SPECIAL ELECTION. 'W'- World " Wants " Sened U ' WTEFOI1T"EMIISTI'DPIII-MiMLITIftllFFIC"g HM Jl f5"ffV Iff j, TAKE THE CORBEHT AS IT SERVES.j J EVENING WORLDJ ffl f J t jflWBWBBHwBBftl wSHV W oJIMtlL. i I llllllill,lllllllllllllllllll1illl'llllllinillll!llllllllll.llllllllll'll lllllll II HC V- --J ---"-- lJ"-. a.ijx4 !. 'lillllllllllilllllllllllllll,lniig J frlllCE OiE CENT. KBff YORK, FRIDAY, N( EMHElt 15. 1881). PRICE OIVE CENT. )m 1 NEW AND COMPLETE ROMANCE OF AFRICAN LIFE. 1 u STRANGE: - STORY - Of I 1 LALLAN QUATERMAIN'S W1FE 5 1 ! BY H. RIDER HAGGARD, 3 I "EEl Vl Kv N WT3-yv fE II LAST Mil SURELY MOWING. The World's Fair Guarantee Fnnd Hear ing Its Fourth Million. Over One Hundrod Thousand Dollars Pledged Yesterday, 'Tho World's" Pcraonnl Cunvuss Fund Now a Quarter of u MllHou, I Over 0110 hundrod thousand dollars was H plcdgid to thu World'H Fair Guaiantco Fund B je terday. which leaves something less than $700,000 to bctecurcdin order to couiploto tho 'H li uith million. i TI10 brewers' 6tibforlptlnn of $500,000 was H nut sent in jesterday, us the returns'frorn the H teiEinl firm woie not all recolved. jm 'llio JewcL'eis' Board of Trade subscribed a HB tilf.u 'out $lfi,)00, und piomiso to increase HJ 1 "" KOOll OH possible. I 'Ihe annual meeting of tho Manlmttan Elo- H x.itcd liailway Company was held jestorday, H but contrniy to expectation, nothing was done n u'lit l.iig a subscription to tho Fund. Iti'tnld that several of the steamboat lines nml rniltondn would bo heaid Ircnn Mtlun a few iiuy.. and if this is so, tho Ouarunteo Fund will In- .1 Mil oty. Including tho subscriptions received yester H dn . t! c books this morning showed the total amount pledged to bo $3.3rtl. mil, with tho hi ewers' subscription yet to bo heard from. Ihe following amounts woro pledged too latu fur publication yesteiday: H illm Kiui loyees (additional) $J,89.r N w York .Jewellers' Hoard wITrado l.i..00 'iHrnTi-lhlril Street Kailtoad 10,1)110 National TulraWoiks A, 00(1 llcneiilct llioa 1,000 hndike&Co 1,000 Ceorgoll HurdACo 1.000 Is llu, Niescr AOo 5.000 I has. I). Landi.n A Co 5,000 Vli-tnr.tAcb.il S.fitlO "H Nammacher. Sihlemmer A Co 1.000 "H I avanagh, Hautord A Co . 1,000 rred'ktschuli 1,000 1 . M.randa A Co 4.000 V Martinet, Ybor 4 Co 2.111)0 I A l'. fin (!o.... 1,000 1 t.arcia, Uro. A Co 2,000 Hi I. Friedman A Co J, 100 DH I'lnrralhtamplogCo 0,0110 H V. alter Lawrtnoe 1,000 H Mr. Josoph PuHtzor'H subscription of 950. 000 was tiausforred to The Wohld's list of sub- I n-nliois, and tho books this morning show tho f total sum pledged to be $UU4,bB, as per tho following table : J -31 r. I'ulllzer's iiubncrlitlfin 8G0.OO0 J PrrTloualy arknonlcdired 1G3,1)(I8 HJ " TUn World'. " canrniiH rstcrdayl HJ A. W. I.uvendor, retlrrd merrhantt J 1SI) Pcurlnud232 l!ast lOOlhnt.. 3,000 Hj .lull n Cullcii! ISmptre Slrmn Neoiio- J W'orlin, l()7llit.. nenr 1st live ... 1,000 J iii-n. s. Illrknk) ta'l Hr. Moliolas J mt- 1,000 HJ i'va. II. I)- Ucvere, Titylor'n Ilalrl, J Ji-rki-y City LOOO J D.llimkeii, grocer. J!UI2 2d nvc. 1,000 J ,1'ullliis, Hroi-rr. 21711 itil nvc... 1,000 J llrury .lluniiiurt, liquor - dealer, '-ilSHUdnve OOO Jiuiii-N Woods, unk drnlcr, 2102 J lid m 000 HJ Jiinun 1'urlniiE, liquor di-nlcr, 245 Kttst HUlli .t 000 HJ t'liurli-a Kupiira, llnuor ilrnlrr, HJ 227l2davn 000 HJ '"" renre Lynch, lliinor ilenlrr (se- j cond siiliscrlpllon), 2130 2d nvc... 200 HJ II. Duscli, dry hooiU dcnlcr 2180 HJ Vdnve 200 H in. (Jrllllili, "The Columbus," HJ Kld.-J .HudUon nvc 200 HJ Alii-liiii-l Alrdloln, liquor drnli-rt J 081) Utuvo 100 HJ "" I'uiillmbcr. Iinriie.s-inakrr, HJ 2l7I2davc 100 HJ JMwurd jf. Willi, nacilt, 1002 Ate. A 10 U Tntnl 8221,878 HJ Ollior subsoriptlons woro recolvod'.to-day as B lollons: HJ At I'nKWouuionioo HJ I.ulnl. Jnrlmnn. 200 W. Houston St.. 810 HJ J'hiiuuo'i. Krlniiraut. 28 K. 2Utlt.. 100 HJ ''ruiiMIn lloiiurd. Kit lliirrlmiii roc, HJ IlinuUijn 10 HJ I At tlio Mayor's ofllco: Hi U,ij, 4 AuU,r $1,000 H J-a-i Itlvyr l:iilrlu I.farlit Co 1,01(0 H 'w K. llf Ichrr, M I) uOO V ':" a iiiiiier no H iiuhn J Kott r,(i H n'M ' Htanton (10 H P n. NlaUord. ., fiUO I-r.llnana Vt. Hole ..... ......... .. . Will Jain... . Hall. ., ..................... 00 H itu"'n Hair Fslt Company loll ' H "Mronck Co ",,,' Kill H 'iar u. l.raoh , ......1;!.....!,,..! 100 f.':'"iillartkv.aj,.. ..." . lull ' U ii" '"" . Conway ......." 101 y i' wiikin. Mi). ::..::..;. ::.... K" u ,V"lin MoI..an, MB..... ............... i.'f ' 5,'lirr,M I) M !m f iiji'loyw, of Mutual Donoftt Ice Ooinpauy... "II ii, '!""!""" M B ........ 10 i:""t1' w . . : r.o B ii ?"" Mojulhan , 100 m immcriuanii.. ..;..,";.;,;.";,;;;"".", iotJ I liy (ioorgo Kemp 1 vRrZp.idiuauouv;;nu.:::::::: 'feSIS! " Henry (loldbergor 1 Ul M"l'it.n ,100 Kerkmann A llolacher 100 V ltippe 100 Mukenallroi 100 Kri-iVkll .laeiier 100 Chaa. Ilaa.e 100 rred rlla)irnlitirat 100 hredntljkll Hudio 100 lly the Hoard of Trade Thomas Taylor , $100 Ad.ilpli Kitor A llro 100 ! ali.lrelli it KlliK 100 lleeklall Kiuk Kill V Ldiiar I'rudcn 100 l!y Franklin Ij. Gunther Ctiarlcn A llrrplcli $.n0 MiiunoiiH A Miacllo !J00 Mai Honaky KOO A. llowaky A Mm fil0 Jon. Htciner A llro. U.tO h lUlnvuian 100 lly William Wicko- noli.AIIrc $2,000 By McKesson A, ltobbius J. .Miliiaii'alion $200 lly Hill llrotlicrs- tiotthnl I A Co $500 lly William Htclnway Ilelmlnz AKot $1,000 .MallniKliek A So 100 Kiaiiiih A linen 1,000 ,1 A I1 H-olu-r 1,000 III. Iinr.l lUnlt l.OOll Alircd Uolne 1,000 By 11. A. C. Kmith W. V. (Inodnrin. Trealdent Ooodwln Oa Move and Mi-ter Company $500 The IiHlieii'tet 3,000 11. f riliiv"l 600 lly J. A W. Soligman- 11. 1'. Colman $2.")0 FLYNS murderer . .. I ,,. Ho Is Described to the Police by a Wit ness of tbe FigbL Capt. Ileillcy. of tho Nineteenth Precinct, so his two detectives, Haes and Brett, at work this morning to clear up tho mystery which surrounds the murdcious assault upon Martin riynu. who died at his homo, 33 Bt. Mark' l'lucc. ou Wednesday night from the effects of a stab in tho 030 from tho point of acauoor umbiclla. 'llio assault took placo on tho night of Oct.Sfi, at Bioadway and Thirty-fifth street, and I'lynn was arrested for intoxication and takon to tho Thil tietli street station, thenco to Bellcvuo Hos pital. It was not until Nov. 0 that ho returned to his home, so his brother Matthew Bays, and then ho seemed verr wcok, but 111 hit right mind. He told his brother the story of tho assault, and said that ho had been knocked down by three men. 0110 of whom jabbed him iu tho eye with a cano or umbrella. Ho was taken sick on Monday, and Dr. Silver was called in, who said there was nothing the matter with his oye, except that ho had a cold. Tho tollon-iug Wednesday ho grow worse, and Dr. Hilvorsaid ho had inflammation of tho brain and put a mustard plasti r on his head. Mai tin died at fi.30 o'clock, and was con scious up to tho time of his death. About 10 o'clock this morning a voting man. who gavo his nnmo an Henry Kramer and his address as Hlxth street and Avenue II, called at 33 Kt. Maik's placo and told the Flynns that he wis an eyo-witnesb ol the attacK upon Martin. Ho said he was passing tho corner of Thirtr flfth street nnd Broadway on Oct. 'H about mid night, when he saw .Mat tin speak to thrcomrn w ho stood on tho corner, and a few minutes lator t-avv him knocked down and kicked. "Iran towards them, and w lion they saw mo coming 0110 of tho men struck thu piostrato muu sevoral Units with a thin euno which ho earned, and tho threo then ran oft. '1 would n cognize any of tho men if I saw them again. One iu particular was a stout man with a red beard clipped close. Howes tho 0110 who had the cane. Cramer fully identified Flynn as tho man who had been attacked, and said that as soon as tho police came up lie went away. Flynn was sunt first to tho Now lork Hospital, whero ho remained for a day hoforo ho was transferred to Bcllovue. Ho was held at both places as a prisoner, and according to tho diag nosis madu bv tho doctors, was sufleriug from acute alcoholism. Cramer wont to report his story to tho police, who aroas yet without any cluo aB to the identity of Flyun's assailants. . . LAST HONORS TO FOREMAN CYH0T. There was a largo attondauco at tho funeral this morning of Onesirao Cypiot, lato foreman of The Would composing room, who died on Tuesday. Thero wero first services at his lato residence 300 Hart street, Brooklyn. Tho body was thon removed to Kt. Matthow'a Episcopal Church, on Throop avenue, win ro the burial service of the Kpiscopal Church was road by tliu rector, assisted bviieleigynian ill the choir of whoso church Mr. ( ypmt had founcrly sung. The pallbearers, who aie eniplojecs of Tim Would, win- William 1 analmii, Chailes . . 1'isk, . 1). Hopsmi and several meiubets of tho coniposiiig-roouitoKO. Among tho-f prcfont wero Cleorgo . Tinner. BualiiiKi Manager of 'Jmk Wirnuii James I. (Iraham, Citv Lditor; Thomas Craft, of the Business Departments Serf no H. Pratt, of the Philadelnhln UiVjer : Hugh Hastings, of tho NewYoik Ttmn, and an army of mon fiom The Would composing-room and several of tho organizations of which tlio deceased had been a Interment was at (Ireenwood Ceinetorr. STOLEN IX HK0AD DAYLIfiHT. fTBroadway is plckettd to-day with detectives, owing to two bold daylight robbei us which oc elli rod yesterday. A box of spool silk aluedat f 170 was stolen from filavey. Poster A Biuiiusun's dillveiv wagon alinoit In flout of their door, 411 Btoail vny. andapackagoof cloth belts and bags was snatched fiom the arms of an etrnnd boy em ployed by James 0. Hahn, of 0(1 Hpruig street. iMHKHfCbaraaina. Fine Overcoats from dint tallora. MaxniiM's MiiriT Clothiso Co., l-'O Jd are,, near Hlbat, ', WHERE'S LILLIAN? ' Miss Rnsseli Reported to Have Eloped from Chicago and " The Brigands." Denials that Wealthy William 0. San ford Left with Her. Miss Russell's Mother Says It's Too Absurd to Bo True. She Has Und a Surfeit of Foolishness, und Wouldn't Kly with Any 3Iun. A report from Chicago this morning that Lillian llussell, the fio.diy and beautiful heroine of " The Brigands. " had oloped with William C. Banford set all dudodom on tho tiptoe of ox--pectaney.. Tho giddy yonng things, so the story-went, woro in Chicago last night when they decided to "cut and run." Miss liussoll was filling her rolo in "Tho Brigands" acceptably at McVickcr's Thcatio and Mr. Banford was thero to admire her. Ho is thirty-flvo years old. Lillian is not finite as old as that; at least sho saja she isn't, andsho ought to know. Tho story that was sent out to startlo tho town to-day was to tho effect that Mr. Baulord, pcre, had sent a nieseago oidirmg his son to couio homo and Icavo that woman alone. This sensational piece of information may have stnr'.lid mino of tho commuu.ty, but it only caused llpplcs of lneirinient among tho initiated, for Mr. Sanfoid has been running away with the lair Lillian lor the last two veal s; that is travelling whero sho travelled, and thoy oiiiiur uid,ii iiiuiiii.' Mr. Bai'tord comes of a wealthy family, and is anilllionaiieiii his own light. Ho is u member of tho gnat carpet mannfac ttiiiug firm of Stophou Banford A Sous, of which his father is the head. Ho is a member of the Union Club and tho Meadow Brook Kenilol Club. Ho is not a strictly handsomo fellow, but ho is big and powortul. with a frank open face, v ci y detci minod-looking and possesses a stj lisli black mustache. Ills father knows full well that ho is able to takocnio of hinixulf, and would not dicimof iutcrtiriug with his amusement, Chpecmlly whero a woman was eoncirned. Ml. Ilauford has been ou tho best of terms with Lillian HushuII fin at least thrto years. Two veais ago last Hummer his name first bogau to be generally spokon of in connection with hers, when they might ho kcoh daily vv Hik ing or riding togettioi at Saiatiua, vvhoio ho had a string of racors. When sho was playing hero he had rooms at tho .St. James and tho Victoria. He could bo frequently seon conversing with prominent turf and club men oppo-uto tho Caaiuo while waiting for Lillian to finish her Htio lived at 102 Wost Tvvcntv-nlnth stroot, but her last addtons iu town was 231 Wist l'orty.tluid stieet. Sautnrdls thu man who was said to nave slapped l'nddy Ocbluird'H lacu in Deluionico's a fen ytarsago bicauxo tho lattir ruHouted what liocousldored an aspersion on tho fatuoof Lily Langlry. Banford was mado famous ovou before that though, as the owner ot Post (luaid, tho gland old steeplechaser who won twenty-flvo out of twimtv.sevcn racos ut HIh-opsIkiiiI. Au LvtsiMi Woiii.d repoiter this morning waited ou Mrs. Cynthia Leonard, thoniajtstio hub who enjoys the distinction of having ai sisted at Lillian's appearance into tins wicked ......i.i Mrs. Lconaid had not yet shaken the olvet weight ot slumber from hi r eyelids, but shortly entered the room, hoi tall form looscl) draped in a quilted silken wiappi r ol loyal puiplu hue, and with hn blonde locks In a light and any whirl about her classic head. " Is it tine that Miss llussell has run away?" asked the leportei. "Hun away! No!' exclaimed Mrs. Leonard. "Whcio would sho run to 7 And what would ho rim fur ?" . . , , , "There is a report that sho has fled with Mr. Sanford," said thu tt porter. Mirth and scorn collided on Mrs. Leonards molnlo face. ... ,,... "Why. she wouldnt run away with God 1 mighty! sheoxflaiiuid with iijpubolic cneigy, " inurh les vv III Ml. Sniifnid. "He his ilnjge I hii vvitli tho utmost pei slsteucv. But what lines she want or any man? rilie is Bin leiled with that sort "f thing. 'She Iiiik had nil of tin 111, lioiii boj s of four teen to old men of ruMtitv, wining lurletteis and besieging In r, hut she had hi r fill ot that sort of thing, 'llio ohl mi ii are the woi st. "Bhe lias hcrromtiiitablo homo lieieinNcvr York; she has a binikaecmint, and she hasher little girl, !Uo years o.d, whom sho iilolins. Mori over, sliu loves het iirofessinn. liy would sho tio herself to a man t She couldn't uiloid to do it." , . " How old is Mr. Banford?" "Fiom the way he acts, about nlno." said Mrs. Leonard, blithels and piomptly. "In point of fact, he is thirty.elght." "Ho has been paying Lillian attentions for Bomo tinio?" ai-ked tho letiortei. "Yes. Ho won't let her speak to another man. Ho wants to bieoine lur luausgi i. lilt Lllban will finish hoi iigageiueiit with Mi. Aronson. and then she will have u opera com pany of hor own. Bhe has plonty of backers. I date say this lopoit was started by Mr. Manfnid himself to convey tho lmptessioii to inaiiagors that he bail a grip." One of Miss luissoHs sisters cntciud at this moment and itnitilrol what tho talk was all about. WIipu sho was told thu report she laughod. ' ' Now thoy w ill say that Nell ran away to get even with llalton," she exclaimed. "I am in constant coniniuuicatinn with my daugliter, " eald Mis. Leonard, "and though i iiiiHUHiii i niiii,ifiTiii Miiiw WAITING FOR THE WORD. she never mentions Ran ford becauso she knows how wo feel about him. I know that thero is no truth iu It. llo is simply persecuting; her with his pertinacity. Ho wants to niako money out other." At tho Casino this morning, noither Mr. Aronson nor Mr. Barton could be found, but an attache scolled at tho idea of " Will Banford running away wilh Miss llussell." , "But do you know whether she has left Chicago or not?" asked tlwrcpoitcr. "I can't answer that. Wo havo telegraphed on tor information, but havo received so far no answer." At H. Banford A-Bon's office. 801) Broadway, the manager said that Ml. Will Bainon! had hem in New Yoi It for a fortnight and was now here. Ho denied emphatically tho lepoit that Mr. Saulord had an) tiling to do with Miss Bus soll leaving Chicago. Tlio luolnIloiia. Open. IJlQh loir. American Cotton OU SI2i4 3'.' 30 Atlantln A I'acltte fi'J tH .V Atehl.on. l'iekaA Santa to IHH 3,'iVi II I, H Atch . lMik A nla lo riKUU. . H 41 H Canadian Pacific 7:l 7114 TM Canadabouthrru., 6 iH h'tH "VS t'he.api-akn A Ohio 211 211 2li Ch.-apeake A OluotM ufd -Cll 4t 4.'! ridcanoOaa I'ru.t MV Mh fi.lH Chic . Ilur A Ouincr 100H, 107 loillj Clllcagci A Nortlli-l 11. 1 ll'l'i 1 12 U Chic., Mil AM Paul...., Il TlVa 'iH Cull. , Mil. A HI I'aui p d . Ill 111 ll'lln Chic , Ito. k Imanl A I'acllic HH' I"1 lTl ( linati" A I'aaieru lll.ii in 41 4m 41 Chliacu A Kalern Illtnoi.pfd I'U, P.'i 1IIU Col A HockiiiK Valley 214 -.'2 21'? Cnh rdo l ofil A Iron .. Ill hi ;im :ili, ruii.iilidat-d (,a O.tW III IMlv Delaware, l.aek. A We.tern MM) 141M IDS Delaware A lluil.nn . ... I4hCJ HnH 141-k Denier A Klolirmde 'ii 174 171 Domer, TenaA tort Wortl 3IM !lii 3IH K. Irnu . Vs. A iia 10 1IH 10 l.'len Va. A (la lalpld 74 74 74 I', lean . V t Ui. 21 pfd 2.H 2.14 2.4 llouat-n A leiaa 2 2 2 IllinnU Central 1174 I17W 1174 Lake Shon- 10TU llllli, lot Lake I ne A Wi-l.-ru 1 , I Mi 1 l.ak. Tri",'. Wi-li-rn pfd 114m ll.i'( ! LniliMllle A Nashlille Mill, h7 Hal. Maul-Mian ioiiwI ...102 102X 111.' Muliiuan iVutial i; I', li'S Mil , I. r. AVVe.nrn Il'l 111 llll Mil , I., n A We.iern pld 11 M 1 1 .".4 ir' Mi. .i.. Ill I'ailllu I ,n'i lll') MUanun. Kali A !'. Ill( IOS 10 .Nil l.isd lrul 214 211 2d? SeaJfWj Central llll 110 ll N V A .Nw I niiland 4" 4."i -(4V N. V , Lake I'rieA Wet ...... liH 2MH 2,' N Lake I.ne A Weatern pfd ,. 117 07 04 Nnr'o k A We.t 'M 214 '.'On Norfolk a Weal uref OOH ill ilnik Northern I'acitii , S'M 3 1 324 Nnrlheru I'tiihopfd .. Til1 7n'4 7.'ii llh.o A Milipi 23i 2H ",l4 Ontario A We.l 20J4 2n 2 i Or 'Irana-nntlnrntal t.iU 3'iU ,rvb Orerouhhort Liue fi'i ?? .r" Pa ilio Mail '144 34ft :IIU Pipe Line erltlhoite lOUf, 1102 1(1 '4 Philadelphia A Hoidm I IS 4IH 41'a PI t. i V et. rn pfd 4U 40 40 Pullman Palace Car Co . . . 18 IhH lhh lliuika Ir-i pit ... 31 34 II lllch A Weal Point Trr 2I4 201 211. ltich A Weal Pointier nfd Hlj hl, M , ht Paul, Minn A Mauito ia 12o l'.'M I'M H Paul, Minn. A Manitoba ruihta l." 1 "- I "i Houthetn Pao'lle , 3IIH 30 3ilH hilicar llelineriea 744 71 74 Teiai Pacific . 20; 20ta '-'Ol- Ten n Coal A Iron ,,...., ... 117 0 07 lol , Ann Arlor AN. M . . 31 31 .11 Union Pacllio... IIS (IK. OK VVahaah Ht. L A PaelHo 7H -47S 'TM Wabaah.Ht, I- A Pacllio prtl. ... 32M p'-'ti 3 Weat. IJnl.n Tel. , K4H H4 H4I Wawling A Lak. ri. (JuJ 7 of, Opt AN ARREST MADE. Surprise in tbe Dock Department Inres- tigation To-Day. i Witness William L. Smyth Charged with Perjury. Further 1'rolilnit of Corrupt Dealings In tho Lenslufr of 1'lers. Tho Dock Department investigation produced uneipected results to-day. William L. Snijth has been arretted for perjury. His testimony before tho Commissioners of Accounts which was directly contiary to his afllilavit in tliu injunction casu in tho Com t of Common Pleas, in which O'Brien, the alleged lissee of pier "i-'i List llivir, was the phuntill, wnt, tliu basis of the complaint. In his affidavit Siuvth had sworn tint he was the manager of O'llrieti's liUBiiiefS, which would bo irreparably damaged if the injunction wcio not granted, and that O'llnin had mado all ic jiairs rcamrcil by the lease B-foio thoCoiumisaioners of Accounts Smtli testified that O'llrlen had no bu-iiiieKS to be managod in daiuiged, ami, tin tliu, that no u pan i lu I Im-i ii uiiulo on the piei, llieordut Suirtli, nil tire pn ei-utation of furls, issued a win i nut lor Must I, s nppu Iu-iiiii a-. ,i leiurir. mill ..M i gut riitiohuatiJohu J. Iion avan, of tin I in i oiation Cuuu-il ollii e, ariestid .Indue hi Ii'- liiend at Ins n sulci ce. No. ."is houtli 1'n.litli stiett, V illiain-liiug, and he spout the niglit in a cell at Police Head, quarters. Whintakin before thu llccordei. liiGineral Brssious. Mnytli demauded an ekamiuatiou in n lsilicu court. Itei-orderSinvth fixed bail at f.1,000, which the accused I ill lil-lu d. What a profitable - mplu incut must be tint of Doi-kiiiastii s asMstuut eomhiuid with a partucislnp intirest m two pur- liacd tor a ridiculously Ion rental was di-closed on the ex animation of the fiist viitmss placed on the stand by Coipoialion Counsel l lark tins He was'.', fl. Jenkins, President of the First N.itional Bunk of lliouklyn. and prndmul a tiuiiMliptof tliu i.ccount of John A. Mclnith in that bank. , , .... Met arth) is limning the business of the villi tauh I ui. ."nl ami i ." Last lliver, and sssistcd Dockmaster piudirgast in Ins cidlictiuiis of wharfage, accord. lie in then dome. Ills bank account was opened .Ian. 20, issti, and the last dnH)sit was made Nov. 4. ltitvvetn those dates he deposited $2.), 374. 82 to his ("apt. Edward Abeel. an old sea captain of tho Black Ball line, whose realdciiie was iu by in cuse when ho was appointed a dockmastor six liars ago, was next called. For two j ears hu has In en in charge of District No. 4, North llivir, ami iirior to that timo of Distru t No. 3, Last Itiver. Iu tho Last Hi vcr District ho collected from 2.-i,0H0 to I'lti.noo per jear. and his collec tions for two months in tho Fourth District, in dicate that they will aggregate for a year $11,000. Witness testified that ho has a bank acconnt In the Fiiitou and Market National Bank, of this city, ami auothii iu tlio Dime BaviugsBank, of Biookliu. Hi wile owns tho homo 1000 Bergen street. Biooklyn, where they reside, which is valued at 7,noo. und on which thero is a mortgage of $4.. .oo. He said that ho novor had au assistant in tho colli ction of vvlinita.'u, an t that no complaints had ever been madu uganist htm. Mr. Abeil has a son who has been conducting an extensive manufacturing business iu Byra euse fur two veins, but said that Ins eon's part ni r furnishes the capital. 'I he examination was hero interrupted by tho (iitiaiieu of Inspector Brncs, who hild a long sicnt con fen neu with Coiporatiou Counsel Clark. a. A NEW CITY RAILWAY. Tho Kit-it Itiver. Central Pnrlc nnd North Klvcr Koiul Incorporated. farrciAi. to tut rvrviNo wohin 1 Ai.uvni, Nov. l.'i. Articles of incorporation of the I'.ast Liver and Central Park ltailroad weie filed lo.ilav. 'Ihe length nt the load will bo five miles. The capital is $.-00,00U, which is divided into .00 slimes. Ihe following aro the d rectors: Aaron B. Baldwin, of llobokeii: John M. Con can and John A. Lee, of llrnoklvn; Ldwnrd I lley. Bai tholniiiew 1'. Kunicv, John P. Planner)'. James Keeiiiin and Furl Schwab, of New York: Ld watd O'llnin, of Jerns City. FIRE ON THE ALASKA. Five Hundred li.ilcs of Cotton Dain nst'ilt But tho Vo-sel I'n Injured. Isrrrut nn-f to Tiir EvrsiNo ivnni.n 1 LiM'on, Nov. l.'i, Fire was di-covered in tile cotton ou boaid the (luiou line steamship Alaska, while sho was unloading at the Alex andria dock in tlu port this tiiorniug. About tu bundled bales wero quito badly duiiuikcd. The vlsiiiI eacaped injury. Jl'FI'KKSON DAVIS CRITICALLY ILL. Ills tlle s ii hi in it u rd tram llrnuvolr to Ilia lled.lde hi llrlrrflcld. fsrrriAi 'o tii rvi iimi woiitn.) jrississippi i in, Nov. 1 .", Jeflorson Davis Is eiiticnlly ill at Ins I'lautution at Brierflcld on the Mlssissipin liner. His wife has been summnned to his side, and she lett Beauvoir on Wednesday bound for tho plantation. The ex-cliteftain of the Confederacy has borne his years and his sickness with wonderful strength, but It la feared that the tltuo of his passing away is now not far lemoved. LAST MM i THE LAST STRAW. i ml Kansas City Leaves the American to II Join the Western Association. ll And Baltimore Is After Washington's II Place in the League. ll Von dor Alio and His Allies Out 11 in the Cold World Alone. M "The Association In Dusted," Is tbo jlfl Word nt the Fifth Avenue. jlfl Kansas City this morning resigned its fran- j chiso in tho American Association and will join ' thu Western Association, 4fflJ Baltimore is also a "quitter." nnd her reproi if sentatlvos are trying to buy the Washington , MM franchise and get into tho National League. -91 "Tho American Association is busted,"eald mm a prominent baseball man ot tho Fitth Avenuo SM Hotel, ami it certainly looks that way to mojt . MM ohsorvers. ' The effect of this development upon tholans Mm of tho Plajors' League and tho old LeaguawlU bo watched with interest. MM YES, IT'S TEN CLOBS. 11 Brooklyn and Clnclnnntl Are In tbe NntlonnI I 'SB League Novr. As The T.v eviso Would intimated upon good ' Sflj authority in its Sporting Extra of yesterday tho SB National Lcagno Is to consist next season of ten flHj basoball clubs. ff Brooklyn and Cincinnati have resigned from ' jgH tlio American Association and havo been ad- ItU mined to tho League. 9H Thus another disturbing circumstance enter 'wl into tho baseball ciuestion for the coming year. Ijfflj Tho chango of alleglanco on tho part of these SflJ two clubs can hardly be called a surprise. $U though when all an angoments had quietly been. ' -JfU pcrtcctcd tho denouement camo with a some- Jfl what paralyrmg suddenness. S?H Lato in the afternoon of scsterday, while tho MH deadlock in tho Association was as fast as ever "j:"B on the question of the now President, tho resignations of Brooklyn and Cincinnati were WEE plaiedlntho hands of Chaiimaii .on der Ahe. sm Tbo Kansas City and Baltimoie dolegatesat H once left llio meeting, and tho session waSKl- mm joiirnod until this niornlng. . .. J MU Meanwhile tho tepiesentatlyes of BroiOira m and Cincinnati wont and joined the LeagGf i 3m magnates in council, and congratulations ana '" cliainpagnu flowed lioelv. , XM When thu League finally adjourned until thij !" morning, its accomplished business included T&mW the following tiam-actions: ' jl Ihe adnna. ion of llrooklin and Cincinnati. ffH TbeaLolillou of tiie ilaisiucatl.ui rule and laloot JH 'lhu incrrasenf tlieataffof umpires from four to alx. ' ja-H Ibetixins oi40pr csnt ot tlio Kite nHeipls to go to jSU vi.il Inc clubs , . iflafl rhe adoption of amendmenta to theopenlato rifl.ao SlH that it simply reads 'Oainea poatlsined can Ija played afterearls. butmotvmea can not bo P'areil on on. na day Hiihout the pr.or consent of twclhlrd or au Vl League club. " .. .. JllH I'heeuthiirlratlonnf Prendent Young to Hi oiatino- tire to or loreach cm!) unifiiriu. .. Sni The appoinlment of Messrs. Spalding, Rogers and M Day to prepare an address to the public. 1H Too eteitiuu 01 the lotion irn; Snl iioaiiu or imircTOBS. g K lie II ItoM.on, of Clei eland. -?" VV A Mmuk. o' Pittsburg, JB Walter Hewitt, of Washington. it9H Charlea II. lljn a. of llns.klrn. SC1ILDCLK COMMITTEE. SH A II Soden. of llu-ton , A (I hoaluins', of rhicago. W. A. Mlulck, of Pittsburg. uoAim or AiiniTRaTioM. Z N I. Yoang of VVashiuolon ' " John 1 Kogers, of lh ladelphia. " John ll Day. of New York 1 H.AUSO niL- S COXIVI1TTEE. s A. 11 SpaMiu?, of Chicago. " John 11 Day, of New York. " John 1 Heger. of Philadelphia. i H lhealecti iiuit Cleveland aa thplacefortheachedu 9 H meeting in the bpriug. Mm SAYS SHE'S A FIREBUG. , I A Thlrteen-Yeur-Old Girl Accused BJ of Thrlco Firing Her Home. aH Mary Wilkins, a blight littlo thirteen-year-old Jl gill, was committed in Yorkvillo Police Court jjfl this moiuiug to tho caro or Mr. Gerry's society afflj on n chsigo mado by Henry Hoidmau, of 1378 II Fust avenue, that last Tuesday night, for tho IU third time, sho attempted to set lire to the Tern house. 3U Maiy said hur patents had been dead six year 9H and that Ml. and Mrs, Ileidman had taken her Am after the death of her father and mother, who &m were old acquaintances of the Heldmans. Mho told Jusilco .McMahon that she was kept kt 'AM home todo vvoiit and hadn't bcou allowed to go II to school in tour years. rlH Tho Fire Marshal will investigate the charge m of scttnig fire to llio house, IBj lire froui I'.lertrlr Wires. Xwm A fire cause l by an electric vv ire occurred this morning iu the Uctory. SPI Past Twentieth Mm street, llio building, which was filled with ' rooting material, was damaged 300. $U m m ' . uM .llott'a hpnrkllng Cldrrs. I flj Subatltotsfor Wine and Cart.onati-I Waters at dinner juHJ Fre. aamples through your grocer, , t9M ,'H !&Mt mMMmmAjmJt'Mi't m' ' i ' i ItiVJHHHljflHHHHfHfJ