OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1841-1842, March 09, 1842, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030212/1842-03-09/ed-1/seq-4/

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I_il?r?.-*y DiacoTurry.
The Ep?tol?ry Correspondence of Diogenes, th?
celebrated Cynic Philosopher.
In the wtasKn-blage of b*ok_? which formed
tn?: Library of Dr. Klos-s, of Frankfort, was found
thin rare '.'urio-ity. The volume from which the
follow::..; epistle h.,. I.i tranil-tt-_d :- i:, Strang? ;?
contracted Latin, and i> itself a ci-ricity. as e*;
hibiting the ?tateof typography as early aa 1492.
it would a|.je"ar ?Vom Diogene*. [_aeriu_?in hi
_i?__. ,,[" this extraordinary man; thai h-vhad bee*
the author ?f many treat:-.-? on varions -uhje-ct-.
_n,i amona the nurnber were Kid-*?-- Ti?die..
Dial??-.-, itcraliofvhichwere supposed to be
lost Though Fabrik ??? '.the catalogue thatbe
ha- -.ven to the world of the writing*, ol boUl
Q-vhsIcs and Sopt?*} ha- made no mentionot
Diogenes as an author.
Th?.volume alluded incomes ?? the form ol a
Latin tr-an-i;-*"'- doneout of the Greek b** .hat fa?
mous K-hoIar Franc^c?i Airct?ni, ?r, the year 1 19*2.
and who, a- ir appears in the preface, dedicated
the hook t.? Pope Pius II. As ?x mere relic of
antiipiitv, these Lcters must be highly interesting
to nil who have lie-urd of Diogene?they afford ol
th'-?,?.'?!?._? alone-, a hold outline of the Philoso
plu-r'-. character, and they acqnaini ns with many
particulars in the life.? of that gingnlar man. tu
them. t..". p? .."':? mid placea with which the stu?
dent of < ii'M-k antiquities. !...-c.,rr,c- ai quainted onlv
throngh the labor??! periods of tlie ???,??*-:?t-.. are
treated ofin a familial manner, u;.?.i event- '
which 'A?- :_r-- woitl to ?iliac! ideas of soincUiing
like sacred importance, are referred to in a vein .-:
playful humor which reconcile, as with the fellow
?hi|i of tm* singular Philosopher.
The following letter was translated from tlie
itbove Latin version?it appears to be addressed
t?, .'he?ida?, an i mi male friend of his, informing
iiini of the w;ix in which h<- directed ii.** rnind of
a victorious rVthlct- from his previous, and in his
esiiniHtion glorious pursiiiu-. Such a task i? al
al! liiii?-- difKcult, hut never mure so than when
til.- individual addressed is in the full ti'i?" ol - :.
cess: yet the liftier shows how perfect was his sue
LETTER ".'Ii.Diogenes to Phenidas.
After tlie Games I went up to Olympia. On the
following ?1-jv I met Ciceriniis-, th? Pancratiasi com?
batant, on hi- wav homci He wa?. crowned vvith
the Olympic Garland, and accompanied, by ?'? aum
te-i of friends. A- I L'ave Him m*. hand. 1 said to
Iiini?" D"-ist. unhappy youth, from -;.? h folly*, and
lay aside,! entreo? you,tin's pride ofhoart, seeing that
you would return an utter stranger to your parents
were von t?, present yourself i" them in stich a
gui-*?.. Now t . -11 m??, i beseech you, what .nee?--.
??hit'-- you?what mean those garlands?why this
palm-branch in your hand?ami whencetbii.crowd
of attendants ?" He replied?"Because I have
been victorious over nil in the combats." " O,
wonderful i" said I. ''have you then conquered
.1..ve ?in?! In. brother?" "Nothing of ihe sort,
?aid Ii?-. ?' Then xxhat was done ' Did you chal?
lenge to ib.- e .mbat your opponents mu- by one ' '
".Not thai either." "'How was it-, iheii.'??li?
you only cast lots foi y?iir antagonists, and con?
quer lliose win. had been vanquished by others '
?? Not eo." ?? 'I'll.-ii how cahie you t" say thai you
vanquished those who were:overcome byothers?
" Whait more would you-have ' " said he. " Were
thfv men wh'o contended with you ' " No, bul
boys likewise-" ?? Nu doubt you strove hard,
and beat them i*"> in a gollanl manner'. "Not
ai ull. for ih?".- xx-.-r*- not matches for me. '?
" What then, were they all m''!) "t your own
standing who were conquered by.you ?" "They
were." " Tell mo," said I. " I entreat you. were
theyall tuet, fully a match for you '" ** 0 yes,
indeed.'' " Now id wlial standing xxer.- ibe men
that Ciceriniis beat ' " '" Thoso of equal standing
to myself." ?? Therefore you conquered _ ?co?
nnus.'' ?? I'v ?i?, means," In- n plied. " 11. ti,.'!,.
you say that you conquered neither boys nor equals,
by *whatright dare you to affirm that you conquer?
ed nil ' " "'Whom." 1 enquired, "?had von as a?l
verstirics ? " ** Th?" most illustrious men !'i"iii nil
Greece tin?! Asia." "Com??were they bravei
than you, or?-.pial or inferior?' " Brayer. " Do
vou call tlieni braver who yielded i?> you ! Were
they equals ? If ?i. by what possibility can you
have conquered equals since they were noi ?iii<w
rior to you '" "Tin v were then inferior, he
said. ?? That being tit?- case, then, why do yon
not lay asiil.' that [.rialo of heart if you have <-"n
quered only inferiors?'' ""You l>i>a?i ?it vom
clceds just us il you alone bad performed these
actions and n?. one else could. Now what man
could n,,: conquer hi? inferiors? Lay asid,-, iheii,
Cicorinus these i.okensof vietoryt?Yd bid ih.-ni fare?
well, since you ha--" no claims to them, neither
contend vvith men t" whoii. in a little whilo yon
vviil Ik? inferior by the load of year.. But embrace
a coins?? truly honorable and lean* dial they have
not courage or braverv who endure merely the
buffeting-? of men. bul such only a.? rcsisi tin- tor?
rent ?if iln-ii pa sions; thai patience is uot t" be
really inn?; In bv siripi.?;" and blows, but bv poverty,
insult, ignominy, ?md e\il*'. Train yourself to de?
spise these ilii igs, and by ?u.-h a course you will
both li.e l.iapjtv and die with an iinlliii?hing s?.u!.
[.ut if you asiiire t" such honors ;i? ihese, you
uill lead a wretched life."
Before I had litiished mv admoiiilfnn he lim-vx
away the paliii I.ranches ?md the g?rl?nd, and re?
solving tu leave utfhis former habits and opinions
lie took hit leave.
Uni.? Common Schools.?The Secretar-.1 ?I"
Stale of Ohio has made u r?'?>?.ii setting forth the
condition of common schools in that Stale, itc
lnrns have been wade from; only 45 counties : these
exhibit ".ho followiugresult for th'* lust year"
Number of school district-. 4,018
" fractionul districts. l"
N'urabcr of schools. 3,1ft t
" male teacher?. '."-i'1
female " . i.-""
Male scholars.70,0-17
Kemale ?cltolars.-61,83a
Wagen paid male ttrachers.$94,6M
Wages |>ai?t letnale teachers.$29,808
School lioll-e? built. I-'.'
? 'ost ol do.821,728
Building fund raised..g.17,028
'fax ??er county duplicate?,.$120.335
Total S tato School Fand.$231.819
TO PRINTERS?The following price.-*
areclmrged for Printing Tvpcii, at BKUCE'S SEW
YORK TVl'K KOfMJKV, No.13 Chambers-troeL
Pica.;?*r lb. _?o cts.
*-*"mll Pica. 4n ??
Long Primer. -*-* "
Bourgeois. -It. ??
Brevier..r?4 ??
Miinoi,._. t",t; ??
Nonpareil....... \.............. '. '. .'....... '. '.. !... '<", "
Agate..litS "
P?'firl.; jo ??
Ornamental Letter and other iv?.,- in proportion.
'Ihese* are tue prices on a credit of six month-., but we
?A'ish at this ti:iK- to encourage short credit, <>r cash pur*
chases, and xvill therefore make h discount olfivo per cent
tor Ne xv-York acceptanees, at idtwiy days, and ten percent
lor cash.
We haw recently a.idvit many ?-,?,-.?.?4 article- to our un?
rivalled ?.s-Kiriineiii ot Priutiug Typ??; und we furni___
e\-?-y thin?r iiecessary fora Priuungyoifice ?-ith me utmost
pixmiptitude. iTEO. BRUCE k CO.
lO* 'Hie tym- on which tin? paper '? prinievl is from tlie
Foundry ot (?eor?e Bruce .. Co. lu.-. ;.t,| _? w
COKK-^Ol.l'?, NV AT K R - p R ( ) ( ) p
AND DRESS B(X>'rS.-'??e -ubsx-nber makes t.
order B(k>is of ihe nliove description, of ?:*- finest quaJ:
tty of Frencli calt-.ikin, ?uni ia the latrsi si.yl,-. ?,,?1 ul
x-?ry raasouable pr,??.-?- Gentlemen who have been in
the hftbit of paying eatravagant pnces for inferior arncl.?.
are rt-que^te?,. to call and l>c convinced that his prictts are
from ten to txxnuv pesr-cl- bel?v* x^tlivr stores ?n the neighbor?
hood Dnixxiiigs ktl?itg taken Of the feet, and a ??il of Lists
kept for eneh costouier, there is no ditficulty ii? getdng a
haudsv'iuc v?t easy v.l.
Corstaady on band ? lar_.e assortment of reaiV-nrauie
Bc-U, latest stvles, at ??rices varving from TWO to -IX Dol?
lar* per p?ir. "Overshoes. Half-ooou?, Dancing-Pumps, ?tip
pers, tc. i;e. at **-quallv loxv ^vru-es.
JOHN I- wat KINS. 1U Fatton-streei,
it '>*_ between Na$__n and Dutch .treeis.
jfe*7 PER TON? Sch-iylk?l Gray Ash
'Ju ? Coal, ?a **iijM?rior article ! ."r s.ovt*. ;us u inakes no
(-?j nker.) lor sale at ??? above loxx- r ?ce. bv
V:f_4r-:.- cor. of Une t v Ws^jugton-streets.
U'OOD r-ri.K\VS. New England
Y t Cor's -**ood screwsj brass ana ?mn, for ale by u>e.r
a{,?ei.t, Nath. Withered, jr. 112 John st. " m7
-vkiun? to north*** irood cheap Clothing, would do
weil '??Sr?e\Sg5S&& ?, where they can und gar*
S?^S Jackets *. to5: Sadnen
u . * i *\u\ ?lb ; Cloth Pana ? to l 50.
Pa??*! ?"?*o*> ****** ^'-"* j^r.op. COGifWELL.
ja6 3m __ - .
\ SMITH. M"-!.-.:;t Trdor.S- ;>. K .' r?_. ?.? ?_ .
... ?- : is friends and the public to call nr. : exam m I ?
?ifrf-k of new F*!: G?_tod?-. ctMsisting of Cl ?*!.-. ' ass ? r? ?
x:..; ??-?_- soiled totbefell trade. '?? i ?? leaving
?:.-.- rordssr. may rely upon die?r V-injj fuit ledit ?.';?- mofi
?at; ?x-.rXiirr '.uroloeT. Term* moderate?Cash ?_. d< livery.
..: u
V ? T1NKTT--.-WM. M. TITUS, No. 50 B_av?-_r-:..
offers for sale ?'? large a.*_-ortment oi Worsted D ??-._*-.- ?
Rattinetu, ?i.iut!.!*- . olor* for ? arriage ???_? :.-?. Also. - ? -
!:r_rra.:. Crimson and Cherry - dbrcd W ?rsti : Da ? - ?
M'.re'i--. Black L-?-t..-,_--, Silver DranJ and Blue Cloibs,
'?a:j7.?-, P"i;ui!!eLs. i_c f25 i ..*
WI LU AM P. XONES: i* ?-rnnn--ir.il
Y ? Mer? I ant, P ???? . V?rg :..*.. *? ?1 alt? i
purchasing of Naval Store?, Stayers, Lumber, Grain, *??'. i n
the -? -? b? ?? it-rms.
li- will also attend to all Good? c sign? - "???re for
sale Tt.e most rig d :h.._??-.'.. '-- will be made to di-pose of
ibero 'm the beat terms.
On:en, will m??et ?vilh prompt attention. f-12 ?udSw
f?R ENCII. EN- i LI -*"? I ! A \D~GER.MAX
I FANCY GOODS, ?-?-;? a for -.-:..?A
assortment of Combs, Br:;?ii?--, P?rfurnerv, Jom ; ;. Gill ?:: -
and other Steel Pen', ( nth-iy, II * lis E ? ? P ***"? ?
tiles, Accordion*?. Pocket-Books ** ?? and __*eath"*r Purse ?,
Beadsand it??n?i Bas.? and Porst -.??:? ? - '?
*-:..._??:..->:;.--?.-;::.?::'?:??..?;'..?? ? ? ? ?
??-.-ni**--. Country merchant* art respeci -. ?? ?
? >.. v ben ? - til _? ' :. - ? it ?'. and ? xai ..? ::??--'??... is I . ?
... . ? ??'??: thai ? . . ? ..-?????? ?'-?.??
c. If. DARLING".?..
:r?; .::. 74.Maiden Lane and 5 Liberty-street
SHIRT.-*?Shirts made to order at 67
Maiden I : ? ?? lOf Im*
? ? ? v .......
A.TS, at WATSON'S, L5-I Chatham
I. street, and IC? Bowery, at the fo lowiog unpre ??
iWit?.-<! low ;?* ces:
Snperior BEAVER.a: %4 50
' MOLE. 3 P0
SII.I*.. 2 5"
The Propri?*lor assortis ti,?- publie that he wi \ conunne to
manufactur? Ha?-? ai ti." -^?o-.?* reduced prices: as be buys
-tu?! srtl-- ex*lus?vely:lbr cash; and be particularly inyites
-?tt?-n*"r>n in bis i.fil*-n'li'l Silk liai?, it ?2 50?lliey !.?.?>._* ?a
[.erior t-o tho?** now generally selling ?! "*-'?. Always? .. bi.x,d.
tb<- lar,"-?.' a?*?onment <>\ Clo?i and Fay-, CAPS to b*foond
in die city. _ fll tm
T>ROWN & CO*:-., one pri?e rial Store,
y Wholesale and .'?tail. IT-'. Chatham .?-? .are,
..! Mott-rtreet, where fashion, beauty, durabil ty ?rid -cam
lOy nr<* combined to adorn the !it-?.i. The proprietors have
the pleasure now to offer, n addition to their .-? enily
proved short napped Hat, a newstyle, tbi ni B?-;i
\-?-r, -.vlii.-ti ?-. closely res?_mbl??-s tl v. of all furs toe most
r_ostjy and b?-a u ful, i i. -? ? ?i.>- di/Tf-renc? - not easily
ceived?price *?. We strictly ailliere !i? t:;.- one prii ?? cas?
system, which enabb*. u? f) furnish -,? very superior Nat for
in?- price charg?'d. 0? In
I \it II \'l .? - J .-? ' -' ? . ?? ?? .-* -;il. . :.?
it i.i!??.-?.i! m it,.- public: Kl._-:mt short M?l?*skin Hats lit
the low priceof *?3::abo an article ?ti ?J250, eqiial in dura*
i. .?-. an?l lii?!i.- to il,-i? commonly sold at S3.
in? Im BROWN, Practical 'Hatter. "145J annl-st
__"\. For rimids rart%
I tin dec?an?
For taste and ?!;'ll r-?;riui?it.-.
That Mr. ReiH
Bents all indee?!
i ?_ver >?'?! rlid v:?.t.
Such Jellies finel
Sii.-h l!:i??'- -li? :iii. !
Sin h dainties rich you meet!
< ) go in hasii?
Do try li * taste
rtFID--in Hud?.,!, vrr...i.
Boned Turkeys.V 00
Do. (lo, ?ni :tn ? iri?u.i. !,i:t| S. "I.. 7 .*??'
Snupsol every description.
Calves i.-?! Jfelly; Blanc Mange, per quart_ 75
Ic? Creiin in ibriiis. 15
?iriiti.?.- ami Grape Pyramids, from -1 1.1" -Hi
Charlotte ?le Itn???'..'. 1 00
Lud????, we senil ih--?.- ^.....Is noy reasonable duiance in
ihe country, likewise supply >":i w i?i '-.??l??. music?indee?!
every 11.111 __*- appertaining it? die busimrs?.
f28 1m Cash Coufetlioner, ,';u Hudson ?;.
f.\ ellANCERY of N.'.v-Jrrs.'y.?lie
a : a . ?-i? .l.,l:..| W. lut,..-, complainant, and John Hunt,
.b.felulniit?llrtlei*. ?S.C.
It ;i!i*i**:.:*hi_* !?? thi? Court ilia! the coinplainant liatli fiJeo
his lull in i|...- abov?, c;ii!??. ,-i-.-;ti!!?; ?I..- above tin nit d di fend?
ant for the foreclosure and salt ??! . .-rtaiii i!ii?i-|/;iLr'-d l?i''
iiii??-s iirlbe said hill mentioned, and Ilia I process jjf- sub*
l?ieiia to rt|.?.?-;ii and niisw? r, 'in", cled t.. ?I..- ?:? fendant hath
I leen regularly issued, returnable i-. ih?1 |.i-.-- i>t term <?i
.laiuiai??. insulnt, but thai the defendant, John Hunt; could
: "i be round in tin? Slate, to be served therewith, and that
be hath nut ran?? d hi- npp*?anince to I.nier?*d as in case
such >.:?. '.?!??? had been duly ?.-rv.-d, and it I. ? ? i 11 _.- niadelbhp*
pear by alBilavitto ih?! salisfaciibn of the Chancellor, that
ih?'.?rii?l John Hunt r?*?id?-s out oi th>- State ol New-Jersey,
t.. wit, in tin; i*ii)'bfN?w-York, lti? thereupon on ihi- fourth
lay of-February, in ihe year ;.i our Luid one thousand
? :"hr hundred and forty-two,' "ii motion of Joseph N. Tnt
?I?-,solicitorol tin- complaiiiant bvllii.. or?l??r direcieil l?v
ill.- Cbanctdlor, thai th.- ?aid abst-iil ilef?>n?laiil, John Hunt,
?ippc!ir,..jilent?, answer or ??eiiiiir, i" lb?; complainant's bill,
? m >?r belbn; ih>- lirst Tuesday of April next, or that in ?lr
f"'i till ther?-*of, sucli derret? be madea?nbisl tsiui as the Chan?
cellor shall-liiiiiki-quilnble ami just. And ii i? further or*
dered," Thai thi? order shall, within twenty day? h? r.-af
r-r, be ?.-ix. ,| |.i-r?..:ii!lv i.ii tu?- said John Hun! by a deliy.
en ol a copy there? if to liihitir be publish?"?! within ?aid
twenty days in die Newark Daily Advertiser, a newspap?^*
printed nt Newark, ?u this Stni?-, and coutiinied therein for
? :\ weeks-successively, a I least ?nice in t*ach *,w-k : and al?n
in like manner ?>?r ih?. hk>- ?;?;.>??! lime in the TRIBUNE,
a n?_wsp?ip?!r printed in the ';!?> "i N? w-Vork.
A.lrne'cbpv. WILLIAM l'l-.N'.N l\?.'l <>.\. <'.
Sa.mi'Ki. IL ?UM.MKRE. Clerk. Itif lawGw
T ;i ' '??un ??!'( 'haiiccry hci?l for tlie Sime
of New*York at th?; city of ,\t w-Yorl?, on the 2-Ith day
ol l-'.-hi n.irv. in '!i.- v.-,ii :,;n? t,-.??'!-??-. ! ?? ':.-lil lltliidred and
Pr?s? i.r. \*? ?lliam T. McCoun, Vit i Chan? ellorbl die First
Jnii'. I'..i.m . ;-. C<?nil.liiiiiant, v?, CI ?? ? ? w : ?wortlu Enoch
Wi-Aa!l. David Cbiht-.il. ?:.-?.rL-.- S. Doiu?lity. Hnrrirl.M.
U'i-u all. Samuel S. Allen und Lin-r? tin S, in? wife, Al?*xan*
der It. Thorpe George Rnpely?-, .lohn I'ur.ly ami Autpistus
( ?mikslumk, Dlis.
It":ip|??*ariiijr livnilidavit, to th? ?a_i?fiii*ti.?I I h is Court,
dial the ili-l'ei.rin?t, \?. \.n,.i. r It. Tborji, r.-sid? - out of this
Stni?*, but isa. r?*?i?l?:iii of ihn State o? .V w-Jer*? v,?m m?ition
nf William \v. ( *:iiii]?Im-H. of Coiuist.*! for complniiianl, il was
nrder?*?l?-Thai ih?; ?nitI Al.-xand.-r P.. 'I'h... ?- ? .n-- hi? ap
l?i irann to he entered ; and iiotic?* lh?*reof to I.n*? L?m
?in- i-'omjilaiiiniit'.. Solicitor within four mouths in un lh< date
i.; tin- order -. ami m i a.i bis nppuaraiii*?', that I,- ? i? - ? I -
?iiisw? r i" th? rnmplninant's billlo hefd??d,'andaeop* lher<*of
!.. I'm! ?.-ri.-d .m thtr ? ..iiij.l.iinan'.'? .*-?>!:> il-.r with -i lortV tlll> -
? i? ici ..; ?? en] \ ol .?aid lull : nntl in d?failli 11 _. - ?? -? -r". said
bill of ?-??inplaint rnny l>< ihki*n:ns-eniu"i*>.?ii by'him. And it
i? fni tbi-r order?"-d, that *?*? itbin iwienty ?lays lb?* -.ti-l coinplnoi*
antean?? ibis order !?? !"? ptiblisbcii in the Slate pa p?*r and
in ihe New-York Tribun?-, ami dial tin- said publication be
??niitiniii-d in each of tin.-said pnpt.es-at l.-.i-t once in ? ich
week, >-i_'li! wi-.-k- m ?in-.-.?-.?:? ,i;. oi thai In: eau?? ?i copy.of
II .* ortler '," I..- personally.-?-erve?! on the said AlesanderR.
Thorp at least iwenlv rwv.lielbrt* dm nme at?ovt pre?
a?!- hi? appi-araiic?'. A Copv.
m5lawSw Eve.Jour. HIRAM WALWORTII Clerk.
TI.Mi?KK KOK TU ? il >. DRY
DOCK, AT BROOKLYN;?Seal-d Mroi*osal? will.be
r-i five?! m the t.tiii-.' of tin* Navy A.vnt. New-Yorii, uni
die Ist tlhy of ApriLtbr furnishing ?l the U.*S. Navy Yard,
Brooklyn, the following* Timber Plank inr the foundations
of Hie Dry Dock, viz:
?i.'-in'i Sjiruce Piles, ol length varyinj; 2. *?? S2 feet, to ave?
rage not ?*?? than ? fuel,?ndito be not Ic-ss than II and
in iivrratti- at !.;_?t 12 inches m iliain?ter ? tcc-t from die
butt exclusivo n! the bark.
IS.*"??! lineal feel White Pine Timber, I fool square, for floor
? i.""" lin.-al feet While Pine Timber, 1 f?x>t by I loot 3 inches
?.?iiai?-, for f!o.?r timbers.
2-11.500 feet, board measure, of 3 inch While Pin?- Plank, for
75,900 feet, board measure, ni .. inch Yellow Pin?? Plank; for
?l-.i-.-t piling-.
All the above Timber :i:nl Plank to I"? of perbrclly sound
and durable quality.
The SfRfcE Pi_.es tobe'asstraiirht ?is can In proenred,
;;i?.? in all respevts prepared for ?harpvnhi;: and dnvint;.
The White Pink Pimber m !?- free from shake, ruid
11'_'?- knot?to I?- ?.:\'--tl .?ir,ii-_-bt am! square edgetl !?? the
dimensions above given, ami o'i ihe following lengths, viz:
? ne-hall nf each lot to be sticks 22. 25, 28 and 31 :.??: i..n/.
The rrmaiain?-half of each lot in sticks .; ?7, in, md ?3 tvet
long, die number oi lineal feet of ?acl? l?ngtli tu he nearly
die same.
The White Pink Pusst?Y? be entirely free from large
knots, ?quar? eilged in lemrtli?: of:21i 24', 27. S?*, S3 oi - feet,
to av..-ra-:e not 1?-?? than 21 reel, and in widt?is from 10 to 15
: i averaije not !.-?? than IC.
The Yellow Pink Plank to be -?traightened an I square
etltred. suitable for driving as ?h-..i pi?mr, in lengths oi 1* or
26Teel,and in width fi .?. tl :..!'? itches 10 ?raj'- ii"t I'-??
than 12 in? ii?-?.
All the above Timber and Plank trj be ?lelivered on such
m ii.trf <-r wliarves \s i r : : 11 Hi" Navy Vard as-may-be -- _*
irated I ?y th<- Km.'!?!?-?-!-1>; 'xhe Dry Do*tk,*-ubj?*cl loth?
?;._'? : on and nppro>*al of ?nrii person a.? he may ?- ? L
Th?- Pit.i > :.. be d? \ ???-.??: in ?; li quantities ant! :: ?ucb
limes betwettn sn?' 1?: day ol .'u!v an?l tin* l"?:h .... ? u.-',_
bar x? iu.iv be rtxjuired by the Na\-y A**? nt, be giving not
It ?? than ti weeks' notice.
Tii?. White Pink Timber :?? be 1?: ?? red between the lit
dav t?t" September and 31?t d?v oi' ? ictol*er.
The Wh??,?and Yellow Pine PLa.vk betwecnthe 1st
Uciober and :'>"ih November.
1'i.e propo-ials will ?'.a:?- ?he pr ?? per slick for the Pile?*
1 per ?-ubic loouor ihe White Pine Timber, and per - .
"?sard "?"?'???r'.-, tot thi ; and 5 in? :. I'.:,. Pla.ik.
: ?''??* rich* -.reserved to .e?ign less than the whole quanti*
, ' m eatj?_iundol T.ml^rto?uv on- buidrr. an?! oti'ri? -.ni;
1.. . .i etved foranj* portiori or either kimL
1 rojw^io i-- ..?.i,,,.._,? .. Propoajs fo?Timber, for Drv
D.?;k. Brooklyn" x
j8 StawAT ROBERT C u ET.MQRE. Xavy AgenL
?J KMITTANCKS ,,? *.!! parts of Kn
"i laiul, Irelai d .:,?! ??^u.-inti. ;n <U-J? ,.?: >?-, ?io __Ti5
and ?2?.tonny atnonnt. forsaleaiS. .1 SYLVESTER'?*
23 W'aU-.?tn_-elaiid 130 Broadu-ay; U1;,
PA I* I*.: li?Cup. Letter, Wrapping; Dra-v
im: and ..:h..-r variety of P-;-r. of durcr-.ni qualities
and prices,may always be bad at
i lib C'LKMfcNT i? PACKARD'S. U<? p.-_.-| .*_
_C5J_?_. -.. ??--.- ??--?.. ? _ T_--te-._..r_>...
r"" T I cT?T'vt 11 leave the f ot of Couttland; -*_. This
\?'.-:-.?-.'.. March ". at5o*dock.
y..x ; a--?..- .* .-:.-. "?i-piy onboard, or 10 P. C >? . a a,
ai the ( '.:.?:?? iz ih. - "__ _
?, ^** ftEEOPLE^S LINK for -Vlbany.
~ .Tbe_*_eam_oaKRO??ST?R,?_K>_T*_l
A_.ViE.UC-- and NORTH AMERICA. *?:*the People..Line,
?ill b? n readii ? - : ? con__nence r_. i ng berwe_ New
York and A. !?-..;?? and intermefiiate places ?"-.- soon as the
-.-._- ? s free from ce. i'-- age Oi - Dollar. flau
___, !-" .-? I -
. - --? ? - ? I? \? ITC. Cap? I '.'??. ing
-??-..?? ? ? ? ??-??_
? :?-.- - ?? .-. r - . M ..? :- ..._' a?
F .-.? ?'. ir -:. .N. York, ? - ? v.-. -;. Newark,
Ul -...???_-?' tk.__.-_ -tT* ' .,....?>?.. ? ?
XT K-- . " ft ??-?"? -
- . ? .' ?
f gf? "rVT.TOWELI, & CO*s Line
"Vi^_===r For NETWBURGH, ... trait ALD
? _ ? !?: . inder,.* - R - " ?? ird - ? . ? ???
? - ? vv : ..?..-..?..-. M .,.-. 'l -?? :.-?-.. ?>.-? ?Sann ?ay,
a; 4 P. >l. Returning,.*** leave Neu-bnnrb .very Monday
.: : \. M. . I T ?? -.?-.- . . .-' . ? ai 5 p. M.
F ? . ? ? ??.,.-?
Bags - ' - ' ' ? ;- --<:?
c?e. board.-innj?! beat. tb< -- i - ? ?-- ?-? r unies?
. ? - --,.??'. ... n. . --!? . . ? ?2
---.I'Oii ?ETVVEURGH-~Laod
is al Cal ???.. ?. ?? ? ?-* Point ai Cold
oat JAMFS .M IDISON ( -. < ? -?
XX-.--. -..--.. ? ;? .- -, ? i L'ESDAY
:?S'i FRID '.', E\ ENINGS, at4?
All B .2 ige, ??' i _fc ?.-? - ParccL?.-. Bank Bills or Sped?
put on hoar. I ? ??? ti t ? - the l?ook
'.,. .....?-..:?.. ... ...... . ? ?? -
r? PLAM K. ?; ? --- : ?-?.-.-.
:,, ll'.t.i -' I" ? .-. , I! !- . ? : ", ? ? -. B ? '-'
'I" .-...- . . .;. ..,?.;: -.!:'.? - ( ? ? Y.
W ..-?.?.. ?.... N< -x-'. *.-?:????:
-:-??:.??? . F_-._ ? ?
; nr..: relui ..:... . . ? . . '_ >L
Lanel .-??-. :! ......
Notice.?All ."?'.?--. F-- . " Bag? . ? . :. B -.-?:?
-. or am oi'aerk ml of Property, -
a-. :? ?: ? boat n .-? . n th? risk ??; tneowu? --??-? h
Good?, Freight. Baggage, kc.
; "^~p^ ^.PblOPLK-.S LINK fr.nn New
_S__??_?ct?-?-5?_^ York to Easton, P_L?Thro_gb in nine
. h-nrs. hare o?iy 2 dollars.
1 ? ? ? ; ? - Nal N. ...i'.-- Place, ' ?lock. A. M.
? .- ? ?-.-..? .??_.-..:_*-,;i: ?? ;..?.-ruin "r Wat'-r
Witcl r. ~ ' ?? ? ?hen t, take the --- I :!i*- F..
T . ? : - ? ? - ?: ? -* -? ??. .? _. ? .' only
.:.-?-' ?-.. ? .--- thai v.- ??'? .--.x-.ck.i
F -..."-.? ? . A. Il M ; . . T , ? : ' -"-? -. r 01
- . V. D. Hope** ? the ? ??-? .. ens to Som?
. . . :;?-. ?in ! r-nd'-r _:: :i?.-:?-:. _i . ????:??.".
; I? the R roii -?..-? - nierv lie, ". s tine
? x ? \. vi.. ? -?... ; --? ' o-x than
N B .. . ? *.. ,:, ; arrive :. N?w-York a un th.
? ? ? ?_ j4 ::
u ?^* ^ELIZAIiETII-lMil?T" AND
._?-_____-_?_r__, NEW-YORK FERRY COMPANY.
X.- / ?,'?; .-1 , ' ? /?'.; ' ... ('??'-.
m Elizab. PontoNew-Y igai New
B _- n P ?;: - ? .???? ?- ... ? i an?!
? ;!.*? 7th ?lav ot February, IS-12, '
I.e;,xe K:'/ il.? lli-P -. LeaveN. Tork, i --i.N". I?.
\? 8an?l 1! -,'??!? ck, V, vt ami V an : l< .o*cl'k, v. M.and
At i and 4 o'd ick. I*. M. It _ i ?: I ' - !'. M.
On -
Leave Elizabeth-Portal ? l..M ami. at-2." P.M.
Leave New-York at 10o*? lock, \ M~. and at i o-lr-cit. T. M.
N. B.?? Passengers for vv. .??.-,,:. Scotch Plains, PIninfield,
Bountl-Br?ok, Somervtlle, Easton. _.?__ by the Elizaheib
Tdxx-ri and Somerville Railroad Car?, xxiii le-ave Nexv-Vorl.
m the B o'clock ?"in: in ibe moniin?;, and in the 2 and ' o'?
clock l"-'.-i! in the afiern ?? ..
Tin. ll'-r-?- < ar w I! leav? tin nl'-of tin Qi i Hotel,
ijuartfr ol an !,.?,ir ?ir.--. ,?> the ? ? . an ire nl each boat
All ?>.l__..l_.-e lit the- l.-l; .:! '!?.,?.?.'??.. 1.,, X"
llntilfunhernotice one Pas?enger Train dnilx? .<*xcepl
Sunday, i will run in con.:lionwitli'tliesteamhoai?TJCA
Cap*, .-?hull/., from the footof Albany-.nreet, New-York, a>
Lear? N-'w-Vnrk at P.' o'cJfH-k, A. "...
Leave G?shen *? ?'.
Trains l??r the conveyance of freight ?a??I l?_tav? en-eli t*r
ioination on Tu???lays? Tburstlays and Saturdays, at ihe
same hours a- tin- I'.i... ?/er Train.**.
PANY.?A'rrangenieni on ihe Extended I ?,?? :?? the
l.:il?. Ion Station :
Uii and aiiei Mohdav, Feb. 28, 1 12, th. Cars -.x ill run ??
Leave Babvl.iii Station ai !? o'clock, P. M.
Leave Hici?srille ai 7,.Y?,, i. a. M, and \- P. M.
Leave Heinp-t. a?l ai : n'clv. k ... M. and l< P. M.
Leave Jamaica at 7Jo'clock A. M. nul 2J P. VI.
I.e.ix,? Brooklvn ?il '? A. M. tlirnogh to Babylon Station.
Leave Brookl>m at '- ?.'clock I* M.to llicksvill?
Sun'lav Trains.
Leave Jamaica at ;.* .,',?; k v M. and "it P. M.
I..-ax.- llr....It!'.?*, ?it lU <>*cl(?e)< A .VI. through.
Leax-- Brooklyn at l. I*. M. !>,r .lau,,,?..,.
Leave Babylon Station al '. o'clock I*. M.
Leax.- llicksvilleral __? I*. M.
Leave lle-mpslead at_2' P. M.
l'.i.?eii.',.r? ior Babylon St;i!;,,n an?l en.t of that place -.*> < ? I
lake ihe ni'.iniiu Iran, .it ball ?-a?; ? from Kr ?oklyii. mbU
J Packet ofMarcb lOtli.?The packet ship ?-W IT/. FK
L.VND, Frank Smitli master, h ?II ?til a. above, her regular
For i'reiL'!it nr )>;.?-;,?.'.?, bavine stiperior ?u commotlalimis,
apiilv ?.n board, foot of Maiden Lane, or to
i ..; GRINNELL, MINTIJRN :? CO. 7a Sonih ,i.
rpWO SiLVI'.li MEDALS \M)7i)(
_L PLOMAS bave J>e?en awardeil to Jtilui Lintlmark. 88
Cbathani-sireet, forihebeil (.'olo?_rneahd Perfauiery. For
Dye;,:? be has been i-iil'*?'.**"'! in the niana?iclure of Per
fumerv in ihis city, and until !_*>? iir*?viit time lie has not
prt:seHtc-l himself before lli? public ^n the advt.'rtLsing.uil*
a m ,n. ?,!'aiix- paper, I >ai novt ?ustained bv? thed??eisi?n?teiii*
neni :,!?'.??.?: Perluin? ry, givi n -: ::??? Fairs In Id intliw citv
iiiiil Boston, I.?- lee!? aiilhoirisf-d in savins: to ilu -.- xxlio want
any an,,-le in In? hu,-, i!?..! a: ( .,., hnin-sireiit tliey may
lind a superior quality, ?il inclurai.- prices. Itemember the
i,i:ii,l,. i- 1- ??. ftirnierly entrance i" Cliatham Clmpel. .11 ! ly
?vi-Wii \ui>\\ .\i:i;.c.iii?i-v.c,uu*.\v.
. 1 1 The subscrilt?r, impon ? - H -i:?!, and German
' llardwnri , ?s now receiving a if--.h a-isortmentoi all ihe ?ir*
. tides in ih.? : n* ol b 1_.ii1.ss. and In ?/-1.. assure dealers tiiat
.?n examination lb?*y will rtn-l I.is si.t.-ti very complete, and
??; as L'.'"l quality, ami at l.-xx..;- pi ,... than elsewhere. On
? lullilmenlol ?iis'sinleineutalone he r??lie*- (?ira portioir'of
lju.sim-.-_, .n,?! ;.'.?:i? ?:? the fjivor of a call pr_vlou**-tn
mi 1 : ?' their purchases.
A lull a....rt(iiei.l r.f ",lA\ic?'. '* Celebrated >*? ood-Screxx V
always on han.!.
A gen I lor ami dealer in Doim-ait: Hardware Goods.?*
C:*,,.:? for sale to the Trade l>v the nackasre, A most liber?
al discount -.allowed for ca?b. ' EDWTN HUNT,
. ni-i tini i v>?.r77. lohnst., bel ?? ? ___ am ?. I ?? . ?? -:.. \. V.
int's (;kani).sti:i:i:t sa?
loon, No. _j. Grand; corner ??: P tL?Tbl? Spltm
? did Saloon is fltted upin most convenient style, and is jiisi
' til?.- thing that was much .weded in llial part ?f the citv*-. Hot
(.?.I.??-. <":,?,?, Pies, .vc., are. served a\ ina superior manner;
: witb *_onfecuoner>'i Frail, and every .thing else tliai the vis?
itors require, ill lm
QOATS?lOO Wnt(.-r-.*.!i".cr. four doors
_>..,?: oi Catherine Marken.?CROl.ilJS?S Premium
.". :? !?.',?'.' ?.:.?Three Dij in?! two SilvecMe
- .. ? . ?ii the Fa r? ?>t the American and Meclianics'
I ... ? ? - ?'??: Boat.
Bar-". Race, <? '. G dolo, Lile, Fnhing, Gunning,
Vawl; Gig,Surf.Sail >??<' !';??<? ..?? Bo ??? ?- dtfscnp
lion. It"?-" ? . ilieAinateui >'? ?? < ah.Vssocialion
Of Ne.v-Y?.:..
Builder of i!:<- Suluin nif.Muscat's Plea.-ure Burr*-, th?
NYave,Gazelle.'Victoria, Atlantic, ?V'a-.ona, U.c. Also, th*.
Ann of I'??'?>. skill,-Washingl n if P - k< . M . hens ol
I!. le.Park. Svlphahd. Wave ol 51 .'? ^e Stewartol
I. uuvillg. :. . ' : II ln.
V! Ik M Ikl! .'?! k.Y
PURE MILK from Greenwich. Gon
????:. \- D ?? . ??? S. ipor Br?.i er-? Grains .?-?:::.:,
thjrty miles ol the Dair -?.
rue inhabitants: o| New-York:ar? respectfully ? ? ..
litar tin* subscriber.. the fi of II .-?- I . Mead
m ?-.V .:;??,? Ix.-.,., b a? :..? -? .' ? !'- Estai ?h lents,
order to :i..---t t?:*- .???-?.-. ? - for R.-.i Country
>I;ik. are now prepare-? ? ? t few more ?mstoiners
with a pure," healthy, : : ? -. .- ; ?. perfectly fr?se
from aduitcratioa 01 any kind. C g the] -?.Intro?
(lucir.. Nnfjnil Milk into ll ?? ??-;.. iheirl ng ex] ei e 1 ??> ban
4?d tlu-ni to '.r.x- -.??? 11 ?...,..-. ange?
lt en Is, and aL-o to refer to bumlreiis oifrunflies wh-. are pre
. ? _. 10certiiy to tit? superioriiy >f tliearticle tbev furnish.
1: i? t!;e:vr.ver wi?i pecutl ? sitis ?'? UM.? :,:.-!'?. lb Y.-.*:
Iheycanrrfei toi n Nerw Work on M Ik ist published
"?! L? o ". S ? .? * -street, ? . 1 ? ? . in - - iftheir
:?;--' ?? ; I - ? ?- . .
?????:.- riectly gooil art -.-?. are, -i- il re?
spects their milk, most scrupuloo-.lv fulfilled.
Pnce ?>!'M..:-. > \ Cents per (?i lan.
Orders for Milk ?-ill be prtunp?j auen?_i._ t?>. ;?v >nv ng
the name an.! number>f resi lencei at Mr. Alvrrd'?, So. 12
Ki.'.x.rv; Mr. !!:::.-?-r!,?,_.'" Bowi-rv; Mr. John S. T
Brick Church Chapelt Mr. Lewis Tanpan-Tcorner of Ex
? ? ,-..? .T?.! ll.uj'.ver-.L.-?*:..; and Mr. VY. Birdsal, 183 East
XT V-laei. ?ar.e quantities oi M_k ar- rec,:i:rei!. refr ."
rators, on anew pr?:?.- :.-. v.... ',- r- .*:: ?.?;:?!'?? furnishe I
ihe TObscrihers. SA VF? IRD M E \ D. '
fit) !m- ESBON II! .?-TED.
: LLVER PLATE-?AVm.Thomson. N...
vv tlian -:-??-. - ntinues to maaufacture Silver
Ware ofthe bfisi description and of the latest paUerns.-?
Presentation Vast-.. P ? ?.? --, vv,-, >-r?. T_ n ?nd Co?ee S?
? ?? -. Czk' and F: a : it isk? ts . ? ? :. iretfs M :__-. r et?y
ilelv -iesijri ?-!.
-V.-?. ii.rt Fr::.: Kah 1 ? -? . F. iriu, silver blades : Forks
and" Spoons, king l ? ? and ] a threaded patterns;
!'? ir Medals if rarious panerHs.s - prizes oi Flo>
riculmral, Horticultural aiai Agricultural Secie?-ss.
Orders ?>y letter punctually attend? ?: to.
T!,e xv!?.|. .,f tl:-?- ar::: les ix<- manufactured 6u tiie pre
- fsterlinirsilvei m?l no care or expense is ?pare.: .??
the beauty of th.- w-rkman?:.::..
N. K.-Drux i:_s a,.., estim?t? :- .?.. for] -?-?'-Tiutiun
w-.u be iizruished a'answei toan ipplicai :"j? 3m
lO SMALL POX.?At the present tin.? ihe_#__g_l-}r_
lecsoBi maladies are making sad ravages in thi? cnxmr.-ir..
?v. Tbevall begin with lango_r.l_5<?i_i*ie, confusion ol . It is
pain .?. the bac? an?! iu tiie calve*, of ti.e lers: chills an.
? ..-,-.:-?rented by a?.? *f heat. The thirst -... -
?rable, the skin dry; and the patient is much troubled with
tnu-t-. anxie?- -indi _n?t__*g. No danger need be \ -
- led frrim'th? ".-".?.-.::. symptoms, pro- '<**
BRA?DRETI1 (''1.1-*- ? ? ? - ?iren. The
. ;:..*<' r.il- <?t once ren ???--. " ?. the body,
... ,.r - . .?.? lysatth ?esaswillpurge theliowrfs.lre*
? - ? ??-.. .-,?-.. ?he retient will be r-siar*--.: to better
...-.-. . ? ?? before the attack. In _.">'-*-r*:. :. _: ?
-?.. - ?sgver ght-wiUbe s___?<_:.nt, but if the?, do not
.._.... -.-.;?, moremay, **.'::h advantage..be gty.a
Xb? ":-- ??? ' be assisted by the patient putting !.:? '-?:
-.,- ; legs in warm water, and when ;-. is convenient ice
warmbatl ** be highly serviceable. Tw made of cat?
nip, balrs rx cam-mil* will be also of much ::?-? ; the ?" -od
may be raw oystia^bys?err soup, or ?rte-.i m--a: soup: and
three orana smay.besui^idaringthed-yV.thegTeat
.-. ., .?x-r. . to purify the j : kx1_to abstract from it
.- ? are the ? ' ?-?-rw?"i.>?__:? Btuv
DR?Tii Pri ? ? ?? :??. and they \?:!. lo it ei?-Ctfu-ly, and
. ?? .... - - ? . _.ojy ? ' ,'? :. every dose -.ill
strengthen _i:e botly, not weaken It
Dr. FRANKLIN ?ays.
* A!i ?i:-?-:"--"--'"-'?-??.':?'"- some eva Bad?n to
aperfeci -? - an l_s at -..-..- n -ven !.y
. ? ? .-? . ; ?noted art fher nalnre ?1 -- not
. . .. ? . ? i: :. . . ? ?. ..-, t'." timed ?? -<
pulemsness about th* aeaknrst of the body i_ of bad
?.?.-.??-..:?? ? . ike ? vacua*
-, . msary.v ??? ? -???- ?-??-_>. iCer :l?-,l.?
--?-??'. .-... it is not a! to accompli-.
.-? ? ? esedL*e__s; and lean aiSrm. tl il I have
? .. , ; -_.. . ?. ; .. i ..- ... ... ?.x ;,..x that it c
.-.- . ??.?:. tl ? debility extreme, vet boi
? - by it." The c.w.1 ? ?"'? " -
tbe-nseof-'B rei - ?' - vei ?? ? ?eperi*
? fully believed. !'. thetrt ?se neither-the
..-?..? ? i (ever or the small poxwo? [ever assume
_ ? ? ? ? inn.
Toappr. "?. " - "nil esienLihe incnlculal ? benefit?
? ERANDRETIPS PILLS, theymost be used when the
First Symptoms of Distase present themselves. <*!.*? dose
?:..?:.. a.. : their g -?? ? ''?_- will :>*? felt throughout the at?
task?-tl is taking them m time that is the great secret in '.! ??
cure of all ?ppearanc? of disease arising from had Wood,
i: i I pr?same there nre few a: the ;>.-? ?.-nt .?ay will sayany
? . - - - ?? .. ?i? ?Lies which afleci the botly. when .the blood
- ? . ? Sa is?s 1 bave yet to ???-.
Ib.; . ? its ..- who read this may be ben? ?"::- d by so
doiiig, I a:n. r"?:'e,":%:!;\'. tli? publias servant,
B. BRANDRETH, M. D.. Ml Broadway.
flic BRANDRETH PILLS aresold a; l>r Bi ind eth.
Principal Office. No. 341 Br ... il ??? .iv, lietween ParkPlace
4i i31 urray.street: ??soat his Reta Oftice?,276B?wery,
185 IIu ??..?i. and 175Second street, at 25 cents p-r box,? _li
? :?:,?.
r.TAFTIIiN.. 3
Observe that the genuine Bran .????? Pill? have three la
? - ?? each box, whiefcar? printad onwbite paper, Bi
min Braivlr?**i!i's Pills being pr?'nled with red ink on I
? .- , ? '..?.?? :.., -. There .- also on each ? ?
txvo -. ? il ??'? i ? !'? Braudriith: one /?'. Brahdrcth, .::?:
the other Benjamin Brandreth. I: ? mportaat to set Ben
iamin Brandrtth on the .-box. as.? interfeits have
/T. Brandreih Hie R. being made as much as ;....<?.'.> to "n
itettt? B. Therefore, he sure ai Isee that Renjaxn-.-. /-.'??.?-,?
d.-nh :? ..n ? ? ? . three lal?el- 101 lm
T teenth-streel, between Ninth ru,*! Tenth Avenues.? if
this ? stablishinenl ;* the only one of the kind in ihis city, and
tiie ljri,'...; ?n -.he State, th? subscriber respecUullv informs
ih.. publ e tii?il lie m.i;lufactures ar*,i oilers for ?ale, on ike
_no*i rea.?onahle lerms, the following articles, v?7 :
SioieWare, Earthern War-, Portable Furnaces, Flower
Pori-,Oven Tile, CI mncv I'..r?. Stove Linings, Blanchinr
!' ts,.Fire-Brick, Grecn-?ri iseTile Stov. Tubes, A_cice.
N. B.?-Chemical ind Druggist-; Ware-to or? 1er. Alloolers
ihrouth the Post-Office will be punctnallv executed.
rVcou-l c Drops are daily becoming more popularas
an etFectual n med.v for incipient .teai!!i'?s. The prop. ? ?
li?l?ev ta that used in time it xxill prevent and remove the
cause *?!' thai complaint, ?nil will be found !. ? _.r ? : i %- eflectiye
,,, ,..,.,...,; lonir standing. Every liotij . knuld make trialof
it ?.vli<? :ie.',l* i., be relieved of that distressing maladV. Price
?si _o per tvottle.
So : i.y A. B. .". D. Sands, No. 79 and 100 Fulton-si.; No.
_?72 Broadway,corner ol Chambers-st;fand77 Ea<lBma.l
ivav. Also.by Mrx. Hays,No. 137 F;il:.,n-?i. Brooklvn.
24 f 1 m_[_'
\_' man's Cathartic Lozenges are very pUasant m ?.he
taste, >.? lUat children xx?l eai them a? freely j- they would
a con nain peppermint, and their action is far belter than
medicine given any other way. Physician* recnmniend
ihem to theirpa lents when they have any abhorrence to
common articles. Sherman's Lozenges are the mo.t.popu*
lar medicine nf ihe -lay, and mustsocontinuo. b*?cause they
_r.. ?n good. The Do? tor's Wareliouse i> ni IOS S'assau-st,
one dtior. nlrfvve Ann. f 10 Im
Aching Teel r.
>!.>: having r?_olvedat all hazards, to supply tlwcon?
stantly n,.-rr-j. ?.j dem.'md for this infallible Too?inche .*..?
,!i..!x", herewith presents un? public v-ifh the following
The umlfrsigneil, Surgeon Demists of the City of New
*. ? .ri?. iii(??t cheerfully recummend l'ar,-?-i,'. V'egeuible .-**[*e
cifie, a- th..- h'-.i remedy for Toothache that ha. ever come
under their observation. !.. Pak.mm. v. ."Ml Broadway,
.1. S. Oodck, 17 Bond-st.
\. I)'?i>c.r, '?-'**. Broailwnv,
E. I?. Bt-Roi.ii .'M. Mark?i-sL
Prepared only by J. W.Clowes, Dentist; sohl aLso bj tiie
foll.nvini; Diii._r.-t?. Cntt*u,2G3 Ble*?cker-streel; Ring.frM,
M Inor, 192. and Mart. _.*7': Broadway: Hulcbings, 150; aad
Svnie, ?..; Bower*.*; Burrell, 210 Ch?thatu-Ktreet; Dooliitle,
2.5 Ci'Mtre-sireet; Clark? 380, Coddiiigton, 227,'-.and Hart,"95
ilinl-?iii-.;r*-?.-t. For sale al wholesale =price_i by the Propri?
etor and none is ?rentiiiieuid?_?s sign?*d in hUowri hErul-writ
.11?. I'i . . ;- ; -.'. n '"'????:,??: ??nail xwil. 2.', ?-ent?.
Also, for sale; by Shiertelin, III Canal; Ring:(Who|p**nlc
A.'*nti. 53 Fnliiiii-st. ?*.r. Clitl*. r.2ii,e..u
T!l!-; 'I'l'.i'/rn. ,|?. T?crliT?The besi
mineral Teeth 20 per rent; b? In ? ? ? mj r pr i ??daily
???i lions :r..n.? lo aux- nnmber up !.. a full ?,-! ; '?? i il
I .' on ": tin l??il :: .1 I. "Ill, -?'I 'I : HI in: :... ?x .-? I pla.l.
Vrtiriciiil teeib out of repair or iinskilfully in*>ertetl, will hv
i.-p.'i ? : m.I properly ?.ilapted lo tb?:ir place, set a.? tobe
worn with ea.?e ainl-tifinness. Filing, cleaning ami separa
il me a? usual, in i!.-- i.,-.! maimer. Chiplren's Teeth
?ill, nded to. Tooth ach?; curetl for 30 .-? .,??: ,'..r extrncting
:, m nil '-? cents. \1! operations warrniitcd by Dr. .' Bus
key, !)? il -'.-'? Muiray-street,one ?!?,??i- from Churcli,near
I*. ??,; '.x ??.?.-. Prices ?? luced and teniiscaslL nil t ih*<m1 *
l?. J. <;. II KWKTT tak.-H ihis me'th?d
to r? Him thanks i?i his friends and the public for tin
I?lient! eiicoui-atrement lie ha? receiver! inhi.? Ilneofpra'i tic*'.
which i* cniifuietl t" ."Si.rain?. Dislocations, ITip |);?ea?es,
VVhite Swellings, Curvaiures. and Diseasetl Spines, Ftlieii
uiatisni. Nervous A?ectinHs, Com rao lions, um! all Diseases
? ! '!-.e Joints and Limbs, ke.
Hefurei.ee?i given on application in Dr. II. _W Broadway,
^etweew Bnvoincnhd Sprii.ir ?i-. i:.i? 3m'
?) ( FT?I -A ( ; 11 E?Tooth-Ache-^i. ure in
three minutes.?Tin* application nf t!,is remedy ha? :.:
every instni.eejirovedetTeduai in Jilleviating the ?.n:,,. ind
makiug a permanent curt, x*. ::?,,>;?t ii;,- :,.?t.-i injury to die
other teeth, listaste and smell are both agreeable, and it
xvill also rolieve the pain in i!,e gums occastoned by cobl or
inilauimatit-n.wbec the teeth r,re not decaved. A trial will
establish the fact; s.il.l by A. B. Sands i? L'o.,corner Broad
?way and Chambersst. Gra'niie Buildinit; aL?. by A. B.._. D
Sani!?.7!l and Ml Finnin, m d 77 K-i?i Broadway |'3 3m
" What can: !??? .-i: lur-.l
.*tl'.:et be curotl.*?
TOOTH-ACHE cured, not in five min
Ctes, but n a :V*\. ?econds by a single .?; plication oi
the Vegetable Tooth-Ache Drops,prepare?! and -?'.* only
-a 143 Canal-street- Price .>", cent*. Carious and aching
Teeth invariablv restored tu health ?nd i_sefnl_j?v?s xx!,<-n
submitted to. DlL'PEARSON'S operation. Price from me
lo txxu dollars ; Nf cavity. All otit*-r operations in Dentistry
at reduced price?._flG 3m
I\NK!?'()liil-.S PATENT"j!MlTT.7)V
produce a healthy ?tau of ihe system by friction xvithoui th?.
r-*k ni tearin? the x^,;? ?u all the ordinary H-irsc-Iiair Glove?
are liable to ?".
Thegreatvaln?iol the II irs-r-ffaieRenovator as ?i thera?
peutic agent when .-; ? : I itli? cnian Iwtly i*?now too well
l_no**yn lo ?very one xxi?, |^a.< paid the least attention to the
mpof__n.ee o I -? healthy action ofthe _ kin to require farther
? onimenL
ForsaiebyA. B. SANDS ?CO., 273 Broad wav, conwsr
?( . -.her.-.ireei. fir.ir.iie Bu;!,1 ?_, " ?2nif
I'UFillcAL ??I!.. BCTRXING FI.I'ID ? Tiie sub?
scriber would invite the attention: *f the public to his stock
of GREENO.GH'.. PATENT LAMPS.' which from their
lieauty and superior qualities, :>r- .!<-?:.:...-.i to ?;;;,..-?-.,!e ail
????. ? :,_i-.v in'.j.e. The "il which :? burned in ibera is a
chemical preparation, very clean in its properties-, ami gives
a vary br .. mi and e : ?nomiCal light. The BLir--.-.:..- Fl ii ?
.? i portable Iightrti.ee from all smoke, smell **>r greas??,^an^
will neither soil nor .uin. Common Lamps can "'??? altered
tri-ingexpense to hum the fluid. Th* subscriberb
? idly:permitt*-d to refer to -?:.-? .- nur mo?t respectable
families, xx-!u, j,-- h.?-.x using tiie -inicie.
J. C. HOOKER, _-?>; Broadway,
F. B.?There i> no danger of *'iplos?on in eitiiernne ?f
diese ?? ?? I? ?. rial u'
Bv Special Appointment.
JOSEPH GILtOTT, P??Manuf?c'turer
?J TO THF. QUEEN.?CAUTION.?The ttiih charac
ter of these Pejn< has induced the artr:nrn. *?n li-w ;<art "t
-?x-en! tlisrepotahle makers, topracticea fraud not onl. ?w :
Mr. GUl-nt; but aim ai^n the pnbKc. An inferior article,
I ear ? . ?:.- n -?-?.??; oame, :;._-. f, .,,?. omitting the anal
? i the Hiark-t. It can readily bed.tected by its
.. ?Me-J a;?p?_ni;?c?. ir.d the very common ?tvle m -.xhicii
it is put un.
?in?, rve, the ??uuine Pens nre are ail marked In full?
"Jose;>h Gillott's Patent,? or "Joseph GiBotti'warranted :**
and thai each gros, beans a fee - ? - ? ?. . signature.
Ti.-e above Miay he i-.xtd, wl.oi.-N_e, of Hf;.\'Rr JK>~?.P
jyl5 ly_Tl .lohiu.:r-e?.. coi-aer of ?;!:rT.
PATENT Improved Gossamer Wigs and
?. -. | -. : - ?". - : -y the most eminent artists"io stand
unrivaled f-^enrbeauQ-and perfect resemblance to na.
-.,.:-. ?.e:y:n_r the c?o?.e. scrutiny nf the nicest observer to
pronounce t..a: the :.. - ?- .,., L-^ning iron? the real skia *.
C. B..:_n:-fabmit-mgtii_simprovem_iiit (?. long aimed at bv
theproits-wi^jmodistl-r.soliciu that his invention may be
????? imnnity and trade gener_llr? S-eJng con
''?^;?;:-.r*>*' :-uprov,TOent in' \Vi._.nn|_;!:_
ev.-i.L BARRi. N~. ?4c Broadway; corner of Lir^rty
?areer, upstaui. i"2? im
??t>?c--.!ir'.-h=?-T!-3:i'? ." -?' ? -?H \ M'!-f M ?ri! .
ti ??:. : ? wart ; '? ? be .:- :l? - ? ? f? * * ?' * " !' ' ?"
- * s ?' ? .. y."
Tii- -?:: - : ? r-svocld Itere ,-???-?
?Tlii? :'? . ? ? ?.---:?: ? ? ? ..?,-"??? ;-n;i.;;. -?---?
be ?:.????:-.-.?? and :r.:*i-?-.: opon bv tisbonesi ? ??
luctions-ers. sa : :??? - - - ? f?ru?sed *?
Haarlrcm Oi at log. _? ? ?
Attend strit_tly i?_ the ? ?.?-:;????-?
Gtrman las ???._-?? -? ? i -i?
. .- . ? r
? . ? -.-.-,
print?*! in N? - ?*> rk. ? *? '< - ?
nave" :;.v* name and ? ? ? ?
by Mr. I ...-. ?- ? nutacicr? H -.. i I
mv n ritten sirnature.
This I fu-tria ta. Oil - mu dl - ?, h
need.? no puffing: :? '? ?- alway.? ??-?.'!..
-. ?-.. r. -?-_:::-??_-?.-- ? ixvitboi
the ?tvle ?>*" Candv dealers.
X. K.?T;'?_?:.":'.?._-*.-*?: ?':'?'?'? I -'? < :- Stuart's)
?a:Ne**-Yori-. but be ?io n't-*el G ?' ? ??< to cure-1 --.
?::-.:-:.???:. ?pra ? ? i - ? - ? ' ?' .s that I
r- _ ? ?.--.-, .?? ..- -? :.?*inan.
\* B.?Geouine Gern ni i _***< "'? ? ?
u_*l*_n..gn**d. < lli.lSTIAN SYM K-STf lc.
Kancy Su re, N?*. 121 **" '?'? !; ? ? - ?
? . . ? P - ?-.
N. B.?Wanttrd at the aKsvi plaet .\ ??.-?? ? in
G*<>\T.ii.\'i>.. or k?od?: ISl.WD?
r Important '!'? ?' i i '?
?*abi.?. thi " ??' ? Dr. Stark wea
- H-: il o Elixir, tl
irnn.SamuelW.King.Gov? - ?? ? ? ; >.
contains aiierpiate testin to substantial?
::::.-. and muss. poi**utirely at rest lb?
. . - ? L???t_d witli the many ::?? !**-*>". ? -
?--.-. ? ?*.?! ch are palm?
- ?'? ? :_"::,
-,'.. -.,. -,.... ill?*following
umlerngued ''? '* * "?"?*??
I N - - -. . - !..
Mr. Chorusi Dyer, J "? - ? *? .
..... .I'?
ll Elixir, - ? ? ? ? - ? I
I will
... | ha*
? . - . ?? citizens I ...-?-.
. . .- ? .
.... - ..... ., r
i -??:?-.?*
to be mncb ?afer ? ' - ?
:ian?: bot having ?een rfl ted for the ; ist ? v - ??--..;
hiiic.ji:..-? in ?-?-.!? he?:. i - ?
stressing, painful and som? wiiaLalarminc ? cl
I coul. getonly tetnporarv-relief. I >? >' no
r; -???: ?. :. adv<_rti**eni? I
I Irin] been ? - ? >>? ** M- *?
-.?- ? t r t hlui a ?v:_r :n ?I ? ' te ac
young m?,-.. ?n I
? ? s fac?
.-?-? ? >??,.. ? ? i\ _
bv :? . ?? I ?? ? - ? -
!.. i, then ?????? that l.c?
? , ?. I ? ? Ie its
The fir*"! bottle 1 ' ? ?
arly progressed until ! I i - ?
? ? ... ? . . ...
?rut. W ?111 much :?'_?
Vour obedient
?? W." . v.. KI.NG.
s Id ?; Nttw-York by tl ?-. . IS ?. D SANDS
.--?-. T I an I ' ? . - - V
-?-.." t Bi G ? ;. i
b?*rs -: . un?l b\ D ? - t Co.. N ?T 1
Mai ? ? -? Price $1 0?.
TAK ! W U! ! \V \ U :?Tli* W;_-Mi
l?.-r-- h li '? ?'?,.....
Kigali tl - ? ?? - ? i ? ? ' '.' I *
gentlemen, i - 0
?tanda d. Heads ion-j ? ?t I
. finir, aft. ? . -?? lia r '!'? nie, s
an?! tlowlns l??ck.? ? \ - ? - .n*
v;.-.?. il.ar.ll. ?? !..-?.- t ?? -? :? u ?Il lfl -
kers, aHtl lud ? - - ? their own raven rti .;
!.-:?. moi e beautiful and.be I :. I v?r. B d?l h? -
ire iJOtli their wigs antl -throw-in ' ' t* ' nmles
.iH.I the hat?. : i - - -' !.-.;?>? lie?
bold the fin ? i oi tin Ir bu?
What will be .the c?*ns???pit*iir?-?f tbi< war we know not,
-,- ;??. _. . . . , ? ? I- - ......
arid ?b-clare? that's ?- ,- ?: ? - ? ? ? ? -.'
and that baldbeads may as well wea thn?rnwi lia is lb?
! i ? . other rienple. I Weeklv Me?siMig? ?
J VYNE'S II VIRTON'IC.- \ ? in ? ? >
?? i . i*i iinli.'?ii:itin_'!v pronntinc? ? ? ? ? ? ....
?th?^est article, without any excep fon
?toration and preservation of thtr human hair. We-know -
numerous instances where lia : ? I lo ;.Is
which have i.n bald for years I y mol
a greater favor ihanii)r?_commt'nd to*i ? swhoar?
?ii-Mig ?ieirliait in make n trial of thi? Tonic ?rum? di?t? ???'.
I |l ?toi Ma . Ma*.
So I?! in N?w-York bj th? agents, \. II I) SANDS.
Dru_rgi?t?. Nos.79 and 100 I' . str?-?*i, ai wholesale and
reiaiL Uso sohl by ABRAHAM Lt. SANDS -. I O., No.
273?roadwayV(GraniteBuil<tii v Chan _.'..;.
and DAVID SANDS ?c CO., No. 77 l.i-: Broad*.?- iv. '? A
UTILE Y?U l.?LM.:YK ami live, "or
I*im mu i.i in \. December, '? ?"
To Wr. J?v.-u--_Il.ar Sir: Tin.* astoni?bin?? and almo<l
inir.ii-'.il.iu? It.-n.-iiriiil ctTerls your valuable KSI'K? l'o?
it..NT had mi ?iiv neiehbbr, tit? Rev. Mr. Itn?lin_r, mn?le'*a.
favorable an improsion on my mind that afi?*r ?oiisiili -
with several frientls, and learning thai youwere.in i u
Practitionerof Medi? ine, I calle?! upon yon, an?l ; u cl
half a dozen bntib's, and told you that, if I live?! intake
them.you should have ? ?rood repbrl from me.
I aninlivc and well this day! Than?.? be n> a merciful
God, and your Expectorant; mitl now t com? forward
cheerfully to ti'ilf.l my promise.
(?'..i- twenty li.ni; years ha t I be*.-ii a .^.n '-ni. stitbrror fn m
th.- ..|l'...-t? ..l'a hii-.l ?rv , .ni.'h, jiain in m . !.. ??!. .i
.-iilty oi'l.r.-iithiii-.'-, ih> l.i-i fivo orwhirb chill? ami fever?,
ever}? ?pririg anil fall, wer? a.!,!, d t.. my m:-.-rv. I wa;
vvorn away to a mer?? skeleton ; with die t-reati-st ?liilicnily
onlv could I get up and down ?ta ? . apjjetit?* was gone,
and my strength b?i ! -? i I died mi . lliai uij .-.-??? ?
persuaded I could not sn:"\ ive mnny w > ?.'Its, iii.1? --1 obtain?'?!
relie?l lude?..!, ?ir.tnv ?ituniion w??so perfeetb misenibl?*
in my se] I and fauiily, (liai I 1) ;' will ng to ?lie. whenever il
should I'l'-n-i ira* Ma-i'-ri.? lai..- nu? home. Bui I h?*a
your ::,?-? ?..-.n.-. nnr>. ..?!.-.' . ame. Ve? ! ?I ;?i-.'.. ??! !.'.? " Balm
nl Gileail" In my poor ninicti.il bo?l*i. IS? ? I
ONE BOTTI.K I exp? ri?*ni <**l .,.-.'
til?n-, and i" my gr?'iit ',- y I foiin?!
it the I; ipp e.i relii'l in ?hurt, ir, it ha* n *id? i ?
cure ol me, and l.r.au truly say.1-1 l>? tier.
V . a I con?, tl? ? I. owe t
public, to inake in ? ? >-? knbwii, I?"?-!
means of din cling bund . I
h.-i-n. In lilt Use of'.iTl'llli'ily V tl I ' -. -
God," I.*..!?-.-! i !?? :. ive ;?!.
Von ai'-- ni h!..-.!--.-, sir, n? i ? .? ..-.-,;
advantage, and make my t-;i?e.-is ?.xtcn-'iv? ? - ?? i
pl?'??e. Ii there l ?? my wli ? dou!?t the I - ?
sccount, i- f? r lh??m tohie. I ball beliupp ? liei r:m
will nut only coiiti >i tl ? ?
lliem piirticnlars which ii i?< nld b?- inn., c? ??ai ? ?
lor the public press. \%- ill?. -.. : |,i ting :? ?? t id. . I am, deaf
iir,yourtiblig?*?l Irien?! M \i'.\ '.III..
?'..rii.r ,i- !!-?..-?:-..-?ii.; I ;.-i,,:.:,-. ? .i,
Prepsir? ?I niid??'l?l ai .\... ..? Sonib-Th r?! sir? ? L
Sold by the- Agents A.B. i.D. SANDS, D
"9nndJ0?V'KulUjih..treet,.;it wholesale ami i \ ?
by .i'.M. I!. ?? IM)?. \ r??. No .-. : |*. ?.
I'. : ,.! ng, ..rii.-: Ol I 'hail.:.. I lllil ? . - ; . I .
No. 77 K.i ?t II;,..n :-.?.??,-. cb'ni'.r >.i .M.'irkvi ? Prie
! ??". i?A ?in
DR. 'V.\Y\S)\\'< \i \\< \\) ..i l.l\ T.li
WiiRT.?1 certif-, thai. I h.?>.- I.? en c? rrij II? r?.h ? .
treme had health to make n.; Dr. Ta rial mi oi
Liverwort for many v.-n-, ?in?! that tl;- m? ?? ? n< I i
i? identically die ?sinn ???-?! ? - rd, and ibat
it ? made by the ?ame :?:?? ?.; _:: Sprli -i. ?lit.
; inneriy made il .?i fl5 Bower .
JONAS r.KKKM W. :-' Pearl r.
s...? only ni .'il Spriiig-?L,7? ?nid ?'-. t ?1 oii-sl, I!
lyn. Ill und .. Bron?l-?.L, New irL Pnc?r, i ? tl?s ??:
n..tt sit.?* ?I . .::.-: - /. "'J reiits - : Im?
FEET in fin* Lame.?Tin. I'Txtinguishin?.;
LINIMENT, ti ?ure ? ure :? - Chilbla .- in lb?- i-'.-r.
- ? trouble?. ?!?? in be . ? ?'?cull to
??ur.-. But a new dix-overy i- ? i ? I .
dy now app?-ars. It euri-> riiilblains, even when the I ?
... ratei Ii cures ?mu. ?. n. ?/.-?. ?.. i, r::..-?. ..
- ? -. !? ??.., ?.??:????. ? ?
m : IL?tering, il applied
-;.;,;. : be '??? tin tits Dir ? ils. Prie. 2.1 -
?nula cure Ibrcliilblains/.bunis. and Ii.-? . ?? 1. i* ?
pared and pni up b* \mos I! ?? .. ? ?? N. II.
Sol ; by l ie agents, A. B. '. I?. *??.? ? . - -. \ ? T!l
K.. ? ; -?. corn? ol Oold, ?? i?I ? Y
am! rel - S . nlsn by \. B.-S Co., No. '?el K
i --.-, and Da* ? Sairid? ?. I 77 F. t Broa
T'OVKKT-S l;\LM &F I.IFK.?'Ii,;?
Vy Medicine is doing won?!er.?*. A.
? this article -.-??- m
? ? . ....... . . . _ . _ ? i
i * "? *>???'-?.?. Br??chitiK. Cou-_l -. ? ??; -, and Cons
*qna .-.???.-. w ? . . ? .
*? ? ? to thU va
The '-.. * ?. M . . - . .
ha?l been twice or thrice s? -.,?-,:,?:,.,? ? .. ? ,, ,.
of recovery; shall ?????-?..
ble. She bas several tim? bren so lo.-.* t? ?i'i .htsbe
- :"' nver._Nowb-.rCouirli,? itivelr s-vakin?
:? !.-!:? lly >;-..."?.-? ? ? ? ? . , ; /.,. .,.,,_;
Jed. Mrs l . b - ? ten. a vari? ? ? . . ,
? .: ? - enced -? much r-. -: ..... . . ,.,. ;.
Balm ot L.:.-. It > from a sen-e r>| _-. , ? I, ...
? er? -umilarly afflicted, tl at Iwrit? -
n-,,.' ;;.?::.',?--. cj .;,-.- ?' :;.;?... .._,,. .. . .
I -?,-? ?? l ai
? ? ' ' I ? ??;. dear --...,-...
EDWARD CiL-STKNEY, Drug? '. ? "?
Por.??aIeb> I. <v.-.i-.t. ! t] \ ,. .- tnder'CI II:i
'?.?" ' -.- k_. Chasu ;? -, ::? 15 v, .?: :;?.?-.-'?
142 Water ft. 1!*? Broadway, I?. _--.>? H . .-. 73 md I?
Pult??:?. 77 Kj-i ii.--.-.:;...-..-!40and rr: I: td-.v . ? h -.
.,.,., ._. ; ; - .
X'orfiin-."** pectoral honey of
T B'iNKSKT.-'!':? - raloable prep-rradpn has proved
.?;.,.,-. . . ... irs, and .. ...
good effi ?- _ . ?;-...-? ...
- ??.-?---v .-??- ? rratton.and a... ? ... ,/-:J.
? ? :-. ??-. at*-* ? ?tivene? with ? ???;:? .-..- ?
brings a ?enderand.healtb; ? --...- be?kin Iti'mint**
.!.".>?>? qu -*.?;. i*..':,-l- :..* ? ? . - , ? w ri w,r.. '..,..
breasL.aiKl - ? ?? -- ?-.. |< ,..-,-..- . .- ? : .' , ..
disease and seated onsti ? ,tJ. Porsal?*, wli-and
retad, by A. B. SANDS k Co.. 273 Rmadway,
cornerof Cliamlx?r?_?*j-*eL
?*? B-'-? T)- SA-Ni).*?.7i;;;: : tOO Y?..
::- "?' and 77 .:.,.; Br
T EECHES! Leeches!! Leeches.!.
_1_J Lfxnf) -.en" Mi-, h-niihr German an?i Swetji*>h C?ecb
?"?? ju?|a-?*iv''.! and ;..- ?ai?- v.-t-v r-tasoiiable. wb .?-?.t!- .?i?.:
retaiWn'wefi?ly apphed, by WILLUAf WaTSO-N; <:h<
"fll'sm K;,r:n:*,v-i***u -\'r">ili--.Mr.-. Hall.O.*. Catharw.s-?i.
V ?''?'? r E xo RUPTUI??5 Pp_
1 SOX'S -1 - ?. ;? : ? . , v? ltA
*x. .? -, 1-. .. _, . ..
?? -
. ? ? ' ? ' . '. '- ? - . - \ . \ . . ' " ?
? - .:?' ?
? . : ? . . . ? . .
? V - -? -
II ? ???..
? - - ? - -.
? - . ?
: - i ? ?... .
-0 years Dr. Haffs 1 .:-. ii?Yetl
? - ? :.-?-...:?.
Manv-trei -?.-?. dertal *...?_,
Dr. Hull's, ? ? ."? 'Il >.-.: P %-...- ..
1?". a:-' .... R ."?r?-?. T!:>-. - ??.
. ? . ?' : ? . .
... u ???. ..:>.! are ?? - , . [faJ?^
-???..:. Tl *? genu ? ? : ??? - . ?
.!?. voi-s i. m 11
THTi: Tiii ssi'.s ?NlT?UPPOllTERg
t Dr. JlcLL*. invei ....
? r. ? . ? For twenty ye-ars .? i ? ?.
i .. Or. 11 ivii -? l ? S .-..
?i i x the. . with
? - : I ? ? i g ? -. ... . ? v .-?,- .
.:: Kl!-?.;"- ?is well as
\. n V-.rk.Juh !
j -<\ r, i; o \ n w a v. j-,
-f-_*> / , / DR Pi ! Kit-* MEDICATED-La4?!-?. H
.' .?- \?.F-. vv . - . iRei .:.>;?: . i . \. ?. '
It-is li ?,, .
... -,
i i_s._Thi-.wl ? ? ? ?
..-..- ? ?rate, a
- ?
? ? ' : -
. .
? -.
? - ?' o a vast anmln-f of <2
? . ! .- Its COUGH'-'LOZENGES
.... \ - V. . ..it
? ?..-?'.'.? ?:-.'.? ? ,
???. I - tv vv? ? ??? ,. -. ? : n i large ??rrvr.?ft,.
...,?.-. i ? ;.; on, by x?.hich -? n-.auy ? ?.
a- .?31111 . ? - .,,..? ? . ????:.' 'in- - . _
(??-('.? ...... ... ? ......
.-???..?? No ? ?? ?? ??? efficiH .?j
_ ?:.,1. ? ?*.. - 4? :: - ? I - 1*1 -
? ? ?...
i:i?le ex -
!? s e.?Oi ! - - silva,lo?
: t I ; ;;-? WORM LOZf NOES
... ....
? . .' ??...-.
I several n ? ? -
-, ... thev have ?
nee with i?
_. . -
?? - i
' - . .' ... !.,.?,-.... ,i
* ?..?..- ,. tht'sAine ; :
PE l'F h'-' ? ORDI vl LOZENGES
. ?? .?.,.,:?. VOUS or -'."l.-K,..:.' i.'h*'.'...
- ? ?? *">!>*._ nor and debil ;
ying, tren ? ?, spasxaej
of the nerves, hyst? il a
..,, u?i;:???. c!i.., ?., ????'..??. .en- ll . '.
?. ... die relief ol headacbt;
th? n. ?dache !>*??< nge.
P PI I !? r;-' V I'.i.FT vil!.F -l?illiti-i Strength*
eiiiug Plmmcr.?Twelve llumlre? I usan?!
?.,??,.. _l'. ..... - n ; Plaster -is an ens? uni ..":..:..
: >r ;,.?.n in th? breast, side orstomach, weak tie*?
e chest. ? us or back. ??:'?-.?.?? I - neck, idTcc*
? - : tints, ?? t,*'ll".- :.luc? ! b\ ?(?..-!:__
-. . - i - -, : ibitual pain oi Ihe ' ? ? .
cold?, c?.*nirhs. liver complaints, weakness oi the ?pun-, p.-v.
- - ? ? I ? . nut in bile? anil pimph ?. lisi.
. . I ibr gem it tleliiliiaiioii.
( . . I us adults, may derive great at)vanug?
fmiii Pc-ters -*b ig. Plaster,especially when_.?-twf?>i
couiibs, ???I.:-. ' '? ?? cbincougb, ??? augh.M?
... ,. ? dl -.-. ca-csil s a simple, sure and sp?edj
: ?ni'-.lx.
Di I'-.- .'? [' u: ? il t M!..-, .ir*- i -i Broadvva*. \. \ . ?
n i Sixtl .'??-.?i. I'liilndeli.bia. 119 li
! nnn nno s?ie.rman-s p?
|,U!MI,I.MMl Man*. PInster.-mieDia-?i-,
i . nbngo, Pain or WeakRcs. ??the back, Loins ?>r S^>
Neck, Breast or l.iu.l?-. eflecluallycured by t.
In i . I Livei Cotnplnii '. they all ? :?' ist?.
.. - Worn on the lower t?arl t?l die spine, ihev i
?: . !' h ?. m i .. M . !?,, I, .-i the i ecks ofchiltlren leetl.
eiliiite r- l?el.
I.. ? ? ?. . . . m?] " ?' ? led ?upi i .??; t.? nil I
,.,,.? i-, m?! onCv l-_ cents e.-icji. See vou gel the ?,??" i
vv, o ? ?'? n ' retail at 106 N'?is?uu ?i., N. V \ ?.?..?.. I .
H .... . ; Fast Brtmilwav, 27*J Broadway, 227 lliuboiHi
--?^ an", i I ?'i I-'...'!.. ..?in .!. It,-..,.,,!. .. 1*19 hn
I l\ i\t; \\ rrNESSES.??
tl i I!, i. I .'..i Porter.
It? ? Darius Anthony. Oueidii Conference.
Se!..?Iran Str?eter. Bositm.
Mr. Man?!.-?" ;>, rC P? arl-st.
I- i| F. A. Ward. 113 Chamb. r- ?'
Or. Vai,.|.-q....i. Ii_ Fourth-?!.
VI,-. !?:. G, S'a. v.n', VV,,,,.!,-r -i.
Mi. Ilenrv S. Uee-iike r,?i7 Green-si.
Mr. I.."iii..' vv ?in.??,:..i Fullon-st
l>-:. Hunier, !"- Sixtli ;,x.
Mr ll (?1er till hntham-st.
And others inminiemble of the highest :?I lulins -im! r.-pec..
ability, hnv. full te-tetl the virtues ofSherman'sMeilietlr?!
l_or.engfs. Orris'I'.toih Paste, and Poor Man's Plasier. I
.,,.-: h.ixe cough, .?.!.!. astiin.a, whooping ..:h m a?
sumption, use Sherman'.* Cough I nzeng? ?? If n l:e.,,l-.ic!y.
lowuess <?: -i ?rits, palpitation ol the heart or any nentw
? ?-?-, use SI.,Ti:ia..'- Camphor I..?.'*-.,._'i--.i 'i*-on!v rt-inni*
for ?ea sickiiev?: ever discovered. I' you are iroubletiwn
xvorius, which are known by a picking ni me no???, drnw?
.?? l['.[-.*'lltl.', le.l.'lll* ?-. ? a.ll III 11 - - .j.llll!?, f.11'!'
i cheeks and paleness roiiml the lips, use Sherman's Won
!...'. i ??.., i . only infallible worm medicine? ' ? i ?I -.? ?>>?!>
: .;.?!? iveakncs* in the back, loin?, side or bP ??'.
???,?.?., rl e-.?'. ,i'-iii :"?! n;.. ..i Sherni in's Pot>r Man's I'h'tn?
\ ? . - -.-. il ^r you .-? I il..-?.".).?.
i ? ? ? '.il-lfnV*** .-?.i . -n- -1
Bow? ; 77 East II ? id way; IA Astor H?W
. ;. iWo_.il?. - . - - II,) . m 221 III? ii-kei ?*?? v*
I York ? ! I..I5 kh ? II - -..ii.i'iii"i:i-rl_
an,) <: ? ,Wi}| ,,..-l.ur:-li. It'e-ltl n -, I '?! .!.-!., R" I
ton. !*.?: -. . ?? -: ? . I'liilail. Ij-l.ia. I !" |a
i \r ttUVt? .n < hil.h-.-ii.?' >f till?iae?s?
V \ in y children are exposed, none are VnTati
? '.v i , ? ?? .- ,.,. ..?.?.m :? -
? . imitate tin - ? mptoms ol ..lui"?'" '
. . ..... will". ?' -
.-;,*.:. ?I. \x .?-.- :.; ??-:?? ., call**' nf tipos
..lull ,: i in -, ?'.,". -it*- all ?..I.*'' '*
... .,, .? pin i , i ihe '.".'.v i" lb?*
\x ind : . io large balls nnil otislni? i::,"
throat, ? in*_ls?***J?1
.. lieit eleiilb. I ? - : .1 r-u.e.tx v. ll be foiiwli? j?
i . ... i . . '? ..... .?j ^,-v soon ?lis-I .1
Worms, ? . ? ??? d ? *' ??? -? ????';''
ifw a -
Sold h he ai-euts. A. B. k D. S.U..I-. druire ":
-. .-n,I ',..(?-. - ? DavidSffl*
_ ?... I-. , , ?. . \bi nbam B. Sands -v < ?? ?
ISl.i.,.! ?x.?,.,-. 'I..Il.l. I,? . i ...,,...! I 1, ,;iill.e:- -I. I-'"'1
\VAL! Al.l.L lilSroVKi:*!.?Dr. \
VRK'S v... table Tooth vv;,.h, foi ??;..,.?....-'
... it,.- i.,!?, a,,.: sweeieniui? die i.ic.uh.n.r |..ni.? *-'''?
ague's in Ihe; face anil teeth. I?? ? nunteraci !:?-? ? if? ? >-??> ''
? m irthe teeth and gums ' I ?-xtritciing ?ll sorene??
i.'M.ir:.;.' Hi-Hi !,, per'ecl hwaltl .... ? and (.i.e.
? in-, !..,- ?-un v in the :':,n... for : ^hlrninf; ihe I? ? Ih "''
loose, ami '... ill other disea. x hieh the te? ill and ?n--1
?-??. Warniiiieil to contajn neither acids nor alkali?
Price .... ? ents. I?.- ?.. .: '..?i .. .i .:?-.... ipauy "'
? ? ?-.
Sold at wholesale .ml relajl by A. R..'. D.Sand-.Go_
? '? -.7". ,?:.l li'ii h',. .;.?,.!:.. .. T.. |J -..??,: ..ay nod ?
East. I ? ? i '.is,' ?-.i i ::! fi.1.1 I.-, die :..!,...?:iii? xti"!1*.
Nnvl ' n, ; Jo, , .....:.,.?.;..,,(,,.i on? liotverv.an.cci'
nerol i:,i.'..rv _,(,.! Fonrib-ureel; Nos. 102, 27 . II ?.?-'
un . .x ... \- -.'.?'.. 223 ' . . ll .?!-*,(, ?o.-, i : V
i ?-1 ami TA (? ? s.. -. ' - an i 123 Greenwicb**
Nos-.'A '.? ,:;.ir,ei; !? .i l>iv|.?r?n-.!r*'? ? ami c.tr.e
I V'.. : ;?? n:.'i -i. M .-I- j' .,..? .,,?! Third A?/?*?.
nul 'I'e'.ii, ?;,...?! ..-:,, y. .. .,- ., s'mih Ave-ioe,?jj
? .-? . . i. |l . I i.,,,....... ., i .,:...-. ,.. ? ?
L? *n;i : : . ?-:. II : ? ret, IM Cai ?l-sireel -*1 ^,;r
?" Ill-street,?. VV. -1 l'.|-,,;?i?-..",v,'s'lii *' i..i!!-?'-?
-'?'.? ml !>(,'. * ,". ai.<! ,?,ii_, ; ,.l .lav ?m.I VV.,?;riii_.'*-.!
\ i*. -- \ ??-- ol il*- numerous ?eii... an.l certifies*
li* ? ?: ? ?..-.. .1 an printed ou th?
? ... agent. ' ?" IrriDU"*
5"1A NT'S Vegetalile ''??ugli Cmuiy.
?I S An irifnilible?renie?!** ibr.eniiglis, colils, inrtuei_?,??j
. ; -, ;? iniary mlVcteon ol tiie lung? '?'
vlrbratedi ' ? ' ?'? '? '?? ''"' proprietor with-t?
,;;;.?.:.??,.... .. ?.-'? ..-??.???-. ItbBM*
? the '?? ??? .- ? it? ' '??? ''.i'1 ?' '.?ntauM Die extract'of i,.-.-? i ? ewrj
... :? ? . fm medi al ?drtiie-., Improved h\' ? nff'*
ihe I.?.-...;.: i.. .xair-o.i.? ?! (ree.itt?
?-:? ?: .:...'? ..- IIS! ?.:,??::!. U>- cUallCIC?. .npaPf*
oth? ?? .'? 'oble ompo?nd in il, * city, k;.--???? r.j ??*
ds will, after a fair and impartial trir_le??_"
ciiie?atl - ?-. . ?iuMnnch wanted 'Multoin in Psfo!
r irsale '.? tlic- Proprietor, No. 136 Grand,corw_r?^rw
Pr . .- ?,i .eni..,,, ".., reno, per II,
Sold "also at tiie'? ?? -tscornerol Clinton -? n >? i Di- -,r
corneroi Fast Broad x* ;iy s.nij Scammel; Foster i? ,?>???"'?
i- ? ' Ik; brtween Grand aii?lHe?ter; Merchants' EicJ-tu?
'' ?t-Olli ' \V ?i:-:i:i, ,o-.i F.M-i.a,?":.?-1 ' *?!?. a-i?i '*
?. i,? i ill; ; 11 lm
("iri)EltV!l.!;s GERMa?s' PLaBTEB
>. X??A most efiftctnal remetly for the ?How ? ?_- _-* ,*tii i:i:*-^?
-< ? :-.. Cuts Br?;.?.-. li. :, -. \, ?? : -. >.,,: It:, a:: . r'r"'
Sores. Sore Throat, kc. lo ?-t? from one
This Plaster lias been >e.. ,^,..,e.,. seven years with gr***
?i...: >?e ?x-tio once make D-_e of it will fiiid. il'-fl
us__ful in their laioiiies, as tliousands can alreadv te?ii;>'.- '
tlbea suHicientrecommentlatlon. Sold by Mr.?-"**
mer, Proprietor, l?_. V?'o?>ter-str??ei near Houston; -'?_*
l' ;. .-. ?7" Bowery; K. H. Tripp, IS7 Divbina-Ut<e*frr
S-psrling, ll Second Avenne; K.'K. Little,conier p"1**
awl Cannon-sL; George Thompson, corner of Hnd-O?*-*1
Chr'.-iopher-tre,-!. .
Y ? I .'.?.-.Mr. Newai, 159 Nassau _t; Mr?-. Reed, f^
, .? .\ .? ;.. -* ..... FultOO-St. Ii'1 "*
T>?ALTTIF?L Teeth -in.l Sw??t Brcati
' the ; ? ?: pr?par?t.? n for cleaning and ?? !. tenmgd)*<&?
? ? ; :- them abril i y anrl preventh'g decay ana ?
nan!*!'.. :!,.? -.?ini?, .-.n.i'iin-..-ir!. a delightfoJ ;t"tu'*-a:t*-* "fjj.
breath. \)x. fill oil. the A ?t iigu ?he.io. _ilist,and _>?'? SPf
ihe celebroted ?le?tist, ."'7 Broadway, u- ?t in ]>rrU?',%?
- ??? des. Tir- immense -.>',?? __his;flehglw*u -'-^
'??'. i? almost incredible. ?o one tver uses'any otD?!-*"__J,,y
alter ?riving ilusa iri,.!. Sohl at 106 Na-s.u -iref-?"
in.? xi ir_;.i. r*?'?" ax ?V-? -?.i-?"* -*? ?? ?' ,?jt;
.?-"?.-a-, sands, 'TYd Broadway ar..i 77 Fast BtW**J?
Church's, 108 Bowery; and Kushtou _. ?-spu-^ig-S
store?. ' '?*

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