and gives promise of dou
bling these figure. The New Zealand
Lawn Tennl Aaaoeiation ba beca pro
aeated with th racket that Welding
need ia th Davis Cup matehea af 190.
Tbe racket waa II rat offered a a trophy
in a wartime (tournament and. the alU
aaate wiaaer deeded it to the asaociar
tlon at a perpetual property, ,; '.'
, One 0 the youngest baaeball eoachei
in the country ia Dawson J. Hdrine, a
Marylaader. whe la' holding down the
ob rt ;iicn:indoah Ccllegiate Iititnte,
Dayton, Virginia, Horine elalma te be
oat aeveBteea year old (T haa T
fused offers from several leagne teams,
t4it aeaaoa - the ; yonng eoach wa
aanied a eaptaia of tbe all-star team
made tip . from-the high school bf
Frederick eonnty.V He -twirled ifty
four Inning for Middletow High' last
spring and fanned niaety . aad
yielded thirty-twef tit, "' I
- 1 '."".".,' . ,',' '
-The Sodality Boy' " team" Vf $1
Mary 'a School, Hilo, defeated the btari
a week ago. last Buaday aa the aehooi
diamond by the acore of eight to eevea
rune. The Btare , were lead lag by B
acore-of aix to. one at the eloaa of the
eighth, but the Hedality nine piled , oa
Nix runs ia the first half of the ninth,
getting. a one-run . lead, The Htars
scored on in their half aad tbe result
was' a tie. , The extra inning gave th
Modality, taam " the winning run, the
Star being, blanked la their ttfra at
bat. '. - ' ... ;,
17, la, It,
B - ,
U..M. tl.
a m . - W. m , I , . .
Oet.- la, 11.
i,mi p.
,!,.. m,1
Apr. U. 14, t to, tt, II,
it. to, tt, jui, to, ii. abc. 1. 1. tnr
. I 4. a. mp. m. 'I IvJ
a. as p. m.
tl. 14, It. Sopt. It. tl, tl, 17, tt. M.l
;' ,.,. a, m- a. .m.
14, 18, 14,'Msr it. M.'to'. a m.. p. m
II, June 1. 1 mJ m.. a at
Apr. I, 10, 11, tt, II. 14
a n, a. as,,""
July I,-1. 4, a. m., p. m,
I. 4. 7, a. m, p. m.
Sept t. 4, 1. 4. 7, I, a. m.,
II. Juna 1. a sJ m.. m m
. tt, to,
to,' tt, tl.
Jut41. 14. II, tl, 7, ttJ
a. m. p. m.
Oct. It. -CI. ti.-'ltrVBl.V
a. a1 p. a. ... t
p, m. v,
."' '" ' ;. ,;',.;
'. 6 A N F B A N CIHOO, January Al
though, he fewla a if he was tha victim
of the double X, Charlea (Spider) Banm
had: no eommcnt to make on the fact
that Bill Rodger had been - selected
aa manager of the PacranOnto team.'
The flpider did not giv tne matter a
thohght vnntll Charley Graham asked
him if he would take the too if It was
offered him; Aad thnt telle the "Whole
irtqry of tha efferte of tha Spider to
get that Job. ,'H novar 'asked for It,
Bad at ao time wa ha aa applicant,
but when Graham, an old friend, ask
ed him if he would take it,'h said yea.
Now, then, Bill Rodger1 is to be at
Paeramento, and that means that the
Hpldor atill belongs ta the Peals, but
tt ia Wot at all a cinch that- he will
agaia pitch for Ran Francisco., He Is
working aa a clerk an the exemption
board and that keep him busy from
Marrsvill to kandla club there, for
Hunday game, A ';.:.
If be hooka up right ha wrlll not plav
professional ball tbi year, 'but will
push the pen on week day and don
th old f'nni" and ba a manager. an
Rundav. That la 4il pre seat plan.
XVHm only Chief Johnson and Casey
Pmlth In sight" as pitcher thia year,
the Spider would look pretty good oa
the Kan Frauciaee club, bttt" he is net
a bit anxious to sign, and He Berry
may have hi trouble getting him into
line, y , ' -,.,.:- ,, . vvf ' ;
: Hea ia Bow busy slaving dnek and
eaa talk no baseball, so what the fpi
e'er will or 'w ill not do Will be settled
later.- - . . . . -, , h-r.
NEW TOBK, Jannary 28-i-(AMoeia-ted
Prss)--That the value of athle
tics ia improving th mental and phyai
eal condition of aU meg from the atand
point of military aerviee la appreciated
by: English a well a United State
government official ia shown by th
following statement by Brigadier-General
Wilfred A. White after aevoral
yeara of observation of the Wester
Front. v . 1. .. . , rf.-v--..
." When the athlete haa gone to th
front hla place ia athletic rank ahoold
be immediately' Oiled. : . Sport :4a the
foundation for1 health, and too Wneh
emphasl cannot be laid upon H bene
fit and necessity. Athletic are of
paramount importance in keeping the
aoldier lit, and the aamei true' of th
man who must be prepared td become
a) potential aoldier. , , - . i r ; ':
. 'The aoldierly; quaUtie developed
are many.1 1 Discipline i encouraged,
Inasmuch as discipliae.la' th" very e.
aeaea of team. play. Qulekne of de
eiiion and speot and agility are. not to
be overlooked, end what cricket and
football do for the Englishman,' baae
ball, football and track athletic do for
the American.'' '; .- . 1
v '.: : -....r-'-. i a v
t ; ;
'SAN FBANCKCO, January 82 (A
soclated - Press) Maay .of' the older
members of the Olympic Club of this
jity who- have, never bee aeea except
ia evening bosinesa of -evening suit by
their fellow member's now Bra regular
ly donning Jersey and running draw-
era and taking a aystematle course of
training ia tha club gymnasium under
Instructor. "r '.'. v 'Af'S
Wth th formatioa a regiment of
home ' guards, acorea of club- members
toe 014 for active duty at tha front en
rolled In the guard and their - gym'
neaiura work-is supplameatal to' their
regular' drilla la the armory. Ia' the
vat that It becomes neecaaary to eall
them out for aerviee in the State, the
ate aot only want M have a military
knowledge, but be physically prepared
aa wen.'. - -
.m .( , m--t is ii , . .
17. It. It. 10. Sept 10, U, It, It, 14, JJ.
as. I a Bw p. m.
. i
May T, S. t, JO, It II, a;
TI4I7 ' " .i.U.it, '
Jl 11 i 1. 17, II, a. mJ p. m. t
a. ss-. p. mu
Master of Wrecked Dark F.tahu
kona Had Many Fricnd3 .
'"i : In Crescent City - '
- . . . , : K
Fear la expressed In the Hilo Tri- .
bun ( thnt Cnj hun ; MrDonald,. well
known in the Crescent City, haa gon - -to
"Davy Jones, locker" -on the, old
bark hlaliultons, a a result of the aewa
that (lie Vh uknna has Wen. wrecked
"oewhererSi .tbe Kouth Pe. -
"Captain MrlkiauUl Rpent ten day '
so in Iiilo about eighteen months ago.'
His ship hSd brought n cargo of New-,,,
castle cohI to lido for the Inter-Island .
Steam Navltfntion Company; While
the vanel-Ati-being -discharged Cap
tain hlrDonnld hnd tba opportunity of
seeing the. Volcano and the many other
beauty pot ('i.,is island. lie watt
tbe guest of William htrKay, then man
ager, of' the otiii' Inter JUlaml office, oa
several tripsl and in return, the rs.
tain gave a couple of luncheon on
board hla hospitable old craft, . ' "
Tha captain had aailed the evea
seas of the globe, and; k could talk
knowingly about moat of the out -of the
way plaeea north and south of the
equator. - Hla many Hilo friend still
hop that on of th two "sailors"
who were-anvedT from the wreck may
turn-ant to be the -skipper..
V '.' i .: .'y MMrrtb ;v' '-, ; '-'.'.
Rwa' Plantation Company ,
Walluka Atrirultnral Co., L4d. ,
'- Apokaa Sugar Co.,' Ltd. ' " '. '"
, ' V Kohala Sugar Cowpaay 1
WahUwa Water Compaay,Lt4
', Fultoa Troa Work; af St. Looie
Babcook A Wilcoa Company
' Greea'a Fuel Ecoaomixer Company
i; -Chae, a bIoot A Ce Kngiaeer
,, - ,.i TOTO fMEN 3KAJEHA.
s ' '
Vf all yoiu can; v
oU can."
ipm Wesley
Merchant and Fort , St. Donololt
''. from lontreal to JJverpool,.-. .
"' ndon and GlaagoW via the) ? -
- and St. Lawrence Boute ' v.1
"-. f ..THlf WJBLD , v ';
TWiiMtJL'Bim OOLTJliBfia : '
. By -the popnlar Friaee' : , ' V
Steamera .frpra Vaneouvert , ,'
.-" .'f.aVir-.'..:l wv."-;
For full tnformatioB Bpply to.v'. , : ' . '
Theo. IL Davies & Co. Ltd ,
r " KAAHUMANtTTBEET ' ' . v ' -
Qeal Agent,. Caaadian-Paoifie By, Co, - . .
; . HONOLULTJ, yt Hv .J i.'U
Coamissioa Merchzstf -;z ?
'"sEwalantatloa CaV- V;,;.';'. f.
Walalua Agricultural Co
" y Aiokaa 8uar Co.. Ltd..
Fulten Iron Worko pf St, LooU ' k '- :
Blake Steam Pamoa . A
: Western Cautrif ogala
. ; Babcack A Wilcox Bailer
alien i :t 'TTr
dui. 'f .'('"' '
Greea'a Fuel Eaoaumiaer
hlarah Steam Pomp i. jVrr
Mstsoa Navigation Co.'' -' V
k ;" Plautor' Line Shipping Co. ',' ' ,
';' Kohaha Sugar Co. v " '
-' ' 1 (
1 - .11
chinery ef, every dertjtloa mad te
taaned TveadtyB and Frldaya ' ' -. ! "V
(Entered at the Postoffic of Honolulu,
,i. aa cona cia mattr,j
Par Teat ,..',, ri-OO .'
'V' Per Year (foreign) ' aOti '
- i PayaMa Invariably U A4'ny . ; '.
CHAHIXJ W OBANat i t r . MauAtat . . 1
.( .; ' ' - ,.'." .. : ... ' !
'.' V.v
yt- '
' (1
' ' . ' I
' 'V '

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