OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, February 11, 1889, Sporting Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1889-02-11/ed-3/seq-1/

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ty.e-e , ..t,.'t..i....g jol
A Genuine Sensation at the Market
The Assistant Commissioner of Ac
counts Suspended.
Forty.flvo Dollar Paid for Getting
Market Stand.
Col. Hamilton Admit Receiving the
Trimo sport wns eipectod at to-dny's sos
Bion of tho Commissioners of Accounts in tho
investigation into tho nllolmont of stands in
tbo new West Washington Mardet.
Tho'matoriol to furnish it was present
when Commissioner Holahon announced
that court was opon.
Tliero was Mayor Orestes Cleveland, of
Jersey City, who wns a potential factor in
securing stands for his brother-in-law Wm.
II. Iloog; Bookkeeper Davidson, to explain
the myBtorious entry of "barrels,
375'" on tho books of his em
ployer, lUchard D. Brown i ' ' blond
headed " Tom Campbell, Fatty Walsh's rival
as a market restaurateur, and ex-Assemblyman
Daniel E. Finn, who has been wanted so
Ions to tell about his securing a stand in the
new market, but who had successfully evaded
the snbpoona-servers of Mr. Nicoll and the
Commissioners until Saturday.
Mayor Cleveland was the first witness ex
amined. Ho told how he secured five stands
from his brother-in-law's firm.
Ha had known Sunt, Kelso forty-three
years, and visited him at his offlco to ask him
if tho rumor that stands would not be allotted
to non-residents was true.
Mr. Kelso said that it was. but remarked
that as two of tho partners resided in the
State that fact uncut mako somo difference.
Afterwards tho witness made tho application
in the name of W. II. Hoag A Cc.
He could not oxplain why the permits were
turned in tho'namo of Van Doren &. Co. and
ltussoll Hone
Mayor Clovoland slid that he had como bo
fore tho Commission voluntarily to relievo
tho memory of his old friend, Bupt. Kelso,
from any imputation of wrosR-doing in so
far as tho granting of permits for stands to
his brother-in-law was concernod.
Thomas 1 Farrell. of 27 Wost Thirty
seventh street, was the next witness called
by Commissioner Holalian. and tho testi
mony bogun was a bomb-shell for the Com
sioners. 'the witness is a member of tho Tammany
Hall Association of the Fifteenth Assembly
He said that ho had heard through M. J.
Smith, a saloon-keeper at Thirty-sevonth
street and Eighth avenuo, that it cost John
Curley, a stand-holder in tho new market,
SM to secure his permit.
" To whom did ho pay it ?" was the next
" To a man connected with your office at
"Wlmt man?"
" Col, Theodoro Hamilton, Assistant Com.
missiouor of Accounts."
The witness baid that ho had told this story
to Mayor Grant, who baid that he mUBt go
before the Commissioners of Account and
toll it, as ho (tho Mayor) was bound to sift
this matter to tho bottom and soe if there had
boen any orookednobs in tho allotment of
Jouu Gurltjr, tho standfholder mentioned
by the procediug witness was next sworn.
Ho testitiod that ho applied for a Htaud.and
through his son tried to interest Gon. F. H.
bpinola in his bohalf. Ho thinkB that tho
Uenoral got tho stand for him, for Gen.
bpiuola had told him so.
Col, Thooduro A. Hamilton, ho said, had
offered his services in assisting the witnoss to
soeuro tho stand and ho had accoptod Mr.
Hamilton's holp.
Tho Colonol clalmod that he got the stand
permit, but tho witness believed that Gen.
hpiuola's inlluonco was more potent in socur.
jnEit,Ro,'.'jubt to make things easy," bo gave
lI. Hamilton 845 to pay him for running
' ' Before I got my stand, " the witnoss wont
on. t ? '" Hamilton asked me for luonoy,
I told him I wouldn't pay five cents to any
jnan in the city government, but if ho wonted
the money for himself I would givo it to
him, I gave him 425 then.
Afterwords I govo him $10 when he asked
po for it. and about Christmas tiwo I gave
bira Sio more,"
Mr. Curley said that ho had bought two
coxes of cigars for 620 and presented them to
oupt. Kelso, and had given $14 to Chief
Clerk Graham MoAdara.
! i i'wnllton was noxt summoned to ex.
Plain his connection with tho matter.
He said that ho knows Mr. Gurloy. Last
June Mr. Curley askod him if ho could get a
corner stand for him. Ho said :
. I visited Mr. Kelso's offloe ovor a dozen
mes about tho matter. I never paid a cent
o any city official. Mr. Curley pavo mo the
mouey voluntarily for my servloes.
.. Mr. Curley gavo $25 in Septorabor last.
j'f Mds. at two different times, his sou
Eaveuio $io.
, never gavo Bupt. Kolso or onybody
fA " 'nance Department any present
ir.fi Bny epecifio purposos. I gave Hupt.
Kelso o box of Porfucto cigars. I did not
Eiyo them for JIri Curley, I never
Bve Mr. MoAdam 814. That's absurd. I
was only making myself solid with theso
S-I'i ?eouldn'tliribo Mr. Kelso or Mr.
UeAdam for 435. It's absurd. fLaugbter. j
i paid for Mr. Curloy's permit out of
Continued on Third J'au.
J A'lntriaiirffrftwK
Tony Pastor Starts the Femalo
Cyolists on Their Race.
Mme. Louise Armaindo Makes afi Quick
First Mile.
Tho Colors or tho Rainbow In tho Hiding
Costumes of tho Girls.
Exerything was in readiness this morning
at Madison Square Garden for tho afternoon's
beginning of tho six-day blcyclo content for
Only ono or two of tho young womon who
aro enterod for the contest wero on hand in
the morning. Tho others wero taking all tho
rest they could preparatory to the grand
The finishing touches put the track in first
class condition, and experts say that, judging
from the appeaionco of tbo contestants, tliero
ought to be some exciting sport. Tho riders
aro all professionals, and sovoral of them
have good records.
Tho riding dresses will be heavy woollen
leggings of various colors and design, with
tight-fitting jackots and knit skull-caps, and
theso costumes will display to advantago tho
shapely figures of tho fair contestants.
The riding hours aro limited to oight a day,
tho schedulo being from 3 to C in tho after
noon and from 8 p. m. to 1 a. m. at night.
There aro no trainers' quarters in tho Garden,
as all tho contestants havo their rooms in tho
neighboring hotols. F. J. Frlal, editor of
The Wheel, will be refcreo.
Hero is a list of tho contestants, with tho
numbers which havo been assigned to them :
No. 1 Hilda Buallor is a Swedish beauty,
weighing i:iO pounds and statuling t feet 4
inches tall.
No. a Jcsnio Woods has competed in Brooklyn
and in an experienced rider, blio weighs 11
No. a Kitty Brown is a ISO-pound, eighteen,
year-old, f-foot 5-iuch beauty, who will no eou
lor a few days at leant.
No. 4 Jessio Oaks, the English champion,
and because of her confident, graceful style
placed by many as tho winner.
No. 5 Elsie Von Ulumen is tho well-known
rider with a record running back ovor yoars.
Hhe has been a walker and has many friends.
Bhe is tho champion of America is her lino and
will give the girl, Oaks, a hard fight.
No. 0 Lulu Hart, twenty-two years old, 133
pounds weight and 5 feet OU Indies tall, comes
from the interior and lias pluck and grit, but no
No. 7 Maggie JlcShano, who ia tho Aggie
Harvey of previous trials, bnt who now dons
tho green and comes out as an Irish girl to cap
ture the hearts of tho Irish lovers of cycling.
Bhe comes from Dublin and has won several
walking and cvcling races. Hho In accredited
with being tho prettiest rider of tho lot.
No, 8 Lottie Stanley conies from I'lttsburg
and is a fine spurter. ,
No. 0 Helen Baldwin has an abundance of
No. 10 Hattio Lewis is twenty-ono years old,
feet 7 inches tall and weighs 135 pounds.
No. 11 Loiubo Fox is from Now Jersey, and
is but seventeen years of ago, weighing but 110
No. 12 Gertrude Franko is a daik-skinncd
Polish lady and, it is whispered about, has a
fight to some soi t of tltlu of nobility, hho is a
ate-comer in the lift of entries and was enterod
with several others by a well-known sporting
man from tho interior of the Htate.
No. 13 Mme. Louise Armaindo is tho well
'known ktaycr of the wheel. Bho has ridden in
overy part of tho world and has won the title of
champion oer and over again. Her partner in
team riding. W. J. Morgan, is backing, and will
look after her. Bhe is a matter-of-fact body and
rides for money evory tirao. Bhe has the omi
nous No. 13 on nor back, but hoies to carry it
to victory. The fight lies, in the opinion of
many, betweon Armaindo, Von Blumen and
No. 14 May Allen is a new comor without
special record.
No. 15 An unknown enterod by Harden, of
Lincoln, Neb. Up to yesterday all that had
been heard fiom her was telegrams from vari
ous places as the train came cunt.
Tony Pastor, resplendent in full dress and
a crush bat, gave tho word to start tho girls
in the race at 3 o'clock this afternoon.
Fourteen of the fair cyclers sturted thoir
wheels at tho word, the Nbbrnskn Unknown
failing to reach tne city in time to begin.
The race was mado interesting from tho
start by the eagerness of Mme. Armaindo and
Lottie Stanley to take and maintain tho load.
It was a fine struggle, and caused much ex.
citcment among the six or soven hundred
spectators in tho big pavilion.
Armaindo displayed tho steadiest norvo,
however, and was at tbo bead of tho proces
sion at the end of tho first mile, which hhe
completed in 3m. 50s. ninid tho applnuso of
thu onlookers and a livoly air from a brass
bund located in one of the baloonios.
All the maidens fair, savo Elba Von Blu.
men, wero revealed in all their physical ox.
cellenco in tights of vnrious bhades and tints.
Miss Von Blumen, persisting in a costumo
of inuuy years' standing, wears n skirt of
dark red, reaching to her knees, nud stock,
iugs of black.
Mmo. Armaindo's substantial form was
clothed in tights of cerulean bluo.
Jessie Oaks, natty littlo English girl, was a
dream in while, while Maggie McHhane, hor
Irish rival, appeared in a jcrsov and tights of
bright red, knotted hero and thoro with rib
bons of verdant green.
The enthusiasm of those who saw the start
was unboundod, and almost ovorybody
selected ono of the riders as his embodiment
of grace and prettiness.
Just Two Yean Elapsed Between Its Tws
1Mb Oil Fire.
Beboen Point, N. .L.fFob. 11. At day
light this morning, the great firo in the
Standard Oil Company's works at Constablo
Hook was still burning, but was under con
trol. The loss is now estimated at about
1 150,000, and is uninsured.
It is now belteved that tho firo was caused
by the electria light dynamo getting out of
Two paraffin Btills were partially destroyed
and several thousand uew barrels storod in
the building helped to add fuel to tho tlumo.
By a singular coincidence this fire occurs
just two years since another great firo in tho
Standard's works.
Will Await the United mutes Cammlulon.
bt eiBU to Tin raut news amocutiom. i
Bkblim, Feb. 11. The opening of the confer,
ence between Germany, England and the United
Btate will be delayed until the arrival of a
special Commissioner from Washington.
Knocked Out la tlin Vinb Hound.
MiKHEArous. Minn.. Feb. 11. Danny Neod
bam, the champion light-weight of the North
west, knocked onl Pat Harrington, of Boston,
in the fifth round. The fight was a fifteen
round glore contest for $500 a side.
out of mm.
Inmates of a Burning Hotol Esoapo
in Nightolotb.es.
Flames Eat Up tneiVaYe Crest at Far
A Suspicion that nn Incendiary Started
tho Fire.
Fxn Hockaway, Fob. 11. Tho Wavo CroU
Hotel was buincd early this morning, tho
firo being discovered at about 4 o'clock.
Tho hotel was ono of tho largest in tho
place and was owuod by ex-Assemblyman
Edward Harragh. Tho loss was tlO.OOO,
which is said to be fully covered by insur
ance. The fire mado rapid progress, as a high
wind was blowing. Soon after its discovery,
tho big building was entirely wrappod in
flames, while in little loss than half an hour
it lay in ruins.
Tho inmates bad baroly time to escapo in
their night-clothes. Somo of thorn leaped
from tho second-story windows.
So fiercely did the lire rngo when at its
height that tho United States Hotol and
other buildings in tho immodiato vicinity,
were soriously threatened.
The local Fire Hepartiuont and tho hotol
watchmen fought tho flamos vigorously and
did much towards wiving the neighboring
ructurcs. Lciuidor Petit, of Oceanic Hjisu
No 1, wns seriously injured while on duty.
The cause of the firo is us yet unknown.
'Tliero had been a litigation in progress over
tho property for somo time.
A Mrs. C'lenry claimed to havo a title to tho
property, and hnd brought proceedings in
Both c'auuants held insurance policies, and
nn interesting legal question will now come
Tho building stood iu Coster strcot, noar
tho inlet. It was n, tlireo story frame struc
ture. Mrs. Harragh and her family lived in tho
Thoro aro suspicious that the firo was of
incendiary origin. Mr. Sarragh has been
burned out before
m m
Death of Admlrnl Chandler.
Washinotom, Feb. 11. Tho Navy Depart
ment is informed that Itoar-Admiral Chandler,
commanding tho Asiatio station, died at Hong
Kong yesterday from an attack of apoplexy.
Inapcctor.Gen. nrfickrurldae Now.
WABniNOTOv. Feb. 11. Tho Heuate has con
firmed tho nomination of Col. John C. BiocKen
ridgo to bo Inspector-General of tho United
Btatcs Army
The Closing; ((uotallnns.
Ojttn. IHih, Ijw, Clm.
American Cotton Oil., fillH t'H MH t7W
Atoh , Top Jt H.ntolV... M ftltu ").')( frlU
llran.wlck Und lllft 1H 1W ItJ
Oinada hoiilborn f.W All J4 fW
t'lvie.. Col., Cin. A ind... 74 74M 7:M 7Ufl
I'unipoiVe & Ohio UXK :.' Ul',J 2'J
Chic.rnliu Trmt ;M ilhft llhW ' UHU
Chlo. Burl AQuincj 10:4 J U)M lU'.'U In.'lt
Clno , Kt Ixnu Jt l'ltta ... IhH 1KU 1K)J 1NJ
Chlo., Ht I.. Jt l'ltta.pfo... 41 41lt 41 41K
Chic.gu Jt N'Jrtln.r.1 10111 l(l(,jj 111111 Kill).
Chic , Mil. A ht. I'.ul ... V. ll-iii (l:i J (142
Ohic , Mil. A St. I'iullifd. (Illti KMltf lllli 1(()U
Chic , Hock la. A P.c HT H7H !; II?Q
Uhir. A Kaatsm llllnou .. J4H ATtii 4H t..tj
Chic. A l.natern III. nM... UN U-U UAi IINU
Oln , lnd., Ht. L. A Chlo.. 10.1M lo.'.tf in'.H JOIH
Curoercn 0ol ., ;UJ :i2l? 31M U''H
Col A llocklug Vlloy 'iJH ,-'7)4 aiiH L'ftt
Col A Uo-'klni .1 -A l!i 5l "1
Colorado Goal A Iron WU :II1U MH HllU
Consolidated (laa HI HI). Ml HI
Del , Lack. A Wohtcrn.,.. 141W 141H 141W 141
Ilen.er A lllodrande Weat 1()M lOH in!t 111
HtanaTill ATarra Haute. l' l4U W. 1I4M
II. Tenn..Va.A(la. latpfd 71) 70 70 70
Kt. Worth A Don City BH H4M y.l U4W
(ireen Uny A Winona ... (H I'M (IM dS!
LiknSl.oro ... ln:i 104M 104K IfVIt?
Lake Erie A Weat. pfd 07W M 67)1 fi7M
1.UU1I laiaua , On I'll nil nn
InuTlIle A Na.brille .... :.()' Rtlfi Mt'-t TilMW
loula.. New Alii. A CM. .. 44 44 4:114 4:iV
Mahoning Coal 4'JW 4iW -iM 4U
Manhattan Cnol IHli 114 HjH IHW
Meniphia A Charleaton ... 51 tt'tli 51 5."W
Michigan Central IK) OIH III) IIOW
Mil., !,. 8. A Weatcrn,. .. 70 70 70 70
Mil., L. H A Wet DfJ ... 100 102W 100 10'.'J
Mlawurl Pacific . . . 7L'M 7IIH 7'JM VlU
Mobile A Ohio lOtJ 11 lot, 11
Naah., Chat. A Ht. Louia.. H7 bH KT hK
New .ferae) Central . .. tltjl H7M lit H H7M
New York A I'errr Coal . HlW :ia :I1M ,'W
N. V A New Kneland 47M 4H 4',H 4JJ
N. Y.. Ohlu. A bt Loula . 10 lllU 111 10W
N V ,Chlo.AHt.I,.2dpfd. 44 44M 444 44t
N V., Lake PrleA Weat.. UM 2 ShH '.'llW
N. Y." L. i:. 4 Weat. n(d.. Ud 0!l 00 (10
N Y.. huaq A Weatern . UK Ilk IV OK
Norfolk A (Veateni. ., 17 17'J 17 17
Norfolk A Weatempd ... 5IU A 1 12 f,U f,U
Northern l'aclllo -J-.H yTW L71i X'H
Northern Pacific tifd rt'i l-.' (IU iii
OhioAMiaaiaalppI '.NUt, 24 'MX '.'1
Ont A Weatern 1-H INK 1 bit lMt
Or ltallnay A Natlga lilt 117 1)11 ( 0
Or. Tranaontlnental MSJa a IW !)''H II r,l
Oregon Impiotemrut 7"i'J 7l)t 70K tO1
OingiiuhhortLlue 47 I'.ljJ 4l.ll 4-.)J
Pacific. Mall :H4 III) IIHW :N.
I'll.. Line certlllcatea .... HKjJ HXU H7J HS
Philadelphia A Heading 4kU 4H?J 4x1; hn)J
1'e.irla, flee A Kitui. VillH U4 Vll'i H71
Pullman Palace Cir Co. 20MJ, 20'iW SOJl'j iittrM
Itlch A Alleahany 11)4 1114 1111 1I1U
Ul.h A We.t I'uml'Ier 0M 27(J UlAS 27
Rich A W Point Tor pfd H() HlVo hOU HlH
ht. Paul A Omaha .... Ul2 1)3 alC !).'
ht Paul A Omaha pfd. IHM I'-' DIM I1'-'
ht Paul A Dnluth .. . illlU .'UlU DIlU .MIlU
St. P. Minn A Manitoba 11WW WiU IQlS 101H
Ht IJiila A Ban Fran 211 -'rtW 2(1 20
SugnrTruat Hit H()1 Hll hlW
Ht LoulaAHanF p:d. .. 0.". (15 115 05
Teiaa Paclflo . 82 22 21M 2lH
Tenueaaee Coal Alroii. ... H4W HM Mli JI4
Union Pacific Mil ilH 114 HUM
United Htatea Kinroea ... 711 7U 71) 7(1
Vt.arlnU, lint. A ft :iil ill) Ull III
WaXaeh Bt 1, A Pao pfd. 27 27 27 27
Weatern Union Telegraph., hll HUM 85S fi'.U
Wheeling A Lake Erie litlM USX 06 U Ui 7
Hew York .llnrkrfs.
Wheat. Tho market oponod about steady.
May openod a points oil, at l)hfe.,and advanced
to uulie. At noon the quotation stood at line.
June opened at liHJtc: July, sir. 1 1-lOc. Chi
cago opined steady. Cablos steady,
Oottom. l'utures opened steady at adrcllno
of 1 to 'J points. Teh., D.77; March, l. HO;
April, (i.l)l; May, 10.01; June, IO.oki July,
10 HI; Aug., 10.22: Kept,. 0.80; Oct., 11.51),
Cables quiet but stiady.
Cori'LE Oiiciad ftiady at 10 to 23 points
aihaucu. Feb., 15.H0; Match, April and
May, 15.110; Juno, 1(1; July. 10.10: Aug.,
10.20; Sept., lil.ao; Oct., Nov. and
Dec. , 1 n. 4 0. Cables firm.
l'BTUOi.Enf. t'ortlrlcatoH opened Wc. up at
HHUc, declined to HHH-c. and at noon was
quoted at UfiKc Market dull.
A Ilnppy Woman.
Happy is tbo woman without bodily ills, but
happier is the woman who, having them, knows
of tho saving properties of Dr. I'iehck'h Favou
itk 1'itrsciiiiTioN. When relieved, asho surely
will lie upon a trial of it, she eau contrast her
condition with her former ono of snfToringand
appreciate health aB none can who have not for
a time been deprived of It. The Favomtk l'nu
Hciiirrion corrects unnatural discharges and
cures all " weaUntss " and irregularities. '.
Not Our .llotlirr'a I'le.
IVoal M Umlaut Trottr, J
It la hard to tell at this time of year whethor a
San has care on his mind or ft piece of mince pie
hia stomach.
Jack the Ripper Said
to Be Under Arrest.
Murder at Dundee in the Ter
rible Wteciiapel Style.
The Mutilated Victim Was This
Time Found in a Box.
She Had Come from London with toe
Alleged Murderer and Mysteri
ously Disappeared.
Intense Excitement in London Over
the Sensational Eeports.
London, Fob. 11. Another vtomuu luurdor
and mutilation has becu discovered uud tho
probuble murderer nrrosted.
'the murder w similar in its details to thoso
committed in AVhitcchnpol.
It is possiblo that tho man arrested is tho
Whltochapol floud, " Jaok tho Hipper."
Tho following aro tho circumstances so far
as mado known by tho police :
A man nud a woman whoso nnmes are un
known como to Dundee, Scotland, thrco
weeks ago and took a small house. Thoy
said they caino from Loudon.
Suspicion wns directed against them from
tho beginning, and thoy were watched by do
teethes. ltocontly the woman disappeared. Tho do
tectives had not seen horleavo tbo houso, and
no traces could bo found of her departure.
Yesterday tho man was arrested and tho
houso searched, when it was discovered that
a murder had bpeu committed.
A box iu the basement was broken opon by
tho police and in it wni found tho body of
tho missing woman.
The hood had been cut off, tho legs ampu
tated and the stomach ripped open.
Tho awful work boro nil tho nppcarauco of
having bocn dono by tho samo hand that per
petrated tho successive horrors in Loudon.
There Is reason to believo that tho man now
in custody is that man.
Tho police authorities, however, maintain
great reticence.
Lateii. Great excitement provails horo
and in Scotland over tho supposed cupturo of
" Jack tho Riiipor. "
Tho latost news from Dundeo Is nuxiously
being awaited hero, nnd evening dailies havo
issued extras, for which thero is a big do
ni and.
.11 rs. CScllurr Died of Kxpomirc and Dissi
pation In llfibnkeii.
This morning tho Hoboken polico were
notified that a woman had been murdered iu
Haloy's tenement-house in Nowaik street.
The victim proved to bo Annie Ocltner.
about forty-eight years old.
Annie bus seon miiuy up? nnd downs iu
life. Lightecn years ago sho had n good
homo, nn nttentho husband nnd several
children : but sho took to drink, was
divorced from her husband, nud sinco thou
lini been going Imcli nud forth between
Hobokm and the penitentiary.
Conuiy I'hysioinu Anion, after investigat
ing tho case, said tho woman died from expo
sure and dissipation, uud not from !oul play.
The Atlunllo Ilunelinll l.envue.
The Atlantic Baseball League, vthich.was or
ganized in Jersey City to weeks ago, is iu sos.
sion this afternoon iu parlor O at the Fifth
Avenue lintel.
Tho chief matter under conMderation is the
adinirsinii of four clubs to complete the eiRlit
club limit of tlin I,iai:ii.
Applications hae In uu reccivid from fifteen
towns anxious to be represented in tho new
m m
llrnke Through the lee nnd Drowned.
Mouth Noiiwalk, Conn., Feb. 11. A party of
five men fell thrjiigh the ice on Mill Itivnr, near
Htainford, vchtcrduy Hftinioeu, and Thomas
Hilly was drowned. The cithern wire roM'ued,
completely exhausted. Their faces wero badly
out In tho broken Ico. It is doubtful whether
Flunk Jones, one of tho number, will recover.
I'oUoned lllmaelf and Clilldrrn.
Vienna, Feb, 11. A goldsmith in this city
has poisoned his live children with cyanido of
potassium. After admlnistcilng tho poison to
the children betook some of It himself and died
in great agony.
hliratosu County for .IIcQiikiIb,
Late this afternoon Judgo O'Urien, of tho Hu
prcmo Court, liandcdMown his decision granting
a change of venue for ex-Alderman McQuado
and fixing Saratoga County as the place for
Panio and Torror on a Now Haven
Dynplte Blown Up Near YJilliams
bridgo. (Jiir Windows IHown to Knicincnts unil
Passengers Cut.
Said to Bo Caused by Italians Thawlne;
A terrific explosion occurred about 0.13
o'clock this morning at n point midway bo
twoou WilliauiBbridgo and Bedford l'ark, ou
tho lino of tho New York, Now Haven and
Hartford ltnilrond, Just ns tbo train fiom
Stamford, Conn., which is duo in this city at
V.40 a. M passed thero,
Tho train, made up of flvo pasongor
conches nud a bnggago car, was nearly blown
off tho rails.
If it had been n frightful loss of lifo would
luno ensued, ns there wore about live hun
dred men, women and childron ou board.
As it was a miraclo ouly proontod loss of
Kverv window ou both sides in tho four
fin waul couches was blown out us clean as it
cut away with a gbi.ier's diamond.
Nouily p cry window wns shntlored in tho
biiggiigo iiir, the ciigiuo and last cu only es
caping uninjured.
M'ho iiuijoiity of tlin insMiimers wore cut
nud bniUnil nioro or lei-s scrioiislv bj thn
Hying glass, and tho luavy jolting of tho
It was nrnrly brought to n standstill by thu
force ol tho coucussiou. nnd tho oiigmcer
found little dlllleulty in hiiltiup his uinchiui).
Ihoxceiie. as hn looked bnliiuil from hi.
cab window, was 1111 oxcitiug ono.
llii'iy on of the big curs wero tossing and
tumbling ft" iu side to side, liko a large ship
In n furious sMiin.
It M-imttd as If thoy would novcr stop
'1 ho ground trembled. Tall treos shiveiod
as if beutLU by a gulu of wind.
Tho nir was thick with llying stones that
dm tul hither nud thither, with the spaed uud
manner of a lloc.lt of frightened birds.
Koine of theso stones could not havo been
lifted by less than six or Km on mon, vet they
wero thrown to n great ilishmco by tho forco
of the oxploiion.
Muliv of tho stonCB pattored down ou tho
cars liko u Heavy shower of hall, but fortu
nately none that fell this wiry woro hoay
enough to break through the car roofs.
Thu wildest exaitemaiit provuilod in thn
curs. Mem prnvod mid swore. Women
tainted nnd children cried.
linn loud voice exclaimed :
" 'J ho day of judgment hat como. 1'ray,
sinners, pray. "
This lidded to tin) excitement, and for n few
Eoionds it hieiiied us if the strongor would
trample the winker iu their mail ollorts to get
out s iinewhere -mivwhere.
'1 buy did nut know uud did not enre where
thoy wnntud to go. Thoy rushed around
madly, blindly.
(J n n nmii kojit jumping over the seats, back
and forth until bis scnvui returned.
To udil to tho torror of tho scono, those
wlio wero lujun d weio cut mostly about tho
fai'o, and they pro unted u terrible spoctuclo
us they ran about with tho blood besinenring
their clucks nnd dripping ou their clothing.
Only for the coolnesi of a fow piisngors
ou tho train the others would hiuo surelv in.
fbctod serious lnjurv ou one another in their
torior, trying to get out of tho train.
l'olico Junlico A. V. Delcunbro, of IVlham
villo, was ono of tho lovoLhendod ones who
by voice mid exaiunla eucourugod tbo fright
ened onos to bo culm.
Mr. 8. J. hinith, of Mount Vernon, was
another, and l'nrk Commibsiouor Ktoveusou
Towlo ulso woiked hoioicully to got the
wiiiiioii and children out of tuo curs safely.
Only oue passenger, ns fur as known nt ibis
writing, wns seriously Injured. Ilisumueis
1'ayliir. Ho lives at Xow Hoehello.
A fragment of gluss was driven into tho
right tuuiplo. Ho pulled it out, whereupon
tho blood liogttu to gush forth.
l'ortunatolv there was a physician on the
train. Dr llnywitrd. of l'nlhaiu. dressed tho
cut mid stopped tho How of blood, othcrwiso
thn injurid man would have blod to death.
Itetoio tho train enruo to a lull stop many
of tbo men wero Jumping otT tho cars or
throwing themsjhes out of tho train through
tlio shattered wludows.
When it was stopped every ono struggled
out iu best thev could, pale, frightened, uud
inuiiv of tlieui covered with blood.
'1 hey do'-cribi'd thoir soiimtion as if suffer
ing trom n socro lit f fensicknesH, and it
liail mm b tho siiinn i licet on more than n few
ot them. ri"ino of tho more venturesonio
oius theu begun to look for tho cause of thu
oxpIomoii, I ill there wns uoi. o appuieut.
Iu that vicinit they are I lusting rock m
order to lay u double truck, nnd somo people
ascribe the i xplosiou to carelessness ou the
pari of those doing tbo blnstiug.
Another tho ry entertained by many U tlia
it w wfui explosion of n huge dyuauiito car
.li.stlce Di'lcnmbro thinks bo for ono. Ho
wns a pasicuuor on the train.
When interviewed by an Lvenino Voni.i
reporter ho guo ho following graphic do
siript on ol the occurrence. Hetaul -
'I ho train was bounding along at tho rate
of u early titty miles an hour. YVu left Mount
Vernon nt ti.10 a.m. u passed Williams
br,dgu bko a Ih sh of lighiuiug,
"Tho train i nu express drawn by one of
the b'ggts: und tastost engines ou tho toad,
llotwicii Willtamsbrlitge and l'edford l'ark
the scenery is wiy wild and picturcsipuo.
"I thought it heightened tbo effect
grandly, upon looking out of n window In
the smoker whore 1 was, to sen a group of
Italians, some standing und s mo sitting
urouud uioke liio on thn ground about
twenty feet from the truck on tho ricr side.
"Thoysct'iiud to bo thawing out n ilvni.
mite curtriiigu nt he fire, which blazed cheer
fully iu then midst.
" Tbo thought Unshed through my mind.
'"Hint infernal thing might opodo. Then
when) would those brigaudish-lojkiug fel
lows bo ?
"Juu then we shot by thorn nud tho ox.
plosion occurred. A cigar which I was rais
ing to mv lips was blown I know uot whero.
I was dazed for u minute.
"I couldn't imugluo what hnd occurred.
My hut was knocked olT. I put mv
hand to my head nud found my hair
full of powdered glass. The other
urn iu the cir wore dashing to and fro, I
uot up uud struggled to the door.
"The train lurched from stile to sido like a
vossol in tho trough pf the sea,
"I felt seasick. 1 thought first that we
I hail run into another train.
" I'iuding this not to be the case, I did
Corifiiiuuf oit J'Aird i'aoe.
Champion Skater Dono.liue Again
on Amerioa's Soil,
A Royal Welcome- Given to tho YounU
Joo Wears n Dluinonil King, tbo Gift of
tbo Lnto l'rlnco Kiidolpb.
Tho Cunnrder Umbrin, sighted off Firo
Islnud this morning, bote iiuiong her passcu
gers young Joo Donoghuc, tho skntcr, who
has recently won such bright laurels abroad.
joe noNoani'E.
His greatest victory was won last mouth iu
tho grand skating tournament at Aiustordntu,
Holland, whom ho defeitedVou l'uiiscbin,
of St. l'olursburg, tho cbniupiou skater of
Lurupo, iu a two-milu lacu by seven Kocuid"
iu lini. 21s., which hrokoidl provious records
.by liini teen si cuuds.
Huiioghuo wiib beaten by Von Pauscbiu in
sooral short.distauio races, but by very
small tnuiglus, aud his victory In tho long
distance put him nt tho top of the list.
Ho is only eighteen years old, and lives nt
Nuwburg, N, V., whero he has for ninny years
benii kuowu as n very fast sknter, as his
father was before him. Ho has won no end
of prics and models in this country, and
easily downed all comers iu races iu which he
took pmt.
His fathar, Timothy Donoghuo. nud bis
brother bine been iu town soveral davs watt
ing for tbo Uinbriu to arrive, mill many
mends woro on baud to give thu young elinni
plou a big wolcomo when ho lnuiH upon tho
When tho Umbria forged alongside her
dock ut 2.8J this afternoon a miubty shout
went up uud a pliiiKiint. faced youth in n si nl
lined overcoat waved his hat from tho for
ward deck.
Tho spouting wns lod bv fifty members of
the Manhattan Athletic Club, who had char
tered several stages for tho occasion. And
thoy hnd their banners, too, healing tho Club
Joe's manager, O. L. M. Knchi, I'roidcnt
of the Notional Skating Association, preceded
Jon down the gang plank.
Ho received nn ovatiou. but his reception
p.ilod when compared to tho lousing cheors
and hand-shaking bcsluncd on tho youthful
athloto himself when his nimblo feet touched
the dock.
Indeed, ho wns all but mobbed by his cu
thus nslic admirers,
He boro himself modestly, replying to tho
multitude of iiuestioiis nud congratulations
verv (itilttly nnd unaffectedly.
Joo snid no had been the recipient of much
fiutteriug attention since ho left theso shores,
Dec. H.
Mr. Sachs and Donoghuo wero eonnlloil on
tho pier and compelled to tell nnuw of Joe's
victories, which havo boon duly rocorded by
" I run glad to got hick and sorry to ar
rive " wns the wny Jon put it,
"You see, I hud such n good time over thero
that 1 was almost sorry to come away, though
towards tho Inst I got u little homesick. Hoi.
land nud Austria aro all right, but America
beats them ull.
" I hud a specially enjoyable time nt tho
Liberal Club, in London, but I was very
much d sappomtod that tl cm was no icu in
Lngluud, as I should hue been glad to skate
Said Mr. Sachs " Two days boforo wo left
Amsterdam Joe received a romarkably hand,
souio solltniru diamond ring from Crown
Vrineo Itudulph. of Austria, whose tragic
death was so startling. Joo bus it ou his
linger now. "
Uouoghui' was hurried uwav to tbo stages
ami dm en to the Manhattan Athletic Club.
'lo morrow night n leception will bene,
corded him ut New lung with brass band nc
cmnpuuiiucnt, Ac,, nnd ho will be prcsentod
with a hiiudsouio gold watch.
The Uist athletic contest ho will enter will
bo that for tho American chumpion-.hip,
which will probably coinu oil within a fort
night in the vicinity of this city, wherever
the best ico can bo fouud. Joo wouthts
event last year.
Thn champion skater brings back with him
many trophies of victorias won, such as cups
aud medals.
ho .Hike Sliuuioiis I.oal n lllundy 1'iulit to
JurU Coyle.
A tcnific light oecuircd in a Long Island barn
Sunday moruiiiu at ' o'clock.
The contestants were Jack Coyle, of tho Scot.
tUh-Auicrican Athlitlc Club, of Jersey City,
and Michucl Kiiniuous, of the Allettou Athletic
Club, of Ihiicitj.
'J lie light was for a ftOO gold wuteli, presented
by the ughty speetntors in sent, and went ou
to a ilnnJi under Maupiis of Qtieuisbirry
I'nvle won after live dispciate roiiuds.
The mill went at each other iu hainuier.aiid
toiig' st)le. aiidas the buttlo progressed they
blul like stuck pikis.
Coyle i cured Drat blood iu the (list round by
a telrlble riulit-liamler on riiinuiniis's nose,
Klliiiiiiiun was knocked senseless ill the fifth
loiiud and could not come to tiuii.
K. J. Hyun. uf the Allerton Club, a branch of
the Manhattan, u lefeiee.
Klee Murphy secondid Hiuunons. Coyle was
seconded by bis bi other.
The " Deacon Idle Deal.
Dtnioir, l'eb. 11. 'iho iiontou uianauemrnt
has oftercd l'lcd Stearns 1.100 to be let out of
tho "Deacon" White deal. Mr. Strains and
the Deacon had a long conference at baseball
heailimarters yesterday, and it is thought that
White has agrcod to play in Pittsburg. Ihe
"Deacon p will sell his property on llrady street
and moi o to Dullalo an soon au the dial la made.
Tho To-To-Wa Handioap at Oliftoa 'M
To-Day. ;jP
A Large Crowd Wore There Despite tbo M
Snow-storm. m
Other Honors Were Divided Between jKl
Avery, Speedwell nnd Bonanza. "jBffl
tirrciAL to mit kvesiko world. I jEb
Nonni Hudson Diiivinii Park, X. J., Feb. 11. Bi
Tho attractive card brought a good crowd to 'JCti
the races lieie to-elay. '31
The track was In good condition, bnt tho 1S
weather was threatening, with an occasional JH
sliKht drift of snow. 'lai
Avery was tho favorite end winner for the first jjflf
Spicdwell, another of the talent's choice, JBjL
easily lauded the M'cond race. This was -lUf:
puicly a wcight-for-ngo race, without any pen- nK
nlties, and a race of its kind should bo put on mm
the programme ol the linger associations more .S
often than it hns been done. ot
llio tliinl race win a lively bolting one, with ''t'S
Pigusus Installed as the favorite. Ho was W
never in tbo hunt, hnweuT, and Dnnanza, tho 'Wt
si coiid choice, won handily. Ho was bid up f 35 m''
and bought lu by his owner, Dan Honig. JB
riusr hack. ?'
Pitisii $ti30; selling allowances; six and a half $W
fm-'oiius, A
Amtv, no (Palmer) 1 B
Hooifle, lir. tT. Harris) S W:
Viinlittn, toil IWeber) 3 ,'
'1 he other stai tors wero Tony Pantnr, Lafitto. '"'St
Kullsail, Wnjwuid. llauhope, Palatka and -fiH
('sat Tell. H'
The llaco. Iioodlu was first awav and mado Wm
all the inuniuu to the head of the stretch, when fit
Aerv enuie nwny and won by a length, with iJKI
Doodle the same distance iu front of Vendetta. 'WlF
Ik ttltig '.! to 1 ngaiiist Aiery to win, ft to 4 on flTOI
for a place, nnd evi u inmipy auatnst Hoodie for r
a place, Miituels paid; Stiaiuht, Jtl.UU; for a 'XM
plnce, fl.l'; Doodle paid l.'i.lio. mm
SKCONn uaci:. Wr:
Pnro'Jfi0; seven fmlongf. Sw
Speedell, 114 (J. Callahan) 1 .-'Ml
I'rinr. lg'J (Sharkey 3 SK'
Hilda. 114 (Hathaway) 3
St. riiuo, HN Drneu and Havana also ran. '.9D
The llnee. Hilda iiiadn the running, clotcljr 'mt
fnllnuedby Kpeedwill to the stono wall, when K
the hitter drew uwuy und won easily by aleugth JK
fiom Kriar, who came fast at the finish, and JB
bent Hilda by two lengths. Jn!
iictttnc 10 to :i ou Speedwell to win, 10 k
to T ou lor a place :md " to - against 1'nar for B,
theplace. Jfutuils paid: Ktiumht, -. UO; for W-I
a place, S. l) .". Pilar iuidf.i. 40. A
Tiiiai) iiACkt. k'
Purso t'-TiO, for beaten horeos; selling allow 3sP
nuces; one mile. ,jB
lloiiauza, ur (Hathaway) 1 W
l.lttlerellowIL, 111) (Sharkey) 'J fl
Delmoiit, lo.'i (J. Tribe) a M
Tlnio-l.4r.W. m
Pilot. Kingaford and Pegasus also ran. 1M,
The ltace Donauza made all the running and :im'
won by two lengths from LittletellowlL, who Tm
was a In ail in front of llelmoiit. jw'
Detting. il to 1 ugnlust Douauza to win; even Si
moni y for a place, and U to 5 against I.ittlcfol- 'gm
low II. for a plsce. Mututls paid: Straight. jm
7. T, for a place, (A. 10. Littfefellow II. paid JK
fouutii hack. ,B;
To-To-Wa Handicap, purse 4'30; one mile. -9
Cracksman, 1 HI (Huestou) 1 Smi
Oaeeola, 11.", (Moalier) a fib
AUuAiclier, 103 (Penny) 3 JK
Timu 1.4il4, ijm
Van, Ei nest and Eastcrbok were the other 9r
stnrters. "g
Tbo Dace. Cracksman lod from start to jUg
finish, uud won easily by to lengths in the fat 48?
time of 1 . 4 :i h. O.ccola was second four lengths Ik;
betore Alan Archer. &
Hi tting (1 to f against Craoksman to win, 5 Sf,
to !l on for a place, and ft to :i ou Osceola for ft .25$
place. Miituels paid: Straight, fl.U5; for ft ,
place, I3.U0. Osceola paid $3. Oft. -W
1'imi tucr. iw
Purse jg.'O; for maidens, three years old and -jm
upvtard; five furlongs. ,Wi
Cliiiu-o Cordon won, with Isis second and 9
Wheat third. -'W
Time 1.04.
Miitmls paid: Straight, 13,70; for a plaeo.p. mt
IsispuUUl.us. jjl;
l Sna. i ., i m ll l
Ills Uacurt Allarked nllli Slanea and Olliai? '
.Hlssllrs by u Crimd, '.'.
rsrrriAt. taulkto Tiir. evemixo wosr.n.l
Di'iiMN, Peb. 11. William O'Urien wea
tnkeu from Clonmel to Traloo Jail this morn. $
ing. Howasuudern strong guard of mili
tary and poliio 1
Tho esiort was attacked at Clonmel by a
crowd, who threw steuos and other missilea
at them.
At lipperary a large crowd surrounded tho
railway s'utiou and resisted tho efforts mads
to disperse it. ;
m m .
3lr. Purnell Will hue the " Times." i
Lonpon, 1'e.b. 1 1. An action for libel is to be
brou.'lit by Mr. Parnell iu the Irish courts i
against the 'limes. v
I'liriirll's Apiillcallon (Iriiutrit, '
Duiii.i.v, Tib. 1 1Latbu. The Court of Ex ?,
cbeipiirliask'iauted, on the apulicatiou of Mr. '&
Pin in II. Ieae to isiueawnt for libel against 9
th, owiii'i-of the London Times for publishing
it" sitiele'p ou "Purnelhi-ui and Crluic." . .V
'1 lie 1 1 lend" of Mr. Parnell aie conlident the M,
mil .ullimct with ubettei leeult iu tho Irish '
tliiili iu the .Scottish courts. IS ,
Tlinl i:-.1lelliixllst I'nslur C2ela To Yean. w
IW, llobert J. Jolinon, tho dejiosed Jtotho- 'a
dlst minister who has swindled many rich and ,JK
pioui citizens of New York and neighborhood. ;W
and who waa fnUowed up and arrested by Ofiicer Jo-
lkbberd, of the Charity Organization Society, n
wa- to-day sentenced by Judge Cowing to two MM
jenis lu State piion on Ids plea of guilty. Bi
'ihe Mieiity diM-otired that this man had JM? t
lobbed the cominnnlty of nearly $4,000, which V.
he had collected for the alleged purposo of aid- iM
lug iu the buildiiiK or a Methodist Church in .Ol
Lsscx County, N. V. itt i
I'rcrucy Vutrd on the Hill. "t
Pa ins. l'eb. 11, The Chambir of Deputies to. Brri
tlay, by aH3 to 274, voted urgenoy for the blU Er!L
to adopt the scrutln d'arrondiascmeut. Gen., SKM
Doulaugcr w as prvseut during the dtbite, Wm
' JIbbI

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