, . , ''''.; ; - ' . . . . . . , . V: YESTERDAY'S WfcATIiFR r, 8. WfcATTIEB BUREAlf 3am U, 1!1 Last twenty. Iit; hoars rainfall , i,02. Temperature Min.' 73 f Mai. 82. weather, CloM.ij v k ?--ar! l.., ,l j" ' f.. .... , ,,t. ,. .,, i , . i .,,, , , - ' . . . - . 4 t I ......... . , S.VUL. UI.. NO.. 5lf . . . . .r , . , V. HONOLULU. HAWAII TERRITORY; TUESDAY, 1 11 i I V f.i "!V:. ri II AW. I If If If N If i If I, I EmmmmEmEAT BEWRE More Than For y Thousand Pris I jonen On One Front !ii Past Few Days DETACHMENT TO 1 added within the past two tie h nemy loss in killed iOx; commander-in-chief, a v-s- -- 4tT'' Premier LMydXjeOfge, m a statement made yesterday in Lon- dontsay that the Italians have inflicted upon the Austrians one of the greatest disasters of the war to date, a defeart so complete and overwhelming that Its effect may be very great in its general results upon the Central Powers. KILLED OR DRIVEN BACK Every Austrian along the west bank of the Piave has been killed, driven back dr captured except along a small front near Mus sile, while a detachment, its retreat cut off. is maintaining a forlorn hope defense, ringed about by the exultant Italians. Hope for the invaders who had crossed the river was lost early yesterday when Italian airplanes bombed the remaining bridges and destroyed them, effectually separating this section of the Austrian army from any help in the way of reinforcement and cutting off its chances of being supplied with munitions. These Austrians thus faced the alternative of surrendering or of attempting to rejoin their comrades on the east bank by swimming the swollen waters. Many hundreds attempted this latter, the great majority of them being killed as they swam by Italian bullets Vr drowned. Thousands sur rendered. ITALIANS PURSUE HOTLY A large force of Italian cavalry crossed the main Piave early in the day, these horsemen hanging on to the rear of the retreating army, cutting off stragglers, overpowering rearguards and permit ting the fleeing foe no opportunity for rest or for reforming for any adequate resistance to the Italian infantry, now pressing hotly for ward in pursuit. The Italians crossed the old channel of the Piave early yesterdav morning and recaptured several of bank of the main stream, while from Camposile other detachments pressed forward towards the river, driving the Austrians before them , ,. i ,. and meeting with only slight resistance. Immediately the first sec- tion of the main Italian army reached the river, strong bombing de-' tachments were sent across, these fiehtine their wav alon the east ... nana ui me nvci iuwdi u mc remaining uuugcucaus neiu Dy me Aus trians. At the same time the Italian aircraft commenced a heavy bombardment of these bridgeheads and the Italian big guns concen trated their fire upon the bridges. GENERAL A13VANCE MADE I'nder this systematic hammering of their only avenues of re treat and the furious pressure being brought upon their front by i he Italians, the Austrians began to fall back all along the line, while a1- "s wiuic mi Austrian army, on the east of the Piave began also to re- This' movement was observed by the Italian air scouts and the main treat ivord of it was the signal for a that swept the whole Piave line except at the one point at Mussi'.c, where an Austrian detachment is making a last, hopeless stand AUSTRIANS ABANDON ALL The Austrians abandoned their guns and supplies, the Italians taking "enormous booty", according to the official despatches of (".eneral Diaz. General Diaz, reporting last night, says that the Austrian retreat continued throughout all of yesterday, with he Italians pursuing. A terrific fire is being maintained by the pursuers, with the hastily formed rear guards being overpowered and swept up. Despatches from Rome last night say that Italy is ablaze with enthusiasm over the overwhelming defeat of the much advertised irreat Austrian nffens vr anH rrlohrat .- i. K. .... u r is now driving the enemy from ( adorna is now thought to be amply avenged, with the tables com pletely turned IliMMiWf Ml llMtf OT LrJ WHOLE LINE ITALIANS SMALL FRONT ver In Pursuit Of 'o Kerremenr Generaf d 1'ress) The defeat of the the I'iave front by the Ital Deror Karl are retreating in (1 the swooping aircrsrfts of their old positions along the west II j i i general Italian advance, an advance -iill sis jvj V 1 1 V. llUtHltll Wllll.Il Italian soil. The defeat of General MIS LIKELY TO PROVE TEST VALUE Germany It Placed In Predica ment By Ally's Defeat and Must Act Quickly LLOYD GEORGE WARNS BLOW MAtBE EXPECTED Allies Are Heartened and News In Austria and Germany Will Break Spirit WASHINGTON, June 25 ( Asncx-iat . 6i Prc) Among all of he Allies and in the weaker ami oppreaned countries the news of the Italian victory and Aus trian dixaster, considered to be one of the most aevere of the war, has been joyously received and til opinion gen erally prevails that its moral and politi cal effect will be as great or - greater than its physical value.. to the Allied cause. It If believed, however, that it will be a spur to Germany to put forth its greatest efforts in a new phase of its offensive on the Western front in the hojie of retrieving something of the damage done and minimising its moral and political effect at trome and in the countries of its allies. May Expect Blow This thought was eiprcHsed by the British premier, David Lloyd diaorge yesterday When he said'; " The next couple of months will be' anxious ones for us and our Allies. -It might be that the great blow which we expect will be delivered against us in a few hours, or it may be, a few days.- The issue of the campaign may even .depend upon the outcome -of tbat thraet bat the Al lies never felt tatter 'prepared to meet K man iDVi i bow , -vtv,.V4 i' ' iswUr-agtW- hat ft woulif WJo u .iutefeiUrt etaa by Russia If H1 our Sussia desires ns to but this is difficult because of the ehaotie conditions In that country." ' y Then adverting to the Itahan victory tke premier continued: v'The Italian victory may yield us and our allies in fiuitely greater results for It is hourly I appearing bigger as we learn more of the details. Austria used its entire available strength and more than half of its effective troops in this effect, and has lost. The Itahans have in flieted upon the Austrian! one of the greatest disasters of the war. "Three fifths of the population of Austria was out of sympathy with its war aims before and now that majority will be further .increased. " Allies Are Heartened In Washington it is regarded as cer tain that the Austrian defeat is of such magnitude that it will compel a com plete readjustment of the plans of the central powers. Germany will have a most difficult problem if'it undertakes to reinforce its ally. Transportation of enough troops to make such support effective would be necessarily slow, its immediate support would greatly weak en its own hopes of a successful out come to the offensive of the Western front sud might cause its abandonment. Italian officials here were greatly cheered by the news of the success of their armies. Borne military observers incline to the belief that Germany will attempt to relieve her ally while others express the opinion that an immediate renewal of the Western front offensive in nnw OerniAtiv m onlv hnne. I Advices from Rome declare that there t,he "tmsl 'onndenee prevalent there land the belief is expressed that the WIir (.an be brought to a victorious end within a year if the Allies will stand ! l,v !he Italin mM?ivf then fu UP" P't according io wireless messages. In the London press ther victory is described as the most heartening news of months, perhaps since the. victory at the Marne. May House Revolt It is generally agreed that the moral effect will be enormous, coming at a time when the people of Austria are near th starvation point and the coun try rended by labor troubles and indus trial difficulties and disputes. With trial difficulties and disputes. V the news of the disaster, which n i inevitahlv rei4lU them' thi con,i must tion will be greatly magnified and its con trol will be difficult in the extreme if not impossible. Reports from Austria say the internal plight is growing steadily worse. The Vienna Arbiter Zeitung, as told in a v. . ...i. .iTi .n. u.. Zurich despatch, says the strike has be come general. It is reported that the strikers are demanding, as one of their issues, iv.. mediate peace and an invita tion to the countries with which they are at war to enter upon negotiations for a cessation of hostilities. In Germany there are disturbances on a smaller but still serious scale. Ex tensive strikes in Cologne, Musselbeim and other cities on the Koine are re ported, caused by a reduction of the "read rauon, as me ciisiuroanccs start ed io Austria Meatless weeks are reported to be , under consideration in Germany where the present weekly ration is only half a pouud a persou. mi 1 " I.IUKAL GREA JUNE' - 23, BECOMES GREAT Bl$ftSTt$ PFa ns of fhe Central Powers HOW Sammy fights gi. Thia photo illustrate) how the gas flappers, an American innovation, are used to clear tranche of faa. After an attack the men beat the floor of their trench with the flappers, causing the' clouds of deadly fumes tD rise and scatter to the four winds. The photo was made at Camp Kearny, California. r ""I if SAMMIES CLEAR WOODS OF LAST OF TEUTONS Capture Machine Guns and Pris oners, Improve Positions Under Fire and Repulse Raids In Vari ous "Sectors WASHINGTON, June 25 (Associat ed Frees) American forces in the Marne sector of the Western front are continuing their advance against the foe. Yesterday they captured the northwesterly part of Belleau Wood, the only portion still held by the Teu tons and are now in full possession of the positions. In the fighting the Amer icans took live machine guns and a number of prisoners and made sure the woods were effectually cleared of the foe. Positions Improved In his omiiiunique of last evening 1 . . . n ) General Perilling said the Ameri canH had improve. 1 their posKions in the Chateau Thierry sector in the face of a heavy artillery Are and that in the Vosges sector an enemy raid had been repulsed. In the 1 i uli t of the American a. I vances Jiml of General Pershing's re port tha Germans again advance pre posterous claims in the Berlin official report of Inst night in which they say tbat tbey "inflicted heavy losses upon and took prisoners from the French ami Americana in the Badonvillers sector. Theodore Jr., Cited Maj. Theodore Roosevelt and l.'f2 others, members of the first division of two field artillery batteries have been eited for bravery. , Casualties reported yesterday were eight killed in action, four dead of . mounds, tuo of disease, 45 sever. dy j wounded Slid three wouuded to a degree not yot determined. i Aviators In Italy ! On the Italian front the American 1 aviators who went from the naval avi ation training camp iuto active service ire reported to have distinguished themselves and to have performed i'f. I 1 - :. hi....- ..-.a ; IIWUKUIUO.. portant services. They have displayed great bravery in their first encounters with the enemy' and contributed notably to the disorganisa tion of the foe. w I CZECHO SLOVAKS WILL SOON SERVE WITH. ALLIES LONDON, June 24 (Associated Presa) -Advices here say tbat a Ozecho-Slav official ip in Tokio ar ranging for the transportation of coun- i trvmen who wish to come to the United States and join the war against Germany. They will be brought from J Vladivostok to France, -SEMI-WEEKLY. BRAZIL IS AIDING TO JHVARTGERMANY ; Ships Patrol Atlantic Side By Side With British and American; Sends Much Food . LONDON, June 23 (Associated Press) Braail is actively in he war and is doing Its best to cooperate with the Allies and lend them all comfort and assistance, is the worl that is brought -here by Admiral de MhUos, chief ol the Brasllian naval million which has arrived here. lu a statement given through the press yesterday the Brazilian a.lmiral said that Brazilian war ships were now patroling the waters of the Atlantic side by side with the vessels of Great Britain and the United States to clear the seas of submarines and make ship ping safe. Brazil is also doing its best to provide supplies, to 'transport them and to guard them in transit. Plenty or met 1 a. . i : . aufl cereais are mus peing seni, ne num. w. a. a. FRONT IS - GENERALLY QUE Minor Operations Told In Re ports Offensive Waited NEW YORK, June 25 (Associated Press) Minor operationa continue to be the only activities on the Western front with no indication given by the enemy of an intention of early resump tion of the offensive. Following their encounter with the Italian forces on Mont Bligny in which 1 fur u time they were successful nn l ! then repulsed and driven out, losing in a counter later, the Genua oa again attacked thia Italian sector in the ninht and were once mora repulsed. Paris , , , . , J,,i " ' i u A ttrk near Antneuil wa le of a German was also report ed. British activities were confined to ranis and a minor engagement near Metereu where some prisoners were taken. w. a a LnuaianruT DDcctuTP I CONN A U G H T PRE SENT S dm i urn iu int MirvAUU TOKIO, June 24 (Associated Tress) Prince Arthur of Connaught, hesd of the British mission here, today present j eu i ine Japanese emperor tne field marshal's Jiaton as a mark of resnect for the m' iter of Japlo and of friend J linesa betweeu the two countries - - ..' I iv.' -t " . r. j yM,1". ,' 'f-l . - 4 'n mi-"- MUNITIONS FOUND IN GRAIN IN OLD IRELAND Shipment Is Believed To Have Been Received Some Time Since and To Confirm Evidence Police Secured of Plot DUBLIN, Jnne 25 (Associated Press) Forty thousand rounds of am munition, concealed in a cargo of grain, have been seized by the police. It is believed thut this grain, and the con traband munitions which nere found concealed in it, is a part of s carj-o received some time since and its .In covery corroborates evidence which, in part, alleged to the arrest of Sinn Fein leaders and then to arrests by the scoro. Evidence seized when the Sinn Fein ers were arrested indicated that muni tions and arms were to be smuggled n as a part of a pro German plot. De tails were to have been completed up on the arrival in Ireland of a German agent from a submarine and it has been reported that he did arrive and whs ar rested before he could meet his follow conspirators. The full power of the Irish pro Ger man plot was to be, the evidence is said to reveal, manifested with the success of the German offensive on the western front. W. a. a. OF WASHINGTON', .lone "A . OAic inh Int'T -Allied and m-ulial jn-nple throughout tlie I'liilel Stat.M are making extensive plan for their par ticipation in the celebration f Inde peiidence Day. In ninny of the citiis of the country foreign born residents arc being given lending parts in the pro grams that are being arranged. In nd.lition to tin- Hiitish, Krero-h B'ld Italians who are participating, there will be .Tapuiu'B.i an. I ChnieM Belgians, Serbians, Kiiiiianian, Kns fiai, Cr.c ho HIovVkn, Swedish. Norwe gians, lanes, Portuguese, Spanish, ((reeks, Poles, Armenians and many otjier nationalities. CIVIL SUNDRY VlLL IS PASSED BY LOWER HOUSE WASHINGTON, Juue4--i Associat ed Pressl The house this afternoon passed the sundry civil appropriations bill, totaling two and one half billions of dollars. WHOLE NUMBER PLOTS TO HIDE PROPERTIES OF ENEMY ALLEGED BY CUSTODIAtl Says He Has Three Instances Where Corporations Attempted To Sell To American Corpora tions Receiving Only Notes STATEMENTS-FALSIFIED AS TO FOE HOLDINGS Notes Were Accepted In Expec tation That War Would End -Before They Fell Due and Prop- , erty Would Revert Back NEW YORK, June 25 (As sociated Press) Plots to. ' ' hide enemy assets in the United - v States under the cloak of Ameri' . can corporations were last night revealed by A. Mitchell Palmer, , custodian of enemy property. He charges that Americans were in volved 3a these conspiracies and ' . that returns were falsified so as , jjto' jhojtt .that hO'enemy property " was tie cu V ' v. Vj w . . ; Custodian Palmer Says that he-., has three instances, of sucVeffortsT to conceal enemy. property or to make arrangements such that the V property would be restored to the enemy intact at the close of the .' war. ' V' In his statement the custodian says that three German owned companies j planned to sell their , assets to American corporations , without cash consideration but for notes which were not to be payable for three years, it being ' hoped or believed that before those notes should fall due the war would be ended and the prop? erty could be passed back to the v present enemy owners with accre tions and profits. ( He also alleges that these three ' corporations falsified their returns so as to show, after such attempt- ' ed sales, that no enemy property was held. w. . a. . RAPID GROWTH OF NAVY IS REPORTED Personnel of All Forces In That Branch of Service Four Hun dred and Fifty Thousand WASHINGTON, ' jun 84 (Offlelal) -Hapid growth in the ny la reported by Secretary Daniels who today gave out figures on its personnel, officer and men. Knlistmtnts are eomiag faster than ever, the week ending June 0, having surpassed all previous records with 14,406 volunteer. There are now slightly mora than 430,000 officers and men in the service of the navy, 423,808 enlisted men and 26,285 officers. The totals of the varl ous departments or divisions whlek go to make up this grand total are regu lar navy 215,002, naval reserves 163, L'o0, nation volunteer 18,785, marine corps 41,89 and coast guards 0228. Since the first publication of the sue cesses won by th marine eorpa In it fighting in France the recruiting office have been crowded with young men who are enthusiastically anxious to join tbat branch of the service. PACIFICcb7sTVoET GREAT STEEL PLANTS BAN FBANCISOO. June 24 (Offl cial) Great steel mills are to be erect. d on the Pacific Coaat designed to meet the demands of the wonderful hip- building industry that baa groi ond. op and which uow le lead the w ;i"'t '