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New-York daily tribune. [volume] (New-York [N.Y.]) 1842-1866, March 07, 1862, Image 5

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the tariff bill.
Provisions of the tax bill.
The Allied Interrelation In Mexico.
pbel Vessels Destroyed in Bull's Bay.
Special Diipateh te The N. Y. Trfbnne.
WaMaannB, Tuutauav, March 6. 1861.
The Menage from the Prendent to-day ii
eerbapB the mott important document BlBf
addressed to Congress, and ona of the most
important in hietory. Though retened and
moderate in term?, it dutinctly propose? to
" initiate emancipation.*' Such n proposition
from tbe Chief Magistrat?? muit be historic.
From thin time forward the great question
panel away from the keeping of ?peculators
and philantbropisti into that of cabinet? and
Stateimen. It cannot be put as.de. One early
gffect will be the creation of an emancipation
party in the Border State? devoted to the
Union, rendering the efforts of Secessionists
there hopcles?. It is known that several of the
largest elave-owner? in the Border State? have
given in their adheiion to this project in
advance, and are now very anxiout for it?
adoption. The warning of the President to the
Rebels that if the war goes on, " all the inci?
dents of war are to be employed, even if they
Cause ruin," will be undent.md at once to
mean that Slavery must cease to exist when it
stands in too way of humanity and the Kepub
lic. The friendt ol Freedom here ure much
elated, and all of tu anticipate that the good
I C&use will be quickened throughout the country.
The ilessage bein", received in the Senate
tv bile iu Executive Session, wa? not read aloud
by the Clerk. It wa* ?bown around, and
passed from hand to Land. It? reception by the
Senators waa electric.
The latest advicea from l'aria wholly entitled
to consideration, rtato the kejstone of the
Emperor'? policy is the English alliance; and
that Le will do nothing to weaken this. It i?
important that thin should be borne in mind ij
those who haatily think that France may bo
detached from England in 1er relution? to our
dealing with the slaTeholder*' rebellion. But
happily all thing? surely indicate that neither
of theie poweri i? ditposed to interfere. The
President'? Message af today makes this inter*
ference absolutely imponible.
The Emancipation M?sange of the President
is regarded among the Foreign Miniiter? a? an
?poch and calculated to produce a profound
impreMion ia Europe. It v. ill be the aubject
of ditpatches from all the Legation? by Satur?
day'? steamer.
A reconboitering party of the ?,.;d Pennsyl?
vania, Ileintzelmati's Division, wa? auibuihed
yesterday morning beyond the Occoquan, two
or toree mile? in advance of our picketo, and
received the fire of. a? wa? reckoned, 40 con?
cealed Hebel?. Ile Kebela imtantly flsd
through the wood. (.'apt. Chapman and Lieut.
Lyle were lulled, and tun privates were wounded,
One oi them mortally.
It baa been e?t.mated by several member? of
the 'Wa)i nr.'l Mean? Committee that the direct
tax of last ta?ante, with the dutie? ob importe
and the tax bill? juat matured will produce a
retenue exeeeding $150,000,000, which 1b be?
lieved to be enough for the wantt of the (?ov
emment. The Committee intend, however, to
make auch changea in the tariff a? will pro?
duce more revenue from import?. The ques?
tion of putting a tax on cotton is being du
cuned, and if Decenary, it will ba done.
The policy of eatabluhir.g a branch mint at
Denver City ia under consideration by the
V ay? and Mean? Committee. It will be re?
ferred to the Secretary of the Treaaury in
connection with the branch mint in New*York.
The Committee delire information concerning
the co?t of the worki, and the neceaiity for
their construction.
The proof ehtet? of the Tax bill are all ready
for the printer, and the bill will be ready
for circulation to-morrow.
The Sub-Committee on the Tariff, of which
Mr. Morrill ia Chairman, will at once take up
the tariff bill und perfect its fletmli for the
acton of the Houie.
THE TAXATION ON BWanVtffflU ASH incomes.
IS'ew?pnper? are not directly taxed by the bill
reported by the Committee of Wayi and Mean?;
hut, on the contrary, are exprenly exempted
from the lint of manufacturen" article! taxed.
The heavy impost? upon printing-paper and ad
vertiaemenb were deemed auflitient by the
C'inuiiitteti. So much of the bill passed ut the
toit aegaion na relat*?? to income? j s repealed,
tal tatt ig&d tax remuuii uiiiiUiigeii
? ' * "' ? ? -- , - ? .
Mexican affair*.
A vert" carefully preparad document from
the State Department, in regard to Mexican
affairs, will soon be laid before Congre?, which
will present an unfavorable exhibit of affain
in that haraiied country, and indicate the re?
sult of the Kur opean intervention uniera the
United States nraert their rights and maintain
their interest!. It ii the intention of the Gov?
ernment to retint the movements of European
Towen to establish monarchical Governmenti
on this continent, and to urge Congress to
prompt action in regard to the Mexican treaty.
There ii n provision in the Legislative Ap?
propriation bill to provide for the payment of
mileage at thii leuion, which the Treasury
Department had refuted to pay, as without the
sanction of law.
Mr. Goodwin, from the Committee on Inva?
lid Pentioni, introduced n bill, ?tmeoding the
act* pasted at the Extra Session authorising I
employment of volunteers, ao ni to make itt
provitiom , touchiag peniioni' inore plain. It
provides that every volunteer diiabled by
woundt or disease contracted in the line of
duty, and the widow or minor children of tuch
at die in ten ice, ?hall receive, in addition to
arrean of pay, allowance! of flOO, and full
| monthly pension? at the following rates:
I.ieutrnaut-Colonel, $3(1 ; Mujor, f'.'i', First Lieu?
tenant, $1!", Second Lieutenant, $1.'>, non-commis
1 turned officer*, musicians, nmi privates, $??. For
degrees of disability lest than the highest sums, pro
! port tonally lees.
Already the war claimants an falling into
column, and advancing upon the Treaiury.
We invite the public tcrutiny to a bill intro?
duced to-day from the lloute Military Com?
imttee, providing for compentation to loyal
citizen! for property destroyed to prevent the
same from being used by the enemy, which
That the Secretary of War is hereby authorized to
exutuine into and allow the i brim of any loval citi?
zen of the I'mted States for damage? to lu* property
which has been or may be destroyed hy order of any
aaraSS of the Patted Slatei army iir navy for the pur?
pose of preventing the same from being ueed by the
That is the whole of it, and yet claims to
' the amount of $.'?i?0,(MK),oi(?) would be in the
bandi of the agents here in lix week? from its
Senator Collamer, from the Committee on Post
Ofticet and l'ost Hoads, to-day reported ad vend)
' to the House billi authorizing the carriage of ad
'ditional mail matter and establiihing a Postal
, Mono?.Order system.
?One hundred and fifty ItYhel eol.lmr? recent!)
deserted fruin Savannah to ('?-n. Sherman. When
a?ked wh? th?-) did ?t, they replied that tin? w? re
" tired of lighting in a rich men's war."
TDK ).?(-AIT. Ill lill NASHVII.I E.
The Nashville ran, not into Wilmington, at
' stated by Southern journal?, but into Beaufort,
N. C. Commander J.?"]'. Armit rung of the
steamer State of Georgia reporte to the Navy
Department that his lookout etpied her abo it
dawn, that he immediatel) gave chain to her,
but that ?he ran under the gum of Fort M aeon,
and ao escaped, li ii Btor) is not considered
; entirely ?at .?factory.
! Acting Matter Henry T. Keene ii ordered
to Callao, Peru, to command C. S. itorcthip
F redoma. Acting Assistaut Paymaster Samuel
Jordan has boen ordered to report to Commo?
dore Paulding for duty. Acting Maxier ? Mate
; J, K. Craig of the Conttellation, at Pnrt*
Hiotith, N. II., hat been ditmitted the service
for drunkenness.
REBEL ? EsMlr, l>l.??TKOVKD IN lilli 1*1 HA I'.
Flag-Oflicer Dupont forwardtthe following to
! the Navy Department:
L'. 8. aiaa H.? ? i "- orr Iii i '? Bar, 8 C r
raimaaj, too. la, isri I
i BEE) I have the honor to report, that ou the Lilli
inst.. BbeSri 11 o < h? k a. in., we discovered a taSBSl
ashore ou a rtvul in Bull s Bav. I sent two annul
boat! ?n, for th. pur'eree of reionuoiteriug. and it
?Mariala, to dring her of!. Du hoarding, that found
i hot to te a very old and woithleu emit, withoat a
1 cargo, aud with only four Degroe? on hourd. While
1 on board the iloop, they discovered three rea*el*
| lying at anchor lund, the tthottl?, apparently lulen
w.tii rue, A ' . At I H" a.m., on the 11th mat., 1
sent another armed vi sits I, with orders to cut IbSM
ve?aeli out or dettrov lum. There not being
enough w""I all dar to bring them out, they were
1 destroyed after dark, and their ting? pajer?, ami
i arnu taken in the hoat and brought otl with two
prisoner*. The following are the name? of the ve?
aeli deetroyed, with thi-ir rargoel, which coniiated
j of nee forthe City of Charleiion : Sloop Ldiei??,
! l,&*> buihel? rice, tunk i schooner Wando, I,?*?'')
bushell rice: schooner hli/.abeth, I,KO0 hmh
eli rice, sunk; ?< hoouer 'Iheodore Stoney. %\ .?Hi
baabels ii'S. The ichooner Theodore Stoney
wui a fine ? raft of ol lum, hut could not he got out',
a* there wai a battery of three gum near her un
?hora;'?. She wai consequently bun.ed. Their re
?(.ective crews were all ioreigner? and negror?, ami
n?i! having room enough in the hoat to 'ring them
ntl, the? weie set ashore, and nilowed to retain theil
personal etlecti, except am.? In cloning, 1 feel it
my duty to mention ihe efficient manner in who h
my orden were < ai n?'d out by Acting Mmtn'i Mate*
Henry Kimon and J. Walter Markie, and to ? all )our
attention to the riau.e.
EUVVAHD I ONKOY. Acllvg Vol Meut. (.'omg.
Com. J (J Pabbott.
the execitive si;ssjox.
Nuinerout cml and military nomination! of
lei'ond.-.ry importance were paised upon hy
the Senate in Executive tetsion to-day. Among
the rejected wat John Clark, Editor of Tin
Hutton Courier, nominated at Commiiiarr of
Subsistence. No Generals were confirmed or
set aside.
To th. AeKicletod P'et?
V. aain ?.?.)"?. 'J liend?y Marchi I"..'
1'ovtal rorrnniinii allon is entnelv reopened In Ar
ciinac iind Northampton Counties, Virginia.
The l'ost-Oflice Department is ready to estai.Ii*h,
as MSB as Congie*? shall give the authority, free ?
delivery iu riiiet, with uniform rates mt local anil
g'-neinl latiere.
The military display atiendan! on the funentl of
Bri.-Gen. Lander this afternoon wa* large and ?tri
pres*ive. A number of the mont dieting!.iihed gen?
tlemen connected with the army, navy, and ciri!
poumon? weie present. Flags everywhere ure at
half mast.
The bill reported from Ihe Committee of Ways aBd
Means to-day, authorizing the purcbaao of com and
f?ir other purposes, provid.i that the Secretary of the
Treasury may ?li?i?oee of any bond* orn?le* bearing
interest, authorized by Inw, for ?oin, at inch rates
lind upon BBSb terrm a? he ma) deem most advanta
geout to the publie interest, au.? may wini-, under
auch ruina aud regulations as he may presc/ihe,
ceri ihi at ra ui mdehtevkie?, |i?oli kvt were am but
?red by the act " to authorire the Secretary of the
Trca-nry to iwue certifirate? of indebtedness to pub?
lic creditors," approved March 1,184)2, b atieh cred*
iton as m?y delire to receive the same ia the dis*
charge of cheeki drawn by diiburwing otBcera upon
auma placed to their credit on the booka of the Treas
urer, upon requiaitioni of the proper Department,
as well as in the discharge of audited and settled ac?
counts aa provided by said act.
I It in further provided that the demand notai au
thorizsd by the act of Jnly 17, 1861, and by the art
of February 1'?!, 1862, ?hall be receivable, and ?ball
be lawful money and legal tender in like manner,
and to lbs earns purpose?, and to the urns extent, ne
the note? authorised by the act to authorixs the ?mue
of United State? notos, and for tbs redemption or
fnnding thereof, and for funding the floating debt ef
the United Sutes, approved on tha 38th of last month.
Charles Henry Fr?ter hu rstumed to Walling?
ton, and again presente.I hi? petition for a ?eat as
member from the lid Congressional Distrirt of North
Carolina. The case i? before the Committee on
The President, in addition to other officer? pro
1 moted for gullftnt conduct, ha? nominated Brig.-Geu.
Thomas to be a Major-Oeneral aa a recognition of
bia late eminent service? in Kentucky; also Col.
Harvey Brown, lo be a Hrigadier-Heneral by brevet ;
Maj. Arnold, to be Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet,
Capt. Hildt, to l,e Major by brevet; Mhj. Tower, to
be Lieutenant-Colonel by brevet; Capta. Allen.
Cbalflin, CI?**in, K??benson, Hlunl, Duryea, and
, Langdon, tobe Majora by brevet, and 1st Lieut*. Mc
| Farlaud, Shipley, Jackton, Pennington, Seele),
1 Frank K. Taylor, and Todd, to be Captain? by
Captain? Bell, McKean, Dupont, Coldnboroiigh,
and Vairanut, were to-day coufiruied by the Senate
a? Flag Officers of the Navy, aud J. .1. Wit/ig, K.
M. Shield, and Thoms? B. Stillman, a? Inspecter? of
The following were confirmed a? l'oit mast era: B.
L. Cull, Hamilton, Mo. : T. flood. Al lento wn, Pa..
j L. Smith, Watertnwt), N. Y.; P. II. Agan, Syn
Iruae, af. V.: D. K. Bacon, Leroy, N. Y.; CO.
Knit man, Claretuont, N. Y., and T. K. Ware, Fitcb
burg, Man.
Tbe following named Contuli were confirmed; J.
.11. freir?an.'- al Zurich. II. Young, Santa Cruz,
Alexander Henderson, Londond-iTy, Chirle? II.
li-lw. ur.lr. Aliuinte. Al--nl.an Hanaon, H.aeao.
| Juin? Waniple, Lagnn)ru Th..ma? Spencer, Hilo;
William Ii. litan?, Cyprui.
cul1 lit Tnits Of COcVaXanto.
Tbs following were BMBBnaSi as Collectors of the
. Ciift'.in?. Win. W. Mill?, at l'lia-i dil Norte; L. Ha?
ven, Chicago J. Ii. Stalker. Annapo??, Md.; Win.
I?. Ashmore, IliirliDgton, N.J.; Ctiar'.eiA. Pirkint,
Oiwego, N. Y., CnarleaT. Swift, Hamatable, Mae?.;
Nathaiuel K. Sargent. Kiunct.er, Me.
St K1 l??)IIS.
The following as Surveyor! of the (?latonii: fleo.
Howland, Tuerton. and W. W. 0?rt.?u, Patnxct. K.
L? W. Thornl-erry, Padieili, fcy., tai .'. H.
? Meeker, Lfaaaaaln, Washington Trrritoy.
(Hill It (ill I? HIV
The following were ale? continued: C. W. Chat
; tersen, Indian Agent. Cherokee Agency; I". II.
Hale, Sup? rintendeul ><f Ind.an Alfana, Washington
Territory, Tbomai S. bMbBB Unorder of lal
Tillea in M'?anuri S. K. J.iie-.n Keceiver of Pub?
lic Mi ney? f,r Nebraska; II. S'out, Altomsy. an-l
?J.L. Mea, ?Maralla!, of Utah. K. D. Sl.ittutk,
At-..nie? for (?reg >n, W. VYaeeun, Marahal for
?i latta
In addition to tbe abut?, a la-g* um,her of arm-,
iioinaiii-a? were confirmed, but aoue of field
i nilli era.
OES. HI I \kl li ?A 1 KI It li H'.uM MR. (.Itn/M It
' Ta (Ai Kilto* t_f Th* ,V. I'. Tribe??
BIRI Your bene of the 4th iait. BSBBBBM thi tram
iKiou ef I rai tila latter .l.ne.l by * bub har ? !-'?-? i ' l '
8, lilmnelfeiiBlg . reg niant, Dlrtitoii of ?ira. HI.eke?), eil?
: iiitlly pnbi-li?d Mr 'il-i ?' a (?eta.?n ?aa.l w?kty ? (bit
city. Iii wbi b lalla Iii? ... ! effirrr? drr ??? lh? ???!??? oj
' po?? ! to ? reriiOTcl of Oca. H!??k?r t-.l ?t i? ? ?air?? lim* ???>
It lo prr.i.ei ni-e ?. e le be " a ba?e uir" I r l.itn.? itt'? ! \u
! my Utter pi?l.!iibed la Tin Tain- ?? ??? ? I Hil a.t. th?!'he
?' ? ?. af t i.- alto?? oari ??I r?|ln.?al b? J r?f..e.-.1 (o >lgi ? , > r
'.' -,11 ... l'|i r; .- '???*.. I i .? '.', ti.? di? Bl
ktoB of toS dieciciltcb'- ;?- BBBTJ f ip.oiut.o?, ?,hrir..-f
Iden Bl.uk.r ?rj bil f.turit.t, lid w til-k 1 td i!|t'ir*,l le
yo r l.e .? i ' th? l?lh of I?erei,ni?r Hi B? refrritng to lb?
Bttna )oi "1 '- lu J (hat m. 'i the > t at.ii*, (lirra it Lot oi.e
of Hie oftirert o? lo. HcMwuialfeaaig't icgin ? .1
Amoc| Ik* ?lgn?tur?. to (btl ?etui In twt I'.itn. I I '-.I
tbat? of offi. ere u bo ?te at ? for,M??il ?; (reperd a i-? *?
lug I fib? ?ftren nf ti.? regie.??.!, th? (?rr. Il>nk?r ghi I
ban ?it.d lu ? ll.rr ? ? .1 l.i-i.i? I of Hi? rLirg?? in.Jr ?.-tu.tl
Illili or ??te to re?l?a I iio.i alto li. il|nitnr? < ' ( ?pi A MU
tri ?Moil we? and? BH of in li.? pulia.?lioii?iv?>'.?l A,i;,.-i,
ISfea* Batt a? you ?I I pe ? .... - fr B a letter I .',??? ??riinl
from i ?p?. A Mill?: h; mee ? ?lil ?iiir-li I .1 ?r bri.-? itli
for your p.ic.ti 1 bul ???". ? ? t? j ,t<? i in,a. Bee Bleat
?r'? II-? I j ??:.-? md j-itii.li.d 'ttlioti.l, vert !i?..?t.i(
ii.-.riided for aMaaenRea)ta TAt flin?' t.,g?ih?r wki.iI.?
letter le wliirh note tlir pti!i!te?llr,ii ?if lb? l?((?r i? tugenlly
r?qu?t!ed o.e. ii? i ^?-il .?? ? Ii, .'.f.,?,., lAjUtaat H tim
len. .ti you btewRhei ?" of'/'? /'?fi-r r ? ?ii I it
li,??? it a,.?ut?.
( ;.? d.ili.? Iba ?'.?? fully tutlirlti.t la deterailn? u ' < bar
BBbl of tb? Irtter ?a I fit l'ai, i-l ?L-l BBM l.liiig to proirat a
i d.? -...I-in wlil, li hat ?eiy lillie If ?i,y. rafe?.o. e to Iii? grit?
chtr??. on t?blrb tb? oi.lr??rd i.,.r?,?i. ??ni.eni ?f (I,. .-v.iB.-y
t.?? gggBBjaatt Baa. Leek Baaatst tatt .* ti ? Bftnai ? ?'?
longreit ami ef put i o| li,liai I ?>
V..uri oin.I re.perlf illy
I*,?,?,?..-..,?, Ma/eh 1 l-l Mi' ?IKIT/NKH Bj
glrlrfjgfg Of (HNHIilMK IN (.1 V. Ill I MM K.
le? Tk 11, i RS bal re? ?-i vnl fn,ru ('apt. Iliiiuli
dorfer, (len. Hleiikrr | Aide-de-Cmiip, c- \ ia? of tb?
following Banana at satoMsass in him, i ennui? the
?ignatiite? of iheroiiin, ?aioiiedand iiori-roniiiiiaaionrd
taaanrs "f all Hie regimenti I.ulonging to Li? divi.i.tii
"'ihc urnlerilgned . .imia..!"ii?J end lion eoiiiUiiMl.il??*
?f r ?? ti?. Rag tint lit, pri.-tett, ? i-l. i, ? | .,?il ,, ?gi ntl tbe
atlltu-te whi'?. ? del id?d ni <???! pian ht?r ?iiiile for ton,*
tin,? >. pon (In. li le i.ke r. that the lain, le not. ?t ' ?' -. li..
o iii - I BH coi >i !?i a. tri I Ibu wa .Lal! fel'nw kin. to lb?
htlile field ?lib ela iliy "
lulrrealinf? Ilrnt*.
o E N . RTOBB'a ( a m r..
wi.iiiM.ii.-?. Undiiwtt.y Hanh?lSto
Tin evidence againit tina iii|rera?-rvi?eal le tool of
lae Slav?-,i. ia? y ia u .'nunilllitig. Sun e hi? arra?!
prominent I iti/rni of Bjnjn] of the loyal Statei bate
urti to ineriiberi of Congreae lettei?, wini li BBSS
Leen put iu svidencs before tbe War Committee,
making known the fact that (Jen. Stone acted, regu?
larly, as a medium for forwr.rdii.g BSItaaBRBBBBM
between officers ia the fatebel army and
partie? in the Free Hlatei. The fact that
ha acted in tin* capacity aecma to have
had currency nmoug the Bafasha*. Their letter?
Hi-aluii, were forwarded by bim, and iii tbeae letter?
direction? were BiHbB that-eab-d letter?, having SR
them tha address of Hebel officen, ?Imuld be Bent
under covir to (leu. Stoue, who would forward fliem
to ti.e HeM ham,
Twenty five million paget of matter have been
diatribtitsd among the nUnBl ou the Ititoma?'. On?'
liuiidrcd thouHUid ? opiee of 'The i'h?.lian Bon " ,
a ?enii-nionthly |>af?er of the Society, hava Leen di?
In billed. The loditim of the long Kennon af id!ene?e
has diiiibtlesi benn relieved by lile reidiug of (h?K
works, Bttd djuukounteg aud vue bold iu check,
Eight htmdred men in a tingle regiment are reported
to hare signed the temperance pledge, while ia
othert there fa) a general religioat interest.
The publication in Tin/. Tmnrm of tbit docu?
ment has created a profound Mutation. There ia
but one opjnioa ra to the propriety of the courra
t*kea by him. The i**ll from Congrem on the Com?
mittee for the production of the evidence ii only an
echo of the fraling of the country. Thit call would
hare been promptly complied with, but for the fact
that the Committee is still engaged in taking evi
deuce relative to affair? in Missouri.
Many material witness*? are cennected with the
army, and are on duty, which makee it imp. neible for
them to give evidence at preMnt. (len. Fremont's
coomete making public that part of the teetimony
communicated by himself meets with the approval ef
the Committee, who will not withhold the balance
of the teetimony when the cateehall be completed.
Meanwhile, it ie perhaps better for all parties, that
the controversy, which is inevitable, will he to a
certain extent taken out of Coi gres? and transfarred
to the new?pa?*ers.
The Gradual Abolition of Slavery.
wAenatateai Tbunj??, Much I iet>7.
The President to-day tionsmitled to Congress the
following uie?sage
Eellotc-cttizem of the Senate and H>ute of Rep?
rit hlatiret.
I recommend the adoption of a joint resolution by
your honorable bodiet, which lhall be substantially
it? follows:
Retolrel, That the I'riited N'ate* ought to co
saaratS with any State which may aoopt a gradual
al.olivhtueut M* Slavery, giving to sin h State pecu-?
niary aid to ha unetl hy BBSb Mute in iti discretion to
corni eiinate for the itvoiiveuienre? public audpri-|
Vdie produced by su? h . hange of i).-'.eiii.
If the proposition contained in the resotatiou does
not meet the approval of Congress and the country,
there i? the end, hut if it does command auch ap?
proval 1 deem of importance thal the State* and
je, [le imm?diat? ly intererted ihould al once he dis?
tinctly notified of the feet, ?o that they may begin to
consider Whether to ao ej.t or reject it.
The Federal Oovernment would find ita highest in?
terest in such a measure a* one of the most efficient
.'uesns of Belf-preiervstion. The leader? of the ei*
i?Uog injurre?*tion entertain the hope that the Got
irnment will ultimately he for?t?d to acknowledge
the in?!ep? i.,leo<e of iou.e purt ot the diiaffected re?
gion, and that all the Slave States north of such
parts will then cay, " Tie I'uion for which we have
?truggled being already gone, we now choose to go
with the Southern MCiion."
To deprive thetn of tina hope, tuhitantially ends
the rehellion, and the initiation of emancipation com?
pletely deprivet them of it. Al to all the State!
initiating ?i, ii s BEBB] is n<?t that al! the Suttee toler
aTing Slavery, wonld very boo?? if at all, initiate
?-man.-iparn.il. but ?hat while the ..tier ie equally
made to al!, the more Northern ihall, hy such imiia
tion, make it certain to the more Southern, that in
no event will the former ev cr join lbs latter in ttieir
pn ,., t-J ( i-ufeiit ra. > ?
1 say " initiation," because, lu my judgment, grad?
ual, mid not Hidden, emuiii ?patton ia better for all.
In the mere financial Ot pecuniary view, any Meiu
Irf-r of (eOagtsaa, with ihe BSBBBS table* au.l tim
Tu aeury rt-i-ort? before bim, can ruudily ?ee for hitn
nelf bow Vi ry ?.-on the entrent expenditure? of th!?
war would piurhaae. at a fuir va hitit >n, al! (he ?laves
in any nBBBB? Sute. Such a piopmition on the -art
of Mt (ienrral (?overnm*i-.l seti up no claim of a
r.gl.t, I y IwawtBjl authority, te interfere wi'h Slavery
within State limits, referring, a* it doe*, the ah?*?
cutrol of the Bal i?*' t in eu? li ? ate to the Stnte
ami itt peopla Immediately iiit?-re?ted.
It i* BNBJBBai a? a matt, r of perfectly fre-- choice
with thrui. lu the Annual V|e*iage, lu?! De? ember,
I iheeghl It to say i "The Unten mint bbbsi ??-r?t..i.
und hem?' all indiijieuaable m?-ao? tuu?t lie em*
Btoyari. I laid this uot hastily, hut delilt rat?-ly.
W .ir hit? hei n eui toutiiiuf? to he, uti imliipema!.!..
MBBEE l<? ttila end. A practical rea? Know mnfMtti ot
ilu uatioinil authority would rru !? r the wrvr tinm ces
lary, ami it w ouid ni MM < ? IE ?
If, however, r*?i*tiniie i oii'iiiue?, the war matt
alan continue, and it is iMgSStSwtl to foreoi-e nil the
in? .'hui? wbttb Hay attend, and all the ruin whin
BMJ follow It. St, h as mat ?eelii iudiipenniible, or
in ray o! v mu?! ? | r- unie gr*n' ? It" oin y '?ivv ittd ending
the Struggle, must mill will com?'.
The aropoaitioB now maile, though an offer only,
I h?.| ?? it may he SBtSBBMSl u?, o!!?n?e to aak whether
tin- pei uniary I liiidrrutiiiti Icmlered would not he of
nmre viilue t?i li I Stute? and |rivute person? ( a>
.?nu .1. thitii are the inslitutioii and BBafJEtJ ?u ?I, El
the |irrr*ciit Btpecf of affairs.
While it ii true that the ndopiiou of the BjBfBJJB]
lllllllB woii'.d he uiei.ly ??iitiat.?ry. and not within
BBSs? a pra. uval measure, it i* re. oniim-nde,! in the
h.,,,e that it would soon leud to important remit?.
In full view of my great rr?ji..i?ail.ility to my thai
Bad to my Countiy, I earnestly ??eg the attention of
PaBIIIM and the BBSfSI to ?ie .object.
The President t MeM.ige exc.ied deep ?uterrBl in
the Booie t..-.l:ty. I? BMB evi.lellt that a document
?f BBat au imp -rtaiil character was not generull)
antic.Jiated. The reading wu ?ailed for by Mr.
Stevens of I'enusylvania, and SE his motion relerre.l
I, ,|,e Coiumittee of the Whole on the Slate of the
I nion, iu which ?t will h? dis? uili-d.
ciouieof the member?, uppareully uot fully under
BaanSEnj ?t ai pronounced from the desk, p*ru?.?l
the u.a..u?eript at thrir seat?. Tho luljecl theiein
flajJMBEri form* to night a theme of euaeil couver
aaiiou?. The Meesage of a ?iunlar cAaritiiter irani
initted lo the Senate wus no1 r?-ad.
The Kuara? lii'K'-slmluri*.
J,Bk?B?.woar?i. IbawMBgi Mairh, B, IS4H3.
The Kiinias legislature hava udoptcd a resolution
?early uuaiiim.u?!), inttru?AiiiK the Kuutiaa Se?a?
l?la and re.iuesling th? Kegureeeotative* iu OSBSBBja
to aid lbs natr'g' ol ihe Kolhui 1'uuhc lteilroad
lill, and a raiiii?atioji of ?lu- treaty with Ihe jVot>.
walaui'9 indiau?.
12,000 CAVALRY, 120 C.ANN0N.
Special Dlipa'.ch te The N. Y. Tribune Bom in Occealinai
WaiBiN?}T05, Watnieday, March 6,1M1.
The following atatement of the strength and
disposition of the Rebel forcea opposed to the
Union army of the Potomac, I have the beat
reason for laying, was perfectly accurate four
dayl ago. Changes have very probably oc?
curred since; but the main facts muet still
correspond with the figures which I proceed
to give yon.
At Centreville, which ii now the strong
point of the Rebel?, there are 55,000 infantry,
11,(JOH cataby, and 120 piece? of cannon, light
and heavy.
Behind the batteries, along the Potomac,
there are from P2.000 to 15,000 men.
At Cum Spring, between Leeaburg and
Centreville, there are three regimenb of in
fantry, with a aquadrou of cavalry.
At Lee?burg, there are three regiment? of
infantry, one battery, and 400 cavalry.
At a point five mile? eouth of Brenteville,
that i? to ?ay, ?orne ten mile? south of Manan
sa?, there ii one brigade of infantry of 3,500
TbeM forcee do not include any part of
Jackton'! army forming the Rebel left wing,
against which Qen. Bank? ia operating.
At Manama there ii not a tingle full regi?
ment, whole compauiei, and evea regiments,
having gnne home on furlough? of ten, twenty
and thirty day?.
All of the troops from South Carolina, North
Carolina, Tennessee and Louisiana, have gone
home within the past two or three we?'k?.
Very few of the men whose term of service
ha? expired are re-enlisting.
SENATS....WsittlBOTOB, March 6, lrtt*\!.
? Mr. H A It li IS (Hep., N. Y.) presented a petition in
, favor of conferring the rank of Major-lieueral on
(Jen. John K. Wool.
Mr. HARRIS al??, presented a petition in favorof
; the ?mancipation of the ?raves.
I Mesar? 11A KLAN ,Kep. Iowa) and COLLAMEK
(Hep., Vt.) biro presented petitions in in: --r of
1 emancipating the ?lave?.
Mr. VERSENDEN (Rea., Me.i.from the Com
i millee on Finance, reporte?! ha. k the I'mt-Otlice Ap?
propriation bill wn hont amendment.
! Mr. C(?LLAMKU|Ken., Vi ) from tbe Pott Office
c ii.mitt, e, reported hack the 1'o.tal Monev-Order
i Mr. HALL (Rep., fat. ILi from the Naval Com?
mittee, re| i-.-1-te.l a joint resolution tendermir the
I tonnkl of Congress to Com. (loldsborough. hil olfl
1 ceri btui aaanien, for their gallant conduct at Roan?
, oke Uland. Adopted.
1 On motion of Mr. SHERMAN (Hep., Ohio), the
I bill in relation to the pay of memben of Congress
was taken up.
I An anu-Q iiuent wai adopted making the mileage
I of members '?." rents a mile. The bill as reported al
i low. d ten cents a mile.
After some dincunma, at 1 o'clock the Senate
weui into an executive seeeiuii. Adjourned.
Mr. 1ICFF1NTON (Hep , tinea.) introdueed a lill
i ?iiitbon/.iii?? the api ointment of two Deputy In
?(??.???ira-( .?-neral. Referred te the Committee or
1 ?Military Allaire.
Mr. ALDRICH i Ren., Minn, reported a bill to
.a. re*??? the medical efficiency of tbe army.
The House concurred in the re|>ort of trie Confer
<-i-e Committee ou the disagreeing timeiidmetits to
iii?? |o?hl rehiilution pr?viding for the payment of the
u? ard? nt the Coiuu i-.ion to nu eitigate t!ie ? la'nui
giowiug out of the military operations of the Weit
! ern Department.
le l?ente then took, np the Senate bill providing
1 foi- the organisation of the statt attached to the divie
i lum of I'. S. regular and volunteer service.
Mr. HI,AIR .Rep., Mo.) explained that tbe bill
Bsanaeaal SB increase of the army, but allowed ?er
tain . til? ?ti to be detailett la ?tut! duty. The pnseage
?f the measure waa deemed e Mentis I by military
Mr. M.I'IIKRSON. (Rep., Penn.)'oprxning the
fain, r-ai-i it would banana the ama af araru di
ti ion, and pro|?jrti<>nately the e.xpenie. Inder
pr?tent lircutuataiue*, the l'reridi-nt nut i in-reen
i! ?? ?tal! if my du i.-i'.n when a i] eual emergency
' re.jiiiit-a it.
Mr. DUKE, (Rip., lud.I advocated the Lill, ar*
g.ling that tie um emeary mean? ana agencies .li,mid
lie t m m?he 1 to lho?e ? barged with tl,o coi?,met of
tbu war.
After farther debate, the bill as amend?)?! wai
The SPEAKER laid !<efore the House a message
from i'l.-ri.i, ni Lincoln, auggrnting t:..- pasea??e ,-f a
! iut re-olu'ioti providing for cooperation with any
.Male tor the abolition of ?Slavery with p?-. uuiary
coiiipeiuatiou. Tlie I'reeideut BtjgnbBH ti is a? an
iniiiiitive ?li p, predi,ling important pradicul reeulti
o? motion of Mr. STEVENS (Baa., Psaa.,1,
the I ill wa* referred to the Committee of (he Whole
| ?ill the State of the l'iiioii.
| Mr. gTE? INN, frma the Committee on Way? and
Meant, r?-p,,ite,l a bill authorizing the pun base of
: 'Ibetoiiiideratiou of tis bill wai poetpoued until
b nun row.
I The House went into Comn.ittee of the Whole on
Ita lull t? rrgulate the fmnking pnnlege.
Mr. I'liRRV (I'ti.. N. J.) i|?jke in opposition to
.-?trei.ie Aur.-slave,y measures. This was a time
fug theeibibitinu of patriot lam and deftmae of the
j I ni..u. II* waa at a lo?? lo see how it was neceeaary
' to ?ct the slave? free now a? au ally in the auppie?
Mon of tbe rebellion. This wa? not a war foi the
i destruction ol tbe South, but for tbe reaioratiou of
re.i t-t even w here lo'the authority of the (?oveiu
' im nt. Ilel.iudthe dark ?loud of tha rebellion the
?kv af the I'nion wa? clear and brig-lit, and the star?
Of all tun Si atea wera sparkling in all their beauty.
I soon it would be that the dark cloud would pan
' away, and one bv one the stan would reappear .n till
ibeir gloiy, aud'iha people would (hank Cod they
I were all lhere.
! Mr DAVIS (Rep., I'a.) reviewed (be van,?,?
?i,ules of naHto ?, Mini the purpose? of |?oliti -al orgiui
, i/atiou?. Ile ilisrimaed the peculiarities and dignity
! of labor, and in the coure?? of hi? remarks ?uid, never
I again would Slavery become the contpdUug power
I ot tbe (ioverument. '?*' it be known tint while wa
have heretofore been true to the ?ompri-iiiaea of the
Canal li Blina, wa now leel ounelvea i?b??died '.here
from bv the acts of the armod slaveholders.
Mr. kKI.I.KYilci,p.,l,M.)ioeetoask the ILnwe to
repair, ai far aa ii .-.mid, a wrong doie to a. friend
iiud (onsiitiu-ut of bia, a gent len an o'' ehanrjier aud
iutt-gr.ty, one who from early lite te his nnanatt. ttg?i
MM manag. -I a large public butine-?*, a lea?liiig iiewa
Mksnr, nul baa aet-urett the publn reaped by Iii? m
icgmv, t.ii.l who had liti-ially fu'Jille.i all hil sa?
gigeiuei.il to his fellow -nun. IL a.-k.-i.Oint a ?tate
mem tr >in Alexander Cuwniogs, which he had done
i.un th? honor lo address to him, be read in reply to
u certain part of tbe report of the Committee ou
tioveruniei-l Contracte.
Mr. WH KL1KFK (Cn., Ky.) referred to the re?
port, iiuoiiug certaia arti? Wa purehased by Col.
Cunuiungs, auch BR BSanaB? cheese, ale, ?trew bale,
iVc.and inquired whether Mr. Kelley intended to
(leieiiii ibis ?u Mi. ( ummiug?.
Mr. KLLLF.Y replied ibat Mr. Cniumingshid beeu
charged l-v tho Committee with having f llO.-JW, tor
win.-li no vouchers tmd beet? furnished, ami as this
?tMtonient had l<eeu given to tbs Frees, and com
mei'ted oa by the community, it waa but fair mat
MB. Cannuugs ?bould be hurd iu bli eau vindica
?Mr. Cumming?'? letter to Mr. Killy wai then
reid. . . . , . ,
[His letter is very long, but tag gist of it ia that
Mr. Cumming, neror nteiaad any nmoey in bia
banda, and that the Committee, by n?aprioting one
of bia lettert, had made him to say that he had re?
tained the aum of $1?W,0()0, when be never had a
farthing in bia hand?, and of ooaree retained nothing. |
Mr. BIDDLE (Union. Fa.), te the ramee el bia
tpeeeh, eaid the ela ve could not be mod? a soldier
rlaoe arma in bia band?, and be it rendered an at
rasain. The employment of the blacks agu nat
thora ia hot ility te our Government wotrid dm re
the Union men of the South into the arma of oar
enemy. He trusted to our soldier?' valor aad their
teadere' skill, mid nat to the aid of arme-t blaeke.
Toe tetter would lead to a protracted, devastating
war, and be abhorrent to the sentiment of the white
race. Adjourned.
Rebel Army 40,000 Strong at New-Madrid
Sr. Lorn. Thur.dty. ?larch?, 1881.
A general order, issued this evening, state? that
surveyors and other Custom?IIouse officers and
agent? in this department, as well as those on the
Cumberland and'I ear.e*??-? Hivers, are expected tore?
sped the permite ?lined hy the Surveyor of either of
the ports of the Ohio Hirer, and bearing his otu? tel
signature and mi!.
Military officers in command of posit where there
are no Cuitoiu-House officers, or acting in concert
with such officers, will in like manner reipect the?
permit?. Sealed baggage, while the seali remain
unbroken, will also he reepected by officers.
(roods, wares, or merchandise in transit, tbui cov?
ered by permit?, and baggage thus sealed, will be al?
lowed to go fu ward to their placet of destination,
unie?* there i* ^ood and ?ati.fuctory reaaou for their
detention, or information received from trustworthy
l'util further orders the transportation of the De?
partment is not open to munition* of war, except
unies* special regilation! with military authorities.
Whisky for the time being i? prohibited in the ra
ijiiired commerce of the Combe: lau?! and the Tea?
nessee. Hv order of
Ma; 4BWA iiALI.M'K.
Chicago, Thunder, March ?j, l-l
A special dispatch from Cairo say?: Tbe I moa
pickets at Columbus were driven in yesterday by
the Hebel cavalry. The wood? in the vicinit) of the
?own were shelled hy the gunboats. The Rebele
It is reported that heavy cannonading was heard
at Columba* at 4 o clock this morning iu the direc?
tion of New-Madrid. The Kein I army at that point
number? 40,(HjO men, having been largely reenf ned
from Columbus and Memphis. They also have eight
Wooden gunboat*.
From late Helsel papers we gloan the following:
The iteamer Cambridge waa sunk on the 'Ha ult.
near (Jrand Glaize. Forty-two livet were lott.
The machinery from the variou? workihopi ia
Nashville waa removed prior to the evacuation of
that place to Chattanooga.
The people of tne ?South are warmly urging an?!
demanding .Iel!'. Davis to take the held.
A bitter erntest is going <?n at Memphis
whether the town bad bettor he burnt on the i
proach of the Union gun-b"ats.
?gaari ^
as te VI
beag. ^
Occnpntion ef BrailkErlE?tmerooaa ef the
I'nian Sjaratlaaeet.
Ciiaai.xirowa, Tuurult*), Msrel? 6- 8 p. M.
Smitblield, teven miles north-west of this place,
wa* oc? upied to-day hy a strong torca.
(len. i.saii.1 hu i**ued a general order forbidding
all kinus of depredations or marauding upon the
property of citizens. Ile says no officer or soldier
snail disturb in any manner the ordinary lmeiu.ee of
the country. He baa appointed Major S. H. D.
Crane of the \Vi*eon?in 3d as the officer iu charge of
all seizures of property for the use of the army.
Country supplies, which on our arrival were cot
off, are now coming in more freely.
Public sentiment in regard to our presence is grad?
ually undergoing a favorable change, and laces
winch scowled upon the Uuion soldi.r*, now smile ia
pleasitut intercourse with the othcere and men. The
army storehouse* here are fast Miling up with c mfis
tated articles of produce and. manufactures, and such
as are required are being issued to the army. The
Nissans today in? lude 570 barrell of flour and '100
bejBaawSf wheat, the latter in bags marked " Con?
federate Stute?.''
!Hlrhlfram l>emo<?ralir Stat? Com?
PaiBBII, Mich . Tburatiay Mrvrch ?i, 1 Vi?
The Democratic State Convention met iu (hit citj?
resterduv, and organized hy electing W. II. Kiley of
St. Jtioeph County peruianeut President. Tbe
aiiendance WM tOtf large. Fully ?OO delegatra
were | resent, und the proceedings were bannonioaa
throughout. It was deemed inexpedient lo nominate
lardidates for State officer? at this time. R?solu
11 'ii* were ?.?aited expre**ive of tbe position of the
1 ?emocracy of Michigan in tbs present cn?i*, protn
ising to rapport the Government in all constitutional
means to auppreoi tbe rebellion, aud opposing the
I termination of the war until all r?sistante to the
[ (iorernnient everywhere cease*. Abolitionism ia
strt'Ugly denounced as equally guilty with Southern
S-.-, e-?l?niiin, and the speedy extinguishment of
!? th i? hoped for, alco, approving the modification
of Geo. Fremont'* proclamation, Secretary Cam?
elon * report, aud the appoint Trient of the present
Si rotary ol' War, ai indication! that the I'reriuent
will adhere to the Constitution; also, denouncing
corruptiou and extravagance, and demanding honest y
ai d ecouomy in the aduuniitratiou of tue Uovern
i ueiit.
I .arce sVtrc ot lleeerley. if a?i.
BaWBB.tbBBBmy, March ti, if?
Tho extemive rnhber uiunufiK-tory at Beverley,
Mas?., waa uaarly destrovetl by fire last night. l?ora
$1(10,0001 iiiiurunce $7t),iX>?;. The Conijany baa
mainifacturod l.trgelv for tbe lloveninvont. and bad
a contract ou hand for 70,000 rubber blenketo.
SisM*??. ot s Hark H ms Fast Hivir.- Attcut
li' oc'ock last night, tLe bark Catii, Capt. Miller,
of Nevi-York, waa part? a from her mooring at the
end of Pier No. ti East River, ewing to a tied of
ice BbEBBJJ 'n contact with hoc No ono waa on
hoard at the time lu the mate, who i m mec?ate I y
Kuve the alarm, and called for help. The reeael
drifted to iba entra?e* of the Roosevelt-street ferry
s'ip, where it was d *c..ver?"' she was ?inking. The
ice bad stove a hole below the water-line, and ihn
?unk ia a few nun ila. At the drilled tha came in
collision with the qnarter of the ship Stephen
Crowed, lying at Pier No. 110, and iuiLxted soma
severe damage. The Ulah ia ?*' tuna register, w '*
built at New i 'tittle, Maine, in IBM, anti is owned hy
C. Durand of this citv.
Informaiion hu retichod the Navy lteiyartment of
the nipt me of the schooner l.nmo Weston, with a
cargo oi &K> balee of cotton, by tbe gunboat Itasee.
I he enptnred veera! sailed from Apalachicola., Flor?
ida, for Havana and a marke?*. The prise money
from the Weaton will be a ha'adaome ?mm; Uw share
of each eeaman on boara the lusca, exclusive of tbe
officers* sharea, being $100. Our tam art nrapuig
rtoli hajYMti frotn thsra fkeQ.MBt rauuies.

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