: . - iiiffinjiiiHi h fvn A tfiio ; fin jtm p r aatth afv :UWi; Ui Y AL1U vuniiiuii HAWAIIAN GA2fetTE. - TUESDAY, MAftCU.-.-S. 1918. SEMI-WEERLY. laiODIANMLMPR . Decision ;Reed Yesterday On Adyke of : Frear and Wjstijton Hasfen 1 So Adyised By Cables : Ife Attempt To M, "Au?i& Finn American Now Udjices ; Directors To Wiihdraw t; The "unscrambling" of the reorganized Hackfeld & Co. began yesterday morning when cablegrams were sent to A. F, Humburg, 5a.rL f rancis'co ; Walter F. Frear, Oakland, and A. Mitchell Palmer, CttStodian of alien enemy property at Washington. These cable gram, announced the decision of the new directors to bow the wishe of the office of the custodian, which is that the'present diretf torate be dissolved and the firm be reestablished on its pre-war basis in order that reorganization may be perfected along the lines deenv etjt best by Custodian Palmer. vbile, the present directors feel confident of the legality of the reorganization carried through by them and rest assured that their motive and their loyalty are unquestioned at Washington, they aiou mvguuc me met mat iiiiougn uic latK 01 ready cornmunica ttot, their position is not completely understood at Washington and that now, as a further demonstration of the good faith and4oyalty that-brought them into the reorganization, tliey should meet' the dejuresoi Mr. Palmer and rescind" their reorganization plans Jey; io'fcioj a free hand to carry through the reorganization that rias to cpme as' he deems fit. ..VjT'" ' WILL SELL STOCK BACK ''The purchase of the stock of J. F. Hackfeld, Limited, which vwth.tt power of attorney for the period of the war over other stock helid by local German stockholders gave the five new American mem bers of the directorate control of the company of Hackfeld & Co., is to' fa rescinded and all the J. F. Hacjcfeld stock will be placed iff-. the hands of the Trent Trust Company, the local depository of tfyf lien. property custodian. .1:,..Il,wniLbe impossible completely to unscramble the reorganiza tion v Department heads have been compelled to resign, employes rattk been replaced by other tmployes, actions have been taken on tat various matters that have comt out In the ordinary course of im, business ,an4 various ventures have been carried through oV jauncnea. jso attempt win De mane -even h it -were possiiJie to Uljtfo niany of the things that have been done, but the status quo atttjtwU) be returned to as far as possible. V ; BACK TO OLD STANDING v. This will place Hackfeld & Co. in the same position it held in rsarrj to the custodian of enemy property on the day that war Wafi declared, wjth all the stock of J. F. Hackfeld, Limited, which is Ortetf practically all by J. F. Hackfeld, in the hands of the cus toiuXj . This, with other enemy stock, will give the custodian con trol) pi the company, with the right to vote in any new directors dfcirrtcL ','f , : ONE REORGANIZATION. An indication of what may be done is afforded in the case of the reorganization of J. F. Hackfeld, Limited, now made public for the first time. The stock of that corporation was turned in to the Trent Trust Company and 'voting that stock, the custodian placed a new board of directors in control, consisting of Richard A. Cooke, president; Frank C. Atherton, secretary, and Richard H. Trent, treasurer, the three forming the board. It is a certainty that the custodian will have strong representation on the Hackfeld & Co. directorate, if not the majority of the seats. Announcing the decision of the new directors' to return to the Status quo ante, Walter F. Dillingham, secretary of the reorganized directorate and the guiding spirit of the reorganization, made the following statement: fi'l FREAR ADVISES IT ''W are in receipt of advices from (iovernor Frear, who, at the request of II. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., and particularly the new directors, went to Washington to explain to the Alien Property Cus todian; the reorganization of Hackfeld & Co. and to obtain from him ari order authorizing the sale of all of the alien stock to place the full, control of the company in the hands of American citizens for alt tirrie, that the department of the Alien Custodian has worked QU,Kset plan and policy as to the manner in which all corporations, ali controlled, are to be reorganized and that in order to carry ou ti'at policy the, custodian requests that the sale and purchase oi the shares of stock by tbe new directors from J. F. Hackfeld, Limited, be rescinded in order that the company might be placed, so far as possible, in the situation it occupied pryjr to the sale. "It has been suggested by Governor Frear that Mr. Hagens and Mf; Humburg proceed to Washington for the purpose of conferring with, the Alien Property Custodian in reorganizing 'along the lines fijth.he may propose and to that end Mr. Hagens leaves on the Ventura. STOCK OFFERED BACK ..""lathe meantime the custodian has been advised that in order tx);carry out hi9 wishes the new'purchasers of stock stand ready to fgstjn'd1 their purchase and they have so notified Richard Trent, ftiQrer J. r. Hackfeld, i.imito.l, Rig (rising thalr willingiiFHa to roneind the (OffzMt Insofar uh tliey are conccnu'd aodawajtlng hit action along the sumo .'.f,f4 gUMtion of the bona flde cffnrtM o? the nqw management to Aim-rirnnUo tla foippany hai been raist'il, the action OCftt Uatodiiaq being prvriimitecl Hole If Jipin the rule, of the departmi'iit Hmt all' .reurganlEationi) be left ontireW witk them. "fending advieea fmm the riiBtodinii tVf uaineaa will continue hm at nr MW'JI1 Old Boaxda HTk fnt board thnt will fo out, hajadiny Wk the control to the (ier mak. stockholder, both aliou and rrni ',J.V-1?. 0. Havens, preaident; J. F. Bamhorg, A. J. Campbell and II. I.. 8otk, vica preaideoti and departmental witbaienii A. W. T. Bottom ley, treat wa!a) th holding aorporaiioa, of tla ahaeea of.M. BVf11J i.Kaekfel4 ! Co. the ' tMlm - vl pfenlJent . Maager of th eompany hare wai env Lpowrd, U ot- the HkieU atoeJi.4 That meant that Ur. Hamui hM . I irg control ao long aa Qeorg Bdiik.L ytmm nut ia lernwrr. Kadjakl wu Litpeetad bank oa kvj boat and It waa aaenuai, if he wtra not to control the reorganisation It moat b earriftd I . urcr; W. F. DUlinglium, aecretury; F. .!. I.owrey, W. F. Frear and O. 1. Wil cox, directors. The old board, which will go bark into control temporarily, until the cud tod inn effect hi reorganisation, it: J. K. Hack fold, alien enemy resident in Germany? president; J. F. Humburg, .1. K 0. Hugonaund' Gaorg Koxlieh, the Intter Biilf (UiiifewteH conspirator agninat the, noutrnlity of tba Uuited Htutes, vice treaident; IL Hhultze, treasurer; V. XV. Klebuhn, alien enemy, secretary; I). I'. It. iMiuberg, .1. C. Iaeuberg anil August Humburg, dirwtors. Rcorganlzatloa Hurrtod" The reori;anizntiiiit effected on Janu ary 11, prior to t3lo appointment of a local representative of the custodian of alien enemy property, waa carried through 'ia a rush, to save the business of the Arm, as it waa explained 'J'hruugh the constitution and bylaws and practically eror since, th (trm was denied the right1 to One tbe cable or wtrwleaa for commanlcMiag wirb tb motnUnd and tha loyal directors, ware ajnabta to teatn definitely whether Bod lab waa an his wmy back or nU ' Mr. Bodiek had- wrlttea that ah and her husband wolr be ia. Honolulu oa Jau ary ia. The organliation then, It waa decided, had to be completed by the eleventh If it were to be completed at all. iM Ia Good Paitn. Acting in good faith and believing that their loyal inteations to American ice th corporation to the possible limit of the law would be recognised by Mf. Plaaerr the-, reorganisation waa put through. prh attorneys aa Jvdge 8tnlfy, U. F. Proaser, Henry Holmes, Judge Frear, Frank Thompson and oth ers were consulted and all endorsed the plana as legal. United Biatee At torney Huber waa likewise consulted, ip order that th federal government Wight be kept apprised of the moves. '""wing the reorganization, a weed AH Previou&ty Issued To Become . Void Cles Record ol New : , pnw WBf Be Kept After today tHe Unltai States mar shal' office will, umlar regulations re ceivsd yesterday from Attorney Gen eral Gregory, take over .complete su pervision of passes indued for entrance to waterfront property, the temporary jurisdiction of the board of harbor com missioners coming to an end. and the vwaterfront guards assuming their role or "ldenr.iXtca.non Innpeetors" only. AH passes issued bv the board of har. bor commissioners will become null and CALIFORNIA WOMAN TRtED;fQR MURDER '(Concluded from Pagel) Aires. Re was notified of his wife's arrest and the eirenmstanoea surround ing it and started immediately for the United States, arriving in time to be with hi wife when she was arraigned on January lfl. Will H. Brooke, the victim of the shooting, wa fifty years old. He was a wealthy man and prominent in the business and social life of the Hen Joaquin Valley and Southern Califor nia. He waa a member of the Jon athan and Country clubs of m Ange les, us well a of the Masonic, Elks, and Mystic Hhrine lodges. CHINA TQ SEND GREAT EORCE TO WEST FRONT ACCESS rrVnii r aw i 'tin ii I1TER T RENDERED E DIFFICULT Unitetf'States Marshal To Have iS.pervisiort of Issuance of I AH passes Atter Today PERMtTS' MUST HAVE V PICTURE OF BEARER l!5-?i. i . i' f deP,rt Loid a aoon a. the instructions of - - ihbuuiiivu, r v u Home uav nallxel American being dropped. A tldge of loyalty to the United States ;, drawn up and every employe waa required to elgn or explain hv. Prior 4p tbe presentation of this pledge, F. W. Klebhhn, in charge of the shipping department; Bertram von Dnmm, head of the Insurance department, and Carl thiRbi, manager of Eh ten. A Co., were; permitted to resign. A few under em ployes, in whose loyalty there was not complete faith, were discharged. Iater, Christian Castladyk, German, manager f the important branch at Hilo, was let .out, his place being filled by an Amerieanrborn Manager. A owners of twenty-five percent of the stock of The Pacific Guano and Fertiliser Company, the Hackfeld di rector desired to replace A. Falke, the manager by another. The holders of .the majority stock voted down this proposition, however. VsogMta; Xatnperad " ReOrgnnlsntion of the many impor tanr Snbstdlnry ' corporationa was de layed, due. -to the failure of Washing ton, to give official recognition to the new- directorate and' due to the fact that the . cable and wireless privilege Was not given back to the firm, thus ptakiag it practically impossible to re move doubts, apparently carefully cul tured by local opponents to the new di rectors. VkriovS side issues were in jested fnttf the question, going so fa as to- make Washington believe that the arrest of B. H.v Treat on a charge of atteksl Hswfc & Uepiw W Mr. Hagens, a ludicrous perversion. ? the trsth bqt kuflBiilfnv ta compUeawj things Stuihe xh ot the custodian ia Wash iartesi.v. v '--im ' i i J, -.. , . 1rV4illei' Jacking" 'vrecogriition Hiera seUres the new di sectors were forced to. go alow in , weeding sua auepeoted employes)" while : this . tlela-y was need against the directors to. prove their lack ctf.sincerity iq their. Americanizing plana, M4 id Hnn GoveraoK Frear-, who went to Wash inRton to explajiuad clarify the sit oattoo, woe .. unable , to i communicate wish hiei priacipal here to aaplaia to thcat what, misunderstanding he found and. whai, the uatodian- desired, while it wa equally iaapoasibl for the direc tors here-to reply promptly to what de layed cable finally cams through from Washington or ' to advise Mr. Fmar ot the local aituaiion. Falling tb Seenne 'any satisfactory understanding, sad' knowing that the original .rating of the custodian nns that he could recognise no after war reorganisations' except sock as were carried out ia cooperation with his of fice the directors have decided to "un scramble'' aa far a possible and give the custodian a free hand. At the same time, the new directors, in their statements, make it plain that they continue to believe that they have anted as loyal Americans, in good faith, and wholly within th law. One hundred thousand Chinese regu lar troops will be sent to the west front in France, according to Cof Tank Trhi and Commander T. C. Mo, Chi n cue officers who passed through Hono lulu yesterday who have been military and naval attaches, respectively, in France with the French armies. They are en route to lekinv'. They say the tdans for the use of the Chinese army have been worked out by the French general staff. One oftlcer is reported to hnve suid that 40,000 of these troops will be en gineers. He said that already there are (13,000 laborers from China in Frauce engaged on military work. the. attorney general may be earried out. and la place of these passes will be permits bearing the official United State seal, a photograph of the bear er, and full information concerning his employes i ni business uposv water frMI property. " pegiflatios more st riot than ever before 111 become operative with ref erne to the passing of ships' crews, teamster' and chauffeurs, longshore men,, lightermen, commercial represen tatives sod all other persona. Photon On Passes Unde the , detailed instructions re ceived by Marshal Hmiddy the employ, era of all person having business on waterfront property will be required to keep a record of their employes to whom passes are issued, and another record will be kept in the office of the United Btate marshal, each, record bearing a photograph of the bearer of the pass, the. United .States seal, and signatures and vouchers of the bearer of the pass, his employ, and the United States marshal. Upon Information furnished the of fice of tbe attorney general at Wash ington, Marshal J. J. Hmiddy received ten thousand' pass forms, all numbered consecutively, and each number being printed In triplicate for proper record ing. To all owner and operators of each waterfront facility the marshal will distribute these triplicate passes, which are to be prepared by them for "each of their office, agents, and employe gaged U or-.about tbete respective waterfroat faalUHea,"' which are then to b returned t the United States mar. shal. Each of these waterfront passes must bo signed by tbe proposed holder of the pas) his employer and the Uni ted States marshal and "must have securely affixed to tb pass ia the space provided therefor a photograph of the prnposedbolder of such pass not larger than one and one-half inches square." Strict Keculationa The regulations stipulate that the cost of the three photographs must be borne by the holder of. the pass or his employer without any rule that binds the employer to . furnish the photo graphs. Of the thre; passes the United States marshal retains one which is filed in his office, another is returned to the employer, and the other is kept by the bearer. 'Strict regulations nre imposed upon the 'Hdenticution in spectors" relntlng to trusting to mem ory inHtead of insisting upon seeing the pass. A further regulation of the new in structions is td the effect that the hold er of tho pass shall b entitled to en ter only the particular wharf, pier, dock, or other waterfront facility men tioned in his pass. The regulations go on to atipulate that "the description in the waterfront pas of the wharf, pier, dock or other waterfront facility fur which nui'h pas is issued must be accurate and definite, In order that its use may be limited to the particular premises therein described. " The new rules are an elaboration and supplementary explanation of Kegula tion Thirteen of th proclamation of the President issued November Ifl. This establixhed a barred cone about the waterfront facilities covered by in structions which were enforceable by the United States marshal. It Is es pecially noted in the instructions r ceived yestotday that the United States niarhu shall have discretion in the ease of all persons for whom passes are applied, and that in no case shall passes be issued'to German alien enemies. Detailed Information The passes are printed on yellow cards about four and a quarter by two and a half Inches. The face of the pass contains information as to the name, residence, nationality, and occu pation of the hearer. It also contains the number of the pass, the nnmc of the port, the name ot the employer and his location, the signature of the mar shal and the date issued. The bnck of the pass contains the signature of the holder and of tbe employer. The pass will be issued under the following conditions. 1. It is revoe able at uay time. 2. It will be tnken up if offered by any pereo.i than the one to whom it is issued and the per Hon who presents it will be arrested if any fraud is. discovered, .'t. It is not good for the baggage eni loNiiie 4. it does not relieve the holder from examination of packages that are til ing removed from or carried into the premises. MRS. DOUBLEDAY DEAD Word wus recejved here yesterday of the death in Canton, China, of Mis Friink N. Ooubleduy, wife of the Unr den Citv publisher. The death of Mis. Doubleday occurred on February :'l while she aud her husbaud were en Caged in a Ked Cross mission. Thev (Missed through Honolulu early in .Inn uary. deB piLoriyi Private Walker of Twenty-fifth Infantry Confesses Stab bing of Sailor Gruelling exnminntion of only half an hour by the city detective staff was all that needed yesterday afternoon to make James Walker, a private in Company M, Twenty fifth Infantry, confess thnt it was he who fatally stabbed K. V. MeCall, a flremaa third class of the I'enrl Harbor station, last Friday niht, near the corner of Kukui and River Streets. Walker's confession i followed one previously made by llerschell Andrews, private Company M, Twenty fifth In fantry, who admitted yesterday he was the companion of the knife wielder when the attack was made on Mc.Call. Police Officer David Kupa Kaluhuo kalani is credited at the police station with giving the lirst important clue to the city detective staff which led tc the discovery of Andrews, nnd the ar rest of Wslk'er which followed at 8cho field Hnrracks. Damaging Self defense and the ncensation that he hnd beclt insulted by McCnll and his companions. Krnnk llnley and C. A. Sullivan, was the only justification Walker made for his crime when mak ing his confession, or rather admis sions, to the detectives yesterday even ing. He claimed he hnd been called a "nigger" by the sailors and that he used the knife been use there wo a ' crowd of them. ' ' Walker showed no fear of punishment for his crime and whistled defiantly a he was beintf taken under a doublet guard to the Oahu prison nfter be had been questioned at the police station by De tectives McDuftie aud Kellett and County Attorney A. M. Brown. Companion Gives Name Walker was arrested yesterday after noon about three o'clock at Schofield Barracks, after his name had been se cured from Private Andrews, who i in the company stationed near Fort Armstrong. He was brought to town at once, arriving here about half past four. At five o'clock he was on hi way to the Oahu prison where he will be held for trial by the Territory on a char "h of first degree murder. Walker's lirst admission to the de teetives yesterday was that he was in Honolulu Friday night and that he heard a "colored soldier had had some trouble with sailors." .Also that he noticed two mm looking over all the soldiers when tbe midnight train left for Schofield on Friday night, by which he returned to his quarters. On the following day, Saturday, fed ' said. h vmuiv w iiunuiuiu biiu rcniiMiica snui that evening. As it was not generally known to the other soldiers on the train leaving for Schofield Barracks that a search was ting made for a negro suspected of committing the attack on the sailor the detectives then found it easy to pin him down until he admitted be was the man wotited. Keen Officer Helps The nrrest of Walker primarily re sulted from trte keenness of Officer Kaluhuokalani, generally known as "Kupn." Kupn told McDuftie of hav Ing seen a negro soldier (n uniform call another negro in civilian clothes from an automobile at Nuuanu Avenue and Beretanin Street and thflt they both walked up Nuunnu toward Kukui Street not long before the stabbing occurred. Kupn was certain he could recognise the negro who wa in ciyilinn clothes if he saw him again, and so the de tectives and the police officer went to the enmp of the neurit company near Fort Armstrong, where the negro com panion of Walker was identified. After Andrews had been pointed out by Kupn he wns placed in custody and held us n witness. It took little ques tioning to get him to admit that he was nearby when the stabbing happen e.l. As soon .is he gave the name of Walker and his company, Schofield Barracks was notified and Wulker's ar rest followed. As the officers in command of the negro company now on gunrd here hud advised the soldiers to tell whatever they knew of the crime, it is believed Andrews would hnve confessed event Uttlly to Iwing an eye witness, even if he had not been so readily identified by Kupu. Saw Knife Bought Andrews says he nnd Walker visit ed several Chinese stores before Walk er found a knife which suited him an:) "hich was purchased ut the corner of Kukui Street and Nuunnu Avenue. He claims that Walker guve him no de tails of his reason for looking for the sailors and that he was not with him when there was nny previous trouble, or when Walker thinks ho was in sulted. Andrews' statements regarding the crime are given below : "I was standing at Beretauia nnd Nuuanu Streets when Walker drove up in an automobile and nfter dismiss ing it Hked me to follow him. 1 was in ciyilinn clothes, as my uniform was wet, and I hail left it at the Siren boarding house to dry and had borrow ed a suit from the proprietor. "Walker diil not say whut he wanted of me, but insisted thnt I accompany him. We walked up Nnnanii Street and he went into several stores to buy a knife. When we reached Kukui Street Walker found what he wanted in a Chinese store on the cur ner. (Andrews identified the knife in the possession of the police as the one which Walker probably pur chased.) "We then walked down Kukui Stieet towards liiver and at the corner vv e met three sailors. I heard Walker say something to them but could not distinguish what it was I saw Walker strike n blow but tl u-ht he hnd used his list until I saw the knife in his hiinds. I then run uwav." A telephone report from Schofield Hnrracks says that a bloodstained blouse wus found in Walker's posses sioil when his effect were searched yesterday. HONOLULU 'STOCK EXCHANGE - ' I r i fa Honnlnla, "March , 1!Ufc. TOCE "John R. Macauley, 8M Queen Street," whose name was included In the list of Honolulu youth pnbltirned a being delinquent ia fiUiag out tbeir questionnaire, is ant John B Macau lay Jr., formerly of 814 Green. Street, who is now a lieutenant in the United States naval reserve And on duty aboard a troop ship in tbe Atlantic. However, through lack of some sys tem of checking off registrant who have entered the nation's service a volunteers, it is very likely the same man is meant in the list given out by Local Board No. I. But that the list is- in' error wss made evident by Capt John B. Moe aulay, port pilot, yesterday when he waa shown th published Dst. He took step at oace to rectify the mistake and told how young Maeaulay bad gotten into the naval service a. soon a possible. This was not generally known here, as the eaptain explains he ad not said much about it beeause In did not want aoyoae to tkiak be was boasting because bis boy was do ing his duty. Lieutenant Maeautay wa first as sistant engineer of the Associated Oil tanker Herring when wr waa declared against Germany. He was at sea when the registration date same, but regis tered as soon as bis. ship touched t Linton, Oregon. Toung Maeautay gave his Honolulu address and bis card was issued here. Later Lieutenant Macanlay applied in San Francisco for enlistment ia the United States Navy. As his registra tion card was here he eould sot be. tak. en . into the service Immediately... al though he bad left tbe Associated Oil boat end ws -very aaxfour to do so. He wrote to bis father of bis pre dicament, aad Captain Macaulay went Lto Capt. H. Gooding Field, he selective nrart omcer, who dictated and Bled this wireless: "Present this Ferry Building, San Francisco. May join navy. Ifo draft vet ia Hawaii. Beleased from this dis trict " .. Vry shortly sfter this Lieutenant Macanlay took his examination for' a rating a a naval marine engineer fend waa given a commission for tbe rank, he now holds. Two week .later be wa ordered to New fork and font weeks ago he wrote to Honolulu . that he had been assigned to ship, and wss soon to lesve on bis first voyage across tbe Atlantic. Lieutenant Maeaulay, who ia now about thirty, years- of age,; is well known here. At various times he; was Sloeeun. -record s4d Wa 'aeOemH are no mom or ' suc .," at . bis father emphasised yesterday. WTIfTESTAIE VrUUEOll'W ' - 1 : '.m '..Mi That part of the estate of the late Queen Liliuokalani which is included in the Liliuokalani trust, including real and personal pVoperty, is valued at 183,0t8, according, to the sixth annual accounting the trust filed yesterday in the eironit court by the trustees, W, C Smith, Col: a P. Iaukea and A. O. M. Robertson. i In te report tbe trustees charge, themselves with $29,472 and ask to be allowed 128,677. 1 MORRIS LOSES HOPE OF EYR AgTJNpTqi MUCH NEW YOB; i ebrary 21CarU Morris baa finally decided that he was never intended lor an illustrious pugil istic career. He) announced today that he will retire to the seclusion of his ranch. He is reported to be the own er of a ranah- pear Los Angeles. FISH STILL. SCARCE Th shortage of flak in the Honolulu market continued yesterday When only tw o 'fishing boats returned with catches which, could be placed on sale at tks market. These brought only ten bas kets which totaled 883' pounds. In ad dition to this about 200 pounds of mul let were available from the ponds, all -of which waa disposed of in the early hours of tbe market. Tho flshermen contend thnt unfavor able weatber condition still prevail and that tbe job ot catching fish i well nigh a bopeless one: i ' HATHAWAY IS CONFIRMED Col. Howard Hathaway, collector of fnteraat revenue, ieawaed yesterday through- advises received from Wash ington that 'bis nomination by Presi dent Wilson for the position had been confirmed! by the-senate, LIHUE PQSTIA, ASTER NAMED M. G. Santos has. bees nominated, post master at Lihue, ICauai. by President WiUon, according to advises received yesterday; faom Washington. UNLISTED SECURITIES Uiinolulu, Maria H. 1018 t ft & MBKCAKTltS lie. talOwthv Ltd. .. U. Brewer A C DOAB. Kwa I'lsntatkta Ce. . . Haiku tfn. fit. Has. Asri-U. ! . .. Man. I' A JJ His. Hng. Co ilnuukaa Hits Co HoBninu Sn Co HiiU'bluwtn Ituff. I'UoL. Kahnkn Plaat. Ce. . ... Kekelia Ho-. Co. Kntna Mil. 10 MvMr)'iv Meg, Co., Ltd. rtsbu Hut-, en in ent -. i-cn Onomes Hug, Co rsaiihsu Nut. iisnt. va. I'selflc Hit. Mill . I"s!s Plsnt. Ce I'epeeke Hug. Ce in.meer Mill Cn rtea Csrtoe Mtlilug Co. . Willi I ua Agrctl. Co. . . Wsllnka riitg. Co MrSCBLLAnorj Rmlsn Iter. Co.. Ltd. . . lag Isao Asms 1 td.i 2nd Issue Paid TJO Haiku K. ft H. Co., VU1. Halkn Y . r. Co., Uem.. lisw. Coa. Br. 1 A ... Hsw. on. fly. e b ,.. Ha. Cits. Uy. Coin. ... Hawaiian Klectrtc Ue. ... Haw. I'liwspole C Hon. B. A U Co., Ltd... Hon. ! Co., Ltd. .. Hits. It. T. At L. Co. . Inter Islsnd H. N. Co. Mt. Tel. CO Oshu H. A I.. Co. . . I'sbsng Huh. Co Sslnius-Ulnillngn, I'd. nam I won, td . r Ulafe eeo :::: .. . '.i'4 t "it II,! It: , :i:i., :n, in' l.i 11 '. . uic i" :i in, -i. .K V". i. . . ' Tsajong Bsbhor ONDI loo T. ... fi'i Pi .V:;.: 1 SI ih3 SI IV a u 20' 10 1M ie lfST 140 10 S Beach Walk 1. IX Hamakoa IXtch Co., .. Hsw. Con. Ry. 5 ..... Maw. lrr. Co.. 0a . . Ms. Ter. Kef. IMS) Haw Tet. Fab. Imps, Haw. Ter. rub. fmn. (eerie HI1I-M18 .... Hsw. Terrl H ....... IHIo Oas fo Ltd, Honokaa Mug. Co., 8x. . Horn Us Cn . "Ltd, 6e . Kanal R. Co., Be . . . . Maima I. I 5H- I.. McUrjrde 8ug Co., S Mut. Tel. 5 ...i..... osho It. A L. Co.. 5 Oabu Hog. Co., n ' ""S- wj, . . . , . PadBc Una DO T. C., s Baa Lariee atuiiu;,- 9 IV 1 lot IMS) toev 1W KM IU1 41 to" toH 100 BsTlrSXll BOAKpsT ' Ews. , B. 30.10: H"w.' ri. "A", 7U, . it a l. Co. ttooo, jarTttu. BOARD BA&U ' None. D0A QXmAtoil Jaaaarv t t , 88 aaslrsU beU In aAvteeaa. . Parity ... i.T.Vi ,;, .. to Osat. (toe Baw.l Baa rS 1.005 New orkt-V!'..V..i.,:..v..fI 06.&0-. i d I li ! in isri ,1 ' . t., I I I I NEW YOSK STOCKS NB 'tOBK,' MarSh '-i.TAo.'-u('tel Pre 1 To Unwind, are... the closing quotation of BCockS lora saarsef yesterooy, aoesiing. . sua te tws New Atnertesn Bugar Jtmarleea, Bssrt . ., Aasweiated UU Alaxka eiold .Aaiertcaa LoeoinotlTe . AneeWa Tel. A Tel. .. Amelia's a HmeJter . ... Anerh-ra-Hteel KMrfv. . Aaaoasta. UoiHter Auiilsoq ItsUwsy . itaMwtn. iwumulive . . Uattlnaor A Ohio Betbteliem 8t "B." California I'etroleuui . 'nt rsl Ijeetber C. U Ht. I'sul I'ansrtlne faeiae' . Colo. Fuel A lruu Crmllile1 HtCel cutur Bugar Cane Kite Common Oeoerwl Mectric Osneral Motors (new) . ) t Northern, Bfd. . Kentlei-fttt CoiiMir luteriuttooal Nteket . . loalusttiai Aloobol : . . . Ihlgh Valley Kallroad . New York Central' . ... I'eiiBsjrlvsnla Bar Consnltilated Heasllng Conuuo UefMiltlio I ma Cotninou Huutbern I'selflc Htuilettaker Teswa Oil i l ulled Htstes Hul.ber ., Ulilo l'aetde CnittMl Kutes Htret , . Wt . Western I'alou Westlngboase ' . ........ Ulu. f Kx-Olvidend. . -v- .Jt't . NEW YORK CURET STOCKS ' if ' QaaliUeawoB tb fotlowtai New Sora eorto stock, a wirelessed ta Tho Adver tiMr by uMiMm ue., sy:. TOOK f f I I OJL Hun. I 'on. Oil ,S 75 4.1)11 :i.W) Miaiiiia Knsels Coii.er ) ,V23 .V-I7S B -5 Mineral Hrwtilrta ... ft'l M (i Moiiutalo Kino U .14 - .14 M inis na RlngTuiui .. .Jfl :t Xt) Mailers Mlulug . ... .M .W ti BALKS Mlut-rals, 490, 5e; Kugsls, :VM. S.Uu. ,"!' ' c "! Tar- lav B1 Iiedge . I.8TU Caledonia M. Kiuma Cnpiter St. llurrars (Hi from Blossom 4H Jim Butten ,J Jerome Verde ;B4 Msfshw (A M4dwt Oil. coiuuion 1.07' Mother lxle . ' lUf llert lUes 4-'TH Bes-iie Kills Ut lies Cons 11 Kn-bmond' C.opiier 12tA IHIivc King 'tu. J.Tfi Touitpsb Kiteualon 1-tWK' Tuolumne . ,WUItrt o6lA Ksre Lake 5JM UH-la (rswtu (iold (MsJ' MtltlHslng k-SIW SAN FRANCISCO, QUOTATIONS BAN KBANCINliO, sUsch . t (A-o cUted Prom) rollbWtnc ar tb opening an closlbr ,uotsofc, r eegar' aast ehr we Bum rescue suraac yea- lug sVtnr-UK .,Tlt ,ii0 , .on .: , ,o- 1.0K .; . .hi .3 1 ' .V.'',i S.'i.-. l.'i.'S S.on B.11. i,i llaw'n f'om't . lUwallau Hugar Co. . Ilonoks Huirac IthtetilusM; Hagar C6. . Onbii Hugar Co. . . . Oiaa' Huimr 'o.' Oaoiu ttugar Oo. . .. I'Saiiliaii Hugar CO. . . . HiiBollil HI Kugels Copper llrtuolnlu MaatatW . UM. t jM dKkiead, AI 411 1.7ft -I.12U t.j. r.t Vacuole, civ. km" "l-'i ij . . . - J1