OCR Interpretation

The evening world. [volume] (New York, N.Y.) 1887-1931, June 18, 1913, Extra-Box Scores Baseball, Racing Results, Image 11

Image and text provided by The New York Public Library, Astor, Lenox and Tilden Foundation

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030193/1913-06-18/ed-1/seq-11/

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-fv.. -I
Air You Breathe Is as Good as
Coney's You Want No
Charity, He Says.
Command rr. Kntgrit
Stat adjourned to-dar
Hocheeter In June. Ml
thi iviyiyg wymLB, wipyigpAT, nrtrg rt, tng
Nt In
The Mayor wti In eueti a Selectable
(mm of mind to-day that ho mad a
con ri salon to a croup of otiUdron of
Public School No. 1 on th t aid
who visited th City Hall with thotr
teachers to-day. Thoy wora touting
fh downtown taction to via tha naw
Municipal Building and other plaeee of
Interest Ttia Mayor told lha children
that e la "an old grandfather." He
"And now you wind tap by coming
In here and aaalng an old grandfather
Ilka ma. Ia that ltT I am glad you
hare com to aoa rae.x You are from
tha aaet aide, I am tola! but you all
lee ae healthy and roay aa though you
lived In tha country.
"I am going to tall you eomethmg
about the aaat aide. Soma people think
tha air down there la not good, but It
la tha eame air aa at Coney laland and
Rockaway Juat tha aame. Tha air
down there la Juat aa good aa In any
other part of tha city. Did you know
that? And the people down there are
Juat aa healthy and Juat aa wan dreaaid
and well fad,
"Soma fallow wrote a book a faw
yeare ago and aald half of you want to
school every morning without breakfaaL
Did you aver hear auch a UilngT Soma
people think you are a lot of paupera
down there; fhay want to give you froe
Ice and free gaa and I don't know what
But all of you want to earn your own
Mvtng and pay your own MHa and that
la Juat what your father and mother
are doing for you and they don't want
anybody to give you free lea. They
are wilting to buy It thsmeelvee."
SSLIrtS OROVB, Pa.. Java teVTer,
ehott war Bred in a dual between Mr.
and Mra. John Raup near Northumber
land yeatarday. Raup, a railway fire
man, returned horn unexpectedly and
found hia wife and eeveraJ other women
In company with rive married men.
He quietly entered tha houee. got a
repeating ehot-un and opened fire on the
rlaltora. Hla wife rwtunsae Br with
two revolver, and on of the men vis
itor struck Mm with a chair. Raup
waa aoon overpowered and hla wife and
her oompanlone fled. Polio found Raup
entering from two bullet wounda la the
Yields to Lydi. E. Pinldiam's
Vegetable Compound.
Athena, Texaa. "I had a compllca
tlon of diseases, lorn of them of long
tending. I wrote
, .
mar Hl and took Lydi. E.
Pinkham a Vegeta
ble Compound, and
tome other thing
that you suggee
ted. I must confess
Blaze Smoulders for Hours, but Is
Confined to One
The advantage of real flreprooflns In
a building waa demonstrated at I
o'clock thla morning when fireman ware
called to put out a hlaxe on tha elev
enth floor of No. 14 and 16 Wait Seven
teenth atreet, a twelve etory atructurc.
The eleventh floor la occupied by the
Kamy Cloak Company, manufacturer
of mlae.ia' cloaks and aulta. Sometime
after the place waa closed last evening
a Are started In the workshop. All
nlKht It smouldered and burned, destroy
Iiik much of the stork, but no one know
anything about It becauee the flooring
la Incused In concrete, even the ele
vator doora ar fireproof, and tha flames
could not eacape from the one floor.
At t o'clock thla morning the eleva
tor operator waa taking a foreman to
tha floor above when they fell heat as
the car passed the eleventh floor. Tha
foreman klokod In the fireproof wire
and glass panel and flames shot out
Capt Hanley of Engine Company No.
14. Just around the corner, happened to
be passing. In a few minutes fireman
had stopped the flames. The damage to
stock Is about O.oon
Kalgrfcte Templar Adjoara.
ALBANY, N. T.i June 18,-After officers
had bean Installed by Past Grand Com
mander Charles H. Armatage of this
city, the annual conclave of tha Grand
that I am much bet
ter in every way and
have been relieved
of eome of t be worst
troubles. My neigh
bors say I look younger now than I did
fifteen years ago." Mrs. Sarah R.
Whatley, Athens, Texas, R. F. D.
No. S. Box M.
We know of no other medicine which
has been so successful in relieving the
suffering of women, or received so many
genuine testimonials, as ha Lydia B.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound.
In nearly every community yon wfll
find women who have been restored to
health by this famous medicine. Almost
every woman you meet knows of the
great good it baa been doing among
suffering woman tor tha past SO years.
In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., are files containing hundreds of
thousands of letters from women seek
ing health, ia which many openly state
over their own signatures that they have
regained their health by taking Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound,
many of them state that it has saved
them from urgical operations.
If you want special advice) writ to
Lydia E.PInkham Medicine Co. (con
fidential )Lynn.Maaa.Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held in strict confidence.
" flenffara' OafMssi
JVeuy) tswftsry aa
Good eyecight i
worth mora than the
most expensive glass
es, therefore price
should never be the
first consideration
when one's eyesight
is at stakes
Eyes Eaamlned Without Charge
by Regie tared Eye Physlclane.
Perfect ritting lilassrs, lx.au to Silt.
217 Broadway, Astor House.
223 Sixth Ave., 1 5th St, 3 JO Sixth Ave.. 22d St
101 Nassau. Arm St. 17 West 42d New York.
49 Fulton St. Cor. Bond Sc. Brooklyn,
R. H. Massy Ce,'s Attractions Ar TSesr Low Price.
A Timely Suggestion
Get your electric
fan now. Prices are
low. Deliveries are
When the Weather is Hot
the rush begins. The market is swarmed
Deliveries are less prompt
Manufacturers display fans of all patterns and
prices in our show-rooms
The New York Edison Company
At Your Service
55 Duane Street Phone Worth 3000
Breach Office for tha
mf the Pahlioi
424 Bro dway 3?ring SSO
IM DeJastccy St Orinasal 1SSO
1S4 W 42a St
S7 E 125th St
Bryant SIM
Otrleaa (snaendng Brsadaaj)
are decidedly the vn,
Exquisite DRESSES of
The fashionable Parisienne, at
the moment is wearing a gown of
black lace over white, trimmed with
wide ribbon bands and laces.
The model illustrated is typical of
the prevailing mode, with its double
flounced skirt and softly draped bodice
of black silk Chantilly lace over fine
meshed cream net.
Brocaded ribbon in palest pink, del
blue or black trims the foundation
slip, and is half veiled by the black
lace. Girdle, sash, and the picturesque
bow. fastening the skirt's draperies at
the knee are also of the brocaded rib
bon with tiny chiffon rosebuds nest
ling in its folds.
For a charming Afternoon or Even
ing costume, these Chantilly lace dresses
Twlr4 View roadway.
WHITE Mourning Dresses
Soft, rich, dull Silks and clinging crepe fabrics in pure white
are sanctioned by Fashion for mourning wear and in the Macy col
lection are shown in many very graceful models, distinguished by
their simplicity of style, their superior quality and fine finishing
details, TM Flee. Soak sweet.
Russian Dresses goo tc
of White Crpe it Qfrie. f S 0.7 5
An exquisite model in crepe de chine of exceptionally f inequal
ity the surplice effect of the waist accentuated by broad bands
of Ottoman silk. Collar and yoke are of fine net, and the entire
Gown is made on a silk foundation.
A wide fold of the Ottoman silk finishes the foot of the deep
tunic overskirt, and the straight line skii t is trimmed with spheri
cal buttons.
This model may also be had In black Crepe de Chine,
Draped Dresses ao mm
of White Crepe Meteor. $28.75
A simple, graceful model, the blouse waist hemstitched at
yoke, vest collar and cuffs, net vestee and high collar. The draped
skirt, on the newest lines, is button trimmed and a hemstitched
sash finishes the crushed girdle.
This model may also be had In black Ope Meteot
Draped Dresses iats
of White India Silk, $19.74
Waterproof India Silk of excellent quality is employed for this
model, which is especially dainty in style, with rouna collar and
sleeves finished with tiny frills. The hemstitched surplice waist
opens a vest of white net trimmed with loops and buttons. A
folded girdle with rosette joins the blouse with a prettily draped
Another pretty model In waterproof India silk with chiffon
collar and cuffs priced $14.75.
These models may also be had In black India Silk,
Dainty Dresses
of White Marquisette, $15.74
Insertions of fine Point d" Esprit trim. Simple but very pretty
Dresses of Marquisette. Finely tucked loops of cord and crochet
buttons finish the vest, and the collar is on the quaint fichu lines
so fashionable.
for Men and Women
Many thousands of new. perfect Handkerchiefs at
prices that give you two to three for the usual price of
This sale includes accumulations from the nreat Macv
stock, special purchases made in Belfast and special
purchases made right here in New York.
Look tor the great display on the
Main Aisle f shies. Main Floor.
This season's Bathing Suits feature the identical touches of
style which make the new modes in dress so effective. Many
novelties displayed in the Macy collection are notably clever in
style and decidedly picturesque. rw. sata ...
AU oj Ihe followint in Uuck in jit )4 to 44.
Messaline . Ae
Bathing Suits i4.9D
In navy or black satin messaline of
durable quality (the model illustrated),
prettily trimmed with striped satin, in
navy or black with old blue, cerise,
green or white stripes. Tights complete
this very smart but practical Bathing
aa a -a
iTionair go As?
Bathing Suits e)3.9D
A heavy quality of navy or black
mohair is used tor these service
able Suit, with collar, sleeves, belt
and vest trimmed with ratine in
light contrasting colors, bloomers
with every Suit.
Mohair 0 A.
Bathing r its )Z.97
In navy of black, these
; Suits are trimmed with scar
let cloth around the square neck, the short sleeves and the belt.
Bloomers complete these very inexpensive dui wen maae suits
SILK SERGE SUITS at $8.94, of
heavy quality in black or navy, are
prettily trimmed and piped with con
trasting moire. In silk poplin there
are six styles at $6.94, one especially
smart model with square vest and wide
collar of white moire contrasting
smartly with the black poplin.
MOI RE Si LK SU ITS at $14.49 are
effectively trimmed with collar, cuffs
and girdle of brocaded charmeuse and
finished with novel corded ornaments.
Delft blue ratine braid and satin but-
tons sod a note of style to a
mbck satin at fi.sv.
For All Occasions
Distinguished by conservative but distinctively correct
styles, Parasols from London are at Macy's in wonderfully
smart models. At $12.89 are a variety of pretty styles
Oriental lace shirred owr chiffon LJiand embroidered white
taffeta models and other fetching creations of original style.
Other English models range from $4.89 for plain taffeta with
fancy handles to $18.89 for a model of black Chantilly lace
over white silk with edge of black-and-white striped silk.
The following are I interesting examples
typical oi jvu.cy savings:
. . Mim
At $4.89
Elsnthert $6.00 to
Illustrated Is a
charming model;
very new In con
tour and fashioned
of black-and-white
striped silk with wide band of
richly colored Persian ribbon.
High pointed canopy top.
At 84.89, canopy top model of
plain colored taffeta with edges
of figured silk. Another effective
model is of plain color silk with
wide edge of two-color moire.
Here are very
many lovely
Parasols, so
reasonable in
once and vet an
dainty that every woman should
have one for each costume. Plain
color taffeta models with hemstitched
borders are substantial and pretty.
A black-and-white model of liberty
silk has border and crown of gayly
colored silk.
Dresden silk styles have curved
borders of plain silk.
At $3.69
At this price are
hosts of pretty
styles In canopy
top. deeply curved
and conventional
shapes, fashioned of plain and
gayly colored silk.
Especially effective Is a white
taffeta model with overcast edge
and wide border of Chinese
figured silk, the long handle of
bird's-eye maple having a silk
wrist cord.
At $2.79
At $1.89
You wilt be
surprised at
the excellence
of material
aiut rYAr stvla nf
these inexpensive Parasols, mane ot
substantial taffeia of excellent qual
ity in all the new shades and staple
The handles art medium length,
made In mission style and finlsred
with heavy silk cord. Just the P. rs
sol for hard out-of-door use. .
Melts Flaife Wre4WwJ7.
Boys' $ 1.50 Wash SUITS, 98c
One tha many Macy values in the new tnd much inarvxi Beyi
Oethenf Datvrtsant, new in its new quarters an tha Secand Fleer,
34th St, Rear.
ssssssssssxtV L. ..xessssssssssP LyW Ul r
ssssssBsflessssw SgawasssssssssW 4ar i gwassht
We illustrate five out of the twelve smart styles in which
these Suits are made.
The materials are blue and white cliambray, white linon,
striped madras, and a crinkled seersucker that dos not need
ironing after laundering.
The models have either sailor, Eton or military collar, or low
necks. Long and short sleeves, and plain knee or bloomer
trousers. An sizes from 2H to 10 years.
Mousquetaire Silk Gloves
16-Button Length
Black or white
with embroidered
Double finger tips;
two clasps at wrist
a pair
Very Heavy Tricot Quality
rirm, viose, Durable weave
Gloves of this quality are sold elsewhere at 75c
"ala fleas rsaiwa assssssxessssssss
For the June Bride and Others
Catering for Two, A. L. James,
The New York Cook Book. 24c
Audei's Household Helps. Hints
and Recipes. 54c
Lowney's New Cook Book, Sit
The Table Filipmnl of
Delmonico's, 88c
Lessons in Elementary Cooking,
M. C Jones, 89c
Settlement Cook Book.
Mrs. S. Kander. 96e
Htlpir Hand Cook Book. $1.12
Practical Cooking and Serving,
J. M.Hill. f 24
BoonCook Book. Mrs. Lincoln,
Century Cook Book. M. Ronald.
Boston Cooking School Cook
Book, F. M. Farmer. II.TT
Good Living. S. Van B. Brugiere,
11. 71
Mala Fleer. SSSfc at.. Rear.
CURTAINS for the Cottage
And Bungalow REDUCED
One-quarter to one-third below Macy's already "Lowest-in-the-City"
prices on a very comprehensive assortment. in
the new and much improved and enlarged quarters of the
department on the Fourth Floor, 34th St.. Rear.
Macy's 64c Curtains
of Ruffled Muslin (pr.)
Simple, daintv Curtains of sheer
muslin, with ruffled edues.
Macy's 74c "Nottingham
Lace Curtains (pr.)
Very effective patterns,
$1.25 Lace-Trtmmed
Scrim Curtains (pr.)
Sheer scrim, with edges of durable
lace in pretty effects.
$2.50 Curtains
(pair) at
Very daintily made of scrim and
$325 & $4.75
Curtains at (pr.)
Scrim and lace, plain and fancy scrim
with lace trimming and edging, and
Bonnaz-braided and "Nottingham"
In white
V4 ' O s .J in
Curtains at (pr.) $1.98
Also ef-
Lace insertion trimmed,
fective "Nottingham" laces.
Macy's $1.24 an $2.97
Curtains at (pr.)
Novelty lace. Renaissance lace, bon
naz. braided and flat Siss with col
ored borders, and laoe-triiruned scrim
Macy's $6.74 to $8.49
Curtains at (pair),
Of plain scrim, of scrim with inser
tion and edges of heavy Cluny lace.
50Tie of Marie Antoinette lace in ex
ceptionally pretty styles.
Macy's $7.74 to $8.74 Maris
Antoinette Curtains r
(pair), )5.Z4
Imported from France by R. H
Macy f Co. Beautitul effects in white
and ecru on best French net.
We invite especial attention to our new importations of Marie
Antoinette Curtains just received from France. These are ex
quisitely effective in pattern and of excellent quality. Prices
range from $4.96 to $14.49 (pair) Macy s prices being on the
average one-fifth lower than those elsewhere.
Finer Lace Curtains in stock up to $57.SO (pair).
j glUrWCS of one-fifth to one-third on Carpets. Rugs
131 Linoleurn of every kind in the new and much impro
llfgBSJ quarters of the Department on the Fourth Floor.
MACY'S "Miles Standhh" RAG RUGS
Made especially for R. H. Macy & Co., of clean, new rags, and M
a wonderful wide range as to size and color.
Most Rag Rugs will run in color after the first washing.
"Miles Standish" Rues may b. wsshstj
reputedly without fear si chsngs in esisr
The materials used are bed tickings, cretonnes, calicoes, sic
imported from England and Belgium.
24 in. x 36 In.
27 In. x 54 In.
30 In. x fio in.
J6 in. x 72 In.
i9t 4 ft x 7 ft 12.44 9 ft x IS ft
It 6 ft X 9 ft $4 81 12 ft X 12 ft
1.11 s ft x 10 ft $7.24 12 ft x is ft
1.14 9 ft x 12 ft Sf .Z4
Runners in 27-in. and 36-in. width, from 9 ft. to IS ft. tone. St
proportionately low prices.
The rush is a fibrous material, whose wear inn csDacitv is sit
creased by exposure to damp air. Cleansing it wkh water hetSB
to make it exceptionally tough. Choice of oval and round, with I
runners to matcn.
Oral Ruth Mats
S ft X 8 ft
6 ft X 9 ft
6 ft X 12 ft
8 ft X 10 ft
9 ft X 12 ft
MasT's Moa.
RataTaJ Rett Mats
DtesMtar. Maar fMsa.
S ft In. $2.24
.6 ft In, $LSf
7 ft 6 In. ti ll
9 fast IS.4S
To match the i
natural rush color. . I
S feet Sis ysVl
4 ft 6 la We yd.: '
AU sires in stoch from 2214 inches x 36 inches up to 11
3 inches x IS feet. We list a few sizes only. Most are in two
tone and all-over Persian effects, in shades of rose, brown, tan.
Keen, French gray and mahogany. Every one fringed ana
aring the manufacturer's name woven into the back.
UK In. 36 In. tJM
27 In. x S4 In. $iJi
36 In. x 36 In. $iM
36 In. x 62 In. ji.SO
36 In. x 72 In. $93
6 X 8 ft $tlJ2i
8ft Sin. x 10 ft Sin.
9 ft x 12 ft $iOM
9 ft is ft naff fW
10 ft S In. x 10 ft 6 In.
10 ft S In. a U ft 6 In.
It ft In IS ft JrsSiM
u ik s in. a aa it. ww mm m. .as
. $46M SJUS 1 11 ft 3 In. i IS ft $$f.30 SIUI1
HalrRunners to match, in various sites and proporttonstt
reductions. w m si.
Macy Economies in several other sections of the Depss
inciuaing; N
Macy's $1.14 sad $U4 AxnrJmtsr Csrpst (ysL), 7fc
Macy's $1.11 UaU Unolsoni (sr yd), 85c
Msey's He Figured UbiIism (sr yd.), 44c
Savings upon the horns needfuls, such as Groceries, ant Indeed J
welcome, and with these savings you have the assurance ot absolute
purity, cleanliness and full weight and measure, rirta rier. atts as.
SsadailleaeiaelTes-Gurwah Garden Tea. A delicious blend especially adaptaaj
for Iced Tea. Packed In 2-lb. cartons only. Tea that would retail else
where at 30c per lb. ; Macy's price for a 2-lb. carton, aft
nailer" Braas Praaca llril Ssrexess-Macy's own special Importatl
only the very best tisn packed tn tne iinest uoieoirveoii; nau tins,;
usual price, 32c can ; special for this sale, dozen. tUS 4
Kaas (lunch cream cheese) -Macy's own special
importation, packed In large cans;Macy 's usual price, per tin. Is 79c: tar
this special sale.
tSi While'
jar; lor in is saie.
a-ln glass jars; finest quality; packed In No.
Ltd.. Macy'
ey's caras
PWak llini.is Prepared bv the Aberdeen Preserving Co.
special importation; packed in pound cans: sale, dozen, U7 can. Iff
Pre CaHersJa Fnau-' L Forge" brand; finest quality packed: abaok
nure. in 16-oz. glass iars. including Strawberry. Raspberry. LoauHib)
Blackberry, Peach, Red or White Cherry, Apricot and Pear; for tills sat
dozen, SLtsi
s iaala Oaahw,-
includine rviarOl
mere. Bennal Club and Bengal Hot Chutney; quality that sells el
at45c the large bottle; our price, this sale. each
Cancan rasa Taante So -Richardson & Robblns' New Creation; packed Is
a large 14-oz. can; Introductory price, dozen. Il.lei can. m
Dal Meats" Brans' CaSferaie Seain aa" Heney-16-oz. jar. tXtt 10-01. Jar. each, tit
XJasOreksreT Sraaa Al Saaca -Packed by the Batavla Preserving Co.; put up
in a large No. 3 can to sell at 25c , Macy 's price lor this sale.
uozen, iji est
15c JARS OF FRUIT JELLY, fe -Red Currant. Crsbspple and Grape .
packed in large glass tumblers. Made of absolutely pure fruit coml
with sugar. I weive jars lor si.,
Sale of Canned Fruits and Vegetables
CaMerms Skcsa Lessen Claa Paatkae-for cream; "Lily White" brand, the very best
packed in extra heavy syrup, large No. 3 can, equal quality soldeverywhess
at J5c the can; this special sale, dozen, SXlSt can, JJSj
Ctki-a" U-n Gsm m Ul Pkaaa. Whi." SranS -None better at ally price; ttasy
are pickixl in extra heavy syrup, large No. 3 can; equal quality
sold elsewhere at 28c the can ; this special sale, dozen, SLili can. ass
Tsawtesa- TonJerosa brand; in uirge no. iy cans; macy s usual pries
. . . i . i . , m
lac can; lor mis saie, uoieii, i.is; Csai,
"Allinns" Bfsnd Estra Fanes Laaa Baana-IHe finest quality packed; BlNo. 2
yiUi everywhere at 15c can; this sale, dozen. Si isj car
"Beetti s Ural Brand INsw tran ainsch -tXT ra rancy SIOCK! m largeNO. 2i canS
bold eKewhere at 15c can; Macy's price, dozen cans, 1U3 can, tag
Mams Crana Stajar Ce i ireen Muuntam" brand; finest quality paclsad; equai
quality sold elsewhere at tfc to 15c can ;Macy 's usual price, can, aOc; specsS
for this sale, dozen cans. Met can, I
New Csklsmla Graaa Asaarafua. "Manaaaha" gaa)-ln large No. $H cant; Macy's
ubu.il price is 24c can; tor this special sale. Its
Hewaaaa ikcai Ciaeaaals, "O f Braas -Sold everywhere St from 23 to 30c CSJSt
tne utrge no. y can. lor mis special saie.
High Grade Laundry Supplies
Mac,', Maw Saras Saaa-This is the finest Borax Soap made; case containing MS
large cakes, soap that would sell elsewhere at 16-00 box; Macy's pries
for this sale, M.4li kO cakes, mat
Macy's "Reel Star" Nasbika Se-Equal to any of the high-priced naphtha soaps
on the market; full weight box of U cakes, ItUi JO cakes. If
Omfmmmui Star" IssaaerySesa -The eoiial of any of the high priced laaindnp
soaps on the market; eo-ib. boxes, full weight cakes, Macy a usual pries,.
le, U4) jo-id. boxes, iuii weignt cakes, Macy s usual (KKSV
special si fjsgaj.
j.4y. this sale
Matr'a "riaJUSs'
ages; equal quality sod
-Makers waahaTet aasv: oackvd In 4-aUL i
eisewnere as ioc;Macy-s price, inn aaze, j
Saasi S.U ef Aaaxe Drj -On can je.t three ISIfal bagUas
' ' ! iiAifrii,at"in

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