OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, July 09, 1842, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1842-07-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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t?r- * B ?
U Hin I Bail irll ateno. .:.? - ? ?irUsMiaii
(nr m<?<i..y'? | *;?"-. i*-t..r.- . ,,>!?- k ihl?*??-t. ??>:?
j r renam aVnaaaaeot hai eg uss p*per ?** "'
?ideocet or pi ire* ol |.o?.i?r?". ?IH P* ?* hBMtaWlr nan...
? l IM ..ili' > . Ks It In1-' li >? ?erv.dm ?"? part ??'
IM City '>r Br<?.kl\a at in early !??* Mm 1 ? ?'?
ptr wat-k, to be pen 11<> kbe ?
IT In W asHiwoToa l iTV the If . ??3 -
P. LI * i*B in,?r>cr, war Tt .d-u^t. ai I MJ bm
Ugj.lBl liInrJ ? ?Ii r?ml Mir ratten m ha ?
?w.u ff mm.it', W Ii; MBU I', r w.-. k.
1 7 The July .v>. mi Urn bsbhIibb Laborer, cenaafcahsf
Mr. H in? ?tti o1- S; ? .vl. on ll ? T*f i'. ... I nun,, i j. t,. :
able BtesaaUcal Table* aad Dot u.a. eta rrlallaa t.. lb l.air,.
Mai haaaatry ol aaa Ceemrp. la mom r*ad> n.r. .-i .. ry.?
??bsertyUM Prtes n eeenih* pear. Twealj coptm ;?r|if
I r ml . n." aal ?f tmt Peanut mi v? a ._? 0* aanl Ca?
aiiitie, in M ?t kbs Bran da ayllaaae,oo ibe BAk al July.
i?i2, ibe Maaalag reaaaa eai Mia paeaed enaaan*. ?
Rttnht?, That aw CmmbImc baa area ? il n rrMthe
?tndwi ttkwUfit ae nspepenberelolor. ... Win?
nanera,bal now aader Ibe putrooece <d Un President <>i
theVnned Stale*and bliCabinet,lo . ?.t. 1 petdic bebet
tl.ni Caagiumhai beeawaa?eg bj tin- pertbmnuce of i*t
?luii? ? t.. ibe People; ibal hai ne4eri Urne In u?.-i.-?> d*
bate; kbatby he aaioppoaitlnn lo If* Prai.t. it h?, de?
layed Ibe paMfe .i aeeremry :a?.. aad ibai the continued
enl.armwine.it?... Uni?ntintiv Anal ?auf ;.??>;.<-r legi?
lation, toclmnreebte on Ibefeoeeeol Representative!, and
that ttr l'r> >..|. ir and bat advneri are innocenl in rmrwrt
ataietraat Thal ia ti.o r.j. aloa el UM Coat i luce, t'.e n,..
...rity of aar preerel Coat-raw are entlth li n . < u 11 r?n.
Mines ?i their eoaaiitai ant MM egalnsl nlntn |. ?, thu? far
in.uriiiaunliiM.', Ibey bare evl. bated . (lei ?< eerinjr imlu?trv,
aaadutanaapad readation lo relieve ih. .1 :r....? of u.e
cooalry bp the paaeege of M faiiei the an at ? Imomeend
aeoemery i?r the pebla (uod i1 lo provide ? ?afe, - niirient
an-l on iorin correney i an a.n; i>- rereinic . pruteclinn totl.e
in.lu'ire ol tl.r peopb?, and t . v< are lo Ibe M itei the j.ro
aaaaa er aar Naaanal Dnaiala, i.rtghtful |>r?i*-tt\t
that ihn poem of gnaenaueal ar^ 1..^.. ami oblijfatory
tru?t. Ma that ail r.l.?ta. In? ui.dtilv laleriaaayd Ui Ih' > ??-rri?i?
oi rho^ paaen are branches ef Uioae truati i that these oh
Meats bare proceeded froai Iba President if the United
Stai. .. ana that bt bbn and lo I. - advaieri r. -..I. v lo \iv a
? riiM-.i ti.e coattaaaace cd Ute pablic lorTt-i ngs,thedchaM-.
meiit ot tin-1 uhin cbaracler, aad in?- i?-.ipiidv oi ail ti ?
rr.-ai l^a.ijn/ kateieati ol ibe i aUoa
J{r*ol. nl. That ana CoawHU e on beball .?! their roan I .?
enls, moat laspeclially lender ibehribank? to Uie majority
in CaafTM) lor the /<-al, Innm it -In.try. rrx.liilinn. 'a
leal, hoiM*?ty, and nl?.? tin- ni...l?'rat,o'i ritiii ?uh s,huli
iin-r bareindeeeoeed bsdolhelrdtrty.
ffetohttt. That the forefoin:' resnlaiaiaa l>e trau.mil rd lo
Use ftvablent of the Seaata aad Hpeaber ..! ihe llonf <if
MpaMMlattvaa m ibeVniled atates, ?rillt the request ti.
lay Mai be tare ibeir r. ipecUre imu^i, ami thai n romniii
tw he ippoUMed Rm iinii pnrpoae.
Piitrs-1 Irom M BlbMM .
J. II. ll..i ?RT Haws,. u
aTrrriw k co?i.r.?, i ^ecr"*r" *- |yl M
=. - S T
iX/* Tor an eiteoded Obituary Notice
of the law Dr. Manh an<! ai: article on As
?oeiation, aee Pirai Page.
(XJ" For a capital piece of bumoroui
Verse?('oBttetency?Manufacture <?f I lauiii
Shoea by Machinery, fee. flee Last Page.
fXT*" For interettin| Statiatieal Tablaa,
8?c Next I'm^c.
t* tint Prolectinn ennnnt tto.
Om at*the leaaei li^ht? ..r Loco*Focoism in tins
l'ity?arc tergal which,hai it mntt.-r-. little, since
the -.ainr i.ica is repMted ia each of them, gnat
and siNitli. hmm forty or fifty titaei per annum?ir
(jiving tin- Foraign Newt by ilie Calrtlonia, favors
its reader* with the following ?t.irilir.j statement
an.) anaaaad dadaetiM, ?Ii :
MGreatanaPM mil prevafli In ilie Maoolscinriav di*
tn. t< eat Kurland. neaanaWaasTaig Kr ^n:^ Prefirrita !'?>?
njrand ffislieaaf Itanl "
Now M in >?t preaUBM thai them an- Iniinan
aaiagi to whom ilti? laiMghoal of a lupcrfic ial anal*
oMatBaaBi la Heaaof aaargument \ whonm tenlli
i'undrint'.! in boalility 10 Protection ami a Rnnk
Inrnua. /-.'wr/'ot'' lria tbefo, nml yel many of bei
Paaphj ui.' destitute! Thor d'? not troulile tln'in
???itus t" think a bethel iheir destitution bears any
rehaioa to the matten with which ii i* thus arbi
traiilv cMaected : ihey ia not cht? to u-k lor
daairajlag lbs Baah aad abaUshing I'totectimi
wnulil niviiil ib.- matter; they swallow the notion
na it i* m?de Bp for them! aad it it ran Ilm??
' Idbaity i* nut wortii bavhif; for the Indian*
1 hava thai in ahandance, yet nrf ignorant, dciti*
? tut.', .Ii unken aad wretched,1?they should, to he
eaaahnaat, take this dawa also, with closed ryes
aad hearty gusto.
k*el us first cenilchw what n National I lank does
for hog land :
Ii leeuita t.. ber a perfectly aound, conveaient
und HBaaCbMl ('uii*a. _v. Ilm laborers im not paid
in harlm. ' lima pay,' na<l litcfa tiurk. nut in ntgl
whicli must ae shaved lo gel nd ..t ihem, nail t-nii
uot *uf?'ly he hapl over aight. There i* no such
tiling Ubava n* telling n lahorar, ' 1 want to line
you, but I cm*I pay moaey.' Her it ivalari ?'un
iahe bmbmj aaattgh iua email wallet to cany them
ai'iuml tin' world, im,I ii will In- wortii its I'aco al?
most any wharB| aad generally more. Her tnnu
iT*, marhaalra. lastrhaate. have no tux on tln-ir
n-feijit* to j.iiy fot 'discount;' what ihey gel na
BBaaay ihcy bm pay away ;i* nsmary again, m re?
mit to any pun of the Empire. Wo doubt not
ih.it BMMje ni nu'\ i> raid tor aad more men li\.-!.y
disi'ountin?. BBt MflBtll tn.y in tin- City thnn ii,
nil tiirut Britain, though the paper transactionaol
tlnii caaatt) for exceed eurs. Thi* is what t Na
iMaal Baah deal fot Great Britain.
ProtacUoa bus greath coatributed to readet
Greet Brltaia tba richest) most commercial uml
Mataifa] Mtiooon ibe face of the earth; having
lima a hundreds of atillioos in precious stones and
Baetahvfiram lbs rest of ti?- world within n ren
ttuy. and involved aearlj all agricultural C'oun
triasdaaplj In debt to her, Vt this moment, she
tbtOaU] owns the told llMI of Mexico nml >outli
Atoen. a; aad if they aad we would but admit
her A! mufoeturei free of duty. ibe would \ irtually
own the who,'.' raattiaent, tln."^li .i. h:s. taoit
pagasi ale. hi aairthn half ceatary,
la sM what Protectaas has dime for Faglaad
lei us iaaagiaa that the People of tins Country
weio l.iit BaBBflafd t" bear tin' burthetu und. ! a bicb
those of Britain bow stand, i The Population and
Capital of Brltaia aregtaatai than oars; but, on
the oth.r hand, our \a-i PBlasBt id fertile sa?
iled ami geahsl rlimalr. Mvigable waters, natural
piadaetioMi dke. .v..'- bb mi axeeed 1i.t? that it i
fair to aaaaMar the ratriMk capacities of the i?vt.
rounlries aoaal.) Now WppOBB the Ptodactive
Indtntn of t lie Innm Mbddled with a Natioaul
Dshl afFaai Tboiasand Millions of Dollars. I'aat
ing an unnii'd Intstasl of One Handredand I nen
ty MiOions, with a Government and Military rost
ing an eqial or Inf r HUB. Lei one-tenth ..fail
dai Grails of the earth ba absorbed by an l!*;al>
lishcd Chunh. bmidei ?bat the People, it'Dis
aentfrs. pay theh own Cleigymea; lei a tenth in
addition of ihn arable land ba absortaNl in Koyai
Paaaaati j.aik? and phauauagfounda of the No
bility, fsa. aVc. and baa kaaj eaald tmr Industry
boar aa nadai it 1 Cermialj aal the first v. ar.
Now it ii most Itm that while ajudiciout an.l
atoadv Protection may do tnu.-h !??! -i countrv, the
Peaaaaiive Syaieai "i tiroat Britaia, ta*h as it i?.
,1 *> not an.I . .iiiiiot camel all possible .-m!-. It
ranao! al>o!nh Im Feudal System .-i the Normss
lolitK-r* who earn." Ifl wiili the Conqueior,?<>i tii"
Ibwb ef prhBaagenltare, eatail, Stc, by which tLcy
perj.etuatid to thv.r desceadaoti tin moaopoly of
all property whi. h they obtaim .1 by the. iwurd. It
cannot ?iiaki' off im grnsp ..! the Slate Church on
ii hBBth af all lh" nfoaVaCI of tin' land It rainn.t
auiiih late the Nalionul Debt) M inan.' aa annual
dram ..I In.. Hand tad Bad fun Midi
iho lnd,i?try of aha Cauatry a laavbtta; thoeijh it
bmj ?i.mrw'.at Ii.-;.;?:! IBM BBtBBtB, ?" *m"t
Pi ata* rinn r.inm.t v.<>rk orgnt.i-- rhtvngi t in lt.?
Political u ,i So. ia: ii-ti: ni at of ? Caaaatry, and
it< fticnda never sepaunied ii emM, What it fen
do, vc imdiatiiaad t.. nrnra m our article ot y ??
Lm na tnara inplala aaei mara rJant nny Lnjii?
latioa or PoHcy which ahaabJ reader our Caamtn
i grant Manufactarv. f >r fareaga eeBaxwaeeAea are
ihn ila condema as heartily a? ihr- anavroetateoi
Free Trnda Sjaaana. To ininvr-'' tanHaatoa u'
our ]'-ij ulaf:..ii in Htachestc nr'?. ar i n-iai- r thoe*.
depeodaac for hioarl an aaxhaacea erlta FtnTeif a
V iti >r? wn'i'.d f.? the Huna in principle and [>r?'ba
ihjf woran ia aftoet ?nu eaajfiafag tu te A|ricnr
aimost exclusively. What ia imt nrinl ta Wa*
t: tiul well-being > ii.*' in) n tit |lin| of t am.? r
Mecbanics, M laafactarora, ;,:,.! Prodao r? of eveij
. ia??, 10 thai ti:- Pt drsctsof Iedostf-) ihnllmain!}
tin.) thi-'r ntaikrt, u.tliin -i rhort ?iialancc of l)i>
place of their production, leaving tu Foreiga Com?
merce it- appropriate runctiea ot* interehnnfiai
iui r. ait;. !.'. u- we can | t "I'.'a with .r?at<-.t t.i
eiiity for thoee t? which our eliaaate ar .-oil ia un
genial. England t-, iy grow rich bj inrporting
Agrifilturni Static* and exporting Maaajfacturos ;
but ih? Engliil laborer ?il. eat! tha cost ot
exchange and transportation i* too pr^ut. In
Home Production no.) Home Markets, mutual.?
ministering to and -'.'li. inc t.-r each oti.<-r. and
saving the enoratoui expense, loss and complica
tioa of Foreign Markau, we lind the blessings ol
WttAl Ttlkri-m nuts to :.i?r ?It v?i.
be seen by a en; 1 in another place tl.at two of the
twenty-nan persoi - who were said to have attend?
ed ti,-' great Tenth Wurd Tyler meeting the otht r
evening, .1 .?< !:iiiu nii participation in it? proceed?
ings. 1 i.i ii names were ? .?.?.! u? members ol a
? 'omtniltee a ith ml their '? noa ledge. As they are
ardently devoted to the interests of HENRY
CLAY, tii<". ei,-?!;. part or lot in the support ,<i
John Tyler. _
JJ" .1 AMr * a MurraT, Collector ef Taxei it.
the Gigbtli Ward, hoth lor !:41 and 1842, had
.handed in hit accounts to the new Comptroller be?
fore our statement of yesterday on th ? subject. It
i? needless to add that lie i? a Whig, an-l not ut
all likely to prove a defaulter. He withheld hii
1 "ul?a for a time ot Ii I? cause the true ( omptrollei
was barrwd oat .,t the office by the Huld-Over?.
Wi un lerutand tl.ut the Collet tor of the 'I l.ii teentb,
and probably some otirers, have aobmittod theit
aecotrats to Mr. N llliamsoa.
B 7' Mr .lows FoWLBR, who j icaiil.vl at a
Public Meeting ia the Tenth Ward, requests us to
leny that he was ever ? Vice President of a Clay
[LT By the Prospectus in another* Junta il "ill
be seen thai Majoi Noah iateads lo ?tau u Tyiei
paper in this i itj 'as ? am as uocessary arrange
menu i an be completed.' 01 course the hint will
be undersi.I. Office-holders who havn'l paid
id. ii passage, will pleaae wallt t.. the Major's
office and -eitle' 1 Berth* BKtat Im- seen ed bc
! fore the boat starts.' She i? i.ii for the bead of
Loco-FociHim, und there will be no stopping ut
intermedia*1 points.
Dorr'i \Vii> bi abouts, ? .v.- understand tlcit 'i
euer ha- been re eived hj a gentleman in this city
from the keeper of n hotel in lv'ir?;->t"fi. I'.C. attii
inr; that Thomas \\ Dorrwaathere al thetiiaeid
writing, which imic ,i.i\ l.i-t week, there o.
otiii- pnibabilitj thai this is Una, Rnr we doubl if
any |- rson there m mi enamored of Iii? reputation
as to p*-!> himsell ".'! lor i!,i-< redoubtable hero
ot ta o c imi aigna.
Lr.rrcaa t>. Paaanaswno aas anainen in Uomkstic
Naavicci Bv Miss Carnsama R. Baacnea (Ivot
l Baa pp. RM.) 5c.ti a Trow, IM Bra ?l?*v.
We wish every servant?ay, an>l every men let
nml mistress h?o? ? wonld rand 111:?- excellent little
M,l,in,,-. We know the world i- full ot *;i>odad?
vice, evea to repletion?bill the couarda here ten?
dered are so instructive, so pertinent, so ltinJI_>
and truthful, that no servant eno rend ili.'ni nnd
u,.i l?- rendered hap}rier a- v.e'1 as better thereby.
V\.- entreat every miati.fa hon-,-hol,I to buy a
copy ..i tloa w.o.? and prearni it tu her servants,
I inking carefirsl lo read and heed it beraehT.
BJr TMoarsea'i I'.tvk Noti Rbpobtbb, puh?
iiilicl ut Wall street, i? or,,- of the varj l?est
perimlicals <?! it- rlaas published in the country.?
lb, number published this morning contain- des?
criptions ol nea couoterfeil I in-a >>,, tb,- Nortbetn
Itn'ik of Kentuckt ; One Hundreds tat the Hank
ofSnodusky, tthio; an,I hue- on tin* Hank *'
Pouttbaeepeie. It has u great amount of miIum
Lie Currency Informatioo.
C/" Tlie Naw-Yoaa Washibotobiab is nun
v,l:tr,! and published sotnl) by Jambs Hwkms.?
It* columns evim a ample rest arces and u nwenrie-l
industry; and we trusi the friends el rempereoce
Mill see that il is widelj circabued. Weekly;
Price only i, I pet ant,urn.
[tj' " \ Kit ro mi Shohtbb Catbcmism
containing IIxplanaliona nnd n nvv. u, .1 reeulai
?eriei ol Proofs on each Answer," seventh edition.
? aa, list ? published l?y John F. Trow. It is
complete in it- matter, an-l ven ne.it in it* ?t\t?
a:,.l appearat, >?
A...n SraiMtw.? I i,. minaral spriaga al West
Avon, m Livii l'-i.oi County, lia\r for several yeur*.
tiusugh noi so geaei illy visited by the uahionable
world, enjoyed a reputation for hearing qualities
I scarce!' iferioi m those of Saratoga. W e see hi
W .-ar,-in papers thai a nan aj.rm,' ba- recently
'?'ei: discovered there of great vttltu in the care of
scrofula and kindred liaeases. It i< in the midst
of a beautiful weed, und baa beea aatti.-d the
? Syhraa Spring.'
C-~T* \ titie.? daya ai eating ..t th.- 1 MiUerite*'
was held ai East Kingston, N. II., commencing
on ti.c "Jd i:i*t. \! '..'*!' i1 ?.i? rai?dto spreml
ibe prtneiph * of the ?<.-t Evidence wa? brotijlit
t nv.. :,1 ol the rapid i^ teas ton of the decuiue of
the near approach of the 8i 'and \.l .?nt.
Mait^BT.~s*he Cit] Guards, Cape McArdle,
are ? sparted to retnia fi .it; tl? ir Bridgeport ex
t':i-:..-i "?? Monday aext. Thea will be receiiad
bj the rompkiai Bhiea, Cej-t Joba Maher, wh..
a 11 trnUrtain them al Castle Garden, at.,1 after
arards esaort them to i)ir>r trmonr. Theas two
?[?!.'mlidc.i.T |'a u .- vm.I l-c at tl.e Hatteiv at u!..u,t
I .. . , ... P. M,
? aaros Watir? I i? said thewata lathe
Crut at Pipes ?ii! mc 11(5 feet al...at- the l-vd of
tide aal t aboaj, 110 aVat 'i!>..\.- the level of tie
i'.af.-r%', Bowliag QreaBj. If ibat :< ?a. and ?e
d > not aoebi it, tha daagar Lrom fir,. jn this city,
?a:!, ba giaatly dimialsbed.
w arr | ails ha i Una t.'.e arattaa ahirii armdm
livsrcd by Rev. Oaa b Cattavaa haanja the Botitty el
I../UI ryaa RaaSSM, ;n tbe Merr.r.-.rrri < I urer. v. Ii be
repaaBsa, by raajeast, a tin- Alee il rYsShjanhai Lbu,,h.
1" i .on ? rvtabagj nrvstrs i c aasnsaee at a paarte,
nami . bt. The asattea am M ureat sasaetaea *s*j
power at BsAaa*at, aad aaYauraa?ly adapBaB ta aWtis*** it
el.r.ie.i aalvenal SpaSMaaC at ii? IM Jel.vrry, an- J*fr
a bo ga |a> k, ar :l a ... 1 . an,;.?' paM bm BtS iP'Uk.r
Virginia *t?ria?e l'olilire ia the ??Irl I?n
niniH Hnrr I In? t rop?, U?n.'.
Corresj-ac BBCS ?! Tfct Tnbanr.
Sn i<v >!?D?LI Sraim.l.
J.tVrnai Co., Ya.. My 1. Ml
In im coarse of jroei iMaVfc?, wetajrae Biel ?t
'hMnnarl da I It i. the weal awlagmlai ir->t in all
?M* regio-i nt Old Virginia. II. in IM f*f}
. ol Narire'? pr-diraluy and beauty, ibe no
ab iipart af the Pntaaar of JcaatM Con<| ex
pai aith bis earthed conditio* i ?.?1 ha is anew
rsJa racraut to IM fah* ef Las fathers, ??..
MM tend Marl an Ml n-.t-r opea to Iba hl adest
hospitality. With l seil and climate amwttdiag
in all diec.iait'orti arid most of tba luxnm??? 4 !?
the proud aod BtaMpeaeVnt -|-irii <-f tha inhabi?
tant* ?fthistiaB htBBncd I 'oMtJ n rolle ?t polui- |
al ..r eocinl terphude, aad apanti arftho ????
im .y rafften* aho eaa m aar dsaarraati bnaawitj
ai lo boa at the faet-SsMl tat poarei fot the honor*
w ... 'ii* of sasea, Aasoag a paofla "i this da?
?? r . yoa awj aaB asppoee tha ratest high
na:.j. d isurpati i of ibe Pwaddeat of tht Baited
States could aol pass uaadkad ot aaeoaaaaiaed,
Hfat Vi to ot the Pruaaaaaal TarM aas caaatqwat
!y beee J leoaaeed In rvery rpmrter ef tbeCouaty;
and ? friend infiaBM Ret f!i*t he knows ol bot BS
individual in IM wide rsn^o ol bat scrpiaaitar ? r?,
aim ?I ??, n .t repudiate it ?itb the leepert
tosen, atid prooaaaoei .t- aaaaora indtai w bii
tru?t' Yet luch i* IM rannaky of our tint'ire that
in defiance ot ihn re.tntit- ol honor and patriotism.
Cower ami Corraptioa will Maietimes command
th*> hortin*? of party rm-n : and public patronage,
in the hand* of the prerenl aaacrupubms Vlmini*
irntion. rannet fail t" COUtamillSte public morst?
7*hus, through the lnnlima?tality of the National
l'urse, .lohn T\ let will gather are md him a ?:na.i
band of merrerauies,wherfora tiase. mat proclaim
the purity end jostles afhht principles, and rescue
his fame irum utt?-r <h filemMI and reproach; but
ibe iUr of reckoBIBg i- nt bead, ?tun the?e who
now rlnirn for him exemption frort] mast id the ful
libilities .-f a italeeanM. will visit upon bis ambi?
dextrous mid treMht I.conduct, the unmitigated
?evenly of their MitadCoodefBBBtion. Mat let u?
leave the I'residenl and his raahlees advisers to
the litte winch inevitably await* tiwrn.
I lie farm on which the Spring! nre situated re?
poses in the embraces >*! lbs bright Shenandimh,
aboat twenty miles from its eonfiueace with die
I'ottimac al Harper's Kerry. The regularity and
iienulv of the great I.end ol the Mi cam at tili?
point attract the admiration of every visitor, and
form n very Wriking f?*atun* in a mo?t picturesque
landscape. The principal lodging-house, with its
?arrounding eabiae, .tandsnn a gentle act livity.in
fmnt of which a line htwa, otmom nted a ih natu?
ral clumps of tores! trees, descends gradually to
tin- river, arboee border in tin* direction ihn k.v
studded with nahs ami alms, the majestic growth
of centuries, li.'- residua oi lbs prcmisei i? in a
IiiCli and pn>-|>eroui -late of cuUivalion, and
?tri ?glj mark i the Ins la ami iadastrj oi the pro?
prietor*. When seen from an ? rnineuce ?-a the
opposite ?h?r?", the pnaoraiM i? truly magnificent
\t your feet, the joyous liver bouading in iti
graceful course townrdi the Potomac?the wild
sublimity of the surrounding bills, clad in a deep
and living green; and in the i?r petepective, the
broad bosom af the yeiloa harvwl epreadiag it*
treaaurc lo the pMliag i.le, present a ici no fm
contemplation rarely >l ever I Brims fed, \ small
party <?f .i?. consistiag of a (air lady aid four gen?
tlemen, pom nee m moraled ike Mniversary of our
[ndependeaes apoa tin* ragged I.iehr; and while
sa/iiig on tlie glories af the icons, we poured
forth the hon<?m 'i bam nl <..ir bnart* in the mem
orv of thoM saiated patriots who, through tmril
and privation, had Nctaad lo "? ihe privilege wt
there enjoyed. Tbroogb th.-ii agency, Barbarism
had given place to Civilisalioo; the dink wilder
tie.* hod yielded in the per? idin? ?pirit of Saxon
enterpti*e, nml to the Bohle devot ion of their
lives ami fortunes wa ascribed our proud position
nmong the nations sf the earth.
Nmwithataaditkg the hiautiee af thi? beautilul
retreat, the> character hih! geasrsl aapect of the
C'iuntry command a mine dfattiaguislartl admira?
tion. Mil.gh wiiite manual labor il hardly
known in the couaty of JefcrSM, >ai the vigilant
?uperviakin of ha faiaiere and planter* fa* pro>luced
the highest itate ef cahivatmn. 'i he til l.J, every
where appear to have BMB tilled with the Utmo.l
rare aad ex perle tme, ami I believe the cro|>*
througliout the county may well compare with I lie
golden harvest of Western Now*York. The sver
age pi aha t of Wheat it i- beheVad will approach
twenty bushels to the acre; and two and a half
mm..! grnis on the ben meadow land i* not un
uncommon yield. The cat tie aad borse* aie very
luperior to th..?o of the loner eoaatry, and in fact,
there i~ more onirersal thrift au i contentment in
the beautiful valley of the ShaaaadMh ilian is
atinn witnessed in the fairael regiooi of oar noble
Slate. Moreover the people mJea*trsoa nre rithl
mid steady in politics, and ia 'i\ will ca,i a vote
for HKNKi CLAY, eacd 'mrger, than it gave
for Harrison. Tbna is an Mthasiaim upon tin
?ubject, at tin- partinilai crisis in our National uf
faira, ?iii.ii esMbita itself nt .-very gaibering in
the strongest eapreseioni rnTadadntion of tii> high
ehsractei aed patriotic reniues. lt..Led I am in?
humed um ih.- hostility <>i Locx>Foeoiam is in t
measure iubdued,aad that not i few of Jack-on'"
old parli/au* have openly declare,1 for the Stnte?.
?aan of the West In my intercourse ai b ? title
men at thi? place, from all parts of the Stab . 1
have discovered a BBaaaaal chaageof tone I mards
Mr. (. In) anioau' thoM wfio choose lo .-rail tki m
?elvss Democrats; aad if I may */udge of their
M-ntiinent* from deealtotj raasarhs, dm iims and
the Mi.x will claim their prompt mirage at tin next
evidential ran van
1 propoae passing s woahortwoin tha neighbor
j hood, and ?hall avail myself of every oppot ti nit v to
btxome t un ed BpM thi*ai.d athei matt, i- of in?
terest, and *d?i?e yoa lhaiaaf araiboutdelay. Al
He .tn >. e-.tt.pa.iy ai Sdnnti.ut iiile i* :i. t yet
large, it is dittiagalahed for Intelligence, : ,?:?? ami
beauty, and in the COOTM of the cjtrent week will
re.*.. - rich aceeisiOM urn all quarters. Within
a peri nl of ten da - the baiv- ?t ?:11 iiave ?..-,.?
gather d, and tha yaomaatj ai lbs Old Demtaion
will i.-pair for their u?ual relaxations ?iti. their
iatervating families io this driighifuJ resort, la
reaeir. goarai . J, y\. j..
I.fl-T II Sit?Mr Iteorg' 1 hau ' !?
Soathboid, I.. I., .n*i . r the -nip Vieto
r.a. Capt Spiag, a ?? laal aarl.rd ia jet 15, S
lorn; U W.. April 10 Re ?-..- ? north? and es?
timable young man.
The Hreefcll Iribone ?
BiaaW.Mp J
Ter l.ar?T ( LIT Fr?T'v ,t--wth ihr Sf?-s !ir. ,|
I Jadfe Been TIM, F?-.: .-? Oecaelon,aod HK.*?'RT
CLAV?Tha llaa Li?.it ar Preamem trna?TheVaro
Mewagr? Fall Com .poi lew . irotu Wadiui(U>n? Liu-rat?
\ .ti.-e*>?Kewi ir-..n Fti-ope. ?P.tiir WULs l ia*S,-?rych
?The I ?r>?John Ty.rr Ml U? BBBrkaaaSr?<?tbr:s. In
ait re nee .u neanm Tas HaaaaaM- r?irr Maettap
?CeaMsaaaaf ant fawm Ths Tarif mm\ Immi r>m
t utMiii?. ?Oa MaaBaaaa i aam all para afusa r untry?
n'. w, lieui??AiM-rdolr??l.ilerary farajrsjJis?a^r..-jtu
r*l?Ta. m?-.?.t.r?? Pnre t I MBBS*> Hmrk IMBT Table,
kr.kc.ke. MBBBapaBai a #. f*'?'ar ire. ,.-1, or ?bj.?
;?.* alt .?? mm, mmi hp
ukkli.i:Y I aTkXUUTB, t Iran
AG 11 > c? T * 0* THE h-ifum.?We have ulr. ...1 y
nenn.und ik< l,m?,.f liiV from a rucket ahn-h Be*
irred il G*-fi->>tt :, tr. ? State on tlm Ith. !?at wo
son) by the Qeanrsu Cum im thai the dhrnstev ?? ???
much Mn tevere than wai at first PB| nrted. It
|M M 'hat u aha> b.i?ket ,t .'itrw ork? a a? ignited
bj ? ?park and ?evernt! per? >ni atte ?everei* in
. at!, JeBBpB I). Fulton wu* kiiled. J.iui l!a-t >n
I mm* one ut' hi* rib* broken, ?od au *o ?aJiy
???? .ml. d that h- died the MM morning; Ki?* ?*>:i
wi- rr;?iv,, :,!y but not fatally wounded it Irs face.
sorge llaafuid anilalinil ? wound near hit ihnald
? . II .lid al-o a Mr. Sett. Mr?. M.tckenbu-h.
)?> ighter of the Mr. Fatten a)bo ?u< killed, ? a>
: n J com u*?i.i:i at tl.e brain (urti a rocket
B| her fort head. Mr.. Pulton laateieed a
aunc i--i-.fi ot ;h eh it. l-.t h.-r aecaetbeard pre*
bahly saved bei life. Several otheri were ?ii^ht
y in lured.
1 i?n.MAI IBP.? 11?' Blitieb "inj1 S.i Charles
Napier Cant. Hill? which arrived nt tin* pott a
fortnight tinea with peeeaiTfert, attempted yen*
.. i,v t,. .)...!(;.? oni reveaea law?, bat wa* ipaaaV
ill ??erlmuVd and brought hark ta this pert. Ihe
-!.;;? gat us.;, r an iffc ircm QiJOiintlaa), iiiterJn i
ta eeeape the payment tt tha $1M oa each af tea
iiaaaaiMloii above ike allowable Bambec, req.tre,!
by Ian She bad not !>een ehmred al tha Caa taw
House, a:.,l ?ras uiaiBikea ia tha Lower Bav by
Jtalge Metcntf, the Boaidiaf OlRcer at l*Nwraa>
l oil,, lion of Taxen.
Mr. /. 'i.'. ! Oa hwking nan the published
arc redinp -t the Board af A-.i-t.mt Udarneea
..i Tharaday evening, I legietted aaabaj tha pean
age id a Has datfaa appointing n Committee t>> m
1 .ire into the rcpcdiaacj af abolishing tha Want
Collector, aad appalatlng ? C ity Colhtetar anal
Depatiea in thi i places. IV bei aeceasity there
exists fir -h>-ii a .tiaii!:'- I .lo n't know: but it
a ai - i<j bm an unean plan. Now the tax.-- *r*
collected with facility, and the sccoanti ii*itl*d by
die Collectors without anj loaa to tux payers. If
il.e Colleetoi'- office (?? abolished, au.l the eitiseni
becoaspeiled to payal the Hail, il will betrottaVat*
-' me aad incaarenk ut. and one Clerk for each
Wurd ti a-' eertaiah ba appointed. The eitiseas
of each Ward, ia esBcttug their own Callaetors,
have eptieciiiJ regard to blS honesty. Itaaviag 'lial
if a,- pi wie? a defaulter the lo?- tails aa them, aad
not on the eitj ? and ibis aeeotints fur the tnci thai
while Collector* of city revenue, anpnid taxea, dec.
like your Lloyd? und Stevetiaons, have proraa <l<
faulte ri t<> ? Isrs* amount, Ward Collectors have
iiUormly mteaded la their dutiei baswatly. A?
to ill being any -a\in,r to ihr city. I cannot see
bow. Von abolish one oAce in each Ward, aad
then appoint a at ral Collector with one Depary
from each Ward, srho hold then placet ;u*t ;i?
iHig as a; aiii-an Commnn Caan il think proper,
[lei des tili- van in.ik.- aa, tax pay eis, godowa to
the Hull to pay our taxes, arhereas are now raa in
?i fear minute-' wait upon Bui Ward Coline tor at
hi* residoaen, or he .-all* aa us, and the naattar is
settled. If the Ceaaaaaa Cauneil a iah ta eeoao>
axise. there are nataa ?mi in which they ran
late,; do it without tiiikeiing with the tux law, h)
the injury and incaa^ratajaaea of every
Tin Pa tib.
A SlSi.l LAK t 'lKi um-tam t.?I Isr i'lic inc. ?
town corn -pond,-nt itat, * that a firMtig sehoaaer
of Wellfleet, on the 39th ull . near I'lymoath. fell
hi with a dead fa main whale, which lawyaawad
into Pixrvi leetOWB on tin- .'{Ulli ulf. Willie tnkinp
oil the binhher ii was band that tha under jaw
was brebea oti ia i*... paacea, un.l tha a pear in*.
lomewbal injured. 1 i,a whale earnsured 0-> feel
in leiigtb. Tha whab men sappeeed that she had
been hi contact with -.un* uabaown rocks, iin
ti e same oat ? Cidnweel li-hing icluainer, when ia
Ibe >auth Chnimel. new rtnotneket, fell In with
another deed while t.f abnul the isitm slsa, with
ii? jaa i>r..i..-ii much ia tl,? inme way si the other.
\,,t Illing prepared to take ai th,- blubber, they
saved what dan can id It was peribetly evident
thai in, whale beul had attacked them, und as th?
oldest whalere in Provincetewa had never kuawa
?hui.-* in their .-oil,liti.in, it is conjectured by then
that they had COOM violently in COO tact, prabnblj
in a agbt, nn,l nVatroyed each other. The ipeeies
ia know i, ai thu 1 finl<urk whnle. . I ?uppoicl to
be rety peaceable, unlike the ?penn whale, which
i* lather quajReJaoane. [Ito-ion Daily Ad>.
HoBBia Mi Kin n ai Knit llnaK?Mr. Geo
Smut.?,,ii. i laeksmith, wa* killed yesterday after*
no..a. in rail liner, ah,,ui 6 o'clock, hv a meastei
by the kftriieaf l(e,-.|, a tnuch'to?t. I he IIBBri11
arose concerning a euu, which had hem put up in
a lottery by Raed, bat who refused todnvn tin
hXtl ry. Samp-on -truck l(.-ed and kiskt-d him :
Reed Jiew hi. ktofe at..I iiahhrdhim inthcbreati
and then ran?Samp-on following hllll and Reed
again stabbed him in the bieaat, when be walked
a !-? Step* und fell. The arluir BOmaBSaeed in
Rhode lilninl and termhtatad in Massachusetts.?
Id ed wu- an, ited and is to !?? examined to day
( New Bedford Bulletin.'
PoT .1 Porter, brother of the Gevaraoi "t
Pi ? aaylvania, died raddenly a few days siaea in
l:.*i:anu. He a m epa aids of leveaty vear* of age
Mumlnr Mibtoola urnl the Fonrlli rat*Julr.
Fa lb Editor nf Tkt T, .hunt
Havhtg iavore.1 me wuli BjS pul.lisation ni my .lion
cruiuuincatiiiii or w. .I,,, wiav aaWntafji psra?i ttt mex
yem tty aaiaaaslaBlgaaMaai far vour khaaaaai, and i woahl
I* ;!.-..! irom luue to tune. a. ri-p<ir.i from vtrmu- ?~ im?
..f tlie tTatoa ranch u?. to ?*nd y<?a ? krbtf sBaam af the
manner .11 which the youth of tr.it CBBBtry, n,a?v af UtSB
hi least, ratrbralad idr loa reraary al .taier..'an ln.iruei?i
?ata. Taehnporiag right natch waj w.u,,-?-. ,i la aaatoa,
.?here B tBOUSBnd d iBTCfl IWaaeetad Will BM Hapt:?t *>ui.
Bay BaaaaBi BMiahed at ptatmuaa*, wan laarv tiiin t?<.
'ti.,uvii?l wiealli- in iW.-r- xn.l . 1. rgre- :o, wa.? perliap
raeeeaad by aatWag al tWkSad whb h ka? rvertaken place
1 thecaaaWr, wtth Baa i arapibia ot ibe celebration by otr
.. . i,| Bataalamtn aa flat kh <>t Jj'. . i ? > i, when neari?
r .0.i.e. rhoamad rJaTahvai w.th tiir.r t'-a.-kn-, ?nr . > u
?aa ? adanj -.p Bat ptaasam bSUsal axatawMaau. Ti,?
j-Mj. are ol that etcariinii Ii*. Im-mi leb all over 'I?
I 'ab a, an.I r*. ry year a.I 1- WtM ftiuuay in ibe saTM I '
tant tpatadM eia.upie. The only Bking BiUeli ktadadl
anpab ;? con1, tss mateai ?ai csotan* ay ass u>t 11?;
nearly BOahll u.? number -v-re up",, ibe irrnrnet ala, lad
nypnrta I d ia a*r*ei a? w:i:,ij_- it i* psaaaH.
Tha laashhiaa an aTadaanlBy laaaanx, of wasch I B*>
I a-me.l you, by S S. No. Si. wai BM "i the mt.t i.,tere-i.
hBJ I b*?e H'r w.liiew.l. lad um -,n^ia^ an.l alec la,11 at 101,
kf tl.e l.:ld>ei BH ??ry well ;..rton,..| lliroii/kooL ?
"Tb* Kna," by ii*-;. r aanlSstt, * r.iurtb of July Or?tio?,
v M*. ? r t'r.ii.e, aiel "Tl.^ Man a. ." b) Man. r BMSptBa,
?rf seta ra'-l--. aral lt:^ -;?-a??r? tp|h-arr,| \ , l.are 1 rletr
ssoceptkta m Bat ?aaaataai they uuer- 4, *n.i Bm ?,nr;t M
BmBBthara. Dnenlib? i ronnni nt attracle.ua of ti r n..
ii am Ba pssaBnaaaamal ssstral papahafaVi Dea
an.1 D' ii*. I. ?tilulam. ab... uniter ibe rare of Protei? r
CA8V, With grtBl polhnSBnB rr>,iaente?l Bj BS BtSasafc Tbe
. .. l n. ?. n|. I tL.- Vaaiaj Senilen,.:, alt T'le.) of tlie
BSStnag ?"B eil., .--lit -oLr.-e o| .natrLJ'.c i. pur?*. I in tl ?
InstntaBBBwart i .i.iy atadaaUamalMaMBBaBj ai?ir;a.e
an aasaatsaeal aaaaaaap tt tiir saswy at Mr M p. Pn r,
Bm ui.i.iri .ni manajii Piaangad man laMtaatlaB al
WBlaB ->ur BaSH may Im- prou i Sad al.., k Mandl unriiaieS
t >r I*aao laaxa by tay aiaar ,ntr,r aaanajy, one ?< Ba ,?
aaystefjad, m BjS laagaaga af ?sn?, the inaouer in wb.cb l,e
sen I the It!,. WMSfe a*? irt.r. ntel H th- BBaaUaeBBy
Pn.f. Cabv. Thearhah *ai rarygriUf)haj nl ad.
?avcialMaaha I ? aUj,aao*wtaaaaiaal Mr laans,?
aeB i ? bw Ms Mam m Baa eaaat tt ? laiatain, ay aad
MaawsflBMM ihe |',i? riia'le, tr.| ,lr,io^' lour or f,va
la>ura daTaUad an atteni .e au-i.m ? auk u^-ii laract.lul
an<t arpropr,.,,^ri.-re.aa. But I a.uat n,.| |rr?|>a?. u|?>*
>o:.r attent I. i ^Ur bat IB <\:*.tt? rwrin.t ate to r. marl,
that But ? le*rr '>?<t. tOfVOhar WBB <.thrr? in every pin
*>f our Ian i an Bat part af ata yaaahj tail tha aanrary aaH
temp.-, in r SSMBaaBbmS by BdBJBa atforu? I >oe of ibe m-al
?oblimr moral aaertaelet ever ..Bere.! I?. tbe cralempltiien
i t awn. M .men. with thaw. h l.lreo, .nmerviar
BM I aatWaal k ~b Sav .n a mtnoet rtloulate<l ti, ,lra? 'fit
lb'eievtlmi; eice4Jet,.;e of ibe-r l*io;'. ami not wash the
BBjSi of aar tnt u.-ife, ?r il.eir rintilen,.. km with the
Bmam oi pear.. tn.| virtn.- in itie-r l.arnl. m.m; Bmir
pr*i?e? to a '?r-,igaam IVBalahnaea. are a ihril?i^tmi impir
**? majsat fea BksagH ano ^ratuaUe, au.l afl'.ir.i t eloriou?
aSBIIBU Is tbe ?rei, hs ba m.J ?eprmaion, ana tvrinny
-f otl.rr ;?>n om af gat ?|0|i?j. W. Q, g.
?ilTTXNI, K> ..l?jr. 8 ? .0.? t M.
We have the NesbvBht pap* ri af il* J*Wl nil.
Oa t!:ut iUn it *.?? aaBcftaap aaaaaaaad that jli the
bir.k? "f Tenno??ce and their Itit If-. would re
mum ?j>????"ic payaaaaaj ae the !u?t day >.t aagaai
The araatbaf lava Im? bata uaj eavaral eayt
P??t ran imp, ipilieus lot ika batvasL Tin* damp
uiilil wcathri of M moimt Bad Tai--.lay ? .-t bbvv
aan mat.-rU'iy iajuted vast alaal btm tama 01
IM pro.in.I. Bad IM weather l?aM Im? ?????n <"uJ.I
m4 tlir iki rioady, verj atach ef course retai Ifauj
ifta wieg of the na grabs. It 1? tka gaMii
.....!' .mi tntiliT? tl.nt tlir aa. liny af ii"' wheel
wfa eh **??! reach t'i'? ?aarhai Ifta a< u mm b
?v.i?.-i il.it fi. m Viijiuii and !>..? Pa-tern in.??
barer tmrt.?t the Wettere abece of M.i r-!?:..I..
mi'il Rt i that cut, ami mil:, therefore, rr.uv i aBj
tttrnti the q aiity et" their th-nr. Thaw hope is
th.it the 1 tap in \\ Naara PsMsylvBaia a ill ba line.
ui.J ut' ttii? there appears to be Btoen certaiaty,
aaa! tkat it will be breagftj earl] rata iaht merket
by bksm ?1 tha PeaneylvMb v>ak.? .t::.l the liJe
Water (.'anal. The injury t<> the trade of Haiti
?ere in tlour by barker, eartj a tepply, of indtt'.r
aas wheat, whiftt other merken we lappaVd with
fa A a heat, ?? a- iMch to [><? aVaaded as a ?hon
' crap,
V.. . kaoe ..; caani lhal Meryhaml hat pahi ao
ituert -i wii h. 1 1 abftk aeat raees bast < bnaeaBr, and
the Ja)? leafiest wa.4 pu*?c>l "vet. Taste rda*,
there r..t? a iaht by taetl aef r?v?r*fc,000 axary lead
?ix Bad they anr beafhl by 3m oi oar owe
1 atiaeei at 4# 1-4 pet erat At the taw :.n.e
1260 t;i St.it? tire* ?eMatattj percent. That
is iadaed Rtortifyiof.
The three rascals cMvieted of ItMchfatf dowa J
sad robbing Mr. N'icbolsM (broke*) fcaaa bean
lealaaced encii in ien yean ImprieoonBoot. One
ofthaat (Prnapur) had fve yaare added t,. b 1 t>"
t'.?r lettiaf tiie to a baaea. Mr. Nkbokeaa wa?
robbed of over $13 0 bal tathj sheet 11 ol
it wai recelead. rhe rest the robber? have doubt
Um accreted. It they eerve dteir am yeara eat,
rat it hi take naaad they add, if death done not
ran it .luirt. it will in* 11 long litre h. lore th. J an
totn:to th-. iinaaeocioi efrtw hidden raooey.
Certaapaaaaara at The rrfeene
?aanaarea, lal) T, i. \t.
In SlBATS, to-day Mr. Tall m*..>..i. :-n\e tiotiee
thai he ?h aid more to tube up the Eacheqm rbill
? ii Monday next, ami to poatpOM nil other ipeciel
Mr. Aacuia, fron ih.- Coauailtae on Kaval
laaiitt rvportad bitte es.1- urb a the Narj Da?
nertaatnti la pvaeeribe the aomber of Prol wn
of Mathematics iu tha Mary; and fm the eetab
lieh meat of Schools for inetractioa in the ;.a?il
m brace,
Mr. Bsear'i Re sol u? on iasuructing the Com
?Sum oa Indian \Jaii? to im|uira nh.it aaawMl
af money abavr tha cm tract airce ?m pud ia
.lohn siu-e im the ram ? al ? t tae < heroheei we*|
ol tha Mississippi, vui,i, ufirr ?on.e dieeuseSoe,
Bills were passed itmphaaealary as the act af
I7tt establishing ibe JaaVead Coarl of the I ni
ted State*; ami to provide for the reports al im
daaiaioM uf the Supreme Caan af the United
Statas (these haviri^ baM Rmda wiihom othm
autburitj uf luv? uWa appraprhamas.)
The l>ili? to twee hie m the araefhm afa bospi
rial in vVashingtM, aad laear|ioiatmg the National
lastautam lor the promethta af bVaasoe, wen
ordered eagiaesed.
rhe hdl for the removal of eettaht raaes from
im Stau to tie- Federal Jediciary, aftet a discue
ahm mt mm brngtb, ?*. ordered eaarossed
If eat 25, Nays 17.
Tka ftVaata adtearaed.
In the Hm IB, .11tot hii BWBeittUsI ill,.it by Mr.
C. I, [muwUi in oiler a resalutaoa tinividing
lhal no motion to * i, tma ahull he in order uefotS
B I' M
The eMsMeratioa of nVe Tat iff Hill ami resam?
ediaCoaaadtl.f tha Whole. Mr. J I'M*
MM of M.I . BBaia a Maaah hi opposition to I'rs
MctbM and high ibbbj <>t doty, tahhaj un " awfal
Miuiraing'' towurd* dbraci laxathat. Mr. Wm. C.
Jon a tea advocated a ludicieM and permaaeM
tatitT f.n raveauea und prolMtion to aoaa*stai
ruMamctures. Ma repeated the authm ef the
propoeitioa lie lateadi adlketN delay to near, 'or
the appoiiitmeni ..I >t seieet eommettaa to iahe
ujiu view tiie bjarreals ?t theeoaatry. nml rnaari
a 111 opus libra for the rwMi ot the paaple aad of
the Statea. Hi- irhame ii tot tha issue of
Govaraataal Stock? to the Bnamnl uf perbapi
1900,000,000 to be ghrea to the State* (a equal
nroportioas, thapracreds oi the bmaa to de set
apart to pny the warrest, m.d Bebakmg fund raited
irom dutfa * on luxBries to baaat apart tor their
radamptioa aAer a givea auaubet of yeara. IIa
dwelt laidely on the embatTassmenit uf the Rmtei
arid thair ebshn fot aid irom the Qeaaral Oovera*
ajetit. n? they have IBTTBcdsred Bptfl it all the vast
power over IWBBM from coinmeire.
Mr. (ijtMni a acmtphal numi of hi* hour ia u re
ply to ika apeaeh uf hat aolUagun. Mr. Cooper,
af yaiatrdsy, aad h uS!'.' dnfaace of the Whig
Represcamtiofl from Oaorghv Mr. Pavbi af
blau ia 1 oppaaad Protection aad advocated the
doctrines oil Praa Trade. Mr. Rtiutt raarr?
ie.1 IB the veto of the little Turitl hill, and bx
pvasssd the bahaf that the Preeidem would n-i
take tha raapoasibilityon tha kill afa leeead tone
oppaeiag biaaaaaT to im naolarad will it tl?- Repra
v atatlvaa of the Peophi aa tka tab.t of revmrae,
upon which it was peeaKarri thair arovlnce to da
1 ide. Ha kopsd the nraidalom of ran bill relative
todistribotiM w.uild !?? retaine.i. Ha bmoratrd
b hWaaM TarifT, aad whaaaj thai ifta aaeaesan
pi'.ieciiou 10 rlmwsatic ladaetry, and iraiaard uoi
tka wiadaa and aaranl othai rateeasts wldcft ra>
uurred the si.l then of, ttm, W. \\ Ibwib da*
laadod the PresidMt, Bad adrseated Iba IV..tee
UM Ijalam tot the coal and iron ,-.t. oi I'enn
?yivaaiB, she. Mr. BLaci rnmlimiid lha tnuuj
?eeejr relative to Oearfia peWtiee, aad raphad to
Mr 'iit,.
[Mr H.'Ti? wnatiday m an nphuBtikaj, bt the
coaraa ot Mr. CBaMag'sremarks an the 1 mamai'
of the President for ?ijning the ftppaniaaaiaai
bill, upraised hWdaeaiad buaaathai 10 bring i-i ar*
tseha of la^aaehamM againit the PiMldeai ]
i ? ? Hoasa aj tmed. \:.. t.
Tai l! tfBDAai wbmhs.v ? M Ith reibr?aea m
j the BiinouticenMhi ia ti,.- aawrieaa a few day,
sine*-that all the qaeatliaaj in di-pue Utween
Qreat Britoia und ihn t-ooatry bsaj b aa amicaMy
?etthaJ, the fmaliigjaacar of >e.ie.drt, ftaa the t ,1
i 1j?ing :
Mo.t happy si.oiol wo IB to know tl.at |Mfl
, was aaaaeicM tuuadaUoB fot this rep< t. We aie
aftai.I ?bat the mm i, aot oaiy pr?mature, bat
itwtthereisa psasibHhy of its aot baeemiafftrM
it pre^nt. Ceftaia it i?, ihm r...,,.? rapraseuu
, t ie latthmam nf bm at barai,,( ii?. naaHiom u
? - . a f.r. at P.?uin aad tha Brtited Statea to bare
l-c-n fasmd a. difficult a* to baas a dflain nbether
; 11 ?" be con-id red prolmbie.
U hieh of the part,,... ,,:ini.:y,,. M.
7 !"-"'[y * mtnAU aompnaaiM of ibe
dMeaJaj ..?leindt,,, aaaaa n?, ieMraaaJ; .if
. the BsaredaiiM ssVeaM thi* Bcceaai aveatualli
i la., u,rou,h. a heavy rsapoaaibiUt, will But ful to
reat, hi the aaiaaat of the ararid, bom th. intract
at>.e nartv.
ratio, in.-A BUM i? MiMoioi ataaaa. *.?ne
kaaaa lam bm araws>aaa, and ih. .,-x.
ttiry Were up, thanka to hi, Mm.
CT The lait Lev torr a, u?t
eaingver,.*l,yPro1.Be,i,,v,,l,U,Jrlnm: ,_ ,. J "
i.ty tlapel lo-irwrrow . ??iniig.
St? turn? ?The I nion, now coinpletir.g M tha
\ .?v \ till. ul.I' r llMJ ?fcirfrti.>n? ?( I.autenan W
?V . Hu f?-r "! |Im Navy. ?. ?V mmm t<> ??rk I
i greii? ? hu ice uj"wi our ?iii r?. Tha cniiiurtm,,
.?f her i, i.i, mm w eil u? the application ?f her pe?. I
-r, i? enitrelv new. BBjBJi .>tigi..atim ?.ili 1.11.
?nl II.
Ilerentiie machinery, wln.h n IWIJT BaWBalaaju]
?.i.itiful. hi placed ix low da* water laa: a: d it i?
ptopuenl, ?Ikmi.<I aha baaMiea af ?n.aher eaaeel (??
autriot ;/''d. Ij pl nv the .jI.imI? i Mi i.tdimU'tf *l?,?e
the kel*m*. Tl ? \'-*?i I am.ot I* we??'?| 'i? *t
?armritaent, ?ine? fh?- Mandl '?'at l:r-t hw.ilt kvy Ihm I
leiiitnt II m whn h he penaWfanaJ u p*??ag'> in? I
the Clut i| eakc the Beeil em Lake. .? M im? 1
*..i:iU':.t niM Bf r .riv-.luli;. i? a J0? kef.
Ai i >.-...; ar erat. :(.?? it.um apraar* to po?
????? k IvBni ige? ovt r BBrl lean ! Bill rrtni | -L. . t
e?l, ii'i.i M tuf-boat ,?r?re!gl.nng *r..c, lieralvau
tgr? ar? inir?l maairVat. Wt ihetnBeie vanatate BI
ftreilu! for hei *mtk t-em-r?! iippr>"'*t: "I; 1**1
?taxuncr* of a JitT? i?-r t i ,.i.?lr<;cti?>n n:il MOB I*
Iaekaown In um wbmcb. [N..t. It-!.
I Utl ?r liim?ti.? \ ifWBtahn ?nl luet Btgkl
in a I' tl l_ ..--;?eii. enrard BJ. Tbotrtn? M.
I Curti*, and occupied by the BbbBbbi Waehiagloa |
Company. It waa dcatroved rnhmttfl hte eetMeati
?"?iocludinf eloihao ta the ?ah.r ot aBBBB Ebbt m
I five tboaiand dollar*, a ctui let?'.e poetioo oi
| which hell? g.-.l to the ?i>v.ti>-parket CaJaamBBBv""
I he budding *ni anniradai the I u-man'- Oaaaaj
and the WruhiiigtoU Coa?vpan) had t/KH)'- in?i..?.|
Hl tlk'ir etiit-tl [ Bo.toii \|. :. .nl: ???
Thk Wnitr Ca mm, -In a i'ving vim ihinugh
Livingston ????uiilv and BMI Southern |?attlaa a|
Monroe wf were atrock aricli tha naneaBl humri
ant-e ot iltt' wrwai beide. Heavj a. tau wheai
unuallv ii ia tbie rnvkmit refiea, are aevei -au :
a? tl?. k ai ;t i< bow, If atttMflBj happene, tke
average hnthelt pet aefU will be nt leaM one-third
? tvnirt than lu?t year.
There ii hui one thiag 10 aapnaWaali vu: fr.'
quem tliowen taeceedeal Be a Bad ?i::1. I hn
would it r? Ia1,1? iU?t taatkOl B*BB uli. al. Hut *%
Brual thai the rau.v ?ea*.?n i? w?'l! niuli aver, and
that a kind l'.ovidet.re ia BtWfBuiag au tina?uilly
ahuiidai t retnrn t u il * h .-haiidman.
[RoHk. DB?
1.4 ik Si u 11 >k ?ni ate Batty la learn that 1
vounc wontan named KHmhatll Jatta Str?'et/, wlai
iia? been lot ?<'Pi?' ihbb laBMBriaaj aadaa aaaatal I*
rangament. threw beraehf, on U?t Maaalai atn-r
tioor, into th>* Waahiagloa fata!, r.'ar the ti.i
?1,'iire of (fee. Vau V?? < * vva* drowned Tlie
detmaaed ami a aeeaBa bI ?oihI rhiuai ti t. She
waa acaa hi thron heraalf uwn tha eaaal. ainl a
Mtmaae attempt um aaadaj bat in vain, ly Mt
Heatta Thaw ia rave aawfraaa deatrm liea,
A . olotv.l bo) um drewaed while bathing, oa
!a*t Satntd.n oveniii;, in llork Creek, not tar frotri
Briaga-atraet,Gceagjetewn. [hat. lot.
CtBAMlhfl TltB 0TBBBT1 BI COB tR\r T ? Th.
treateat ta^tfaetiea ia eeeiy where aapreaand at
the 1 roapecl of having the iin-?'!? eleaaed hv row
tiari. Thi'. will be a aaving oi tune and 111.>ne,
and 11 t reat .?oitifort lo tn?- 1 Hl/. Ii? I he ?'?l.l ?i?
tetn wbh 11 farce, and ? lahjeel ol rwieale with uli
itnagan wha itaknd our alty, I AmeiirBa.
Si. 11 1 in tOOTRBB r im I ?\N b tea it ?T?te.I in
the \ieu* that Miller, ihn Reerreeeamtiva ?>l Be?
riet county, baa al>*?pMtalaBM. Tha Bewa ha?
i.e?-n fully roiBiraaad bj ratmal advicwa aram 8?>
vi>>r riHiniy. He ia charged whIi havhaj aargad
tht* namei ol cei lain indii idaajli a? Badm mti up..t
note* to .1 coaaieVrnMe arajmnt, ihm a ere .lit
erwBted in hank. | llnoxville (Tean.) I'.nt.
IbtkBKSTIBO. PH IfNALBMBB.? \ Irtt.f fro?a
I'avnl of May ?l?t Btanth aa that the Bfoapectl of
an ahundanl bnrveal .11 thai Nlan.l il Imtier than
ia ninny venrt. TWcnapol patttaaa wUlhaverj
luge. Tin-, will In- rp/Bllfving new* loom ?I ia le?
rn.-n tth'i pel into Knysl at recruit. .
I Net? Badford II.ny.
I.ATBat i aovi Mexico - The I'tilted State? Iii
-nie Macedonian be* ???! returned to Penaacohj
from th?' ronal o| Mi lico, X lett. 1 It.00 ?(,.? if
lier i?Bu*eri tlnlea lhal it wi- serv liehh al Vert
i'rur., almui fortj ilenlha axhhaj BaWa daiff
MoBHOBI.? Die ' I.alt. t l).iv Small ' ate 1,1
hold a enmp meetiag ai Caatrevilla, Biiaeri Co.. 1
in llti? State, on the h'th nut. [ New irk Adt
We learn fi.uu the Springfield Daataaanl
1 hat Mr. Samuel K. Craar, of that tawa. waj
Inadlj injured on ihn lih iaal Bj th.- exploaiea of
a horn foil ef powder, with which he uu? primhaj
1 eiittuon.
WT The Morrit Cannl, undei its new amna en
i< now apparrntK in il<- mil I Ida ni laajctiifnl aa>
perirnent. i'o.il from tha Lehighminaa i? rammg
?Iowa rapidly. Several beat loads have bean rr*.
.'t-iied within a! few daya, we aaaWaaand, by A.
I,. Downer. I N. vvark Daily Adv.
II .ik luv Btaani -aopoad aNanaht, ?n i not aaael iir
oiauy men a Im 1 La..- been ?tr.nn" lo eattB him w ill ba..
tlie Ii , rill ol ; ? ? k. lu. ? ifalt five Tl.aanl BaBJai . Tl*
iliuinguuhed warrhwh atlayaad ail innBiniiBj tai hn
v.. k. In ii.. grapak laafaageal the gi.at it .a. iiiai.*. ,
abtit-trctuit tvtuit aaplff wa are tarry an Bnaa
aha have Ion the eapaiiaral reward aat wa tan tall thaw '
how lo v ? ure wbal h> them BriB 1* ni aH nior. talaa -
Wa ran ?biiw lb. ii, boa Bkey BM] ?>> ure 10 tb. n,?e|?. ?
hratt/, ami aU ii? cosaUeM bira?najpk We .-an pmataM?
? a. in wbiefa t L- \ mis t.e ii.einwiti-i iroiii paiavaal
th-baamaB? daaarrol aeaBn It theyl.ave aitia <? mi, I
ii..- Head Dyapepa 1 a. ixetl u|m.n Hi. r diajaatiw poWi ra,
it tlie ariny ,.t te.eia au.I nauw a. ami l.rart haTB, arxl
nmah.aml coavnl ioai,ami alsfctaanrv, mrtifaamilarwl
trbe i.... mrampen troaad tbe.r rtiwlil. a hoi ()| Patiii
i. leiaget *'A mat 1 hem bmae, toot ami ihatmmi. It Bar*
a.e uueblee ? .il ra- maatk ;?m?, or veaaarm at the haea,
Pctem' Plaaitra aBI be amnb M thsm rlaajhie the $AJmm)
laTered im Dorr, W? eoiaeal iheia. Cm ibetr earn mBaa, in
rail ?1 IM Brmkd I av OT IS*, f allOB itraet, ami rr. . ..e Lral
bay i?r aii their laflimBiat
Cr Uni. ma Vtn 1 assi.M.,... ,11? iuiportanl t.. all Ki
Ira. 1 .a ., Leetare ... livi . 1 by Dr. b-1 tat bei..re t;,, Meu
? al itu.leai. 01 in. Ci 4t aa af tak. Krie. kvambMa the ral
aiwlkal |.roprrtm?ol tb. Riiraetol T?iM M ni l
[>i ii.... ?. m) ? 1.- ?aar -i ti e anni powi rfal am ? ?1 ?
tb. malm ia mail ica, aad, all aa*iwtiaat ol Iba liver wad eta
rr orgam, where eamaarl hi Imtaratfii. Ii m pintmMr mm
i rat in. 1 . ,?al a./.-i,l kiaiwu by tbe n.e.|.. ,| mr%* ....
wliea um ?! la .. tfotri nt.aie.l alate. t .. t ?um? gl, reo*.
Iv 'nt Djtap. j ..n a Ml Imii ?? .1,01,
II* ia..?.:au? twaard rariaai amnjaat wWi H ?in.??.
.im l arlien |.. lv.l,? .lie irny;^ U, U? M.mu .,r Wevl, tl. >
tnoubl be iure ia.?.-l>t.i a, Taai* taa u aaaVaavt
ii .t wbenum.i .aaectina with lb* HaraaimriBa a ?
the 1.. -1 medielue Ibal raa he u?e.l n, the larhar m tuiume,
Aia univanial man 4j tor Dyiprpaia and ind^rM:..?.
um -.1 Apprtui. I?./ ....... Ii. ut? i^-, De pre ma ? tj .?p.i
da, i ..-t ?? new P . m o. .... ?? ?.,. k 4?.,,.
Kheumatitm, ta Parif* turn Bba. I. .urn - bml Hbbmi*,
wtier? tili? , meek .... have -a , i 'rue Manapai .a
ta.IT aiiabi BitUrri la aiaiaiy i n poatdotthe aeta Ktirart
of Bat i .i I.Ine?, wlack make, mmm ? *wat
laluablc Al ratlie to a weak ami .mbllatatrtl lywem an
r.tj-i.i il..-1.| i. ami .in tnhealUi) ?tat. .. o , .. *
Bold by I.,..,-,?i., a. H.a. D Bamfa |>ru. S., T?
Tn'y -u "', 'i"m/.?:"1??????.:.:?7;b.o.i
way. 71 KM Irnmlway. N. t .*.-.? a-M i,y w., a??.?i!
BromUotei, Nenarh.M J tad by liru/i;..!. ??. ?,,,,
, wnita Ti i i , .. pa* ,; i, ??,?. jinth ruir
lor ei.?*...-.? Ih* |ee|?. ?.r|rtlwv,, .,?, . ,?,,?,?,.? H
f'*"* ? '*au..a. . I, y \A?mi ,?-a,ly at,.,'.- .,,?,, ?a-,
I maoata-f.re ibe ,rl . ,?,,? ? ?., brertdmaia aditeh ar*
rulire|> .. I ..i Utk) iii ..a..:t.rl TU-Aromatic Pa?t?
>>?? the dewrabia n.. r.t <> , let?m< u.r x.eil, with a
e rttri.ii.g ?i a> lag Un ? u, tha 1,1?, ti,. Aeaaaanrt
?"?'if -acli t i,a:i:,ly Ibat, be, ,|.-a In,.- ?, , l. ? . ,)?,
ai. ? ;rn;-att t-. tbe uioalfa an-l breath a ?!. lifhtfal , or By
oaiaf u>? Pane, thai prevalent B**t, ipoati ryaaa,'waa
hm*e I*, lb, Il affertaall* au I qutrkly rei,,-.|? i, ?.'.im
1**0) n-mterad rtrm **l a- raL I'i.m ? undoubtedly ike
in?aieemaunucai tad |*?palar deniitTkeba a*e, brcaaieal
tbe iil.^letatr [ , ce at abe'i it a afl.,.-ite < tnd Um ,. , -ih ?I
lime .1 !*?u. ami Iber* ,? an baa ir?aii?[iiii.,,jf ^ ..urn ik*
. a-e p.a... ii i.t ? ,?: .. ar.- i wa ;.m .? , ,r
linn \i r t:\ Kita. I i n . .,
N i * I tin ? na.. .one Bam *i?are r,a,.?,..?^?t.
? i II N - , .
c. C Bcaai... y..a
D-ar Mr,?Thai iiranrdlaary t*..ef.i ?,..i by me imm
the aa* ?B .'lu, ? Reaoiativi t nhat,'' koprlt mm M wabe
tbe IrB?fialit eBaBaamt, n, I nail . ? a., a. I ?.? dalv m ieg?rd
b, luBen.,^ i,uu,ai?iy, but ai one ia) iudei toward |mk>m
prwarha .
kor let >..ir. I wa. nu??t ??-,.au-,> ?fllri?.l ? lb l?..|.e|i
? ?a a, 1 Ul aari.-u?.|>l>. II ???.?. ?.j mil, I, an. ..et-ed.thai I
?*. on.a, aatBed fcur leatlama ?ne .* two t\*s ? * bm ???-k.
l?o!r...-.| ui.i.I In.1.1.!?.?.1.1. .I i,-.-?i ai.-l a y-a.:nill al
tret...a of thehowek rnaarrtrd wnb ihr ana ti thtrtaaM
and rhttiatar latliuia. ny partkralaw al BtMk t aH
ba oat ol plaer Iwn toipm uy. BvdBei kl tm aap, UMt mm
Bra i?Ktie oi laai B<w>*auie Cenllal t?kr:i mm*
BamUai ago, iBorded i < raawathna reih i ? *<??l ? t ?? i bavief
roatlnaau a,frmn lian B>rnhe?lamaewaapgymadd,*h?i
tue ia.,- bni Im-vucxntiiWe a:el permaaea-. BVi.e?,i,?'Ui*i
auw) pen ? u<?> ???? wauavrly adbcard wBA ?B .?i,.u
ImiieJ ,H Dype|?ua. I a,r il?l'ice.l m make tin. ?.jW-r a
kaowbr l^e,'?e?i mr ti* t?*t?i good
Reanrrllullv. lean, fcr
all i.?...kr.ii Impact < !
ta ua- Portal Ben ? ?I
Bald at H .-? b - jt?
Aaaaican Mi ??"i a -Day"Irrl- rmamm tl I y- Vxk Bd*
alteration, an I Btlm.ui aaceauon ai bait pan k, l^n m)
and tic.u.g of D.auHiad aad Wbuk*h. Bjnm?.?ibef H*
great T? M I tat hen ? BjBBB*yainat

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