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The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, November 20, 1912, Final Edition, Image 16

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

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News Oddities
To Appear With W. Rocke
feller to Explain Blow at
Railroad Competition.
uui f m gangs n i' mar
Naslm aa wlr.o tfiat Mi fast a Issat.ri ST. may msan MMM T'ima
Uuim il.nOr f Wasland . Iniquity In Asnsrlnan jail. That's xt- placs
t land far II
Mrs. Warl Treat at nonkfuM. 111., has traat tir instant la girl trlplMs
and Vw. Traat Ip gulag to nam them ((Mr Praaidant-alaot Wtla.in's thraa
j ci.Nri.VNATI. Nov. . Wliltam M.
(.'u-inmlnga, lr manager at Brooklyn.
N V . fur lag National Cash Rasiatsr
OanfVMJT of Dayton, O., II bslng tried
..,! v on a citisrgs of conspiracy In
i violation of tha Sharanan Antl-Truat
I law, HlthoMfh ha U not prairnt In mom t
K.dnrai Judgs HoUlatar nals that al
ttouvh 0 Hp to atok at hto Brook
Irn hotna, M an trial la With the
o"hr twrnty-nlna dafandaota la the ault
fit sat th. east) racists aompany efflo
laia. Attorney for tba datanaa argum
that a aaparata trial would hava to ba
Klvao smmlnga. but ttaay wra orar
ruiad Th Court liM that aa Cum
mins la only choi-fad with a mlode
nisanor hi prawoo I wot nocaaaary. I
Adair of lAdkaoa to no longer tha flrat ma on tha Congralonl roll aall.
AAraroMtnbl of AJabapia bow rata In ahead of aim.
aULRVBLB OF IUBOIRY Maw Jsrasy bey had a dtosasoil aplna and food
leg. A plooa of bona waa out from Ma in and uaad to patrh his aplna. Ha
la raoovartnt
Ruhpoenaa hava baan aarvad upon J.
alrrpont Morgan. William Bxkafallar,
Lawla Caai Iadyard. Charia at. Pratt.
Oeorce ataoCWUnoh Miller and 0Hrg
F. Maker demandlns their appear ano
before th Federal Orand Jury at 11
o'clock to-morrow mornln Tlieee men,
II of whom are director of the New
York. Jf.w Haven Hartford Kafir.
Company, will be interrogated by
United fMatea Dlatrlct-Attorney Henry
A. wtae aad Aaalatant United State
Attorney-General Jeeee C. AdMaa in re
lation to their connection with the
lifting or competition In the Vow Bnf
tand State
Tbe aummonin of ttiaee men la only
part of an extensive Inquiry wtrk baa
been determined upon by Attorney-' lan
oraj Wlrkerabam Into (he making by the
Mow Haven offlolala of a twenty-five-year
traffic agreement with tb drand
Trunk railway a yen em of Canada, under
tha terme of whloh the latter corpora
ejnn enapeiMted oona ruction work upon
Che Southern New England Railroad
Company a new Una Into Boston and
Providence that would hava raotorel
bompeUtlon to the northeast seaboard.
Originally It wae th Intention of tbe
povernment to Bring all of th dtreotor
tbe New Haven tato tha JurledloUon
f Now York Aooordlngly sobpoonas
were prepared In the Poet Offloe build
bag for the twenty-two director of tb
aad who live outaM of New York.
Evidently there was a change In the
plan of procedure, for the umlerstsnd
Hag Is now that only the local dlreotors
will be examined In this Jurisdiction
Tliess six directors were to hava been
on hand this iro ning, but owing to a
ahlft In the plans at Washington, their
appearance in court was postponed until
William Rockefeller, brother of John
1 is generally recognised as(the power
rutins the New Haven. Mr. Morgan
ml Mr. Hockefeller share real onslblll
tlea In the control of the road whloh not
only h is the whip hand over New Hag
lam! aa to railroad but oontrols trol
leve an. I I oaatwlse shipping Uisre aa
exell. in financial circle President
Charlea H Mellon Is looked upon as a
Mono stump expressing the wlahe of
tb Hoc kefeller-Morgan unity.
Mr Maker le a le Mr. Morgan's Flrat
NattofJnl Hank, while Lewis fare l,rd
janl la a corporation lawyer represent
ing several large private fortunes, nota
bly the ASeSf eststa. Mr. Pratt la a
Standard Oil magnate while Mr. Miller
la a lawyer of the sir. Dps a Mr.
Heyimil the fact that these man ihave
been railed before the Federal Grand
Jury, there Is only speculation. Tho
prsaumptlon la thai the Government In
tenda to find Indictment agatnot vio
lators of the Sherman Antl-Truat law.
Oaly after a personal examination or
the member of the Now Haven dim
orate will the Federal officials 'he able
to determine Just what the railroad
people nave done.
Ugly stories are afloat In Providence
and Booton to the effect that tha Grand
Trunk was bourht up. If the New
Haven did not pay a lump eum and re
am bur as the Grand Trunk people for
tie expenditure in the building of the
Southern New Bngland Railway tym
pany, the k lakers say that the Grand
TTunk pot the equivalent In the twenty-ve-year
traffic agreement which waa
formally Indorsed by the New Haven
all rectors yssterdsy at Frovtdenre.
Two of the New Haven directors live
fn Philadelphia. They are James McCrra
and Thomas IleWItt Cuyler. Three live
In Boston Alexander Cochrane, Amory
A. Lawrence and Nathaniel Thayer.
President Mellen, George J. Urush,
James 8. Hemingway, A Hcnton It
prison and Frederick F Hrcwater live
tn New Haven.
l.oca Federal officials were of the opin
ion that the various directors would he
Interrogated before .Federal tlrnnd Jur
ies In their respective Jurisdictions and
thst later this testimony would be as
sembled In Washington by Attoi nc
General Wlckeraham. There la project
ed in addition to the criminal prosecu
tion of the New Haven pSSlg umle'
the antl-leuHi law. tin iliaiiolull'in of
the road in e Federal court of equity
Middles, wn. Oosn . eohooi teaoher found a auaptcloua hulge 1n the pt
of two boy pupil was cauaed by stlofee of dmamlte and spanked them,
dynamite was carefully removed flrat.
"So one who tend me a vrrirnt trtll he admitted to my
wediUnn." i the warning added to her inKpaffont 6, a lie t Inn
ftrdfoe. None of her friendt hot rorw offcnin.
Prtnoe 1, aarerVak HrabellanossMh, bow In Now Tosh as a protobder to tha
III! I ln throne But even Pervla had to draw the Mne omwher
of tne llnererstty of Kenan at rise.
deolarlng tnat the dollar to too uoataMe.
Mrs. Oaehsstna
proroaa) Now she Is
of Loe Anselea aorepted her tiueband on his lOTth
she dMn't hold nut longer, "he has sued for divorce.
Pari be Sot dancer cdrjeot to ha innovation of painted lege Instead of
tight to produce original effects
"Here'e wbere I gat home to Lo Angeles for nothing," said Oharlea Ileum
as be read a section of law In Richmond, Va., setting forth that railroads must
permit free transportation of caretaknra for ltveetooh.
The Ingenious Charlea bought twelve nhlckena and shlrsped them to Io An
galea. gotraf along himself aa caretaker. He not aa 'tu aa HI Paso, where he
waa held up and required to pay fare But rharles la a firhter and appealed
to tbe Interstate Commerce Commission to make the railroad give him his
money badk. .
Tbe leaned eonsmlsjalon pondered the case and Vasterday decided that the law
waa ell rkfht, but that chlokena era not "livestock "
and an Injunction to restrain th com
pany from puttlag In force He twenly-flva-vear
nraJTIo agreement with the
Grand Trunk.
The Orated Trunk offlelale are quite
nut aide the Jurledlotlon of th Ifnlted
States Government. Thetr I a Can
adian corporation. All of Its director
are realdenta of Kncland. The South
ern New Bngland Railway Compnny,
wtrdch hs Orand Trunk owns, wa char
tered In April, Ulti to build connections
with the t'entral VermoPt Railroad. I
convpany also owned by the trrand
Trunk. The capital of the Southern
New Blag-land Railway Company la H
OM.aoo with SB.Ono.OW worth of bonds
President Mellen of the New Haven
Railroad, declined tn make any state
ment to-day regarding the report that he
had already signed a traffic agreement
with the Grand Trunk Hallway.
"While the Department of Justice Is
conducting It Investigation I have no
statement to mnKe." aald Mr. Mellen
"When the Department Is through I will
he very willing to mwke n statement. I
do not eare to try the caae In the news
paprr "
Denial for Panl Allen.
l'sial Allesi of the Hotel Gerard in
forma The Kvenlng World that he Was
not In the rooms of th flroavenor flub,
on the tenth floor of tho Hotel Gerard,
at the time when the room were
clrared by the police Monday evening,
on tho ground that gamthltng wna going
on there.
Special Sale!
100 elegant new Chester Pianos in beautiful
figured mahogany cases, full overstrung scale, ivory
keys and rich, brilliant tone, of great power and
sweetness, for only
These are all brand new pianos, up-to-date in
every particular, with all the latest improvements
and fully warranted for six years.
Special easy payments, only $S down and
$5 Monthly
and no charge for interest or extras.
Stool, cover, tuning and delivery free.
Horace Waters (Si Co.
134 Fifth Ave., near 18th Street.
Three 127 West 42d St., near Broadway.
Stores Harlem Branctj (Open Evenings)
254 West 125th St., near 8th Ave.
We Are Staking Good
Money on Your Decision
YV .p. annilinif nuite a atlin lllcrelv
to urratiadr you to give Hub-Mark '
rublerri a trial. Our advertising i
thc best rviilence we could give of QUI
belief in them.
Fur if you buy onlv otic pair, we
will never get our money bark. In
shorl, we are bettinn on your beromiiiR
a confirmed purchaser of lliiii-lviark
M bBSf. And wc arc belting on
tire tiling
(let a dm 11 that fit your shut
keen them reasonably free from dirl
when not in use; don't leave them to
roSfl under the stove or to freeze
on the door ateps and you II wear
Hub-Mark rubbers every winter the
real of your daya.
Ht nnda rd
4SVtcV tfrvj fSflH
W. e.W. .''jSpy IdSssw
II ust rations of varluus styles of Hull
VI.. i. ruhlter sr. -ill..- i t I to In the stree
,'sr. They cost no none than anv oilier
iirst class rasher. Bub-Mar nisoi
footwear Is made far all iurnasa t.
men. wnmen. gof and sir's.
The Hull-Mark Is tour Value-Mark
II year Blaster e asset uir''i . strtt i
Boston Rubber S. oe Company
l:ta'i:iltie.1 ls;,;l Vtal.lcn. Man.
Overcoat Sale
Silver Anniversary Bargains offered to commemorate 25
years of aggressive business building, of honest methods,
of clean, healthy, permanent, persistent progress a
quarter century of good value giving, of satisfaction, of
courtesy, of attention, of a fixed desire and a determina
tion to give every man or boy the very biggest and best
clothes values for each dollar that it is possible to buy.
Headache? it's Your Liver
Too sISS PsOjfde l ake lleadui'hr '
I'owders Wbsn Liver
Tonic Is eeded.
Try Olive Tablets the Substitute
for Calomel.
tiMinr who takes )r. Kilwardt' (Hive
TsWsIf the in,, men 1 kg MSMMStf his liver
or bowels will never have headache.
There is no necessity, when you take
Olive Tablets, of following them up with
nasty, sickening, griping sails or esstoi
oil. as you should after Inking calomel
Olive Tablets to not contain calomel or
n other metallic drugs; I hey are a
purely vegetable compouud mixed with
olive sugar-coated, easy to take, and
Sever gripe or cause weakness.
Thousands of people take one every
sight at bedtime just tu prevent disorder
of the liver, const i pa. t inn, bad breath,
pimples, headache, etc.
Dr. K d wards, calomel's old enemy, dis
covered tbe formula for Olive Tubleta
after seventeen years of practice among
patients afflicted with liver aud bowel
Try them for a week. Tak one on re
aring nightly.
"Every little Olive Tablet has a move
Jeat ail it own." 10c and (5c per box.
Tbe Olive Tablet Company. Coiuui
Ui. O.
Genuine Merit Required to Win
tha (eopie's l-oi fidence
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it is that so pa,gny products that are c- ,
tensively advertised, nil at once drop nut
sl sight and are soon torgottcu? The
reason plain- the Hrticle did not fulfil '
the promises nf the manufacturer. This
spplics more particularly to a medicine.
mediciliul pfepsrStioS that ban real
curative value almost sells itself, aa like'
an endless chain system the remedy is I
recommended by those who have been
cured, to those who are in need of it.
In an interview on Hie subject u proni
1 inenl local druggist says "Take for ex
ample Or Kilmer's Swamp-Hoot, a prc
! parution J have sold for many years,
' and never hesitate to recommend, for
I in almost every case il shows immediate
I results, us many of my customers testify
I No other kidney remedy that I know of
I lies so large a sale.'
The success of Or. Kilmer'a Swamp
1 Hoot is due lo the fact that it fulfils every
' wish in overcoming kidney, liver and
I, ladder discuses, corrects urinary
troubles and neutralizes the uric arid
which causes rheumatism.
A free trial bottle will lie sent by I
mail, absolutely free. Address Or
Kilmer it Co., Ilinfbamton, N. V , and
mention this paper. Hrgular aisr bot
tles sold at all druggists Me. and tl oo
For $15, $18 and $20
Winter Overcoats
$20 Gray Mixture Overcoats at $10
$20 Brown Mixture Overcoats at $10
$15 Black Kersey Overcoats at $10
$18 Double-Breasted Overcoats at $10
$18 Belted Back Overcoats at $10
$15 Oxford Gray Overcoats at $10
$15 Fancy Back Overcoats at $10
$20 Single-Breasted Overcoats at $10
$18 Gray Kersey Overcoats at $10
$15 Button Through Overcoats at $10
$15 Fly-Front Overcoats at $10
$20 Chesterfield Overcoats at $10
$20 Ulster Model Overcoats at. $10
$18 Fancy Mixture Overcoats at $10
For $20, $25 and $30
Winter Overcoats
$25 Chinchilla Overcoats at $15
$30 Gray Mixture Overcoats at $15
$20 Gray Kersey Overcoats at $15
$30 Belted Back Overcoats at $15
$25 Chesterfield Overcoats at $15
$25 Plaid Back Overcoats at $15
$25 Brown Mixture Overcoats at $15
$25 Patch Pocket Overcoats at $15
$25 Split Sleeve Overcoats at $15
$30 Heather Mixture Overcoats at $15
$20 Black Kersey Overcoats at $15
$20 Oxford Overcoats at $15
$25 Button Through Overcoats at $15
$20 Fly-Front Overcoats at $15
$30 Double-Breasted Overcoats at $15
$25 Single-Breasted Overcoats at $15
For $30 and $35 Overcoats
CblocbillM of splculid iiality quarter lined with silk
unci with belted bock, Hplil sleeves and shawl or notch collar
also tweeds, cheviots, kerseys and vicunas; in grays, browns,
blacks and Oxfords new handsome models and styles.
279 Broadway, near Chambers St.
Union Square, 14th St., near B'way 47 Cortlandt St., near Greenwich St.
125th Street, Comer Third Avenue Open Evenings
Opfenhe iMs Qllens x 6
Fulton and Bridge Streets, Brooklyn
Will Close Out on Thursday
Women's Trimmed Hats
About 250 Women's Dress and Semi-Dress Hats
of Velvet, Velour and Hatters' Plush,
Trimmed with Ostrich and
Fancy Feathers.
To Close Out
Values to $15.00
"Stir OsiSs far Haas MasMT r th.
Oas far rss Meaa. Taac Kts.wh.r.."
feet Me oi the ftunt&in V ACity inltedf
A Sensational 3-Day Sale of
Used Pianos
and Player-Pianos
That Is Positively Unequalled
In Greater New York
There's only one reason, and it is an
imperative one, for this sale.
We are under the necessity of making room
for holiday stocks, and drastic cuts are, there
fore, in order.
MAKE NO.M1STAKE- this isn't a sale of
worn-out instruments that are of no use from
a musical standpoint. On the contrary, what
we have to sell consists of
A Large Number ofU sed ' '
Pianos of the BEST Makes
Every one of them is in the BEST condition,
mmmmWIa stf siviss usart unil vpok nf ,'rvic
AHHH tn ihccc there 19 a anecial lot of shnn-
worn instruments of our own makes, which
aa B . !
are otterea at saennce prices.
By way of example we offer
$185 Caldwell $ a a. $225 to $300 Kirchjioff
Pianos, at . -140 Pianos, at
$215 Garwood $-s rrp $1 QfL OAA
Pianos, at lltl lOd to UU
And, in addition, read this list of WONDERFUL BARGAINS which are
offered on
Easy Terms
Beginning at
l'p right
Chirkerlng 95
Rill US
Fischer 126
Schille 125
Weiler 125
Conover 125
Biddle 125
Hallet ft Davis 125
Lockhart 135
Klsber 135
Schon inner 196
Stuyvcssnl 146
Schuhen 146
Lohman 135
Byrne 155
weser 166
Hanging 165
Gordon 156
Doll 15
Note particularly that we will allow all moneys
paid wiimn one yem uu vanus ana six monrns on
player-pianos toward the cost of higher-priced
instruments from our regular stock.
Weber $425
Sohmer 496
Ludwie 646
Aeolian Organ $246
Uprights Uprights
Keller $165 Hardmsn S1D5
Temple 165 Bacon 195
Decker 165 Pease 196
Huniinglon ICS Steck 215
Carlton 165 Sterling 226
Ackerman 165 Pease 235
Hazleton 175 Fischer 215
AafcUa its Hardman 268
G,bler 175 Sterling 265
Schursan ft Son 175 Frierson 275
2 Pease 275
S"hmer !. Krakauer 275
Cluckering lr'.'S .
Decker 185 Grands
Weber.. 185 Booth $215
Chickering 185 Chickering 2t
Waters '. . . . 185 Chickering 325
Connors . 196 Sleek 346
Boardman ft Gray
I. nd wig
Bench, Cover and 12 Rolls of Music with Each Player-Piano
Our new stock of fine pianos is coming in fast. A few beauties
have arrived already. Come in, pay a small deposit, and
shall hold your selection for Christmas aeiivery.
(MAIN BuilJIni, Fourth Floor.)
(See our large general advertisement on page 5 of this newspaper today.)
Ask for Green Trading Stamps- We Give Them
Sunday World's
"To Let" Ads.
Simplify Home-seeking by
saving time, temper and

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