Outdone Being ths Reminiscences of a Nature Fakir Jcf.n KcnaVick Bangs t. m .. i t;:.t, by .h.s'i!i ti. 1 ' 1 n:u. .in' alius have lf.-j. a first ri;i l!"piib'iiciin." said SI Wot her- oon. lu !(ii!i himself to a handful vt ru:!t; nut of tht ln'x on tin- end of liic cii'.ni'iT, ' but 1 must say that If tin- ihm national convention pa's a ii.ivr fakir plank in the platform I'll 1 v Mirt of up a tree. 1 think th' presi dent tiieunj. alt ripht. but bomr'imcs 1 'pears to nit to sin ak a little bit tasty. ' ' O casienally be does," said the Cap Viin. ' Not often l reaps, but often J:.o::sh to keep tbinus Ruin" some." ' New in t'ae nater fakir proclama tion o' i is." continued Si, "be don't f ctition that then- story o" n.ilaam's . an' et it seems to hip be iniuht ('. j'ift as reasonable as plcklu' a ! '!. r- up lor sayin' that an t nta!!"d r i'1'it ( hewed up th' vermiform np-pe:-.i; of a buffalo that bad invaded the n:n y of bis home." Yoi len t .seem to pee that that tV.i re I labium's As- was a miracle, HI," mid the Postmaster, lnjally flylm; as In du'y hound, lo the defense of the :.i!iiiiistv.itloii. 'That fact makes all tt ijifferi nee they is In the world." 'Their' a lot In what ye say. SI," Fn! ! i!.e Captain, ' hut ye've rhose the wrotiir story to bans the p'lnt on. '1'li' re wjirn't imthin' extryoi d'nary about that there story o' Italnatn's. If je'd took tin- s' " n' I'aniel in th' lion s ih n. or that one about the bears that cii:;e out tin' rat up the bald 1.4 eli' I lean " "Tl 4 at tip the rhildren. Cap." .tid Mil" I'ostniiister. "for callln' the !d f- li r liald lw ad- d " Thai's so I'll forpot just how that vas," said the Captain. "I'm pettln' a iUtle rusty in my history, they're nialiin' so mueh that's new these days. Anyhow. Si s p'int 'Id be s'ronper if Ik d broimhl in rltber ' tln ni tales thau it is with the story o' I'al.iani's Ass." "I don't sf why." p- the I'ostmns ter. "There's lots o' men who haven't been rat by buimry lions, an' plenty o' kids that has been eat by hears, but who beside lialaam ever beard an ass make remarks?" "I have," said the Captain "You?" cried the Postmaster. When? Where?" "In this here town last summer," said the Captain. "Humph!" ejaculated the Postmas ter Iticri'dulously. "Whai'd bo talk ihoiit?" "Pretty nlph everytbln' under the ?r.nopy." said the Captain. "I think I must o' had a dozen talks with him off q' on through the summer. The first :hins be. spoke about was the weather. wa settln" out In front o my house one afternoon, an' this hero jackass name browsln' along the road, an when ho see me. he 8topxd In front o' the ato an" said it was blamed hot. Yes." says I, but It ain't as hot as It was In the summer of eighteen hun dred an' eighty-seven, when one ' my hens fell into the well, an' laid hard boiled cpRs for six weeks afterwards.' lie allowed that that was putty hot, i,' ii. V I IPvT "It'a Blamed Hot." but ho didn't think It was as hot as it was ono day when ho was down to Boston when a couple o" steers pasuln' up Tremont street was cooked all through before they'd gone two blocks so that tho Kiiosts o' the Parker house como out an' got their roast beef on the hoof. 'No,' says I, 'It wasn't as hot as that. Hut llkewlso that was a cool lay compared to the ono we had here In August, eighteen hundred an' ninety two, when we pfcked baked apples right off the tree back o' tho icehouso, an' my ther'momter In th' cellar rlz ao fast It plugged a hole through the kitchen floor au' went straight on up through the roof an' perched on the chlmbly for ten minutes before dlsap pcarln' In the clouds.' " "What'd he say to that?" laughed 61. "Nothln'," said the Captain. "He looked at me out o' tho corner o' hla eyes, nr,' ambled off up the street, an' disappeared round tho euro leadlu' flown to tl.o beech." mm t i VsZt I till III I IV it.. xmsm-P3mmw "He proMy thought you waa lyin to Mm, an' took offense," suggested the Postmaster. "No. I don't think so, because he cam" bark the next afternoon about the same time," said the Captain. "He stopped at tho gate Jest as he did before, an' stlckln' his nose over the fence ho ast me If we had much light nln around here. 'Yes,' says I. 'That Is, they have a lot o' what they call llghtnln" around here, but It ain't knee high to a- Katydid 'longslde o' the Hahfiiln' they have finther up the toast.' An' then 1 told him about a stronk that come along ono night on my father's farm tip back o" Pur Her itor, an" htayed with us for five full (lays. Most lltthtnln' comes like a flash, does what. It has lo Cn and dia appeal, 1 says to him. Hut this here streak took a fancy to a sixty acre track o' woods we had. au' kep workin' away on It for five days, at the nd of which time It had knocked down all the trees, burnt the timber, trunk, branch nn' stump, an' then plowed up the field so's we was able to sow it with corn when he'd got the Job fin ished an' disappeared.' 'Kvit been struck?' says he. 'Yes.' says I, 'tlois- ns of times. Last time it hit mo was summer before last. I was settin' ripht where I am now talkln' to an other jackass, when a bolt seven Inches wide come In the kitchen door, through the house an' right out here right behind me. It took me be tween tho shoulders an' when it got through with me I found myself set tin' on the deck of a lumber schooner seven miles off York Harbor, ma kin' for Hoston an' without a scratch, an' pullln' away on my clay pipe, which, by the way. the llghtnln' had lit, I havin' only Jest filled it when the bolt come along.' 'That's goln' some,' says he. 'I'd hate to ho struck like that my self.' 'You ain't In no danger,' Bays I. 'Llghtnln' never strikes hrnss.' 'It killed old Annjnlas.' says he. 'Yes,' says I. 'That's ono reason why I ain't afeard of it." Hecauso It never strikes in the same placo twice?' says he. 'No,' says I. 'Hecauso I ain't made o' "It Took Me Between tin? same moral material.' nays I. An' then be moved on again." "He was a pretty clever nss, scorns to me," said the Postmaster. "He thought so himself," said the Captain. "Anyhow be thought he was smart enough to como hack again a couple o' days later an' bring two of his friends with him. 'Good afternoon," says he with an a3 sinlne grin an' a wink at tho other two. 'Is it." says I. 'I ain't noticed the weather.' 'My friends an' I have come around to ask how the lobsters is runnln' this years,' ho says. "Oh, have ye?' says I. 'Well, I can't exackly say ye might' ask your friends to give an' exhibition run up an" down tho road, an' ye can ace for yourself, only,' says I, 'ye'd better not let Tom Seevy ketch ye with 'em.' 'What's Tom Seevy got to do with it?' he asks. 'He's the town constable,' Bays I, 'an' from a bird's eye view o' your friends I'm afraid they're under size. Ye'll be fined fifty dollars for havin 'em In your possession.' He brayed for two hull minutes when I said that, but his friends wasn't p'tlc'larly pleased an' made off up to the hotel where they was stablin'. He sort o' lingered around 's If he hadn't bad quite enough, an' after awhile he says: 'Any shootln' around here?' 'Well,' says I, it all depends upon what ye call shootln'." If ye want deer an' pah trldge, they ain't as plenty as they used to be, but if you'd like to bring down a few shuffers yo can set right down here In my yard an' pop 'era by the dozen, 'an' I Gorry,' I says, 'I'll lend you my gun t do It with.' 'What's shuffers?' says he. 'Snuffers is little brass monkiesBays I, 'that these here summer folks on their way from Hos ton to liar Harbor hires to run their ottermobyles.' 'O,' says he. 'You mean show-fours.' 'Oh, do I?' I Bays. 'Well, jest you bag a couple o' dozen with my old blunderbuss, an' you an' I won't quarrel about how to pro nounce 'em.' 'Do you objeck to the ottermobyle?' he says. 'I object to anythln' that makes my flower garden smcTl like a gashouse,' says I, 'runs over my hens without so much as a word of Borrer, an' turns the occasion al visit o' the midnight skunk Into a beautiful an' fragrant mem'ry.' Then that Jackass begun an' told me what a lilessln' them ottermobyles was to the farmer. How it brought people Into our midst, who bought our eggs an' butter, an' paHernized our road houses, an' eat our doughnuts. '.May bo so,' says I. 'Maybe so! Put i ain't noticed that I ever ast to have any people come Into my midst. My midst ain't more 'n mlddlin' strong any ways,' I save, 'and It'a got all It can do dlgestln' its own troubles without bur denln' Itself with tho trial of the gas olene aristocracy from the cities. At for the butter'n eggs,' 1 sayi, 'all th butter, n eggs they consume Is the butter they spread on the country side, an' the eggs they scramble la the highway when their chariots o fire bump Into our waggins goln' around turns at forty miles an hour." They'a profit In that, nn' I ain't sayln' that soma o' th' farmers up round here don't load their wngglns an' sort o' lay around waltln' to be run Into for A 01)' "He Brayed for Two Hull Minutes." the sake of a quick sale, but that sort o' thlnu don't breed no permanent prosperity," " "You was ihad right about that," said SI Wnlherepnon. "I've tried It myself, an' it don't pay, considering the time ye lose waitln' for an olter mobyle to come an' bump ye." " 'Taln't good business anyways," said tho Captain. "An I said as much to that there jackass, an' then he launched out into a loti distance talk on prosperity in general; how much more real money they was in clrcky- the Shoulder a." Intlon than they used to be; what a boon to the country the trusts was, un til finally I got bo gol-derned tired o' th' sound of h'.s voice that I went to sleep, an' when I woke up he'd gone." "An' ye mean f tell us that this was a real jackass!" observed the Post master scornfully. "Well, ye can Judge for yourself," said the Captain. "The last talk I had with him was on the subject o' this here post office. He said it was the worsCi.un, all-firedcat slowest, injst In comp'tent, eighteenth class rural slow delivery shootln' match he ever see in his life. He said the poBtape stampa he sold here was stale, an' left a tasto like sour Ippycack In your mouth when ye licked 'em. He said his news papers nine times out o ten was cov ered with m'lassea when thoy was de livered, an' that half his letters smelt o' kerosene oil, an' th' other half o' dried herrin's, an' he thought It was a disgrace to the country to have a fed'ral institution as Important as the post office run as a side Issue to a run down, tnttered an' leaky old combina tion of a grocery an' fancy notion store in charge o' some old moss-back of a 'farmer tryit didn't know the dif ference between a mall bag and a keg o' nails." "He said that, did he!" aatd tin Postmaster, flushing up. "Them was his exact words," said tho Captain. "An he added that the next time he was down In Washing ton he was goln' t' speak to tho au thorities and ask 'em if they couldn't change their historic policy of put tin' post oflice8 In groceries, an give th' undertakers, an village barbers a chance at tho treasury." "All right, Cap," said the Postmas ter, rising. "Ye've proved your p'lnt. lie was a good all round jackass, all right." "Yes, sir, he was," said the Captain. "And a derned Intelligent one, too." "Yes," said the Postmaster. "An I guess the president's surrounded by that kind down In Washin'ton, too." "I guess bo is," observed the Cap tain. "They have 'cm pretty much ev erywhere nowadays." "An" they're Incurable," said tho Postmaster. "As long as a jackass has four legs there's hope for him, but the two-legged kind with a big mouth and a pin head O, well, what's the use?. They're too common to be con sidered cxtryordinary." "Yob, they bo," agreed the Captain. "Maybe that's the reason tho president didn't think it was wuth while to rako old lialaam over- the coals, Joe. I guess he knew the breed ' T ? fttft'H MISSOURI STATE HEWS j Queer Arithmetic. When live stock goes up a cent the wholesale prle.e of meat Is advanced 1'4 cents, and the retail prlco from 1' cents to 2 cents. Hut when the operation la reversed.' as at present, the 1 and 2 cent declines on live stock are accompanied by V4 cent reiluctlona on the wholesale prices, which whit tle the decline down to nothing on retail prices. How can you expect your butcher to cut off an entire cent from his price when ho baa (jot ' but half as much reduction from the wholesaler? For this are tho meat combinations responsible. Wo do not say Hint the Usury are precise, but the rule of preventing tho declines from keeping In proportion with tho uilvni'.ces him constituted the great method of mnking the margin between live meats ami Ibnt sohl to the con- Butner greater than ever before. The State Waking Up. There Benna to bo a general awak ening In Missouri Kural delivery nml the telephone are iloing great things for the farmers ami these conven iences bavo mmle them eager for many others which they have not, but Bbonbl have. Kvery rural paper In the statu is enthusiastically for roiwl Im provomeiit, nml the "pullbacks" who would have bowled against road bonds a few yenra ago arc now falllns In with the majority. All over the state wenlthy farmers are purchasing auto mobiles, whTle several motor car lines between towns nre being projected and one Is actually established. When one considers tho splendid position it already hobla, despite handicaps, and its Inexhaustible resources, tho future of Missouri In tho new era of pro'rrestj appears certain to bo innanificcnt. Kansas City Star. Blessed With Plenty. It seems rliliculous to talk nbout bard times with plenty on every hand and a good demand therefor. Mlssou rl can congratulate herself that she will not hnve to s.'tid nwny for any ol the necessaries of life. This means that necessarily there need bo no money jnt out to othfr points, but on tho contrary, she has a largo sur plus of pio.lucts that must bring In a large number of dollars. There Is not a farmer that is not more than ru- p!ii?d with products of the farm to care for all bis stock. In many In stances the garnerfd crops will not be needed lo carry tho stock through the winter anil can be turned into cash. Tho large amount of fall grass nml roughness raised will bo ample for stock not being prepared for the market. Exchange. Queer Legal Document. This lognl document was filed in El dorado Springs: "This agreement entered into, by and between M. F. Sibley, party of the first part, and Elmer Koger, party of the secoml part, wltnesseth: Party of the first part agrees to buy party of the second part a suit of clothes tobo selecteil by par ty of tho second part, the considera tion being thnt party of the second part abstains from the use of tobacco in any form until after the general election In November, in the year of our Lord, 1H0S. In the event that party of the second part uses tobacco In any form, party of the second part agrees to buy party of the first part a Bitlt of clothes of hia own selection." Linn County Poultry Men Elect. T. A. McDnnnald, of Hrook field, won tho sweepstake special viler cup offered by the Missouri State Poultry association at tho Linn County Poul try show, at Hrookfiebl. Officers of the county association for the coming year are as follows: President, Geo. v. Chapman; first vice president, A. F. McCartney; treasurer, E. J. Faut; secretary, W. n. McGregor. Sold Gasoline for Kerosene. The coroner's jury has returned a verdict holding J. Stem, a groceryman of St. Joseph, accountable for the death of Mrs. Sarah Dettia, an old woman who was burned to death re cently. It was brought out in the evi dence that Mr3. Hettls purchased sonic gasoline from Stern, believing that it was coal oil. Legal 'action probably will be taken by members of thx- Hettis family. Had Lived in St. Joseph 51 Years. Thomas Kelly, C8 years old, a pio neer of St. Joseph, died there recent ly. Kelly hail lived In St.. Joseph 51 yeai'd. Ho ha4 been county reconler, city nssessor, government census taker nnd school census taktr. The latter position he hehl 2" yerrs. Geo. L. Mann Resigns. Oaorge I. Mann, of Osceola' St. Clnir county, bus resigned as a mem ber of tho state board of law exam iners and the resignation bus boon ac cepted by yin supreme court. The court will select his succeesor when it meets In January. To Employ Joplln's Idle Men. The proposition to vote $90,000 bonds to construct storm and sanitary sewers In Joplln and thus furnish em ployment for the workingmen . this winter, carried at a special election. Only Jopllu laboring men will bs em ploy ?d. 8oire Large Potatoes. A Carroll county farmer grew Irish potatoes so large that be could pile enough of them on one arm waiter Btyle to overflow a half-bushel racaa-uro. BLOW AT ENGLISH BARMAID. Move to Shut Out . Women from the Liquor Business. London. Efforts to save the young women of the future in the United Kingdom from taking up the life of barmaids will be vigorously pushed at Ifae forthcoming session of parliament. The bishops of St Albans and Bir mingham, the great frea church lead ers; Revs. R. J. Campbell, John Clif ford and Frederick B. Meyer,' and a largo group of physicians, politicians and scholars have memorialized H. 11. Asqulth. chancellor of the exchequer, to provide for the elimination of tho onrmald In tho new licensing legisla tion. However, they hav not asked that the girls at. present eo employed be driven out of busIneBS. tt Is estimated that 100,000 girls are engaged In tho saTe of Intoxicating beverages in this country, and a con siderable number -of theso are under 21 years of age and more than half under 25. "The claim that the Influence of the barmaid Is good in that It causes men to drink less and generally behave better In the saloons is not borne out by the facts." said Rev. Mr. Campbell. "The tratle papers' advertisements clearly show that the girls nro em ployed because they attract men to saloons, and when men go to saloons they diluk." THIEF SPOILS GOOD RECORD. Takes Clothes and Make Man Mis Church First Time in 25 Year. Minneapo?is, Minn. Church attend ance records In the Young family wero broken Sunday when for "reasons an nexed," and good ones at that. T. W, Young, living on Fourth avenue south, did not attend worship on Sunday for the first time fn25 years. Mr. Young is ono of the pillars of St. Stephen's church, having for the past quarter of a century been Identl fled with ail its workings, and his non appearance at service on Sunday morning placed tho church officers In euch a predicament that J. J. Dugan, a prominent church official, made an investigation nnd discovered that his coworker bud good cause for staying away from church and he wasn't sick, either. It seems that lasteek Mr. Young spnt to the laundry ail except his needed wearing apparel, and on Satur day night left the latter, which includ ed his Sunday meeting clothes, in full view of the habitual thief - who If prone to wander about in the dead ol night. This wanderer of Saturday night found his way to Mr. Young's home and carried away all that was in Bight, ji-Mi tho result that Mr. Young failed to put in an appearance at church. PREACHERS RING UP FARES, Hard Times Drive Thfcm to Street Cars in Smoky City. Pittsburg. The Blackness in busi ness here has made some strange bedfellows in the Pittsburg Street Railway company's business. It was announced by that concern that re cently It had taken on 20 college graduates, four college professors and two ministers of the Gospel as street car conductors and motormen In every case the new men have been a success from the start, and in ducements have been offered to keep them after the slump has passed away. The preference has been for conduc tor' berths, though one of the minis ters was compelled to take the JoL of motorman until there could be found a place for him with the punch The other minister, according tc the street railway people, is running a "trick" which does not end until two a. m., and he is getting along famously with the tough crowd aftet the saloons close. The railway peo pie refuse to give names, saying it would make matters hard for theli new men, who are all that could be desired. ' DIARY EXPOSES SOCIETY GIRLS M litres Find Notebook Holding 8 cret of Wealthy Servant. Da v ton. O. Two aoclety girls of In dlayolis, Mary Rosslter and Isabel Farrer, members of well-known faml lies, who are touring the country in ar. effort to solve domestic questions lr. th the interest of the servant Rlrl. so cured places hero through the free em ployment bureau, which was not In formed of their mission. A Dayton View family needed a gir! for ho dlnins room and another tc take charge of the silver and assist In the dining room, and tho young ladies secured positions In the same home. But for the fact that one of the p-iria nitsnlnepd her diarv. which was found by the mistress they would still be holding their places. However virtenco was uresented to them the glrla Immediately resigned and did not wait for theli' pay. They left tot another city, but are keeping theit destination a secreL The tstils are out the Interest of a club movement oj sociological lines. Graft 1,974 Bit of Skin. YVestboro, Mass. One of the most rcmurkable skin-grafting achievements on record has been completed at the farm of J. G. Kestler, when tbe last of 1,974 pieces of skin was placed on tho arm of Mrs. Kestler. All tbe pieces were takon from the arraa and legs of the husband. The operation has lasted more than three months. Mrs. Kest ler was severely burned in a kerosene explosion last July, the right aide of her body and her face being left with out skin. Tbe entire ido 1 now cov ered. GREAT SCHEME. Hi "Are you still troubled by your neighbor' chickens?" asked one man of another. "Not a bit," was the answer. "They are kept shut up now." "How did you manage Itt" "Why, every night I pat a lot of eggs in the grass very carefully, and very morning, when my neighbor was looking;, I went out and brought them In." THOUGHT CHILD WOULD DIE. Whole Body Covered with Cuban Itch Cutlcura Remedie Cured at Cost of Seventy-Flv Cent. "My little boy, when only an Infant of three months, caught tho Cuban Itch. Sorea broke out from bis head to the bottom of his feet' He would itch and claw himself and cry all the time. He could not sleep day or night, and a light dress is all he could wear. I called one of our best doctor to treat him, but he seemed to get worse. He suffered so terribly that my hus band said he believed he would have to die. I had almost given up hope when a lady friend told me to try the Cutlcura Remedies. I used tho Cutl cura Soap and applied the Cutlcura Ointment and he at once fell into a sleep, and he slept with ease for the first time since two months. After three application the sores began to dry up, and in Just two weeks from the day I commenced to use the Cutlcura Remedies my baby was entirely well. Tho treatment only cost 75c, and I would have gladly naid 1100 if I could not have got It cheaper. I feel safe in saying that the Cutlcura Remedies saved his life. He is now a bov of five years. Mrs. Zana Miller, Union City, K. F. D. No. 1, Branch Co., Mich., May 17, 190G." - Not the Residence. A 8outh Side household recently employed a domestic who la a native of Norway. The other day Freda an swered a telephone for tbe first time. "I this Mrs. Browning's residence?" asked a voice over the wire. "No'm," was the surprising answer. "it'B her help." Kansas City Time. THE MILK PANS are quickly cleaned and rid of all greasy "feol" when washed In Borax and water in the fol lowing proportions 1 tablespoonful of Borax to a quart of water. - A Mistake. "It Is nothing to your credit to be buying everything on time." "You are wrong: It is everything: to my credit." Houston Post FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervou Disease! permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free 2.00 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. II. Kline, lid., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. A good intention will no more make a truth than a fair mark will make a good shot. Spurstowe. DO YOVR CLOTHES LOOK YKI.I.OWf If so. uie Red Crou 11a II Iihie. It will make them white aa snow. 2 o. package 5 cent. Ills Satanic majesty Is probably ashamed of some of his associates. PILES Cl'RKD IN 8 TO 14 DAVH. PAZO OINTMKNT U nniumil to cure hit raw 81 Itching. Blind, BlwxHng or fmtnnllna 1'ilc In It Oajaorauiocrraf Boded. Mo. After coaxing a girl to Blng a man la apt to wish he badn'L You always get full value in Lewis' Single Binder atraigiit 5c cigar. Your dealer or Lewis' Factory, Peoria, 111. Despair Is the paralysis of the soul. Helps. (S0(B(!tf J 'Is Money Scarce in winter? Better turn your extra time into cash. I pay 3.00 per day, in cash, for good worK, ana supply au ine capi tal besides. Write for details to-day. This offer will not ap pear again. ATKINSON, IOJ4 Race St., rhnid-:lphh. I PARktR'6 1 - HAIR BALSAM il ChaniH aud bMutuut th. twla,l PmauIii luunant growth. I I J arm Faile to Br. tor Orasrl 1 . iir Hair to IM Youthful Color I ' 1 - Oiim Mtlp diHMt h.tr Wunit I ftcjwlJXtIlrujiilJjJ