OCR Interpretation

The colored American. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1893-19??, January 25, 1902, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83027091/1902-01-25/ed-1/seq-1/

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Colored Women Unite V nlte with their Cau Caucasle Caucaslan Cucasian
caslan casle rv Sisters In Perfect Harmony HarmonyA He rmony rmonyA
A Religious Tidal Wave WaveAn An Elevator ElevatorDrops ElevatorDropsOther ElevatorDropsOther
Drops DropsOther Otner News of She h Day DayHartford DayHartford > V VHartford
Hartford Conn Special SpeclalFor For the thebenefic thebenefiu thebenefit
benefic of those who may not know es especially espeoialJy espeoially ¬
pecially the ladies la lea of our race and those thosethat thosethat thosethat
that are mothers or are the heads of oftheir oftheir oftheir
their own households we wish to state statethat statethat statethat
that the ladies of tne First BaptisChurch BaptistChurch Baptist BaptistChurch
Church whit whit Talcott St have whati whatiP what whatin
in i known aa a Mothers Meeting every everyl
l Wednesday afternoon at 3 oolock A Anumber Anumber Anumber
number o ot ladies of color meet with withthefae withthebe withthese
these white sisters every week They Theyspend Theyspend lheyBpend
spend these afternoons in listening to topapers topapers topapers
papers on various topics toplcssueh such as the thebringing thebrmging thebringing
bringing up of children chlldrenhow how to be ideal idealwives Idealwives idealwives
wives and make home happy happyin in short shortthey shortthey shortthey
they discuss all phases of tha part they theyshould theyahould theyshould
should play in shaping the destiny of ofmankicd ofmankild ofmankild
mankild rho ladies who are taking takingadvantage takingadvantage takingadvantage
advantage of these th e opportunities era eravery ar arvery aravery
very earnest in their praise of the ladiesof ladies ladiesof ladlesof
of the opposite race with whom they
meet for the cordial feeling that exists existsbetween existsbetweEn existsbetween
between them After the Literary or orother orother orother
other excerclees the meeting always alwaysco alwaysCOies
co COies < es with a tea at 4 oclock All the
ladies of color who are members unite unitethem unitethem unitethem
them in porfeot harmony Among
the active colored worker are Mrs JEf
fie fi > r Fish Mrs Allis Scott lIce Willie WillieHill WillieHIl1
Hill Mrs Waterman Mrs Kelly Mrs lr8
Price Mrs Harris and hire Lizzie
Green We call attention to this so sothat 80that 8othat
that if any more of our ladies > desire to toavail toavail toavail
avail themselves themsel ve9 of theee meetings tuey
may have the chanoa Of course coursewe courSBwe coursewe
we would like to see a similar society
composed exclusively of colored ladies ladi s
fur there is intelligence enough among
them to support such a society in Hart ¬
ford as well as most other cities and andplaces andplaC8B andplacas
places in the state But as there are arenone arcnone arenone
none among 8mon us usand and there la a pressing pressingneed pressingneed pressingneed
need of such a society why not take ad advantage advantage advantage ¬
vantage of the one controlled by our ourwhite ourwhite ourwhite
white friends They stand with out outstretched outstretched outstretched ¬
stretched arms to receive and welcome welcomeus
us The thing that is going goin to htlp
Our race today and in the future is the themothers themothors themothers
mothers knowledge and ability to train trainup trainup trainup
up the boys and girls of today who whoare whoare whoare
are to become the men and women of ofyears ofyears ofyears
years to come It is true that the thenaad thenaod thenand
nand that rocks the cradle Is the hand
that rules the world worldairs worldoor8 worldmrs
airs Effie Wilson of Willimanfeic Willimanfeicwho Willi Willimanticwho mantic manticwho
who has been making makin makingan an extsnded visit visitthrough visitthrough visitthrough
through New York State a spent pent a week
in Hartford the guest of ol Mr and Mrs
Charles Thompson of of41 41 Warren Street
It was not her intention to stop here
but on reaching reacbIn her he city ane was iu liiirmedSthat iumnedstnat IllrDledstbat
mnedstnat the street on which she sheAsides shela sh shaieea e
Asides aieea la was quarantined qUtr Dtined on account of ofm ofnl o oni f
m Upox ll pox which ho however wever proved later latero late lateo r
o by Op Chicken BOX So Miss Wilson le learned leDr rearrled ¬
arned Dr ed home Saturday
iusa ois iso Julia James J mes sister of Mrs Jante Janteamea JanIeames Jant Jantawes e
ames went to Hartford Hospital on onw o n
he 11th to be operated for tumor tumorr
w U B aipGVl W on l > a bUU
Jr Ir r George Smith inith employed at at6S6 at6S6lH 686 68 B
lH lam streft treat at t th Ul1 he VftUP tSJdJJlJ IIdi of 0 UHJ tJ
Collector of Internal Revenue Atlanta Ga Conducting Satisfactorily the tneMost theMost theMost
Most Lucrative Office Held by a Negro in America
I Chnrou hurob of the Redeemer very narrow narrowy 1 1ly
ly y escaped with his life last week weekthe weeklhe weekThe
the elevator which he runs broke and andtook andtook anddtook
took a plunge from the third floor to tothe totbe tothe
the bottom carrying down Mr SmithThe Smith SmithThe SmithThe
The concession was so great gr at that it putout put putout putout
out every every light iu the building Aside Asidefrom ABidefrom Asidefrom
from being greatly shaken up he escapod es escaped escaped
caped without withontlnjury Injury This is the third thirdtime thldtlme thirdtime
time the elevator has taken a drop
Mrs Jennie Austin of L1bertyBt Liberty St af after after atter ¬
ter an extended visit to her formerborne former formerhome formerhome
home in North Carolina has returned returnedhome returnedhome returnedhome
home Miss Jeacette Edwards Ed atds of Farmington Far Farmington Farmington
mington Conn is visiting in the city ct y
the guest of Mr Mralld and Mas Frederick FrederickThompson FredertckThompson FrederickThompson
Thompson of Beliame Street Mrs MrsBraxaon Mrs13raxson trrsBraxaon
Braxaon oi Liberty Street who was re reported reported reported ¬
ported convalescent last week from her Jierillness herIllness herHlness
Illness has had a relapse relapseA
A religIous tidal wave Is sleeping sleepingover s sweepingover weepinKover
over Hartford and the Kingdor o oDarkness of ofDarkness ofDlrkneElR
Darkness is being asiailed as nJ nofore ii iifore > t tfore
fore We Weare are pleased to t > state stateit statpItual stateitual
it Itual ual fervor of themembard the themembardwas memharac memharacwaa e ewas
was started two or more v vnot V Vnot f fnot
not abated All throngSunday throng throujrSunday throulSunday
Sunday the church v vflowing T Tflowing
flowing with anxiour of ofthe v vthe f fthe
the Life and Salv tev tevers lPVerB
ers have been a < spirit spiritual irit irituat ¬
ual zeal and jef H if jntecost jntecostwas jntecostwas ntecas ntecaswas t
was was had for and wer Werebaptized were werebaptized e
baptized in th grist Jesus Jesuslor J eana eanafor
for the reniia and they re received received reeeived ¬
ceived the gift y Ghcetan Ghost nand nandihero and andUner0 d
Uner0 there was W g stjda uufch hdurlng hdurlngJ durin durinpe during g
pe J WHl w Oat 1oo IPP1 Ap
in the love of Jesus The nine ocloc oclocprayer oclock oclockprayer oclockprayer k
prayer meeting was conducted by local localPreacher localPreacher localPreacher
Preacher Stacey Graley and the Lord Lordwhom Lordwhom
whom we wesought sought suddenly came to His Histemple Histemple Hi Hitemple I
temple and there was a shout in the thecamp thecamp th thcamp e
camp The Pastor Rev J Bulls SullaCoopsr SuUaCoopsr BullsCoopar
Coopsr expounded the Gospal at 1045 1045on 1045on 1045on
on the theme of 1 Gods love with withvonderfol withyondertol withwonderful h
wonderful effect and a large number numberwere numberwere numb at atwere
were baptized and taken into the thechurch thechurch th thchurch e
church At the close of the preaching preachingservice preachingservIce preachingservice
service Mrs Kenny Smith who had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeen
been sacking the Light came out with withgreat wilihgreat withgreat h
great rejoicing Much interest was wasmanifested ws wsmanifested VBS VBSmanifested s
manifested in the Sunday School lea leason le3Bon lesson
son Dr J E Mason was present and andelectrified an anelectrified
electrified the etchers and scholars by byan byan b ban y
an address on the led Jeyon on The spirit spiritirried spirituied spirtorried t
irried with us in the G E Society Societyand SocIety8nd Societyand
and a large number uumberjQined joined Rev Ma Mason Mason Mason
son offered Christ to a dying dyln world in inthe Inthe i ithe d
the evening with great impression and andas andaa an anas
as at the end of the morning service so soa so1J s sn °
a 1J the evenlning a large number came camewsrd camewsrd cam e
wsrd and joined the church The Thereeling Th Theet Thfleeting I
reeling eet ing contluued contluuedMias contluuedMiasM contluuedMiss
Miss MiasM M tggie t gie Moore of Huntly Ave Avewho Avewho +
who has ha been in New York City visit visitinsr viiitinq visiink f fd
ink friends for some time has returns returnshome returned returnedhome returnedhome d
home The many friends of JacksoRoss Jackson JacksonBoss JacksonRossJ n
Boss RossJ were glad to see him out Sunday Sundayafter t3uDdayafter Burda y
after his protracted illness Mr John JohnFraocea JohnFrtiOCed Joh n
Frances brother of Mrs Clarence Dan Daniel Dmielrtturnod Da Dalei ¬
lei ielrtturnod returned to Hartford Wednesday Wednesdaythe
the 15th after fn n absence of several severalmonths severalmonths cove
months Hwiil He wiU ill make his Borne ome wit witbtee with withMr
Mr 1 Jln + D O lzJ i11 itreet btee
Y Yj
Substantial Merit MerItWoJghingMot Weighing More Heav Heavily Heavi I Ii
i lly than Political ActivityAppointed ActivityAppointedReceiver Activity Appointed i I IReceIver +
Receiver of Public PubllcM Moneys MoneysLogical MoneysLogicalLendor n YSLoglc Logical LogicalLosxdor t tLeader i ii + t
Leader In Mississippi Affairs AffairsThe 5 5The
I I I i
The appointment appointm nt of Hon Isaiah TMontgomery T TMontgomery TIontgomery
Montgomery as receiver racei v r of public mon moneys ¬
eys at Jackson Miss marks the begin begintlcs beginning x
ning ora of a new dlapenJstion In the poll
tics of that state and perhaps inr inrtho in the
South ihe he I p
dethronement of James Tame I
Hill was not so much a blow at the themn them1D theman
mn as at the system which ha h and bIB I a
following represent Personally Mr
Hill has an honorable record reoor < l and his a
long incumbency a all an anofliofal official and andlead andleadex lead leader ¬
er bears no blemish But changing
conditions are bringing brin ing forward men menwho menwho menwhodo
who whodo do no Dot make make politics poJiti l profession
The demand is for factors 1 ctorB in il1tne the arena1 arena1of iUeo area r I Iof I
of business industry and finance and andwhose I i iwhoseactivity I IwhoBeactivity
whose whoBeactivity activity in matters matteraotgovernmenr of government f
is distinctly apart from spi spina spinaations oi oiations ° < I Iations
ations Tho man who whorepresents whorepresenta whorepresents
represents this new order orderwho t twho r rwho
who stands out boldly at at
leader leaderot of the newdispensat new dispensst
T Montgomery He era eraprinoirls e eprinolrls em I Iprinclile
prinoirls that mflkcsfor makes for forth thv bhvu wo uarment uarmentof beroient beroientof rment rmentot
of the new Necro in 1nthe the South and the
President could not have made a hap ¬
pier selectionThis selection selectionThis seleotlonThis
This interesting character was born bornslave a aslave aslave
slave on the plantation of Jefferson x
Davis in Mississippi Noting Notjn the theboyJ theboyJbrightness boys
brightness the late president of the I
Confederacy made of orh1m him a asort sort of body
servant and he was taught to read and andwrite andwrite 3I
write With this start he practically practicallyeducated practicallyeducated
educated himself and when the slaveson slaves slaveson slaveson
on the Davis plantation were liberated liberatedMontgomery I1beratedMontgomery I IMontgomery
Montgomery started north to earn his hisliving hisliving hisliving
living He accumulated a few thous thousand tboulJand ¬
and dolars and returned to Mississippi Mississippiconceived MisaissipplconceIved Mississippiconceived
conceived the idea of founding a town 1s
for the industrious members of his own ownrace ownrace
race who could obtain work from the thewhites thewhites
whites and who who were unsuccessful unsuccessfulin i
in working for themselves He leased leasedplots leasedJjlots leasedplots
plots of ground which he hadpurcbaB hadpurcbaBad had purchas purchased pnrchased ¬
ed at a low lourranal rental with the result that tbatNegro thatNegro
Negro families flocked to this portion of ofMississippi ofM1s81Bslppt
Mississippi from all portions of of the gulf gulfstates gnl
states Today the ruwn town has a a popula population population ¬ I
tion of nearly 10000 contains several severalImportant j I I I Iimportant
Important industries SB 8soell well as aBchurch aBchurches church churches ¬
es and an schools It is what might be becalled bocalled T
called a oneman one man town for the mayor mayorhas mayorhas I
has planned and carried cab about abouteverything aboutevarythIngof l
everything of importance in it It is the themarket I Imarket
market for a section seotionof of the thecoantry country 50 50to 50to 6 I
to 75 miles around it and one of the themoat > j jmoet
moat imcortant railway stations on the theIllinois theIlllnQ theIllinois
Illinois IlllnQ B Central CentralMr CentralMr Central Y YMr
Mr Montgomery Is one of ollthe ithe moat moatardent mo mostardent t tard
ardent ard nt supporters ot otthe the National Negro NegroBusiness NegroBusiness NegroBusiness
Business League and at the two con conventions convention8 ¬ r
ventions held by that tna body In Boston Bostonand Boetonand
and Chicago his addressed teeming teemingwith teemingwIth
with practicra practice pr ct1col thought drew out mncn mncnfavorable mncnfavorable
favorable comment He was the onlycolored only onlycolored onlycolored
colored man m n who eat satin in the MIssissippi MiasiesippIi bdississlpplspate
i spate 8 ate constitutional convention CO ventJlen in 1890 1690tJoDthUI
tJoDthUI P p if =

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