OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, October 08, 1912, Final Edition - Box Score, Image 12

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1912-10-08/ed-1/seq-12/

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Flds With Him in the Rain,
but He Won't Be Tlfttd
To on His Rc.it.
'taeo' a nlsjM beat be uld g.t by that '
hOllfto on Kit. .11 r'f i without hln
Tha ilaiiissa area ni .'! tor him.
however. In tha rein DratMl site I for
him, always wih that half chnhad err;
Will deaxr: Come bss-k. I nui't go
bar to my frleaets now!"
It mi nuneaay a little morn
than a month ago that I'"l! 'e.tnen Lau,
tha martinet and tnu.lel of form, sr
reeteil Kvr)rn the b.s-i:I time ffh was
!.!o-Mn hli haat. ht . xplaincl ti tha
Magistrate, she Would .' let him pass. I
policeman is summoned to At Least, Such Is the Report
exciting Consumers ( ?) of
nothlnc of the cheeee. don't you see my 1
fix? I can't make tho sandwiches any
thinner, ran I?"
"No, yoi can't'" admlttcj the
pa t rone
"Vou see, then" he cans-luried tri
iimphantl). Hltli the air of putting Q.I
IS. D. to hla argument.
Hut the if,g. i n lua position brought
no sola rc to thi: llfrturbM patron. Thai
omv n ipe ten in tne br .lata of the wor.
rle.l patrons la the shynees of every
Haloes ROtal man-starr to tie the fliat
to itilro'lii'-e tho slrrsnl innovatlns.
not an eirrbsr.
i'slireman U.i
i : ear-filled eya
he was standing, I
iiilnt from
But Policeman Lan, Stern
sDisciplinarian, Mtrdwd
Her Off to Jail.
relyn Psraum had aln..uin1 home,
fate love o.' parents and the revpert of
friends for love of Pnlleemsn Willstn
Laru. Policeman I.au arrra's her be- I
Cause she hothera him In (he 1l"sshar-a
f Ms duties atone hla heal 1n fit-owns- : I iff Itlfn
And them veat'dov,
mesment It wan to
wli-n a slrn.ler si I w
.'ttssii running to wiit.
s half articulate cry
bar throat:
"Ah. Will, my darling' Tou won't
you rwn't throw me ilown again!"
Of couras she wsa Interfering again
with Poll Sanaa Uu duty, and ho had .
to arrest lies;. As h marched her 10 1
lb sta'lon a m alley rr.,w l of atatterna
BUM mo-kme; eMIttrosi fo lowing. Kvely i
wmtld flln'h ocraslnrally under lh
plnfh of the etntttf fltur-s on Iter arm.
I. . emsn lean summoned bv
i Iputy rNimmlaaloner Wslsh to-day to
appear before him In llroolrlyn Hiad
iua"tera Perhaps the rtaputy Coram s
siotaer wande-l to ravumenl lau for I.e.
ins' atl h a sortaptiloua poll emsn. but
'hit wsa ool ho current liellof around
IrrookSyn fleadmiartera.
That Delicacy!
srUe, Teaterday he arrested her for .
the third time In three months
Xsasjyn admlta she may have hnth
rod her Will. She dsea not its. an to
tasthar alia a hen she hsunts I la heat
sn tko rain at J ' . -V of a morning
to PfSsVd wrth hJm tha he romn hark
t bar. She d.. not want her Will to
breast ths rules n stint tnlklng with
people while on duty, but Kvelyn ih'n a
Will might at leas: listen to her story
Of heartbreak aa she pours It Into hla
are. trwttkac alonsj by his side.
Bui Fotlreman I.au la atein. Pollce
snan tsau arreated Kvelyn for the third
Urns yesterday. Us chargod her with
Unorder I y rondnot. For the third time
maaTletrate thle time Magistrals Mae
aTBlre, In the No Jeraey Avenue Court
turned the girl out on ronllnued pro
lira Parnum loft her home st the
on of Policeman Lau, she says
nd shs knows she will never be re-
by her family again. But Polire-
Lau, for some resaun, had himself
traasfsried to the HrownsvlJU station
and be left tho girl. Shs wo ild not to
abandoned, hawevsr. Hhe packed all
he owned h a suit esse and rentsl a
arret room a very mean garret rosm
In a house at No. ITS Klton street.
IN $1 00.000 BLAZE.
Have Thref-Mouf Fight
tleep csineem filled (he liesrta of Iho
legions of consumers af ths Rslnrs law
sandwich st the report that hereafter
that, so to speak, food Item la to be
charged for. They h.n.l been congratu
lating llismsslves tag escaping; the ten-cenls-fnr-litsad-snsl-butter
chirgs an; r
which the patrons of the awagsjn hoteis
ars grosnlng, when, to their dismay, the
report -for It Is still only a reporl
reachod them thst Ihey wo ild ba sub
jsct to the same tax disguised as a flvs-cents-fnr-a-Kalnea-law-snndwIch
In panic, many sii them sought out
Michael J. Qulnn. Prealdent of the fen
trsl Aasuclatlon of LsSsyOfl Healers, for
confirmation of the dreud rumor. Mr.
Qulnn was politic. No, he did not know
of any concerted action decdesl upon In
reference to the reported charge for
eai.dwlch.-a "
'Hut than, you know, sandwiches were
always charged for. Bo there Is nothing
new In charging for sandwiches from
tho bill or fare "
"But how about the Raines law sand
wich, the friend of thu poor?" they
asked tremulously.
"That-ah, well," answered Mr.
Qulnn vaguely, "that's up to the Indl
vidual ftalnee law hotel keeper. Sup
pose you go and see bigs I he sug
tested, hla fees lighting up with the
rn an OH Water Street
Right engines snd thrse flrobosts
turned nut early to-day to light a stub
born fire that Issted three hours and
destroyed the tea. coffee, rptce snd (en
rral msrrhsndlas estahllahmeat of
Iteeve Van Riper, at No M-41 Water
street, with a loaa of liflO.oon.
John MrOulre, a watchman, dlacov.
ered smoke sifting from the fuarth floor
windows Hs called Policemen Thomp-1 nopa Df relief.
.it. who turned ID tne nincsn ana nosi
fled Truck Company No. tt which, with
Engine No lu, was the first apparatus
to arrive.
Cspi. O'Kssfe of the truck company
and Capt. Coakley of the englns com
pany had great difficulty locating the
fire, as It was concealed by the Iron i haa made ths swell hotels hike up the
shutters While they were Invesugat- j cost of bread and butter. And." he
Ing a loud eaploalon burst open ths ! '"""d shrewdly, "since you're Just ss
shutters front and rear, and m a Jiffy j " J&JSPZ! "', !b" ,Wa
I hotels, and since I've got to give yuu
the flames w.re pouring out on every Ju,, J, ,, ma4 bult,ri to '
Ida and through the roof. Deputy.
Chief Hlnne auirklv sent In a second -
ala.m. bunging Chief Kenlon.
The condition or Water street, badly
torn up by the water company, added
to the flremen's difficulties, besides
which the smoke was so pungent and
the building so old that Chief Kenloa
foruade the men lo venture Inside. It
reoulresl three ho'irs .if fire -fighting n
AHornrr-tieiiereil Says t nlleglana
AI.UaNT. Oct. Re), lying to a letter
received from Klward F. Oraham of
Ithaca aaklnx for tila views on the Sag
lect of "ttidcnt voting," A'orney-rien.
eral Carniody aaya he la "Iti favor of an
amendment to the State Constitution
permitting eiudr-iita t vnis. sit their
respe. live rollegej or other Inatltutlona
of learning."
Mr. rarmody points out that under
the provlalons of Section I or Article J
of Ihe State Constitution, the Ioglala
ure h is made piovleissn for the casting
snsl c,nmtlng of the votes of sn elector
who la In the srtual millsary service of
the st.n'e or the t'nltr I Statea, and says
that "snsl'.gous provislona might be en-
i acted peimlttlnif student residents of
I his State to vote for all national and
.Stale csindllatea, and for all proposi
tions MbsBltlad to the Ceopie of the
whole Slate, s have such vote cast at
the tollege un.ler proper legal rejtrlc-
tlona and teturned to nn I canvaased In
I the election district In whj.-h th student
forfa on Oovernment transports thU
morning. The incident on the ateamor
will be reported lo ths authorities at
Fort Wright.
Letters of a Slim-Made
Woman to Her Fat Sitter
Fn.iete) I etter: On the Housekeeping
Burdens of tho Overfat Woman
The Individual Raines law hotel
keeper, when raced by his patrons,
proved very coy about propheaylng a
charge on Ralitea law sandwiches.
'IJtit," he auagi'sti'il cautiously, "one
of these days we may have to do some
thing llko thai. Mr. lllghcoatofllvlng
Discomfort After Meals
of .uUtiu
asvet k. bwii . I " lawsa -
- . ' roil rmun I4UI ... ... ...... I Kl.a
which l unknown
Evelyn cojld look out ol ths du ty
Of her single tiny w.adow and ne
atly see her Idol sislk past. When
sight of him thu she woull
nsa down stslrs with a Utile cry strug
gdag in her throat:
"Will, dear: Oh. w.ur
But Policeman Lau was stern; hs was
stickler for ths rulss. lis arrss sd
Eselyn ths Srst time and (hen aaked ble
jsataln to give blm nigh. work, if hs
Ihe origin of
orlallata rile state Ticket.
A'RANY. Oct f-Tho nnmlnillng
petlblon of tho Socialist Iwibor party
o( tne Stale was niril with the Secre
tary of State to-day. The ticket Is
hoaded by John II ill of Urooklyn, tho
I'unddtte for Oovernor. The petition
contains '.9 slgnsttires. At the last
uberna'orlsl election tho party polled
1.717 votes.
gssllaa uu..rMil eath a aw
and hal.liiiis ..I stmt ra ajaiUiiiM of to.1 eesslnu
WltU ttsSM ibrie vill l roiuti.atLl'is. i'lWa I .1
naea of tae Mlieil la ttw Haail. MhSSSS, llrart
burs. Headarlia. Ihafsi.t nf PuaO. Flaltrrisg of
the Ilea 1 1 I tlnkinj ..iiu... In . ss
HMIOt. H .'a ol v I ., f .i ike Slfhl. Vi.l . '..
el tba Skin 1'aln In tie -I.e. Chest. Laagv
I.ltanv ssd Fiestas ef leal. A fee dosn of
n Pius
will free lbs ast ol all tha or aasaed lb
orJrra. I'lirelt iistslabla. 'JA rvsla a bol. At
Urusgiau or hi mall.
KADWaT CO.. Nee Tork.
Largest Popular Price Garment Houte in New York
Qth Ave. CORNER Jgth St
The Greatest
Sun Offering
Of the Season
Copie$ of the highest
priced model, of fere I
by other stores as
Wonderful values
for $25 and $30, on tale
here at
$1 .95
Never before have we given more
conclusive proof of our supremacy
In vaue-giving. These suits are
nothing short of marvellous at the
price they are edct dupl.cates in
every detail of the costliest and
most tashionabie models produced
this season, made ol the choicest
and most desirable labrics, adorned
with high class trimmings and lined
with sumptuous guaranteed siiks.
TKtre arc twenty Kg: d otic models from
whitti to make i ciilun. Ushiontd ol wide
!, coidiroys, tetj-s broadclo hi, bou
clfiaai wh.ptordi, tomt art i leal ap.illcd
with tel. braids dec p t ure o r. t of
jrouo and others with velvet reveies snd
sill, braiu ornimcntt imc Itture lo left of
group . Never before have women and
misses dizes 14 tu 44 been offered such
exquUiie J25 and 13U sulb at
D. Price i Co.,6th Ave., Cor. 18th St.
At Utual, Expert Alteration Free
Sersjeaat (la era area llfflrers aa
jleamer In the onnd.
fgnse-lal t.. Tlie Harnlns a'orld )
NEW UtNlKlN, Cor.n , e-t . en,
arrival or the sti-am -r City of Ion-r,
from New York thU mot n.ns was im
mediately followed hy a call for a
souad of poii.e to Bttbdua ons af ths
sergeants In charge of a detachment
of sixty-seven recru.ts en route to the
latand forta from Fort glsgsiasi N. T.
n the tro the olflcera hail been nearly
driven to distraction by the eergvunt,
who. they said, Irn n I: heavily, .1rl i
bulet through the tci. tig of the ca.0.n
and struck several of the recruits ever
the head with the tuitt of tils revIver.
The recruUa will he tak-n to ths Island
Dear Risi In solving ths fst prob'em.
I'vs alao s.ilie.l ttia servant erohlem as far
as I'm cooc'rnenV Mr last main. of all
work florin . .1 hr bat and departed tws
weeks flgo And when I aav .'the last" 1
mean "nver again." I'm siotng say own
work now unit enjoying It all becauee
Ibat trrrlhle bnrslen ef tleah I carried has
gone never te seturn.
New. Sa dear. I know vou hsven't aean
the sunts'aneaa of mv ellm made self I
mountain or palpltstlns fleah. catertne to
s.rvaiiie whnhe llahteat duties I co'ild t.ot
perform becaua- T could not earry ths bur
den of my weight snd of my household.
Sow, sta. .tear. I know vou haven't seen
1 the aurtp rneas of mv slln-made aaif - I
Isnntv th is many formulae, dial eyeiema and
eserrlae ineihosla have robhed you nf falrb
. In sll red ui log mstboda. but fee a lit ,,
no ir.iin rlssrr" and uaa a few boxes of
those harmlraa little Matmola Prescription
'I'Mtilets I told you si,., mi Anv dnigglst
will furnish them at T fir tbs case or you
i an s-ncl rhs pries ts Ihe Marmola Co .
farmer flldg.. Detroit. Mls-h. They eon
latn eiactty the aame Ingredients aa the
Marmola Pi es.-rlDtlon that left me ettaa.
firm and smooth and they won't naueeat
you el'har.
It mat taks s llttls time, but be sattent
and you'll solve all your problems seclsl
and domeatlc. Let me know resulte. I'm
sure the '11 be amaalng. t.ev ngly,
RKTTr Advt.
Use Tyree's Powder
To Avoid Disease
The need of an effective standard
antiseptic in every household, either for
deodorizini and disinfecting sick rooms,
or for the prevention and destruction of
II infectious or contsgious diseases
caused by germs, Is well established
fact; and there la nothing better or
more economical than Tyree's Antisep
tic Powder. A twenty-five cant box will
mske two gallons ol standard antiseptic
Tyree's Powder la In general use
throughout the world, and has been
strongly recommended by physicians
for more than twenty years. Dissolves
instantly in water, contains no poisons,
and when used aa a douche it is unsur
passed. Extremely beneficial In the
treatment of catarrh. Sold by druggists
everywhere. Send for booklet and
ssmple. J. S. Tyree, Chemist, Wash
ington, D. C.
Hair Remedy
Grows Hair, Restores Gray or Faded Hair to Its Original
Co or and Siors Dandruff and Scalp Diseases.
25c Bot l. Free to Prove It.
SwUftoo Is Certainly tho Wonder of tho Ago.
Tli free itt twtile of ' Hwisaco" lUlr
nni St i Itsmftly, If . i jta .iir.
will ftstonlah vou. It Is a NKW IKI MM ,
Kit iKtfit t lid 'cat u , ,,,,, hnown. li
IS tb ivsuU of a of tntaaUaTftl.ajn An 1
fat .11 n Into tha rrotaon whv ao many of
ths ' nr ertrpur-tl-ina htkvm fstt1 tn ths
iisst to do lha work i ,. i of Ihsm. It
la msrvsioua Id Its aVt iIod and thouaantla
hava rwi sl sd psrmant-nt rursa luat from
th' fref ti.ittli ws ttavs thatu for the -k n,
Hfrnusti vou mmm nft hva ricivA nn a
relief from soinathiit vou hsvt triad don't
M Toollsh ennuirh to condemn svsrythtnc
slae. You will be vrsaclv bsnafltsd bv th
m botti wt pvi yuu.
' Swissco" 00 cenu aod 11. oo a bottlrs
in !jr as. w and rsi-ommsndtHl by all drug
ind di rirtvent stores.
All who wish, that li-vi not trlrd Swiss
ctn bavv a fiec Sd' boitli prapitld on
I 'll'- of tsn rents In stanipa or IllVSjf, tu
."lp cove . (if pa ok Inn, Ac. by
addraaHinu dlrtvrt to ths fiwiaai Ifalr Rm i
dy Co.. II 4i P Haunre. Clm-innatl O
Now for the Men's Store
"Golden October Special" for Men
Wood pitching 2 strikes bases fullscore 0-0.
Men's Silk-Lined Suits
$40 & $45 Grudes tor $32
121 Suits of $40 -tirade
83 Suits of $45 grade
Each finished and tailored to the smallest de
tail. If they bore the label of a Fifth Avenue
tailor their price would be $60 and they would
be no better.
Fine unfinished worsteds in infinite variety.
Men's Business Suits
$28 to $35 Grades for $22
162 Suits of $28 grade
124 Suits of $30 grade
102 Suits of $32 grade
93 Suits of $35 grade
Worsteds and cassimeres in the new English
natural shoulder model. Blue, blue Oxfords,
grays, browns and olives.
At their regular price these would be un
usual suits because of their exceptional style
and finish.
If these suits were not special in price they would be golden oppor
tunities because of their exceptional quality.
And the quality story applies to both groups both coming from the
same maker. The difference in price is the difference in the cost of fabrics
and findings.
These are suits that equal the best products of a Fifth Avenue
tailor. Suits finished to the smaller detail.
Please vote ihe f nirh, the edges, tht tu'to' holes; look ins de (he pockets,
note how they are tin sh dnot a detail of gocd workmanship lacking.
Suits not made out of odds and ends of fabrics, but carefully chosen
Coods newest and best of this season's patterns fresh from the tailors.
Special in price only because the tailors who have large business
with us were willing to make concessions at the end of the selling season.
685 suits is not many better come as early as you can.
An extra force of salesmen will expedite the selection and fitting of
OUr Customers tOIUOITOW. Burlington Arcade floor. Nr. v Building.
Formerly A. T. Stewart flr, Co. Bread-way, Fourth Avenue, Eighth to Tenth Street
The Vanguard
of Prosperity
Mo Lioney Down
Club plans or ridiculously small deposits eni altrael the taeaperleneeil knyer,
bui ttUe shoppers avlllleok fur tin neat rnnrerna I hat don't drsw prospective buy
ers Into a eel ol bis i' prices ana ironciaa tvaaiuaai. rraer or our siraig.inur
aid dealings Is aorur vul hy the fart Ibat tee are one el ne largest furniture
All Goods Marked In Plain Figures
Oot-of-Town Deliveries Made by Our Motor Tracks
Ihls Mahogany
I caWMlthtJry
gtt.M Furc.iase.
Oj WtfcHLY
irt-perlfal Leaner
Turkish Rocker wit h
..! iioo furetiue
$3 T $30 $7J"::M00 $10BT$15
$5 T $75S5ftoloo!$15,r$200
Value $16, at $11.50
Value $lb, at $15.98
Value S2S, at $17.98
io.ixiJ., aan ao
Value $32, at eJLJ.'tO
Axminster Caipets
With or without
89c 98c
Values $1.25 to $l..'.5
I Velvet Larpets
79c 98c
Values $1.00 to $.J5
Wilton Rugs
27x54, Value
5. at
J6x6J, Value
7.50, at
4.6x7 6, Value
I lie at
faff, Value
24, at
H.Jxl0.6, Value
J6, at
9x12, Value
42. at
I....UIV hvs'ki:.
TAItf la ausrier-
llsh llnlshl t ...iiiiinj
tlnn lek and ISook-
as,'. mill rrel work
on iluorsi Isr -e araav.
ert like . in
a slue
Jll SMI . .
ir 'e arses-
Inlaid Ltaolei nn
89c 98c $1.10 $1.2
Value $1.10 to $1.75
Seamless Brussels Rugs
Value $16 5 11. JO
9x12, em oo
Value $211 -511.3
$6,501 Value $16 $11.98 MWi
(lWA Iue$l2 $9.50 altie 2U $14.98 Vmi
Far in advance as guides to
Success travel World Ada
: They b.aze the trail to BARGAIN
BON 06
3,665 World "Real Estate,"
"business Opportunity" and
"Financial" Advertisements waw
! printed last uv. '.:
! 1,089 More than the Herald.
vrtr arm. km ion momkn
riaMtstttl bllei.KaLT KKKl
ill. Sunday World s f titbit Mar Mai.
Ion 1 abi..n Massilns will u. -, ,
nslt Bund- s,.ia s-... " ,7 W,V
'" ismitas

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