tr7 tr7o rll1tED rll1tEDyOL C r o A AVUL s Q t VOL XI S NO16 NO 16 WASHINGTON D C AUGUST 2 19U 1902 PRICE CENTS C1 NTS SCIENTIFIC FARMING FARMINGAGRICULTURAL FARMINGAGRICULTURAL FARMINGAGRICULTURAL AGRICULTURAL WORK ORK AT ATTUSKECEE ATTUSKECEE ATTUSKECEE TUSKECEE INSTITUTE INSTITUTEPractice INSTITUTErracllcallnstructfon INSTITUTEpractical Practice rracllcallnstructfon Instruction Given in Darylng DarylngOrchard DaryIngOrchard DaryingOrchard Orchard Growing Chemistry o cif Soils Soilsand Sallsnd Soilsand and nd Export Gardening Constant De Demand Demand ¬ mand for Graduates and Good Sal Salaries Sa SarJes Salaries ¬ aries rJes Offered OrforodTllhgee y V VTikfgee y yTII Tikfgee TII legee Ala Special SpeciaLNone None of the therk theII therk rk II if I If the Tuskegee Normal Norm l and In Inirial InIntitute irial Invtitute has proven more suc suclul sucilll suciul lul than tin work done in the AgriIepartnunt Agri Agrimiral AgriIII miral III r1I Department Dtpu tn1lnt and that t h3t under the thei theoi then i n i vi iion > km oi < the Agricultural Experi Experiut ut Station Stat ion established tahli hed by the Legis Legislature Legis11turc Iegistaturc ¬ lature of the State of Alabama in con coni cond coniUVll < iUVll i d lion tJl with the school schUolThe The chief aim of this department is ismake isIllakl isuldke make the I he instruction practical as well wellorient welltjellit wellrientitic orient tjellit rientitic ific e From the beginning of the Loo I Hil special s clal prominence has been giv givto givto to all forms tonus of work connected connect d dnrlrittion with withcllriration vithcultivation cultivation of the soil Alc AI > j ji Is 5 i I cent r nt of fthe the colored color d 1 peo peon 1 1itir 1 f fce fceutir utir live in III the cote cotmtV countp countpfarmers ltr ltrfarmers < p < tanners farmers and andi andppurt I Iphon phon i iM > n th thl Ud it itf8 a f8rn I cn by byt Elylarm iiirm in n rail railL ras rasn rai raimg t rmi n L ing for f foi < > stock fruit fruitproducts frmtproduc fruitproducts products produc products to to become beco e innd in innd innd = nd successul l farmers In IniLiitlid InIllI undid IllI id modern building bl lding the theiinstrong thelIbtrong thenutrong iinstrong Memorial M niorial Agricultu Agricultuding Agricultuding Agricultuding ding it is named costing about aboutwas aboutJ aboutwa J wa was built and equipped equipp d for forboth forth forI both I th practical and scientific scientificAbout scientificAbout scientificAbout About the same timethe timetheStateof time the theState thef < State Stateof of Alabama es esagricultural es1gri esagricultural agricultural 1gri llltural experiment experimentc r c oMectKa ta ti n with the school schoolpast schoolpa I past pa year r two two wings were wereuildi wereJ wereIi1dit J > + uildi d < til > < ata ate t3 cost of 5000 5000quati 5000nJuall 5000yuatc quati laboratory and mu muuro m mrl mue e uro rl ded Under the dic di diof dlof c of this department departmenti > i < < 1 II m the laboratory and 3ndj andff1 1 i Tiu ff1 laboratory lab ratory work isis is isi isunderstood i is understood by the thensists therists < nsists in in the main main of ofh ofh o oil h various trioU5soils soils for the purf pur purIri 1 Iri lr si 1 ghat fh3tele hat elements i nts need be ber bec ber r c to make 13ke them more moreenables moreenables snoreenables enables the students to toflection toI I l I r election lection of fertilizers fertilizerstlso fertilizerstho tlso tested to find their theiretds theirrtds theiretds etds rtds are tested to find findd findtd findtd td d to fat to milk or to tor tor r t L > also practical pmctic3lanalsis pmctic3lanalsisductsmilk analysis analysisducts analysisductsmilk I ducts ductsmilk milk butter and andcomprehensive 3ndoomprehei1s andcomprehensive comprehensive oomprehei1s e study of ofu ofi u 1 live forage plants All AllJa AllUflwledge Ja 1 < Uflwledge wledge is carried daily dailyfind ind into the practical practicaltrious practicalfious practicalErious trious divisions of the de dethis dethi dethitiay thitiay this thi way 1y the technical technicalthe technicallne technicalthe the labpVatorjr laboratory labarator is worked workeds s and andin andinthe in the products of ofden ofden ofden den and and orchard From Fromrfive FromI Fromvfive I rfive five1 fcows vs vsare > fare are milked milkedir milkedpil milkedirydivi pil ir irydivi ll iyision Vipion ion The milk milkii ii ltI MEN EN OF THE HOUR MR ERNEST HOGAN HOGANTKe HOGANI HOGANThe The Peerless AfroAmerlcsvn Afro American Comedian SongWriter Sony Writer Vocalist and Dramatlst Dram Drarnextlst Dramatfst I extlst To Star in My Friend From Georgia U from these cows is used to prove the ex experiments experiments experitnents ¬ periments of the laboratory and also alsosupplied alsosupplied alsosupplied supplied to teachers and students as milk milkand milkand milkand and butter in in the students mitt aiid lq teachers teachershome teachershome teachershome home departments Tuskegee butter has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen been called by competent judges excel excellent excellent excellent ¬ lent both in in appearance and quality qualityThe qualityI qualityThe I The orchard and truck garden arc re also alsoused alsoused alsoused used for practical results Budding Buddinggrafting Buddinggr3fting Buddinggrafting grafting trimming and the care of ofplants ofplant ofplants plants > and trees are taught always al ways with witha i a view of supplying fruit and vegetables vegetablesfor I for the school Some splendid results resultshave resultsI resultshave I have come from the agricultural de department department department ¬ partment and are set forth in bulletins bulletinsissued bulletinsissued bulletinsissued issued by the experiment station stationThe st3tionI station stationThe I The institution owns twentylive twentyfi hundred hun hundred hundred ¬ dred acres of land of which fifteen hundred hun hundred huni ¬ i dred acre 3 acres e are divided into two farms farmsknown fannsknown farmsknown known as the Home Farm and Mar h Mar Marshall far farI ¬ I shall Farm The The Home H me Farm is used usedto usedto usedto to raise vegetables vegct3bl s fruit poultry cows cowshogs cowshogs cowshogs hogs and horses The Marshall Farm Farmis Farmis Farmis is three miles from the school and contains con contains contains ¬ tains eight hundred acres of land Upon Uponit it are raised mainly heavy grain pota potatoes potatoes potatoes ¬ toes sugar pane peas etc tosupply the theboarding theboarding theboarding boarding > department of the school schoolVegetables schoolVegeta schoolVegetables Vegeta Vegetables les are also so rajsed r ed in great greatabundance gr greatabundance t tabundance abundance upon it This farm is JS cul ¬ tivated entirely by students A night nightschool nightschool nightschool school is carried on at the MarshallFarm Marshall MarshallFarm Marsha1Farm Farm eleven months in the ear earThere parThere earThere There has been added to the agricultural agricul agricultural agricultural ¬ tural department work in dairying dairyingpoultry dairyingpoultry dairyingpoultry poultry raising horticulture and flori floriculture floriculture floriculture ¬ culture for girls The experiment has hasbeen hasbeen hasbeen been tried the past two years with ex excellent excellent excellent ¬ cellent results re u1ts A Alarge large majority of the theyoung theyoung theyoung young women who come to Tuskegee Tuskegeeare are the daughters of colored farmers farmersliving farmerslivinj farmersliving living on small plantations How little littlebenefit littlebenefit littlebenefit benefit the people of that class get from fromgardens fromgardens fromgardens gardens one has only to travel through throughthe throughthe throughthe the country districts of the Southern SouthernStates SouthernStateS SouthernStates States to see If they have a garden at atall at atall all it is apt to be choked with weeds and andother andother andother other noxious growths With every ad advantage advantage advantage ¬ vantage of soil and climate and with withste3dy a asteady asteady steady market if they live near the city cityor cityor cityor or large town few of the colored farm farmers farmers farmers ¬ ers get any benefit from this one of ofthe ofthe ofthe the most profitable of all industries industriesThe industriesTh industriesThe The Th girls in the various agricultural di divjsionshave diY divisions vjsionshave Y visions sions hav have as > careful training as do dothose dothose dothose those in any of the other industries sciences scir scirences sci sciences ences and and arts taught IH here re This work workis workis workis is carried on in connection with the theContinued theiI theiCo theCoatlaued I Continued Co da ed oa 00 Dr fourth lounhpijS past pastc r rj rj j j i iI I > c 4v ELEVATING ELEV ATINGTHESTAGE THESTAGE THESTAGEAIM THE STAGE f fs ft fAIM t f1 f1AIM s t AIM OF ERNEST HOGAN HOGANr HOGANrPREMIERPLAYWRIGIiT < PREMIER PREMIERPLAYWRIGIiT PREMIERPLAYWRIGHTHls PLAY WRIGHT WRIGHTHis 0 His Brilliant l Past and na Some Plans for Evon Higher ResultsNegro Act Actors A t tors s sors ors Can Rise by Superior Abllllity Abllllityixnd AbJlUityand Abililityand and Chtvraster0 Chorastor y 0 Ifilnallty Iglnalft and Ver Versatillty VersatfUty Versatility satillty Ry P DivJdiWldsv DivJdtl c cOur M f < c2t c2tOur xy xyOur W Our readers will readily rec reco4ze recoqp m n the tJ accompanying accom anin ir r d s Ic 1It e fapwlla t at 31J1 31J1Jt it r Jo > trfrtt prince prince of entertainers entertainers s Mr Ernest Hogan While classified as asa asa asa a comedian and funmaker he has exhib exhibited e hib hibited ¬ 4 4ited ited a remarkable dramatic talent and andmany rindmany andmany many and varied ariedhave have been the favor favorafcU favorrbl4 afcU I omjnjejit uJJ m tpts I1Jt J tsnderul tendered de1 his high concep > ¬ 1 t tLion tion Lion and atv am arlJot1C < < tk ftyrmr nrplQL rte nboC Vr lezUimate lezUimateroles l = itim at atroles J roles His tltaty ft ttatadtttbility7ui ttt < < < da ttbillty rtbi1 ty rU 8tffa 8tffajunction L Ljunction + t junction with hi Jt hilr iitrvertcy1 eicy eitc lealoushels lealoushelsand tealousne aIQusn st st3ud S Sand and remarkable v < tiWfijv ti1i talit stamps hnjrj hnjrjas hi hias as an artist of the front rank in his hischosen hischosen E Echosen ° chosen profession He is a naturalborn naturalbornleader naturalhornl naturalbornleader leader l ader and his powers of organization organizationand and executive exec tive ability cannot be gain gainsaid g3insid gainsaid ¬ said By a strict adherence to details detailsa r ra a due regard for the attainment of perfectionand per perfection perfectionand ¬ fection fectionand and his personal magnetism magnetismMr c cllr Mr Hogan has conceived and produced producedsome producedsome producedsome some remarkably clever performances performanceswith performanceswith performanceswith with companies composed mainly ofmateurs of ofamateurs i iamateurs amateurs who had given no previous previoussigns previoussigns i isigns signs signs of talent Indeed not a few of ofour ofour ofour our recognized performers of today owe owetheir owetheir a atheir their present success to the intelligent intelligentand intelligentand intelligentand and painstaking efforts of Ernest Hogan HoganHe Hoganlie ogan oganHe He has achieved some distinction as an anauthor an3uthor a aauthor author and playwright several of the thebest thebest thebest best acts in Vaudeville having emanated emanatedfrom emanatedfrom emanatedfrom from his facile pen and one play Old OldTennessee OldTennessee OldTennessee Tennessee which while financially a afailure afailur afailure failure was 351 an artistic success su ceS5 and is islikely islikely islikely > > likely to be included in Mr Hogans Hogansrepertoire Hogansrcpertoire i irepertoire repertoire next season His possession possessionof of the happy faculty of giving giving the public publicwhat publicwbat I Iwhat what they want and when they want it ithas ithas itllas < has stood him well and an4ha has been instru instrumental ¬ mental mental in popularizing ins every vocal vocalpublication r rpublication r rpublication publication Prominent among his pro productions productions ¬ f ductions maybe may be mentioned Keep Dem DemGolden DemGolden J Golden Gates 9ates Wide Open What V are areYou t i I M You Gwine to to Tell Massa Peter Two TwoLittle TwoLittle TwoLittle Little Eyes of oCHlue of Blue Sweet Little Kate KateMcCoy it l lMcCoy I McCoy McCo All Coons Look Alike to toMe to1fe r rMe Me Sit Down Brophv Honey You YouMade YouMade YouMade Made a Hit With Vith Me Come Back and andIll andIll 1 1Ill Ill Be Good Cq d The Th Pas Ma La I IDont IDont Dont Like Lik That Face You Wear V ear De DeCongregation DeCongregation e econgregal1onVlll f Congregation congregal1onVlll Will Please Please Keep Their TheirSeats v I Seats and The Phrenologist Coon CoonA CoonA r rA A brief sketch of Mr fr rfoeans per personal ¬ f fso f fsonal = sonal so nal history will i1l prove plO e interesting to allwho all allwho I 4 4who who have enjoyed his effervescent hu humor humor ¬ I Imor mor or who have hummed his catchy catchyairs catchyairs t = airs He was born at Bowling Green GreenKy < t tKy p pKy His mother Mrs MrsLouisa MrsLouisa g gLouisa Ky June 24 1865 i Louisa Crowdus is ishaie hale and hearty and andlives andlives j jlives 1 lives at Bowling Green today toda y in in a beau beautiful beautiful ¬ 1 1t tiful t uJ home the gift of her favorite son sonErr s m mErl1 r rErn Err r ei i H nt t t1u t1upJe fc fcprel 3 3pze prel preltnal pJe pJemal pzea1 mal tnali a1 a1s < > r rS i See S e r i t i itj i < tj GW > a a h ft r x 3