. i. . . ipp / ^ ".' THE SOUTHERN INDICATOR 4 ?i. v. VOL VIII COLUMBIA, S. C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY, 15th, 1913 NUMBER 18 _.-? .' ? _:-,-._ ! mu nor ea women kther At Darlington In The Fifth Annual Session Of The Colored Women's Clubs--Next Annual Ses sion Will Be Held In Col umbia June 191?. Orangeburg, June 22, -With the fulling of jule' president's gavel and the swiging "God be with you till we.meet again," ended the greatest annual meet ing of The State Federation of Colored Women's Clubs, in tjje history of the state. Darlington celebrated in gala fashion the successful ending of the meet j^Xings by., giving a great banquet . Friday night. The reports showed nearly $4,600 raised for all purposes during the fiscal year. Over $600 .were raised for educational pur poses. There were o? clubs re porting this year, where only a Sy reported last tfninent visitors Vn" all p*artsof farder states, were read by given careful federation work. Marion B. Wilkinson's address was a master Mrs. Anna Andrews, paper on recollection of the Na tional Federation that met at Wilberforce was fine. Mrs. N. H. Collins* paper on Why The Federation ? was all that could be desired. The Sunlight Club of Orange burg led all other clubs of the state in the amount of money raised during the year showing a total of $473. Charleston was a ! ??^oOTSTOm?? .poreiDiy '>appreci< y- ?;te'the a%^l|^HP^^P^ training, Th?schools were fouj to tiedn tlj? hands of very incoi rs. The federate improve these u tions. The result i al. communities t! a question o ?rated Glub ie as th? ^ Wm. m. rn-: I ft ^p?tent, te; ' ?set ?bout . f h^pp&cb?t ty lotaffi?Rios have extended t tarje . v If ternes off the schools and in sor !instant''Home Economies"? ?&Atgr^culture'' have been add io t&j? course. A' young lady v? ~iv,4^her entire time next year Ufering of this Extension f< re of the federation's^ woi er salary and traveling ev.T. ?es will be met by thaJ3tate^A<: cultural and Mechanical C^te for colored youths at Orangebu] The federation went jon re>< as being heartily in favor ot State Reformatory for Nt^ boys. ? committee . as apo' ed to meet similar committ from 'the? (Palmetto Medical As sociation land the State Business League. ?A standing committee was organized with Dr. J. H. Leevy of. Florence, chairman, and Prof:} Benj. F.. Hubert of Orangeburg, secretary. This committee .'is empowered to wait upon, the governor of the state at some time to be arranged by the secretary and lay the claims of the Negro boy before him and solicit" his support in the cam paign to be waged for this much n eed trefor ma tory. Comm i ttees wiil be appointed in every county of the state who will wait *upon their representatives and secure their co-operation in the effort to be made. v? ' Much can be said in praise of the way Darlington entertained the delegates. The delegates one and all were of the opinion that the federation had never been so well entertained before. Mesdames Collins, Gordon, Jen kins and the pastors of the churches Revs. Calahan, Scott, and Rev. Perrin with the host of others who assisted, seemed never to tire in trying to make things pleasant for the visitors. The slogan for the coming year is "A club in every town and community of the state, and these clubs represented at the meeting in Columbia June 1916." On to Columbia in 191G? What club will carry the best report? BUDGET OF NEWS FROM GAFFNEY. Gaffney, June 2.-On the 9th and 10th. inst. Morning Sta1 Chapter number thirt?f? O, E S, were entertained by '?I?eTGrand chapter of the state, Sir Knight Bro. E. J. Sawyer and Hon lad? G. E. Thomas; in fact all of ttif grand officers were at their post i of ^P^rtanb^rwho\v^ab^nt phi account of dej?th/ in. ?the faj fy...^ The public s?fviC??'at DUH ton Chapel and Limestone were a treat to the people of thdAity. The Hev. Mr. R. F?#rejMpFand Dr.,A. AV Sims know bWto wei co^Mil?rs t? tlfe cit?^: ; > 4 ^.pR?^fe^?B?a^, ^::Q. Alien andDASirns wer?o th? pastors \yh0^tMd?^the sB?ptist state cbtiMjf?^ from Ga??eW^v.- y ?-? .-. Mesdames' L. A. Gafiney. and Beaty \?0? here -to-^norrow foi the Womeai Baptist state conven tion ?t Florepce. . The colored1 people of Cherokee county-Willr^l^? county fail ift??^SfflP fair" associrtioi .wast ^a?tich?d by Rev. Richari "' ijt) ijt;1913. Let all interest .J gm now for another count: 0 j . ; . ast week was one of. inter?s ith the people of the City in th ^[installation of Rev. J. O. Allen 1 of Greenville, as pastor of Bethe Baptist church. Great sermon and* speeches of .welcome wer n welcoming Rev. Allen ii -,-dst. Dr. A. A. S'*ms, am v? R. B. Beaty left no stone unburned in their*sermons An? Dr. J. S Drill (pastor of Firs Baptist church white) made th charge to Rev. Allen a^ deacc board on Sunday evening.. Rev W M Lipscomps, of Gre?n villi told how the Holy Ghost ha ided him in'lielping Bethel t ^ur?;^ pastor. He stated th? ? fall he saw an article in th fdicator stating that the .Bethe Philadelphia* and Young Grov churches were in need of pastor He at once" wrote Brown an Riley, stating that he had a ma to offer the chuch in the peiso of Rev-j. O. Allen; asked thei to get in correspondence wit Rev; Allen and have him to cora inspect the field and the resu is that the Rev. Allen wascalle< $102.96 raised during the weel i Miss Anna. Sims of Columbi is here tp spend the summer. S. J. Lipscoml re it al :o id sr n, i P i te y, 3d as ot i's id n on n is: he he ne nd ed rill to ?a .k. m :ri ?ge rg. )rd '..va ;r? nt ees ? a:iu Missionary Concert at Fir f |. Calvaiy,, Ther/ ?ill be a concert giv< at Firf Calvary Baptist, churc Sunday hight July 4th by. tl missionary society. The public cordially invited to attend. J admission but a collection will lifted. S Mrs. L. M. Woodson presider Mrs. Lillie Isom. s?cr?tai BAPTIST S. S. AND B.' Y, P. I). CON Important Information cerning The Convention To Meet At Beaufort Next Month. Darlington, June 22?~ The t$x MS. andl?.' ecutive Board of the Y. P. U. Convention Kit its last sessionset ?p?rt the fir?t-Sunday in July as rally day for tn? day schools of the state meanB of raising more money the work of " the convention, _ board as*ks, further that ea Sunday school of; the state o serve the first Sunday in J as a special convention day ; hoi. ing special exercises touooing on the work of the State ?. S. Con vention. The'board asks further that the money raised in thhv special rally be sent to the Copt vention which meets at Beaufort 15-18. The board sets its mark at one thousand dollars Let everjy school rally that this amount be raised at this coming convention.; This can be done if every school will do its duty. J'y. The following persons have pledged; Etev. J. C. White $25, Dr. H. M.^loore; $25, Supt. O E. Manigault; $25, Mrs. Ellen Curtis; $25. Rev. J. H. Walker; $25 Miss M. J, Brock; $25, Prof. Ceorge Pegues; $25, Dr. J J. Durham; $25, Rev. S J. Rice, $25, E V. Avery; $25, Rev. D. F. Thompson, $5. Rev. A. H. ^Pinkney, Greenwood $5. m The program for the convent ion has been published in the papers and notices are being sent, to each participant. We ?ge that each one selected by ard do his "or her djty, not ?dy to be present but putting his^very besj^inj^^ 01Q i ^Br^th?t"* !tne^0pSve?twn might .Sie. a ?fr?at sp ir tuai and intellect ^ " 1.feast./ I^jJno one hesitate ?Ij^nd&this con vention - on ac Count;pf fears of" fever; there is anger of fever at Beaufort iiort is really a health resort. Ljpjprtant as to railway accom advisable that delegates freing to Beaufort travel on block tickets. . AU delegates above New berry should meet at Greenwood and go from there to Beaufort over the C. ^nd-W. CR. R. ar rangements will be made for s special c aboy er this line. Thc president, ^liev, H. M. Mo?rc will see to purchasing of bloct tickets. Write him if you arc going to Beaufort. All delegates who are goinf through Columbia should pur bl?c& .ticket from Col Beaufort. Rev. J. C Columbia will make ar at that point, 'gates of the Pee Dei will 'purchase a blocl ticket to Beaufort. The write will make arrangements at tba point. Ministers who use permits ar requested to travel on a bl?cl ticket where they are needed t help make out the number. Th rate will be the same. If any school cannot obs?r\* the first Sunday in July as;, ralf day. the board asks the secon be used. We urge that , ?ver jinion- be represented- by vd?aegat l^or letter. Morris College^houl be especially remembered ^ b every school; foreign " mission should not be forgotten by an one. For further inforniatio write the president or corresponc ing secretary. Rev. H. M. Moore, president Anderson. Rev. Wm. Howard corresponc secetary Darlington. ?j BARNWELLNEWS. ^ S?rnwell, June 23Wbi$'tr second SundaycR?v. B. Xeviste B. D. of Orapgepurg filled tl pulpit of the. S?tt?lfcrsnrv Bapti church and pre^cn^i -? powerf sermon bothraporningg ?tid/pig which wer?|wery niucn ]6njoy< by a large congregation, ., Mrs. M^ppTve visitedifVAlle dale last week and while/1 the she paid an official call bri ntl Allendale 'Household of : 'Ru and gave them> some helpfujv formation. In Barnwell couti ty vve .can i .y, deed Fay we are living Jri t land of plenty for our truck farms, especially the cabbage farms have, yeilded an hundreds fold for tnfey have.actually been sold for 3?cFeent per wagon load and even given away by the loads to get them off the lands. Miss Louise Butler is visiting in Augusta. Miss Emmie Allen who has been taking a special course in music for the past two terms at Pain College. Augusta is at home again to the dejjght of her many friendsw?^;; ,-i> .; v \ Pn tK? third' Sundtttt our pul pit was graced with.the?firesence Of Rev. G ft.Mallog, A.M B. D. And the sermons he preached whil& here will not soon'be 'for gotten for thOy were filled with the Holy Qh?st, samucj^so that dur heartsfburned while.this man of-God preached. mfa Mrs. M.. B. Eve, vMrs. Sallie Gowen and.Miss Gertie Nix leave this week for Plor^ni?e/ito attend the Woman's !?tate^?biayention. j Mr. Jas. Green aPd deacon W. W. Ryan returne4pfrjday from Charleston where^h^y.have been for several" montK? employed by the government..^ ; Mr. John ftf?rr?s the Ass't. sup't ot the cities water and light plant has been in, complete charge for the: ;past month or more, on account of the illness of the Supt. and the whole of Barn well and especially the colored people are proud of the way in which he handles the plant. Miss Louise Gardner of Allen dale was the guest ot Miss Emmie Allen last week. DOTS FROM GREENWOOD. The Queen S%B th er Cantata given-at Mt. Pi?g?h M. E. church June ?) was quite., .a sue fcers Esther the Queen, B. Nance. ^ Ahasuerous King, Lynch. Mordecai, Dr. Minus, TVfT*. CZ r\r\A ?Tin i.vanuii, -.?A. , W VUU^f i^I . Zeresh, Miss Sadie Perrin. Prophetess, Miss Melrose La grown and others give credit tc their parts. They relized the sum $51.00. Vi? Mrs. Jackson of "Aiken is guest of Mrs J V. Stewart this week. Janett Mobre, the promis ing son .of Mr. and Mrs Mack Moore, departed this life June 10 and buried Sunday. Our sym pathy goes out to the bereavec family;-The decase was a mern ber of ttoe/?t of P. Mr. Walter Moore of Birming ham Ala. was called home t< the death of his nephew. Prof. J. W. Sanders of Tilli son college Austin, Texas, is the delightful guest of Mis; Mayme Williams. P* Moore of Mt. Pisgal A. M. E. church was electee delgate to the electoral colleg< wnich will convene in.this cit: July 7. Little Miss > Jinnie William has gone to spend a few week with her grand mother, Mrs melia Robinson near War als. attie Weir leaves thi the mountains. Robinson of Donald Unday in the city gues of his' Mrs. Caro Williams, 36 New Markett street. JOSEPH MILLIGAN DEA1 Springflri^^gune. 19. -Mi Joseph'.3|u?S mL lived a consi the.faitftlBrour Lord. " /C. Giimwel&f Columbi tor, preached the fuijcfal^ W. Raiford ex-pastor al' a part in the .burial His many friends will He left two sdnsv* th ters, four brothers,:'t-fr and a. wife to/jraO-U Robert Millig?n brother xof the down to attend the New York. 'fTHeraL one thousand' people' the bu.rj$*of the decg Cromare looking. . part of. j^counfry. Th, iri; ^choo^/ana^ church'iare upward since our-lnew "Rev. J-;:JG?;JG?1 with us. .XV l*m COURT UPSETS VALIDITY OF GRANDFATHER CLAUSE. Tribunal Decides Against Constitutionality of Elec tion Regulations Existing Before 15th Amendment. Washington, June21.^The su preme court, in what is consider ed one of the most important race decisions in history, today an nuled as unconstitutional the Ok lahoma constitutional amendment and the Annapolis, Md., voters' qualification law restricting the suffrage rights of those who could not vote or whose ancest ors could not vote prior to the ratification of the fifteenth amendment to the federal con s i tu ti on. Chief Justice White, a native of tfie South and a former Con federate soldier, announced the court's decision, which was un amious. except that Justice Mc Rey ni ld took no part in case. By holding that conditions that existed before the fifteenth am endment* which provides that the right to vote shall no: be denied or abridge on account of race, color or previous condition of sarvitude, could not be brought over to the present day in disregard of this self exe cuting amendment, It is general ly believed that the court went a long way toward invali dating much of the socalled grand-father clause? ? lu con stations of Southern states. FROM SMALL BASIS. The immediate effect of the court, s decision was to uphold the conviction of two Oklahoma election officials who denied Ne groes the right to vote in a con . gressional -election, ancLto* award from election officials ih--?pna? polib who refused to registei them. The court held that Oki* norna ?lection officials could coi ignore the fifteenth amendment in wiping Out of state constutiqnf the word "white" as a cualifica tion for voting. In the ? Marjf; land case, the court's decision:es tablished the point that the flf teenth amendment , applies tx municipal as well as to f?d?ra! elections. ...... i i . Discussing the Oklahoma case Chief Justice White said the sui ferage amendment to the stat constitution first fixed a literac; standard, and then followed i with a provision creating a stand ard based upon the condition ex i sting on January 1, 1866, prio to the adoption of the flfteent amendment, and eliminate those coming under that stand ard from the inclusion in th literacy test. The court held that this actioi recreated and perpetuated th very conditions which the iii teenth amendment was intende to destroy. "It is true," continued th chief, "that it contains no ei press word of an exclusion c any peoson on account of rac< color, or previous condition ( servitude, but the standard 1 self inherently brings thatn suit into existence. "In other words, we seek i vain for any ground whic would sustain any other interpr tation but that the provision, r curring to the conditions exis mg bof ore the fifteenth am em ment was adopte^<^oppsed .1 makethemthe uasis of the ri#i to suffrage. And the same resul we are of the opinion, is demo stratediW consideration wheth it is possible to discover any ba is br reason for the stand ai thus'fixed, other tftan the pu "ose above stated. " ' MANY BECOME POSITIVE, he chief justice had. prdtec* state by a deyeippement argument that the restrictu ?s?d bydhe fifteenth5 am?n iv the power bf W? stat ?as'?'rtih?.ident wi power itself. ? jtjiei'principle th ue~sense the il ment -, gives i iffrage/y "it w fon g Jj l?femzed that in ope ibition mig 0 crimination against which it was aimed, the result might arise that as a cones quence of the striking down of a discriminating cause a right of suffrage would be enjoy ed by reason of the generic char acter of the provision which would remain after the discrim ination was stricken out." NOTES FROMMTE GOLLEGE. State Teachers Association and State Farmers to meet at College during Summer Session. _ m Orangeburg, June 22,- Each ?M day brings letters of inquiry about . rooms and accommodations at : ' the Summer School, which wilj$ : open Monday June 28. Reduced rates have been granted on tK? coupon ticket plan by all railroads in the State for the occasion, andi persons expecting to attend ' shuold ask for these rates upd? purchasing tickets. It would fte well for those living at stations where coupons tickets are^iiot sold to inquire of the agents for them at least three days previous to the time of departure, so that the ticket form might be had when the time for the trip arrives. Th'e College has become an all the-year-round place of instruc-t * tion. Two weeks after the clos ing of the regular session a kindergarten was opened, and . has been attended by a large number of children. These little folks will compose th? Practice School for teachers in the suni mer session, affording them ideas of work to be done in the lower grades of the rural school, which most of them teach. At the con Tft^evwill be opened for the bene fit bf farmers who will be able ^ jtP give time to this instruction^ after they are through laying by\ jtfieir crops. \ %.'$?he State Teachers Associa- * ?s will meet during the summer session, the dates of July 21-23 f having: been set aside for this j purpose. An excellent pragram \ of papers and addresses has been arranged, and those who attend will be greatly benefited. Dele gates to the National Teachers Association, which meets at Cin cinnati July 27th, will be chosen at this meeting. The State Farmers will gather at the College July 27th and dis cuss problems connected wi|fo.. , rural schools and farm economics; The attendance at this meetings i? expected to be large and gener m Pullman Porters hold their ?V . first weekly meeting. \ ' New York, Juue 21.-The Summer session of the pullman porters weekly began Sunday morning June 20th ll: a m. at Mott Haven yards New York City. There was a large number of pullman porters present from schools of every section of the country. The meeting was a very interestion one. The prin cipal address was delivered by Rev. M Edmonds of Va. Union Theological Seminary. Among the others who spoke were Rev. M. C. White, Davis of Ya. Union, Mr. M. M. Snowden of New York City agent for the continnental casuality. Co. at M[ott Haven yards and Mr. Wil-^ i?m L. Bryant of State College* Of South Carolina at Orangebu^ Bryant made a very interes ting speech and many expressed their, hopes that he would Tbe with them the following Sund|Sv He is a porter of this Cleveland district. 11' A NONCE. . ..r?ii Capital Ci^y Civic Juague m??nbers are coitally invited to bepre?ent at the regular monthly meeting, July 2 1915 at M?rtin's Hal?; lill Washing&fcgt.l?ish- V o|f#m- D. Chappe;n%^P&f;, D. * Ili-I^wl address us : on th esi tu a ? ?f\he day. AU m en,and wo are solicited to come and hear Shop. %jL if J. R. fowell president. ?A. ft."5>Hnon, secretary. Bip f i#; ..