OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, February 14, 1913, Final Edition, Image 3

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iu in n. Mill i ii ii
Brav ThirtMn Trudge n
To Trenton, Al ter Making
spk.vlio to Students,
SuffragltC8 w ildly Wilconwd
, by Student Bodies of Rutgers
and Princeton.
TilKXT . N. J., IV . l K Hftc I
hf i platoon o' b! ' potIe am, ,,
MSI tlrm .it tin- . It. limit, tbi Otltll-
7:tc my trrfred htri shortly before I
- "'line', tji afternoon, a smell mi.n i
of Ml 'Ct 1 n:i ! I. .r-i rv:"e etudon.
a. 'o.not.ilel throv I'rowd. Itnal the
trt and cpec "ed ilf marcher l
ttev prfM t
Tlic tinny w.ll dvooai neft or tht
flight i ami will b .u,-rta'.tied by to il
eu'.Tragattei. All ware in good condition
..'tar the day's len-mll mnrcti, orKJi
lie (JgOBBtloa of "I orporo "' Martha
at. who was . HI inffrrlns from
inn.tjfttciti if yeetarday long tramn inJ
ii.t to .e .r IMnl !'.! the l it mile i r
l irn. .
.1 r (hail lo" student of J.tiwroiue-
Academy .tie: the sufr. -igote. tal
! t v'n f iy entered. La y.:! -t vIVc, I
five Milan from Princeton, The bojta
i ir i it lis "Vote for IV'omaii" ban
vet an! ha l.a
I.-, a v-
. i
'it want litre tlili
Rial Iln in
Mltl Boom A I '
JO oi! Si:ffraa.it:r'"
Tiiay denmnded npooneg and "ien." ;
RgaaU Jones and tavern! othtri i
dlged them, During the ejechnies
Ing, the aiudenta got p itaaaatoa of
i. on ammunition wagon tad drove it
BbOUl !dwn. bill iTttltltgUy r eturned It j
yovfrai hundred Princeton todent I
aotod nn . guard or honar to "dan,"
.lours, eacortin tli vole for women!
I rlaadc to the attaklrtg of the twn. !
trlMn th uttio bagd of drtanirlmd uf-;
' .i Tin lel't PrlnOttOB on the third lag
of thlr marih to WfMMllgtMl to-dBV.
shoitiv b fure v a'clooh tin- "Qonant" '
I'-d hei "arnw" Joivn tn front :c-p3 01
tilt Inn. An the Idhvra . Ut'trd aoro'
i ita la.vn ikay waro vurroundad by n
rlOtOUal) aod-riitturl now1 of ntu
tenta. WhOtl the auiTi-airlata and their
aaeorta reached tho road a doirn BUOky
undtTgraduat lifted "Ion." June? onto
fcorac block anJ demanded a rpeoch.
Tha Oaaeral lauh.ng1y compUl.
'Tramping thirty mile ovtr New
garoay roada In the winter tl:ne 1
nough to teat the I laying powers of
vea a tratoed athlatn," ahr ld. "But
irhlla our feat may be aora, they are
Mt ODld. and there tan't one who I
not determined to atlcli It out to Waeli
Ingtoa." Than ahe hOTied down and. tnaralial
Tdng har forcee. gave the nlgna! to
Otart The atudenta formed a eolid
nhalanx around tba auffraglata and
oeompanlad them to tha town UmlUb
whence they beaded for Lawrencr-
TOnoal requaat for an audience In
tWaaailnerton a-aa made of Preaident-
laet Wllaon, In Prlncrton by the "Bur
(ragetta Army." The women called
at Ma home aa they left for Tren
ton, their nt stowrtiiB place, and de
llvared to him a letter written 'Jy
"CJn." KoaaUle Jonae. contmnnder of
tha "Army." Mra. John Boldt wa the
earer o the mlaale whloh follows:
'My dear Mi. Wtlaon: A small bsn l
f votea-for-women pllrrlma Iron Hit
Btataa of New York, New Jerat-y,
rcnr.aylvanU. Delaware. Mar1and,
Virginia and Ohio earnestly request 01
you an audlonce for not more than tWQ
tnlnutaa in Waahtngton, aa aoo after
; our arrival aa poaolble. Th v AaotTI
ti preeont a mesaae to yoa.
Thanklng you In advanfe for your
1 am vary ainoerely.
Mra. Boldt wan OfOOrlOd to Got. Wll
aon'a raaldencn by a dalOgOUotl of
J'rtti'-'-ton atiiilni-. huled by Oeorga
W:idt Jr., the army' bugler, Wendt
'-lew a reveille and tlir KtUdantl wave
the Princeton yell for WUaon.
Tboft was no response until -Mr.
I a 'It rang tli doorbell. A maid ap
peared to any the HOVTWOt bad MM
to Nw Tortc. Mrs, Boldt left the letter,
Mrs. Kranli Ba'.rd found her mtltOMO
0 crainpd. nftor yogtordgjl twenty-
ceven-inllc hike, that she na unabb
to uallt to-day and rodn in tli orrl lal
out oar with Mra. Olive BobuMga.
Tha otherw deolared IkOIBMlVM re
ft eahed by a nitflit's rOft
ftald to Be ttlf Wlft of a Millionaire
Hedl Estate Owner of
That City.
Mrs. Abbie Lelonde 'Morgan of H.iffalo,
aald t, tw the wife of IPfllbMB MorK'an.
h millionaire owner of real agtatO and of,
t lie Mornan UOOk on Main BtVMl In that
Oily, named aa co-rehpondent In a
a let tor an absolute divorce Hied to-.lay
t-y Mrs. Kya L,. ohanck against ier
hUgbggd) Samuel HjhetKk. Alt. Bshtnok
Htgg served nith a gUHMnona and i'uiii
plaint at his rooji) In tin Braglln Hot, !.
Tbg complaint rillm tliat tohtnok
ii. et Mrs. Morgan "1 -'an. 1, IV tl, Jan 1
nd tan. iv at tiia ihtrauui ApartmonUi
Droadvay ami Haventy-thlrd itraot. Th
stellOBOlM 'ere married In Lki Angelas
He-. . VMH, Tlia complaint Mad
v Lawyer Thumas 1'. UoKaong of Si.
'I Broadaav.
Dno'l Far f at TUse Red Crass
Ceatt usmm. BiwTiaiia as. sat MsVaaMM
Women Have Always
To Spend Money Faster
What Is the Ideal
Age to Marry?
On What Salary Is
Marriage Possible?
'No Intelligent Young
Woman in New York
Can Help Longing for
All the Pretty Things
She Sees," Writes "J.S."
Love Doesn't Care Wheth
er the Home lit Main
tained on $15 or $1,000
a Week.
I 0 tUOCSttl in marriage H Is nr -
be willing 10 roTOgO nni ill Holflsh rumforta and luxuries and
lay tliom on tho altar of thoir mutual love. They mtiat fcrd the
tho bloaitoming of flowers. They acorn the humble mechanism
permanent satisfaction with life may be achieved.
Sat happiness la marriage la aa
snob tha result of persistent effort
aa success la any other form of
human association. Tha capacity
for taking- pains la aa much tha
genius of noma makiag aa any
other work of art.
Young BTOat grog S) bO stand before a
priest or a Justice of the peace With the
IdOfl that 'hey have their feet on f"
maice carpet R-hlcb Is to waft to them
perpetual bl ss or that Joy Is Just an
alias of the Slave of the fttng and will
appear to do her bldilKt,' vlieuever the
bride ruha the clumsy a-o!d hand which
Is the accepted symbol of v1fhnoi! are
doom, id to Inevitable disappointment.
Love la not naturally a domestic an
imal. He doox not take kindly to clean
but unlnsplr.np; odors of washday, to
tli, ohaOS of Kprlng and nutumn clean
ing:, to the frequent JnngleH iiliou! hotelier
nnd baker nnd cook, all tin- Ui-le un
lenpirlnK thing that together make n
tr.rur big- and Inspiring the ideal of mar
riage. tore la a Jealous god and re
quires dally laoaasa rnd tribute.
"Aa humbls and a contrite heart
is his accepted sacrifice.
When a woman is iv lllng .o pay the
price of a sincere, genuine gffeOtiOO, to
take whut the man she loven can glVO
her and put aaldo all longing for the
thing she thlnkg She m'gh' have hud
grlth xonu, on,- she did not love, alii whe.t
ii man consent to chain the fugitive
'.mpucs, the selfish lidulgencs of Ir
responsible ba- bolorhood and kaop thsni
chained, Love eonsetits to occupy the
altar they have b lilt for him In their
hearts, to DOOMM their tutelary deity of
their homes and he does not care wheth
er the home Is mu'titiilueil on tl . or oti
ll.mw a week.
Several Bventng World tenders tell
how to he happy on a small Income.
Dear Madam I Lot "IT, M. R." who
waul tj know now sin- can manage
on til per week, take ,hre or four
looms in Broiklyn for ll.co or ij .-,
irooki furnih tbam eond.hand, if
ahe has or ui raise the money, and
get only aeoesaary turnitura, cutn.
out tin- luxurlw. If she bgg no ihll
dren she can save money for the
hnnk on less thrifi 111 a week, fur I
am doing it myaolf. I bavt two
young obOdron. ihs must get the
grooerisi and buttar raAotani forth
week at one time, not In small lots.
When getting steak inalat on the cut
from the round abov 'he middle,
There Is no fal or waste lltOM patt'l
buy hops or ataak with muoh bone
The ijone vrolghs and you must pay
fur that. HaVg beet soup oftOtt, with
tomatoes In ti as it gives inoiv
nounshmi-nt. Always gaf a large
piece of magi a hn bolltngi as It Is
a saving In the end. Make a pot of
beans by soaking a quart In 00 Id
water OVar night. In the MOrHlnf
put In clean wuter Hull one hour;
ck.ing water (hot); when soft turn
off part of water, put Iwans In lorye
pan wild one pound salt lurk; mix
two tablaspoonfuli motasaag into the
'oralis, pepper and plac e in elow
oen five hours till brown. Ilava
beans soft and moist wnen done.
This will last two muals. Get un
bleached muglln for oboota and
i-h-ach then, yourself by -making In
ohlorldi of brine and w.ier. Doa't
buy stooklngi is eanti pairi g:
thrac pairs for Si .,nts. I'm no
foot In them as they wear out.
TrlM your OWII ha'"- I do mine.
Mak all your Ulqtbsg if rais-lMo to
ae tna; waj. 1 do all my OWP
lauodn work except irt toliarg; .nd
rren' ants faur sraos tav' eanti
Itaisg UH slswa tad ...sau OilUM
eesgaty that young nta and women
ancred flnmo with Hiirrlflcc. It la
imrfeotly true that we get nothing
fur nothing in this life, yet person
who accept thin axiom in their every
day affulra aeem to expect that love,
the most precious commodity on
earth tho sacred fire Prometheua
ftole from heaven Is to be had for
the asking, like a flower iced cata
logue or a sample at a demonstra
tor'! booth. Any age nnd any aalary
are ideal for marriage when a man
and u woman are willing to pay the
price of love mutual sacrifice, eym
pathy and forglveiiooa. TKN YEARS
It would be difficult to Improve
upon this recipe for married peace.
Yet there are poraous who believe
that the only real happiness la aa
spontaneous as the song of birds or
by which
your husband likes Never pay over
1 cents a pound for meat. Stew nnd
OUp meat Is mil ii cheaper. Always
take the bones for soup, and always
, go into dry goods stores where they
give stamps I started with a few
pieces of furniture on $1D a week
all my husband earoed. I get nearly
three books of stamps every year.
0"t curtM'ns. chairs, c, little by
little. My husband gets more than
tin now, and we put aside UN S3 a
week for a rainy day and get along
on a ten-dollar bill handed me every
week by my husband. He has his
fare a::d spending money. We let
the corner saloon and Its patrons
look out for themselves. I do not
agree with "P. M. R." that girls
slioold not man;.- men because their
pay Is small. Iways consider the
man tlrst. tsOOk Mm over, isf.idy him
during courtship. If he proves to be
sincere, kindly, honorable, marry
him and let the rest go by luck end
your own effort.
Dggr Miidnm: Some young wife
asks for a solution to her $11 per
week problem. I say, go to the coun
try! By all means, go to the coun
try! Make the effort, even at a very
great sacrifice, to obtain a month's
tent In gjdtfanoO for a IU per mimlii
house OUtSldS New York, and you
will surely be tile gainer In th end.
There are many very comtortahlo
h 01ISM that can be had for that price,
as I happen to know, and In nearly
all eases ther is a plot of ground
sufficient for a amall garden, which,
If well planned, will yield provisions
to supply your table bountifully.
Then It i often possible to keep poul
try. So the husband who Insists
upon eggs every morning for break
fast may be accommodated. To I'
1 s ire, there Is the commutation to oe
j considered, and It cannot be large for
j JM par week salary, hut there are
I many (daces In Jersey where the
rates are fairly low and ihe ferry
. .an be used, and a possible wnlklng
I dlatABO from It to your office. Where
i then- are children the doctor's bills
are almost c-rtaln to he fewer. Th. -i.
! too. there Is real rest In returning
I to a country home st night, espe-
otally In the hot summer mouths
There Is not the -jncontrt'iiaois
temptation to spend money on coney
l,lgnd and arlous other resorts, and
the vacation can be taken to udvan
tage right at home. R, D
' Dear Madam; There the
game distinction between lite very
rich and the very pool .n ancient
fjjrooog as in Manhattan to-.lay. the
only difference oeu.g that tha llreek
! luxury was :n,,ra refined and muru
' beautiful. TniO, the rlcn and th
' poo" wore toe same ty$a) Of clothing.
but wast does that PfOVOl A shir;
! it a shirt, that you can buy for SO
' cent, or f": $5.0H. Are they both the
same'.' The Chinese and Japan
I ladles do not change lbs styla u.
their dress a often as they Bhanga
their ni rids, Whluh saemi to b the
1 faalilon In New York. Qoverthelagg,
1 it is a oomnton ooourrono for a
I blngle diese to ' ust 11,000 o mol'g
j gosong tin- Oi'lental wo. There never
1 jet was a civilised Potion wlieie t.te
woman did not Invent way of
i spending t. in money faatoi than lb
' men could earn It! besides, th droaa
of the ire. -Ian ladles w.i.i n)rlV s
fop udat Ion :oi illihons a u.l jewel:'
wbiob the' approolntod Quito a
much -nd pruoau.y used Wlltl a
-i. e o u dime,. i an testa a tg
o.un tl iw-oay. U avy a juaila-
Invented Ways
able now it ass equally JuitUlabl
In the days of Socrates.
If It bt true that no Intelligent
young WOnUW In Now York can help
lunging for all the pretty things she
sees, then what good Ih an education
to the fair sex. If It does not tea Ik
them to have a soul above buttons.'
Would It not be better to teach t ie
wives of poor man that It is (otolith
lo cry after tin- moon, and that lux
uries tuuet i.e wo . be for th
favored few or they would caase to
be luxuries, than lo help keep alive
the Dec. of envy that Is bulging !u
o many of their bOOUOtgf J. 8.
l ord Athlumney, Intrepid Under
Fire id the Ship News Hus.n.hs, Un
masks a Battery of His Own.
Armed to the teeth With middle nam. -title?,
war medal and hauteur there
reached this port tOHlay, aboard the
United Kralt Co.'.-i liner rtanta Maria,
limes Herbert Custaviu Mrredvth Sotn-
orvtUo, oh. no, that isn't all -James i
ilfeitnert y'know, answer also to Lord ' k
Athluntney, Baron Meredyih and Cap- ( t
tain Sonieiv.l. ,,f the fold sir.
ilnard. the king's Own. rttrht-o'
Cnder Ihe OOUMMsTdOMM of the Hring
squad of the Ship Nwi tlusaars Homer-
vute remained a perfectly -aim and
coU.H3td aa when he was winning nici
ale, elaape and other trophlei of dla
tltiiUon hi the Indian riih.-tlluu And the
Wltr. He lUffartd no . ,iai !
iut the oarnag In HM ranks of ttte
1 Hussai's waa droadcul,
Why." queneil the wag sjf the .,, ivi
"do you acall 'em the iV,ld Otana
"Why." h rap nailed hi lordntp. "wi
,, , ' . . '. . ' ' ' ,
Ihe .hip newer, retreated In vary b td
iZll.. ., . M . ,
..,..., . ,
. .... ., .w ,ii- ,.i -:n, ririn .., lei.oi,
to that dean oM llout or i,.,i.s m
'tie rli g Ii ien Tl Mn R'
Shawl Drawn About 1 4ei Pace Prc'
j vents Her Seeing Danger and
She l Seriously Hurt.
a si. twl drawn about hr fat n
' eiich a manner aa to prevent her seeing
where she was go.'ig MIMOd Tf
Monaco. twettt-to .cars old, of No
41 Bedford lr'l, to walk directly Into '
11. r path or a wagon when ahe Wat
1 tarrying a tliree-vear-old child acros
; ttie InteraecUoa of Osftnint and Biceok-
er atreete to-d .
The voting won.au ws t atnpied by
'the horeo and two wheels paused over'
I her body, but ahe succeeded in saving j
th Infant from bi't-m. Hhe w ro
I nvoved to st Vlncont't Hotpttal uffer-
! h.g painful bUl HOI fatal Injuries.
Th drive- of tli aagon. Ueirire 1
cntnlanoi or No. u$ Uliaabaib itrtei,
' was bold Matnoletti
, II re III al.ee gggg Mr. II Oil.
Gustaie Hee., I. Id,, ,i rrnch ,it.: .
t .'king torporatlon, began salt :i t
uprtm Court k'ttttrday to rovr
from Mr. Udnt (loodrU'b Qoodwin, the
moot rec.it wife of Net QoodWln. bt
a i.e. II.ITI Ir i (HIM) for gw.i
..lei o have ttaen ;nr nkini fro. ii July
in 1111. to AUgOtl 14. I$U T ie dl s-
I. 101 al'r.ged tilt go i ;n were dUVjr4
I it I'sris. wbtr taattr :t -I
It's Made
88 Tg A I TAR
0 tOwP
Superior of Convent Faints as She
Readies Fire liscape; Priests
Baffled in Rescue.
OTTAWA. Out. Feb. R Bister ft.
Simon. Hlster KtiperioT, connected with
the Oblat I-'athers' HeJiolnslleate, Ot
tawa Las', peiihed in a Are which
early to-duy detroyed a three-story
building adjoining tho Institution, There
were twelve sisters Bleeping on the top
floor of the structure, but levn of
them found their wsv to safety by the
lire escape. The Sleter Superior was
In a private room, but was mm. used and
i.dlowed the oilier to the fire escape
There ahe cried; "I'm fainting," and
foil back.
Kffor'.s to reach her were futile frwln
to the rapid spread Of tl"' Ilame, whl 'h
lie " ha. k a party of priests who scaled
he walls with roaouo ladder. One of
the nuns hud a Vr and arm broken by
railing from a fire escape, and In
ol '"g were p i nfully bruised.
In tne mu.n miuuing there were
ntv-scv in fathers and brothers bu
fire did not reach it. The alstera
were all trom I'Yan.e. the Hlster Hu-
I perlor having come to Ottawa only laat
I flgptOntbOT, The building was situated
j )n n argt. park on ;h ouUiktrta of the
1 city.
I rrluliirr ( runs I'olnl HadeVrlre
1,300 MM,- Kssl uf Vork.
Th Frennh liner Chicago, arriving laat
night from Havre, reports sighting HVh.
7 the Kritlsh gtaml Crown Point, from
'.ondon for KOTtOlki which was prevl-
ourly know n to be m dlstrese. The
I , ,.,, . f,eig.,ier and carries
t i.o passeeger.
1 When I npt
Itac of the rhl ago fell
in with hor Hie frown Cnliit. which bad
lost he; rudder. Wt about l.GOij mile'
( Toe Chicago sent lifeboat to the help- i
! less steamer and Qapt. Mac offertsl to
a.' 01 Oapt. Dun ItaP and hi crew,
hu' the offer Km do. lined, lle.ivy seas,
and hum tti.e prevented the Chicago
from taking 'be Crown Ptplnt In tow.
1R1S. lb
Prefect .f Pollci
,,,..h, t. .signed
, ei mat inn end
it Louis Lepine.
of Pari .sin -e j s'i'i
The r. -port of his
its accaptanoe was
official" ronnrmen
, i lovernmenl polli
mere i
II III '7.
One Ten Cent Box of
the Famous Chocolate Laxative
will regulate your bowels and relieve you of the miseries of
II your stomach isn't just right, if you have a bad taste in the mouth,
coated tongue, feel distressed after eating and have frequent headaches,
these are warnings of serious trouble. Don't neglect them. Ex-Lax will tone
up your stomach, aid digestion, promote bodily vigor and strengthen the
nervous tyttrm You will be surprised to tee how quickly yodr energy
ambitiofi and appetite will come back to you
10c and 25c a Boa. at All Drug Store.
RIVAL FOR $50,000 1
Mis. TIumJoiv Rotvftls, i
caivted in HustMtKl, St'ks
Repress of Miss SmytiK.
Husband Dodges Allmonv by
SpOKHng Six MiMilhs in
I udlow Street Jail.
Paper dhnrging Mlag Flor ence st nytii
ahnraetor sgitrew, ttti altennting gnow
worth of th- nffei tluns of Theodore
ROtjertSi actor, weie served to .lav hv
lawyor repreosntlng Mrs. uiery c Rt,
arts. Mrs RObarJg lecentlv won ses.
srstlou de foe from her tuisionid with
$60 a week ni FT mi, Itstber than re
eiearirt to the COSWt'g dsTOettOnl ftohTt
took up an enforced rest of sl months
In 1udlnw MrOOl Jail.
Miss PaatyM) WOO five In a luvnrleu
apai mgM M No in Bam Thirtieth
street, has played leading . . . a. let
rob - pot a nmsgbar of year Hobart.
hi -lfe charge-, iirisngin hr eon
tracts so thni mi. mytha wag - m
the same DrOdUOtlOfl with blm. eThe
gained wide rvrmtr In ' Nathan Hale.
"The cvmnic ChnlrgsjnnH end other com
panies 1n Wtdoft rlie ntporled It'eherts.
Mra. Roberts chars Miss "enyttie
ei.nlrlved by flsjrterles ,, win tli affe.
LlOn nd love of live eotor.
Hack of the sifII . tree 11 belle atory
y how Mrs Itolmrie tamloned a prat1
1 pei-tree career on tha atage to becme
' lloberta'e wife I'or tseanty yeaaw, from
the time H., H,-rts roae from osSacurltv to
a forsmoot tlce on the ataae, Mr. Rob
erta autunarged h.r own identity to glor
tiy that of her hiavoaral. Aliho-iarh a
brl'.Hant aotreas, "he qut tha elan n
UrOsTi when ibnieita requaated bar to
do ao. Hhe cnient.st heraalf with trav
elling with him during moat of the
twenty yar snd wrltliag crlttclam and
special artlclea, a purault whlrJi won har
no little attention In literary circles.
Tho tribulations of the Roberta be
gan In Mar oh. 1110. when Mrs. Rdbart
ronftrrrHsd her -uspti-ion that a rival,
younger by many year, had uptai.ted
Iter In th ae tot's affeotlona Mr, Rob
erts lierolcally swallowed the bitter dose
and sought to win book nor husband'
love. But she found no reegtonatv
choi-ri to tier advances to her buatautd.
He bade her go. obtain a dlvoru. any
thing tntt to lnave him stone if,, ad
mitted hie nreat mteiaat In th wetrare
of MJ aa Hmyth... harehly and oruelily
irver hta own etgnature, and then left
her, she allevs.
liar nhanraa of a career gone with tha
rush of years, her opportunity for auo
cae In any business venture dlmtnlahod
and her pHM extremely flattened. Mra.
Roberts found haraelf in the poolllnn of
the wwuuui who had Mcrtnoeal all to
mak her huaband geent. only to be de
serted and east aside for a prettier focu
She appealed to the court and waa giv
en a Judgment of $60 a week against
her huaband. IVut Roberts was allowed
to mat In Ludlow street put for six
.uon I ha, after which he will ba ab
solved of alt responsibility to further
support the wife of hie youth.
In desperation and In need, Mrs. Rob
erta onganad lawyer John W, JJralnby
of No. Ill Broadway to draw tha oom
pbUnt, wlu.'h waa filed in the County
Clerk's offlca to-day.
Founds of It Destroyed on Premises
l eased From Sugar Trust
Lawyer Parsons.
It waa n allv moat ambarraaslng to
Mr 'I 0. nuns I.tpton and dlatreaalug, li
dtadi to have to burden HI Lordship,
Justice Briulv. and tile excellent payor
wlih such a trivial matter, but, with
Hie lordsblp's pardon, tberu really wo
no wayi out of It but to go to court.
Tims apologized W. M. Taylor for
pressing a ult against John E Parsons,
the old sugar trust lowyer. to recovr
t't.t.ll for damages austalned by Kir
'V. .Unas' teas.
I Tbt dl"tlhgulh d yachtsman was noil
In court. Neltllfr was ni eqtially no;el
untagonlal. Botn had agents at the bar
'when Juitb e Brady called "Idpton vs
I I'lirson." The ult grew out of a lega
.,n a building ut No in rer.inklln street
woioh Mr sHrtont had provided for Ih
RngUlh lea nierebant w'leu the latter'
itortt house burn.d down. Then tic r.
..line a deluge from a tank on the prem
l.-.-s and many pound of Sir Thomas's
hag eta were lest royed An (SJorl to
ettl failed.
sks Couti
( i.iinplvll,
in M.iko Hubby
lodging Houm
King, Produce 'Em.
W ml la John f Campbell, eancr
of mountain lintels an. I Roaeiv lodg
ing houses, doing with one btMb bird
of paradise, IWfl willow plans, some
gjgrotteo, gtVOW bonbonnleie-,, a raw
diamond ring, g necklace or two nti
oilier pPOpOI'ty nlrWMy feminine? Ill
telephone girl bi de, who has pattnl
from him snd is suing htm for a
sepaistlo i. wante lo knew The for
mer hello girl, ah., onot told Husband
John that would bt "to 'meaning
herself trot, g laai atHl Jo all tha
time, or no .1,, 9 all." se iirought
suit for the recovery of thes Article
or 13. t In lieu of tliem
HnCO the Ceuiphelts parted at No. 40
Rlve'sble tlrlve, t'aiiiptn It tins been liv
ing at a hotel and his orlde a few
months ha fotumod to her mother.
About Nov. 17 last, she eays. she askml
her husband t.i surrender lv her the
Jewels MI prore-rty. Ha declined to
d-. so. not affldavll declare.
The , Hem, mil norhlaOOt she sav. 1s
worth t:,ut an, I is string of eighty
ton, Then there are diamond stlok
ilne, w.itch onnlnei a 'Mtrlo cabinet, a
curio clialt. a Pfagja figure ,f a f.u-mer.
two "brimie busts, golu chstrs and other
places of fum'ture. wiilrh alia claim
belong to her.
The ougla ware married In April. Itlt.
and weot la BtaTOfM for iui extended
trip. Mr CaMn$JOll ahaiJd In her
paraton aothtn that her hutand
eta4e,l her ami hiimlllateil her during
the irlp.
alralman Hear) l oaa I aroN-
Michaeit Henry, twenty-four years old.
of l-'lra 1'atrol No. B and living at No.
HI Fat One Hundred and Third street,
was found overcome by aaa early lo
day In the ballwiy at No. Su7 rifrh
avenue, where he had been on waitoh
all night. There win a fire In the In. us..
A truant of th houae found Henrv
on the floor of the main hall, with gas
flowing from a Jet whlnh had bean
turned on full. Dr. IaBaem took Henry
to Ilarlmn Ifnapltal In a oeiioue condi
tion. It I believed the fireman had left
tha gas burning to worm th hall and
the wind hleav 1t out.
Coat Slaughtered
In Gigantic Cleanup of the Season's
Smartest Models
The most extraordinary values in Winter Coats ever
offered in New York or elsewhere. These should interest
EVERY Woman.
Clearing All
to $30 Coats ....
Chinchillas, Mixtures and Kerseys
Splendidly tailored mod ell in Broadcloth. Chinchilla.
Mixture. Kerseys, BoucJet. Coverall. Diagonal, Cheviot.
Skirt nnd Evening Wrapt, detigried in the faahionablr model
ol tha Winter eaon. nnd never till now, at BEDELL'S,
offered at ao remarkably a low figure aa $10.
Clearing All $15 $
and $18 Coats
Cheviots, Tweeds and Mixtures
We with we could picture thete Coat to you exactly
at they are make you tee their manifold attraction, a you
will tee them if you come here to-morrow in perton. Distinctive
and individual in style, every one of them, and made up in
excellent Tweed. Chevioti nnd Miaturet ; choice of the lot at $5.
The Adventures
Musical In st rumen f kUrfdnt That World Ail. Don't Hops
to Show May Quickly Be Fount. Tfcreugfc World "Wsrttf'AdL
So Styi Mrs. Hill ill Omplaint
to Obtain S22.000 of
Mepluui's Ii ust Ftttd.
Tb statement that a I fe prisoner.
COO Hot 0$ it! nurder. ' allowed certlti
SamfoiJg not provide, by the Sltate. at
the Daoneuioia State Prison in Clinton
Couiily. New- Tork. nd that US a
month has btOt expended for thl pu -po.
for years paat on Mphon J. ntt
phani. 1 part of a complaint flled 1n the
(Supreme I'onrt to-day In a ault to ccti-
l.true the will o stej.lianra mother, wh ,
dlad leaving a toist fund for th benen
of th convict, who was her only ehl'. l
Th complain: rerlte. that young P.
pnnnt. who 1 single, was convicted
murder In the second degree (WiAr'
la, i vii, and that be a sentenced t i
life Imprisonment at sing fling Prleo i
On -ln itm. be was removed
Panneinor. Ills mother hgd dtd
April H, IOC. th previous year.
After the will had been probated the
Ilqurtanl Trut Company was npoln
rd aa a committee to take care of the
estate of ti convi.-t son of the des'l
Young s)ieHiai's share In th t'e
wa so well looked after, the conrplalnt
states, fhet after too $" a month f.e
"comforts not provided bv the State
had bean taken out and all other ex
penses of m.nsglng the e.tate had he,,
paid nut there now remains a surplu,
of ft:.! above tlie inimn; of tha trust
fund created for th 000 v let by h;
mother, it Is thl. aurplus of IX.i"
which 'a grnwln still larger that brings
the rase Into . ourt. Mrs Maude HIB of
l.'rankfort-on-tbe-Maln. the only alotei
of tha decease,! Mrs Stephanl. and to '
whom th dead woman left 3t,03t In
raah. savs tbst the p; is mony
growing out of the trut fund create i
for th convl t's ixneflt belong to ht
Tho languaga of tba complaint la ft
gard to the egstsfortg en'oyed b
Ktapttant 1 In part:
"In Ih exerelsa of the dlscretlaunr'
power conferred upon them by the wl II
the trustees have paid the sum of W
montbly to Ihe .oni.i Ittee of th est,,'
of Alphoii. Stephsnt to b applied k
sold commltta to the procurement f .
him of u h isstnforts . he la allow i
to have In prison "
$20 $
. . .
4601462 r!fon Street
ilo6M Dread Strectk
unvvatMi a s
Market cor 12 th Street
of One-Dollar Bill
Adventure 18
With dl mv wealth I found ho.nc-
life .seemed very dull, ln.'ed;
When I came home at night I'd sirnph
sit tround and read.
"You need torn music," ii,1 a frirnj
to mt the other day,
"Go get tome Instruments," said Iu,
"and then learn how to play."
Vnd so It was that to The World t
"Wanted" ad. I sent.
I sourht a BARGAIN in some kind of
musical Instrument;
ihe answers came so thick and fast
and were of such a kind
Hut music of all sorts at Dollar Bill's
house you can find.

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