OCR Interpretation

Daily Nashville patriot. [volume] (Nashville, Tenn.) 1860-1862, August 01, 1860, Image 1

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, AY V, . - V i -77
i - , -
'l - SERIES NO: 1436 .' . I
(textile Patriot
-i -,-..-. TEBSiai .
Dally, per tuim .... 00
Trl-weekly,perannutn,.... , . 5 OO
Weekly, per annum,.... S 00
Om Weekly for twoyears, ortwo Weeklies
for one year, in advance,... .. 6 00
Whoa tha lMUy.Trl-Weekly, or Weekly U U be
d'eeootlnoed paid in advance at tbe time sabacrlbed
r), the subscriber m- st order. otnrwlse 11 will be
soatinaed, at oar adoption, natll paid fcr and stopped,
f not paid , U meat be paid at the Uma of disconlinu
ace, or at oar option . If tbe party la good , It will be
eat anttl paid.
Bamittaaces by mail, in "registered " letters, at
or risk.
Serifs Salts.
SlieriiF. Sale.
BY virtue of a rood, ex., 156, to me directed, and
delivered frota tbe Honorable Circuit Court of Da
vkUoa county, Tennessee, at ita May Term, 1860, 1 will
expose to public sale, to tbe highest bidder.for easli.at
tbe Court-bouse yard, m the cut of Nashville, on Sat
urday, the Uth day of August, 1360, all tbe right, title,
claim, interest and estate which C L. Williams et als,
tbea had, or may hare since acquired in and to the following-
described tract of land lying in Davidson co. ,
bounded on tbe East bv farad no; tbe North by Mr.
Earbart; West by Long Creek ;on the South by Thomas
L. McMeal, contains by estimate 100 acres; levied on as
tbe property C L Williams to satisfy a Judgment
rendered jo favor of W. T. Garrett against C- L. Wil
liams. J. K. EDMUNDsON', Sheriff.
Juiy20-td By E. D. Whitworth, D. Sheriff.
Sheriff9 Sale.
BT virtue of a vcd- ex. , No. 1791, te Die direeld
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, I860, I
will expoae to public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash,
at Wia Court house yard, in the city of Nashville, on
Satdrdar. tbe 11th day of August, I860, all the right,
title, claim, interest and estate, which Jerry Stodard
Unst had or may have since acquired in and to the fol
lowing described Lot in the 4th Ward , city of Nashville,
North, of Line street; said lot or parcel of land front
ing to feet on Line street rannidg North 100 feet, more
or less; bounded East by Thos. Dungey and West by
James Shepherd; levied on as the property of Jerry
tttodard to satisfy a judgment rendered in favor of Lady
A Co., use ax., against Jerry Stodard.
J. K- EDMUND60N, Sheriff.
july20-4d By E.D. Whitwokth, D. Sheriff-
SheriflPs Sale.
BT virtue of a vend, ex., No. 1792, to me directed,
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, 1860, I
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash,
at the Court-house yard, in tbe city of Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860, all tbe right,
title, claim, interest and estate, which Simon Shepherd
et als then bad or may have since acquired in and to
the following described Lot or peice of land, lying in
Davidson county. State of Tennessee, and in the city of
Nashville, and bounded as follows, fronting 50 feet on
Line street, and running back ISO feet to McLemore
street, thence M feet to lot owned by Jerry Stodard,
thence 160 feet to Line street, thence with Line street
50 feet to the corner of Line and McLemore ; being
levied on as the property of Simon Shepherd to satisfy
a Judgment rendered in favor of Jacob McGavock against
. Simon Shepherd el als.
J. E. EDMUNDSON, Sheriff.
jali20-td By E. D. Whitwokth, D. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtue of a vend, ex., No. 1814, to me directed,
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, I860, I
will expose to public Bale, to the highest bidder for cash,
at tbe Court-house yard in tbe city of Nashville, on
Saturday, the lllh day of August, 1860, all the right,
title, claim, interest and estate, which A. Greer and
iu. M. Evans then had or may have since acquired in
vaad to tbe following described Tract of Land, situated
In District So. 2, in the county and State aforesaid, and
. bounded as follows: East by Htone's river, and South
by T. Fuqua, West by O. A. Brown and North by J. T.
i Lee; being levied on as the property of A. Greer to sat-
isfy a Judgment rendered in favor of T. 3. Mann against
A.-Grr aaa Jas. M. Evans.
J. K- EDMCXD60N, Sheriff
julySO-td By E. D. Wiimrorra, D. Sheriff.
Sheriff Sale.
BY virtue of a Tend, ex., No. 1754, to me directed,
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, 1860, I
will expose to public sale, to the hi best bidder for cash,
at the Court-house yard, m t! e ty of Nashville, on
Saturday, the Uth day of August, 1860, all the right,
title, claim, interest and estate, wuicb Joel A. Battle
then had or may have since acquired in and to tbe fol
lowing described Tract or parcel of Land, tying tbe 6ih
district of Davidson county, on. the road running from
Nolensvilie to Lavergne, containing about Eight Hun
dred Acres, being tbe same tract of land on which Joel
A. Battle now lives, bounded on the North by the land
ot Sarah J. Batlle,on the east by the lands of R. Gooch
Charles Johnson and B. Gray, on the North by tbe land
of Mrs. Austin and on tbe West by the bads of A. Buah,
Jos. Nance and Sarah Battle, with all Improvements
thereon; being levied on as the property of Joel A. Bat
tle to satisfy a judgment rendered in favor of H. 3.
French at Son against tbe Baid Joel A. Battle. '
J. K. EDMUNDSON", Sheriff.
july20-td -, By E. D. Wbhwobtb, D. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtue of a vend, ex., No. 1838, to me directed,
and delivered from tbe Honorable Circuit Court of
Uavidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, 1860, I
wIM expose to public sale, to tbe highest bidder lor casta,
at the Court-house yard, m the city of Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of. August, 1860, all the right,
title xJa im , interest and estate which Lanlel Winters and
MartbawUocdwm then had or may have since acquired in
aad toAhe following lot as propeity of Martha Goodwin,
- on (Jay at.. in the city of Nashville .state and county afore
said, bounded aa follows: beginning at a point 120
. feet 1 inches from tbe corner of Gay and Spruce als.,
: thence pacallel with Spruce stivel 100 feet to an alley,
thence wth Abe line of said alley, and parallel with
i Gay at , 22 ft-J J inches to the beginning; being lev
i ted oa as the, property of Martha Goodwin to satisfy a
j iadfrneaU tendered in favor of John Bamage against
Vfcaaiel Whueraandjlarlha Goodwin.
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff.
july30td , " By E. D. WarrwoaTS, D. Sheriff. .
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtoeof a vend. ex.j No. 1763, to me directed,
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county. Tennessee, at its May Term, 1860, I
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder tor cash,
at the Court-house yard, in the city of Nashville, on
. Saturday, tbe lllh day of August, 1860, all tbe right,
title, claim, interest and estate which Daniel Winters
, and Martha Goodwin then had, or may have since ac
" quired in and to the following described p.-operty : one
-Lot on Gay street, in tbe city of Nashville, and bound -.
ed as follows: beginning at a point 130 feel 1 Inches
Xf osa the comer of Gay and Spruce streets, thence par
. allel with Spring street 100 feet to an alley, thence with
tbe Has of said alley and parallel with Gay street, 22
. feet TX inches.thence 1T0 feet to Gay street parallel to
tbe first line, thence along Gay street 22 feet IX inches
to tbe beginning; being levied on as the property of
Martha Goodwin to satisfy a Judgment rendered in favor
of 8. W. Gonter agaiust Daniel Winters and Martha
Goodwin. J. K. EDMUNlfcO.V, Sheriff.
july20-td By E. D- Whttwokth, D. Sheriff.
.. ,., Sheriffs Sale..
BY virtue of a vend, ex.. No. 644, to me directed,
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, I860, I
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder for caih,
at the Court-house yard, In the city of Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of August I860, all tbe right,
title, claim interest and estate, which K. H. Jones and
O. D. Wailing then had, or may have since acquired In
and to the following described Lot of Ground In Edge
field and 18th District, of Davidson county, bounded as
follows: beginning on tbe South-west corner of a lot of
ground lately conveyed by R, Houston to Silas Norris,
on a street that runs between Spring and Foster streets,
la Edge&eld, thence northwardly with N arris's line
-about 210 feat to an alley, thence westwardly with said
. alley 112 feet, thence southwardly about 210 feet to
first said street, thence eastwardly with said street 112
feel to the beginning; being levied on as the property
of O. D. Walling to satisfy a Judgment rendered in favor
of Minor at Yearger against R- H. Jones O. D. Wall
ing. - . J. K- EDMCNDSON, Sheriff.
jury21-td . . By E. D. Wjuwoirrx, D. Sheriff. ;
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtue of a vend, ex.. No. 1848, to me directed,
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, 1860, 1
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder for cash ,
at the Court-house yard, is the city of Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of August, I860, all the right,
title, claim, Interest and and estate which Silas Norris
et als then bad or may have since acquired in and to
tha following described property to-wit: a House and
Lot, or peice of land, situated on Wetmore street in
Edgefield, m tbe State and county aforesaid, beginning
ia the Northern vwge f K'eUnore street, 154 (ml front
Lomsden's Souih-wct oner, thence westwardly to
wards Cumberland rlvey, along the Northern verge of
said street 50 feel to a stake, thence at right angles
aorta wardly towards Foster street 210 feet mure or less
to an alley, theses) aatwardly wita said alley 60 feet,
to a point or stake which ia 200 feet from Lomsden's
lis, thence at right angles and southwardly 210 feet
jnore or leas to the beginning: being levied on aa the
property at Silas Norris to satafy a juogmvnt rendered
ia fever ef Joseph Wastes. Agent, against Silas Norrsi
tal. . J-K. EDMCNiaoN, sheriff.
Joae21-d By . D- Wamrosn, D. Sheriff '
Sheriffs 8 tie.
T Tfela oT vend. ex. No. 1813. to me directed, and
delivered from the Honorable Cure 11 Court of
Davidson County, Tennessee, at Us May term, 1860, 1
will expoae to public sale, to the highest bidder, for
cash, at tbe Coort-bouse Yard, In the City of Nash-
ViUS, oa sauiruay, u nui ujr w August, i-w. ail
tha right, title, claim, tetersat and estate, which Wil
aea Appieton taaa had, or may hare sine acquired in
aad to tha foOowmg described Tract, parcel ec piece Of
i litnaiTit ia Davidson County. 20th district, begia
wg ax a stake, tbe boundary Una between 3. C Bow era
aa4 the aew plank fence, 4 poke ! the East of the
Springfield Tumpike Roads; thence, with Bowers line
Sealh, ",S degrees West, M poles to aa Elm stamp;
Powers corata to Lutons has, tbeoc with his line 30
jagieis East, 23 poles to a hickory; rowel s Lutoas
' corner tbence, South 24 degrees to Lutons line, 26 poles
In a twMTth; I ntrml mrnT Ihrrrt "v ri- I-ttt l. Tf
poles to aa Eim, Byrne's corner; tbeac South 19 de
grees, West 45 degrees, East 2XX Boies to a beech near
East Bank of tha creek; tbence North 18 degrees M eat,
with tha piank feace on the right side of the road to
tha beyaamg. confining by estimation, about 22.V
acres; . Recauered - In tha Regaters office Davkiaea
enaty, Teaaeaaas, Book. N'o.22 pt3 aad 44; being lev
ied a as tha property of Whsoa appieton, to satisfy a
iiiiljanirr nafliri' la thvor of I. A. Main la against
TflsKsi sr"krTfW Tt "
j.t n-TXI)SOK,Saerar,
i Sheriff Sale. ;,
BY virtue of a vend, ex.. No. 1790, to me directed,
and delivered from tbe Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at Us May Term, I860, I
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, ror cash,
at tbe Court-house yard, in the city nf Nashville, oa
Saturday, the 11th dar of August, 1860, all the right,
title, elaim, interest and estate, which K. M. Woodail
Co., then had or may have since acquired In and to the
following described' Lot, No. iff, South Gallatin, Brock
way's addition to Edgefield, adjoining E Spilton oa the
East, aad W. H. Luc us on the Wost, running back 170.
feet to an alley; levied on as the property of T. M.
Woodail Co., to satisfy a judgment rendered In favor
of C. W. Klargus against F. M. Woodail Co.
. , J. K. EDMTNDS0N', Sheriff,
july20-ld ' By E. D. Wbjtwobxb:, D. Sheriff:
, . Sheriff s Sale.
BY virtue of Vend, ex., No. 1729, to me directed, and
dellveaed from the Huourabie CircuitOiurt of Davtd
Suo County , Tennessee, at its May term, 1860, 1 will ex
pose to public sale, to tbe higboit bidler, fur cash, at
tbe Court-house Yard, in tbe City of Nashville, oa Sat
urday, tbe 11th day of August, 1800, all the right,
title, claim, interest and estate, which Silas Norris, et
als. then bad, or may have since acquired in and to tbe
following described lot of ground lying In the County
and State, aforesaid in district No. 18 fronting on a
street that runs between and parallel to Spring St.,
and Foster St., in Kageueld, begining in the Northern
verge of said at., 150 it. from J. Lumsden, Southwest
corner; thence Weaiwardly towards tbe Cumberland
river, and along tbe Nortnern verge of said street,
fifty leet to a stake; then at right angles, and West
wardly towards Foster street, 210 leet to aa alley,
more or less; thence kastwardly with said alley 60 it.
to a point or stake, which 210 more or less to the be
gining; being levied on as tne property of Silas Norris
and others, to satisfy a Judgment renuered in lav or of
E. H. Childress, Sr., against Silas Norris, el als.
J. K. EDM UN DbO-X , Sheriff.
July 21-td Bv E. D. Wamrorm, D. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of vend. ex. No. 1846, to meMirected. and
ajvt dliverert trvm Vie ' - u:ort: so tvw
at Duvidsoo County, Tennessee, at iU May term, 1860
I will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, lor
cash, at tbe Court-house Yrrd, in tbe City of Nash
ville, on Saturday, the Ilia day of August, I860, all
tbe right, title, claim, interest and estate,- which
N. K Cor bit, then had, or may have since ac
quired in and to tbn following described, prop
erty, 1 Brick Dwelling House and Lot, or parcel of land,
on which said Brick Dwelling in situated, lying and
being in the County of Daviuson, Tennessee; South
east of the city of Nashville, it being a part of lot
purchased by John Corbit of John Neison, firt from
tne Cmversity of Nashville, begining in tbe centre of
Market street, extended, runing North fifty-six de
grees East, 256 feet to a stake thence South 34 de
grees East 256 feet to a stake in the Murfreesboro
Kuad, change thence South 56 degrees, West along tbe
centre of said road; 206 feet to tbe centre of Market
street; thence North 34 degrees, West along the centre
of Market street, 256 leet to tbe beginning, containing
about IX acres, it being the same conveyed by John
Corbit, by deed to which refference was made in Book,
No. 5, page 564; being levied on as the property of N.
P. Corbit, to satisly a judgment rendered in favor of
Louis Willing, against N. K Corbit.
J. K. EDMUXDSON, Sheriff,
July 21-td By E. D. Whitworth , D. Sheriff.
Sheriff s Sale.
BY virtue of venditioni exponas No. 1839, to me di
rected, and delivered trom the Honorable Circuit
Court of Davidson County, Tennessee, at its May Term,
1860, 1 will expose to public sale, to tbe highest bidder,
lor cash, at the Court House Yard, in the City ol
Nashville, on Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860,
all the right, title, claim, interest and estate, which
Wilson Appieton tben had, or may have since acquired
in and to the following described tract parcel, or piece
of land situated in Davidson County, 20th District, be
gining at a stake tbe boundery Una between S. C. Bow
ers at the upper end of the now plank fence, 4 poles to
tbe east of tne Springfield Turnpike Koad, thence with
Bowers line South, 73 degrees West, 58 poles to an Elm
stump; rtoweis corner in Lutons line, thence with bis
line 30 degrees, East 28 poles to a hickory, towels b
Lutons roi mr, thence South 24 degrees to Lutons line,
26 poles to a beach on Lutons corner; thence with his
line Last 32 poles to an Kim on Byrnes corner, thence
South 19 Oegrees West, 88 degrees East, 20 poles to
a beach near tbe East bank of the creek, thence North
18 degrees West, with tbe plank fence on the right
side of the road to tbe beginning, containing by es
timation, about 229 acres, Registered in the Registers
omce, Davidson County, Bouat No. 22, pagea 43 and 44;
being levied on as the property of W nson Appieton, to
salisiy a judgment rendered in favor of David Z Read
k Bro. against Wilson Appieton.
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff,
July 21-td. Br E. D. WHrrwoan,D. Sheriff.
Sheriff! Sale.
BY virtue of vend. ex. No. 1742, to me directed, and
delivered from tbe Hono.abie Circuit Court of
Davidson County, Tennessee, at Its May term, 1860, I
will expose to public sale, to the highest biduer, for
cash, at the Court-bouse Yard, in the City of Nasiiville,
on Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860, all tbe
right, title, claim, interest and estate, which C. E. H.'
Martin, et als. then bad, or may have since acquired
in and to tbe following described piece or parcel of
land situated in Davidson County, and In the City of
Nashville, known and dlscribed as lot No. 99, the orlg
loal plan of Nashville, bounded as follows: beginning
at the North East corner of Summer street, being also
corner of lot No. 78, thence South Eastwardly along
tbe line of Summer street, 120 teet to a stone, thence
North Eastwardly, and at right angles with said last
line, the whole depth of said lot to the line of lot No.
67, thence North Eastwardly along tbe line of said
East mentioned lot 120 leet, to the line of said lot No..
"8, thence South Eastwardly along the line of said last
mentioned lot, being also tbe line of Overton's alley
to its beginning, Registered in Book No. 18, page 349,
In the Registers office in Davidson County, Tennessee;
being levied on as tbe property of R. Martin, to satisfy
a judgment rendered in favor of E. Cunningham, against
C. E. H. Martin, et als.
J. K. EDMCNDPON, Sheriff,
July 21-td By E. D. WumroKTH, D. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of vend. ex. No. 1741, to mc directed, and
delivered from tbe Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidwxt County, Tennessee, at its May term, 1860, 1
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for
cash, at tbe Court-house Yard, in the City of Nash
ville, on Saturday, tbe 11th day of August, 1860, all
the right, title, claim, interest and estate, which C. E.
H. Martin et als. then had, or may have since acquired
in and to the following described property, viz: a piece
or parcel of land situated in Davidson County, and in
the City of Nashville, known and described as lot No.
79, tbe original plan of Nashville, bounded as follows:
beginning at tbe North-east corner of Summer street,'
belngfdiso corner of lot No. 78, thence South-eastwardly,
along tbe line of Summer street, 120 feet to a stone,
thence Nortb-eastwardly , and at right angles with said
last line, the whole depth of said lot to the line of lot
No. 67; thence North-east wardlv along the line of said
East mentioned lot 120 feet to the line of said lot, No.
78; tbence South-east wardly along the line of said last
mentioned lot, being also the line of Overton alley to
the beginning; Registered in book No. 18, page 349 in
the Registers office of Davidson County, Tennessee; be
ing levied on as the property of R. Martin to satisfy a
judgment rendered in tavor of R. II. Cartwrigbt.
against C.E.H. Martin, et als. '
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff,
July 21-td By E. D. WarrwoKTH, D. Sheriff. '
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtue of two vend. ex. No's. 1816 and 1817, to
me directed, and delivered from the Honorable
Circuit Court of Davidson County, Tennessee, at its
May term, 1860, 1 will expose to public sale, to the
highest bidder, for ca&h, at the Court-house Yard, n
the City of Nashville, ou Saturday, the 11th day of
August, 1860, all tbe right, title, claim, interest and
estate, which Wilson Appieton then had, or may have
since acquired in and to the following described track,
parcel or piece of land lying in Davidson County, 20th
district, beginning at a stake, tbe boundary line of S.
C. Bowers at the upper end of the new plank fence 4
poles to the East of the Springfield Turnpike Road;
thence with Bowers line. South 73 degrees, West 58
poles to an Bin stump; Pewels corner in Lutons line;
thence with his -tine 30 degrees, East 28 poles to a
hickory; Powels & Lutons corner; thence South 24 do
(Trees to Lutons lines, 26 poles to a beech, Lutons
corner thence into bis line, East 32 poles to an Elm,
Byrnes corner; thence aouth 19 degrees, West 88 de
grees, East 203a poles to a beech near the East bank of
the creek; thence north 18 degrees, West with the
plank fence jm tbe right side of the road. to the be
ginning, containing by estimation about 22 acres;
Reported in the Registers office Davidson County, Ten
nessee, Book, No. 22, paees 43 and 44;. being levied
on as tbe property of Wilson Appieton, to satisfy 2
Judgments rendered in favor of E. A. Mathis, against
Wilson Appieton.
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff.
July 21-td By E. D. Wuttwoxth, D. Sheriff. ;
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtue of vend. ex. 1613, to ma directed, and de
livered from the Honorable Circuit Court of David
son County, Tennessee, at its May term, 1860, 1 will
expose to public sale, to tbe highest bidder, for cash,
at the Court-house Yard, in the City of Nashville, oa
Saturday, the 11th day of August, I860, all the right,
title, claim, Interest and estate, which Wilson Appie
ton, et als. then had, or may have since acquired in
and to the following described tract, parcel or piece of
land situated in 20th district, Davidimn County, begin
ning at a stake in the boundary. line, between S. C.
Bowers at the upper end of the new plank fence, 4
poles to tbe East of the Springfield Turnpike Road,
tbence with Bjwert line. South 73 Degrees West, 60
poles to an Eim stump, Powels corner in Lutons line;
thence with his line south 30 degrees, East 23 poles to
a hickory, Powels a- Lutons corner, thence South 34
degrees to Lutons line 26 poles to a beech, Lou tons
corner theace with his line East, 32 poles to an Elm,
Byrnes corner thence South 19 degrees. West 88 de
grees, East 20 Ji poles to a beech near tbe East bank of
the creek, tbence North 18 degrees. West with the
plank fence oa the right side of the road to the begin
nlng, containing by estimation about 22 X acres deed
to which reference is made in the Registers office la
Davidson Couaty, Book No. 22, and oa page 43 and 44;
being levied oa aa the property of Wilson Appieton et
als. to saltefy a )udgmenl rendered in favor of E. A
Mathis against Wilson Appieton.
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff.
July 21-td By E. D. Wktwokth, D. Sheriff
Sheriffs Sale. .
BY virtue of vend. ex. No. 1823, to me directed,
and delivered from tha Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson County, Tennessee, at its Mar term, 1860, 1
will expoae to public sale, to tha highest bidder, for
cash, at tha Court House Yard, ia tha city of Naah.
rule, oa Saturday, tha lllh day of August, I860, all
the right, title, claua, interest, and estate, which Jo
seph Blaad then had, or may Wave since acquired in
'"I" following described land, viz., situated in
the Counny of Davkisoa, State of Tennessee, tn district
No. 5, bounded oa the East by the lands of J H. Charl
ton and William Higgins.on the North by the lands of
William HJggins, ou the West by the lands of J. N.
Al nance and Joseph Aid rich, and on the South by tha
Murfreesboro turnpike, containing 60 acres, mere or
Isas; being Wtof en as the property of Joseph 1 land,
to satisfy a Jndgment rendered in favor of J. w. Owen,
JltMl Joseph piint '
3.X. rjJMTXDSOlT.Sbertr.
Sheriffs' Sale.
BY virtue of vend. ex. No. 1847, to' me directed, and
delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of Da
vidson County. Tennessee, at its May term, 1860, 1 will
expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash,
at the Court House Yard, la tbe city of Nashville, on
Saturday, tbe lllh day of August, I860, all the right,
title, claim, interest, and estate, which Silas Norris
tben bad, or may have since acquired, m and to the
following described piece or parcel of bud, with a
frame house on same, situated on Wetmore street, tn
Edgefield, sad bounded as follows: beginning in the
North verge of Wetmore street, 150 feet from J. Lums
den's South-East comer; thence westwardly towards
Cumberland river, along tbe North verge of said street
60 feet, to stake; thence at right angles northwardly,
towards Foster street, 210 feet more or less, to an alley ;
thence eastwardly with said alley 60 feet, to a point or
stake which is 209 feet from Lumsden 'a line; thence at
right angles aad southwardly 210 feet more or leas, to
tbe beginning: being levied on as tbe property of Silas
Norris, to satisfy a judgment rendered in favor of
Lewis Williams, against Silas Norris.
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff.
Ju!y21-td By E. IX WHrrwosra, D. Sheriff
Sheriff a Sale.
BY virtue of vend, ex., No. 1821, to me directed
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson County, Tennessee, at its May term, 1860, 1
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, lor
cash, at the Court House Yard, in the city of Nashville,
on Saturday, tbe 11th day of August, 1860, all the
right, title, claim, interest, and estate, which Isham
Norris and others then had, or may have since acquired
in and to the following described property, viz: One
lot or parcel of land in tbe County of Davidson and
State of Tennessee, in district No. IS, fronting on a
street that runs between and parallel to Spring street
and Foster street, in Edgefield, beginning on the North
ern verge of said street, 150 feet fronting Lomsden's
Store, West corner; thence westwardly, towards Cum
berland river, and along the North verge of said street
60 feet, to a stake; thence at right angle westward
with Foster street 210 feet, to an alley; thence east
ward with said alley 60 feet, to a point or stake,
which is 210 feet, more or less, to the beginning: be
ing levied oa as tbe propm-tr ef Silas Norris, to siawfr
m ji.li;iiiut ru,ru im f ucr 3. A- i. mci, against
Silas Norris & Co. and others.
July21-t4 By E. D. Whitwoth, D. Sheriff. -
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtue of a vend, ex., No. 1779, to me directed,
and delivered from tbe Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, I860, I
will expose to public sale, to tbe highest bidder for cash,
at the Court-bouse yard, in the city of Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860, all tbe right,
title, cialji, interest and estate which Silas Norris et als
then had or may bare iice acquired in and to tbe fol
lowing described Lot of ground, lying in the county
and State aforesaid, in district No. 18, fronting on a
street that runs between and parallel with Spring and
Foster streets, in Edgefield, beginning in tbe Northern
verge of said street, 150 feet from J. Lumsden's South
west corner; thence, westwardly, toward Cumberland
river, along the Northern verge of said street, 50 feet,
to a stake; thence, at right angles and westwardly, to
wards Foster street, 210 feet more or less, to an alley;
tbence Eastwardly with said alley 50 feet, to a stake
or point which is 210 feet more or less, to the begin
ning: being levied on as the property of Silas Norris,
to satisfy a judgment rendered in favor of H. H, Ham
ner, against Silas Norris and Securities.
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff
July 21-td By E. D. Whttwokth, D. Sheriff.
Sheriffs Sale.
BY virtue of vead. ex. No. 1740, to me directed,
and delivered from tbe Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson County, Tenn., at its May term, 1860, 1 will
expose to public sale, to tbe highest biddor, lor cash,
at the Court House Yard, in the city of Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of August, I860, all the right,
title, claim, interest and eat ale, which Joel A. Battle
then had, or may have since acquired, in and to the
following described tract or parcel of land, lying in the
6th district of Davidson County, on the road running
from No'ensvllle to Lavergne, containing about 800
acres, being the same tract of land on which Joel A.
Battle now lives, bounded on the South by the land of
Sarah J. Battle, on the East by tbe lands of K. Gooch,'
Chas. Johnson, and B. Grey, on the North by the land
of W. Austin; on the West by the lands of A. Bush,
Jos. Nance, and. Sarah J, Battle, with all the improve
ments thereon made, being levied on as the property
of Joel A. Battle, to satisfy a Judgment rendered in la
V0T of B. R. Cutter, against tbe said Joel A. Battle. ; ;
J. K. EDMUXDSON, Sheriff. " .
july21-U By E- D. Whxtwqbth, D. Sheriff .
Sheriff s Sale. .
BY virtue of vend. ex. No. 1844, to me directed, and
delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of Da-:
vidson County, Ttmnesaee.at its May term, 18C0, 1 will:
expose to public sale, to tbe highest bidder, lor cash,
at the Court House Yard, in the City of Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860, alt the right,
title, claim. Interest, and estate, which Louts Conway
then had, or may have since acquired, in the following
described tract piece, or lot of land, situated in the
county of Davidson, near the city of Nashville, on the
North Bide, and being one naif of No. 153, being tha
one half lying next to lot 154 In the plan of lots laid off
and numbered for sale by D. S. McGavock, said plan
being recorded in tbe Register's office of said county,
in Book 17, pages 608 and 609, (for more particular de
scription, see said Book,) being the same property con
veyed by McGavock to Louis Conway, and registered
in the Register's office, in said county, Book No. 17,
page 112, being levied on as tbe property of Louis Con
way, to satisfy a Judgment rendered in favor of R. M.
O. Soulhall, against Loui Conwav et ato.
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff ;
July21-td. By E. D. Whttwobth, D. Sheriff.
BY virtue of vend. ex. No. 1764, to me directed, and
delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of Da
vidson County, Tennessee, at its May term. 1860, I
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for
cash, at the Court House Yard, In the city of Nash,
ville, on Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860. all
the right, title, claim, interest, and estate, which Silas
Norris et aL then had, or may have since acquired, in
and to the following described lot of ground, lying In
the county of Davidson, State of Tennessee, district
No. 18, fronting on a street that runs between and par
allel with Spring and Foster streets, in Edgefield, be.
ginning ia the northern verge of said street, 150 feet
from J. Lumsden's South-West corner, tbence west,
wardly towards Cumberland river and along tbe nor
thern verge of said street 50 feet, to a stake, thence at
right angles and westwardly, towards Foster 'street.
210 feet, more or less, to tbe beginning, being levied
on as the property of Silas Norris, to satisfy a judg
ment rendered in favor of Grooms, Cavert, & Co.,
against Silas Norris and W. O. Lanier.
J. K. EDMCNDSON', Sheriff
july21-td By E. D. WnTrwoRTH, D.berlff.
. h he riff s Sale..,': "2.:
BY virtue of vend. ex. No 1801, to me directed, and
delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson Co., Ten., at im May term, 1869, 1 will expose
to public sale, to tbe highest bidder, for cash, at the
Court House Yard, in the city of Nanbville, on Satur
day, the lllh day of August, 1860, all the right; title!
claim, interest, aad estate, which Joel A. Battle and
W. 8. Battle then bad, ar may have sinee acquired, ia
and to the following described tract or parcel of land,
lying in tbe 6th district, Htate and County aforesaid,
on the road leading front Nolensvilie to Lavergne; the
tract of land on which the said Joel A Battle now lives,
bounded on tbe South by the lands of Sarah J. Battle
on tbe East by the lands of Robt. Gooch, Charles John
son, aad B. Grey, on the North by the lands of J. N;
Austin, on the West by the lands of A. Bush, Joseph
Nance, and Mrs. Sarah J. Battle. Tbe above contains
about 800 acres, being levied on as the property of Joel
A. and W. S. Battle, to satisfy a judgment rendered ia
favor of Wm. Moore. Agent, against Joel A. Battle
etals. j. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff j
July21-td By E. D. Whttwobth, D. Sheriff 1
Sheriff s S tie.
Y virtue of vend. ex. No. 1730, to me directed, and
' delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of Da
vidson County. Tennessee, at its May term, I860, 1 will
expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for cask,
at the Court House Yard, in the city of Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860, all tbe right,
title, claim, interest, and estate, which Silas Norris ct
als then had, or may have since acquired in and to tbe
following described lot of ground, lying in the State
and County aforesaid, district No. 18, on a street that
runs between and parallel to Spring street and Foster
street, in Edgefield, beginning in the northern verge of
said street, 150 feet from J. Lomsden's South-West
corner, thence westwardly, towards Cumberland river
and along the northern-verge of said street 50 feet, to
a stake, thence at right angtes and westwardly to
wards Foster street, 210 leet, more or less, to an alley,
thence eastwardly with said alley 60 feet, to a point
or stake which is 210 leet. more or less, to the begin
ning, being levied on aa the property of Silas Norris,
to satisfy a judgment rendered in favor of aVH. Clil
dress, against Silas Norris. - i
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff-
july21-td By E. D. W httwokth , D. Sheriff. '
herld's Sale;
Y virtue of vend. ex. 1840, to me directed, and de
' livered from the Honorable Circuit Court of David
son County, Tennessee, at Rs May term, 1860, 1 will
expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for cash,
at the Court House Yard , in tbe city of - Nashville, on
Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860, aU the right,
title, claim, Interest, and estate, which Silas Norris et
als then had, or may have since acquired, tn and to the
following described lot er piece of land, situated - on
Wetmore street, to Edgefield, and bounded as follows,
vii: beginning ia tha North vergs-of Wetmore street,
150 feel from J. Lomwtnfs -South-West corner: thenoa
westwardly towards Cumberland river, alosg the North
Terga of said street, to a stake; thence, at right an
gles northwardly witn-aaid alley 60 feet, to a point or
stake which Is 290 feet from J. Lumsden's line; thence
at right angles and southwardly 210 feet, more or less,
to the beginning: being levied on aa the property of.
Silas Norris, to satisfy a Judgment rendered ia favor of
J. B. 4t A. B. Rutland, against Silas Norris et als.
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff- -
Jnly21-td -. . .By E. D. WHmroRni, D.jherifl. ' '.
Sheriff Sale. ' x .
X virtue of vend, ex. No. 1831. to me directed, and
1 delivered from the Honorable. Circuit Court of
Davidson County. Tennessee, at its May term, 1860, I
wOl expose to public sale, to tha highest bidder, lbr
cash, at the Court-house Yard. In the City of Nash
ville, on Saturday, the II th day of August, I860, all
the right, title, claim, Interest and estate, which W. Ap
pieton then had, or may have since acquired ia and to
the following described property, a certain piece or
parcel of Land in district No. 20 in Davidson County,
Tennessee, beginning at a stake ia the boundary line
between S. C Bowers at' the upper end of the new
plank fence 4 poles to the East of the Springfield Turn
pike Road, thence with Bowers line Souih 73 degrees.
West 38 poles to an Elm stump, Powels corner tn Lou
tons line, thence wtth bis line South 30 degrees. East
23 poles to a hickory, Powels a; Lotrtons corner,
thanes South 24 degrees wtth Lou loos line, 26 poles to
a beech, Lou Ions corner thence with his line East, 30
poles to ait Elm Brynes corner; thence South 19 de
grees. West SS degrees. East 20 ii poles to a stake in Ufa
Turnpike Road, thence North 13 degrees. West with a
plank fence on the right side of tbe road, 69 poles to
the beginning, con fining 22 acres according to esti
mated deed, Registered in the Registers office of David
son County, la Book No. 22, page 43 and 44; being lev
lad on as tha property of Wilson Appieton, to satisfy a
Judgment ruUered In favor of J. a- Perry against Wil.
oa Acpietoa.
' - J. S. CTVTNT80K, JaaruT,
JU27H4 - 1 D. WBrwxwa, D, Sbarnt -
- ' - .' - . ' . -( ..'
Sheriffs Sale.
Y virtue of vend. ex. No. 1930, to be directed, aad
1 delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson Count v, Tennessee, at its May term, 1860, 1
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder. Tor
cash, at the Court-house Yard, in the City of Nash
vile, on Saturday, the 11th day of August," 1860. alt
the right, title, claim, interest and estate, which Wm
H. McNairv then had, or may have sim-e acquired in
and to the "following described tract or parcel of land
In Davidson County, In Tennessee, known and dis
crlbed as lot No. 30. in the plan of division of N. A
McNalry's estate, which said plan is of record in the
Chancery Court of Nashville, iu Miuute Book, F page
664 and 665 to which reference is here made containing
twenty-one and 144 pole; beiiur levied on as tin-property
of Wm. H. McNairy, to satisfy a Judgment ren
dered in favor of A. J. Cole aeainst Wm. H. McValrv
J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff,
. July 21-td ' By F D. Wirrrwoirra, D. hberiff.
Sheriff a Sale. -
BY virtue of a vend. ex. No. 2015, to me directed,
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court ol
Davidson Conntv, Tennessee, at its May lorm, 1860,1
will expose to public sale, to the hiithest bidder, for
cash, at the Court-house Yard, in the city or Nash
ville, on Saturdav. the 11th day of August, I860, all
the right, title, claim, interest and estate, which A- S
Waggoner tbeu had, or may have inoe acquired in
and to the following described property to wit: a tract
of land situated in Davidson Couuty, Tennessee, snd
bounded a follows: on the East by Abraham' Wag
goner, on tbe North by S. Waggouer, on the Vt by
the land of Mrs. Ford, on the .South by the it nds of
James Pugh and others, it being the land pon which
Littleton Perry now lives; being levied an a-i tlx
property of A. I- Waggoner to satisfy a juu.cui ren
dered in favor of P. A. Cartwrirht agaiust A. L. Wag
goner. J. K. EDMNUiiriON, Sheriff,
July 21-td Bv E. D. Whitworth, D. Sheriff
Sheriff s Sale.
BY virtue of vend. Ex. No. 1999, to me direr-. ua
f)i'we4 - -"" -- iiounrabit- t iri Court of
Davidson County, TenncSHee, at its May term, 1860, I
will expose to public sale, to tbe highest bidder, lor
cash, at the Court-house Yard, in the City of Nash
ville, on Saturday, the 11th day of August, 1860, all
the right, title, claim, iniuresl and estate, .which A.
Greer then had, or may have since acquired in and to
the following described tract of land in Davidson
County, district No. 2, bounded as follows: on tbe
East by Stones river, on the South by the lands of
Thomas Fuqua, Jr., on the West .by the lands of Geo
A. Brown and John F. Lee, ou tbe North by tbe lands
of John F. Lee and Ira P. Hurt, containing about 45
acres; being levied on ag the property of A. Greer to
satisfy a Judgment rendered in favor of Moss 4t Hub
bard against A. Greer.
J. K EDMUNDSON, Sheriff,
. July21-td : By E. D. Whitwoth.D. Sheriff ;
Sheriff s Sale.
TY virtue of a vend. ex. 1832, to me directed, and
delivered from tbe Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson County, Tennessee, at iu May term, 1860,
I will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for
cash, at the Court-house Yard, hr the City of Nash
ville, on Saturday, the Uth day of August, I860, alt
tbe right, title, claim, interest and estate, which G.
W. Lester and W. W. Perry then had, or may have
since acquired in and to the following described prop
erty, one lot of ground situated in South Nashville,
Davidson County, Tennessee, commencing at the inter
section of Mallory and College Street, running East
140 feet, theace North 62 fact, tbence West 135 feet to
College street, tbence South 32 foet to tbe beginning,
Registered in the Registers office at Naiihville, Tennes
see, in Book 28, page 615; being levied on as the prop
erty of W. H. Perry to satisfy a judgment rendered in
favor of Isaac Paul against G. W. Lester- and W. W.
Perry J. K. EDMUNDSON, Sheriff,
july 21-td -1 By E. Dl WarrwoitrH, D. Sheriff. ' '
Sheriff s Sale.
BY virtue of a vend, ex.. No. 1778, to mo directed,'
and delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of
Davidson county, Tennessee, at its May Term, 1860, I
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder for cash,:
at the Court-house yard, tn the city of Nashville, on
Saturdav, the Uth day of August, I860, all the right,
title, claim interest and estate, which Silas Norris et
als, then had, or may have since acquired in and to the
following described Lot of ground, lying. in the State
and county aforesaid, in District No. 18, fronting on a
Street In Edgefield, beginning in the Northern verge of
said street, 150 feet from J. Lumsden's South-west cor
ner, thence westwardly towards Cumberland river, and
along the Northern verge of Baid street 50 feet to a stake,;
thence at right angles and westwardly towards Foster
street 210 feet more or loss, to an alley, thence east-,
wardly with said alley to a point or stake which is 210
feet more or less to the beginning; being levied on as
the property of Silas Norris to satisly.a judgment ren
dered in favor of H H. Hamner against Silas Norris et
als. J. K. EDMCNDSON, Sheriff. ' J
July20-td By E. D. WumroKTH, D. Sheriff, j
' Sheriffs Sale. : '. '
TY virtue of vend. ex. No. 2014, to me directed, and
-- delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of Da
vidson County, Tennessee, at iis May term, I860, 1
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for
cash, at the Court House Yard, in the city of Nash
ville, on Saturday, the Uth day of August, 1860, all
the right, title, claim, interest, and estate, which A.
Greer and John Greer then had, or may have since ac
quired, in and to the following described property: on
tract of land lying In district No. 2, Davidson County,
Tennessee, and bounded a.1 follows, viz: East by Stone's
river, South by Tbos Fuqua, West by J. M. Lee and
S. A. Brown, North by J. T. Lee and J. P. Hurt, con
taining 45 acres, being levied on as the property of A.
Greer, to satisfy a juogment rendered in favor of T. J,
Mann, against A. Greer and John Greer. '' i
J. K. EDMUNDSON, Sheriff
july21-td . . By E. D. WHrrwoKTH,D. Sheriff :
Sheriff s Sale.
TJ Y virtue of vend. ex. No. 1807, to me directed, and
delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of Da
vidson County, Tennessee, at its May term, 1860, 1
will expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for
cash, at the Court House Yajd, ia the city of Nashville,
on Salurdaay, the 11th day of August, I860, all the
right, title, claim, interest and estate, which Lewis
Carroway and Jerry Stodard then had, or may have
since acquired, in and to tbe following described tract,
piece, or lot of land, Bituated in the State and County
aforesaid, near the city of Nashville, on the North side,
and being one half of kit 133, being the one half Tying
next to lot 150, in tho plan of - lots laid off and num
bered for sale by Dr. McGavock, aald plan being re.
corded In the Register's office of said Countv, in Book
No. 10, pages 608 and 609, (for more particular descrip.
tion, Bee said Book, being the name propertv conveyed
by said McGavock to Lewis Corroway, and" registered
in the Register's office of said County, Book 19, page
112, being levied on as tho property of Lewis Cairo
way et als, to satisfy a Judgment rendered in favor of
D. H. McGavock, against Lewis Carrowav et als.
... J..K.F2IMUNDSON, Sheriff
July2l-td By E. D,Whitworth, D. Sheriff. '
Sheriffs Sale.
Y virtue of vend. ex. No. 1845, to me directed, and
delivered from the Honorable Circuit Court of Da-
Yidson County, Tennessee, at its May term, 1800, 1 will
expose to public sale, to the highest bidder, for cashj
at the Court House Yard, in the city of Nashville, oa
Saturday, the lllh day of August, 1860, all the right,
title, claim,' interest, and estate, which Silas Norris
then had, or may have since acquired, in and to the
following described property, viz: lying in Davidson
County, Tennessee, district No. 18, fronting a street
that runs between and parallel with Spring and Foster
streets, in Edgefield, lying in tbe northera verge of
said street, 150 feet fronting J. Lomsden's South-Wast
corner; tbence westwardly towards Cumberland river,
and along the northern verge of said street 60 feet, 10
a stake; thence at right angles westwardly towards
Foster street 210 feet, more or Ices, to an alley; tbence
eastwardly with said alley 60 feet, to a point or stake
which is 210 feet, more or less, to the beginning: being
levied on as the property of Silas Norris, to satisfy a
judgment rendered: IfT favor" oT G. P. Smith, against
Hrias-Narriaand H. a Peach ' ;;i S ; l.. . .
..y" J--K. EDMUNDSON, Sheriff, i
Juiy21-td By E. D. WmrwoRTH, D. Sheriff. '
t. Jt. SrERET.
J. N. & H. SPERRY. I
Commission,' Deceiving and Forwarding
Pure Wines aud - Brandies j
Also-Domestic Liqnon, Tobacco, Cigars, tc
No. 63 Market street, Gordon's Block, ' ' '
HATING associated ourselves together for the'
tbe purpose ol transacting a General Grocery,
Commission and Receiving and Forwarding Busiuess
we feel assured , from a long experience in this busi
ness, that we eaa give Satisfaction to all who may la '
vor us with their patroaage. it ia our intoutioa to
keep constantly iu store a well assorted stock of tire
ce-ies, Wines and Liquors, and our deteraraaticn to
sell them as cheap as they cun be bought elsewhere.
J. K. & U. SPEKRY.i -
' - We are now receiving a large and complete assort ;
sent or Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Te
tiacce. to which we invite your attention. - Our stock
consists ia part of the following articles: . . .
- Sugar ni Cofle. ; ..-,. , ,
60 bhds. Sugar; v.. -. 10 boxes Boston Loaf;
ISO bbls pow. & crush do; 60 bbla Molasses- i
60 ilo CodeeSugarx 160 bgs Baltimore' Coffee.
- trines mad Liquor. r.. -
600 bbls rectified Wb-sky; 60 do Newsoro's do
60 jto Kobinsoaco.dv; 160 pkgs Brandy .Wineiia
' Snndrlea. ' ' -- i .
600 b6xesStar CanoT8; 200 pkgs Batelns- j .'
000 kega Njlls; r ,- 100 box I1cklee Catsup;'
100 boxesCbeese;. , 60 do Oy Mors- i
600 gross Matches; " .100 boxes Tacks --"""
100 io Mason's Blacking; 00 reams Wrap.' Paper; '
60 boxes Garrett's San Q; 100 dt Letter Paper
60 reels Cotton Hope; , 100 bags Shot- - . - i' ;
160 dos PloteU Buckets) 20 kegs Bar Lead- -
60 aesta do. Tubs; loo kits Mackerel rish- '
60 dos Wash Boarts; 60 ka pepper at Snice
60 coils grass Jt Jute Hope loo boxes Ground llmae
500 boxes blassware , ..... , aad Pepper, .-T
600 dr uma Smyrna tigs t , . ' 1 :
Clrrn4 -Tobacco. j '
- 60,000 Henry Clay Cgars; f -60,000
Nap loon " do; -' '
2,600 La Competition Cigars, Imported ' V ' 1
: 1600 German Cigars, vanoss brands-' - . i
loo roa Smoking Tobacco; , - t " '
. v 5? BoXB" ios-boru Armistead Tobao e:
. 25 oo . J. A. -Clay . ao- ' ' '
.0 26 do E- 11. White ..T;.t': .4o' -r i
a 2 J! 4o.v T"B Tobacco, Tnrtoaa brands; -And
many other articles toe numerous to maatiec
, " " - J. If. H. 8PEB&Y.
Insurance Company.
Capital $100,000! ALL PAID JN. 7
OFFICE At No. So, Corner of Ceiar Street aad the
Public Sq-iare,
VX; lIJ.tfce rlKkfatrainst Loss or darn- '
VV ase by Fire on Buildings. Goods,'
Warerand Merchant ixe generally-. Also,
ou Shipments against loss or damage by4
jf-as ann reivers, to anu from ail points.
Al KiaWt on Negroes against the dapgersof
the Hirer. ' ' ; '. V v'
H EVA is S
ALEXAJfi)I2AU'lVeiide&t. -JAMES
WALK KR,3ecretaryv ,-;:: r ; augls
X K V UOOk.S -
Just received by Express and for sale by F. SAGAS'.
. Letters of Alexander Von Humboll, with a Steel
Portrait, translated from the two German editions by
Frederick Knop.' ' .": j .A :
ET Furtdas, by the author of Lamplighter. , .
Rutlodge a Novel.
Aboriginal America, by Jaceb Abbott. ',
Dow Short, Patent Sermons by Dow, Jr., complete
series. ' -: -.;-".: . . s
Just received' and for sale iff ; -'. :
...If f MAAN,.,
4.1 College st.
june2-tf ' ' '
r:an oracle Painting for Sale .
A first-rate opport anil j for Iniestment.
THE celebrated and magnificent Panorama of
BcsTAa'a Pilgrim's I boobkss is offered for sale.
This paintiug has been before the public of this coun
try for several years, having been exhibited ia the
principal cities in the country , and elicited tbe un
qualified admiration of the . Picas and people. . It Is
in good order, witi all necessary flxtures, ready,
boxed for shipment. For terms tc., c, apply in
person or by latter to J.B.Cbaiobxa, or to -j. t
A. 8. CAMP CO., .
juneia-tf ' " .- - ' Nashville, Tenu.
L. uls villa Courier and Cincinnati Coststerctal
copy 3 times and send bill to this office.
THE undersigned - respectfully inform his old
friends and the public generally that tha above
watering place wilt be opened for the reception o
visitors on the 1st day of June. - -
Hobasa large Dancing Boom, Tea Pin alley, tt.
for the amusement of his visitors. These springs
have as One meoicuial qualities as any in the state.
All who are afflicted with Dytpepsia, Bowel Diseases,
Headache, fee., would do well to give them a trial..
He bas Sulphur, Chalybeate and t ree Stone water
all ol the very best kind. The Springs are situated,
in a pleasant healthy locality, 10" miles Sooth of,
Franklin and 3 miles weal of Thompson 'a Station.!
He wouid say to all who may favor him with a visit
that no pains will be spared to make ita pleasant one;
,Si TEBMS, ;-.;;;... s j
Board par week, , j - : ; .: ; . : , . : th 00
do. f, : i : . - :f- j v&
Single meal, : : '': : :-;-s :. s ; : --. j 60
Cblldrcn ubder 11 years and servants half price.
Keeping Horse per week, : : -' : i S iO
All extra trouble extra charge.' r .
s9 The hack will meet toe cars at Thompson StaJ
tioa oa Mondays, Weduesda) a aad Frluays, in the
uomiug, and Tuesdays, Ihurauays and Saturdais
in the evening. - WM.- CAYCK. I
.-June30-tf . . if .-rj ..".T; r ;' ,. " I !
Somelhiog for the Hard Tiaes.
JUST received, by express, two hundred Louisi.
ana Attafcapaa fiatr ef Pannr goo a- that; were;
never known to wear out at $3 Cash, '" ' j
j r ... i i ., JAMsrAY19"i-.',.L !
.. June23-2w . i, , . . Public square, j
Banner and Union and American copy one week'
and charge this office. vrj: -r.-r .?;.. ," -'TTirv'I j
THE copartnership heretofore existing" between
- th: undersigned, nnder the style of Fowler "and
Rirkpairick, ia this day dissolve! by .mutual coni-
sentr a.w. owler retirlug.i Tbebosiaeas wutta
future be conducted by 3. aUrkpatrick, whe alone 1
autnorizeu toseuie tue dusiubbsoi ue oia nrm.-
A. r, FOWLKR; '
,n ..... u viblru imuinir T
rrtHE nndersigoed having retired from the firm of
JL. Fowler a.trkpatrlck,baviug sold out nis en
ure interest therein to S. kirkpalrick, respectfully
tenders his thaakS to the customers of the drm for
their patronage, and ic'.'cti a continuatioa of said
pauunage to his succe . i
aprSU-am , . A. W. FOWLER.' !
.', . Broadivar, JVeir ' Yoi'lu'lj '
1X7 HEN completed six years ago tbe Pt. Micbolas
V v was universally pronounced tbe most magaifl- I
com, ovuTDBieui auu taorougniy o ganizea esiau '
llshmentof the kind on this continent. , What it was
tben it remains to-day without a. nvl in slse, ia
aumptuouBoess, and in tbe general elements ofcejo
fort aad enjoymeut. Tbe Hotel bas accommodations
tor 1000 guests, Including 100 complete, suites at'
apartments for families. Six hundred persons eaa
be eomtortably seated at the tan lee ef ita tares pub-.
Ita dining rooms, and nothing that modara art haa ,
devUed lor tha cob v eulence aad social gratiftcaboa '
of the travelii g public bas been omitted in lis plan,'
or is neglected ia Its practical details. The early rep-1
utalioa of the house at bom, and abroad derived
from ita aaagultuue. Us superb appointment, aad.it"
bome-iike comfort and luxuries, has been enhanced
every year by the unwearied exertions of theproprl '
- mayll-3m ; j.i .;. . . ..m.i .
. y R. T. FLiEMiryOj'"
11.' 6; 13 .''sVkvsYi-ci'
XST...- ( !
Ornamental Painter.
, ox w$uoaairBi.siAaA.SAi4At;,
(BetweenCherry and Summer streets.) ' j
- aVOrdersf rom tha country promptly atteododl
.'May 87 tf. . , ; ' V " ' V , " j ''
' VEUamC KA&AZ1KE. foe June! :n'tt-
' just received by - .. ; i."HAwiirj"'t !
.maySd-tf ;., ; , tjaa" ; College streeti ,
Reynold' :New: Worst. j
, The Countess and the Pag,ljy 0W, M,' Reynolds,
author of Mysteriels of London, c, to." j
Just received by JOHN. YORK CO.' '
If the Grave Conld Speak
' 1
WE should learn that -oea babT r tha childrsa
bora die before they an five years old.- - Give
no atrong medicines te children, but at once resort
to th Grc'eaberf , , r ... 1
; ; ClUldren'. Panacea, v, j
The most valuable medicine for young children "fiat
has ever been Invented. . ..-.j j 1.
The IlealUi Bitten . J-
ro S5 cenu, will make half a gallon ef the bast
Sromach Bitters tuovi invakrable for weak coasti
b tious, dyspeptic habits, billions uisorders daranga.
mjnt of the stomach and bo-wats. ' Every -family
woul J nse them at the present ehang of tt seaaon."
aivli-tf MACKXAZIK M MLfcCHlMi
Lars;e Sale r Tboroagli Br4. TreU
c. ttuc mud. otMer Heries stt IVaodbstrix.
larnu . . . ..... ......
N Wednesday, the 22d dav 'of Ansust next. T
will sen rt Public Sale, butween flav aad aixtx
bead of Iharoagh bred and Trotting and other
Morses, consisting or about tfteen toorough brad
brood marea. tne same aumbe" ef trailing mares,
and tan balance joung stock of both sorts. ' j -
Catalogues ef - stool ready for - distribationvohe
mocth previous to day nf sale, and may be had on
application to Dr.D. 8 wraaar, or the Subscriber.
Woodbura Farm is near Spring Station, on Lex.
Ington and Franltlcrt Kail road. - - j aneSO-ttds.
1 .' --ir ; .; . ., ...... i, '
Tfrc : BarlhoIf .VSeWlag MacMae:
13 sold on six monrhs' time, fully warranted, . '
Mo .'23, College street, opposite feewanee housed
aprUU - - 7:. ; .....b'Jie.l lira ; .'
wje AT bla T A M.-Wn a. .11': j .
Knitting Haclii I
For;PIaia Stockii.; and FantxtiilttLaf,
-Auto- ; -
ar.J K
AieluBei for Inittias, Crawtri, SJiirU. tc.
i, ; v.l a: - l 07 ALL SIZES.' utg b'.usv ;''
oa sux ax bim ; auMMisZs il I -,-
THKSI lUchiaes M the plain -SngUsh 1 8Pr!Df
Needle, on a saw priaclpla, and are tha cheapo
est and most rapid machines Tor knittlngM ass. j -. ,
. Tbe Go tree , patant: family KaJttina Macbs&es for
family and FUmtatum star, is a new aad successful
feature In tha asefnJ tsrventioue ol the age, aad ranks
wUaifceSewiaa Maehma..ii:.jr. KS tff j
New Steinway Piano
l XX IaucWh Music Store,
. j If 45 Union atreet-
rpHISInstro mentis warranted new'
X and notsixty days lrom the rnan
ufactorv.as will be seen on esa ruina
tion. I will sell at manufacturer's
price, without additional charge for freight. Tho
in want of a Plana will fLid it to taelr. interest
call and examine It before purchasing
- . -' JOHN LUCK :
'l7-tf , . ;n ; Mosie Dealer. 45 tlni.
J ; A. McCLURE baa for sale 60
a Piano Fortes from celebrated
makers. Stein way A Sons, A. H. Gale
ACo-.Hazelton Bros.. Peters. Crate
ft Co. , and others, consisting of 6 and 6H',7 and 7j'
Octaves, aad rangingin pricq from 100to $6O0,oil
warrented in every respect. . Persons purchasing
from him wHI hot pay frour $2 t 75 wore than it.
they gare an order to a PkDLisforan iiustrenjent'
that they neither see nor tear nntitlt is put up in
their parlor ,' When tt i saotaetimeB very hard to hud
an Instrument that pleaaesiu every particular w ln u
you have a dozen or more to select frnn,s it at all
likely yon -would be pleased in buying by. order
Alsoinstore the largest Stock of Sheet Music Book?.'
and small Music Instruments ever offered In Jl:e
Market,, aad rU be sold lower than by any
other houseinthe City. CcmetoS3 Union streetaud
becoBVinced. . t J. A. AkCLUKE.
- unet-tf o
Reduction ia the.Prirp. if Feed
Prime Timothy, Hay at 28 prr ton.
Cora at
'5 cents per Bushel ; no Chaige for Sacks.
No. 14 Market street,
IS now offering HAY and CORN at the above prices
and has also on hand ' "
j- i Fresh Ground Meal; . i ' ... ,f f .j;
Extra Family and SuperSne Flour;' '
'3- '-lte Red PvUtoes, for Jane planting:;
. .. Millet Seed; , . 1 , '
Haogarlan Grass Seed; 7 '-
': '100 barrels Hydraulic Cement. -?? ; i
49-All of whUrh be offers at the lowest Cash pri
ces. ' ' A. JENKINS, - '
june21-tf . , No. 14 Marketstroet. !
Flags ; Flags I
Flags !
AND DECORATIONS cT a .' kinds, and sixes Tor
Fourth of July, political and other celebrations.!
LUCK. 45 Union street ia now prepared to furnish
wajove. w any quaa L 1 , wholesale and reUiL. Al
so, Fireworks of all ki 4 s.
promptly attended to.
. Jum.2Utf
Matt ;for' Sale.1
IrAM (1 Bering, at a bargain , aa A No. 1 Negro Man
tor sale, aged 26 years. He has bad consiileia-f
ble experience on a farm, and taking care of stock;
is perfectly honest and every way a reliable boy.
Call soon if you want a. bargain. ' - - 1
..; v-UKO. HITCDINfiS, , j
. jqnel9-tf " Cedar street,;
' The 1 Unprecedented Success; .
Wbieu' liy-fil , Jatc attended', the . nse ( of
-r - v Lu':-lS.': S WEET'S -l r,
INDUCKi as to call tbe auei.tinn of all those afflict
. ed with t lies to it. It is being tested daily with
the snort beneficial effect. It is Hie only prep itat
tion that can, be iched on-ior a peimaueut and Epee.
dy cure It yin are afflicteu try it at once-and be
caret a) to ass he other mediciaeiu connection with
it. It is compounded uuder iboaupervision of I. N.
BWEKT ' who wilt retai a the money if no cure pro
ceeds front iu nae. .v -....,,'
' 47- For sale at Demoville'S and DeCrove'p,' and
by -other Drugg1eta.i :..1,,i 1 -i-.-j junel6-tf j
r; OF
ID r e S; s-i V Goods !
11 '-r
NOT wisbinrto carri ovfr any portion of our
aTjniMEB STOCK, we have this ay .
i'Tj 1!: ill
of every." ng in
Regardless 1 of Cost, i
jS3- Persons not yet supplied will do well to ex
am'ne them, as we are determined to CI (TE TIItM
OTJT.vi i I i::.i:f ;:' ; KC. McN'AIRT k CO.
Jnnel5-f ' ,t.ii- : . " 4 v :.
Montgomery County, V a. . ;
rHE PROffllCTORS. bavmr purchased this W --
1 TER1XO FLACK is OcU ber last. have, thoroceh.
if repaired and- faratahed il with entirely new fur
niture m .w best cioss ; and win op-n it lortner
ceptlod ol Visitors OS 1"HK 15TH DAT OF JVSK '
'H -vtag tnereased accommodations.-an-i ma-te lib
eratarrangBBMntai for tbe coadortof thHe gao.-ts,
they flatter themselves that bat few (irany) Wuier
(ng Places will aflord tbe same attraciiuus as this
It fs sitaafd 'il the countv of Montgomery ,
miles from 8HA WSV1LLB DEPOT, (Va.and lena.
K R.) on the baaksrsbaKasiiokerlver,andkisur
rouodnd sty some of tbe- meat beautifsl and attrac
tive scenery to-be found am-ng the Mountains of
Virginia' The Water tra acquired such a reputation
tn the last few jrears, that Ills aaneceseary to say
any thing ia commendation ui H. it is now consid
ered a rptcific for tha worst forms of ilyspepsia, di
m rciucuj ivr ail vhuhicuub xiea&es, uiv ruernu con
ditions or the Stomkcb, Bowe's and 'Liver, and fur
prostratloa ef tne nervous .system.: w e Alight ap
pend a aumber -of certificates iro PbysiouuiS. and
others acquainted with its merits, and to these mignt
be added ad infinitum. .
- Passengers w ill be met "at- 5haws ville by Fear
Horse Omuibusses, to convey them over a bow road,
to tbe Springs. f ergons leaving Baltimore, Wash
inrton, Kiel moid SBd. fetarsoorgin tha moriiiug;
arrive at the Springs the same . ov-: tho. a i rom tne
South will find tbe same conveyance on the arrival
ef -each train.'. '-,- Y -
Junel-dlm . BOOTH, C0LH0CN 4 CO.
JUST received a One assortment of Fancy, and
Plaid Maerschanm Pipes, with Amber, Jesmine,
and China Stems, whi 'h wtU 'be Mill uneapal uri.'
vale sale by BfcN'J. F. SSHILLDS w Co.,
" JanelS-tf I "J--K.1 1 Central Aueuen Rooms. :
..m m iw I ill lllllf . ;
wr at tm aw a ata . .
ITOBthe balance of tbe year, a servant to do the
3 cooking and washing for a small Jamily . jVp.
ply at this ofice.- 1 ' -. . . ...
WAtu'.e e.-; M.m&i cuj
TCST received. 800 afaorted Canary Bird Cageso)
aa ever araagaa so uua marxet.i ror sale low. by
J. W. WHSuif
.ti .i v hi.' -vtiV '
Cntlre Stock
H'-.M.A-.j. Xk
ment.. :.
TT?N"j;;"SHIfXt)3 ft CO., wiil proseed to, soil at
T 4 be Storey No. 16 Pub ho Sqssre, next door te W
n.uunouu's jewelry store, oa acoount oi v
Show, CO. C.commeDClug oa Thursday morfilnR,
July- 6th-, at 10 o'ctocx, the entire contents of the
Store, No. 14 Public Square, with counters, SbeMng,
Oa Ckttba aad Fixtures. ; The stock eooistsr Em
broideries, Laces,-fiibbons, a lurge stock cf .SiU
Trfmdiings, Ladies' and Children's Furnishing Goous,
wtth a never ending variety net' te b enumera
ted. Ladies are invited, and alao dealers, .wiia wiU
fla4 It letheir Interest to auead.- Tae aua?. i for
Bent, . . i ' BSSi r.BUWMk 0,
-.)une85td 4 'V3 '. -V '. V ":. ''U .
BTashillle and ClttanooK Raflrosid.
t oWwfv-rTVriFiT'S ufnet V' i
IVanvilIo, J une 2Stb, 1800. ;,
rrporsuairoe'ef a 'resototfori pawed -by the Stock
KAILBOAO COM PAS' Y oa the 4tu day of. Uecesiber
ast, the gtocjchuliers tn said compsuy wilt be car
a a free of charge overthe Koad on tne 3d4, ih sud
i h dayv ef ijuly.at their- pioneer, by exftibiUug
ireertincaMSftf stoslr. So-Wa jondoctor,. ..
p.jisi1,lrt. o.tlcp 11 ..fr.fct, Supt
6.J li
s Extra Facily Flonri '
l Krt RaRRKLS Extrs FsmiTjr Floor jmiraoractnr
luU efreeloio w"Lite Wheat, to arrive to
day, and or asia by ' ! I -.iS. I "
..marl .no.s ? , HTTiFXJ HOOPEB,. Cf. J ;
jSrVecelved a Wre assort ment of Ladies' Bnn
aet Btxev. rtB.TWaod aeubie top and tray. -
Stlao. Ladies' dat halt, a ad IravaU-g B- g, which
in in t s s i o a cr cb a h t
. ,:: m; c.:.BiiUCi!, ;
Auction & Ccnmission Alerchatit,
' Corner Cedar and ClterTT at., '
KMlbl:i-i 'nm locuuii.-o
s and purchasers as uearl.v as iossible. ConsiSa
eesot'sroo.!-totms maricetwili uud mvauctiun rooms
well uvtcduy,aud the good iii be sol.l without .e
lay and the uiuuey wiia overforih with. --'N.B.-No
goods hougluor soUonniy ownarcokDt.
Charges reasonable aud liberal advances made on
consignments. - - inar25 ;
, Wi A. JOHASOX 4i CU.y '
1 - : .' , AND. j ,-
Coauaissioa MerciiaEls,
27 ...CAEOXI;ELi.i efKEET... 27
. ,'. ... , SEW OiSLUASS.
sep 6 . " ......
M. KlKKRi-lilCS
; .KSiilvPATIilUIw & CO.,
r ai C C ifACTOUS.
o. 27 XA i'CMZZ NTHtET, (
rJ (netwoen Magazine aad Camp,)
v7 it s- - :
J. & GV llEAKIRT, :
.-; 52 Second Street, Cincinnati, Ohii. '
, - , ; , h.tKl' A FClLjSLTI'LV OF "
Hannfactuxers' Articles, ' .
' Carding Machines, ' - ;
Warp on Beam, assorted colon : - '
- Machine Cards,
Wire Keddlet and Traines, -
Shnttlea, .-
Steel lieeds and Pickers,
Lacing and Picker Leather,
Harness Twine, '
Hand Cards, Tenter Hooka, -Comb
Plate, &cM &c
Dye-Stuffs, , Coehifleal " '
Cudbear. ' Indigo,
Madder, - Cntch. i
Log Wood. 1 " Sumac,
--- Cam. Wood, &c, &c, &e.
R. B. SN0WDEN & CO.,
-'- Union & American Block, Cherry St.,
A US j-Jtt la
receipt of their EC JiER STOCK
Fine Wints and Brandies;
Scolrli Ale and Iondan.' rtcr,
i : Light Wines for' SuiuDicr use;
French Cordials end Syrops;
! Hermetically j-t-a'.cd Goods of every descripti'm;
. English and French Fruits, Pickle, Sauces and
CondeincnUv .;'..
-. Extra Fine Green anil Bunk Teas; St- Louis Crack
ers, Olive Oil,S. C. 12a ms, Dried B-ef,Beef Tougues,
i "lives, Cassin, Tamarinds, French Nougat, Isinglas ,
Gelluiine, Preserves, Cracknel Biscuits, Cheese, Fan
cy Toilet Soaps, tc- .'. lo.
. We keep constantly on bano ev ry thing pertaining
It the Euj ply of Families.
. . K. It. S.OWDli. & CO.
Ambrotypcs ami Melaneotypes,
'f-'HE cheapestand the best, are made at the Ar
A. . Gallorv, corner M College and Luiou streets
DaguereoptJ- pe Picture ef deceased persons can her
becoppied and thrown no to tbe Lift. SU Vortraie
Please call and see specimens.
Principle and sole proprietor of the Melaneotype
right in .Nashville. novUl-tf
If You Want a Hot Fire
. Orders Can be Left ia Box 94, P, 0.
dec7-tr S. J. AGXEUV
ameng which may be found every SHADK of the
j. also, ..- . .. ..:
. A very large assortment of
to wholesale, at 44 Cuiou Street,
apr-ii-tr J. W. LAJfLET.
De Forest, Arcisirong & Co.,
Dry Goods Merchants,
80 A 82 CHAMfiEES ST., JEW. "SOUK,
WOL'1 1) notify (be Trade that tbey are vpeuing
Weekly, iu new snd beautiiui patterns,
; ALSO " "
A Xew Print, which excels every Print in the Conn
try for perfection of xccutlon and design In full
Mauder Colore. Our Prints are cheaper tLan any la
the market and meeting wiih extensive sale. ,
.. orders prompuy attended to . .
. apr4-deowly
IV illlLiLiAill, AlAlAiAiLilte,
Tubs, Boilers, Pipes, Machine
M. a A L U ICO.
Belonging to the Distillery and Flouring Kill,knewn
as the t.- ;.t ; . , ,
At Xashville ; parts or parcels of tbe same will be
sold to suit purchasers
Persons desiring to purchase are referred to
lurner S. Foster, fcsq ., or James Cor belt, at ash-,
ville, Tenn. - TUOS.J FOSTER,
aprK Im- ; - - -.
' Enlarsed and Refurnished...
TH undersigned having taken the ST. CLOUD
HOTrX, has enlaiged it maUTially, red refur
nshed it Lhurougbout ia the most el gant itfle, will
open the house Ui the pubUe on Thursday the (lb
ins, t .-. - - " SAMUEL J. CARIaUt.
July 2 dtf rj o. -
i" - '
Well Improved & rery Valuable,
TWO and a half mileg from Nashville on
the Murfreesboro' Turnpike Koad. Tbe -dwelling
is oa brick, bunt in modern style
and very commodious; cnntainiux 9 rooms
ol good Size, besides hsLs,aaiehambers,cbina cloa.
et, store room and cellar, and situated in - - .
x. A Eeaaiifnl Crojc 'of Forrst tteti. i K
.- The kitchen ,wash room asd meat bouse are also
of briclt with ail necessary out buiMimgi, anu a
large cistera. - . . -
: .'Tfce place coma Ibs thirty-two acres of -excellent
land of which twelve are m HCAVY TlaPKK.
No bridge or railroad te pk&s,and the lull gate will
sooa be move i beyond; - - - . i .i
' ALSO adjoining - the - above, several beaallfal
Baildiag Loia,outaiuing from six t thirty acres
one of seveuteea 'mhtm, heavily timbered. - oi
. Three lands are well adapted to gardening being
near tbe city and ef free soil, clear ot rock. Posses
sion given at aBy time. - r .
For terms afn y te the nndersigned en tbe premi
ses, or kt S3 College street. i
, luaeSfr-utf - .-I. :' . - A. H. FORD
-v?:::: For: Sale. 7 ' -'
O HERRIXG-SSAFKH,Urtre Rise, wUl be sold very
tow te close aeoitsicniuenu
:,X Sew. Sorply; of Ohio Role Batttr.
1 Q7 POUNDS of FresJi Butter jnatreseiwed pe
LtJis f - Poland, ae-J for sale by - ,
(Txx tnrse ox txes to onarrrr-fX a aoxaxx-f
OneSquve dav fl 90 eachad'aUasertia. . M
1 week, 3 ao cachad'alaqaara ,t .M
-.. j 4 a . S o
1 months CO
S " S CO
3 " x0
.. - -. . - 4 M
' j so
- . 4 - 18 00
'f'.lt. -' 25 00
xxarswjiwta a nrurtt. i
Onesquare ,or eyear ,30 east additioBalau.ua re
Writtea notice must be given to take oat -nd stop
advertisements i f yearly advertisers befotetheyear
expiree. etherwise weshallcharget. Idone.'
No contract ofyeartyadverusemttw 'ibadlsceB
tinned wtUiontprevioaPBOttcetons.norwillajiycbarge
be made for less than one year at he yearly rates.
AdvertisercexeeediBgtaexj'-cf contrte
From VrsCHER.OWEX CO., General Advertising
House Applet oa Buildmg Broadway
-XAxrraoTcsxasoixnovxs. ,
Eerosfne, Campiene, Raid, acd Oil and
. is vaaiocsaTTxxaaxB vtnsa.
C IVA X H E Ia 1 E 1 :S,
jioiStreetiear Falfoa.New-Tork.
i860 : i860
P O J2 32 T s.
reiSSj Ka773 ITiTJ 1 inl
Xashriile and Chattanooga li. R
leancssccand Alabama Railroad,
Louisville &NashriUe Railroad
THKlol'.owiBg splendid steamers comnrisa
line.andleaveXashvilledaily or a lnll Lni
ville Jtmithlaad . P.,i h r-...l .rsl- H0ts,Loia
Orleans. ' pnisaad New
Uashikix, Master,
Leaves Kasbviliearerw m M TLili!!.
day at 12 aH:lock.it. , . .. JTrr
Steamer C. B. HILLMAN.
LeavesKashville.... iv-J
Steamer ST CLOUD,
Siva LT. riu
Leaves S'ashvill. tr
ntysat 12 o'clock, II. - rXsj.'
UasiiiEU., Master,
Leaves.Vashvilleeverv Thnn
y atl2o'clock,M. -
Steamer B. II. RUSYAN.
Miiixx, Master, j-i- i
Leaves Nashville on Frid.vn'L r-viLt ""H
at 4 o'clock. P M. - f fcg a 1
Sims, Master,'
- Leaves Nashvilleevery Satur
day at 12 o'clock , M.
These steameracoBiiM-i. w.mmK -k . w -
nd Ohio Kailroad, at Cairo with the Illinois Centre
Uilroad, and at St. Lonis with the MiasouriaadsptMk
Mississippi River Packeu.andareeaualteaaysteaav
trsalluatrorsafoty,speedaad comfort,
augg-tf. A. HAMILTON, Agaat
BOYL.E & flO.,
No. 59 Second Street,
ci.ciTi, omo
Foreign Liquors 4c iaea. Distillery
sind Triauaraetnrera or BremeUe
Wines, CordLala, Bitters, Va.,havI
. constantly on hand various grades of pareBemr
bonand R ye whkky, Peach sad a p.
pie Itrandy; also, Bara.ts.rla and New
Fn viand Ivnm. Jt. manufacturers ef
thecelebratedHose Wnlsky.vt .
tifor trea.Uoii la 'sJiase Bitters."
rork Pianos.
; Kstabllsb- In P828.
t. ii.iTIaiueus; '
Piano Manufacturer.
(Formerly Dubois At RtA-'art.and Dubois, Bacos It
Warereems In tne "Bible IT .
Cor. 8fti street and 4th ATenue,
Thial. areiiable n,.e.. 'J Ll-
letter faithfully executed, and perfect ajtisfaeUoa
X. B. Snd for a'rire.nt..' iiK .lu. iL.t ' .
tylesaadaeaeduleof pries. - atrit4a
ElDress to l larLerill.
'T'HS Soutaern Express Company respectfully aa-
through to Clarksville, ti. kXut M.CatL.
ttulun. tnil .MI..M.I .l i . . .! .
indinterveningpoinu with premptaeasaad dtSMieh
all rooda aauall v um K . IVL
-J mm-rtmm. iHf tel
forward to all places on stage routes, connecting
., , - oiiw, aotea. araas, ec.
collected and prompt retnra made.
febl7-tf , ' . . A K. HuLT.gqpermUadeet.
. 1 1 w-wwawawiwaawB
Fresh Fruits all tjie Jesil
A. 8A1ETY. is t-Deoualld fur tbsttIm bvHm im
a fresu state, ib any cliuialraa ladenalto time. Ha;
tng ased Uiene BoUles, we DBS them exceedingly
cuavenient and Jat tha thing watted. . .
Jjua j. i tiOBAS, ib Keguter ot Rural AAra.
Fur dtscri jwve and pra.e circalirs. adrcea Pre
pre tor, st Wlworttt, Wayne ceaaty, New York.
a.. . at Ct . ill Saa 1 mj . ,il . ka
lUSawUtVewtW , aVa Ww laWAAilaW
- ; - POKSALIBT" - 5 l : '
- aprtl-tf i : -aUOrs. BROWW 4t OO.
Sundajr School CeIelratIe2J.
- Flaes! Flari!! Plas-s'?-
lOTHlXv adds sa much to the appaarasee of a
A. a Preoeaakkik at Knarf.v iMwmi r-K , ...
luuie hand of every Uilie hoy aad gir. LUCK is
tww wtanaa uMuaaaasy quantity t at ST
CuJege wtraet.np stairs over .oialds' Aucboa sb-
' Sn ar t ..... . . ..?'
- - Uunsrarian Grass Sfd.
JUST reoeivwd,aad far sate st s. low wiw M
busaeta superior. Uuugariaa Grass awed. Thia
sdwu um na nwiw wua grvwi aare, aad waS rats.
edia the Northera portion, of M r-nin bi tree Cress
dirt aud all usourilies. "
aprllf - s .. aTratl.I.. HOOPE& At CO.
HAS a iarger aad taer aatshed table aaw
S0 saachise. - . . .v . 1 : TT
w, UoUwge street. Opposite Sewaaee Fttiss,
apmi' . - .
BOXES Cahiaat au.nu m w .
:Un, i r."71"T "7-wwiB-iawB-
,1 '!
i. i
i l
' No. SI CeUeg HreetJ.
- i ww,m mam ivr wmm ay
J v '. v.: . r ::-: :L.Li v-i.?',.1!
v f -t
1 "
? r '
n. Sax , -- -i
1 1 mctpas- -
Streets, Hi. Louis, Mo.
aoid oy ifjwnoi!
niLiiiiiM fij
A .11
iR -C-:.red foi- I
wi'. - 1
n.ani - srvsrr! trp : -

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