OCR Interpretation

The Opelousas courier. [volume] (Opelousas, La.) 1852-1910, January 15, 1853, English, Image 1

Image and text provided by Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, LA

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83026389/1853-01-15/ed-2/seq-1/

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•. , . , .. -.."k . , .. ,,i. Vi. ... '.1 -- .,
" E "pe usas, (Lo isiana). J ..- f.
1501. ý O
SOWN -°sý °&"' Ri
Susrimie;; for one ear,.i eyle in advtln e
three doll ifdt tif l44t the yer,r foardel.
Iars. No saucenption will tie j io aperiod
less AID{ios
eettle Uheasr. :'
J : Fa --For one nate not exceeAin h.
aace often li lar for thed6st n"ont
aud ,uh..,i ie.b r.nger
advertde n will be accqriing
All th a in4 d frjch
and eali ntil ordered out, or until the eors
sha~l 4 Teniea todieantira the pubhi
id1 d"tion 6ade n ade" isemeit in
pZe d' t i ©teriif subscription wtvill be stopped
nntiUi alth a@aagais aiwepaidaunle- at the option
of t bohe .bh. 1
No eleetion tick 4r.9.hriobs printed without
the money, or the .d rdulugathem to be print
edisa 1..gio. . . ...
fen doo.I a L e . v (j red
fo* M ww n oienqidties rprorce fr
U nA,061fitO etae °iped ; w i.
the hrtt*.*y di14Q e
& ' rAýE tecitt ie M to be deeply mnina
ted 44b U bfbemhtifLSpashiJy .ofid 4l*ýý
muppbasf~aed ~-sikos~t~,f
4.·m Eoq~pt~ikýý`,fýýPR·:B4a ý c =.~J
crrThe Auatriai!` bditiineiit H tobei tli
ue the e n tees ok -
i Jedsbsuteri, tkl as
E-P,:t,,itkcPzilta4ýý s~cr$ Mtcit shc1 iiZIowing :A1
&uiet *e t'ive ndti
**tIlttE f1ýli CY fth9rESV tswugh
a It aeeoatthat accordi her tZ
e m ~ewT Wh*i a4 Pegiwtic :( A viw tipns
iyp~orn~th Atnadenoneauinafiops to~ up
ohLptjg ToewF was
1!t sv ci t ,tea ýcgene efc
Should the Supreme Courtdecide in his, fpvlqc, he
step into aiout lO)oo a year I
e ýn "Up p a fin} th
IL t
rp~I 1r.th
mimi The Co ed¶T." he
alýý ý aod~~tl i raac fh
wttt fbll"tbt# pt y-b~sas rdrsi
*o "tMsaUa ah
Iktaol~~~~ C~~aire·*QE eiirrilw,
the 6th mnt, two in tui&1
of g pieofHavan. It is
.th$ emit ith the
}' g the
and, r.Fowle,w
Fearle's' - en~cit
be eee
Fo wl.mi
mulatto, t
the arsen
's coac
tr 1h ý ý
t b,
MEOW haviahlo~E$ ·ia BYe th#°'B 36as
and all others tn the ofice will be geed,
from an unpleasant annoyavce.
?. 3 ` . C~OOH3S~Pb.
SPECTFU? LY announee~thb citiieinu
1IL of 8t: F tidry and ' u e9nding eo ntrt~ p,;
tr he hhpo pp anen#1y ig~iad LiniceI i
+Opeloueaarh whre; $e is reads to. receive or
ders for varnishing a nd or * eaze~ting ld
urnitues, ofev B dsri 'ion, old waiters
se jaesnss phlrt~k i rs,ýfcaaxs,4c
For + 1 re :aps to
iNt 'er
Courtois & Didier,
UOOK1 4 '.PASTR Y C00o
REjS1f CTh JLLY aiinh" he·
the pu ic that ye have btablislt
ed themselveo. D 1*o4aM L At they
offer , efr_ services. as Ceok fral Pastry
Cgoka, , t15 ci suns 'of Tou ias.' .'
They will rec&ve; orders orWr6If$ di '
tent nmet .:e iinplL~pete;',_f 3 s ndncBi , f1ZC 'for~
Qs kespd son ns#ravnuc is Theyc
solicieta p; public pa iage:
Opelousas 1th D1Iec 1Dee ' =S5 y .
Btack#mnith'w Shopi;
'trcr ateetA alonrder.- onaae reg the: ;s k
smitPi trde. l·ie'spbctfullj ýsocr acilra
of public pallon a s
SGrand, Qgta kthjLecer-3m._
.T1'il subsEriler~ havingju
* hased~t1 e Ho~ fvnlUr~ ay )WI}.
1 by..1?:Mart.1,el,.ad nwc re
centiti? y' as., 0MOleland, in Opeoiins;
r Ik a III'irr inn the ·public that-he i9 How
prettar L~d~rtoP p :boarders Matd' tiavUeU·re
whotnny paktwtizet S j btja _,ate
f. l ýewpetien rid ,~~b~j~;
this limos hixrtne s, %ie *il Pratas~iiete, r ki
attention with which -lie' 'wii couducici ii
hour, °aid thdid de . .chm gea hewill exact
will entitleiinhm he hops, :"to a. rasle re, of: the
public patronage,. Call and try me'
Opelo `s :Iki; E i 3li -- Ln
A . TIHnd .V beretoirp `
the; pubhliwi bha a J aa1~ctl,
ai&ipas oo*squce,. oflfrs who stock
 Irit p e & rk es. u g .bar
egiP·ins'anrssea ~a ;v R tilie;eqtsniea .nt
BpsitivelyuG lJbaeug,.o oiýe. f-i
Aeredcabeshe than lewi ever patsed
Loiah: s4$wohisp 1414 ADO t
eda, Otg o .""orb~.,1 y. .. r0 '4 1ýP~~3;
;ýngikfiie , Do° "j3 4..~ ~~,~
Rev. T+os. ADr. R.Jr.,A.N
ICtebll { £a
'!.. ý wil belleý g
the bge wto
School on lI6j oo
timait° tiilhe lst of
Rla* VJ rientag
Ate for
e mayee,
for of inst
pro as- -
.r AY I
t. of
Harris, reai on
bout the
11th D)ee. 1852.
iSlE proximity of tlhis Institution to the
Stown, offers all the advanatages desirable
fork house of education.
The students' w'j be the object of constant
and assiduous c6ire and solicitude. Miss her
cier will exert herself to develop in her sfu.
dents the qualities of the heart, as well as to
form and cultivate the faculties of tie mind.
S speis svincedbthaimy. inetruction to be
iiCt oiis nid solidi Yust. rest on moral anti
religious basis. The English lWegnage will be
taught by a lady, attaclied tb t)b institution.
The course of instruction will emnbrace .a
progressive course of-reading, writing, the
stuiy of th' Fretich and English languages,
arit etic.,geography, history and all kind of
necdle works. -
The terns perr quartr are as follows:
Instruction, - - - - 9 00
Boarding; - - - 24 00,
-Msic,- - .- - 18. 00 ,
. Oolous,. 11th Der, 18152 -3m.
ij)1lG8to inform the parents, andguardians
of children in St. Martinsville, that on
fo.di(b O$irat, the 8th of November,. hi clas
e~, lviil' transferred to the house formerly
ociupie4 1i32Alme. Fretchou, Port street -
wherihe will be happy. to receive his former
Tvin :secured the ,services of a french
ro s6sr the class§ iin that Ingiage will be
uon;lucted with the sane attention as those in
t ~ipc i:ving tie peculiar imnporthnce of
the engish'qru guage; and that, in this qur
ter, the' now;ldge of it has now become es
sent~al...lr. 3ýmpster has determined' that
the scisses ~is, shall be made at both
tiit ootif oofIoi~ioon and afternoon;
and the chilre.. fei eept'fo~a tearning french
ed fl*.elyy jhhI Ube req iled to speak only
engIis, :.well at reereation as in achool..
Papiupf~ipy enter for eithei. anguage, or.
a A. PuamP o Apils:coming from a distance, can
Sbo.rd, with an -excellet family.
S , $4.,per month.
t.. tiansville, 1N v. th 1852.
nn tertd Mrk R nazud; (o
ui utioi ,n the
affords a most convenient, a.d` healty situa
tion; the dormitories, cl s, study rooms
ihd ..aern.tions leave no "g to desire.:
p.he! sti.d.nts wil.'receive the prineiplessof
a go didi ololid education, base on a reli
giousipat .;ti gp ,..
The course of iastrctiona~ will embrace lec
tees adapted to th advancement of the stu
dents, Writing, thJe study of the Frenh Lan
goo ae rtaeularly the English,
e were, Arithimetic,: Sared
mIi~4 inodemiz and at a p t
tions of needle work.
Al4r*enedh classes are under the direc
tion of Mrs, Renaud, Superintendeht dl' iat
S., E.lisjh language, to which a partieu
i be ratedwlillbet a
/ Mov ser, an under-mistress,peakg uthe
french .and english lan.ea;, i- expb esly
charg of the conthiuit superintendence, re
quired in a Young Ldies' 'nstitution. In
thereir na; tb o4as and at
y, n1th; e t'they, shall
entsca gs I rte a hit& fiber
Mi I aeft iqm&bs.l4ruished with one
. ': J$ , a equrte ,
'e Sto r one covwe, on taleITdi
__NIFORM-1 straw hat trimmed in white
.ei-,- dress, trim'
:. rn..lr are as foflows, to wit:
1'~ IJ-·l d l arc ;oO¶J
r 1 8th ,. !
Les, thrgh the medium of~piii. a oi~jn4
of St. Landry, rir*ta~
~e~~a~p~aoi~to dr03
the yW4
on t' astreet4
e ds
5u i Districts.
OtWOIS,25t Pý-1,82._-}
I :, C.. . . , &, "'
Cal#te 'see Myer& Alexanders.
Wholepale & Retail Establishment fob
M:.&A., are now receiving, $
bi. ., every Boit from the Northermj.UI
marke ' a heavy supply of every description
of M eriadizc, embracing Dry Goods, fte
clotka , .pots, S..oeej, fHats, Caps and
Ladiedine eyweas.
A11+ - A5ige supply ofijewehy oftAel
latesd fashion, embracing Diamonds, fine
Gold and Silver Watches, froii the best
makers in'Englad. Ladies andi Gent'sflne
Gold Chains, Cold Spectacles, 4-c.
W'4'1e khdly in~-itc the Ladies and Geri
tlemer to give us a call.
C Weof~Fer at Wholesale or Retail, at a very
small qdance.
Washington, (ia.,) October 16th 1852.
A NNOUNCh respectfully to the citizens
of St. 7aedry, that he has just re-open
ed, corner of .tain and Ca rribrehstreets, a new
and elegant. S DDLERY SHP, where he will
keep constantly on hand every article con
cerning his tiade. In point of workmanship
he defies corppetitioti. All orders; promptly
attended to.-.
Slis prices will be moderate, for cash or to
punctual dealers on a short credit.
Washington; (La.,) July 10th 1852--1y.
iE undersigned would infor~ his fiends
L and the Publie that he is-ow roaceivng
from Iw Orleans, a fresl:a.,s4eoplete stock
of DRUGS and 1M.~ I $E0 , and will
continue the business S the store lately oc
cupied b Dr. Hardy, next to the store of T.
'. Anderson. & Co. He has employed a com
petent Druggist and chemist .to attend to put
ting up:presoriptioas, &o, and will take
pleasure in waiting upon those who will favor
hima with their patronage.,
'WVasingttn, (La.,) August 7th l852r--$.
JOAN McDONDll mpty*.d
to any surey nfided to im
Oe atnahr ' e` aooe Main &Seet
SOpeloi as,May 8th 1852-ly.
The undersiInod beg leave to
nform'the public in general that
hliels now prepared to furnish to
order, at the shortste.tice 1d
on reasonable terms, C .A1
M S, BUGGIES, 4c.. Albe; carri..
Swepiired as usual at the a3hite't notice,
on rgionable terms.
: The undereigned is also reedy 1 execute
a! rders in the Black e, Horse
ioeing a. basore ofu p.atronage is
repeafuUy swoiited.
)pelousas, February 2d 1852--1y.
J7:ý?ýv.: frdain. , ;';Charles Kerr.
No.S5tr, onti street,
f4th.tie; x852--1y.
Q.: Jrierso. Robt. Conway.
,?R MRs®ON?, F ,oER & Co.
Cotten aa 4 .gar F'actors.
rI 'Ur dtde et: st. 59,
3t rd 1852 -J4'4,..
his com
ý, iona' iNbil t#' peer -fo this
erhors= is~ec1viccs` to~x alt
fiyto'offieit "alladi"
c Ill folh'o ou
' 'he nc thiailto
"ft __ 86r:jiaL1·. %
it o i *ý1 n
ifrdogntete4 ý w
ptý- #. bu.: tipu
Opclou'-v O- Qctbcr 23d.S
Public Sale.
Successioni of James M. Woods:
THE ipblic is hereby informed that there
will be sold at public auction, to the last
and highest bidder, through the ministry of
a public Auetionue, at the last residence' o
the late James M. Woods, on Bayou Petite
Prairie, in the Parish of St. Laudry, on
Thursday, 27th January 1853,
the following described property beloiging to
the Estate of James M. Woods, deceased, late
of the Parishof St. Landry, to wit:
The Plantation,
on which the deceased last resided,
situated on Bayou Petite Prairie, in the Par
ish of St. Landry, containing 3093 acres of
land, together with the buildings and improve
ments thereon:
Of different ages and both sexes.
Forty bales of cotton, sixty barrels
of corn, six gentle horses, six head
of wild horses, one lot of hogs,
work oxen, one lot of horned cat
tle, one old carriage, one barou
che, one silver watch, one double
barrelled gun, plantation utensils
&c1 &c.
..rERMS AND CONDITIONS :-The plantation
and slaves to be sold on a credit of one and two
years, from the first day of April 1858; the
personal property on a'credit of one and two
years from the first of April 1853. All sums
under $25, to be paid cash, personal security
required on all the property, and the property
subjectto mortgages be specially mortgaged to
said estate until full payment of the purchase
money and the interests which may accrue
thereon. All sums not punctually paid at
maturity to bear eight per cent interest from
the time due until final settlement.
Administrator of said Estate.
Opelousas, December 25th 1852.
SherWffs Sale.
1N. & W. Offhitti . District Couvt.
vs. St. Landry.
Philip Carroll. ) No. 5233.
-Y virtue of a wr't ofaliasvi. fa.,smed in
`FPtate above entled Suit, by the District
Court, in and for the:ariah of St. Landry,
and to me directed, will be exposed to Public
Sale for Cash, at the Court House of this Par.
T1, on Salrday the fifth day of February
1853, oommencmg at the hour of 11 o'clook,
A. M., andfrom day to day if neoeesary, all
the right, t.e, interest and demand of Philip
Carroll in and to the following property, sel
zed to satisfy aaiwrit, to wit:
The part ofa House and Lot of ground sit
unted in the Town of Opelousas, on the Corner
of Qpurt satt "andLandry street, formerly
o.lied by Lewi and Abraham Andras as
Sheriff's Oice t. Landry,
January 1s.a 1852.
Henry L. Garlaid. Louis Lastrapes
e.WJ IL exercise their profession in the
ditferent Courts of the 15th Judicial
District. Their office is in Opelouas.
February 23d, 1852--1y.
T. L. . NCRZ R,
B EING permanently located in Grand Co.
teau (St. Landry,) will exernise his pro
feasion in the Courts of 14th and 15th Judi
cid Districts. ,
Grand Cotean, December 26th 1852-1y.
..... %ClS erif ",a Sale..
Luciu J. Dupr, admr. i District CoiuA
vs. St. Landry.
Jean Dubourdieun . fo 5902.
DY virtue of an order of seeutre and ede,
)issed in the above entitled suit; the
District C in and for the Parish of St. tlry,
and tome will be exapred to Public Sale,
for :.a ~ House ofl.is Parish, on Satur
day *he f February 1 c83, commencing at
the hur of lticlock,A.M., and frm day to day,
ifteaeosi at ll e rigt, title, interest and demana
. .ean Dubourdaeu, inand to the fowinang pl .r
treisedto satisfy said writ, to wit: r
tin~rat of Land, purchaed by said Du
,b~olis the decease by actbefore Yves Da
vy. notary public, on the 2da of October 1S50,
aLb it.% .d ribed as situated athe Parish of St.
~l~y~.k.ieo town of Opp.usis, jay g 61 feet
So.o nIess, on the piicipal street, bounded
N . l, ota belongfngto Stephen Duel, East
;hyi i ..i era.$ n street, South by the lots
x.nto Lecfevre,f. w.c., and West
t, e th. r ,will the Buildinug and
ari Landry,
,,...:CFug 185ti L3. .
..IIlouse for Sale.
THEI underi'igried offers his]
perty for ake, eituated on
in street corner of ,Vi in1
o a Said property conaists of U a
goficied fronting dn Matin, The and
aeetes, most in the ceintrei of t vil
with adwelhal house, kitchea .c.
Opelousa Janary 8th, 1858.--3m.
Public Sale.
B Y virtue of an order from the Honorable
the District Court, in and for the Parish
of Vermilion, will be offered for sale, at pub.
lie auction, to thie highest and last bidder,
through the ministry qoa public auctioneer,
On Monday, 7th February, 1853,
at the Court.House, in the town of Opelou
satlthe following described property', situated
in the Parish of St. Landry, belonging to the
succession of Robert Perry, deceased, late of
the Parish of Vermillion, to wit:
A COrtain Tract of Land,
containing 5 arpents front by forty in depth,
situated or Bayou Chicot, together with all
MENTS thereon.
adjoining the above, containing about 50 at
cres,"commonly called the Steven's place.
being the North part of Lots Nos.T and 2, of
Section 10, Township 3 South, Range 1 East
containing 40 acres.
A Lot of Ground,
in the village of Bayou Chic , being the sa
me now occupied by Jas. AkNnhead as a store,
containing 1 acre, more or less, with all the
ii' IMPROVEMENTS thereon.
The North-West Quarter of Section 26,
Township 3 South, Range 4 East, containing
162 74 acres.
The East half of North-East quarter Sec.
tion 23, Township 4 South, Range 5 East.
Also, the West half of North-West q&rter
Section 24, Township 4,outh, Range SEast
containing together 168 01 acres.
The North-East qtprter of Section 32,
Township 2 South, Range 4 East, anx so
mnuch of the East half of the South-+ast quar
ter of Section 31, in Township 2 South, Ran-d
ge 4 East, as is within the Parish of Saint
Landry, containing together 177 35 acres.
The South-West quarter of Section 32, in
Township 2 South, Range 4 East, containing
about 247 5 acres, more or less.
The IForth-West quarter of Section 38,
Township 2 South, Range 4 East, containing
about 160 44 acres.
The North-East qgrter of Section 83,
Township 2 South, Range 4 East, containing
about 160 44 acres.
The I orth-~West quarter of Seion 34,
Towpship 2 South, B ge4 East, containing
about 160 16.
The South-West quarter of Section J4, in
Township 2 South, Range 4 East, containing
abouti60 16 acre.
. The North-West quarter ofSection A2, in
Township South, Range 4 East, containing
about 16262 acres. 4,
The Whole ofa ;f ract or Parcel of
situated in Girande Prairie, and wn bytbe
name of Hanchett's Tan Yard, oowisining a
bout 195 arpents.
doilars and under pa able tash, on the day
of sale, and all sudbmver ten dollars on a cre
dit of one, two and three years, froa tthe day
of in equal annual paynmenttpuredhsers
t e their notes with approved ecurity in
solido to the satsfaction of the Administra
trix; property to remain speciall mortgaged
and hypothecated until the full and fnal py
ment of said notes, with the interest whI
may accrue thereon, at the ra of eight *r
cent per annum, from maturity.
Vermilion, January 1lt, 1858.
Sheriffs Sale.
Auguste Donate, exr, k&. District. Court.
*a. St. Laudry.
Josephine Tesson, f. w. c. No. .
B Y Yirtueofan order of seiure and ale,
issued in the above entitled suit, by the
Di*trict Court, in and for the parish of Saint
Landry,. 4d to me directed, will be ex
to public sale, for Qash, at the Court Hou.
ofthis parish, on .aturday, the fifth day of
Fec , A. D., 1858, eemmencing at the
houi 1 o'clock A. 31., andcon ed from
dla, to day, if necaery, all the ri' tle.
interest and demand of in and to the foIMng
property, seized to satisfy said writ, to wit :
A eertainLott Grpun situated in the
town of Opelousas, havin` one half arpeat
front by one hundred and sixty-nine feet in
depth, adjoining on the South to the land of
$..l. Isalle, on the North to land formerly
belonging to Louis Louaillier Senr., on the
East to land belonging to Joseph Hardy anrod
on the West to the twenty feet which the said
Joseph Hardy, her vendor, has reserved be
tween the line of P Cahanin for a passage
for tle said lot, with all the Buildings and
Improvesilents thereon.
Sheriff's Office, St. Landry,
1st January t86.k
EJtatc atGeore W. Addison.
A L perons holding claims agahat the
l. oa Ogorge W. Addison or his estate,
are reqgested to present them duly sathenti
4d to the undersigned. And all those in
to osaid Geo. W. Addison or to the
firm of Addison & Sandoz, are alo requested
to come forward and settle their aeoaints, if
they wish to save costs.
Opelousas, Dec. 25th, 1850.

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