OCR Interpretation

New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, August 31, 1842, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030213/1842-08-31/ed-1/seq-4/

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? w .x_s
Aspect of Affairs in Florida.?-We publish
ed yesterday an account of honible atrocities com
mitted in Florida?notwithstanding the war has
been officially ended. In explanation of the man?
ner in which Col. Worth came to issue bis order
while this last news makes it evident that peace
is not to bo expected, the Tallahaase Sentinel
makes tbe following statement of affairs in Flori?
About a month since, a Creek Indian, named
Ockaleesa, came into Cedar Keys, slating that hi*
family were starving. Col. Worth sent him but
?with "a. friendly message to the Creeks. On his
return, he told tho Colonel that the majority of his
hand had gone on a war party to Middle Florida ;
but that old Octiachee and Tiger-tail, with seven
or eight others, had retired down South, being
unwilling to fight. A runner was sent to them,
nnd old Octiachee. principal sense-kueper, together
with Tiger-tail and others, making nine in al!.
came in, and on or about the 12tb instant, held a
council with Col. Worth, and made a treaty of
peace. Tiger-tail was anxious to go West, as
his fnrnily and people are already there.
- The Creeks say they cannot go, as they formerly
murdered a part of the Arkansas delegation, a
crime which is never forgiven, and they expect to
be sacrificed if they go. They are perfectly will?
ing to go to the country defined in the general or?
der, but they beg time to get in their crops.
Meanwhile they will retire East of the Suwannee
immediately. Col. Worth has offered them in?
ducements to go now, by promising to buy their
crops, remunerate them for all losses, and furnish
steamboat transportation for their effects.
The roost important of our news as regards Col.
Worth's order, is this : Old Octiachee, when he
came in confirmed the story of Ockaleesa, by tell?
ing Coi. W. that previous to his receiving his
friendly message, the majority of his band bud
" gone on the war party to Middle Florida, under
his brother, young Octiachee; that Col. W. must
expect to hear bad news from this section of
country; the band waB now beyond his control,
and that whites and Indians would both be likely
to be killed in bona fide war. He had sent run?
ners to apprize them of tbe council and the cessa?
tion of hostilities, and promised that war should
positively cease.
Col. Worth withheld bis order for some time,
and sent a boat to Port Leon, for tbe express pur?
pose of hearing whether there was any bad news
from the war party, and on his return, finding ali
quiet, he issued the order on the 14th inst.
Col. Worth left Cedar Keys on the 14th inst,
accompanied by Major Cooper, Dr. Harney and
Lieut. Sprague, for Washington. He, of course,
had not heard of the outbreak on tbe Aucilla. We
regret that the gallant Colonel's services could not
be retained until the ?lose of this embarrassing
war. He has rendered his country much valuable
eid, and will Jong be remembered with gratitude
by the people of Florida. Five companies of in?
fantry and one of dragoons will remain for the
present for the protection of tho inhabitants of
Middle Florida.
Tbs command now devolves upon Celonel Vose,
of the 4th Infantry?a veteran of thirty years"
military experience; a man of great dignity of
character and experience ; and said to have great
weight and influence at Washington. He is pop?
ular in the army, and favorably known to the citi?
zens of Middle Florida, though his residence
among them does not exceed a few months.
We hope be will urge upon Government tbe ne?
cessity of pushing vigorously this war to a close.
An Imposter.?A fellow, representing himself
to bo Mr. Anderson, Chief Engineer of tbe Fire
Department, has, for several days past, been soli?
citing from some of our charitable citizens, aid for
the widow of a fireman said to have been killed at
a late fire. His Btory is utterly false. The fire
department have a fund, from which widows are
supplied and do not solicit charity in the mode
adopted by this impoator, who is represented to
be of dark complexion, with large black whiskers.
The Chief Engineer is of fair complexion, and
without whiskers. [American.
Treaty with the Senecas.?The Madisonian
announces tbe ratification by the Senate of the
United States, of the treaty conclnded at Buffalo
in March last, by the Hon. Ambrose Spencer, in
behalf of the United States. The Senecas cede
about 70,000 acres of good land, being two of
their reservations, tho Buffalo and Tonewanda.
and retain two, the Cattaraugus and Chautauquc.
An In sian Shot.?The Cattaraugus Republi?
can of the 22d says: " On Friday, the 13th inst..
a man by the name of Lafayette Keider, at Cold
Spring, in attempting to shoot a hawk, accident?
ally shot an Indian, who was standing on a rising
piece of land on the opposite bank of the Alle
gany Rivor. He was alive the day afterward, but
was expected to survive but a day or two."
Immigration.?lu the early part of this week,
says the Rochester Advocate, two canal boats
paaacd west, having an aggregate of 240 Norwe?
gians on board. Yestorday anather boat follow?
ed, with 110 of the same nation?making a total
on these three boats, of 350 !
KT We mot a gentleman who had received a
letter from Galveston, informing him?on the au?
thority of Col. Cooke?that every merchant vessel
in the port of Vera Cruz, some fifteen or twenty,
had been pressed to convey Mexican troops to the
number of 7,000 to Yucatan?as was said, but it
is surmised their destination is the city of Galves?
ton. _ [N. O. Pic.
D3r A horrible affair occurred in tbe neighbor?
hood of Brownsburg, Rockbridgo County, Va. on
Sunday week. A man named John Reed, a black?
smith by trade, who had been observed to be la?
boring under mental derangement for some days
before, made an attack upon his wife and eldest
daughter with a bar of iron, no doubt with the in?
tention of killing them, but they succeeded in
roakiug their escape. He then caught two of his
younger children, whom ho killed in tho most
shocking manner. About this time, Capt. James
McChesney, of Brownsburg, who happened
to ho riding by in company with another
other gentleman, attracted by the noise, attempted
to onter the house, but was immediately felled by
the infuriated maniac with the bar of iron, and
his skull so fractured that ho died in about two
hours. ? Capt. McC. was a most worthy man, and
has left a wife and a large family of children.?
Reed has been lodged in the Rockbridge Jail for
JOHN McC ABE & CO.'S Intelligence
Office,99Nassaa-sL References? Hon. M. H\ Grin
nell.H. Brevort. Ksp. w. trvinr. Prof. Renwick. as tt
36 by 40 inches, 100 reams; 24 by s4 do., 100 reams;
20 by 30 do., 50 reams. Fine Hanging Paper, 10,0*0 lbs..
20 inches wide, a superior a'tide. Green Hanging Paper,
6,0eo lbs., 20,31,33,34 and S5 inches wide. 200 gross Bon?
net Boards, blue and white. 40,000 Ih?. Trunk B >ards.
j0.0o0 Binder's Boards. AU kinds Paper ruauulactuted at
tke soonest notice, and for sale by I
; _au22tf GAUNTJtJ)KjmiC^^^
SEA BATHING at Ling BranchTlW
Jersey oa the A?au?c Ocean.?Tbe subscriber** board
ing .loose ts now open tor reception ot company, under Uip
direction of Mrs. Ferguson. r JNOT HOPPER.
-??~ A k*jtt._ivtignr
Seoten^?A^*?MN? AND LADI'S BOOK .or
au25Btf*<iD?l:RYvJ!;0bvPN' k C0" mNassan-sL,
_ " New-Yorfc. and 10 Schoo!-?;.. Boston.
^ A^MrT^Z^'* Broadway.-CHAS.
1. GESLAIN, Music Publisher, s constantly r???m?i??-n*a
and fashionable Mu*ic, for the nZoEK!
which Is selling at the very low priced s cemi ."It 1
tau. Ab?, on baud, a small lot ot Musical i,?t?" ',
which will be sold verykm. Tbe pubhc a!e a^^cal
and examine for tfaernserre*. Wholesale 4ealer> sn^,w
cheaper than at any other establishment in the U Su?~
N. B.?Piano Fortes tuned at 75 cents.
jy*8 tf_CHAS T. GESLA1N.
BILLS on all part* of England, Ireland,
and Scodand, in sum* of ?5, ?10. ?15, ?s0, to any
amount, for sale at jj. J SY'LVESTER'S,
?a27 ? Wall-street and ISO Broadway.
It/I RS. H?JLT?N'S Boarding and Day
ITA School for Young Ladies^a 11 Amtty-st an30 2m'
eve'nth WARD Gam mar School,
237 Division-?treeL near Clinton.?This School will be
re-opened on Thursday, Sept 1? A Classical and Mathe?
rontica! Teacher wanted; a gentleman without a family, of
moral anJ religions character, one who pprposea makrn*
teaching a permanent .?ccupation, who is willing to instruct
also in tue English Depa-iment. may obtain a situation hy
applying personally at 212 ?a*t Broadway.
S 'B. The nerson thus applying most possess all tne ?
qusitesofa good and successful teacher?knowledge, ex
periencc, patience, tact, energy, icke, and s-jttnl in.dis?
cipline. _8330 3t
KING & PEEK'S Classical aud Eng?
lish Schoo!, 639 Broadway, (near Bleetker-street,)
will bere-cpentJ after the summer vacation, on Thursday,
first September. ; w??
^-j?raat^.?j. B- KiDDtsa, Latin and Greek; A. ?rs
t!av.x. French; R. GaKBATO, Spanish; R. MaRsH, J5ng
li?h; W. B. Bradbury, Vocal Music; E. Hcrcel, Drawing
and Painting._a':" 'r
THE Rev. Dr. E. D. Barry and Mr. Ru
FUS LOCK WOOD'S Collegiate School, No. 411
Broadway, near Canal street, will open on Monday, toe
29th tavL The Classical Department :s under the immedi?
ate care of Dr. Barrv. The English Department is under
the supervision of Mr. Lock wood, assisted by-,
a teacher of mathematics. Mr. A. Pestiaux, a professor_o* j
the French language, will have charge of the French de- '
partment. Those parent* desirous of placing their sons in a
seminary, in which the classical and commercial branches are
thoroughly and radically taught, are respectfully invited to
call at The book store otMr. Ro? Lockwood,411 Broadway,
at the rooms over the store, or at 19 Howard street, at which
places cards containing terms of admission, ic may be ot>
tained. Mr. Lockwood would receive a few bovs into his
family to board. The strictest regard will be paid to the;r
comfort, and to their moral and literary improveroenL
au22 lm_
rs. S. C. re ID'S boarding and
_ D.iy School, No. 184 Fourth ?treef, near the Wash?
ington Pi rade Ground, a few doors west of McDongal
street, will re-opea on Monday, 5th September. The pu?
pils are requested to bd punctual in attendawf, that they
mav be present at the organization of the classes. The
whole system of education m this in?titution, is founded ?n
reasoning and demonstration. All pupi's attached to this
establishment are instructed in French. Every department
is fully sustained by experienced and competent Professors.
Reference, by permission, to the following Ladies and
Gentlemen :?
New York.?Mrs. John Beekman, 627 Broadway.
Mrs. Daniel W. Gantley, corner of Fourteenth street and
7th Avenue.
Mre. Will: um W. GaJJa'ian, 72 Amity street,
Mrs. T. T. McCarty, NlbhVg, Broadway.
Benjamin T. Onderdonk, D. D., BisliOp of the Diocese of
New York.
Thomas Lyell, Rector of Christ Church.
Francis L Hawks Rector ol SL Thomar' Church.
Thomas Dewitt. D. D. M. M. Noa!., Esq..
John Kr.ox. D. D., Ohas. A. Davis, Esq.
John W. Francis, M. D., Charles Davis. Esq.,
H. M. Western. Counsellor, II. Grecley, Esq.
Buffalo, N. Y.?General P.B. Porter.
Albany, N. Y.?Governor William H. Se'ward.
Lexington, Ky.?Honorable Henry Clay, General Jas.
Shelby. _an25 2rn
MILTON. (Rye,) Westchestor Co., N.T.?Parents ?ish
ing to piace their sons in a Christian family for their educa?
tion, are respectfully informed that this School is limited to
twelve Boarders, and is In a healthful, pleasant situation.
Terms ?150 a sear.
References?The Faculty of the W'eslevan University,
Rev. Dr. Peck, Rev. Geo. Coles, Rev. G". Lane. Francis
Hall, Esq., Cor. R. Dbosway, Esq., New York Ciiy; J.
Swinburne, Principal White Plains Academy; Elisha Hal
sted, Esq., Rye.
For further Information address, by mail.
ao6 3tawlm?_R. MATH 1SON, Principal.
rpiiE REV. john liLlie, A. M\,
SL proposes to devote a portion of his time to the thorough
Classical mid mathematical education of a few boys.
The term will commence on the first Monday in Septem?
ber? twenty dollars per qaarter.
Further particulars may he learned on inquiry at Mr L.'s
residence in Twelfth street, first house west of Sixth ave.
Mr. L. also offers bis assistance to young gentlemen in
their collegiate course. au29 lw*
TO TAILORS.?One of "the greatest
discoveries ever made in the art of Cutting.-JABEZ
DAVIS has discovered the true principle in the Balancing
and Drafting of Coats?which principle I have no doubt has
been more studied than any other science, for all other sci?
ences have bean confined to but lew compared with the
thousands of the trade that have turned their attention to
discover this point, both here and in Europe for Ibis titty
years. It is an entirely original and self-varying system,
nothing complicated, no matter in what position the person
stands. When you draft the Coat, it works out every point
perfectly correct This system has been thor? ughly attest?
ed by a number of the trade for eighteen minths in New
York. Any of the trade wishing to obtain n good rule for
Drafting Coats, with an original improveme it on Vests, and
other uselul instructions in the general aitot Cutting, are
solicited to cat! at 136 Fulton st. New-York. where they will
receive every attention. JABEZ DAVIS, aul? lm
BrookTynsalt WITWrwMm
AND COLD BATHS?Fulton Ferry?Now open
for the season.
Gentlemen and Ladies can have warm salt water Baths
at all hours, fmm 5 o'clock A. M. until 10 P. M. Ladies will
have the exclusive use of the swimming bath on Tuesdays
and Fridays, until 6 P. M. None will be admitted after 5
P. M., that the bath may be at liberty for gendemen at 6 P.
M. Gentlemen admitted at all other times.
Warm, Cold and Tepid Shower Baths lor indies and gen?
tlemen, at jII times.
Salt Water warm bathing is highly recommended for cu
taneous diseases, rheumatism, i:c. There has recently been
added a superior Medicated Vapor Bath, which will be
ready at all times
CT* Warm Bath, 25 rents; 5 tickets, $1. Cold water
Bath. 12} cents; 10 tickets $1. Vapor bath, 50 cents.
an!8 lm"_ EDWARD GRAY.
Masonic Hall. Broadway.?In introducing this estab?
lishment to ttie notice of gentlemen, the proprietor would
call attention to it as possessing advanteges superior to any
thing ever yet produced in the world; and where cau be
found recreation unassocir.tt?d with vulgarity or objectiona?
ble society. It has been the aim of the proprietor, in adapt?
ing ihissi?per'o hall to the purposes of athletic exercise, to
banish, by strict probitory regulations, all deviations from
good propriety; to insure this, be has been careful in bis
selection of assistants, and particularly those charged wit
ins general supervision.
To rtningeis visiting the city, and also citizens desirous
of amusement and invigorating exercise during their ab?
sence from business, tins Hall has attractions of a high order,
inviting by the eellghlf'ul coolness consequent upon its six?
and perfect ventilation add the order and decorum prevail
ing, from strict discipline among its attendants.
N. B?In this ShI?oii will be found six a'leys, thereby
preventing the usual detention so much an objection. jyS3m
Catskjill mouot
the Pine Orchard?1842.?This romantic and fashiona?
ble resort wlfi K>e conducted during the present season un?
der the direction and superintendence of the subscriber. Ii
has undergone a complete and thorough repair, and is now
ipen for the reception of visitors. No eflort will be spare*;
to maintain the deservedly high character which It has here?
tofore sustained. As heretofore, iL? tables will be furnished
with every delicacy that the New-York market can afford;
and'every possible attention that can promote the conven?
ience and enjoyment of its patrons will be promptly tie
?lowed. The road leading to this establishment, and espe
dally that pnrt of it on the mountain, has beeli rendered
perfectly ?mooth and safe.
Messrs. A. F. Ueach i Co's. excellent line of stages will
ran as heretofore regularly between the Landing and the
Mountain House, on the arrival of the boats.
jel4 3m _ C. L- BEACH Proprietor.
DRESS BOOYS^^Ve^rFVeiich sTy^
The subscriber res-ectfully invites the citizens of
New-York, and strangers v sitirg the city, to call at 114 Ful?
ton-street, and examine a rcrge assortment of Dress Boots
made in the latest Spring f as non, and of the finest French
Gentlemen can haveBco'smale to order In the best man?
ner at six dallars per pair warranted equal to any made at
seven dollars and a half, and as the undersigned takes draw?
ing of the feet and keeps lasLs for each customer, be can in?
sure an easy yet handsome fit.
Con-tantly on hand, Fashionable Boots, etc., at the follow?
ing re-! . red priees:
Seal-Skin Boots.from $2 50 to $2 75
Calf " " . ? 4 00 to 6 00
Half Boots.S 00
Gaiters.2 25
Shoes.from 1 50 to 2 00
Pumps and Slippers, ic. ic. proportionablv Low.
Terms Cash on Delivery. JOHN L. WATK1NS,
my 10 114 Fu.toii-*st, between Nassau and Dutch.
CHEAP.?All articles in the Saddle or
Coach line can be had at very reduced prices at the
store of the subscriber, consisting t:. part of India Rubber
Cloth. Webb Serge, bog and sheep Skms, Skirtings Patent
Leather, Saddle Trees, Harnes, Buckels, Bits, Stirups, Raw
Hides, Laces, Carpeting, Bands, Hubs common and patent
Axles, Top Leather, Mould ing. Bows. Step Springs i.e.
?U3 Sm_JNO. S. SUMMERS. 272 Pcarl-sL
FLAX.?20,000 lbs. prime Jersey Flax,
for sale by HOPPOCK I CO.
au29 3t* _ *is Fulton-st.
The Subscribers having their New Steam Saw Mill
in ceniDleic operation, and also on hano a full assortment of
White Pine, White Oak, Georgia Pine, Rtid Hemlock Tin
her.of the best quality, ar,. prepared to furnish all orders
with which they mnv !>e favored on very reasonable terms
and short notice, viz:?
In cribsor singleb?gs, or saw?
ed to order, for keel piece-,
mill shafts ic ; wale s' u
by the raft or single log. or
sawed to order into deck
plank, bridge and scow
and plank of all sires; ma-!plank, gutter siicks bain,
chinists' dimension stuiT.,trades ami building timber
bridge timber, king and queen] of every description.
po*t>, header and trimmer
beams, dock fenders, i.e.
iu Logs, for topmasts; or HEMLOCK TIMBER
sawed into plank, rails co- in lops, or sawed into rang
lumns and girders engine ing md cross timber, and
frames, and every other des- for all other u<.es requiring a
criptiou that may be recjuired.ilow-priced article.
Public Contractors, Brklre Bn?ders, Manufacturing Com?
panies Shippers, and others, reqniriag large orders, may
depend upon having them executed at the shortest notice, "
N 8.?we have also in operation two superior Circulai
Saws for making long or short small sized stuff-?such as
pales blind lath, oakum slats wedges rocket rot's, kc. ; or
saws let by the hour to persons rurnisking their own timber
for rip sawing or cross-cutting. To all ibc*e interested in
the above we invite to call and examine for themselves at
the Mill, fool of Fourteenth street. North river.
N. B.?Mr. Wm. A. Palmer is now ritling up a complete
Turning Establishment with steam power to execute every
description of turning at a great saving from former prices,
thus aObrding to builders and others facilities for obtalaing
mattrijls excelled by no other establishment in the country*!
George Colye*,") New-York Steam Saw Mill,
TnoxAs Dcgailo, J foot ol" 14tb-st-, N. River. au? lm*
or Balsamic Elixir far preserving tbe gum* and
teeth. This invaluable dentifrice is now offered to tbe pnb
lic 4.? possessing the properties of strengthening the spongy
tti?, ciean'n? the imaih and wbitenini? the teeth, refresh
nt? 'he palate and taking awav a!! unpleasant taste or odor
indie snooth. arising from a deranged state of the stomach,
-miking or from decayed teetii. Inaword.it i? beyond
the necessity it a puff- Make i trial of a boule and it will
spenk for itself.. , , ,
N. B. Each l*tlle bearing the direction? on tae labe),
?sold bv Messt Sooittard k Dettac-ool Broadway and 2
Park-n?w; Mr. H Kingk Co.-til Broadwi. corner Gran I;
Mr. Milhan 183 Broadway ; Messrsi Gmon. 173 Broadway
ronier Contlaod. and Memeri Rm-btnn k Aspia wall, 110
Broadway, 86 William and 10 Astor House. anH> Ira*
D'OSSY. Ophthalmie Surgeor, No. 207 Broadway,
entance in Futum-street, opposite St Paul's Church, at?
tends to Diseases of the Eye, and ail the necessary opera?
tions thereon. Office hours from Jf3 o'clock Having
completed his studies o: five years with Dr. Elliott, Ocu?
list, and been subsequently engaged as his assistant, R. K.
D ossy is enabled to undertake the treatment ot all diseases
affecting the orgt.ns of vision. Terms moderate and gradu?
ated to the nature and extent of the disease.
Permission is given to refer to hi* late instructor, and also
to some uf the most eminent Professors of the Medical Fac?
ulty in New-York.
N. B.?The poor treated grainitously_au!9 irr*
IT IS A MATTER of no small considera?
tion to find a medicine (at this season of the year) which,
it administered in season, will prove an effectual remedy in
tbe summer complaint of children, and of diarrhcea, dysen?
tery. chol?ra morbu?. i.e. or' adotts. The BLACKR F.RRY
PANACEA is a medicine of this description, having been
tried in a number of cases with complete success. The
blackberry has Ion? Iseenheld in high estimation a* a valua?
ble auxiliary' in the treatment of the above complaints, and
this, combined with other well known vegetable agents in
the form of the above Panacea,constitutesall that is reou;?ite
for a speedy and permanent cure. For? sale A. B. TRIP
LER. Druggist, corner Fulton and Water street; also hi G.
CHILTON. 80$ Cnnal street._an2Slm*
A-SSESSMENTS?First Ward.?Pub
/jUic Notice is hereby given, that the Assessors of the
First Ward have completed their Assessments, and that a
copy thereof is left with Otto Wm. Van Tuyl.atNo. 33
Pearl street, where the same may he seen and examined by
any of the inhabitant from the2Wh day ol Augu=t to die
loth day of September, both days included, from 9 to 12
o'clofck in the forenoon, and from 3 to 6 o'clock in the after?
noon, and that the assessors will meet at die expiration of
the said time, to wit on the eleventh day of September, at
tbe"said Otto Wm. VanTnyJ, No. 33 Pearl ??,n review their
said Assessments on tke application of anv person conceiving
himself aggrieved. oTTO W. VAN TUYL,
Assessors of the 1st Ward.
NCW York, August 19th. 1842._au20 tSll
NEW YORK Dyin^and Printing Eeta
reception and delivery of goods, No. .53 (late 41) John st.
New York.?Dve anil finish in a superior manner, Broad?
cloths, Cassimeres, Silks. Satins, Sift "Felvet ai d Plush.
Ribbons, Cantou and Italian Crape, Silk and Cotton
Gloves and Hose. Ladies and Gentlemen? Garments. Mo
reen. Damask an'! Satin Curtain?, Linens and Cottons.
Cleanse and Re-f.r;:^. Merino, Thibet and Cashmere
Shawls, Piano anfl Table Covers, Carpet- of all kiRds
Druggea, Floor Cloths and Heardi Rugs, Chintz Curtains,
kc. ice.
XT' Orders carefully attended to and promptly executed.
m21 MWkFbm
atmospheric pressure principles full sets of best min?
eral teeth, or any number that may be reonirrd, will be in?
serted at the shortest notice, and in the neatest style, without
springs or clasps. Filling, Clfnning nnd Regulating the
Teeth done as u-tial in the best manner. For extracting a
tooth 50 cents ; tor curing the toothache 50. All operations
warranted by Dr. J. Buskey, Dentist, 27 Murray-street,
next door to the Church, one block west of Broadway.?
Charge- moderate. Terms cash. jyl4 eodSm
CALS.?Warranted Poisons for Flies, Musquetoes,
C >ckroaches. Bedbugs. Rats. Anis and all spec:es of Vermin
infesting houses. Also, Fly Paper, Travelers' Comfort, Sea
Protection, kc.
LEECHES?Imported largest Swedish Leeches.
CHEMICALS?Such sis Lunar Caustic Copaiva. Cap?
sules. Acids, Logwood Extract* and Dyers's Materials, Spir?
its of Hartshorne and Nitre. Ether, Chlorideof Loila. Iodine,
Acc.jDaguerreotype Chemicals nnd Dentists* Materials, Pal?
ladium Cement, o.e. For sale by
COAL ! CO \L !?$4~50 Nut size, $5
Stove, $5 25 Broken and Egg. Best quality Peach
Orchard Cnp.l to be bad at tbe above low prices, doubly
screened and delivered from the yard, 613 Greenwlch-st.,
near Leroy-st,
N. B.?Coal is to be had from the boats at 25 cents per
ton less. All Coal sold by the subscriberis weighed by'a
City Weigher. au25 2w* _ PETER CLINTON.
?The subscriber! are now discharging a cargo of
very superior quality Wallsend Newcastle Coal, of large
size, selected expressly for family use. As the present
prices are extremely low, consumers would do well to se?
cure their winter's supply. The above will besohl in lots
to suit purchasers, at the lowest market prices.
223 Cherry st nnd 170 Mulberry sh
Also, Peach Orchard. Schuylkill, Lehigbj Lackawanna,
Liverpool, and Virginia Coals of the best quality, from the
yards and boats, at the lowest market prices. a24 1 w
CIOAL. COAL?$4 50 to $5 50? Peach
' Orchard Coal at the above low prices, from the boats
in good order. Coalof all sizes and descriptions, for family
or smith's use from die yard, corner of Hudson and Amos
streets. J.TER BELL.
Orders left nt the yard or through the Post-Office punc?
tually attended tu. Coal sent in good order, cash received,
the account closed. No fuss made ; Weigher's Certificate,
iic. kc._jy20 3m
C??L7C??L, COAL.?Best Peach Or?
chard Red Ash Coal?Lump, Broken and Nut sizes.?
The undersigned is authorised to take orders for this cele?
brated Coal, at the very1 lowest prices, either by the cargo
or ton, delivered trons the barges free of cartage in any part
of this city or Brooklyn.
Also Grny Ash Sehuvlkill, Lehigh and Lnckawnna CoaL
P. S. American Bituminous Coal, for 'he grate; eaual to
best Liverpool. Best Virginia Coal, for blacksmith's use, at
the very lowestprice. JOSEPH P. SIMPSON,
Office No. 110 Nassau-street.
N. B. Orders for one ton will receive the same attention
as those for a larger quanity. myl8tl
?COAL,;. COAL?From the
^ssel. best quality Peach Orchard Red
\Sh Coal tresirrrom the mines, at the following low prices
Egg and Broken.$5 50
Stove, large.5 00
Nut.4 50
ill able screened and delivered any par: oi the city, weighed
by a city weigher. Y:-rd corner Christopher and Green?
wich streeu. JAS. FERGUSON
M B?ton? tons Tea nnd Dust cheap. a29 tf
OA L, CO AL?$4?Nut size, from boat,
_.' or carl?Red Ash. Gray Ash, egg, broken, and stove
.ihtes, equally low. Boats constantly discharging. Liver?
pool and Virginia Coal constantly on hand.
aul7tf J. TER BELL, comer Hudson and Amos-sts.
Peach Orchard Broken Coal, which we sead out
at Four Dollars and Seventy-five Cents per ton. delivered
free of cartage. R. k B. SKIDMORE,
au26 lw* Washington, coruerof Franklir.-st,
P~E?CH ORCHARDCOAL fioraboars.
?Daily discharging. Broken, Egg and Nut Coal of
tbe best quality, for sale at tbe lowest market price*, if taken
direc?y from die vessel. WARD Je. BROWN ?',
nu30 411 Wn-Singlon-street.corner Lnight,
EWCASTLE COAL.?Now dischar
ging and for sale in quantities to suit purchasers by
anSO 411 Washington street, corner Lairht.
ft /T TO $5 50.?Peach Orchard Coal.?
*JI The subscriber oflets for sale tbe first quality Peach
Orchard Coal, broken, egg and large nut sizes, at the above
reduced prices, delivered free of cartage, direct from the
boats. The Coai will be well sbraken and screened at the
time of shipment, ALFRED ASHFIELD,
415 Grand-street, corner ot Ridge,
and South-street, rorner ot Montgomery.
Orders left as above, or at 193 William-street, or through
the Post-Office, promptly attended to. auSOtf
will find it to their interest to call at No. 2*> Catherine
street, where may be f?und. on the second rloor. an exten?
sive assortment of splendid Cabinet Furniture, of the newest
and most approvert patterns, and which will be sold at
prices below what furniture of the same qaality can be
bought for at auction. The advantage here offered in buy?
ing of the regular manufactory at auction prices must he
ftvidenL If time and long experience in the business are
any advantage in manufacturing good and nrnamental ware,
the subscriber feels confident in sayvog that any who may
call at No. 2? Catherine-street and ninke then* selection,
shall have tall and ample satisfaction, both as t > price and
quality, in the nrticles purchased. S. FANNING je23 3m
HULL'S TPafS~SES.?Notice to Rup
tured Persoec,_Persons afflicted with ruptures may
rely upon the best instrom--ntal aid the world affords, on
application at the office. No. 4 Vesey-street, or to eidier of
the agents in the principal towns In the United States. Be
careful to examine the back pad of Huii's trusses, to see if
they aie endorsed by Dr. Hull is v riting. None are ?enu
ine. or to be relied upon as good, v-iihout his signature.
Many persons have undertaken to vend imitations of
Hull's celebrated trusses, and thousands are imposed ujwn in
consequence. These imitations cannot be relied upon; ?iey
ire made by unskilful mechanics, and are bo better than
ibe ordinary truss-s.
Rooms have been fitted up at No. 4 Vesev-street, exclu?
sively tor ladies, having a separate entrance" from the busi
m-ss department, where a female is in constant attendance
to wait upon female patients. auio lm
scriber would invite th* arteniioa ef the public to his stock
of GREENOUGH*S PATENT LAMPS,' which Irom their
heacly and superior ou.ihties, are destined to supersede all
other* now in" use. The oii which is burned in them is a
"hemical preparation, very cl?-an in its properties, and gives
i.v?ry brilbantaad economical li?hL The Borau-*; flubi
is* portable light, free Crom all smoke, smell er grease, aiw
?rill neither soi) nor stain. Common Lamps can oe altered
at a trifling expense to bem tie fluid. The subscriber is
iiodly rx-rmhicd to refer to same of ear most rte-pectable
lamibes, who ate now rising the article.
? ? ? ,J'(- HOOKER, 466 Broadway,
F. B.?There is nn danger of explosion in either one ?>
ese articles. tf
?The subscribers are almost daily receiving ?jnplies
of this celebrated mineral water, wbich tbev are scUine for
the present at veiy reduced prices for shipping or fiimiiy
use, and wdl dehver to any part of the city ireeof exrscnse.
GASSNER k YOUNG, 132 ChathanVst.
who have also on nand a superior av-or.me.ti oi Fresh Tea*,
ReSnea and Brown Sugars, Coffees, Sao-es, Fruits'. Segars,
W uses, Od, Candles, kc, at the lowest market prices. 5aJia
j. i iic is respectfully reminded thai among ali ihe nnmer
033 inventions that have been introduced in the world for
eJectnal and permanent care of Chronut aci Inflammatory
Rheumatism, none ba.-been found half to TailnabWorg*
certai" hi its beneficial operat-ons, as COHEy S CELE
BRAT ED EMBROCATlOy. The DroprieHr, wii
knowing that no other remedy could be rnanuiactore-l to
equal this, has for a long time ceased to advertise it, donnj
-which period hundreds of the afflicted have applied for i\
and ased it roccessfnlly. after the ntter failure of U<e coin
moo quack nostrums, which they have been induced to try.
The proprietor desires now to inform the pub1!: that he has
made an arrahgeiBeatfwIu A. B. k D. SANDS, of No. 79
Fulton-ftree1., comer of Gold-street, by which they have be
r jrnf sr.le agents for the wholesale and retail sale of the Em?
brocation, for the city and county of New-York.
Since the introduction of thif remedy lolbe public, various
e-n wric: have palmed upon the country no-^rum?, and lo?
tions and liniment-, and " infallible rheumatic mixtures '' ail
of which are calculated more or less to injure the system,
rither than remove any complaint.
In proof of die estimation in which the F.ssbrocatioa is
h?l<i by a respectable men in the medical pror'ession. as well
a? bv ihe thousands of persons who have been effectually
-ared of Rheumatism, the proprietor has subjoined letters
?Vom a few who are well an<i popularly known to the entire
society in New-York, and whose "pinions and professional
judgement are universally esteemed.
Nkw-York. Autrust 3, 1838.
Dear Sir?Having frequently witnessed tbe application of
your Rheumatic Embrocation, and the beneficial effects
arising therefrom, it affords me pleasure to state that I rmst
cheerfully recommend it as an invaluable remedy, and the
best known for the cure of that painful and distressing com
paiint either in its acute or chronic form.
WM. F. PI ATT, late Corres. Secretary of
Medical Society of City and County of New-York.
Dr. M. R. Cohen.
Dr. M. B. Cohen?In reply to your request as to my opin?
ion of your Rheumatic Embrocation. I most willingly ac?
knowledge that I have used it in my practice, and found it
arrlnvalnahle rtrmedv as a palliative liniment in cases r.f
rheumatism. CHARLES A. VAN Z ANDT, M. D.
New-York. April ?, 1339.
"Dr. M B. Cohen?I certify that I have used your Rhcf
?"atic Embrocation, and 1 have feund it n most useful ad?
junct in the treatment ol this painful disease, and therctore
Lesiiate not, to recommend it in nil casesi.f Rheumatism.
No. 342 Broadway, New-York.
New York. April 25.1833.
The following is especially recommended to the attention
cf gentlemen of tbe Na?al and Merchant service.
I, Henrv ?. Nones, Captain in the United States Revet,ne
Service, in the service of tbe United States, tio certit'7 that
I was for five months afflicted with the Inflammatory' Rheu?
matism, and had tried every remedy by advice ?fphyi?t?ss.ns.
without anv relief?and finally, by advic? of Dr. William
Rockwell. Health Officer at Quarantine, I applied to Dr.
M. B. Cohen, in the month of July, 1P-37, for a bottle of his
Rheumatic Embrocation, and after one week's use of the
specific, was entirely free from pam and able to resume my
place in the service.
H. B. NONES, 1st Lieut U. S. R. S.
New-Tark, August 1, 1837.
Should any person remain sceptical of the virtues of this
preparaiinn ntur 7?era?ai of the al>ove testimonials, in order
to do jtway with all suspicions of quackery, we beg to re?
fer t? any of tbe following person?, at! of whom have been
completely cured of Rheumatism by the use of our Embro?
Hon. F. A. Tallmadge, Recorder nft.ie city of New-York ;
Dr. G. Bnncker, Ifudsnn-strr-?-1; Tbos, Bell. Esq ,32 Ann
street; W'm. Warner, Esq.. Wooster st.; E. Thornbill, Esq.,
shipmaster, 29 Mcrcer-st; Frederick Tary. E?q., late gene?
ral rlour inspector of this port, 16 TVornas-st, ; Henry A.
Haskin, 18 Varick-streett Rowland Davies, 18 Spruce
street, and corner of 20th street and the 3d Avenue;
S. P. Pettibone. Esq. of the firm of Pettibone it Long,
(Liberty-st.; RoVert McDermot. Esq., proprietor of the
Second Wnrd Hotel, corner of York and Pearl-?!.*., Brook?
lyn; E. Williams, Esq., Blonmingdale; Mr. John Lynn,
Steamboat Hotel, corner of West and Am?s-sts.: Mr. B.
Garno, hotel keeper, Harlem, between 119th and 120?h sts.;
Thomas Guvan, Esq.; J. W. B. Kerrison. Esq. Budsoii-St;
Mr. Henry B. Lawson. East Broadway'; CapL H. H. Vais,
master Ol the brig Maria Cornelia of Rostock: John Taylor,
.'ay-st. Utica, auent of the Line Boats; Mr. rthnrles B-,
30 Genesee-st. Utic.a; Mr. John Richards, Main st. Utica,
agent of the Line Boats; Mr. Wm, H. Ben), 53 Liberty-st.
Sebehectady. General Passage Agent lor the Associated
Lines of Canal Boats; John S. Cad well, St- Union-st. New
Haven. CL
3D" The public, will remember that this is simply an e.x
ternal application, and free from minerals.
O" Each bottle of the Embrocation is accompanied with
printed directions for use, and none is genuine unless bear
i?g the signature of M. B. COHEN.
O* Price $2 per battle.
Sold by the agents, A. B. k D. SANDS, Druggists, No.
79 Fulton-street, c irner of Gold, ond 100 Fulton-street, at
wholesale and retail. Also sold by David Sands it Co.,
No. 77 Fast Broadway, eorner of Market-rt ; Abraham B.
Sand* A: Co.. Co. 273 Broadway. _ au!7 1m
HAT" IS LIFE Without Health ??
Philadelphia December, 1837.?To Dr. Javne?Dear
Sir: Tbe astonishing ami almost miraculous effects your ex?
pectorant liar) on my neighbor; the Rev. Mr. Bunting, ^vhose
case you will recollect, was given ov^rby hi5 physician*,
and who himself had lo<t nl! hope of ever being permitted
to preach again, bnt who, from the use of your medicine, is
so far restored as not only to be able to walk out, but al?o
to preach, made so wonderful nn impression on my mind,
that stier consulting with several frieoi.s and learning thai
vou were a regular Practitioner of Mrdicine, and that your
remedy was not one of those quackish compounds with
which the public are so freqently duped?for you must
know that I am a mortal enemy to quacks?I called upon
you and purchased half a dozen bottles, and told you that,
if I lived to take them, you should have a good report from
I am iilive and well this day! thanks be to a merciful God
and yocr Expectorant; and now I come lorward ebeerfully
to fulfil my urumise.
For twenty long years had T been a constant suffere/ from
the effects of a hard, dry cough, pain in my breast, and dif?
ficulty- of breathing ; the last five of which.'chillsaid fevers,
every faring and fall, were added to my misery; I was
worn away to a mere skeleton; with the greatest difficulty
only ould I get up and down stairs; my appetite was gone,
and my strength had so far failed me that my frieads were
persuaded I could not survive m.iny week--, unless I ob?
tain relief. Indeed, sir, my situation was so miserable to
myself and so distressing to my family, that I fell willing to
die whenever it should please the Master to take me home.
Bnt T heard of your medicine, and relief came. Yes, it
proved the ' Balm of Gilead ' to my poor, afflicted body.?
Before I had taked one bottle I experienced a mitigation of
nil my symptoms, and, to my great Joy, I tound in the con?
tinued use of it the bnppfest relief, la short, sir, it has
made a perfect cure of me, and I can truly say L have no
desire to be better.
Now, I consider it is a duty I owe yon, and, through you.
the public, to make mv ctu-e known, believing that it will
be the means ofdirecting hundreds wbo are afflicted as I
have been to the use of 1 remedy, which, underthe blessing
of God, I consider to bavr preserved rny life.
You are at liberty, sir, to make use of this letter to your
advantage, and make my case as exlensively known as you
please. If there be any who doubt the truth of the above
account, (lor I have heard that many persons wbo have
cures to sell forge certificates and publish them.) refer them
tome. I shall be happy to see them, and I will not only
confirm the above statements, hut will give them particc
lars which it would be unnecessary to furnish for tee public
press. With everlasting gratitude, I am, dwr sir.
Your obliged friend. MARY GILL,
No. 1P5 Queen-street, below Fourth.
For sale, wholesale and retail, by A. B. k D. SANDS,
druggists. No.79 FnIron-street, N. E. earner of Gold, and 100
Fulton, corner of William-Street; at retail by David Sands
k. Co., No. 77 Eait Broadway, corner of Market-st.; Abra?
ham B. Sands it Co., 273 Broadway, Granite Buildings,
corner of Chamhers-st. Price $1. auT 1m
orison's Hygeian Medicines.-?
NOTICE.?Whereas, A. A. Sarnanos, of 94 Broad
w.iv. New-York, is making an improper use of Messrs.
Mcrl*on k Co.'s appointment for tne sale of their Medi?
cines. This is, therefore, to inform the public that Mr.
Sarnanos is not authorized to sell ' MORISON'S PILLS '
in New-York, and that Messr?. Morrisons' only Agents in
New-York are Messrs. FIRTH it HALL, of No. 1 Frank?
lin square, trom whom alone the Medicines can be had gen?
uine. (Signed) MORJSON Jt CO.
Dated British College of Health, Ntw Ruad, London,
June 16th. 1842._ivS tf
RHefTnED"sUGA?T?t Reduced Prices.
The subscriber offer their standard quality double re?
fined Sugar, packed
In boxes of ah ut 300 pounds Double Loaf Sugar,
In barrels ?' 200 " Crushed Sugar,
In barrels " 250 " Ground Loaf Sugar,
at tbe foliar.ing reduced prices:
In quantities of ) Douole Loaf Sugar, 10c. cash,
five packages > Crushed Sugar, 10c cash,
and upwards.) Ground Loaf Sugar, lOJc cash.
Any number less than five packages.one half cent advance
on the above rates.
They also offer for saie their usual variety of Refined Su?
gar aad Sugar House Molasses, at reduced prices. The
above Sugars are all refined without the use ol clay orblood,
and are of finer flavor tban where blood is used.
IL L. k A. STUART, 285 Greenwich st.
aulO if corner Chambers St.
> The subscribers offer dieir Standard cuality double
Refined Sugar, packed
In boxes containing about 300 pounds Loaf Sugar
In barrels do do 200 " Crcsbed do
In do do do 250 " Powdered do
At the following reduced rates:
Any number of) Loaf.... 10 cents Cash or IWcts. 4 rnos. c
Packages not > Crushed. 10 cents do or 10} " "
less than 5. ) Powd'd. 10; cents do or 11 " "
Any number of l Loaf and Crushed, 10} cents, C Cash on
Packages less > /
than 5. ) Pewdered, 11 cenL?, ( Delivery.
All orders punctually attended to.
New-York, Aug. I. 1842.
New-York Patent Sugar Refinery,
Offices 89 Wall street, and at the Refinery corner of Soath
and Montgomery streeL aa9 l"i
\J 121, late 123 Chatham streeL New-York, wholesale
and retail?The Canum Tea Company centmue'lo oder for
sale new and fragrant Teas t?f everv Tariety and stvle.?
Their assortment specially includes the most delicious and
powenul grades ot Green and Black. Every package hears
tbe stamp of neatness and elegance, and the Teas therein
are so thoroughly secured from light and air that their qual?
ity and power wjB remain unimpaired in any climate. Their
system of prosecutiag business is perhaps scarcely to be ex?
celled. It is founded" upon the utitost regard to the rights
of the customer, especially with respect t?* weight and
quality, and unrivalled cheapness. All purchasers are calied
upon to return any articles which fail to give them tbe full?
est satisfaction, when the money will be cheerfully and
promptly rvfanded. Cocntry merchants-, public establish?
ment, beads of families, and shtp-ma-ters, will rind it a deci?
ded advantageto suppl*themselves from this establiskment.
Coffee roasted every dav.
Orders from all parts of the United States executed with j
promptitude and despatch.
TT Tbe only waretiouse in America for the sale of Hou
qaa;s celebrated Blaek Tea. scg26 lm
Knapp'S Cheap FishiDg-Tackle and
Gun Store, 50 Hou*um street, between Cannon and
Lewis street, near tbe W'ilkautsburga Ferry. M^ufacturer
and dealer in jointed poles, s?eih\, books, hoes, floats, siak
ers, leaders, kc, 30 per cent- less than elsewhere. Just re
caved, a superior lot of Reed Pules, fresh cat, by the single
one or by the hundred, cheap. Guns, pistols, and fishing
apparatus repaired, altered or made at reduced prices.?
Powder, ball, and shot On hand, several bamboo uoles, 4 ,
joints, hollow bau, only ?i each. ao232ra
MTO LET?Part of one of thos^ de?
lightful houses in 10i*-street. (223i near Tompkin
squire. t? a small genteel family, on very reasonable term*.
aaf9 lar* _ _
TO LET?ThetBa^ent, No. 194
JiZJrL Rroadway, a commodions ronrn and good stand mi
a bos: maker, fr-uit store, Sec kc. Apply to John LockWood.
No. 77 Cetiar st. _ _je25 tf
M-jrket nreet. between Madison and Henrv-s:ro?ts. TV*
Lot is 25 hr SS feet. ?> House 25 by 48 feet, with 12 inr>
walls, b??t bv day** work nnd-r the 5Cp< rioter-dene* of Mr.
~v lr-!ahd. There are ten fire place? mthcH?ttse
) oCwhich are finished with marble chimney-pieces.?
There Is a dry cellar ende- th? whole. piv^J and divkh ?
into several apartments, a er -prorf tjo-hrmse nnd-r thi
? ? en tire pi'a<-e, arid the whole in complete order. Thf
premises mav b+ ??*??' every div between th" hours of IT
and 2 o'clock. For fenhe- particulars arm!'-- tn
f.: OR IN NE L L. MINTL'RN k C i >?. 78 South-street
_ Citv Pmpertv.?A Farm on Long Island, cootaiomg
sfi at resoi land in a first rate <Tnte nfcoIdvadjOBi wirb vvery
thing replete for a rnnncrv rei-id-ice. consisting ofonel.irgt
dwejiing house finished in go.*: style, with marble mantels,
folding doors, grates, sic. The bouse t- 52x88. Barn? ar<<
v:;hr.d<es of every desfnpt ion: fruit of all kinds, such r
apples, pears, quince*, cherrie;, ra<pherr!es. rorrants, goose
berries* strawberries, and in the greateM abundance. Sit?
uated 10 miles from the City. Iionire of
jy28 tf Coal Dealers, cor. Laight an-1 Wa-li ngton-sts.
FOR SALE, beautiful improved
_grcunds with portions of Wood t.aml for Country
The above Lots are situated in Bergen Township. New
'ersev, only S miles west trom Jersey City;and adiolrdnp
New.'York "Bar. which rurbrds <-rc<o nri?i!"'r0 for Fi?b and
Oysters. For beauty oi pri>s"pectj and fertility of soil', they
canrttt be equaled Kv anv in the eivuntry, hnving a frrl! view
of the Citv, Harbor and' B-?v of New-Ye-k. Also, House
and Land from 20 to 30 a<-re< ? Hons" and ;4 arr"<: House
?ind 3 arres; House and totwith Shop at North Bergen all
nearly new: eood land an-* we" irrinroye i with ffoittrees
and shrubbery. Apply to T. B Wakeman at the Reposi?
tory, of the American Instituts*. New-York. an25 7t*
_ AND COUNTRY' SEAT, in the t-.wn of New
Rochelle. a!>out four miles north of the village. There are
abont 120 acres of first rate Und, In 'n high state ??fcnltlva
tinn, with a double two story ii^u?e. in -?e.-feci rvpair; about
25 acres of grafted frnlt treets in fidtbearing condition, of
the most apprtrwl kinds: and 2? acres of wood land; 'he re?
mainder is about equally divided between ploughed*, past?
ure]; and meadow land.
The farm is well fescd. mostly with stone walls, ami well
watered'with springs, and a running stream through the
whole le?;th of it. There ;?reiwo good barn?. a clrtermill;
cow-houses, granery, and other buildings convenient and
suitable for ?rieh a farm.
Apply io WAGER HULL, J'., on the premises; to r. r?.
BRFWSTER, 120 Broadwav, New York: er to THOMAS
EL BURLING, Milton. Ulster county. Terms will be made
oasy. ao29 tmltw*
T a Court of Chancery held for the Stare
of .\pw-Ynrk at thr Titv of New York, on the 14th
lay of April. A. D. 1?!?-Present William T. McCoun, Vire
Chancellor of the First Circuit?Mar.- Boddv vs. Mahlnn
Ketchel, Mary Kttchel. *.ndrfw Ketchel. Williani Ketchel,
Isaac Ketchel. Samuel Ketchel, .lames Daily, William Ir
fineand Sarnh J..:).- Irvine his wife, James Ketchel, Mar?
garet Ketchel, Andrew E. Ketchel an i Betsey his wife,
John Russell and Sarah kis wife?-In Pwriition.
It appearing, to thfi satisfaction of this Court, that an
amended bill of complaint h-:s been tileil in this cau?e tv >r a
partition of thu f.illowireg described premises, to wit: AM
thnt certain dwelling-house and lot. piece or pnrc-l of
ground, situate, lying and being in the Fifth Ward of tin
Citv of New-York, and is known and distinguished by the
number two hundred and nineteen (219) Church-street,
bounded westerly in front by Church street aforesaid,south?
erly by ground now or In!-- !"^lor>..';ng to ,'->coW A. Cole,
northerly by ground now or iat# bel?ritrhig to I.-;ac T.
Tallmah and Charles Morris, and easterly by lot No. Ifi3
conAining in breadth in front ai:<l rear twentyifbur-'feeti
and in length on each sh'e seventy-five feet, be the same
more or less; together with all si-.^niar the rigbts, pri
vileges, hereditaments and appnrtenances, remainder and
remainders, rent*, issues,,nil prontstherepf; And italso ap?
pearing, to the >alistactibn of this Court, that the residenc
.1 olin Rus-ell is unknown that Andrew K. Ketchel, ?hen
last heard 'Vom. ?h< b< 11 red re r - somewhe e ihSouth
America, tr.nt Bets?y Ketchel resides n th- State of Penn?
sylvania, Will'mm Irvlne'arid'Sarah Jnne his w!fe and \n
drew Ketchel reside in the State last aforesaid, that'Wit
liarn Ketchel and Isaac Ketch-1 reside n the M:::e of New.
j, rsey?on motion of C. N i.-ie. Solicitor or th ? ctoni-^isin.
ant. ir is ordered t'tatti-.e snvl .to!-.o Rn-e'!. sm'rew E Netch;
el.Uei.-'V Ketcbe'. William Trv ne and Sarah Jane Irvirte.'Ani
drew Kelche). William Ketchel and rsaa'c Ketchel; and
each of them, cTuse their appearance ?r> be entered and no.
lice thereof to be served on th- Complainant'? Sollcitoi
within four iiiot t!:s rem the daie ot ibis order; < nd. in cast
or their appearance,7 that they" cati'e th. ir answer or an?
swers to the cnmplaiKant's bill to be filed and acopy therep
to be served on the comptninant's Solicitor whhin/?rty davi
aiittr ?ervice of a cony '?'-aM bil', anrl that in default ihereol
?raid bill ?f comp'aint he taiten as coufes-erl bv tl-e.n ami
ench of them. \>id ii is further ordered, that within twenty
days from the date of this order ti>e said compIainant?cau?f
ttii. order to *?se published in the State paper and in thf
New-York Tribune, a paper printed in this Stnte. for thre?
months, once e^cli we.:k, successively; or thnt the said
complainants cause a copvof this ordvr to b* served per
- ina'l/ on the said John Rn-sell. Andrew B. Ketchel, Bet
iev Ketchel, William Irvine, Sarah Jane Irvine, Andrrvn
Ketchel, William Ketchel and Isaac Ketchel. and on end
oft hem, nt least twenty days heforc the time herein before
prescribed for their appearance. (A copy.)
C. Nagle, Solicitor. nulO lawSm
fEvening Journal copy.)
B~RITANNfA"\VXllE7^\Ve have now
on hand a full assortment of the above ware, bavins
tieen enabled to keep our runnufictorv in full bla<t during
'be pressure. In times like these, when men and China
ware are liable to break, people are learning to be econom?
ic,!:: hercethe increased dvnnnd tor articles of Br;tann;t
Wire. Our assortment consists in part of pit'-bers, p'a;r
nndjeovered, from one pint to six quarts: coflee and tea urn*
from two quarts U? tour gallons: cantflesticks; flat and tail;
lampa,a ureat variety, with round and tint tul?es, fir burn
in? oil. gas and lard; castors, plain and revolving; collet
and tea sets, a large assortment; molasses cups, tumblers,
mugs, soup ladles, nursing-bottles, IatL.*r boxes, table and
tea spoons, spittoons, kc.
^D'xon's celebrated lea ware, latest patterns. Also Dixor/j
German silver spoons, ladles, forks, kc. warranted not tc
turn yellow.
For sale, wholesale and retail, at the old stand, C Rurlin?
slip by anSO 2w* BOARDMAN k HART.
TAIN, Easton, Bethlehem and Allentown,
_ Pa.?Daily, (Snndaysexeepted) Ha EHzabeth
and Somerville Railroad?Leave pi^r 1 N. River, at 8k o'?
clock, A. M. by steamboat to Elizabeth-Port, orieave:the
loot of Liberty-sreet at 9 o'clock, A. M. take the Philadel?
phia train to Elirabethtowri, there connect with cars for
Somerville-rCoaches from thence arriving nt Sebooley'i
Mountain early the same afternoon, at Easton by 6 o'clock,
Bethlehcnn e: 9} o'clock, aud Allentown at 8J o'clock the
same evening.
For seats or fnrther information, apply to A. D. HOPE,
Merchants'* Hotel, 41 Coortlandt street, at the Railroad Of?
fice, foot of L'herty-st. or on boarJ the Ikmu
P. S, This route on account of the short distance by
roaches cummer.ds itself to the public patronage as being
by far the most pleasant and expeditious. jy30 Im
days excepted.?Leave 73 Co-jrtlandt street at
3 o'clock A..M, by Railroad from Jersey City 'o
Newark: there passengers can take dieir choice
?ither by Stage or Railroad to Morrtstown?thence by stage
through Mendham, Chester, Schooley's Mountain, to Belvi
dere and Easton.
For ?< aisnr farther information, apply to J. Hill, Commer?
cial Hot 1,73 Courtlandl street, kept by Wm. Kugler.
N. B. Extras furnished at the shortest notice, by apply?
ing to N. B Luse, U. Stab-s Ho-.-l, Morristown. jyir5 2m*
_I The Company's Steamboat and Barges (Cap
ttou A. H. Shultz) will run m connection with trains or cars
between the foot of Duane-street, New-Y'ork, and Qbshen,as
foil* ws:
Daily (except Sundavs) leave Gosiien at 7 o'clock, -V. M..
anil arrive in New-York at ilj A. M.
Leave New-York at3o'?lock, P. M, during die season
and arrive in Goshen at 7$ P. M.
Leave Goshen at 2 o'clock, P. M. on Mondavs. Tuesdays
Thursdays and Fridays, and arrive in New-York the same
Leave New-York at 5 o'clock, A. M. oh Tuesdays, Wed?
nesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, ami arrive in Goshen same
dev. H. C. SEYMOUR, Superintendent,
July 15th. jy]6
COMPANY?Another section will beopened
_ _?for travel on the loth inst, th-ee miles beyond
1 i.-ompson to the Suffolk Station, with the following ar?
rangement on the extended line:
Ou and arter Wedueseay, lOtbof Aagust, 1342, the trains
will run as follows :
Leave Suffolk Station at 6 A M and J? P M
Leave Deer Park at 6j A M and H oVJoc.'i. P M
Leave HieksviiU at 7J, o'clock. A M and 2i P M
Leave Hempstend at 7j o'clock, A M and 2i P M
Leave Jamaica at t o'clock. A M and 3 P M
Lea re South Fe.-rv (X. York side) at !}t A M and 4} P 31
Leave Brooklyn at Ok o'clock. A M and 41 P M
Leave Jamaica at 2 ..'clock A M and 4k P M
Leave South Ferry (N. York side) at 4$ A M and 54 P 31
Leave Brooklyn at 9$ A M and 5?P M
Leave Sutfo'k Station at 24 P M
Leave Deer Park at S P.M
Leave Hicksvilie ar 34 P M
Leave Hempstead a: Gj P M
FARE?For Tickets at the ofnee in BrnoWyn. as follows"
Jamaica25c. BrusbvilleSSc. Bram it 50c Hempstead. Carle
Place and Westburv .55? Hickssille 62c. Farmiigdale 75c
Deer Park ?3c. Babylon $1, ?unelk Station 3i 12$.
N. B. Passengers are desired to procure tickets before
taking seats in the cars.
_2a. FOR LIVERPOOL.-Packet of
gPyjt Seotetnber 7'h.?The packet ship ROSCOE, H.
?^?^2' Uattieston. master, will sail as above, her regular
*tT- Kor Ireiyht or paisa^e. havimr 'snperior accommtsla
t ioas, appiv *>n boaro, foot of Maid an Lam , or to
G RINN ELL, MINTURV k CO., 72 SV.utb-street,
The packet ship GEORGE WASHINGTON, A. Bur?
rows, raa-ter, will succeed the Roscoe, and sail on the 7th
of October, her regular day. anil
FOR LONDON.?Packet of Septem
<^gt her 1st.?The packet ship ST. JA3IES. W S. Se?
-uiiWi bcr, master, will rail as ^hove. her reirnlar day.
For freight or ortssage, having superior acco<-umodatians,
apaiy on board, foot ef Ma-s^en Laoej or to
GRINNELL, 311 NT URN k CO , 78 South-streeu
The packet ship GLADIATOR, T. Brittrm, master, will
saccead the Sr. Ja'mei, and sail on the 20th of September,
her regular day._antl
C?XLECTiON on all part of the United
States made on the most^avorable terms, by
S "^people's line for al
38?Bj3^?s3?. BANT and intermediate places?frora ^
Wot of Co;irtUndT-*t,
The COLUMBIA. CbplT. P. Newberry, willleave w
ibove at 5 P. M. on Tuysdsvarnl Friday.
The 'trsm<r NORTH AMERICA. Cuot. M. H. Tra?.
.?. Ol le ivr as above at 3 P. M. en Wednesday aod Sat.
For passage or 'rei.'rht.npply to P. C. Schultz atthe ofl5ce
?w tbe wharf, or on board.
# N. B. All kinds of property taken only at the risk of tbe
>wncrs thereof._
miormm; link f?tTaC
Si^SS^S^. B ANY. TROY, and intermediate Land.
' Worn Steamboat Pier toot cf Barclay sl
Tbe low-pressore >teambo.it TROY, Capt. A. Oorlrarr
This (Tuesday) Momths& at 7 o'clock
TU- new low-pressure steamboat ALBANY. Taw. J. Q.
J-nkir>% Tc-r/orrow (Wednesday) Mnrnirjg. at 7 o'clock.
For ris age. apply at the otfxce, foot of Barclay-street, or
ia fcssrd. _ _
Notice?All Goods. Freigut. Biggage. Cans B ,11s. Specie,
rmv other kind of Property, taken, shipped, or pot on
Soard ttf s boat, most be at the risk of tbe owners of neb
-v. Raggage, fcc
TT NOTiC F..?In order to accommodate persoos de
?i oos attending tar Annual Regatta at New burgh to
come off co Wednesday,the Fare from New-York to New.
burgh by'steamcoat Albany, for that day, w:ll b-ouly It)
r^OPPOS'rriON LINE for a?
gfg^, bany, landing at the foot of Hammond,
street, Newonrgb, P?nghlteepsje, Kingston Pont, Catskfll
and Hudson.
The splendid steamboat WASHINGTON. Captain J. M.
Brown, will leave the Pier at the footot Robinson-street for
Albany every Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday, at 5
o'clock, P. M.
Lenve Albany, fv>t of Ladies-street, for New York,evert
Mendav, Wednesday and Friday. at5 o'clock, P. M.
Por r>-?ssa;ro or !i eight, Bpplv on hoard, or to
D. R-MARTIN, 182 West-street.
Frei"ht taker on ihe most reasonable terms.
To Let?A Steamboat Berth at W?rr*n-street Pier. North
Itivtr. Apply on rward the.Washington. au.f im
r> E"' ft EVENING LINE of Steam
^gZ&tJZZgSSt^. boats tor Albany, daily, at 7 o'clock P.
>!.. Sunday excepted, from the pier between Courdand and
Liberty str**n*.
The steamer SOUTH AMERICA. CapL Brainard. leaves
?londav, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons at 7 o'clock.
The steamer ROCHESTER, C^ou A. P.St. John, :-avej
the above p;rr Tuesday, Thu-sday and Saturday After*
loons, at 7 o'clock.
The Rochester and South America ate new and substan?
tial boats, well fitted up and furnished w'th ?t?te rooms,
and for speed an '. accommodations are (tot sarpas-ej by
mV boats or. the river.
Passengers by this Line of boats will a' all times arrive in
Vlh.mv In ample time for tbe ?rst train of cars for tbe
East and West._
rVf. POWELL" & CO.'a Line
For NEWBURGH, landing at CAID.
wTBLTTS, west POINT, and cot.D SPRING.?The
aeamboat Higblsader^Cnpu Robert Wardrop, w:U leave
ioot of Warren-t, every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday,
it t P. M. Returning, will leave Newburgn every Momiav
it ?i A. M. p.-id Tuesday nod Friday at 3 P. M.
F'i- freight or pas?age*apply to the Captain on board.
Baggage and freight of ail descriptions, Bank h?ls or tne
ci->, board, must he at ?he ilsk of die o* i rrs thereof, unless
? mllofladine orrecnintji be?iurned fur th* same. (72
^jggC^pTdL PLANCK. Grassy Poir.t, Sing-Sing. Tar.
rytown, Dobbs' Ferry, Hastings and Yonkers. BrvakfSf.t
-ii.t Dinner on board.
1 be new and splendid steamer COLUMBUS, Captain F.
>> . StooeJ will leave New-York from the toot of Chamheri
(irret, every morning [Fridays excepted] at 7 o'clock;?
\ id etoming, leave Peekskill same day at J past 12 P. M.
Landing <;t the foot of Hammond street,each wav.
NoTlC!?.?All goods, Freigbt, Bac.?.?ge. Bank Bills,Spe*
or any otVerkbnl of; Property, taken, >hi oped, or pat
?i board this boat most In; at the risk of the owners of sneh
?>oods, Freight; Baggagei Sic.
I ' -xcr us i ()n~to tlie n ew
j andMiit Fl 1GHLANDFR ? apt W:- drop, will leave tbt
I < r fnot of Warren st. oti Wednesday morning, Aug.iSlkt,
..? half past 7 o'clock, foot of Hammond.si. quarter bt'ore 8.
Retnrning, will leave Newborgb immediately aftvr tbe
!L'"_: Ua is over.
Fare encii wav AO cents.
Tiie Regatta ? Ql i ime offal 2 o'clock P. M. ao2>? 4t'
^Tp?*'* J^C?MP MEETING at Siug
ApWSj^, Song ?Fare 37j Cents.?The steamboat
CpLUMBTjjf, Captain F. W.'Sthne, for the accommi datina
lb Public during the Camp MeetlngtO be holden ntSing
S7hg, will leave IVew York i< follows, via: Oh Mo day the
5 "1/. and Tuesday it - Cihh days ol Angu?t. ;n*t. will liyat
il !", >t o'f D-l incy str? t. Fast River, frpi i .1 to'I alfpast?
'c|ock, ti.. invt leave from the (entbf Cha.hbew4?eet
??? I , n On tug, (Friday excepted) a< .1 o'clock. A. M.
Returning, leave Peekskill ar 2, ?nd Si;i? Singst 4}o**
HmcIj. P. M
On Friday the Boat will remnfn at Sing Sing until the
breaking up of,the meeting, landing at the toot of Uam
tnm] street^ and her usual landin: s esch wny.
Fare from New-\ < rk to Sing *in? only 57} centss
The Co innbus will make her regular'rips to and frnm
Peekskill, and intermediate landings, only changing the
hour' f leaving New.York to S A. M. and Peekskill at 2 P.
'I. until close of Camp Meeting, wheu she will resume her
customary hours. au25
jSOSSbSj for the Fishing B?:iks off Sandy Hook
-very Tuesday and Friday during the season. The large
Sad common iocs steamboat SUPERIOR, Capt. John Gould,
is again in readinec and will commence her regular trips
for the season on Friday morning. May 27th, leaving the
pier foot of Charabers-sL at 8 o'clock, ffammond-st 1 past
]. Canal-sL i past 8, Pier No. IN. R. i to Ho'< lock, Market.
-;reet Pier 9 o'clock, Catherine-st. Ferry, Brookiyn, 1 pa>t
K and Pier No. 1 N. R. a past 9 o'clock, landing at Fort
Hamilton. Fare each wav 25 Cents,
The boat will he accompanied by an oid Fisherman well
acquainted with the Fishing Gmund. Bait furnished. An
excellent Band ofMusic is engaged to accompany the boat.
Refreshments of the first quality furnished on board extra.
\ chamber-maid will attend to the ladies and chlMrrn. '
dpt. Gould pledges himself that no pains shall bo spared
to give satisfaction aud make ihese Excursions both plw
-:mt and agreeable to those who will honor him with therr
The Public are assured that the Superior will positively
leave on the above clays throughout the season, 11 the wes?
her permits. my2fi Sin
c gr? fr st at k n ISlTriWFrjRilY
*rS?5o5S??- -sFootof Whitehall-street.?Tn? stsanv
rs STATENJiSLANDEP. and SAMSON will rua ni
follows, until fartU'r aotice:
Lewes State* Islamo st 7L 9, 10,12 A. M., and 1J,S,4,
, 5,7; P. M.
Leaves Whitehall at 2, 9, 10,11, A. M. and 2,51,4,5,6,
, P. M.
All go? Is shipped are required to be particularly marked,
?rid are n the rUk of the owners thereof. Je8
and NEWPORT?Composed of ?he folkiwiag superior
Steamers i nuing in connection with the Stcningtoa anil
Providence and Boston and Providence Railnads.
The MASSACHUSETTS, Captain Corastock.
MOHEGAN. " VanderbilL
The steamers of the Line for Boston and Providence, t?i
3ton.in.zton will leave pier. No. 1, N. R. Battery Place at 5
o'clock, P. M. daily; Sundays excepted.
For furtlier information, apply .-.i. No. 22 Broadway.
ftWFFAL<Ta5d Green Bay.
._st_ The -t. am COLUMBUS will niy lx
tutfalo and Green Bay during the season,as below
Leaves Buffalo, Leaves Green Bay,
June 20 June 27
July 4 18 July 11 23
August 1 IS 29 August 8 22
Sept. 12 26 Sept. 5 19
October 10 24 October 3 17 31
touching at intermediate ports.
F?r freight anil passage, apply to the master on board, or
) A. R. COBB k CO. ) ? , M v
P. L. PARSONS L CO. \ Bu";tlo? N. Y. ^gp
xBBmmSBSnXlm irig at Caldwell's, West Point and CoM
Spnng.?Tne steamboat JAMES MADISON, CapLChsrlei
Halstead, will le:?ve Warren-street Pier, every TUESDAY
and FRIDAY EVENINGS, at 4 o'clock.
All Baggage. Packages or Parcels. Bank Bills or Specie
put on boardof this boat wldioct being entered on theboos
of the boat or receipted for, will be at the risk of die o*
ers thereof. f23
_ Fare only 12A cents. The splendid and
commodious steamer PASSAIC, Capt. John Garfy, beirg
completely and elegar.Uy refitted, will commence her regce
lar trips for the season on Thursday, March 10?leaving a#
Foot of Barclay st. N. York, | Cer.tr- Wharf, Newark,
At 10 o'clk. a. m. b. 4o'clk,p.m. | At'Jo'cik.A.m.L lio'clk,r>?
Oc Sundays die Passaic will leave New-York at 10 A. St
and 4 P. M.?Leave Newaiv at 7* A. M. and 2 o'clock, M.
TT Freight ot emy description carried at very reduced
rates. m5 6cn
bummer Arrangement.?Fare 12$ Cents.
Th/> steamtwatJi W/TEff-'VITOU, CINDERELLA and
WJXiLIAMSBURGH, ptviiaily fromEiiz^heUi-Porttohe*
Ycrk. touching at New.'Brigiiton aud Port-RicbiDorid, on
ar.J atler the 11th day of August, 1242?each trip, as WJoWi:
Leave E?tabeth-Port, I Leave N. York, pier 1,N-^
Al?i, 2 and 11 o'clock, A. M AlC,2j and 10$ A- M~ S*J
At J, 5and 6o'clock. P. M | At 2,4 ando'clock, P.M.
On Sunday, . . ?
Leuve Elizabetli-Port at 3, 10 and lSr/ciock, A. M a?d tl
1, 4* and 6 o'clock, P M. .
Leare New-York at 8,10 and Hi o'clock, A. M. andal2,3l
:icd o P. M. ^
N. B.?Passengers for vVestfieM, Scotch Plains, PlaisneW?
Bound-Brook. SomervilJe, Easton 4: Scboole- s Moontaun.
by the Elizabeth-town and Srmierville Railroad Cars, wat _
leave New-York in the Si /clock boat la the morning, ana
in the 2 and 4 o'clock heats in the afternoon. ...
Passengers from the8i o'clock boat will leave Sawgn*
in stages for Easton and for Schooleys Mountain os the ar?
rival of the cars at Somerrille. .
The Horse Car ?rill !ea/et;-e front of the UoionBotc,
','uan.er of an hour previous rb<> departure of eaca boaf
Att bag-y^ge at ttae .-?Jt ot :>.. r vrner.__
IVr^^TICE.-Oii ailXaftcr Thursday tiie
X 1 25tli itsu the fleaaiboat- Wifli?T*bsrgb a?i Cinde?
rella will leave New York at 6 oAtjosk P. M. \vvt*A of M
o'eioci and will leeve Elizabeth Port at 4 aad -i o'clock r.
m instead of 5 and 6 o'clock P. It Trips as follow*:
L?a ve New York at 5*. Si. and 10* o'c ock, A. M. and at *
4. and 6. P.M. . .
Leave Elizabeth Port at6?, 3,aad ll,o'clock A-M-anc"1'
4. ami g P. at_ ____?^L
The cottage uudt House and Stable ?^*"!?
comer of Fifth avenue and 125th street, with f ?? f"',2
namentetl wiLb trees : also a pump near the door; a?oui
minute* walk from the Railroad. For further partje-?"
inquire of J. It J. \Y. LEYERIDGE, 145 C berry-st ??
je22 u*

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