OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, May 30, 1842, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1842-05-30/ed-1/seq-2/

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It, ???<>?. I?'big ????? * "???????
???. h ii ,. . I ? It ? I 'i f Ma. II, a;
o ,' ?LW I I I Ml. ' jirrnja
J. II II MkT Ha tri fcwu Ml I
I ."' t, V? ? ?ril?t u. to ? oiuiilan ot 11.' darfpl .r? obM
).. tmm|iit*?lb) wateefearAtWlwrimtaeBai
it., i n-li.ri vn.r. t-l' I??' bWbWSB and K, USO
riala Weba>B**s lb* seadkno of Tb* Tr.lujnr ??? ??
x',. ?,?i.r. ?r ?II m*tMU .1.- r.u. nation in IU praWBaWa
.....l i>,m tl ?? ?rtif.. .-? ' i t.1. < I. ! ?t?ak. only ,i lf*> IbON
? Im, ?< tiirl to l?i?>. *tf r ini,?l t??li ( Li in ll.r prit.!?^ t.
., , t . I or IStBtng our AatlBftaamf1 ia?>,[?. I. ,t tit- will M
,l?,,,r kaWaasBat to 11*' I n.-.i -t BBJ gtOW ? t.,attr>n ,
pf ,;,r ?t\ ,n ? ? I hrIBtST. (On lr.> nd nuykl H bf aw a"
rbfM n?f A'*./*-- > ; r ? mboi eel (j.?.,ir in* la.un i<
it ' ? ' *
C 1'i.r tin- < ,,| the BestOB Audi
refaaBiee, Abolitioa,Colon nation, eYc. wi h
mm BBBai on the Politico-Economic aspect!
of tbe Slaver* Question, see Last Pag?
? - ? Koi V m Pubiii itiona, Newa iVinn
Teias, (sreal h?urtb"uake ;it St. Domingo,
Ml in Lowfiaaai Religion and Property ia
AMactauon. &:c. sea pirsi Page.
C/" l or Netra by the Southern Mail,
sec Hi ixi Pa$
LET* The fretbt MbbiIbbimi ceee ef The Peopk
of N'.'w-V<?rlt V*. .Mny.r Morri?, win anruft,
throagb "it Setttrdaj !?? fore the Supreme Court ot
tint Statt-, lilting nt their l(< nun in tl..' City Hall
'i'ln' BaUavitJ ombodyiag the (et it arete nail an.;
tin- argameal opened by Dabisi Lord, ,lr. mi be?
half ,.f tl.. People, who waa follow.! by Mayw
Moaata ia reply. The argamenl tot the Peopli
arm roulBinod by Gaoaai Wool*, who was re?
plied to by Psni ?. Cowoaat, Cooaael for tin
Curpomtbm, Iae argument wei then closed I s
HtMeil V Foots, on behalf of the People, whi
i iaafImliarl al a lew miautet after midnight, when
ili>- Coart ae\ioataad to lOo'clocli tin. morninit,
when its decision ?i!l brobablt If given. Thnt
deciaion, v.- intil hnrdk ?av. i- ivtaimJ ?irr
naxioai iatert M bj nil who fen| an internal in tin
I ?< i [it tu it \ ? ,f tun Pret Inetitutiona If n t|,n)| jm
ml) thai thi re i? aa legal redreaa lot tech flagrant
anroste and uswrpetloa ai wai committed in our
late Chatter EbBstiow, but tlmt mere minieierial
orScoes Iahe laapeeieri met, al plrnaura re
verae or nullify an Laset ion otrei ?In. Ii tbej hau
pteaided, and thai beyeod retoedy, it doet teem to
ut tint tl," Mpreataey of Lew ia our lend i* at an
etat, and the reign of Praad, Violence and I ore
in eta flo\. iiinit-nt i< virtuallyeetabliehnd. Againti
auch a towrhialoa we will ttntggle ami hope t"
tlif laat.
\\f have choaea not te attnotpi au anatme I mi
ihn apguiaoat nfCeaneel in iliit iinporiaBi caae I
NojaeAbM . on!.I !?? dooa then in lent then a pagi
of out I'm. at type, aad are are otherwise crowded
with imMBtaal intollbyotce. We ahall endeavw
to aake room fbi the Deciaioa of the Court, whicb
wo ?.!??? 11 peblith in an Extra if it Im ?uch at even
lovt'i of JaatJco, Parity aad Pieedom mual hope it
will be.
I aaal t oll?.
The tolht collocted oa all ihn Kew-Yorb Stv.
Caaatt aa te May SS la each "t the lati ?i\ yoar?
ate aa foll..? 11 viz.:
Total tbvreopralnp. aJwb In M
I8J7, ?,?.,,0,1 April S0....a)2S1.874.1 15,400
1831, ?? ?? IS.iB4 192.54..I0;
\tg$, ?? n 20.322.672. ::7.i;'n;
1?10..807.94H.77.1 II
1841, ?? " 84.:iir.v.':;.96,?05
1811, ?? " 90.:ili;.i;ru.C2.94I
[ Alban j Vrguaol Saturday.
':T By the fbreeofaaj itatetoeat, it \till be ?"?> ??
tlmt thf TolU collected on our State Canala durinj
tin- l.itt areah aaddortog theeetire teaaoa are ovti
$.i(i.(n?o laMthea dm lag tin' i orreapoadiag |?-ri, ,i
..I i.i?i year, Theea of the lu-t wee* are 115,000
ataa thaa thaeo ot the carreapoadiag week in 1840
ami fJS5,0M loaa thaa tin.>f tli? tame week if
IK.'i!). l*o our reeden wiah to know boa thiaenn
In-* Tlmt IVnda lalaad hat Meaewhai fall*a ofiT,
nan- r to tli.' emlatiiattiaenit ..I tin" timea and tlir
ararrit> of atom-x. it ?all know n : but on the other
hand, tlif great iacreaae otProdaetiiaa in tin- Weit,
tin' bbi aal increaee of arable land, \h* extenaion nl
[atenatl latprovementt ihrongfaoul tlmt vati re.
glea, aH tead hteeitahly to ? rapid nml conatani
[acrwaae of the fieighl dowa our Canals and >.i
1'iedute broaghl to our City.
II,.? 11 ihia teadeaej ilitatlmiiilt couater
acted 1 Bj grttepiag Brititk poHcf and ??/??
citUtl dairrteea naVottAftew. Greet Hi itain iaob
Matiag both eadt uf tbe baiiabi in t*xchanging boi
idotha and rotiert fia the graia of our fertile Weti
nIio teoda bee l- aadt here, la l-o.hI pul in In r own
thlpa, an I fli. thaoi by her feebort and agoaej
hon?. ? : t*Ini.'. on tin- titln i liut.,1, >ln- I.uta nui
fJbaat in oliio ami Michigan al no price, ?liij>* u
fawace to Canada, anaua?cturet it at hn nullt,
ami MBadt it to Eaghtad ia Britiah mnaaolt exclu
rieely. Mi. thut taket niati mathi of tin- entire
Canylag Trade, am inerely on the ocean, but a:
tetotely ieto the very homt of our country? n.anu
i.t.-iiii.uj our Graia, a. well at bei Woo] und Iron,
and deprives New-York and her Canals of thf bn
ttaees aad peaaltt which joetly aekatg to her. Al
raadrj abate are Britiah hoaaet established
('I. amsaad aaal Da?eoit t?> hay well a? bete t.
aaN| ami ?.? eapeel toea ;.. hoot of British lines
ef Ttaaapertatiea boats oa thf Ohio aad Illinois
Cann!? The (lest ..f btatiaem to our eitiaen*
mroogh thia uanbir adenaaagw gitea t.. ow com
amriol r rakt,is \.'t\ gram : while the lost at" Hav?
ana t.? "'it Caoeli 1? alreadt Ibrw?dabk) ami
alt-atliit in. i i:^.
Hoe .hail thi* ho remediedf Simph by bi
aqalaaMa and eaTaoiewl laToBlonailiiig l untl. Put
ii louiitl duty on Ion ian 11ot) Coal, Clotlll ami
Waaas, und pendaee ihea all oa oat ow n toil.
Ihfu thf b tarn Mal IViaJaeUof the Great West
will ti...! aa etttoaaaia ??.( k?.MlK ?? tl?,
VtUnti.' inboard | whteh thej w,u reach throne?, I
our aara Caaali aad Boihraada, mat own vessel* I
ami niftMintile Bftjattdei The difeieaiij m Toll
ti> out Sinti' and in hu?itu .t bs our t'ut vtilj 1?
\er\ gfeal and baotaeeoti What ma ?aaaricai
w ill da nun to tili? '
CT* \ Whig meeahaj wot roeaatrj bald at Brad
fool Ceaoty, I a al which Hunt Cl ki a u
iioniinaif,1 f.u the Preaideacy, and Gen. Scon
lor thf Viee IVeaidt .-v. Stroag leseautiont wen
tnl.ij't.'.l in Bkvoi of Proi -< tion t,. Htpne ladastn
Oy .Ii?- Smith, the Mona t pttvphat, baa ap?
plied f..i tlir haaBaat <-t ti:.' H.it.kraj.t Ktt. Hit
dfht*. I,.- taabaa, .no $lLHi.tuK' Sidney KAfdoa
and Hamm Sitnth. tin- athot Miajmtai leaders,
have else sejUdaaed._
TIM A lftiioB ? roMtia.
/?., it. \Xmtm %S i'ar /'?
lasaasd mtour pant ft ttair.rday aa art < if by 1 OB
laraer,' i>iil,ir to Bat tJran.1 Ju: v. I ?. ul.l Ha* t.. ?tat.- *
la. I rrUiivr \* ihi* laiiK- tlrand Jurt . Utala in |H'rtetT ac
t ,r.1?u*r ? nil ta i~- .tat?,I by ' 0Baa .
BVrnanl t'.t?? it a* arrrttftl lor batiuir salad in Iva W ajot
at lb. la.t Kits-turn Tin- nroof BgOBMI I nn waa anaVjabl
bb> Tin- tiran.i Jaty MasaMswaaa t .- oBoawai sa an
lirai ,lav of Ihr TVrin Alirr ?at.ni; n.-arlv all day lb*)
?tri- lol.l 11..11 il > ? fi" t.iui I I- -.lit-.! i.|. .tl .I ?..'.?. ?| in,
|..i?,lol ,1.. .itlinj; ? t.ut-r ?I. . Ii i.u.r no b.atr I?n
bf.i I trtmi thrin rrlalitf lo II..-, tv Tb* mattrr aball noi
last aeea Bavaataairrn Waaa
LC/" <??.?. I> ?KK "I Rhode d ! a
?<l ?in \d<lre*< pin tbi nooeel eeeata .'i thai Stat--.
rfciel demidiahie du *? itigc of ;?!? Ural ? at
he iiinendei ?i the Bf Tohilioaen Geaermnent
*a? the Ii-.i,It 1,1 rt roliiprointte, II? .tit. - os?
"<???:>. that I:. i ,t. . ..ti.fr -n..1 ;?t d will cam*
Mjumiea notlonc. lleemlag hitnerlf ?tili the rir7.it
? reernnc of I? node Niaml. Up -ay* .>ry per
'irientij. that he hail BO right f.. MBprUMI ??? if bs
BM .'ho-en to do ?ii : ar t], it" i,;? fJuieiBtneWt WM
?w the legal depot itarj ?.i ?-tat.- Powet t * ?
till, ihoagfeBeld ia bIoo/biut by paramount Ibeee
'!<? iniirnolIB that the conflict i? not half OTCI ye'.
ami WO hear the moM fret I r BWtCfa.
Mr. h.,ir'? Addreei i frank, mealy, end w-e)
i ritt.-a. nrnl vert broad)} a ? .-? - l - t--o ater
ii th.' Bgaoiuli**awtf** BtoneaBCi I of pueOlaniadty
f nut downr.edit eowafdieo. Bj bii bcc . the*
ippawr tO hate ?<? a 11 <? red U good d?n! fi?ter than
boj collected it tin- Wring ..) Ui alarm cn?
?r the ' rv r/i tawed to ta'^.- be Areeual, ar.H
* Ii? n he i'oii?entei| |n ah.c.i. 1 hit at my 1 a.l
lurindled from '.'.'iO to 60.
Th>'te bj one in|.| tali lotion iti the Qorernor'i
tddreeti it b dated ' MaySdlh,' btttfirooino place
n paiticobv. Ho proboMj did oot wiab t.. "frati/S
tbo impertinent ctreioeity ,.; tool bei chap who no
laeiouah daimi (?? be Q ivernec ..t' Rhode I-lan.l.
It i? iinder?tooH, hoeereer, thai he hi lying quiet in
Coaoecticot, near the h.n.ier of Rhode bland, tad
ia active coereepoBdeece a itfa hit purtieeni ?I,. it
im! elaewbere, Gov.llien land, it i. andereto "I.
leclinet to ttaTeoder him.) It i> romored thai
Mr. Dorr nieilitate? aaotber dejnonetmlion on ht?
ebeHioue dominion*, and that the prepuntiema lie
ow actively in pi. li. -?. Wl ? t" i.e h dtl ?
rtotber doBceal mi the fTenlBllnae. tm are eerj
oofidebt that hi- route will oat bebywaj of Tao>
nam Hail ami the Bowerv Theatre. That rood
fgateetlaa ?? PeaweyImain.
There aat a large mtwting of the c iti tea* ot
\..r . CoUatJ/i I'a . <'t all part;?>.. at Vor*. 00 the
I I lual . to ineiaorieliae Congreoa in nvroe ca an
'fttcient Protective TarttT. The Ibbawiag reitda
i will iboa theipirit and tooewhich prerailed:
amadrea*, Tbet or rrpaillitr the doctrine nt Reeeaa*. ???
In- object ami Trot.. Iloa oaty a? th. ii.i Meet i-r a. et, m
m?rmtOmiy "i ua flnn raaii nl ? to Um -,? ipt>, awl
mat i.?- Jlidiaotad. iu toilet eill bi reat>nuta?d a? a
i... iu> n. ??. I", mi.ii.hiii? aavn baa raacl.i Iba aa
no |a> lej aba a aoaki ati iradn a rMal prior pit n. Mab
..r.r tie perpoaeaot atraaporarp pipadkrocy,bal raaayj.
. i iy. ?iu re ?he . ?er ha? UOOd, in ii.. In,ill , mk. at ? ?
aim have aaataeoued oo Uarar baaaer tele gtortoaa aaato,
lYetBCtJoa to itaualr aa ladaatry."
At the Idteevfoco Cooventiun m tVathiogtori
Couaty which itautiinalrd Mr. Pettevaoa igmintt
Mr. MrKeniinn far Congreat.tbe bi lowing ret
n.n wet adopted i
naaaeraat Thai m n.e depaeaed Mat* ..i tbc i en.> ?.
...I. to a Tar*! ;.. a me* me . an ulal.il to atl.n l re|,.". ia
artat>ctnag the todaatry, ratarutU* ami aaiil ot oar. lutea*
agnnal peepae labra aa.i toeeign twjMtal
Tata NeRTH-EaaToa Booaoaar,? re
joice in being ?hie to aaaaoaea that the laeagialn
iure ot Maine baa, aftei full diecoeaion, retard red U
mnwnl to a iuii and aqahahle coatptonttea oi
he Diepoaaj Binunlary: a retadve to thnt e?rci
riaving paaacd the Senate hj 30 to i. and the
HouaeIn 17 7 to ll. \n attetapi t>. rrf.i the
,\ hole nabjt et i>. ili>- People ia their Tow n Meeting?
Brat defeated : Vent 55; Naya 125. Sothedeci
tioa of the ConmfawioitefB, (which mutt !?? anunt
ommh) ??? id he coacluaiae.
Bt general itaiaatil, it waa deciiled that two .,i
ho Coinniitaioneri he aelected from euch Polttt?
?il part]?the Locoa not chouaing to take the
aeigbtf reeponaibilily of thu roomentoua nctioo on
iheir owa ihouldera. Hon. Cowaao Ktai el
Ehugor (fatte Governor) and Joaa Otu of Hal
UWell were aelecp-d h\ ill.' Wbi??, and lion. Ln
wabo K tt an *."ii of Lincoln and \\ a. Pin
PbBBU of l'< itland on the part of the I.O.O? ?
rbej were accordinglt choeca la-t Thuradey bj
ine following rote:
Edward fatanaab.MliWUhaaa Pita Preble... bal
Edward K. i.t.nB lana taut. i
?auati a.,.i auuwring.i
Maaera. lUvnnagh and Preble hnre filled Di?
plotaath) alalhaii uatier the Federal Goteraaaeai
*.o the huiineea ia tettled, and the l^gi*uuure ha
a Ijonrin d.
Maibi ?Oov. .lohn Fnirneld ha. been noiaina
ted f?r reelection bj hi* party. There v\a* mi al
lor; lo hold a Statu CoBtentioO and Bttetnpl t'
lliioa him ownlniatd. hul the aigntafthe timei
ire aucfa that the t .invention bee been nullified.
in.I n l?egialatitre Ceox ua aominetion aaatje to a?
i arm.
I he Legutlalure ha. Dttuicttd the State, in am
ticiptuloa of the Apportioamenl by Congreaa, tot
eiphl. nine or ten Kej.ic.onln'iv. a* th" Rath
.hall determine. Tin- Locoa have tix.-.l thing* t.
mil thenueleaa, and mean to take prett] nearly al
?he Membert.
jj~ The Legitfatture, bet?re adjtMirning, un im
?i - 7 laeolial thai the pay of Meaaberaol Con>
're>- OUghl t<> he reduced to per da\ and th.
?ume for etery twentj mi bra of tmael. not
tatr Legialatura apeak oat oathai aabjeatl
(CT Mr. V*\ Hi kin renched l^xitigton, Ky
hi the 20th iaat. Ha roda in an open baroaeh
a ith Co!. Richard M. John eon. He ?... race feed
with etmibierable para le, and addreaeed be It N
lYilckHue, (who renounced the Whig jvtrtv be
atane Gea. lAturieon waa Dominated tor Preti*
l.'ni i ? on U'haif of the DtMocrottii citiseaa ..f
Lniagtea and Fayeita County,1 t.> which Mr v
B. briedy raptied. AQ tkeaugb the eTeet, the game
tppenra to he to draw out a. many good*mttured
?oik* a? poo tibia to do honor to tie* c;-/V'?i/,n/.
and then turn ihe di.play int.. capital for the
erotddha rn?,.,,,/ov. Vary arelL
XT s. N. S\? 11 r, Eaq., aatbor "fa m IMtaoara
iiwaiiae .?? Penetk.nl Pacnaj. ?,;i c,v.. ,??,...
I.e. Iure? on I ?rat.in . w ith luWtTatioM an.! [mitt
rinaa, M the aWietj Library, rnaaaaoai hg Th..
l!\ e-n i t j: . Mi. ha. leog linatad himarlf lu
?hi* ?nhtect, and with decided ?tirco??. Im.iIi a? an
tuthor end Led :.i aa it coaCnaed bj thevohm
try Battimoaiala of any of our moat emiaeat tjfcl?
? ?. We treat a goad tadaruce wiQ it mad ait
tl a t th'. ri' lil: i
i Ihe Baltimore and Okie Ra>lr.<nd a to be
?4*oaad to Haaaack, Md. thi? day. It win :.
anplaiad to Cnaabi rBtnd, Md. bj OcagaVar.
<h? >liwi?*v.-ln paawn^aown Br..*daav o,# ,iav tbia
"" ? ""I- ?! a ... ..i . i-,;>,; ii ... P.,
. . ... iningna, a.. bajBed ap,a I
..?t.;,el;.u,,..*a..,.,,??v,? nu, eilatrw ..MK-ft ,n
' ? " Ja ?J Buna ...v naaa,wte awrcBad
. t. i pr.vivon and rv,, tnew Watdl ?,.,, , , ,., , , ..? .
ami admbataw, i ,.. ?*?-nl ITTI"
rare tea Cm Butan, Bater Baa aaananaadw Caat, Wii
Bh Iaat r. * aaaaan who baa aaaa aw that aMad t.v i
ooii.K1 tt aad *d %*.?** a., in. t r ? .. a. . ..
I?r ^ualili? ot lb.'a...lier an.t bu gl Mil?a W* k-,.?
am aala Company arm aad a Daaaaaasi aa,an
?uml-niic aUait I* men , a,, i th it .t BOO ni'iiVn . ..
aaaa al youn.- moo ?i?, tmnlag n? aanaarana at* pnde*
an or cnBaag, aat aaaa .... . aed ... ...tum ?
dm-*paawetianai M I :a v inagdha u. a... kamaaa
any ataaimbaei ia- I ?i lao-drr*? paiwm ??,.. ana
? il,r mi..iuii of Jan?-, ?heu thrv have rrai|vc| tfca:
ae. w.Ii inuaier TS i;., a . . e- .?; , A M l
:*rv t'.anpaiiy. made .p prim panv I nan Baag ;ua?ler;nt;
n |v*iade in toll .Ire**, ami ae.; i* ?e -. n mmt
??ore than ?.| m-.i.:!.., w i: . enan.lv art-.*; a ,: e. ;a, ... a,.
weaagefptraBa appeaba m Bnaawattaateaeer, wtmt a
amBnnateneegy and peraeeeranm eon an* aad may wafl
rrn.-tlirn the runt .len. e.ur t ly u I,, r -a;.ai.t In le
aa*B MMaaary Cetnpaatoa
Our t hum Trott*, mi
If] teeolatel t irteetl*f fat I have r...r the law* ;
,t > ii.. 18001 I act after tbo foawBaoieeof the I
Cnaet llialna wmssiatiod a strong .iitcri"nnati<i
ia? prmrJple of Aatara ia po? \. Tommge aa
.?si yfnoli mi a ?/ ?'. 6 Beats! "<> fbteigavee
..v.. ;?; rent, at r,;ra en'ry. t ?11 fro. .'j ccntt
I mi'?mofi'eo. ia anMrtrtr f? ***? ?4?y This had
ama minified a: Jifti?I t.m-a. but the principal
[ la 18't3 the datyoa reo trat repealed, and a
discriminating ditty Mtabliabad ..:* lOrentt it" im
;mrt<-d in fbteaga %?????"!?. la ?' rhott acta the
|mjH.rt.'iti"n tna*t In* "from Ckim* or India."
I bat teenriag tj oat cetoskerce arid teamen tbe
loog voy !?.?? of the , evi tra-h-, nn l ?.':.:' ' - ?? ? '? the
?hips ot tbe Eaal India Compaaj ; alaa Eurepeaa
?bint, eopecialiy Sweden aad Bremen aktipa aart*
eated at ine-half COatt ot oa tl -?elt.
. 141, Extra Betakea. a datj?SO per eea*-?ea
ill Importal! aw, I c< &c., ? i si art'" tea. i aC ???
\.. Ai. di TV ran.
Thm. like tbe boy'a cat, which be w< dd have
fatter killed, the ?/?'11'H tea trat ItttCt r. ;. /.'? .
tad Btarh the malt: under tfait " ExciFT " the
diaeriniinntinr duty on tra of 10 ci tit* ?.i* ie
iK'iiifd. and a'?o the r?--1: i? lion in uil the foin.ei
la?? of" imported from Chimn
Coagrest did not anderitaad the import ot tbe
t-flect of tii" Intri ihey wire passing. The Tea
[ ra ">? ?m* tii at at sued to eo int: iet a banes Ana*
riron vi *???!* at.d r ir,.".*"* ate ? av'u.li d English. !
Sw.-dith, Bremen, and ether thipt, sre noa in the
Ameriean Tt<i Trad', and tea comet from Eng. J
land and any part of I rope. The Weil India j
trade i* |n.t hy our dipt nuitu tkill. and about
?wo hundred -hip* aro Bovr idle In the Nee-York I
I.M-k- fir ward of freight*, and *hi[>-huildiic i*
alnio?t stopped. Imerieaa Importing mcichanti
iiii> aim ??t r-.rn.Nl a . I rone. Importal: m* no mi
fori il'i areonnl :
A new TantT bill it now before Ceagraas. It
I provide* dtitie* a* follo?. t
??>.? A Tea mmmrt I f .mo ***** Cat,.I flats
--ii I? i'm veaaris, le esset. Beat aa< loei piare, ll
el*.; in /'. n/n te.~ I.. Ii. IBM. Inno *n> ntber jdare. Ucl*
Tim. the T. a Trade i? opened to the world, ? ith
i ditrrimin iti't dot] ??! Ml ti at in fat.t \rne
ri.-un vesai I*, and the American shipping interr?!
.hm out ipeii the BiitJeh Weal In In-, and most
noil-ot Kurope. It i< holding ,t inducement*
to tint British army/ ia ( hum to incommode our
trade or "\rlmle our resseli From the ('hina trade.
Better might Near* York, on henfcawt, I are ag tie
tin* lire ol "'l?, whirli httraed in OOS ni^iii twenty
millioni north of property, than endure ihe con?
tinuance oi -u -h legiolatioa aad inch measures.
hm?T* ?. Mtv. i ft ? Jt an tern TtBirr.'
Miipremn t ourl l>< < iaiona.
May Teno, i
Tbe ftdlotrmf it a carefully corrected list
the Decisions of the Supreme Coerl ol tlii* State
it it* M>iiinn which cloned on Sntordny night. It
will be seen that tbej are ti.v numerous, the
Court having held two tesekmt ? daj through the
term. Iii" Judges will meet ihit morning, hut
only to <;ive their decisioa n toe great City Elec?
tion Mandam it case, if they shall have decided it.
tin IVsal Itannts' flmrri sd Oranger. WltawS a.i
Kempulitll snst Besb. Cbaatm sd NKoolt, el al. Charte?
ad ft ? k?e;i, ri at. Or? ? a ? Mtaej ? I Harper. It ?.-r*.
nnrxl, Be. ad. Kaironer. Chyol BalTalo ad mate oi Ism -
V'ark Bank ol atontoe II I'm > iii.no I ll Cnlvei a I It.ink
nf Monroe. Caltlar >?. Laming. Hsivei ... I)., lap ?
freelintl, ?hlf, nr. id Csrjjeater. Smith tt llawkm.. Bur
neu ail Cidvm sin .in r ... B irr it. Titm k llanipkrey
?.. Jobnton. limit ad Cayegt Co. Bank. Itrtereisltt
||i I .... rtlosee. et be I ? y Tnnipike ami Bail
mad Co. ail MrCbraiey. Tb* -an.. Kl Dater. (lernvund
nOen ? aletal. Pnintrrrast ad Tainsvr. BmBbttVy.
ivr. M.h.h an It u. BriakerhotTet ll ad rtrki Mom a.I
Hint. Cole et al vs. Raa Oemsnod *t Jonea. fNipbant
ad Hotrlikn*. Beymnnr, aarVr, be *i Lndoe. Prat I a.I
Spear et aL Pirfcerva Bradktyet al II. iker?t Pierce.?
(irate, k W hue n Utit et al. Si lienrk it ad Pearca. Hol.
leabeek ad cterl et al. Law ad Brooks Btettat tt si ad
White Ayknt'orlfa ad Cun t. Jr. Tiller si MilrbeiL?
Wesiberh) rs. Tall Itodrtl r? l*kwre Onandnga Co.
rtai.k v* Bales, unp'd. Ac. Coraettetalod Van Bcbalck
et aL lie. a. l.l. a I ll'v nold. Boagbsrtn rt al ad Dnaret
el al. Same a.I Same. Vtivor. be. at Btbnnt ,ni linitrrdd.
Henry et al ad Araatd et al Coop*ad Voa Dayoe. Kiem
mir and oife vt OroataaVI.
.Vn 7' ii tiianaid CaWi abbat Ibe avent Bab ha .?
He... KnliiM vi ll.it. i,. Mark ad Ransom etnL Blillaian
unp'd ad vt.;, u. Pabner tt Pabaer Dat irt al ad. I n
eil Btates Bsnb. Cotrs ?i si ad Btara a I I I-aaa.
(ireene it al ad .Vi.-tander ?t al. Uatrooi nnj.'-, Ac. ad
Milrbell. Bnppinnat at ad Notloaet ll Crai) >?. Han
nab,Jr. rVca vi Oa*m*y Prosper ad Idtinrttoo. sner
Idtea rsBmktb (t al i lark ?? Br.??. Pkenonrt at ad
Sin.ill. Camp el al Caan, Krim,lev el al vi Sin,II, Dil,
Idee ad Tuoley el al Wool aa Colein. Detrn* it al vi
Beeknian. Bartboknnen ?? BN-ner it iL ti- Ming \.
lb weit Bin lirad Blenbem Bank of Pnoglikeeptie et
Im.ii i vi Ha h \? BnSord.
Jmd tmnl fmt PJmmiLf - f.?,.-it ?. V? ,lk e? n i Pratt
I .? im sitst-L?tO> vs Tbe Pb*t ? IIa. k. vte;..
led r. Cnak. Prrtnn va Warren et ni, Sm th et al ?a R.> k
n elletal. Liianll et al rt B**rs, Bnme n lioasier, Bio.
?.m et al ?- Pal ? ( "r ?t HnyOaorn. Winanu *?
Sherman. Cbamltrvkthi ea Uranaa A) mer.-i al t, I'nliraB.
I'habert v* Hairbiaa i v, Wyek n Pine and I'ne.?
Hannah el al va Orkfba Btocaai vs Cksrk ami Satmn.?
Sirvenaon ?- Ki.,,w let tl n. Hastieoei k 11 ai Blooa, Jnr
lanrsRowe Hem m PiadrUfb. H,,uv u \ ,n. siai
lord ?? li.rerwilL Itowv ?. Jordan. Dobia VS Btaplea.?
Mayor rif New-York vt Hobba et aL Blag rt Htapb-, vv ,.
Iiain.n i-k Perk ?ii(i P*rry I ,., t* t'in m. Jewell tt W I
liamtOargb luaraare Co, Bkrerker va Hook rt d,
Jmtgtmtntf Pr/tnabatC BallBi vs Picket! DisrtTafl
W *rk. tin. 111,1? tt ?. TeWBM ad.
J:.ilK;t*t Kr:fr.?l ?Venue St no.,.?I .e.'. al,, kj ? ?-. t.
?Parkerrt al t* Parker. Laok .. 111? ? 1 none ?. K im
mel Borklelir, et al vsHoystradl Wnde va. Wbralrr el
al. tJnuld et a! t. Hill < t al. King*! Bmwn. Clark ad
Malt. me. Rnokryvi Tbe Peeps*. J antat? t. Prndkrlon.
\llen rt Data, Jnbnaon and Lrenden va Perry. Havw-?i
v/ rian la m,vmu tUmwtof Kefrrw Ihiv.i -p. nsnaj
ad rnderhilL h>ntsoetalad Rnkoo ?.daad Nicker
?111 ad l^iu 1 Age lot* M P. But* Prin aad Cbira i..-ttrr
Cli'teland tt H wet. Hall ad Adam.. Hevn it> 1' n'n..
be. v*.CnUM rs.Br Mari ad Puber, PbrdpanHndgc
-t be Skinaer ad Holm?-.. Baaamlll ad Sm.u.. Nen
York and All any Bailn a,, Coin pant ad M,.rean. Same ad
1 ? Same a Uai Iner. Cornell vi MtlierttaL Stowctl
et 1! a I Cban bilk
Ju.lgtm/.ii tu PattaCgT ,.n X>r,.i i"f..?1,-ate in amend
ni u?iiai lerrns?Wasaaora ad Crasner et ai Piiihaead
Br,,u~,n et al. BLJeBfl ?! al t? Palm, r et ii V lea ri
JmU"i'"' tot OHaaasTaw/an /H?, te.?Lt tvt In nueo I
INal t.rm. ? l lir Walir t'omn. ?.,..[,er- ,,| N. \. ad
S^pkrtOO. Sin th ?, Tvler Se. :v a,It tr ad Si etv adm tr
Tulottoo ad Tyler. Saawi f ti lartssn Van ttoesenml
Salt rr eta Prank -1 tr ?? final et aL itaw.n ?
mt'r ad McMerrav. Toons*sd et al ad Piertmu Kno.) ad
Btspp?romtr. Ilart ta l II. ].
krt ? t ,. 1 R, t't'tt u' uiidr ?i o.U to a!, de event.? D SUM
Blp'd, AC Od B'awtler. Hot w . . I ill' . Ol et al i BkOW
ml liar j neI. Brown Kt r. i. .? Ada.r . VI .ire a.1 Srl,l?~
Vlli-i r el al.
Jmlmommi r-, ndl?Kekwy vi BaA *t al| the taue?.
the tain* . Bro. k?. v ad Tl e I'.-ople.
./^./.riirfi.r *r ('"l.oil'.n I'.tui i t r./.U'id (All ' ' JWstSSI
it?rmed.?i al lwe.l vi W*W ii u ? Tlflmin . Phil
.(.. ?a Wbiifanl i Younc t* BeoUs Ham key klmatnr;
TTiamil it rtaila ms Cniann I Oai ?? Taipiaaij i . -
rs Beyamer et a!. \ ??.... t ? I. ittassi: Bnew ti Seven rge
/ ? ?!..,-, ftr- .rd. ?Ti.t People Kt It- , ii| \urth VI
? lb. Pin I a.. x m t: i . i ,i>, : , ? k al
" Miingl a.-ti mt'J ? '1 CtmU ? Srilv eta. ?. Basil
Whin ?. ?t-rt.
V,-.. V reaaSad aa rayur.t ?f Catt ? (.'amp ad Bum
"?' '5 "?'./-! i- .oil.;-.,i:,ii I. f..,n:i,-ri.
b Tin !'<? pk Ri Ri m . r Bebra so
.'?,|/r>,irii' I trtrn.l.lnt ua /V"ia'<-?? i, I ,{. a,'a.:.?t
it- ilar.?Tbe People Ri Rel Latban id 8 pervia ?
Ktaa ?In
V' / tn dea.rd?Pr --red I.-. re n I!? I to <i?. . rai S??.
nona, with direetatntte p.-a-.r,! aiat render iaOgrrneoC?
i ? . i The Penptsi Jiraatsad the Paej a aUeAia sd
I be nepaij
XJ* By tiie BapaaTaVtOB on hoard the ?:e.tm',,iar
(Yougla* on the (Ndal, nineteen pa rsons "***ftICbIbViiI,
?i\ of whom ire dead, ami two ..r thn-e more can
hardly recover.
Onuiiuir Roihing.
V-. r.i.t RTlrj W?. hBattbaataaaaaa taaTaat i Bat
seat Ba-.ti.n.' KaUlmtiiniert? of the ntv-Tti-Haatt or Ra
tnmau't?er'orre.l Bw wear nf ni Drtwert .n Batl.n c '
f *e Brad 00 .. ia) " fallt Jrltcm. ?." ln.t a rom-iam decrncy,
. l.i - a ii.otj strit-tly aotamSal rei'ula: M aBBBB 'ne re
tprrtatde Batt.mr KMshOahmentt ami Sw ninune Brbnob
' -tr.? r r .?oi tue ITSSSW Ii ai y ?>!.. tt,.nkt Ue ranraa
?* m ?i w*B n .Iraw.rt n? w tl.o'Jl U.em. I a?.n-? tdeni that
*??.?". ii.: -ti ni,.taken . it he ment. n- . t,.ii-e I wou
*'a ban i Bat pnre ..i a var I ??{ eoarse .- ., t -. :.. >, r
l ;av tor atrrearj,' p,^ , p-,,r>rirtnr imarme U at he tha.'i
? . a . ru?:.I,v an,- . , , i, ? | w .. ? i..; Inm l.e
t m0 ?mrr Ur.!.,n.t., n r... Bat:., and the i SSaBBBBI
t tm re.pevut.le portio? or it,- New Yoik . . um.iadt'??
? Bale . , BatasaaBbi ktaMaaata r i -1"
Bta pear .., anjM ?e ^.rt. dun drawer. . ll bl BMBta?
mb, rsakeewawaasaagraaeatarmaa
1 " "? ? ? *-?Baal aetaal Bra laa-ni
'* ' ""?'.. an 1 an .w.?.. w,,. . T .... ...
y me nystaaMsaaaai ot tl^- BaUu j
fa < oagrrae. p, ,v >?,, ft
In StTJ ATt. the \|'|M'rti"Hiri'':.t toil win t.irth
.I,.. ,!... .1 ijkJ th.- Hat.I' "1.1 II ii2r??-.i on bj
wm*att SjS tof 1. Thi? vote ;t tu agreed ton
t,.ider: ?her>'ur"n. the Sei.a'e ?-nt into I v, ?
t.\.' BaeoaOB.
I In the Hol??r, a motion wa< mad.- t.' tV' on* nie
the action on the Navy biB, which ?11 Isnl on th?
gabm I 9:> to p".
Mr. PivnttT 'i of t'hio wpoeted ? hill e*tal>
lithtaf Military Pottton dwOrrf-n,m bnmt.I
1 v 1 ..>???> turn.
TV H 'urx' then took ap tbt Private BUI eai#b=
Jar. an?! pa*??'.! levcrel bilU in Committee.
fmo% Mtvi... ?Tea V. S. Revenue Cutter
VYoodbery Bill aed at Now-Orl.ant on the 19th
with Vera Crt.r. daMl to the Idth. AaiOBg her
iiBieieignia ate Iftat (*e*pneiea E3Iie, late I .Statet
Mmieter ??> Menice, with Gen W, Ret..!*.; et't. ?
Pica] ine and eight other Vuteriena aad foot Lug
lithprietmert oi ike Santa Fi Exftt tape. 1 bate
I i* litti.- aee * i.t" ii.tr..e*t.
Mr. Ellii bad bitnndienca of hate aa the 21m
ult. and Gee. Wadd) Thompson, our now Mii.i-ttT.
? received en the ?anicil.iv. He ap[>eat. t.> I"
popahnrnad induential at Mexico, end he io doing
dl be . ?n t".r trie rnhateeof tiie Texna pcieouera.
Saata *aa ;? itiaaglhaaing bimirlf -it M kit i
it..i ?eetr.? t.i car.' voi-v !itr> dh.n,t T< \a.< or *l uoa
tan. Ihn Liberal? are h.?;.> to bin, aad B I
yet I '!? Ct i.'.l ove: throw.
I ink ai Lima, \. V ? I a aell luarwa Meth
odaa Henri net*) ai Luna. Uriageteo Ca twentj
? - uk 4 Rue boater was burnt t.> the -<?? tad
ua rbneadnj Baoraiag, -.St? flat baa aat i.r?:
dtfC iv, red t?-i]itij from tiie e.;p.na || rat :l " clock,
Laaa tJMAHtO. The Icadetny it ia Ugh rcpata,
haa 400 atudcnte. and will dowbtleae l>e promptly
rbuill rha wing* met hate beet, anted,
1 .at ar.lravKT Li r \.?A tire Inoke out aboal
13 o'clock Saturday night ia a carpenter . abop on
Hndeoo-atreet, ?tve h wa? ?im.:? deeiroycd, ai
.,.?.. i ana 11 .-?k.? bakery, accepted by Mr. Math,
adjoining the ihop. Sobm dauaaga a a daaa t"
buildiegi in ihr % icinhy.
HT At the Baptiel Tabera tele ia Malberj itreel
Heveaiag, H .?'>?'?? ??? I.? t berokee chief, goto a
?iv interna ting ne count oi the introduction and
plugreai >>f ChrhaJaaitj among l,;? aattun, II
took n tr-xt, l-it remarked dau although ha pceaeb
ed ia Initiative loague among In* own people
ret he deetaed it moot adviaabh) .>n thia orcoeion
??fine biaaaaat t<? Bate menu of facta connected
with the Cherakeaa aad Miaafoaariea. la beba I
I ot" hi- nation he thanke.i th* ( jjitatiati iouitiiuii;t\
t r tending umaag them the goepel, He ipeebi the j
i nr! -h language remarkably aell, la very delib
eenu in hit maaaar, every thing ha ?a ,1 ?n?
chnrncieiited by goad lenee, end del leered aid
eeideal aincerity. He ia am ao amcfa of an om
iura?obj Bbtweeb-. HI-Looj a Wyandotl pn ?. i
er ml.o \;-lted n- 101110 JPBar* IgO, nor i? he <|i|iti
to accurate in hia language na Pbteb Jobbi th.
Chippewa . bief, hut he a atidentlya man ot mine ,
information than either ef them.
CL7* A dagraeeful fraeaa t.M.k paaca yeaterdaj
afternoon in front of t the Now-Tork Hot pit*
which ort learn originated n< folkara i An Irieh
mail had died in the Hoopitul, an I Iii? tri. i..i- h i
conn ibuted to procure him n decem funeral, ntait]
of them with the itnderttnnding that ha ana t" bi
buried frmn n cortain boeae. When the cat]
wa* brought out. an aSaat waa aaada to take it a.
that boaae, whick wa? re?i-t-'.l bj othori who did
nut wi?h hint huru'd thence, and a at*Ufgiaeaeaad,
in which revere! peratau wen? roughly handed
The PoBea arera Baall] latarpaaad t.> reaaan
l'a. ncAi. Elocvtioh catnaialng niamauatu <
Princigbnt of Handing and PaMa Hoeahbar, wit
leriiona from tm leal aad Moder* Aether*, by B N
Bwaat.aeeend gdHhre. AuLura BL v J C I?
We laajret that tba iead,nL' hooka in our achoob
and eeminariea are not aaaally prepared with a,
view to th<- htaeblng of Elaaatiaa. Thi? intej-|
Inctunl art i- to all a rra.-o. to many a Beeeeeity,
ami ai^'t to b.' gear rail) acquired, Mr. Sweet*
inatrurtione nre clear aial pertiaent, and hi* M
bjcthtni ret a fudtcioue.
C17* IVa tad theaa item? m ike 8c, Loeda ? Nee
Kra' of the I8th iaat
?? \\ e bam tin- Btorabtg, from ladepeadeace, thai
(iev. II, fc? ?a? ?tili alive, and there wa* ?,.mi
piaaabilirj >,t but ultimate iecoeery.H
?? do Smith, the Mormon Prophet, i? mi I to haw
heen kille.1 man atiray near Naaeao. Wt BBtt
aot lieen able to aaeertaia aaj preciea iaforaaatiea
in relation to the rmaor.'1
Z~F t apt. (ieorgo Butkei, ,.f toe .hip t 'oluiii
hia. ol H".t .n, wa* Untrded at *ea (t.'a|N, Ci n
betnring I. N. 11. I'i nnle. diataatj bj Mr, Robetl
Fletcher, mcond tafcaa of iha tcJar. Prim rote, of
Snntachat, oa a ahabag craiaa. Mi. 1 ?tate.J
tliat the Captain ?a< erasf aad kmrtbh at aam
? mdhag tin- reatel . that he wa* in Hon.. a-..I It.at
the ere.. Wtahaa to go t.me p.,it wiier" there
wt? an I . > Consul, tor a-?i?tnn. e. (apt. II
eh haal ikeag t.. ge t,. i rtoj l id aad grra the v.
OB tO the t 'on.ul ihete, or jet Iii? BBeillBBfB ?
May IH?Hali/e hearmj \. N. \S ;? mi
-poke iMfj I"- taaah, baaca. [ N.GvBuL May 21
Pia.tc laamiiaa TjaTaehaeel p?-oj,ie on omm pbaj
n Ilm tertKia nl Ilm i' antry. and tiiev a??u'ii- ratio3? mm*
and eeatnga a innbai Batai at carry mnnlj en tin a m
fOriom pom*oiawaadttaaj. tine ?et pretend a be blind
ami rlauahn?herepuu Bart. af o, Porriga Coeati
,,r MedieaJ Bradeatia neCalooeh m it..- Ba-ealai irmy,Am
Rut al Hie .aa..- Bma ?r *re aft). !e.| v, ti. tl eM fe .,,.?. .
.? ty t? l.lr.?e.i wBh tbe acarnce aiel ?a.i: ot Dr. A IHitinim .
the gmemnrnf ihe ii.apareble t-rmenannk aed tt at mon
than eonmenaaaneae Bm nnneyaneeoi tt.e aaaoateri Mm i
?ea*a I Lmeagei are wnaam any ahmet im lnmiena-1
et, ?aha neehtBar? eeai, an.t aU Heedarbe iy>ten.-..
-ar.- tl,eu.aia.iv ii,: rem ?ata?. Bberaaao'i a. on Uxeaee*
are the anto ^ie andphmaant manedy ?e bnv* uo etra*ine
vneawm i. ; :rer Tnev ?re tanrb rwn ram i?
aNewTera,and are ptearribed by ?.tr ...t t
pbyMcawiotartrprntrucc. tnaha om handled ... ?>
Naaaaa ?t
Blown"* Baaaataan , .,,, 1 v , Btrrtat I in
the ana taue the ?eeaaiaeaaoi i itatnpnhttaand Tama
?..e, i,a?e been eemMaed?and aar leananmnwt Bmnaen
mngniae arniriaaem ot Bat med lie a
veretabte kingahmi loe* not (ai aoo tno ?ai..un,-r? w< a.lm.r
ably adapted to ttotity, aoarati aad ai liwna Ilia ha man ill
leu, ThrwH iwmhaaealln>eea^ttordwrnoapaoeiftdpa- i
ff*a?ea.?l.en uaeti in .Qlfi, ir; t ,|aau tty. aiat vet are ?n ui.,,1
? in rMj^-ra' ,r thai Ibey mt\ hegiaante peraonaw themml
,|e| ,-ate hea tli ?Uli perfect4letv. Thev areal?> verv ayree
ahie 10 the taMe, mmiriiae the .,u*i.t,e? ? tr.e ard aeryaar<
i .aparnla Syrup with ihe deli-hum rtav.,r oi the Tanato U
? manner ?? I h render, them hagUy IgllielBl to the rra
A Bald by iheagama A. B. A D. Samda, Drageaaa So
T?roh. -or 4 Ooht-a. IM Palioa-aL 273 Broad aay. I
, ~* t ?t . * ty
1..L r a. Cr an -uj.,t 1--. :-i > tj . Ue*l, rtvaa i >e-.
. Aed and '?r?eri?,?e arravat nflveitieapm ...r,,, j, aaj ; :* ?
afpebBc aeia?emeni in tbe c.tv. are oflere.i g , moot a
the Amenca M - ?to . .? ? . *l ,
.et a.'h ttie t?a_iv aad fi.l..on the city. II *
turh *:?-* ? , -~ art?irde,| ? ,r e,,n , t ; .... , r
- ? ' > ' ail a at tbe New-! ? \| .. .
noon aad 'veninif. urn haa eeBBBU t PAoan, Man ., tree
P*n?. with h:? P. Iy.pa*r*? Viawn In Uiem inafti ticrnt
eaHbamao, ? repnmalid nil the vanatmnaol ; got and
.na le, and e-t*?. alan tiw rh*r.-e from day to Burnt..?
NiaUiing 10 matrb tba truly beauldai ?perirr.en oi amr,. .ai
.k 11. ha* -?er l?-rn *een n. BtB rounlr*. In ten tah.eaui U
repreaerited the la?t wi.he. nf th, Krapee.r \apoler.e. run,.
?e . at the eshanrnonaai Iha ba iv ta a, final !e.
aa in Plane* la.: \ * tee N . ;.>;e .
?e| nea'ir t I ir.kee rl ar* t?r a; :?-?n. a.rt ?.t|, ,u.-r. i:.
tr*< tion* no e*m.li?hn:ent prnmhri ' on,ra?te wBh that,
I >'jr rea ier, u. Or. Kein Oojraud'. prerwtra.
,u mr t: ? i a r. He cah, a a 'poneenBaar powdei ?
:..?-e ., i?, ,i,.e-ake'at?t.t Ja- fact that .1 .tierlv daatro** the
-n,u, n' Ba hair aiet leave* the place ?t,ere ti;,v , fiM.
aot only free ima deiorm.tv. hjl ?tx'?e the .? ta,,
I '*. eirr m Oe.;. T i ir?ntlemen aleee whiter. ^-n? at
?WOT Ihr r ;ace* t|.j ? , ,tlM.oim ; an.1 to la-he* ahn '
at aaa ? t e.-'eat...?.,.,' mo?tacL??i. ?? n.anv are. a I
mm ol (? ? pn?der aool.i be worth nevre than iu
*' - -' ' :?iin.|*v T.me*.
r at cv i at i;;e nr.- ml ofhre. IT Wa ker-.tr.et | gmv
t in Braa^aay. an i ?t MT B.-jadway $1 pet txjtur '
Bnnl.riii?l?-~ ?In? **.
Joaafiua twoai i* '?'?? 1 1 ?l*Ml
A'? try i. Utvle,) in- ti i.ani?. N . ? . .
x v i ..... m.- m i \ . tog. ?
' tow .11. V K.M.I.. ...?.r.V . ?' ? "
1 i m ?. i'. > , % *? i" ,
Brtrni* Mai m.ti .??*?? I ?"??'? M* *1 ?
Sa*h iroi". X V ? June .
J*.\?. ? S. <>. . .. i'. .*?.?..l V?..,>. Dui ' ?
'V> ? b,?>??!. ?:.r?:*rW".;. H* me, OnanW?
?UU.L IK bt, (Hta firm B. i i. ?. BJ Bate*,
ManaBaetaran, b- oAljrn.?JbIj I
? Suuixt. Mav -n
Lawtbb'i Diabi roB Mobbat. Mai Sd.?
! Ciacvir Cottar.?No*. :\ :i::." ?." . ? ? i ??? ''
I 10. Ill, K. IT. :i. IS, I.i ll\ IB?, IfT.
Cowmb Plbao ?letwrirdasBntai <?
Curt or OTBB **??> TBRRi.tCB.? The trial
of Col Edward*. Ibr forgery, bad been art ilowi for Mno
day, but bi* eoaaerl BMvrd tlie i'nurl Mar I be poatpooe?,
??".i gto ll ?? abaci e* ? aaatei al arttm ??? . Ta a a *.
j ire'e.l in by Mr. Wail Bf aad olber r : ~ I 6 r the penae
? . w.o.! i'. ? : it -evrtal w wwi ? n th. ir pan
I umn men from Ne* Ulkraua aa I ibooat eaery other por
t.,ui .>.? tiie ennmry) won a araendn real areni
ronbrnco aad cape ???? After farther mot rmli m, tobe trial
waa powpnned to Moaahry, Jaae Bib, ihn teauOaonr nl wt
' .tea who ttt re r- mparilr1 11 laate t; e cil) lo he uki u
,lt h<nt tttr.
On BBBion, Ina B tit a M. >? ?. T -. .: ind b- ...? ,
tl. Bipreaa, and Cbaiir* I i ot m \ * ? ?, for h tm
?>n the Cowl oi Oyer i i I.er. aad oi Jaaea t'. idea
Bennett tor a aAarJoe BM t'.uiit >d Se?:,>ii? anm paWpeeed
i ll nett term I
t '..| kt Km obd.? I ho SafHI 'tie ('..lit mil ad
..am M t.i.tt . tii.t lay.) Th* I art far Um Contcta
Kirort rtn et? it lb* < tly ii ill mi S.tturdav m tt.
fVTPBgNI t "I BT.?ca0i "i Jomb I ? Cot I ?
The Caanaal tie ;.- ? . ..e i i Cut! i.? da?. ?. er
Mr, Sei h n Btoted iLt: tl e . r.lrr lor im.ll.ull . lanlrd tin
?tv lie ,. ??. he re.- ii . r< .1. Vier . t, I ir .1.1 1. the .'at j
mm 11 optm d. aad arguotewt directed to be no.? v i
ta. ?. ?t te-in ... ti ? Ca*rt,lo bebtMat it, a t Jalj m ?t
Spbciai SwiioBB.?Baauro JtttlfB Noab Bad
\ 1 aan Jon at and Maana.?aUbranor Orr ona tried for
... ., 1 tea-pnt iponcH v ? . ? rtb ?i. from A?.i Whitinf
fii?ilrniftyanil*en( 10tbePeaitrntnwr Inr > j,... w ,
liain Morr??o. to . .1' ha'.,ttorth |l"'. tmni J.dia I) n
nri.life. Oniby Penttaotaavy ,; BMBth* blary Johnano.
aiealinea 1. In letnuon* ibTm ? New. tJuilty
p?e iei t m ?? dan Jotrpl tfalyoaki, atealiaf * ????*!
nnnb ft (hna Joan Banna Uollit PeniiMHiaryt?djyt
Charle* Periratoii, tnloredboy.aMaaBaad i>ait.-r> >?n Char
lotter*.a ,*.?.???? ... i ntja.ll fl ? ??? Mir.-ar.t
Kaa< ? ilioar a kd of k it 1 aad ???? worth >l ir-m
Pat... a Morrai ?? It Praia it try ?dar* "*v*b
Bamham, ateadna 1 ihr area it irel. wortli lit, fjom
Rmma P., 1 in d bai n aianaod n> pi ?m to he .rut m
her 1r.e11.lv l-aa. Hall, nidi Ben I* nannll and bnttei v ,<o
bit Onili) Pi te unary ti ma - 1 ill . ? m bee
ler.Mea ? i ck. a rtbflei I*, from Catherine BaUee
clo.lt 1 1 y Prot? ?ta aayt Ml parrtl alnn, atralini; a
aliattf, ttorth tl ... |i , %.. a, i Mi h- ai) tSodtt
Prnitentiart ?? l n ? Hannah Jaekion. Odhert Potter and
ii...r.-e S. . umi. ... obi I witbd nnOerlj emnlacl;
Vtillian. Batil and Cba ? Bti nort, ? th i~-i t larrenlet,
a ere tateraJJt diaehaived lor want met ieuee. A.Wourned
ta Pndai ? n*. ktrk, \ at
I',,1 hi 01 Conmob Clkai?DkcumbBi ?
a . 1 B art?V ani tnB I H ? ?aVatfJtr to a tab
nf Ihi :>r..|^ it. .a Oeo. Coay,on wbieh a rerdirl ha-l Leen
riven tat rta'tttln* Ventiet loamai'd, wBJ nwiv
Jakn Cat ? ?. O .. M r ? bard -trat an ? furfaba
impr-aonmi ? I, ptainlid bat ag ' een ;>? ?? eilnl as;a nal at
a araereodenl .leliti.r. aatl emnpi Bed n> tr rr bait 'tarn me*
hail heen rendered a I ?-a.... nrBISS. New trial granted,
ante** tberdalm d n BtwSjB, 1 wakrh i a>?- ?n Biotion 1.
ileme.1. ?11I1 eoall.
Ktmtl flaaarAlan rt nnattf T. H r% lt.!.->. loa note,
rerdiet bar waieb badbeeafitra ? in.n m d-1. u.iai.t.?
%'er.lirt ronrirtneil, v? :!i onatl
/i t., ia agaaaat MaMa Mab -Akra notion an anno?,
whtrh hid l.e.-n s;n. I in Htnr.u pwiatial Verdict coifirni
ed, n th em v
I iii Ii. Ch. ..'mi'. >? /,!?; It. :.!'.??? ! ? t t'-tt
^malt ta lie nrlimod *? a..000 rarrirr. Re-bearinf
srrante.l at In imnunt "i .lama ? v
f% mm* ,| n'm / /.-. t i Belatire to< rr>
ii in ni* ain a 1111 nti in npinat ?1 In Mb aveane Ke|..rt.it
referee* let *>. Ie, and *? ni back to tl.em, , ???? In abate llie
ati hi.
PoLICI OpPICB.?CnaiK.i: . ? v TllBPt?In
kibenianrenOeinnn. aamad Hnataj ba An. waaarreondaad
riitaotbleo al thoVpaei l'..l:re OBIre, ehirpid with hat
ms? at..1.1. 11.11 r tt al. h. . an i I?.. .la..., ?null $ : .. ir..iii
Mr*. Adam*, wi'e of Bamael kdaaM, noa of S* Vaadaoi*
ttreet, whtl.1 Uieir paangt bather at the tame tewet
Foanetnif.?A mtlr bafaet. ibnal Ibnr aatalhi old, ?a.
tnun-l .in Tb imi iv m?i,t in too at I Anenoe, <?ra;.|.?.l u;i m
a i.lank. 1. eapoietj, ami WM MAna to ihe Alma Hooae and
pen elded mr
Cobobbb'i Oppicb. ? Rat Cormier ..n Pridat
ereniap I" Id aa loqnen it tin- roratl ..1 Id Atenoe iinl .'ttb
nreri. oo trie body of Mary, wire nl lohn Roada, ol **l ti
aiiatite.u Iretaad, ipad JB Verdirb died of Bryiipetai,
and w 11,t it an a , al .1 b adanre.
Kot mi PBownao?John Cataaer,agad aboal *'>. late a
hand nn hoard brig. Pbilatb Ipbia -m o*don the nigbl ol ihr
1 it IJ v' t i\ it 1
Duaaii 01 rm Lrno* Ciraeu -Mr. William firev, 141
Rieingnin-ttret t, waa an ill e tn ti ia d lene thai be ?*.?.?!
expirleil m. recoaer. II,? phyak int aawl he 1 Hiblindlive,
1. bit Inns.', wer? moat waateil away 1 when he da term aed
to irv lir Taylor** Babam ol Unerwon. He mmedialrly
.ent in /!'< Bowi rv (ot a laiitlr. aad helnr* i ?? Lad Band ap
one bottle,be w nable m 01 up in 1, ? bed. He ianon well.
an.l In tb'. ni'-.tirine lionC he aa> . he 1. unit l.tr.l for a return
.it .wnml health.
Hrmi r .,1 ,,1 an .niaii), 1? coaoterfeit, on-l har nnlr at die
?ir?t an.i m h ooVeol Ihr true propra tor,3TS Bowery, Mr..
Ma>>. in Poltiin ... Brooklyn, ?iheoalt, one there win. ha*
the gmuine ntedk ,ne. lir. Lowerte, Newarbi Jaeiei Ren,
TM W*a in Raooa Ltcano am al length bran bn gin
in a happy Ii naiaatbai, ? laateed are all th act thai ire
properly treated?Comamptaoa, latbraa,hroni hitrn, diapep
aia. roogh, rroap, wbonphtar teeajk ? ?11 otbei ditenaea ol
..i the lootrt and w mlpipe, max i", n.'hl tn the vnm
happy Imnianlinn. II*yon ata Bot iMibrrl gieine t'.??rrt'?
Baiin.it I.it* ; in tine n 0aa bafaUible remedy far all tbe
?bova rnmplainii. la aatar iaattncaathoae win have dlril
anrrifdr iltralha from in* "i tiie abovedtieaiei, mighi have
been ?pi"-d ... their fneadi foraparlad ,.i renra. dlapei
a.ng hleiOmr* m ailnonnected w.ih them. Therefore we
a iv. .!? lav no longer, b .11 pro e,,| imnir.tiat. I? t.i li.i Nimi
tireel, and pem ure a h,,ttl>' hefore u 1. BM late.
T 'Davit Wainne Omni <m> IntraocTioa, ftM
Bmadwav. 111. .7 Im 1.1
T r Obbti bmi n reo dda ,, >r,. nil mm faraatbed par
Inrt aa l badrooot*, w tn 1?. u 1 11 lli.Bmnilway. mi l Im*
Waw'Toaa Dati r Tiiii aa I t Am
anhona c anpteti. bu ml aad fot %t > at t', - "W. 1.
Bpnobnat CeatoTa I i*n ban
?tanllv ,,e ' and - it I Ii 1 nitre ?t , an a.vutirei.i nl l>,|ar
oi a wperior qeaiity, niwrd to tail r*?..?k b..t Maaaaa,
(alllBIt MtklR?. PilllKN M.k'..- in ! >,ti ? 1 ?, which
will he w,i,i cheaper ibaa at aat atari plan m me elty.
1 N v tNPRLT a 1 <? . Hl Centr* a
Abo, a., MBortTm ... ol Mnboeany Nabrtgaay Venter, ami
nll.n l.a nl.. 1 > . table l?r l abln. t .Masrr?. n a lw [ff
New itoob tor Paratere?* I
eot.rir an 1 P-a. t caJ Agra u lore, , 1 ibe ai ptieel nn .,1 B.?
l.igv. Oeobtgy and Cbembtry to AgricnUure and Hnni
niiture. ,ai.., i.-,i a. a Teal Bonk an Pannen ami Stu?
dent. 1 \. 1 ire.h) Aktaao tira^. A M Teacher nl
i lr un.irv. he. A id.,.. <. M i.? Jan pnblitbed i.v
uMT DAYTON v Nt.W M \.Y cor. P . U a in : N ,...< nr.
% tlolher'* .loiirmil mag 1 Lad I
Daagbiar, rtarah tbiwnaa w h a Prefaee by Jane Taybtr.
Third Amern-aii Rililion. Th tda 1 ll rtahr
H?\rOSl MILK- j B
' 1 The t'real t uniinitaian,
Cbnrcb eomBtoted aad cba ged in oavey the ii, ipa 1 to the
Wori,:. by ;i it.. I .., Marria, l> l> . Pr-? da al id I h t
u ml College, ooiAm of ' M iimana, 1 <?'? at Ti m m 1. rtt .
, ? , Eway by Wn*. R. WUlii ,.. |> o . p.,.:. r ,1 ??,.,..
tire. 1 1 arab.lvea t rk?Tbi* Dai P dahed and foraaie
bj DAYTON A NEWMAN, en r mi at N .? 1 -
t ? . j>t received ?Growth M Grace i from Oat wi igt
of K I * ir i. an l lian ?.
The tJobhrn Cram from the writing* of Horra wyBI
I I'hoiogriiphn I laitiwiaaia. i m md
I?.. ear bj M Ii. \ t\ f.n t\. . . n.
Coaml - eat- aad Broadway. (1) ar/M fuia
llrab t'anniaaerc lloia. WATBttN
ChathamOravf ai i BM Bwwnry, inovtaiace* tm. mi ,-,.- i,,
ia awraatlhe tlaailard i i fRSja Heratlt the
a Item a hi oi the public t.. Una at Iradial an,. Ie a. generally
taperaw to thoae now veadiag 1 It od way at 4 to S doilar?.
N. b. tt.- haml a lanri anainaial n [Leghoin, Ma
ad la ami Panama Halt. Wboieaaie ind retail.
aiySS I o .,
t e t? I. a tt U00ET t 1 1
T'j->.i ... r.iai..,* to ihnaawlamaal ,.1 Heal Boair ihn
power .,1 Truttee? and ;i..,?.,..- man. ??! U,e , ....r . ... ...
4u..i...r.. ?, ? .- E-..d..l. and Inner ran Law .. '|. . j ,%
iy II M Bn ?ei.r. Ige, I .-me.,, 1 . Ig? : Pb la, , n a
lav ; . . ... .1 Hts ?? MORRISON,
IIB ptawea arm . yflet
Theolowiewl Diacwaaiwa,
I ?.girai 1* . . . ? rtwern Re Mr Hn M> law
U*t| 1 , ! It- ? Mr Incaili 1 . I,. . 1 at *. ilbl .d
l. i. in Janual > , I Hi. \'l 1 ? I*", rel.lt,
t.? . 1 1 r* ?,- 1 .? -a . Book*, PBemaJflBl
br. at the L'oitertnl -t b..,a RtUblabmeai, n?. Iy F .,t. 1
Oreal, between Naaana and Brondoay. (fl .... t: '
l<? nu mber Ihe "lit mot nl of Ihr lit at
t iiiiiphiin Oil, ~ ..I ... . u 1 ,
ea-nte tu... Bjl Broadway, \..,?,?.. at prtcai
ritJaeed aearty >? ; ef era. O. M M.t RKDY Ir
mil Im am
T Mraaaer, D " ? . .
rn to Scr.nn.-r? l ... lir-at Catharine B -.I and Shoe Mar
let. ,i ta?iar or-?l in .?. , Ma tee. waan paaeBaBad
Uie lari/ett and l?r?t laMtiaMnl ^-a ? >er ww, and al p-i,-e
neter l?,...re equ?Je.|. J j.t ny t. ,u.4t,
lb. 4 baiipi.i t mmm Tiailwr yet. ;? \
Hl BT CD, Merchant Ta i..r. V. I "hirlrim -qoirr, roraji
<.t Caihenne-etrea t. mak? Cntk ag to ,.r... r la tl,- nratae
Kyle in ;*-r rent, rheajer than tl.r , r.--ape?t Ca?k Ta J..r a
'?^1 in) id ha
r The 1'ubln ? 1
Tncopoerriu* or Meiticated t'.Miipinin.l t,.r the baiawibair
Mean eaBar per balUa, m B eaa t~ bad feg wtaeti-Bva
reolt It the whoteanle d. ja.1, Ik. Broadway, corner o l b
tttpmeat, epnahna i7i m>ji$ |?r*
Drab 4 iiaaiiarre Hut.. *
pre:.ar--o wit. 1.1,11.0 ifBawir Maia or. Saturday.
.Li meant. T.e - 1? aal ? ? im n prewrte.1 .? naniinn
" "? ?" '?* ""*?** *? ? ' kBa a 1 awBaan mca
greai favor N -t being C iorvd, i|.r |)ral, ramimere ,.
mmle eiiremeiv lig-bl without rnuairinr ,1? 1
bilit, PricefA. IPENci?:^
?n M ,..u
rr pArth i lab ?vuiTi r -1 ... n,,^? ,
?armrure .? ?> pi ,.n la 4%a*l, , rT T,\ L" X
** P. ttiLI-.N k ? -...liJCAwut^.M.
f. aal * Galt f < I
p. ? I:....- it r.. ? ?? pa rj tt .? m
. , . , ... .f * r. I !.?? in.I, ,
. ,. i?- . i i?i.P remanded By l.' ' i T?,.f.i .
I mnilf. It0.11.ln14; ll?H?r?1 Until, i.a.l
?|t 11 llli.llltl*. "
I 1 . I .k *. I' . it >'?>??'? ft " : ' ' ?' 1 '
1. 4 ..? f . 1.; ;. . Ii I?.?- ?? ?-.??:-??, I
..- ,.>j. .1 ihr r.che?l it... ! ? ?1 iji I? ?f iL? ?????? .. .
ii II ??. .).. 1 .u *? UV I'"' * '?' *'* ? '
e*. ; .? , .?.,- ,ip ? K ..... w ;; '.. , I .m
P4.<r i' ri 11. baoae, ?' *d ?' ? ? hue poie 'a* >
,., I , , . pan heriti BRNJ. R. HOW|
i> 1*1 ?- ? ? '??' N
I *t|M 11.? I'? I ari fat fata Mol?.I. it* Ilm.
.,, ,' i,.,...... .. iki , , . . *? e tu . f f
.ei/ance .1.1.1 -.ui .l.ilu; . 1 ' le? ?je.
(lilv,:.Tlli!, h BPICNt fcK,
4;o ,, K.i.i."1.4II r, V. .'?.? n rat. ?
I.i ari At t ?? -'?
e introduced May Mb, at No*, t Bad I A**n 11.
(.'1 no.'?
I n tin Alilitli.l." I
iiahe cure* that bamBeeu perl mm IBj a. -?..?.??
,.,h,. , . . . .a ? ? - ??? aa I
mt n.?.i ? ba, ?* 1 rj nl aVf BahraBBJ *?
I in h .r 1 - protean : .? im an., if. ran parrheaet
.|io?M i-k 1 ?; l< .?..|r.|;.J. :l.a. M I ???.' BUM 'I >"??>
. .. ?? c // .a ...ilr.o'k
1 ;,u ti lea, ?1 ram; .1 aat,
Ti.aa Magi ?. ."?? Beta." a .1.
w,., ? it, 1 dpa. a ? y ?!.
l.i.o i Brvaio. x,> 1 keaao* 1
vt . ,ui 11 tan* a a?i ' ? > ?"' Hi
Mr. Jol ii?oii, ?V .lam.
VI alia in Mu-i.r, ns envai 1.1 BAatajp) a ai"l I '.- Bt
Ii ,-!iai I Shi . t o..ion .:.
lioiifri K BWaJe >. 11 Ornate at
u>..? h iga.aa n .
arajtaa 1 ? i-"- 81 Li a ? ?'.
\| ?.,.'. aa:. 1 .11 'I I MB
Letten I l.i lau.I. ?> llu.'x 'i ?'.
1 u. re.- I. in fa ? a ?' ? 1 ??
M ? v? 1 1.1 ? it. 1 ant at
.1 BS, 11 nth na kt
1. aaa hkrtUi, 381 Ora ? a
B: ;.|... . Sa .., ,? Ba ?? lor.? ) ? " *- ??
t ..uniaii.l .1 and I ?? ? ?? arn ? ?? .'?*?-??:?!- * "
17 Avenm l> and > II mtinn ?11 I nnaa *>11 H .. % .
Kraibloat t*piaa-nH| I tt.ia.i,.??? . ??? ? " a-ati
\ \t iij ira ttt Bnnwryi .0 hraaaaa'i t mm
H,a.i.?a>.il 0.B>ad. 143rnltoa-al.Brtadllya. 1. Bti
CT Oriiioriulit Vimf CM at llir ??< ?< BtB
tTuril. t Bn-nlar Mrrlini " *
H, afranklin Hon? <?<?<??< ? a*rf> ? I.
tVadnradai .-?. latnt Jun.. at ????'?-? ?"
timra LaK-turv a 1 1.? drliratad of Jaa. I. B(KM, Bta
S?ti|. '. Ill suv < 1 ?>.
rW irianu*01 Hann i:inyarain? t. .11.. v'rr .
t iiMtAl) MB H I Prca
j v ??!*?!? ? v** ? ?;i
I *i. At 111.1. I
il,,- x 1 in ? ard 11. rrqaatfd to altrwd a r. raun m ?dBiy
in? tine ai ib.- Kol. oof Hoear,roniar ot Orraaaarhami
Laroy-aw ft. ? 1 a | But) M I tt, ai 4 *'?? ? k
X. 'B ranrtml attendance oi Hi* ia.n''.^i? ? 1 ?
lailv ra-iuf?ifd. and all iliov ii.ai aatafc tojidn iha t-lob 1 .
% A nril. B m . ? m.I n .
In? tririi.l. an I fairoii, at In? Soulli. rn Hill,aril Sal' an, '
n .11 Tu .1 Monday B?i ,niteranhf naala)? I
Oraloi, i.ni.l iMiunlioua. Baum? N
S?. rl. Pr->i. >-.r ..1 BhirnUna. adl fin thro* l.< rtnrra n .
Banding ami Pabik >p. ikm/. mmprialmc nBmraai om on
an.-if in nod nmdorn Bmqnonca, Baa rnBtaadBm and power
oi the hum in ?.11. ??, qaamiiy and genacea. Baa neceaaBj ??.
amlerMaailinaj an ami,or illanintoil by eartana pnmajrea
mim thr Mertptnrea, tram Bhatipima. Ot . aageiarf aim
a variety ot aovH an i ma aa ?*? rimena "i e??el and b* 1
Rlorution, at the N. T. -Si.-ifiy LaVarj room." mrneroi
Broa.iv? in and Leonard ?1 mi the rveamga .-I M..n lay. Me)
' axh Wedneadav J im laa and K> 1 lav. Inn ThiaBvenina
iMonjav. Mav k"f.ire.'.iaii..ii?a.n i.e ran f'ow Bl ahaoai.,
Boom :.-?. Bynm. Mootfomeryandthemb .1 1 W ** ? ' "?
illnatrntina annniitj. empbal <? ponnr, ute bleb ami 1 n k.?,
aa-lMi4il.il iranattinna al aidcr.nnd uniUI.? "' " V
rlay.Jobo C Cnlhoon, Rlitba WINiamt ami Deal I Hichi it.
Ticket* for tha enane Bl, mm Belaei 80 cen**, to om hod a
%|.jiie.'? iH.ok .inie. ii,.- tabw Honmandaldmdiair,
hectare ka eonnnanee at t o'. 1?k. a*j M II
1 **i ?v 4 at pi 1 ?ttori . I
le??.- to inform th. ir Irarndi and the pnblir cno-raily
that thev ha?. I an rv< aleed a nra and freie Nnek oi t..ai.l?,
rooahdineol CarpatJiar.lM.CHnBn^ Ru.'?. naaabag, Bine.
lrett?, Bataea, A.-., aiub every othm articH rmmei h d ??'to
ihe trade, which they odarr 1.. the ptnhtte at Ihe lowaal. aah
later*, without peen ? 'hue 10 m il I > p> < < em. -1.. apm ihnn
aay ooe rlae, hut a ,11 yaarantae t<> artt m haw m any earn
for caafa Tbote wahma to pordmar wUldoweBmenl
an.I 111111.- our ?1, rk. u lien tln-y will rin.1 lite in. ??
patterna and the g* ,1 "i r,.ior*.
mi lim? (t) as.' Panel ?1 M 1 arpot aaare nwm rtanham
I'ot npiluliala, a?iiil.leam, nail olbera.
P- ivatv ?*le taill poaMtjeely >*? made on very i*?..iai.u if m*.
of 25 baa on weal aide al M> rtie Avenue ami Auhrlphi and
l.'ailion Uteela. BroohlyaL BBn,ot 1 ??-p*r?ie .me a re par.
ret* on Aahdpaaemroet,netw?en Be?i'*i'l Rone and Rannn
A? noe, Impeoramomaot prent unpoftanee,and mmwot
errat rata* an i heauty are pobnj harwmd a dm Imimahate
neiKbb ahmid ?>! ihe*e hand* eapee *Uy the ajToal < 1. Park,
Di? Doch, p nadir buUdhupkBc Them hit* Bare na heel
.11 aster, an- ton realem Bar reaadenee at *|l re,p,-. 1?. 'I he
a.-re narerU aBbrd a .n * ..1111? i.av and eBj m X-?? V.ak.
Ac I'hev ??Hl Im- .hoMii to paranna aaadnma 01 Imynap,
fnie perfect iBoaaca of nmdernaa mm hade ua ihe*e luci
can he well leao-.l al 01,.?-. A lar^e |?>rti,ia ..1 Ihi 1 an hnae
money may remain mi iiantteaa* Apply a*.an I.' 1...' P M
toOcoani t? Ctaaa. let LnSarty-*!. in>i?ui?i
! ' I 10 MM 1 < 111 Ititlian tt mdov* Uhinltw.
nl.lt I- ll v? WtMlDKOKlJ , 1 , , . .1 .11.
raagementa In rerelva oa the XTtA day ol AprU\tamhNRa
luvaiem Trananarem Wmi..* Btmitri' nnhrarlni; ahamal
every aiodm unnwmpea, Bwhn, and Italion Vhrwa, ? ?
nrttr an* plain - .-..ire,, Pren a s, mBa, View* la momal rhl
leimi- ape.. \ .0 egati a ltcf?u*,pniuted 11 '11 Ii ,ii.l 1 -1 per.
manrul oil < o|..r.. Pannier*, bunend ot apimding u fir lime
in pur. I. u ii.- 1 meood hood artich* at anethm, 1 nn *?>? tup
piled with tramparem fflinhin BAaadBa, at tne loRowma
price.. ? m
^??'jai.r Laaaaaaapea ai % It eta,
A?ni do <lo al I M
*?' .lo <lo al i ..
BM da Kreri.-h s,-rnl!?, pUla centre,, J i?i
4??i in ia -io 4 iNi
Ma Ba aTnniBni aja 1 '?'
MB b rem Ilalinn Lnmlacnpna, Bum >TbiBj5p.A pa -
mil tl IVI
I In odure I In. h'* 1 , I! , 1 ?
niei.i, ...ii. ef ? 1 pent.1 fhnthnm am tot Thai a.11
known ?I .re ..| n. than 81 year.' Unndmg. nrril* 1, ,
aeanpapri j.uiihil' u>lerommaad B to palieic nataan, Mr.
?:. ?imt.iy ? ahaa 1? ? n that ba 1? 1?.?, aa ha ?>*? hi en *? all
unaaa, prepared wnb a taMalaebol tfrr mrnl inmlita ill la
nml im.?Ii 01 Uanili in. i,. Hal*,and which I. ,? 1, . .
to aeM na low na can be boofht rBmewam haBBa aBy Id?
eitra at 1 autr a. i imUMala* lipbumm wan < h | un r.ha a il
if.w ?eil .11 #i ?'. an, 1 hB Imltatnm aaaaaahia ?t |i. H. ? ...
haa 1 dl aaaurtment ot Boy'a Chnh ami other Cap*, winrb
he w a ?. 11 ?? prua < io M 1 ihe im.e.. H,. will aaly aht
in ?II. a:: ind . n .e bi* Hati aad ? ap. and aah ?-. h. nra'
neaaina beir| nehaii 1_(J)_Mlaw Im
Pmanma^nifa a ,rm(i
In .I.e :,4, k.: .h.p Plnla.lelpi,.,'iron. Lm. I ? I. I
Bab 1 ? a. ti???'.?. J.? r; \ * 1 r .,, ,
I ? Meary Toabl, Joaei h Balkei. Mix iane
il-. , tleo BmiUi, B B Bmuh, E Bawlei, R Ho.;,-. ? -
.ii ,11 bm uoeinRn
roar? "p xnw .nuK, may m, iaat
BIBIATBBB iniiMr?mis t> 1 r
T 55 ",l" th* a?.oa irattana
B..e, it ?,..t< ; 21 Rmall TT | Binth I w.eoo, a
L a 1 e ?1 Hue,
>-<>*o>.o. May i aavna . M?, ?
. >,,v ? i'.*-oKi.ras?. Ma) l"
Ct4taBSB ?au Knar
HIi In ^arnhree, p. ft, N Orb ?,... a: K Ctatam A ?:..; Itr.,.,
?ii 1. Rtard, w. Brriueu, 1. A V * htunerfaer
ll?.k Maaapi . . 1 .... ,. .. |. Meaehna*| Brl.aik
jeptane, KrieheobaraT, Antwerp, s km. n a b?! hen
?rem bark Atlant ? , <ir,?., Bremen M- rer k stucken
*ai?on, I) .-kr iv, Portl ind M-, Tappai -.I. (lond
rtch, B ,|.e?a,.'. w. ' 1 . p. ,-. p., ? ... ., ? m
Kalli I..,,*.. >, Neun lb at Lee.1?; Br tale* 0?w M Boul.
B , 10, M 1 l?m \st Dm It , . , rtt JobiwNP ?1 ,
l?ii-l a Kanoeity; Atbu, McCallum, Windaor NB; Sw.t bin,
II ' ' ?? -'I m \ .-- - ji .. W V?. .. r
m-a? r"'\;' ' ,;' 1 ! - ?* - kta .1. ph |, 1
W 11 1 ?< ?? M ' -? ... . it, , p H. Newb ,.
Ma-. 1 I a. R Hnni, w Innncton Xr. ./.??; ?. ,;. .r,
Balt.ii. 'MlUoir, Ra ..a. I I!...r..?.?
hai./?. nlakejy, 1 nrai Itlaml, M Plait; Lynrhhurp, Ma.
1. ? it. 1 an 1.1, Mail, X, ?. _? b ?:, .j.
aaaivau KUBfl ?kB i^i>r.
Ra. ?-1 rii ,, Pi. ladelnk a, H ,?. v. ?n l^,?i?n and form
mouth *. >l?, neJie p, Johu Hnawol.l
wi ,p ti..... v ,r:,iri. Thmnpaon, Ba N Om an. aad M ,1.
1. 'I.- Ii ,r. COWea Ac M un.ter.
a,?, :' HJV, ?'r* " ** '!.?>?r.l. 11 ,|, in, Mahil.-. ...lion to
? . ? - a ? a ,a:,
?1 ; taaon, Bark man, 5,1. an t haetaaiam cett-.ii 1.
JSl,**1* Sur'"'?T- CBapaa, im Du nire Apni i.i, anhw i.
Hr./ a**t?a l.n.ler,, BhW n. Vi J, f.u St ? alberiiw?. uie.w .
:. de* k, m Uopkin, *> llnwley.
nr .- >l*i .a J K-ia. , U 1 -I. IT I? I'm .?1 J.,|,na, ui M Plan.
Br,^- * rank.in. I, ,er, lo Breit a \ , ?e
*w 1 brie Hei?-, Beri-ew,,,, ' > .1? lai Owe, wna-A. to
Binrmnii a Johnmn.
B' i, Randathm, D??.?. at an Naarpaet, BTah?, i ani
to If, |r? . ,1 ;....e _'. ,..
Br.tr f .a.*. I.u lni'ii, Ii .? i n X fl/leai... >,,--i ;..
Tbampaoo a A lan.?
BrieCabn,Laahmn,j ... iOaltaalaakTeaaa.c it, . \
to j am ". ?> a
Br e < uetau, Lyaa, I it ha Baaaaaak i BBBB k. i, u
Br; Ol.'if.-. HUHUBBM >. ?'. i?r. S??a. uah. .011,1. ,
? ^l
Br 1 w Jana Kui!?r, Taaktber, i" >!* tm aavaonah. aaa i
10 Haul.am a Diiikui.
Bel r laaac Kra. k> ... Br.,?,,. :7 .1. nn Mayaruri PR, .u
. ? >".? it Da Rnrea A Ca.
>. I.r >> r Lionel BaaBh, mn.on. Si .1? im M 1,1.-,/., B*> ?
a i" t II .-v, A M In
BehrM .a s.., ... it m . t ? ph. ? aa aeapt

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